The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 02, 1887, Image 4

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    -JLI III P I II I I .--
Washington Letter.
City and County Official Paper. !
Saturday, July anil., 1887,
yarns, j
"We acknowledge the receipt of an
iTivitnliMii from tho executive coiniuit
llieoftholt (Jrninlo Fotutli of .Inly
celebration, to ho present on tli;il1ity.
"Wo icturit thttiiUs for t lie same, and
will trv to he there.
The Davenport Tlmcx man don't
hcein to appreciate the noble qualillcs
ofth baseball player. He says: Tim
editorial tihility expended in account
ing for the way in which various am
bitions baseball teams lose, their grip
is calculated to make the professional
player imagine himself the most im
portant man in the country that 1
provided the professional can read."
The stockranehors down in Nevada
nro jrouijr into alfalfa culture on a
large scale. The Silver State says:
"Nearly all the prominent farmers
have cleared off new ground and
owcd it to alfalfa this year, so that
the acreage will he materially in
creased. There is ill wiry good de
mand for airalfa for fattening beeves ,
and the demand is increasing steadi
ly." This is a pointer tor our Un
ion county farmers.
The editors of the U'alloiru Chief
tain don't know why tho indebted
ness of Union county should increase
so much in a few months. It proba
bly has not occurred to him that the
indebtedness is perfectly stationary,
and that other causes, such as the
deliniuent taxes (of which Wallowa
county was apportioned mid received
her share some months ago) not being
deducted, ct-j. The hallucination un
der which brother Mc.Cullv seems to be
laboring will gradually be dispelled.
With this is.uo tho Scoi'T enters
upon the fourth year of its existence.
t is needless for us to expatiate on
the rapid growth made by it during
the last year, as it is apparent to
overyone. The evidences of its pros
perity are to be found on every page,
mill in every column. Wo take this
occasion to IhaiiK our many patrons
for their liberal support, and our
friends and correspondents for their
zealous efforts in our behalf. We
shall try and deserve their kindness,
ami can assure them that it is fully
appreciated AVith such assistance
the .Scorr cannot help but grow
powerful and prosper.
It is reported from Washington that
(here is it dlfffirenco of opinion of the
members of the Inter-stnto Commerce
Commission relalivo to the suspension
of Miction four, which contains tho
long and shoit haul cl,iu-o of the act.
.Judge Coolcy and Colonel MorrWon
nro said to favor the enforcement of
tho act in its entirety, while tho other
three members of tho Commission be
lieve that so far as the southern roads
are concerned the clause ought to hu
permanently suspended. The time
tor which tho clause was suspended
on tho southern roads will expire on
July nth, mid whethor tho Commiss
ion will reach a delinite conclusion in
regard to the matter hy that time is as
vet uncertain.
From ur regular corrcsondi nt.l
Waphingtmi .Wmia 18 18S7.
Tne subject of?pcusjous ha? gener
ally but jiftle interest for any olio but
the individual nciisioncrs and their
families, but I he payment
longest back pension,
bv the CJovcrnmeul .
TSX'iKNAPP, BURRELL & CO., Portlajl-
'.ciiernl Apents for Oregon end Washln'Hi T. rntnrv lor Wieg
of the
ever pant
to Francis
j tho higher brunches of Mntheniatlrt ;
i were some of the reuuirenjenls. ;
Those who pass do not havo 11 very
those who fail have the comfort of
knowing that they are still eligible for
thu Presidencv.
7 I''AltM
lngh reward for their efforts, while . TINS v aj; . . - "; ""'7 7 , " ; , M'-nmi.
tub li.WMXF. siMMXti- WAGONS. HACKS and JH (KUb
'imik rir.t,Mnc Itrc.fMKS. ItOAl) CAHTrf and JUVKBOA
Patterson. blind beggar of Elmira.
N. Y., is interesting enough to form
tli nli.t tifnnove . u hen he was a
soldier in the Union
war. one day while
PnttiM-sciu became suddcnlv blind
Ho wandered around helplessly ror
some days, and being missed from the
Camp, he was classed ns a dos-crter. ,
On his return to ICImlra his wife and
children abandoin:d him on account, j
prolfably. of his disposition to drunk- j
euess. Kor eighteen years lie went ;
begging nbout the town led liy a i
f. ained shepherd dog, hi only friend
Now the possession of
amount of hi back pension, and the
surety of a month during his life
lime, has caused his family and for
mer friends to rally around him to that
degree that he is in danger of being
reduced to returning to his former
partnership with the dog, through
their avarice and greed. He applied
for a pension some years ago. but the
dilllnulty of explaining away the
charge of desertion caused the delay.
The American Telephone Co. arc j
unpleasantly conspicuous at present j
through the publicity given die former !
lile of its Vice-President, T. AV. Ty- ;
ror. Mr. Tyrer has lived for several
years in Washington, and has been
largely interested in the North Wash
ington Improvement Co. Some ene
mies of his and the Company have
published lhee statements in order o
break down Tyrer and the Company.
The hitler .seem able to stand tho ,
assault, as an investigation by a com
mittee of thu stock holders, develops
no fraudulent transactions, but Tyrer i
will probably go to the wall, as the j
charges against him arc (rue. Mr. !
Tvrer does not denv having served a I
term for lorgery. Man's vengeance
on man is relentless and once a dis
covered criminal , a) ways u criminal,
and though we are told of the joy in
Heaven over one sinner that lepeut
cth, there is very little belief on earth
in his repentance, and ho is told that
Cod will forgive him, but man cannot.
The chances for the prevention of
crime arc constantly rct'irded by its
being almost an impossibility for a
man who has once been convicted of a
crimo, to ictiirn to the association of
hunest people. So long as Christian!- I
ty withhold its confidence from those I
who havo erred, so long will our prU-
ous bcinore than half tilled by those
who arc serving their second and third ,
terms. I
The proposal to utilize the Uevenuo '
.Marino bv appointing Graduates of
thu U. S. Naval Academy to tho va
cancies in that service is again under
diciission. As it now stands tho
graduates of Hie Academy nrcr given
$1000. and relegated to private.- life,
with the exception of a few who stand
at tho head of the class. They are
appointed to such places as may bo
vacant in the Navy at the timo of their
graduation. The idea is. that tho
ltevcnuo Marine Service offers a field
of usefnlliiess for tho other gnduates.
It might ho considered that a young
man with a tine education and $1000.
in cash, was well equipped to begin
tho battle of lire without the Govern
ment which has already educated him
lining obliged to find him a salaried
position. Hut it is not entirely a
question of the young man's interest.
In tho case of the sudden need of a
Navy, trained and rkilled olllcers 1
.11 I. . 1.1 j .. - 1 !. .....1 I
I wouiu ou wauicii 10 cumin inn it, i.uu
it is still more doubtful if any would
To citizens of the Pacific States du
ring the pint week, and reported ex-
I Several kinds of Hay Rakes, Sullffg
I and Walking Plows,
- " 'el ; l'1 ' iV..ntWfice, WJshii'igtoilD. C: il. THE HOWIES' NEW rMlIU)VEl3Ep
Buckeye Iron Turbm Wind hngm
fire aid Binder Twine a lm
To 10SG Indebted.
On ft1(,inrnhip of May .'Kith. 1 hail the
mUfoJftipto lie, by tire, my lrug store
ami it fWe contents, account books itu-lit-deil,
tijiiconipclli'il to ak thine who arc
in, li,,! line to eall at my ollleo at the
Fir t Sliti"" I'.oik, Mini ajjree upon amount
hie, ;milrr""';i' 1,,r settlement of same. .nun i-irnei riiiivemciicu.
.I.M.I. J . Kill 11 1.
I M. Webb, San Francisco, Cal., tiinhcr- I
I roll; E. Nyswonuer, Hanhml, Cal. com- j
biued lock and 'latch ; .1. H. Mitchell, T
.Oakland, Cal., portable etenni boiler; J U
W. Forward. Shingleton, Cal., wind-i JJ
;mill; N. II. Wheeler, Corval'.is, Or,, j
I device for swaging inter'ible saw-teeth ;
1 . 1 -T 11 Itt ......
I D. J. Msr!f rpoKiino rail.-, w . i..
i finiiiilSnir '
t: 1 , ! Branch House,
Tallies Mini "onts summer cooils con- 1
V,'.)2-2. the ! ptantly arriving from the East and San
; i
otf, Sip and Carriage
All oar pnodo are liotiK'it for tVli and will lie .S ld n low s FIItSXK
(1UODSOAX MK yoUi. Hive as a call or write lor liluyrjtea
Catuluitoe. free. fiXyiMlll stock of licpairs tor an
i .i !n, u I t v 1 i.lic ivu in c t n i 1."
I ill II If 1 vuiiivna iiumi i ill -i'
Francisco, at Levy's.
(Of St. Peter-sburr. liusxia,)
Oll'.cv In Pallor ( eateiinia! hotil.
Union, .-. - Oregon
and Practical
i s ! i 1 1 1 1 mi - A
j a! i Mb h h ih mis
SUM w a VA. V Wf. 'i KI n BK u
I xs' ti.-..j & w m k a
I S i Iriiilp If pi ill
kk if tie fci J. 1 11
Cra-nS a Speciaity.
slSp.rner Main and A Streets, Union,
On foa
fL.tmi.sfc dttily rot'civiii"
ii((tlif11H IJJi'J?- stock
ill Id IfllOk
A new line of
Inventor of
The Duplex live Illuminator.
I Kv tins laaclilne I am able to detect the
I slight .st d -e-ise of tin- eve. 1 have also an
invention lv which Iain able to measure
tin. Ci:-iw oi'thi'i'vcs. tlieii I makeclassei to
! Mitt each eve iiceord'nidy. 1 have n I a rue I
I Miitply of irenuine PKHKUC I.KXS, for all
eves, inuuierent Ma:i, woiro (. m- .-i.--e'uredoiilvliv
an oceulist. Also have the
:.IKI)U'A"Tlit) I.F.NS. which, in Mime eas
es, lanxuai' lannot express the henelit tlie
liuinnn race derive fio:n thuiu. l'or in
stimce. a law eye, and a laru l'lipil, can
not use the lieMile, as thuy uive too much
light The .Meditated lmvin' tint lens is
niucli better.
Singing by 11 chorus of 50 lies,
The Horncybrcnickles. 200 strong, under charge of 15. F. I5cal wpear.
Jtase ball and other panics. (Jrand dance at night, ticctsdi
supper, S2.o0. Dancing in Pavillion 100 feet smtarc.
erected for that purpose. j
Imman's Perfumes,
8,1. which are well known to take
the lead,
unedes, Brushes, Combs, etc,
I A largo assortment,
i'd Seed, Insect
Kctler, Maciiine and
GJc Oil.
-5olon;;ing t
1DI Silll
SummerVllle. Ur. prices ever known in Eastern Oron.
T'JmK.i.1 Hi lit 111 I Ml IN tit S 1 1 II IV Mil. I
r . r M 1 . . 1 . Ill
'iCali ana Kxamme tne umy uofflpi8i6toac
I. J Hl?gr
mall v ftTeein'' to Accept the ' . t ' Jlttste t lunu.
,. ' T , , i.. ,i it s exccei in'dv doubtful if many of i r-v i a j ti 1 1 fr
Tl&& r""'?!??"! BASKET DINNER,
, , , ., , . ., for n number of years private business ..
t Candidates for (he various offices
oliouhl l;c nominated hy and at thu
cost of tho state and nation, just as the
elections are now conducted, l'or
fums desiriii,' to test, the wishes of the
people as to whether they were want-
I . I! V.i 1 I I I. ..
UU iih ciiuuiuaics; or uoi, coiuu lie i
placvd on t lio list to bo voted for.
by forniallv
1. I...... il...i. Ii.tlf t Ai-Jtit
prooaui, . .. . ' W0ltni i,o fonntl offelent olllcers,
WOllUl iei most Ol tun voie-s i.iM,
Tho two or three hibost, of cour?o, I
1 interests to tho call of their Govern
ment. Tho Secretaries of tho Treas
ury and Navy to whoso jurisdiction
i the matter belongs, aro mute on the
subject, but Olllcers of experience and
judj-inent HUe Commodore Schley and
Commodore Walker, express thoui-
Tho machines ot tho Cook Mnnufuc- , selves cordially in favor of tho scheme,
tminy Co, , now being put In opera- j Tho President hold a reception in
lion at hucky liar, are jjlvlntr better . the Kast room on Monday atternoon.
satisfaction than oven was supposed. The llrst since his return from the
This Is tho ilf't test ever mado with Adlroudaeks. There wero not many
tliCRO inachlnes on tho Hour gold of ! persons prc.ent, but those who wero
$iiako river, but with tho few days ' cotumunted on Mr. Cleveland's liu-
trial already tnado it has bean demon- j proved appearance slueo Ids vacation, i
bt rated beyond a pcradventuro that .Mrs. Cleveland being Mill away. She j
they ere a success. Xot a color can j is now paying a visit to a friend and i
lini'mhiL'of nrocession at U A. M. un
der supervision of K. H. More loci
lar.shal of tlie day. as ioiiow
Liberty Car,
I'nion and Suiuinervilld Silver Cornet
Uase ball clubs of Union, North Pow
der and Sumnierville, in uniform,
Orator of tho day ; lion T, 11. Craw
ford, Header qf Dechiratiou ,
and Chairman of day
.1. W. Norville.
Citizens in carriages and wagons,
Horsemen .
In the above named order the process
ion will form and march to the cele
bration grounds, two miles west of
Song by fileo Club.
Music hy Hands,
I Heading of Declaration of Indepcn
j deuce, hy F. H. t olliiis,
l Song bv (.lee Club,
Oration bv Hon T. II . Crawford,
Music bv Hand
ire to mtonii tlie public tlmt am
i Must, shall and will be sold at tlie wett'
I i mt invite intending purehasers to
eino examine iiieon'Miow on u.miuu
ti mv iilacc m Wot, Union. I am
cummI you will pronounce it tlie
now manuiacturei. ine extremely
Ifi' es lilaec them within the reach of
aireuliirs ot wind mills and imams'
tj4 application. A. J. KIllItH.
i , i... ii. il l o, ' uu miivi i .........--
WOIIKI OU llll? e.llUlllIU..:.s uo.l.-l'l. . uv
election to take place in tho usual
manner after tho nominations wero
mado. Tho people would then ho
able to select their own servants, and
sret their laws made and executed in
their own interest. Am. Liberty
IMentv of hash for all
Assembling at grand stand at 1
Music by Hands,
Song bv (ilee Club.
Address by'. I. W. Norvllle,
After which tho procession will
foim and march to town,
Mnteh 'mine of huso ball between
Union and North Powder clubs,
for a purso of $!U) at 2:o0,
Llterarv exerelsos at the Occidental
'hall, for a prize ot $.r.
Fur at 4:110 tlio lion, order of
Will parade Main and Patten streets,
under the leadership of His 1 loyal
Highness, Kllis Hinchart.
lirand display of
! II I I exican
. i -sa b mt
the ., 1 Ii f m:
- ivianuTitu
Corwin C. Coffinberry
Union, Union County, Orcgoi
tin a
Stiff Joint,
Hoof All,
Saddlo Galls, .
bo found in ho tailings, while abovo
tho machines a pan of dirt will nhow
thousands. The plates nro well cov
ered and the silver In tho succession of
vats is thickening very fast. Jt is im
possible, to loose tho amalgam In these
machines as all that is carried over tho
plates Is collected In, a pan whoro It
cannot escape, A clenn up will bo
mado to morrow. It requires ono
inch and a half of water to operate the
machine, and 2 men can put through
an nverago of W) ton of sand per day.
Jtairye and Yalhy.
school mate, Miss Ivingsford, of Os
wego, 3f. Y. Tho President takes
Ids customary aftornoou drive to Oak
View, ami M dinner ou his return to
tho White House, at seven, ajono,
with tho memory. of his biituhclor days
for company. How pleasant the pros-
In the evening, superintended by
S, L. McKcnzie and Dr. W. K. Kiue
hart ,
The tluvs' exen le lo euiichkU with a
At tho Occidental hall.
ft I ft Ono of the reasons for tlio great popularity of
WB&lr..-. l . 1 ... I.o .. I I
'.lUsluuK I'.uiiuuilh m tuuitu Hum win...
Hon 1)111 tr. Kvorylodr needs such a medicine.
lo I.umlicrmnu needs It In easo of accident.
'1e llmtHcrlfo needs it for general family ue.
flu Cnunlcr needs It for his tcamsand his men.
4o illvcliunic needs H always on his work
Union. Orv fon, lv 11, 1SS7. I'll s l certify thnt Lha,i i UeJAo Miner needs It In case of emergency.
.m.i.Li,. riiivili.t Mr. ('hi.rl l'. luff ' it u.tshtlii; nine liiic andr n.rl loTilin lMuiiiprneodslt can't cot alonit without It.
illlierry, n Muv 10. wa.slie.1 Willi un Awne tfl. larjp family u:is!ifii uu ,itrilbo Kai iner nueds It In his house, his stable,
washing in n'hlne at mv hotel. In one hour nMH-rfeet niit leitua. nui t id ivUlWhij stock yard.
anil fort vtlveniiliute, the followiiiR uaineit tliall that it i reeoiniaelldt . iLPVliu Sjtemiiboatiiinn or tlio Ilnntiunu needs
articles: Faniil vu lung, 4 tine sii its, j i .hiss, i a.vitii ( l3a. uutral supply nfloatand ashore.
oulr drawers. iimlerstilrts, waHs, 1 I nion. ur. .Mav ll. iv7: IK liorac.rnncicr needs It It la his best i
lia:.llvvr- l
h si- io certify that tjha,i
iiHiiii. towols. S oittr sook, 1
tthlers, it collars ami 1 pair ooff
cut must appoarln contrast to the , 'pickets, including Suppor, - S2.A0.
past. !
Five men appolptod undor Civil Sor-
vice rulus havo duullnod tho pu$ltlons
offered them. Their reason is the
hiuallnuss of the salary, $1000. per
annum, it being iiiadeiptate to the ro-
II v or ilor of cominlttco.
II. WAlni5CK,
. IS t.-ililn I'lotlis. IStlOtS. !!0 ntiloW
aisus, anil THtiwuJs,lT(Spleew In all. Tlit
tut wailing gave perfee tUf ivtioii.
I. 11. 3(11.1. IS,
l'ropiiolor I'ciitoiuiial hold.
itunett i!i t
its. -ji I
,t, t ' Pnlon. Ur. Mav 11. In 7.' K
B4id and tafet reliance.
Uiiton tltv Ho-eKA iihISt''"" StocU-nrower needs It It will sare him 4
vbu u .0 ."-tiry tu?t ihl. i I'JStrYf!" i"u"!i
ClI I ll (lone iwo "H-L-salfTf" nih,.,fB.,. round of nccIdenUanddanmr.
I aim u uas uvea pern .1
Jul 1 th nk it w II il a.i thMr,
Union. Oreswii. Jty 1-. ISS7.
This U to certify mat 1 lutve ufced th At
1110 vrtJiii? machine and wrimivr, aod
thorauehly teod It. nd am uow sniituxl
that It is tlio bo wnkhinj maehln nw in
ilto, and unhaiHilWsl.v lucniiimjul II u.
any iwrvon rfhlns a wnsnlu . iv.a li m- I
am sOtisliod that U will do all or nf e than
i.otoliiied for it by Mr.; In ;ry
MAU 1 hATlN.
represents it to do.
Union. r srbretir i
rui j 10 e-iuv .nui we .1..
1 1 . 1.1 : 1..
aenta Hip luarur 01 i i
iifrii imcaiou, an I Ii i'to b
t .iiiisiuw tne imst in ,utl
.1.. IKJK.A
(JV as his llfo Is a round ot accldentsand dangers.
Viio llHCKWooimmnu nrcusn. jneru i uoin-
Alike It as on antldoto for tho dangers to Ute, .
; and comfort which surround the pioneer.
Tlio fllercuunt needs It about bis store among
cniploycos. Accidents will happen, and when .
o come the Uustang uounent is wanten at once. .
Keen a llottto lutho House, lis tho best or
onouiy. '
jKcepi. Itottle Mi llio Vnclory. Itslmmedlate
iS) In case of accident saves pain and loss ot wages. .
j.ICccp a llotllo AlTuytn the Stable Tor '
in wiip). wvi'ieo.