THE OREGON SCOUT. AMOS K JUNK nmron. The Oregon Scout ha a large a circa- j lation a any three paper in thi xrc I Hon of the. State, vombhied, anil in cor- ! repondinghj valuable a an advertising ; media m. Saturday, June 2oth., 1887 Union and Vicinity. The Hcoit only if laid a year. Lot-tin-.', will also celebrate on Ibc ttb of July. A cliair peddler took in the town thin week. Circuit court convene. the 11th of next month. Several communications crowded out this if.-ue. "Dot drummer" abound in consid erable number.. Partic en route to the 1111110 are pacing through almost daily. Head our new advertisements. You will iirolmblv see somHliim- to l.n..iit. : vein. " iiOiNii wxk vA'K ON" IT, i he Uaker 1 'ey, caiicu-on u euesuay aim suu ge Piper will deliver 'the oration '' Ci,v, speaking of the Pine bribed for thu Sovi'T: ic Joseph celebration on the 1 mn'k 101,11 i,.v'"' : " 1'lie I'nion county' Louie Davis, who has been attend h. : i'iul from 1'iiion. via I.ig creek, to the i ing the Sink- University at F.ugcnc, re- Judg at the Vnnrfli i,w ui,. :., i.. ' .r.Yti Vi .--....s new goods, and will mjou open up us ! extensively as ever. Work on Pvle c.invon still ron- tinues. A good thoroughfare through ! 'that place will he the result. Mr. A. Levy has had a new sidewalk lluilt leading to his res idem e on C 'street, a length of nearly two blocks. Dr. Dcering lost a valuable Ik-llo-'founder colt last Saturday, .it was ptlshed into the river by othr horses and drowned. The State Teachers! Association will cohvene in Salem July (itli and (vu tinue until the 8th inat. Keduced rates on all railway lines. Johnny LaniiMn, of. Summerville, had bis leg broken last Thursday inorn ing, at North Powdei, while '.muling j lumber for Unll, Keeks & l, Thank., to Al. Tovdrod for some delicious, strawberries from Jiis garden, Order left wit li Ak for 'hurries, or vveg- atablcs will be promptly billed. Several cases have been tried in Jus- ticc J. 1$. Thomsons' court this week, j but we are unable to-eet the discissions of the same as we go to preps. Minnick fc 'Davis have their new en gine and sflperatorset up and it works like a charm. They will visit Grande .Hondo valley and thresh for all that desire their services. The First -National Hank received a nice piece of furniture yesterday, in the shapuof a pat'int wash stand. It is the most complete, and useful piece 'of furniture avo have ever seen. C. ll.'Craig, of Ka'gle Valley, bought ten head of yeailing (Jaloway bulls, of a cattle dealer irom v estern Kansas, i 'm-this' city, t Id) foro part of the week. , a.,- lUw ,..t-. , ....... of tl(l Kust orll.ui jt.,ilu.tion Works ' -Do not fail to read II. J. Oeer's ad- MOW ,,at. tlicir little plant is lo vertisement'iu this issue, of the gnmd ' small for the work ahead. At a meet ' irie ball to be given at Wright iUg of the stockholders Frid.iv Uie ea)) Duncan's hall, Cove, on the evenin; ; ;ttl .,,(,). wliS im-rcused fron'i .f.oO'.OUO Of July 1st. A big time is expected. u, .fliOO.OOO, the idea being -to erect 'l)Unhan Wriirht has comiileted the ! works of trreat capacitv. There will be ' work ol clearing the slides out of the ' line-creek road and it is now in as 'good condition as it ever was. Con siderable, travel is now going over this route. The New York Store of La Orande w f'miKfnnflv n.i...ivin.' mow .-inl lntest i stvlts of goods, and will be found up ! with the. time in all things. Oood i goods, low prices, and fair dealing is the motto. j Haird's minstrels exhibited in this ! oit- luci 'rimrtil.: v rvonin.r to :i miller I slim audience, which was, however much larger than they deserved. They are u parsimonious outfit, not worthy of patronage. Letters remaining uncalled for at Cove post-oflioo, June 2.'5, 1S.S7: Dnn igan, F; Oray, K. (5; Noithway, New ton ; Pattv Miss May; Sicrsdorf, Mrs. Marv; Vaughan, J. M;, Mi. Khoda. M. Stkvk.vs, P. M. If you are in need of harvesting ma ehinery, call on Jo. Wright. He has for sale tin: Osborne No. 11 steel frame twine binder, the best and lightest run ning binder in the world, also Osborne mowers, reapers, etc. It will pay you to call on him. We are pleased to note that the city council have concluded to repair and occupy the city buildings on ( street Workmen are now prosecuting H" , 1. , ...:n work, and a marked improvement will ! Kion be notifiable m that portion ot town. Keinembcr the grand ball to bo giv en at Dunham Wrights hall in the Park, on the evening of July Fourth. Oood music will be in attendance, and an excellent supper served. Tickets including supper, .$2.50. Every body invited. . 'corwin C. Cofunberry has just re ceived the castings for his washing inaehiues, which were delayed on the Northern Pacific for some time, on ae fount of a wash out. Ho will have a nuinhur of the machines ready for de livery in a fow days. Jap Stcvonp of the Cove drug store, 1 ....... .1 . A . - - - . . Kuigiii, m I'ortiand last week a supply of fire craekers, great- and small, toriio- does, rockets, kites, 22 and o2-calibro lnehester and Hallard rillcs, a very hue lot of fresh candies, carriage paints etc. etc., all to bo told at lowest prices. Thursday, Jo. Fyklin, while driving down Main street in a had;, at- companied by his father, came near having a serious mishap. Ono of the linos broke and the horses started to run, dashing madly into Elliott's, liv ery stable. Luckily but little dainago was done. etchings. - tlr Iiiiirroioii M.nli- cm tlie "Scout' Tin: Inland Kmi'Iuk. Phillip Kit.,-! of YValla Walla, rays a Portland paper, arrived in the city yesterday via "Switch back" over the Cascades. " lie reports I the ciops in his country the finest ever grown. He think there will be an average of a ton (IY. bush;-ls) to the ' aero, lie says he knows of thousand of acres that will make a ton and a half, or !" bushels per acre, anil thinks the tonnage for transportation will lie1 over -IUiUXKI, tons this year. This Would be more than one road could handle, but the X. P. H. U. comes in prepared to place 1000 tons over the switchback every day in the year. lie says the road over the Cascades is most admirably and substantial built, and thoo immense twelve-wheeled engines t (decapods) just walk up and over that Tuesday from a visit to Haker county, mountain, J000 feet of elevation above S. L." Hunter who is working in 15ak the tunnel, at the rate of 27" feet as- j or City made I'nion a brief visit this cent to the mile, seeminglv just as easv week. ; as an ordinary engine would go on a I i f0 foot grade. In crossing the sum- I nut tlie road rises and descend 1UUJ 1 111 uie distance ot seven miles. i (ioiNd Fvn On-It. The P.nker 1 lnr 'n'(,k mines, is buing repaired tin- i ,k.r (U. ,.,., M,,)(.rvision of Mr. ,),,, U-,,., ,,, ...... finished it will be a verv irootl hihwav - " nwiiij nun mi in v vvm uvii lor travelr.ig during Jhe sumnier months, 1,(U when winter sets in trawl over it. will be M.spended, f.r it will be ,M"V T Z '' ' -:i i . i. . l. ' took lusdeiiarture, 1 uetday. j'ossnue 10 Keep u. open, huiv on n? miiin f.ilii ii . iv..m,.iwl.'(M ,!,.,, tii , and drifts mountains high. e regret. - r... that fate has decreed that ijiuon shall h.iVe no outlet to the mines, and would Wadily, if in our power, slice oil' a por tion of our advantages to the benefit of our neighbor." When our friend of the Democrat get bis tither optic open he will find ihi road will be better, every thing considered, in the winter, than he now acknowledges it to be, in the summer. That optic of bis will be 'onmi iii'Vf. wiiitnr. viili also f 1 1 road, -j In Was I)isAtToiNn:i.-Our devil thHiappy possessor of a small air mf,,, which 'will noiselessly propel a small bullet with considerable accut- acy, a distaneo of forty or fifty yards. A person struck with one of these pel- lets would naturally conclude that hi Iliad "stung Inmselt with a wasp or something. When the outfit, known as "Hairds Minstrels" made its appear ance on our streets Thursday in all tlie glory of seedy clothes, and white plug hats, it occured to this imp that game was plentiful, so he carefully clonic.' up the air gun, and was about to sally forth when he discovered that lie was out of bullets and bad to forego the fun. Hut for this the gang would have went away from here with the impression that Union is the woit place for mos quito., galliuippers, wasps yellow jack ets, bald hornets, and other atr'-rossive wir0( iM.t.!t!i ,, the ,-arth. ,,V) ,U; Kxit!imKIXr-Vhl. nuina.AVV!i no I rouble, we are told, about placing ' this stock. We are glad to see our people take hold of this mutttir ener i getically. The fust tiling for Portland i to ilo to secure the business of the -ll,out us on every side is to make a muiket here lor ores. I hi W'H hl' immediate otVect -of such an establishment as it is now proposed to -'t Uh()re,)onian. Tin: Cominh Association1. Stiper- iutendant McFlroy was at Portland Monday, in th" interest of the State 'i l. .i..i;,, i. ti.w eitv, Julv tlth Ttb and Sth, and seem- j be had a most enjoyable time wink ed a liberal reduction in railroad fares j gone, so much so that his .visit was over the Oregon & California railroad. ! prolonged somewhat. His many The O. P. will also make 'special rates, j friends are pleased to have him back Among the prominent onrtors to bo I again. present lire Prof. J. W. Merritt, ex-prin- j W. T. Weight has our thanks for a final of the Jacksonville imblic schools nnuniiiicent bonnet of rare llowcrs anil Rev. I!. 15. Dihvorth, acting pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Portland. Prominant teachers from the universities, academies, public schools, etc., will be present from the dill'eient parts of the State. fSaleni Statesman. 1 A Mo.vstku Sti:awi!KI!i:y. F. W. I'aiit exhibited in Wall.i Walla Journal ollice, Wenesday, what is probably the largest strawberry ever grown in the valley, if not in the world. It meas ures a Hill loot in circuniierenc.e ami, j lHibl(d over, fills a jellv tumbler ..... . . Phis marvel is distinctly one berry ami not a pair or clufter grown' together. It was raised in Frank Orselli's garden, and he has quantities little less in size. The berry, prcserw-d in alcohol, has been tent to Manager Potter, of the 1'. P. How Thky Oct It. The Salvation Army is "working" the KaiiFas towns; and liere is one of its recent circulars, ndvertisiiiL' a nraver nio-tiui;, and published in a Milwaukee paper: 'Smiling Helle,' from Witchita Ka . the ! the girl who jumped out of a two story window to get salvation, will be at 's rink Monday, May IS. at S p. nr l Cyclones of salvation! Tornadoes of j power!! (biles of grace!!! Celestial breezes ! ! ! ! Collection at (bwr to do- ! fray cxiwiiecs." Tin: Fi:kti vai.. The festival given ! Wenesdav evening, ut Wrights Hall, by the ladies of Uuion, for the ,mri,oe of raiting fundi, to Jmprovg the cemetery, was hugely attended, the spacious hull being crowded the entire evening. In addition to the deliyioim ropiiMt propHred by the ladicn, there was vooal and instruincnUil music, ami choice- faeleotioni ly the Union i Silver Curnot Hand. The procoedi of I tl,u (ununited Ui tfJOI.Sa. ()Cja Scintillations. ' rurtiRriM lio IVrtulnlnit, l'rlnrlinll.v, to tin" I'crrj;rliiiitliin of lli j l'lltll!U'C. "THE WOULD DO MOVE." Uev. Paird returned from Omaha, last Tuesdav. .lames Payne, of Cove, was in the eitv vesterdav. Mr. D. C. Fisher, of the Cove, called on us Thursday. Mr. .lap. Kniebart, of Mininiervule, visited (his eitv, Monday. Miss Laura Foster, of the Cove, was visiting in I'liiim this week. .lohnny Clark, and wife, of Island City, were in I'nioii Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brooks, of Sand ridge, were in the city, WcncediVi. Mr, iMl'.l Mrs. D, U, 1 lilts returned Mr. . I. A. White and wife, of North Powder, visit .d I'liion the fore part of the week Mrs. .leininiii Holey, of Indian val lev. called-on u Wenesday and sub turned home Monday. Kd. Parker started for Cornucopia Thursday, lie thinks tnat ho will lo cate there permanently. Mr. Watt Saulsberry, who has been . .. 1..: i l.:.. ii.. , , Misses billy and 11 ilcn Levy will start on a visit lo Centerville, Cinatilla county, sometime next week. Mr. John Wright and wife started yesterday on a visit to Cornucopia. They will be gone about a week. The Indies Aid Society, will meet at the residence of Mrs. A. F. Henson, Friday July, 1st at 2 o'clock p. in. Mr. J. M. Perry, of Island City, and his hrotlier-in-law, recently from the East, weie in the city, yesterday. Kobt. Lloyd, formerly of this place but now of Pendleton, wai visiting rel atives and friends heio during the week. J. 15. Fithian, local editor of the Portland Kerning Democrat is in the city, on business connectivl with his paper. W. X. Young, Chas. Craig, and Jimmy llokeni,of Kagle valley visited rn ion last I uesday. I ncy ay every thing is nourishing in Kagle. Frank and bee Wil-on and John Kenedy returned from Cornucopia, Wo uesday. They report, everything flourishing in the Pine creek district. Kd. Kemillard, Ferd Hloch, and Mr. Corey returned from Cornucopia the fore part of the wok over the new road. They made the trip easily in one day. .Mr. K. C. Prainard of this city has :been invited to read a poem at the -Ith of July celebration at Siimnierville. We presume he will i xcept and add another interesting featuie to the pio grammc'of the day. W. T. AV right and Chas. Davis re turned Sunday, ifroni the Orand Lodge A. F. & A. M., recently held in Port land. Mr. Davis was the delegate from the lodge in this city and not Mr. Wright as stated last week. T. N. Piollit and Selby Leep of Pine valley passed tiuough I'nion this week on theirwuy to the land olhce at La (irande, to prove up on their land. That otl'ice should be located at I'nion, which is the county seat, centrally lo cated and more convenient -for every body. Mr. Jasper G. Stevens, of the Cove, who has been on a, pleasure trip to the Willamette valley for several weeks oast, returned lasi .noiniay. no says from his nvidence grounds in North 'I'nion. .We have forgotten the names of most of them but they are all su perb. Mr. Wright takes great pride in i arranging his grounds, and .allows the choicest llowcrs and , none but plants to be cultivated thereon. The following named persons, most of whom are members of the Masonic lodge of this city, attended the funeral of .Mr. Shelling, at Island City, last Sun day: A. N. Hamilton, I). H. ltees;, O. F. Hell, O. L. Hlakeslee, .Mr. (iilfillan. Kd. Kittle, Win, II. lliiUinan, A, T Neil, S. O. Swa:khamcr, A. Luvy, Kov. Irwin, and Tuj-ner Oliver. Mis. John T. Oilfry, of Creswell, Lane county, wJiile riding in a wagon last week, was thrown out by thehor.-es becoming unmanageable and running away, and received injuies from which she died a few hours afterward. Mr. Oilfry was also thiown out and severe ly injured, but not fatally. Mr. and Mrs. Oilfry were old pioneers of this country, and w.ill known by many peo ple throughout the State. John Wright, whose book accounts were destroyed in lho recent hie, re quests us, through the columns of the Scot"!', to say to those parties who re fiicu to come forward and make sumo kind of a settlement, that if they do not comply soon, it is his intention to publish their nanus so that the peo ple may know wlai, and what kind of men thev are. He thinks that anyone who would try to evade imyinent un der the circuuifUinceo should bo known and we think to too. Sample hay pres at Frank HroV. Implement Co. Inland City house. It will pre) fiwter mid with more- easo tlmii any other. Don't Ml to M ft piuclnuuuK. ' Frank Hros. Ini'loini n' Co, of Isl and Cil , have jit5t rei ietl tin ir sci ond i ar h ad of harvesting machinery. They b .e all the lite implements, and thrir price are fatrrr than ever. See their new mower with late improve ments It is the boss, and don,t, you forget it. Try the new baking powder at .Jones Pro's. Only ;) cents a can. Warran ted as guild as any powder in the mar ket, or money lefunded. Wool sacks .IS n uts each, at .1. P. Katon's. BOKN. 1IAKSIN. On Hip creek. June tilth. t.7. to the wife uf .lames llarsin.a 1'.' pound Mill. MAinni:i. HK!l(ll!li SMITH, r In this , in . Tlmr ,lav, .lime 17. Mr. A. (' IMuml :m. .Mi Miranda Smith, 1U . Hoodie oillfi niinc IX 3IK3IOIMA3!. Pirn.- At l.o Angeles May;!!. 1SS7, Mr. M. Sterling, ageil (0 year. For a Iniin lime lie hud horn a pationt "lltVercr from heart (iisenc. and at lat e haunted nature ir.ive way, and lie pcin cfullv hieathcd hi lut I! U miii arnviil with the remain Satuntav at II A M., and they were tukeli to a U'-idelii-e tino,Viipieil, anil lav in -tide until the hour fnt he funeral. The renin wa driqicd in the deepest liiournini lnr the. invasion. Nilihath at 'J P. M., Ihe funeral elieipiies Xvcre oli-ei ved id the l'.iUcoinl ohmi'li which vii licnuti tally triiiiuieii with iiioiirnint:, llowers etc. Kev. liwin. of i iii-m. niiieiatim; Hi er inoli. ml od'e to the li um, full of patl.o-i a jut mid llttinv tribute to the dead, every word a- it fell in Muvt, low cncleiuv, sank' deep to In- leiueiiilieved lnn. There after e.iiiie sinirinc, and the reuiain were jrivcii in iliurm- of the Ma-mis, of which there weie oer ity in munlier. fioiu Sail l'riiiieiM-o, Haker City, Fniiui, l.:i (Irainle ,-iiid Nlnnd Cite. There were fully fifteen htiudreil poiiple present : onlv n part could i;et within the imrtaN of thecliureh. Many iivniieil theiu-elve of the n iviletre of a last look at one whom they loved in life, uluw tired head now lay mi ipiietly at rest in the beautiful casket. ' Floral olVcrili r weiv the uii)-.t proliiM', nuninilieeu', elegant mid ap propriate ever -ecu in N'and City, the cro. tlie anelui", the wreath, tlie, .MiiMinic euilile u. and thc-limf anil iekle heini iuihI noticeable. The Ma-mi led the way out of tow n iiImiui hah' a mi e, in oite of Mr. Sterling'- lot sit -halt Invn ei'pited. covered with wreatlM and vine-. I to guide um to th grave. lle;ul ng the pio ee ion was Mr. Stei ling's f ivieile hoi-M- I Anvil, .liiineo Mn-on. driver wiili l!ev (i. M. I ru in. Net the henie mid remains, I hi son, foriy-two small eliililien, citizen on fool, lorty-iiine on lioiebaek, nine'y- I three carriage, altogether funned the I larget funeral ever in the valley. The service at the grae wa eoiuluetiiJ j liy the Maon -tliat tliev loved him lliu'r presence e inee. a he in lite exeinplilii d the virtues of iho-e chosen serv.uu.s ot ( iod. I Tlie lovely eh.iiirteri-.tie of Ihe outer. 1 The ini'iiioi v of Id many deeds of kiiulness ' lingers in lcmeinhniliee and relli;els its 1 shining lutre beyond the tomb, lie trav- eled w ith them tlie pilgrimage of life, anil sympathised in iis vieis-itudc ami (toil. ve, one more friend anil neighbor has lull en by tlie wayside, weary with the inarch of life, mid we Pave nui.l the lat sJ(d tribute to his memory. The long procession of friends with solemn step, and .sorrowing hearts, went forth, ben tug his body to its J Inst resting place, and inonioi i-'s are all we have left of him. Departed friend and brother, thy lip are silent, but thou do-t speilk to ns,' thou dost rest from thy labor, 1 btitKliv work follow thee, bong will we miss that face radiant with that courtesy that never failed, and that imu.ner oid of nil pretension. To those who Unt'W him intimately, who had kit tne gb-w of his kind and 'generous heart, and had seen it ready response to every call for sympathy, there i a sadiie irrepressible, with pleas ure ami pride we remember the fidelity with whieli he dischaiged the duties of the various pulili" trusts towhieli he wa-i called. We shall in ver forget Ihe evaiiiple of his earnest and upright life, imr the genial courtesy that marked hi intercourse with hi many iriemN. the cliatilnhlr judgement wit!' which he rcgaided all within die cir cicsof hi acq aiu mice. 111. life is i, lcif.iey to lis and a valuable lcs.siin to teach us the frailty of human life. Collectively Island city ha- lnt a pillar of , strength, individually every citi.en ha lot a flit-lid, and as the shadow ol hi death fall upon u, let u draw wisdom Irom this lesson, and while leiiewiiig our devotions to every call of duty, sjl may we walk so soberly and charitably that when we clo c our eye in death, our Iricndi may say of a as' we have to say of him whoe" virtues we now commemorate, (iod' in hi wisdom know what is hut. His ways are indeed insei'utabk and pat finding out . Hi will, not ours, that death ha scaled in their hist long dreamless slumber thedcar kind eye. with the icy seal, lotded with cruel fetter thehaiid that have m longhand patiently toiled tor the dear one- so tenderly cherish cd, chained with an iinvieldiiig'chisp ihe way-worn throbbing of hi true anil loyal heart. Ob! could we fold back the sable drapery euwoveu above his tomb, and ten derly pres. within the withered hand the tiny oll'crings of spring's rboi-e-t (lower, telling him the while of the little baud that plucked tiicm. mid how foinllv, lovingly they fain would twine .-above the outlined shallow. of each hiilibr.i grief the fairest spray from out the wealth of bright beau tiful llowcrs lie love I so well. Ilui alas! we silcutly, sadly, drop them in his tomb. Of all the prayer we ever breathed, Thi is the hardest one, To ga.e nit grandpa' Inee in death And say, "Thy will he dune." In the wild struggle nature fail, And sin ink ji Hi ightcd down ; A mortal'. grief o'er tith pn vails, The cross obeitre the crou n. To Utv w idowed and In-rcaved iimqmniou, and stiickeu sou and daughter, we cannot say, "weep not." .Ieu wept, and tears are tlie precious dewdrup that water the flow ers of allecdoii on the tomb of thuu we love. In the mi'lst of thi Htiiuuing cahim it v that lias befallen tli-uu, they feel that canh has no compensation goi.d enough to mitigate tin seventy of tficr lo.. When the good and lovely die, the memory of their good deeds, like the moonbeam on tlie stormy sea, lights up our darkened hearts and lend to the siirmuuding gloom a beaut v so sad. so sweet, that we would not, if wu could dUpcl the darknt-s that .surrounds it. The mallet ami chisel are needed no more Hiilabori cudi'd. hix'toillug ioVr; In the liiaud bodgu above lie now -its at the feast With tlio Master In Klory, who rulw in the Kast; The evergreen Kiirlainl hull bloom on his grave, VJlere Kiiliillty l)V the swuot -U't'p of the Just, O'er the mortal In peace limy Its lovuhues wave. Till tJiuglorioii Iiiiinortal hIimII wake from the dust; After labor and toil, thuru ix tiiuinpli ami rust, Ami he's jouineylnj; on to the Kant from tlie U'nxt. With tliulltlht on bin brow, U ha unturud that Umnu JViiii whu4UuiiijioinivoJiu-()8ii oiur ro .V,JI, I'Yoiu now until Herman Waldeck's, i - 20 YARDS uW-n. si. 'arasols, from 50 cts. upward, erseys, from one dol. upward. (il.OVFS. iiosi:, CAI.ICOFS. IilHIiONS. Kir. AT P1M0F.S Fine OH1KNTA1. FLOFN file iisJ Fine CassimereiExtra Onality Biag m, n.00, Mens' Fine Oiao'onal Suits, Si 0.50, CAl.b KAK1.Y. SKCl'IvF T1IHSK SWING LOW SWEET CHARIOT." List, 'twill IkmvoH tor you, List, while I toll to you How I will sell to you Bargains all the way through. Ladies' Dress Goods Sold hv Sample at Portland Prices, GROCERIES AT BEDROCK, SALT ALMOST ffil AWAY, HA1FAI 01 FlISHIMiS. II 11 OF II II II II "As the tvi is hent, so is the tree in clined. Drake buys for cash and giwx his custo mers the benefit. Casli is king- and success is Ills servant. Drake's low rent and low prices makes his store the place to save money. i WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD." s IT , r r, ii is our ram, Inf a-ai l lie Citi.i'iis of I'nlnii anil I'ni n JCiiMi-t' t);n Ui'i civini,' a I-.ii !.'. ami Mne'y iscl.Tii'tl Jstai k ol' Goods, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Glass and Queensware, kmi Wood asd Ihtm, h, it Which was bought for cash and will bo sohl strictly for cash, at prices that will "as tonish the natives." We don't expect lo "run tbo town," but il rxpret our !niiv o' the trnile of tliiseiiv ami country, if fair l iilmj,', 'A I ioods and luw jitiees will accoiiiiillsli that end. The old way of doing- business is a thing of the past. Cash men do not want to pay poor debts and long-winded accounts. We expect to re-organize the mercantile busi ness in this valley, not to drum or humbug the people by misrepresentations, not to sell goods less than cost, but to make a uniform cash price on all goods, which means 20 per cent, lower than any man who buys on time can sell for. Twenty thousand dollars worth of general merchandise bought and sold for cash will make this saving: 10 per cent, for tlie risk, 0 pei cent, discount, cash and 800 for book keeper, making a saving of S4, 000. Does anybody blame us for starting the ball a rolling? i i n itin ah Bam luWiioiioioiin Lls)JJUUJLIUll Ul B I The kcitul' that the new or U-r of JAYCOX & FOSTER, iifllf i! ijli 0 L s furllier notice, nt - Summerville, Or. () YAIM)S."Ta,'81. ( yds. Wl Dli Oriental lace, s 1 .00. COOl) COKSHTS, 50 cenis. cadi. ;i.;:iAMs, pmiujoidfpiks, . IN' Pb'Ol'OliTION toAP.OVK. CI.N'O for DI5KSS Front. BOYS' SUITS & JO SI liS in Proportion. HAUOAINS and avoid the KI'Sl'. t j. lilt I !3 JL noi 10 biow, w to 1 . I 1 ITa UlU IUUUU. buMuc U iiuu li more Natiifactory to all, - Union, Or. ii nl Ml, $