The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 16, 1887, Image 5

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7V Oregon Scout haxas Inrnea circu
lation iw mil three paper in thi sec
tion of the State, combined, and ix cor
rexpniidiiiijUj valuable a an udrerltxinij
Saturday, July J(, 1887.
Union and Vicinity.
Kiwi A. I.tvy's new ntf.
Hon Holiday died at Portland la.t
"wvuk, jiki'iI 8 ycarc.
llwid the nil. of Mi'ssw. I'olihiMin fc
Liiyite'ri t'ovo .-tagi- line.
Mime Mini oi a traveling show was in
town, this week, but did not exhibit,
Mel Ileritse'c is inakiui' a verv eili -
eieitt mar.-lial and nightwalilinian
Wallowa eounly has received its
.record books, ordered sometime 4igo.
Twelve sheep belonging t Win.
llootlio were killed by lightning, in the
(Jove, last week.
Kelty, the Polk county wife-inurder-cr
was taken from the jail, last week
bv a mob, and hanged to a tree near
The west hound train was several
hours late Wodnexlny, oeuaioued by
the burning of the Payelte bridge in
Shcrin Hamilton found a black va-
litu on the street Thursday. The own-'
or can get the same by calling at his'
oiliee. 1
Attorney (). V. Hell has nuade some
extensive impiovi'inents -on liis rosi
denee and ground in North Union, ,
recently. J
A full assortment of Johnson's kal-'
Fomine at the Cove drug store. Dur- j
able and beautiful in llniult, easily used j
and cheap. ,
Horry pedlers have beeji numerous i
in Union this week. The berries, on '
an average, have not been ,o good this
season as usual.
Assessor Tonilhnon is interviewing
the tax payor at his oiliee at the court
house. Jlo ro.) wnts getting along line
ly with liis labors.
Mr. It. 11. Drake, during his recent
visit to Portland, laid in.a fresh Mipply
of goods and is mow prepared to oiler
better bargains Uian ever.
A man by the name or Cavanaugh
was arrested a few days ago in Walla
Walla, and taken to linker City to an
swer a charge of horse stealing.
Farmers can easily be convinced of
the extraordinary bargains being ott
ered at She New York store, at La
('ramie, 1y making a personal inves
tigation. My II. Nelson, an old man who has
been wee Icing at John lloyd's ranch.
was severely hurl, a tew days' ago, j
while handling a hay stacker, and is
laid upfront the biuises -received.
Parties from Cornucopia inform us
that great credit is due to-TsYls Sehoi.n
over for the cau ful and ellieient man
ner in which he piosocutod (he mad
work between that place and the val
ley. A .good iond is the result.
Our sJoekincn should raise more
alfalfa. Air. Hon, .living near town,
has a patch of it lhat luis proven a
bonanza lo him this spring owing to
the high juice of hay. He will cut
two niuiv crops yut. linker City ile
reille. A fire at Stumptuwn on Tuesday
evening '.turned the saw mill and a
large quantity of lumber belonging to
S. P. Kieliardson. The It i o is sup
posed to fcavo originated frmi a steam
engine used in furnishing motive pow
er for the mill, Wj understand the
property was uninsured.
The small town of llniue., a few
miles beyond North Powder, on the O.
M. it N., is becoming quite. a business
point. Two stores. Jiot.-l, -blacksmith
.shop and .saloon aie the .businesses
represented. Several ,ucat dwellings
are there, and the place contains about
7") population.
The wifoof n Umatilla county man
died some time ago ami Jeft.ii written
reconiincnd:'.tioii of her husband mi
ll rem d to ;t second wife. She lived
with him hng enough .to Jind him
out. The method is novel at least, and
will possibly .aid the gentleman in ob
taining another mate.
dJefore biting lynched Wednesday
night, savs one. of the Uclrs JJnknt.i
exchanges, "Ooloncl lloisedea'lor baud
ed 112 and lv-qucsted that the Hay-!
rake hu continued to Ins fanuly for
another year. The colonel is a gentle
man ,ti lid a iuiblie spirited citizen.
Our best wishes ;ieeoinjiany him."
All -ho assisu-d at the festival for
the hnjJroveniouJ of the Union x.-eiue-terv.
or in anv ay contributed toward
the fund raised for that purpose, both
iiuuos aim genueuieii, aiu lequc.MCT.i m
meet at the school house, Tue.-nJay,
July P.ltli at 7 o'clock in the evening
to decide what iiujirovement shall be
Jiiade this year. TJie school board are
jiartieulaily invited.
Mr. the Park, and
several others, put in several days last
week catching salmon at Oio DelL
They caught and salted down tcven
Imrrels of the finest kind of fish. They
.say that salmon nre to bo found in
large numbers at Oro Dell, on account
of their being unable to puss the oh
struetious that have been placed in
the river at that place.
An nuearthy noise on Main street
early Wednesday morning brought a
large number of pcoplo lo the kcene,
who found that it 4wns Jack J-'iirrcll,
alias "Happy Jack" cursing one Whit
low, city marshal of La Grande. Jack
is equal to Gen. Ifnirchilds in this line.
Whether Whitlow wins iwrolyzod or
not we cannot wy, but he sauted to
ho, and took his dose like a little man.
Unfortunately our mandiul was ut
i-r.vt .-hi' n"''''
Or Imp! rl ri Mntli
! I'i.Holii!
'i tlir 'S!,mt"
Tux Kv.w Soiddi. L.w.-Durinjr (ho
last Mion of the State IVadicrs' In
."titnto at Snh'in the County School
Snin'rinti'tuK-ntj' (liirnwU "t 1 it new
."(liool law. Ont of it requirements i
i lhat to olttm'n k first ntli eoitificato
one mm-thi IS yon in of ajjv, nuna have
; taimht twelve months, anil must have
1 ranked J0 ht cent in the cxnininn
tiims, with TO jut cent as the mini-
! nimii for any one liranvli. A person
who has fullilltNl nil Ihe lrqnireniontf"
for a thud jrrnile eortslK-nte is reiturei
to again po through tlie mill for a ec
onil jrraile ceitilicnto., and ajrain for
liti-t urailu honors. Kir.-t unulu eortiti-
i cates nre valid only m the enmity
j where given. They 'aw pKxl for two
! yeaiv, and may he renewed by the
eounty suiH'iintentk'iit, with the con
; sent of the board of examiners, for two
I years longer, upon payment of a fee.
I However, the renewal of a iirgt grade
! eertiliea'e more than once without
1 re-t'xaiiiinatioii is prohibited. To
1 many the ik w law is as deep a mystery
as the inter-.-tate law. The opinion
. -prevails that it pioduees the opportu
, nity to a peaMin who, having once
qualified for a first grade eeriilieate, to
fail at re-examination. City Superin
tendent T. 11. Crawford, of the Pori-
i "bind public .-ehools, does not believe
in (ho re-examinat'on of a i-erson who
has once demonstrated capability.
DoririTri.. A La (iiande gentle"
man haa under contemplation , a
scheme which would lie of valuable
service toftoekmen and others. The
plan is to get the name, address and
hrand of every stockman in Union,
Wallowa and linker counties, and have
them printed in book form to be Mip
plied to ifJl who will purchase them.
linker Drwwral. The enti rpnViug La
(Srnnile man would probably be able
lo sell about ten or fifteen of his books,
which v.nild hardly pay for getting
them up. The cheapest and most Hen
sible way is for the t-tockmou to adver
tise their brands in the newspapers.
Everybody would then know what
they are, and j tray stock could easily
be found by the owners, or rather the
owners could be more easily found by
the stock, or those havimr them .in
, charge.
- Ki:ihvj:i Wit hat J!ati:s. In m
, cordanee with the recomnitfndntiou of
the State Kailroad comnii.-sion the O.
1!. A N. Co. will next week put into
' ell'eet the following rate on wheat per
i 101) pounds from points on its line to
j Portland: The Dalles 17 cents; Cohlo
; IS cents; (hunts 20 cents; JJlaloe.ks,
! Arlington, Castle Hock 2 L cents; Umn
j tilla 22 cents; Echo, Pendleton, .Milton,
I Iiluo Mountains, Centerville, Adams,
I Walluln, Touehot, Walla Walla 2-"i
cuts; La Grande, Union. North Pow
der, Maker City, Present t, Alto, Day
Ion 27. cents; Pomeroy '.'.) cents; Col
fax, Moscow, Fnrniinglon 1121 cents.
Of i oiir.-e the ommission has no ju
risdiction in the Territory, but the
railroad company extended the i educ
tion to the people there. This gives
Walla Walla a rate of .f ii a ton to Port
land. Pos'tlnnd JJrmocrut.
Dlt. CAH'S. From a private letter
to a gentleman in this city, written 1y
a physician in Colorado, we learn that
Dr. Capps has been there, lie makes
the statement that Dr. Capps at -once
not tolid with the church monlliers,
died to marry a rich widow, but fail
ing in the attempt, lit out for parts
unknown with homo funds that did
not belong to him. The doctor is evi
dently t-omowhat like Myron's pirate:
"As milil a mannered ninu as ever
scuttled ship, or cut a throat;" but
when be gn-ts riled up, a holv terror,
.specially amt-ng the. ladies.
I AwAiimvj. W. V.. Loos has been
jWwmded the work of transcribing the
records of this county fioni the Union
county lciordi-. liis oiler was S
(outs per folio, which includes double
1 indexing and making pints of the
(jwns, aiid-vvas the lowest icspoiisibkt
and spteilie bid. Mr. Lees will be as
' sifted in the woilc by Messrs. Leslie,
t IJuileigh and P. II. Cosliow, all cojn-
in tent and reliable peixms. Wallowa
1 (thief tain. Mr. Leis is now in this
chy piosceuting the work.
j J)i: Las' IVoiid. A negro orator,
I snys nn exchange, thus eonL-ludes nu
neconnt of Jio denth of n colored
! britiher: "De las' word lie was heuid
i toisny, de las' word ho was In aid lo
j utter, de las' word he was heard to
sncuk. de las' v.sinl ho clirr nninomieed.
,ieiaa' svllahle he eber spoke, de las'
idea he eber ejaculated yes, my bred
ron, do bery las' word he bir was
knori ii to breave Joith, tound or ojacii
lalo, was 'Glory."
Coxru nun To Tiiavki.. Tlvomns
Waltlioii, who was placed under IhuiiIs
of $iV)), last week, to appear before the
rand inrv on n eli:ii'e of horun uloiil-
iug, luis taken his departuro for "furrin
lands." The grand jury found a true
bill ngninst him, but tlie festive Tom
my was not there to take part in the
pioceedings. Taxw. Sheriff Ham
ilton has reduced the delinquent tux
list to about $.",fiOU. We are glad tn
note that it has been iwlueed to thew
figures, and are in hopes that hu will
not let up till every delinquent who
owns a dollars worth of projwrty ban
been made to pay.
Cmci'iT Coi'HT. The Circuit Court
is in session, hut as yet no euses of im
portance have been adjuented. In the
C4UU of Farrull vs Wallace the jury
failed to ugn-. The cane of State va
Harris, ca.-hicr of the Sunimerville
bank, is iow l.t ing trietl.
Tliere wm. a rojtular i irons in court
lat WtdniMbiv wliile Mr. Parrtdl alias
"Happy Jack," of La Gnndo, was giv
ing in bis testimony in the env of
Karull vs Wullace. H kt pt (he court,
altorin , jury ui:d ieniMie i '.' in i.n
lll'K ,M ff 1 : 1 -1 t ! .
Social Scintillations.
l'n hkiiiiIk Tci tnlnlmt. I'rlnr'rnlly, Id
the I'tiresrlmillmis of thi'
"THE WOKLO I0 31 0 VIS."
j Mr. Carter, of Island, is in the city.
I Mr. K. T. Merwin mid wife aie in
the city,
i Pod Smith returned from Colorado
: last Tuesday.
, Marion Davis in on another tour of
linker county.
Mr. Corey and family Ims'e returned
I fittin WaHowa.
Mi. 1). 15. Iiees visitoil friends in
. Cove this week,
' Siog liner, of Isl.iml City, win? hi
. town this wotk.
' P. McDaniels, of ilw Cove, uulkd
on us Thursday.
i Dr. W. K. Kinclmt't crtinc tip fn.m
' Portland, .Monday.
Mr James Wilson, of Lostinc, was
in Union recently.
Mr. A. J. Hughes, of La Grande,
visited us this week.
Judge J. A. Tucker, of Keating, is
attending court here.
Uev. llaiitl, of Utine, was visiting
in Union this week.
J. M. I lorry, of Island, look in the
lnetiopohs this Week.
, J. O. Kuhn, editor of the Journal,
was in Union, Monday.
Mr. Frank Collins, of Snmnierville,
: is in the e-ity attending court.
Mr. J.M. Welch, of North Powder,
was in the city during the. week.
I. A. DaWKai, of Portland, has been
' in Union for several dnvs past.
W. II. Child, a eounty charge' fiom
, Eagle valley, i dangerously sick.
I Kxcuiions to the mountains after
, huckloboiiies av!11 mou bo in order,
j Mr. S. O. Johnston and family, of
. Fiimnierville, were in Union, Monday.
j Mrs. Coii'in mid daughter, Grade,
and Mis. Goedspeed returned a few
' days aj,o.
, Herman Waldeek, the Summerville
' merchant, called on us the fore part
: of the week.
Malt Johmton is abroad in the land,
i lie showed up in Union this week,
j jolly as ever.
We received a pleasant visit from
V,'. K. Kenedy, of Pino valley, last
The Episcopal entertainment al
Wright's hall, last night, was an en-
i joyahlc aflair.
! Mr. John Humphrey and Henry
Sterling, of hlnnd City, are hero at
, tending court.
I Dan Moore and wife, who have been
visiting friends in this city, rulurned
I home. Wednetilay,
I Mr. Duncan, of (be firm of Clough
tv; lunean, mine owners, was in me
city during the veek.
I .Mrs. Irwin, win lias neon on a vitit
to the f-ount! lor tevend weeks past,
returned last fat.urdny.
Angus Shaw, (if Suinnierville, called
(u us Thursday, and liMiownd his siili-
sciijiuun io i ne fvoi t.
(J. (i. (ray, of the Cove, had- his
horse, "hliiekfnot," photogivi plied by
Jones Isi os. a tew days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. MeCallum, of Grant,
j county, aie vifiting their daughter,
I .Mrs. Dr. Pruden, at Sunimei ville.
1 The Portland and Wallow.i exeur
i sionists returned the fore pint of the
; week, and report having had a line
! The Ladies I'Weign Missionary So
ciety will meet at the Pitvsbytorinn
church, Thursday, July 21, at 2 'o'clock
i p. in.
I The parents of Mr. I'obt. IC.ikin of
I this city, who hnw been visiting here
! returned to their iionie in JSugeno n
few days ago.
i John Pliy made Union a viVit this
week. Helms had his wiiiskers cut
a la Jiurnfido, and lnwtlio ajijiearance
of a major general.
i John Wilmot returned from Wal
lowa, yesterday, onliia way toJlellovue,
hjalio, wliere lie has tevtral contracts
Um- biiilJing houses, aiivl other work.
H. H. Cliugan, of Cornueopin, is in
tiu! oily errving on t lie yraud jury.
We are indebted to Jiim for a photo
, graphic view of the main stroeUut Cor
nucopia. Wo understand that at 1 'ast three
youwg couples of tJiis city will hu
joined in the holy bonds of matrimony
1 in the near future, probably tw-nior-
! low.
Mr. Corbin is rusticating on the
stock iiinch "With her husband for a few
weeks. The millinery More is conduct
' ed in her absence, by. Mrs. Alia lb n
sou. Mrs. A. P. nencoii is in Walla Wal
, la. Slai was called there to attend the.
Iiedside of her lather, Pen. Stanton,
v)m.-e death is annuiiuccd in another
c ol inn 1 1.
Mr. 1L 1 llurleigh, attorney of Jo
soph, arrival in the city the fore part
of the week for the purpose of attend
ing court. His wife accompanied him
and will licit friends in Union and the
i Cove.
' Dr. Harmon, the optician and ocu
list, will le in Union till the 2i'nl inst.,
when hu will take his departure- for
I Cornucopia and roniuin one week.
, Ho wil go from there to the Cove for
two lay, to Suinnierville ioroii weik,
' to Inland V r two d.iy.-, and fnun
tiler u. L: Grande. Unities living in
I the (t!i A. I1..I11 d '..vl'l -, desiiilig
liie (!.!! ( .-el-vit.-, V. ill do Well to
make a note of the time he is to nriivc,
and act accouliu.'.ly. 'ile'doetor has
bc-'ii in tiii- ci!y for m vt ral w ek.i,
and h..- die an t ti-i:-i I'llf inesy,
giving 1 . t i -. - .-ati fa'-:i .i i.i f.ery ens ,
'i I.i i . v. e I I, u .
Local Lines.
Wool sacks IIS cents eneh, at J. H.
b'or h:in sting inacliiiicry, eall on
Jo. Wiight.
Thegaire law relat'ngtn gioiise, etc.
expiioil y sterday.
Iht'iikiug oart for sale. Enquire of
Dr. D. Y. IC. Deering, Union.
Harlan Stewart purchased a nuin
ln r of Matt Johnston's horses at Los
tino, a few days ago.
Don't wear out valuable machinery
for the want of oil, when you can get
the Ini-t at Jo. Wiight's.
Wanted. A good chamber maid at
the CeiiJi nnii.l hotel. Wngts if I. per
wo.'k. Jxofereiiees required.
A oonidi ruble amount of now side
walk hits Iteen laid in various jmrts of
the eity within the past few weeks.
Judge Walker presides at this toim
of the circuit coiut. Everybody seems
to be very favorably impressed with
The infant son of J. A. Wright, of
Wallowa, was drowned in tin Hume of
the liurdeano crock saw mill, last
Jos. Wright 1ms ordered a complete
slock of (liy goods, groceries, etc.,
which will be opened up in the brick
corner, mhjii.
Smith's walking gang plow, Ktnie
fhing new and just (lie thing. Kor
Sale by Frank Uio.. Implement Co.,
Island City. .(
Only a few can--of the sewing ma
chine bilking powder left at Levy's,
which will be told al iC cts a can. The
regular hu tery price is (i." cts.
This teun ( f court has attracted hut
few people hoi o. Hutfor the "niuiKM
osily" of lawyers one would not know
that anything out of the ordinary run
was going on in town.
If you want a line pair of shoes or
boots, cull on Mr. C. Vincent, who has
ju-t received a largo assortment of la
test stylos from the east. He will not he
umlenold fnreah. 'fry him.
Work on the Pyle canyon road is
about completed, and a splendid road,
with no hills lo pull up, is the result.
Peoplt! in the toutlicni portion of the
county will find no dillku'.ty in tiavel
ing this load now.
Mr. John 'Doom, of Pine valley, who
linn boon on a visit to the eastern
slates for several week's past, returned
a few days ago. Ho informs us that
he profois Oiegou to any country he
has been in.
Portland Stock Yards Report.
Portland, Or. July 1 1 , 2SS7.
Again the arrivals of beef are neatly
up to the proceeding week, with a mod
ern to demand and values unchanged ;
( many of the oll'eriiigs wore latin r
coarse and common, causing sales lo
drag, tliouge there was a lot. of line,
fat, pony-built steers oll'circd that struck
the ye of a butcher, and a trade was
made without comment. Demand for
slii cp has been slow, as most of those
forw.udcd were coarse, and prices re
main in tact.. Demand for lambs fully
equal to she supply. Hogs have a ten
dency to weaken in values as warm
weather approaches, llwaos arriving
this week are unbroken.
July ft. Iicef CO hond; lambs 70 lid;
hoep 12(1 heml ; hogs fin head.
July G. lleef -10 head; sheep 117
; .) uly 7, XJeef -10 bead ; hogs 07 head ;
lamlw 7!!' head.
July y. Hoof 120 head; slmep .'ill!)
head; holses 12 lid; stock cattle IS lid.
July !). lleef 40 head ; lambs 71 lid;
sheep 127 head.
July JO. jtec-r 20 head ; hogs ."7 hd ;
sheep (.' head,
July 11. Jiref 10 head; sheep 70 hd:
lambs, 77 head.
(Quotations. Peef, fl (; .', c. gross;
heep, ( II e. gloss; Jxjgs, ! (& li c.
.gross; laii! f) iOU. each.
Market quiet
Manager Portland Slock Yards.
Stock of allJ:indssold on commission.
Stock fed, transferred and roshipped.
STANTON At Hie i c-iil. m e of lien. Jlnv
wind, in Wiilln Wnlin, W.T.July 11. IrtsV,
of ilroi"v, Itciijniiiiii Stanton, tifU'il ":i
years iind 11 inniitli '.
Mr. Stanton was father of Mrs. Uon
hon wife of our fellow-townsman .Mr.
A. J' llrnson, and was one a( the pio
neers of Union, having located at this
place in IMS I. Ho conducted for a
iiuiuht i of years Die only hotel at Ibis
place, known in those days as the Stan
ton Homo; was afterwards engaged for
some years in fanning and stoekraisiug.
He told his I'm in in this eounly and
removed to Umatilla, county fcotno
years n'nce, where he has been exten
sively engaged in farming having one
of the tines t farms in Umatilla county.
Ilia death was not altogether unex
pected, ho having sull'eied some
mouths with what proved to bo a fatal
Mr. St union formerly rosided at Sa
lent, Oregon, where he leaves a largo
umilcr of relatives and friends. Ho
was a man of considerable prominence,
and rcptoacntcd Umatilla county for
one or mora terms in the legislature.
Whoever known hu was unanimously
honored ns a man of decided character
and of inlb vible integrity ; a just and
upright citi. it and k kind and iudlil
r' ut Iui-Imh I an 1 father. His scores
and lumdre.U oi fiiitmls throtiglKait
Oregon, Washington and Idaho will be
deeply grieved at the sad intulligenoo
of his death, and all will join in hearty
yymputh with his berenvnl family.
A g o I man is gone- J' to his
ii.-ln .-.
if rill 11 II if
Proparatory to taking my nnmml iin cn
tory, 1 hnxc roduceil prices on
wtv wt sr. M
0 For TMrty Days
I In order to closo out balance of my Sew
ling Machine Baking Powder, I "will sell it
at 50 cts. a lb. can; re.'nler factory rnee is
05 cts. Only a few left.
Adolph Levy5 - UaisSosij, Ogi"s,
List, 'twill be well for yon,
List, while I tell to you
How I will sell to you
Bargains all the way through.
Ladies Ores Goods Sold by Sample at Portland Prices,
HARM 01 FlllilS.
M mm k Mi mm Mil ll
"As the twig is bent, so h tlic tree in
clined. Drake buys for cash and gives his custo
mers the benefit. Cash is king and success
is liis servant.
I Drake's low rent and low prices makes
ibis store the place to save money.
jlow, it is our turn, sot lo "Blow; to to
Inf . r. it the Citizens of I'nion iintl I'lii it "i 'iin -r tl-sil'o lVcen up n ;.(' ami l ine:."' .cleeldl ."mo I. 01
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Boots and
Shoes, Glass and Quosnsware,
ood ii
Wliieli was bought
Isold strictly lor cash,
P-3 I
tonish the natives."
We don't cct't to "nni the town." hut 'In i"iet t it r -'li.nv o' fit' tnnl. of
liiUiit.i iiml I'ctinti'.v, il laird tiluf-', vn I piixU mill low
I'l'loi:." wltl nt. iiiinillsii thai citil.
TJie old vray of doing business is a thing of
the past. Cash men do not want lo pay
poor debts and long-winded accounts. We
expect to re-organize the mercantile busi
ness in this valley, not to drum or humbug
the people by misrepresentations, not to
sell goods less than cost, but to make a
uniform cash price on all goods, which
means 20 per cent, lower than any man
who buys on time can sell for.
Twenty thousand dollars worth of general
merchandise bought and sold for cash will
make this saying: 10 per cent, for the
risk, 0 per cent, discount, cash and S800
for book keeper, making a saving of 4,
000. Does anybody blame us for starting
the ball a rolling?
Ah earlymspBction of our stock nil! mice
Tliu imwt !i'itlcli' tiiut tlio iu w or k-r of bnsliiew N uiuelt Mjoro aittlxfuUnry to till,
r mm i
id i Lonpr. M
111? 5 it, k
lor cash and will bo
at prices that will "as
- - Union, Or.