The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 20, 1887, Image 8

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    Thomson & Purscl am agents for
the I'olobnitcd Cyclone Win tl Mill t anil
as the iiricoA on tlioiu liuvc liqcu groat
ly reduced they arc now within the
reach of all. .Sample mill to be ?ccn
at their planer in North Union. Call
and examine it.
One bctth taken according to direction
mil rjho better rscuts then a gallon or
Sarsaparilla. cr any of He so-called ?
Pacifiers tviti
IUS.V Me ir.ariet 12 gluttirt
'.t Cn.gjisis. ,' it.O'J per bottle.
nit! ic fn'J for cry c.js cf P.!iei:mat. -n
ivSich Dr. Farda's fienady, prvpor! m.
tninisitrvd, faiL f. rtrc.
Nervous Exhaustion.
A Few Useful Hints
Nervous People.
"I am so nerou is 11 erv common ex
pression, ii-eil by both old and young: and
very few can now be found who are free
from nervoii- troubles. We regret to see
that the malady is rapidly increasing. And
from what cause? There are various reas
ons. It may be because of a low condition
of the general health; the vitillty of the
nervous system is de-pre-oed; or from a
want of perfect digestion and asshnlliatlou
of food, and the vitllilng power of pun-,
rich blood, the nerves are not properly
streutbened aud nourihed,and consequent
ly become we ik and dl-eascd.
There was a time when "nervousness,''
and thai class of disease known as nervous
affection, were apparently confined to
ladies; but at the pieeiil .lay It is un un
doubted fact that as large a portion of ner
vous diseases exist among men as among
the gentler sex ; and their distressing affect
aud lasting ami enervating results are a
thousandfold inori' serin, as they extend
to poster' and are productive of a weak
ened and enfeebled 111 -e. Nervous and debility, cause. I by
is n frrtpieni and di-tn
pressing inl'ueiu e bein
sing disea-e, Its ile
felt alike on both
sexes and nil ages. Atuoii'.' the first
"'"' :
ii'ons of this affection are hmiuIIv
. a do-j
A f,el.
, ' .
rangi'ineiit of the digestive organs
of languor will be experienced, and 11 grad
tiu falling of ".trength, witii weak
ness and pain in the hack. More or less ex
hnustatiou is experienced on wakiii-; in the
. the moniMig. There Is often a had taste in
tlif. mouth; the ison becomes dim, the
inemuiy Is impaired, and the patient is
troubled with frequent di.iues. Persons
thus affected are often despoiidaut. and
rulfer from gloom and dt-piesiou of the
lulnd. The nerves IxT.uneso weakened
that the least excitement or sluxjk brings on
tremor or tremblhif. often attended by
palpatutioti ef the heart.
Are nartleiilarlv susceptible to nervous
llMiniors, owing paruy tneir more 1
dclioaio nervous organialiou and partly I
to their sedentary life and consequent
eonlliieineut in-doors. Such nfTcctlons are
iittendisl by restlessness unit nervous excite
inuttt, anxie't or depression of the lulnd,
lush nt interest in society and the daily af
fairs of life. There is also loss of sleep;
the patient on rising In the morning, fed-
mg timi, laugimi a.... n icmwi, i rum
Miht nervous attacks to hysteria, from situ-
pie 'uenOusiniss" to utter prostration,!
there arc mmy and varied for.,,, of ....eases j
of the ne-rvnils system none nf which should
, . , . i.t i ... i i .
mm My
exist, and of all of which can he cured by , t 'allfornln, On-gon. Neada. and Wrtshing
tbe use of ' on Territory," STEW A RT KUCLKS, wboe
i s, .... ...I , , ,..1 I - . - I
Dr. Pardee's Remedy
Which fust :iiuulates t'ie liver and kidiuy's
to healthy in tion, regulates the digestive-organs,
mnl hoi i the tlrst ilac luglns it
work of purifying and building up the worn
out sykteiu It produces swtct and health
sleep, i-nrlthcs the blmil, and iiuiKirt to
the lKile and sallow clicuk the glow oi
health, brings brightness to the eye and I
elasticity to Hie stuu
More real Iwnlilt can 1
be derived from otw half doxen Unties of
Dr Parihc's Remedy, than from a htiudrtxl
dollars Itlu- ImIiii anv oilier way.
. . ., ,:nitfi. ,ii :, (iiid Ijl.e n.i
Otll r
Ill the Circuit Court of the State of O.eijon,
fur the County of Union.
fruit Noiliac, Haintifl, )
John Nodine, Defendant, t
To Jons N'oinsK, tub ahove namm iuten
iant: tn tiu: nami: of tiii: statu or
J.Oregon, ynu are hereby rwqulrcd to tip
)fiirnni tin-iuertlie complaint tiled ttj.'uinit
vou In the above entitled action, on or be
fore the llrst duv of the regular term of
tin nlir.VM ..ntitlnl itnlrt. nfllT 1 Y WMit
nublicatlon of this .xuiiiinons in the Oi:r.ouv .
,roeT. to wit: on or before the l'th day of i
September. A. I). 17, and if you fall to
i.oi.xver. for want tbeirof the l:iiiitill will 1
take judgement ac-ilust ou for the .tnii of.,
tbrcc hundred and tiilriy-lx and six otic-
bniulmlths dollars (W.M) with intcrc-t ,
front April tlth, KVt, and the further sum j
of three hundred and fortv-otie and fortv-
four one-hundredth-i dollar, (f.Hl.ll) with 1
intercit from June lSth, ISMi, and the fur- 1
ther .sum of three hundred and M.xty-even ,
and lift v one-hundredth-' dollars, (?.vr7..VJ 1
with interest from June -21th. l.vj, and for.1
eots and dlsbur-mtnts. Defendant will
further take notice that tbi- .summons- i.s
published in the Oii:ion Scoi t, a weekly
new.spapiT published at t'tilon. in t'nion
rouiiir, Oregon, bv order of tliellon. 0. W.
Walker, ontM.fthl- judges of the Sixth Ju
dicial District of tjie State of Oregon, em
bracing t'nion euuntv, made and dated
August !!rd, A. I). 1HS7.
8-0-W7. Atty. for l'ltr.
In the Cirru it Court of the Stntt: if Oregon,
fur the Oitintif nf I'nion.
.Nfarv I. Ugctt. plaintiff j
C. C bigett, defendant,
1 Oregon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and ini.iWcr tbecomplaint lileil against
you in the above entitled suit and court
within ten days from the date of the service
of tliis summons tijxm you, if served within
this county ; or, if fterve'd in any other coun
ty of this s'tate, then within twenty days
from the date of the rervice of this num
inous upon yon; or, if served by publication,
you are hereby required to appear and an
swer the lonipltiint filed against you by the
planum in tne above entitled sun, on or ue
fore Moui.-ay, the '.Mth. day of September,
lns7, the same being the first dav 01 the rcg-
()., for the county of i'nion. com'men-
etng next alter me expiration 01 tiietuneof
ine punucauuuei mi summons; ami 11 you
full so to npltear and answer tir otherwif.c
nlead, the jitaintiir will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in the complaint,
to wit : for a decree of divorce dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant, and for the costs
and'ilLsburseiuents of this suit.
i This summons is published bv order of
- .1. 11.... 1; i ...n...- 1... 1 f"....t.i -
Dated at Union, Union county, Oregon,
July IXHh. 1KS7.
7-W-W7. Attv'.s. for l'lff
Ill the Circuit Court of the State of Omjon,
for the Count it of I'nion.
W. V.V.oldsberv, Plaintiff,")
Lssabella Ooldsbcry. Defendant. J
To IssaiiKIXA (toMlMIICUY, Till! AIlOYK I)E
Jl Oregon, Your are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed against
you in the iiIkivc entitled suit within ten
days from the date of the service of this
.summons noon you, if served within this
county; or, If served hi any other county of ;
this S'tate, then within twenty days from ,
the- date o( the service of this summons up. i
on vou; orif-erved by publication, then I
by the Ith. Monday of September, A. D. 1
lsW7, that being tlie-'tirstday of the first ierm
of the- above entitled couft, next succeed- I
ing six full week's publication of this Mini- '
nions upon you; and if you fail s,, to j
answer, for" want thereof the Plain
tiff will take Judgement against you
for the dissolution of thchonds of
matrimony existing between the parties
hereto, and sitcu other relief as mav 1
be-just in this suit in which W. P. Colds-
I berv is 1111". and Isabella (loldsberry is
I The above numinous is published by an
I order made at chambers on the .'ird' day
'of June. l.s-7 at Pendleton. Oregon, by lioii.
I (i. W. Walker, t'ireuit;Judge, that the above-
I .summons lie published lor six weeks in1
j the OitKoos Scoi t. a weekly newspaper
puiiii.siicu at 1 111011, 1 uioii couuiv. wrcgou. '
A. MBAtMlBN. '
7-lSI-w". mi's Attv. !
. I
Land On ici: at Lv GitAXm:,Oiu:tio., ) j
July n, 1KS7. f !
Notice is hereby given that the following- (
named settler bus hied notice ot Ins inteii-
'ion to make final proof in Mippnri of his ,
1 l.iiiu, and that said proof will be made he-I
1 l.iiiu. and that said proof will lie made be
fore Register and Receiver at La (iraiidc,
I Oregon, on August 2Vth.. 1S,s7, viz: HEN
IRY MAYOTTB, lld.No..!OVt,forthe '
XH'i, and N'v SW, See 10 lp I S K 40 K.
ile names the following witnesses to prove
his coutiniidiis resideiiue upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz: (). l-sage, Peter
(ioyette, illiain Alexander and Kd. ('ar
gon, all of Union, Oregon.
llt.VIIY UtsniMHT,
7-l!-wt!. Register.
Ivm OiricB, at La ftiuMii:, Oiouiox.i
July 22, 1S.S7. '
Noliix- is hereby given, williain B Mul
iiollau take due notice, that thr following
named settler has hied notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
; claim, and that said proof will he made lie
, fore the register and nveiverat La (ir.inde,
wregon. on N-tn. am, is,, viz; i,i;vis r.
11. HASSETT. 1). S. Xo, li'M, for the SW'.,
SIP, aud Si
SEV4 SW; See W and NVV's, NE
'4 and SK
NW' See 2!) Tp .')S R W E. W
m He nanus the following witnesses to 1
prove his continuous residence upon, ami
cultivation of. said laud, viz. W. It
HlakesliH-, (i. tiireaux, W. A. fates and J.
Hinklev, all of Tolovaset, Union county,
Hr.Mtv Risi:it vitr.
7-.''o-wtl Register.
Sottrr uf Appllrntlon to I'urcluis,, Tim. I
tier Lnnit.
u S ,aN 0nvC( j-v liRXJtnr ()roox, I
Jnnee', 1SS7. f
Notice Is hereby given that, in compliance
.!, ll,e Vjovi of the. Act
u.f ,,,1.. of Timber tenuis in the Status of
' posj-inucc aunress is i moil, i uioii i-oinii .
tireeou, bus this dav tiled in this otliee Ids i
:iiidieatton to intretiase the SVt4 Seellou .
!No3l. In Township No A South, Range No.
II East, of the N illumctte meridian. All !
ivrniiis holding, any adverse claim tlu roto '
an- rispnn-il to present the same at this
ollioe within sixty days from the tirt pub- j
lioition of thi notice.
HrMiV ItivutiAur.
! .Vll-wlO. ReijistiT.
New Hndge, Union Co.. On-jcon.
.,t M"' . Ti "".XXPK"
j VI 111 HUM VUPtr H 4M' Vt V M
stiK-kuien areo Ing to use saltpetre In their
salt on the rvmge for their horses aud oat tie.
and .irtli- that are- dealing in stock that
this Is polMiiiuiL o, had letter be eumful
w Ueiv tiiey dilve their tf V. .
4l!i yl. STOCh-MlftC.
Cuntinunl ftn.n jirrt pn-jt.
bravo men consented to yo to the oil.-,
Or side and hmvc death there. Of
conrio it would not do to make any j
noise for fear the lion tvoultl Ikj fright-1
ened away, or i'Osilly he flight frigh
ten up, mi" we kept very still, which was j
very tiresome, but we sat bravely at t
our post or lo, until the daylight 1
had all faded and darkne.-.x had settled !
like a pall about up, Mill we watched,
liow Ion" we could not tell: it seemed
,,,, Mwiiiili flu. ,,i..lit vns well nlnne.
, , , , . . ,..,..,,1,1 .. nf '
1,1(1 I.J,H," J"t."St -l Pui SO ot a
oeammii meteor, sumose imgi-unii; uiu
Htirrouiidingfl, wbt-n one of the bovf,
who (ho b(frt j,un yawned, which
. C, ,," w . . ltj tn
was a signal for all the reat of W to
yawn, and we thought of our safe bed
jM the camp, where jio cougar would
,m. j . , .
Finally Mime one suggested that wc
retreat, which was unaniinouslv sec-
- . -
onded, and it was not long until wc
were blowing up the coals of tlvo
smouldering camp-tire, by whose light
we discovered that we had been out
until about 10 o'clock; hut we were fo
sleepy, the next turn was toward .bed,
hut wc found out that in our absence
as we were expected to hunt all night
long, and had all the guns the women
had congregated in one tent for pro
tection, and wo were left out; but this
would not have been mi had had they
not taken most all t he bedding with
them, and what was worse they would
not lelurn it, so the night of our cou
gar hunt was one long to be romem
I think it was only the'iicxt night,
while the whole camp was wrapped in
deepest sleep, we were awakened by a
most heart-rending cry, which was
generally recognized as the voice of the
terrible beast we had been hunting.
The cry seemed to he but a few steps
from camp, and what added to our hor
ror was a moan of leal distress from
one of the tents. You may be sure
there was great consternation as the
cry rang out again ami again, making
the woods ring, "lioo-hoo hoo-hoo."
Of course we wer not afraid as far as
real downright fear was concerned, but
the nights here on the mountains are
verv cold and none of us wanted to leave 1
our tents in a hurrv, for fear of taking
cold, out something must be- done, for
the cry o human .'tillering c minuet ,
as well as the cry ot the boast, and it
wasn't a child's cry either, or a woman's,
but of a strong man ; so as soon as we
were sat is fed that the cougar was not
then in camp, we crept with the great
est caution to the troubled tent and
found that one of our be'ht and bravest
men had an awful gripe in his stom
aehe. It was not the cougar which
caused his moan, but asupiMabuiuiagce
of huckleberries ami from this same
brave man we learned that the heart
rending cry we heard in the woods
was thu screctch of an owl.
If anything else of importance oc
curs will write again.
Truly Yours.
1. M. I'l'.KS-OKAL.
.Vii t leu u f Administrator's S'lle-
In the MnttKC of the Vstutc of Willi Skiff,
Oinadc and entered by the-County Uotirt
within and for Union county, Oregon on
the Kith day of August, is,, ordering and
dlrecti ig the uudersigiie-d. administrators
of the estate if Willis Skill', deceased, to
sell t lie- real estate hereinafter described,
to wit: Heginning at a point :'2.ri and one
third feet west of the snuth-west comer of
block No. f, Hamuli's addition to the town
of West I'nion, Union county, Oregon;
theiiM-north feet thence wist ltd and
four-tilths icet; the nee South S7." feet;
thence east Uii and four-liftlis feet to the
place of beginning; and the north half of
block No. 2 in said Hannah's addition to
said town of We-t Union, Union county,
On gun, in satisfaction of n mortgage of
A. E. Baton, we will, on the 1st day of Oc
tober, ISs7, in front of the- court house
door in the town of Union, i'nion county,
Oregon, sell said above described land at
public outcry to the h gliest bidder, The
terms of sale are one-h.ilf eali and one-
half on a credit of ix mouth, the purehas
,r KiUK i,U m.te for the deferred pavmunt
...m, ,,. ,,!., snl.l tu sreiire the
willi inoitgiiRe o:i said l.mi's- to secure the
pia-mciit theriot.
Dated at Union. August Isth, 1NS7.
Administrator cf the Estate of Willi
Skill', I bice-used. S-'JO-wti.
Las') Oitick at La (iua.vhi:, Oo.n
Ait-.', lo, 1SS7
Notice is lu-rebv given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make fuul proof in support of his
claim, and that s.-itd proof will be made be
fore the Register and Rei elver at Lull ran do,
Oregon, oil !ent 2 ith. .sS7, i: JOHN
W, HAl.'LT, llu. No. 2vsl, for the SW',
See (i T 1 S R lo. E W M. He names the
following witnesses to proe Ids i utitinuous
resilience upon, anil
hind, viz. lloleri V
en tivation of, said i
Alexander. T. A.
Nelson" John Huffman, and Joel Weaver,
all of Summon die, I nion count v, Oregon
llKMtV RlM'.IIMtT,
-s-'Jtwwll Register.
Obtained, and all Patent Husiness attended 1
to Promptly and for Moderate- Pees. j
Our oil ce is opposite t he l . s. I ateni
ouh-e, and we ean obtain Patents in le-ss
time than those remote trotn u.ioington.
as to pantentabililv free of charge; and we
We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the
Sttpt. of Monev Onler Div., and to otlicials
nf the U. S. i'utent Ofllcc. For circular.
advice, terms and reU'ercnces to actual cli-1
cuts In your own State or t ounty, write to ,
$50 TO $100 s
On the purcJiitse of an Instrument, by
buinf through W 7. WUIOHT,
.s?rtii, Uuloli. 0kii.
In t'ir Circuit Ovrt f
far I fif?.
Mvhs.lM Tarter. Plaintiff,
B. 1). liaird, XcIon Srhoonovcr. dniitiis
trator of the estate of 51. it. Hairtt, de
ceived. James Mitchell. Nancy J. MieliaN.
David Miebals. Ocorgc lbiird, Thomas J
liaird, David Unird. Joshua Ilalrd. Daniel
Itaird, Maggie Smith. Kvnrt-t Howell.
Hud or David Unwell, Knlch Howell.
Mnry A. Ixing, Alewelln Hell Iaie,
'V. S. bong, A. K. Baton, and Mnry B.
Baton. Deiendnnts.
To Nancy J. Michals, Da id Mlchah. Oeorgo
Itaird, TlioninsJ. ltulrd, Joshua Haird,
Bvarts Howell, Jttid or David How til,
and Kaleb Howell, aboc named defen
dants: .
i On gon, you and each of you are hereby
required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above enti
tled suit ami court by the first day of the
next term of said court, after publication of
tlilsMiinmons six weeks, to wit : on the Jth.
day of September, ISS7, anil if you fail to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the cntirt for the relief demanded
in this complaint, viz: a decne forte. using
all of said defendants rights title and inter
est in certain mortgaged prciirsci described
in aid .complaint, to wit: hot No. tint-,
lllock No. Ten ot the town of I'nion in Un
ion couuty, State of Oregon, according to
the plat of said town as recorded in the
clerk" otlice of said couuty and State, ex
cept 20 feet off the west 'end of said lot,
heretofore deeded to the fit v of Union ; tilso
Lots Xo'st. 1. '2, 7 and s. of H'lock No. One of
Lewis' addition to the. town of North
Union, in Union county. Oregon, according
to the plat of said addition now on record
In the clerk's olllcc of said county and
State; also Lots L 5, Oan-i 7 of Dloc'k One
of McCully's addition to the. town of North
Union in Union conutv.Or, according to tin
plat of said addition as recorded in the
enmity clerk's olllcc of said county and
State;" aUo Ixit Four of lllock One of the
town of West Union, in Union county, Ore
gon, according to the plat of said town as
recorded in the county clerk's otlice of said
county and State, except an undivided one
half interest in the south 21 feet of said lot
heretofore deeded to K. Cl'rainard. to sat
isfy the sum of $1,000 and interest thereon
at 10 per cent, per annum, from Dec 27th.
lSsVi. due on a promisary note made by said
M. It. Haird, deceased, in his life time, and
for the stun o JKIO.OO attorney fee in this
suit, for the judgement applying the pro
ceeds of said sale to the satisfaction of said
amounts and the costs and disbursements
I ol this suit, and that you may be forever
barred and foreclosed of all right, title or
, interest in and to said described premises
I and evervpart thereof as heirs at law of the
! said M. it. liaird, deceased, or otherwise,
j and for general relief, and you will further
take notice tnat mis summons i published
bv order of the lion. (J. W. Walker, Judge
j f the said ircuit court,
j un' ,nK.0"' 0reK"
made at cham-
011 the "Jth dav
Dated this 10th dav of August, 1KS7.
n if l'ivv
II. 1 l .1 i ,
Atty. for Plff.
hi the Circuit Court of the State nf Oreijon,
for I'nion t'ouiity.
' A. E. Baton, Plaintiff, "I
Thomas P. Uaird Sr. anil
Lydia II. Haird, Defendants. J
To Thomas P. Haiku. Sk. and Lydia 15.
Huhii. Tiir. Aiiovr. nami:d nr.:-i:.vt)AXTs:
X Oregon, you and each of you are hereby
n quired to appear and answer the com
plaint of the plaiutill above named, filed
against you in the above entitled suit on or
before the first day of the term of the above
entitled court next after the publication of
tins summons for six consecutive weeks,
to wit: on Monday, the 'Jtith day of Soiitein-
I ber, 1SS.7, and if you fail so to appear and
. answer or otherwise plead, the plaintiff
will demand judgement aud decree against
you for the relief prayed for in his com
plaint herein, to wit: judgment agidiKt de
fendant T. P. Haird Sr. for the sum of
SS00.OO with interest thereon at the rate of
1 m ner cent, in r annum, from the SJnl dav
l ,,f tiepteniber. and for the further sum
(,f x, 00 as n reasonable attorney fee in
this suit, and tor costs and disbursements,
anri for a ueeree againtt teteiittants i y.
Hslrd Sr. and Lydia 11. Haird fur a foreclos
nre of plaintiffs mortgage upon the follow
ing tie cribed real property, to wit: Cora
niencing at alie NB corner of Lot No. s.
in Hlock Xo. 10 of the town of Union, Union
county, Oregon, running thence Wes H)
feet; Uience South 100 feet; tbrneo East
iO feet; thence North 100 feet tu the place
of beginning.
This summons is published by order of
the Hon. O. W. Wslkor, Judge of said
court, dated at chambers the 'Jth. day ot
August IS.!'.
S-13-W7 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the f'ountii of I'nion.
X. E. Haker, Plaintiff, )
Mary Haker, Defendant, j
To Maky HAKt:r, tiii: miovi: namud hefcn
J Oregon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complrint filed against
vou in tlte above entitled suit on or uetore
the first day of the next regular term
of the Circuit t'ourt of the State
of Oregon, for the county of Un
ion, to wit: on or before the 2tj b day of
'epttinber, A. D. 1S.S7. I he defendant will
I take notice that if she fail to answer the
' complaint herein within the time above
' specified, the plain till' will apply to the
! above entitled court for the reliu'd.-tn.nded
in his complaint herein, to wi? : for a dis
solution of the marriage contract now exis
ting K-tweeu plaintiff and defendant, upon
the cround set forth in complaint, to wit;
upon the ground of wilful desertion, lou
will turtlier take uiu ce mat mis summons
Is published six consecutive weeks prior to
said time for answering the complaint here
in, by order of Hon. Luther H. Ison. Judge
of said court, which order is dated August
11th. tss7.
- .
ill nr. .v hi nr..
Atty's for Pitt.
Notice is hereby given tliat theci-iaruier-ship
heretofore existing between the nnder
siglusi, under the firm name of Albcrson &
CSavlord, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. The business will be coutintied at
the place of business heretofore occupied
bv the old linn, J. L. Aiberson will settle
all liabilities and collect all outstanding in
dehtedniess duo said firm.
Cornucopia, Ore-jon, July 27, 18S7.
A. II. (i AY LORD.
Notice of Application to I-urchnse Tim
brr l.aiul.
Juliet, 16S7. I
Xetice is herebv given that, in compliance
with the prt. visions of the Act of Congress
! apprxtved June'l. 187& entitled "An Act for
( the sale of Timlier Uiuds in the States of
California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washing
ton Terrltorv." ARTHUR III SICK, whose
pu-totiWc address is Union, Union e-oun-tv
Orcgtiti, has this dav filed III this
1 otlice his application to purehae the i:Ki
XB' K-ction No. 20 in Township Xo.
-1 s. . ... is . .1... lll
tsoutn, nance .o. v r.. oi ui j ii
laiuctte meridian. All persons holding
any adverse claim thereto are required to
present the same at this otlice wl-hln sixty
dys from the rirst publication of ibis notice.
llBNRY JttNtllAKT.
7-5a-wrt KOjjIstttr.
Ifi'XPfl Si'B
mm ill
W. L3. BSSOLEEV3AfJ, Proprietor.
Keeps constant y on hand a 't il ass- rtmen of . v - t: ing in bis line, inanufactured
of the best mate-rial obtaiuaMe. He is now if u ig oi sale the-
Best Jot of saddles, at lower prices than were
ever offered in Eastern Oregon,
OIL. Etc.. Etk., Etc.. In fact everything Usually kept in a
First Glass EsiablishmeEit.
J3"Catl and examine goods. 0 Main Street, Union, Oregon.
mm Uml 111 ml
(oitositf: cextp:xnial hotel.)
J. S. ELLiTTy - Proprietor.
Everything Uirst Clas. Terms Very Reasonable.
Buss to and Fiom the Depot Making Connection witli all Trains.
Daily Stage Line to Cove,
Carrying Fast Freight and Passengers.
Leaving Union every afternoon and returning in morning, making connection with
trains. Fare 60 cents; round trip " cents.
Is Centomn lit
. RfI5LL.ER, -
Having leaded and thnronzhly refitted the same, it will be conducted on an en
tirely dillerent plan than Ik reiofni-e, and no pains will be .spared to make patrons 'com
fortable. In connection with the hotel is an elegant
Where the Kinct Iirailds of
Wines, Liquors and Cigars are kept con
stantly on hand.
The patronage of the public is solicited. E. MILLER, Proprietor.
Factory, Racine. Wisconsin.
M,u ufacturers
Carriages, Buggies,
lload Carts, Spring Wagons, etc.
MITCHELL & CO., Limited. - 102-10,1, Front St., Portland, Or.
S3 ? ?
Keep constantly on hand a large supply of Parlor and Bed
Room Sets, Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture etc.
UPHOLSTERING Done in the Best Style.
Lounges. Mattre-ses, nd nil i-ituls of Knrntture made to onb r. Your patronage
e-olicited. Our prie-cs are nasonabl
Jones Bro's.
All kinds of photographic work done in a su
perior manner, and warranted to
give satisfaction.
Yiews of Resiflsnces Men on Aifation.
- Proprietor
Branch. Portland, Oregon.
of and L calers in
Phaetons, Buckboards
1 11 II I1B,
Main Street 1'nion Oregon.
mim ii,