The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 18, 1887, Image 8

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    rwrm miiw
"jyT O'i 1CU TO STOCK M K.V.
New Undgr. Union Co.. Oregon.
To am. whom it my cnsrr.n : North
if litt(Ur river and cast of Faglr etc k, the
mIih kinftii tiro o inir louse xiiltiif ti e in their ,
suit on tin- I tinge for tli-ir horses and 'uttk'. j
imil part I'M Hint tire dealing in stotl; Hint i
(hisi poison in ti, Iiml I'i'ttcr l.i! fti refill j
w licit i'ieydri.e their stock.
-M.yl. STOCK M UN. .
Notice of , I'llentliin ti Tlm
1 1 f i- I.. "iikI.
S, LavhOh'T, L Cka.mik, Oim iidx, (
Jtitu- S. I87. i
Notice Is hrrihy given Hint, in coitijiliiiiK'u ti........fUt....M..r ii... v,...f r..i
Mi.r..vul J inn'. :i. lH7.w, entitled "An Act for '
the wile of Timber I.ui.ds in tin- State of
( aliloruia. Oregon, Nevada, and Wa-hing-1
ton Territory, S 1 A II I I A ( l.l-.S, wiio-c
pot-of)lee i.s I'nlou, Ciiiou county,
i.'ret'oii. has thi tiny l!!cd in this olliee his
atpd.eall"ii to ptircha.-e the SU'K Set Hon
No.'H. in Towmlup No 0 South, l'angi No.
it Kiist, of the illaiiicHe meridian. All
pcr.'on. holding, any ndvei-M! claiiu thereto
me required to prc-ent the Mime at this
olliee within six:y days from Hie lirst pub
lication of thii notice.
wift. Heaister.
In the Circuit ('mitt u( the Stntc of Oregon,
furtliC Ciiniitif of Vi'iii,
V. I'. (iohl-bery, rialutiff, )
liclla '!oldliery. Dcfin hint. J
To Isi.hi:i.i,A (!oi,nsiii;itv, Tin:
aiiovi: Dr.-
X Oregon, Vmirtire lureby icipdred to up
pear and answer Hie eoiiiiiiniut filed against
von in the above entitled suit within ten
days from ): dale of the service of this
suriiiiious uiinii you. if scrvu.l within this
county; or. If si'rvcl In any oilier county of
this State, then wilhin twenty days from
ill date of the icn i e of this Munitions up
on you; ami If you fail i ainttcr, for
Want Hieiio:- Hut Plailitiirwlll take Judge
imli t tigahixt you for the tlls-oln llnu of the
bunds of nut liuiiuiy exisilni' between thu
parili h he.e'o, 1 1 1 i 1 .-it'll other relief as may
l.ejust in lids suit in which W, 1. tioldi
berv is IM1'. and Jss.diella (Joldsliei ry is
The above nmiiiions is iiuli!ilc (I liy an
rder Hindu at chambers on the iird day
of June, KS7nt I'endleton. Oreuon, bv lion
O. W
. Valker,l'ireiilt;.lnilge, that the ahoyc
lions bo published for six weeks In :
OiiHtio.N' Scolt. a weekly newspaper
published at L n.ou, I iiloii countv. Oregon.
fi.ll.f. 1'111's Atty.
AilinliiiHiratiir's Nut Ice.
the uudtl'slglied bus been iippointed bv
the ount.y court of I nloti county, State of
iregoo, nuiiiiiiisii utor oi ineesiaieoi
Nance, dceea'ctl. Into of Klglu, Union coun
ty. Oregon, ami that all persons having
claims against said estate arc required to
present the same, duly verified, to me at
myolllte In Smiiuicrvlllc, I ulon county.
On gon. within .six niontlis from the date
Dated this llth. davof June. iy7.
C-ll-w(l. Adininlstrator.
To Delinquent Tux-juiyerMi
I!K IT ltUMKMIItfltKI), That at a regit
hir tunn i f ehe County court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of I'nion begun ami
held at the court house in the eil v of Union
in said county and State, on WVdncsdav,
the (ith day of A pill A. 1. 1S7. the stinie he
leg the first Wednesday In said month, ami
the time llxed by law lor holding a regular
lerni of saidFeoiirt, when were present:
The lion. O. T. (ioodall, Judge, presiding:
John C IChrisiiian, cointnlsslouei': Jillis
l.iep.eoimiilssiotier; A. T. Neill, eUrk. and
' A. N. II ii in li ton, sheiiir. j
W'linu. on Mondav tile llth thiv of April
A. 1). lf-87ur Hiellfth Judicial tlay of said I
term, tiinong others, the following proceed- :
nigs were had, to w it : I
7i the Mutter of n Siiivi'itl Order In the Sltfr!)':
At tills time, it appeal ingto the court that j
for several years the delinquent tax list has
l eeu uniicct ssarily large, and that names I
of tax-payers ocelli on the delinquent tax
loll who are well able to pay said taxes. It
is therefore ordered by the court that upon I
the receipt of the delinquent tax roll of 1KS(! i
and previous years, from the clerk, that the !
Micriu proceed at once to collect all tielln
4i iii-n t taxes oiits(a,iiling, by levying upon
find selling propel ty It nccessiirv; and it appealing to the court that hereiofore
for several year the sheiills of this eoiinlv
have not been icqiiested to take the oath
nquiied by fslatiue upon the return of a
delinquent tax roll, it Is here now ordered
by the court that the sheriff he notified
that when he makes settlement with the
court nt the July tellil thereof he will bo re
quired kto take said oath as provided bv
Mattile. (.-lgncil) O. 1. HOODALL, '
County Judge.
iN'ollcii nt' Administrator's Suti.
ii Ai Mutter of the h'stitte of Will! Skiff,
lly virtue of an order of stile made and en
tered by the County court, within ami for
I'nion county. Oregon, on the lib davof
Apill .1K,s7. oidering mid directing 'tlie
unilcrslgneil administrators of Hie estate of
tills Skfll. deceased, to Sell the real estate
hereinafter described, to wit: The south
east qr. of seeMon 7 and Hie south-west qr.
of section in township :i south of range
.t!)east of the Willamette, meridian, and the
east hlf. of south-west qr. anil south-west
qr. of south-east qr of section !l'I township
2 south id i-ai-jre'lT e ist of the Willamette
meridian ami the north-east qr. of north
west qr. section township . 'I south range
.'17 oast of the Willamette ineildiau, in satis
(action of a mortgage of ,1. K. Davis ami
the Hoard of School laud Commissioners,
we will, on tlu Mh da v of July. I.sh7. in
front of the court house door lu'the town of
Union, I'nion countv, Oregon, sell said
above described laud at public outcrv, to
the highest bidder, The terms of stile are
one-half cash on a ciedlt of twelve mouths,
the puichaserglvlng h s note for the de
ferred pa.Miient, with mortgage on said
land to secure the. payment thereof.
Dated at I'nion, June 1I, l.s7
D. A. Mt Al.l-sTKlt.
AilmmUtrator of the estuteof Willi. Skin",
deceased. .,
Not leu i.r Administrator',, Stiln.
Uie Mutter of the fcUite of Willi Skiff,
lly virtue of an order of sale made ami en
lered by thu County court within and for
I ulon county. Oregon, on the -till dav ot
April, 1W7. ordering and dheetlng the'uii
deihlgiied administrator.- of thu estate of
Willis Skiff, deceased, to sell the billowing
th scribed ical estate belonging to said es
tate.iowlt: Lots No. ,l. . ,Wid (1 in block
.No. lit, and lots No. .) ami (I and lit feet oft
ot the south side of lot No, 7 ill block No.
It! in the town of West Union, Union coun
ty, Oregon, auenidlug to the plat td said
town, as the same appears on record in Hie
olllo of theootinty elerk of said countv, in
Mitlsf.iellon of the inoitgagw of A. ii. Ka
tun, we will, on the Mh tiny of .liilv, 1KS7,
in front of lltecoutt tioiiscdonr In the town
of Union. Union county.. Oregon, sell said
above described laud, at public outcry, to
Hie highest bidder, on the following terms,
to wit: One half cash mid one half on a
credit of six months, the purehrscr eh lug
note with mortgage on thu properly to or
cure the piivmvnt Ihaicot.
I "uted at Union, June 1st. 18S7.
I). A. McAi.lSTl.R.
(!!. Ailmlnlstrator.
Application for n I'. S. Patent. Survey Nn.
. Claim So. .17. Mineral application
No. R.".
I". s. iaxn Orritr., La (Jittxnn. Oni tnix,)
May 4th. 18i7.
Notice Is hereby given Hint K, ii. ClntiL'h
nnil C. II. Iltinciu. wlio-o podolllce ad
dress U Spurtii, I'nion county. Oregon,
have this day illnl their application for a
palent forthcdolden F.ale" quartz mine,
shunted in the fo.ntli mineral district in
Township 7 S. Utinge in II. Willamette me
ridhin. iiml descrihed by the oflictul pints
and Held notes on Me in this oflieo as fol
lows, to wit :
licKiiiniiiL' nt aiiost at the south-west cor
' ncroi the claim iroin wnieii tne corner to
ner oi tiie claim irniii wtileli the corner
Jcb" !0.""(ll,.J.1'; S !? V !'l' h?itr1
nun. W 7s!) feet tlist. the. tioit
beiiu marked "Cor. No. 1. (. H. M. C. Sur-
vev No 7," and riiimiu).' thence S b'i tletr H
iCiO feet to u pint marked "Cor No 'J U H M
C Sur No 7;' thence N SdeL' I'. 1.,0'lfeet ton
iio-i marked -Cor No .'I (! KMC Sur No 7."
on south-west face of post; HienieV Hi dig
.TiO feet to it ixnt marked Tor No 4 O K named mitlcr has liletl notice of his lntcii
M (' Sur No 7;" thence S 8 (leg V 1;VXI ft et tlon to make filial proof In support of his
to the place of beginning, containing claim, and that said proof w ill bo made lie
acres. L.icailon being recorded in Vol I), I fore the-ItcgiMerutiil ItecclveJiit LaOiaude,
page .iiu hi recorus oi quanz loeations i n
ion county, Onron. Adjoining claim.s, are
the ''Summit', iunt. lode on the cat, and
the "Knight" quart lode on the ni.rth.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
an v portion of said "Oolden Kagle" ipiart.
lode above described, are required to file
thciradvi rse claim with the register of Hie
I., S. land olliee at l.a Oramle. Cnion coun
ty, Oregon, during the sixty days period of
publication hereof, or t hoy will lie barred
by virtue of the provisions of the statute,
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of application for a I. S. Talent be
published fur a period of sixty days (ten
consecutive week-) in the Olicuox Scoi'T.
a weekly newspaper published tit L'llioii, in
L'ninu county, Oregon.
fi-7-wlO ltegistcr.
Application for a V. S,
Patent. Survev No,
'i i' i, tin Vn ::n
Mineral application No.
I,xn Orrici:. I, a CitAxm:. Oikkiox.I
Mav 4. 1SS7. f
Notice is hereby given that lC. K. ('lough
and C. II. Duncan, whose post-olliee :id
dress isSparia. I'nion entinty. Oregon, have
yhUihw tiled their application foi -a patent
mr the"Knight" quartz niinu, situated in
,lt, f0r,, mineral district in T 7 S It 4:1 K
W'illauictte ineridiun. ami described by the
olllcial plats and Held notes on file in this
olliee, as follows, to wit :
licf-inning at the NIC corner pent of the
"Golden Kaglc ' quart, mine, post being
marked "Cor No 1 K M C Sur No !l" on
mirth west face; tunning thence north 82
(leg west l.'iOO feet to a jiost maiked "Cor Nt)
jj ( sj,lr x(i; tnence north S deg H
(W0 feet ton post marked "Cor No a KMC
i Sur No II;" thence south W (leg K l.'iW) feet
I to the north-west corner of the "Summit"
quint, mine, wliit h corner post is marked
I "Cor No I K M C Sur No 11'' on south-west
1 face of post; thence south 8degWljl) feet
I to the place of hegiuuilig, coiitailiilig l'().i
i acres. Location being recorded in Vol I),
I page III!) iccords of quarts locations, Union
county, Oregon. Adjoining claims are the
I "(lolden KagV quartz lode on the south,
and the 'Summit'' quartz lode on the east,
j Any ami all peisons claiming adversely
J any portion of said 'Knight'' quaiti lode
I above described are requited to tile their ad
verse claim with the register of the U. S.
laud olliee at La (irande, Union countv,
I Oregon during the sixty days period of pub
! Mention hereof, or Hkiv will be banco by
virtue of the provisions of the statute
It Is herebv ordered that the foregoing
notice of application for a U. S. I'atent be
published for a period of sixty days (ten
consecutive weeks) in the Oai:tio.v m-oi't, a
weekly newspaper published at Union, in
Union county, Oregon.
.r)-7-wl0 ltegistcr.
Application for a U,
Ni. 8. Claim No.&S.
No. Ml.
S. Patent. Survey
Mineral application
U. K. Land Ofkici:, La (Jhandi:, Oh
Mav I, 1887.
Not ire Is hereby given that K, K, ('lough
ami C II. Duncan, whose post olliee ad
dress is. Sparta, Union county, Oregon, have
this day liled their :ipdicatiou for a patent
for the "Summit"' quartz mine, situated in
the fourth ininc rnl'distric t in Township 7
S Range -til K Willamette meridian, and de
scribed by the olllcial plats and tlehl notes
on tile in this olliee, as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point at the south west
eonler of the claim from which, the comer
to sections 10 and II T 7 S R 4.'l K, beats
S'-Mdeg M mill W Kiln feet distant; the
post being marked "Cor No 1 S M CSur No
8;" running thence S SJ deg V, il'M feet to a
pot marked "Cor No 2 S M C SurNo8;"
thence north 8 deg U Kl'iO feet to a post
uiaiked "Cor No.'lS M CSur No 8:" thence
north 82 (leg V 'UU feet to a post marked
"Cor No 4 S M C Sur No 8;" thence S Stlcg
V lino teel to the place ot beginning, ami
containing 10.71 acres. Location being re
corded in Vol D, page ,'IIN records of quartz
locations', Union county, Oregon. Adjoin
ing claims are the "(iofden lvagle" oiiartz
i, and tlio "North Star" lode
on the north.
Anv ami all persons claiming adversely
any portion of said "Summit'1 quartz lode
anove oeserioeo. are required to me tueir
adverse claim Willi the register of the U. S.
laud oilier at La (Irande, Union county,
Oregon, during the sixty days period of pub
liea Ion hereof, or they will be barred bv
Virtue of the provisions of the statute.
llKNUV RlNl'llAHT,
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of application for a U. S. Patent he
published lor a period of sixty days (ten
consecutive weeks) In the Oiikoon Scott, a
weekly newspaper puuiisiicit at l uiou, in
Union county, Oregon.
o-7-wlO Register.
Lanii Officii, at L OavsnK, Oiikoon,)
May '-'.I, 18.S7. i
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make thud proof in support of his
claim, iiml that said proof will be uiutlo In
fo re tmi register and receiver at l.a (irande,
Oregon, on July (I, 1887, vi: HKRNARD
ines'liav u.i 'too t ) , siW .., ..f
SW or, See l, N hlf. of N W qr. ami SVv qr.
of is Wor, See 12 Tp 4 It 4t) K. lie names
the following witnesses to prove Ids con
tinuous icshleiice upon, and cultivation of,
said laud, viz. John W. Mlnnlek, .loslu
Davis, William Wilkinson ami Thomas Wil
kiiisou, all of Union, Oregon.
IIk.miv Rimuiaiit,
ft2S-0 Register
Land Officii at
La (iitAxnt. OitKtiox.l
.prn-.i, ksi. i
Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing
named settler has tiled notice cf Ids Inten
tion to make limit proof in support of his
claim, ami that said proof will ho made
More the KegUter ami Receiver at l.u
(Inutile, Oregon, on dune 27th.. 18.S. vlx;
JOHN O. MICKAI-SON, lid No. 2218. for
Hie N See IHl Tp2 N R lu K. lie names
the following witnesses to prove his eon
thiuoiu residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, vlx: H. H. Mel'heateis, of Ii
(Irando, Oregon; John Klliott, John llarncs
and W. T. Hartley of Klgln, Ongon.
4.'W-W(l Register.
notice formication.
Laxh Omen, at La (liu vm:. Oitr.nox.t (
May Ui, lS7. I i
Notice i hereby given that the following i
nanird "-citlcr has tiled notice of hl inten
tion to make Until proof in support of his '
claim, and that ."aid proof will be innde ho I
fore Hit! regitcr and receiver at La (ir.inde. j
Oregon, on JiineV.Mh. 187. viz; OF.OItdE
C. JI1XS. ). S. No. Mitt, for the SV'4
Sec.TITp.'IS and NV'4 NIC ami NK'
N Si See 4 Tp 4 S It AO ii. lie niiines the
following witnesses to prove hi contintion-i
cshlciicc upon, ami cultivation or. mi!1
laud, viz: liobert Morris, K. 15. Millard,
Charles Dickl-on, and James Payne, all of
Cove, Union county, Oregon, " 1
La.vd Omen at La (Jrandk, Oo.v.)
Ma V 10, 188'
i7. S
I Notice 1 licrebv given that the followiiiL''
'trnt.iin. rill .Illtlii Mwr l.wRT vl T V
rlMM' r IT, 1). S. No. tiKKl, lor the NW of SV
Ki and SWW of SVV4 See (I T S Ii Hi.
NHW of SHj-i See 1 TH S It Ki K Y M.
nanicH the followini; witnesses to nrove Ids
continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said laud, viz. Selby l.eep, J. II. Tuba
sing, M. lilooin, slid M. Scott, all of I'iuu
Viilley, I'nion county. Oregon.
JIknkv JJiNr.initT,
ri-H-w(! llegi-ter.
" notice Fon TMjmTicTvTioN.
Land Ofhchat La (Jiiandk, Oos,)
May 10, 1SS7.
Notice is herchv given that the following'
liained settler has nletl notice of his inteii- ;
lion to make final proof in support of his ;
claim, and that said proof will be math be '
fine the ltegistcr iiml Hecelverttt La (irande, )
Oregon, on June .'I, 1W, viz; SKLHY i
LKKT. D. S. No. U178. for the west hlf. of 1
north-west tp. Sco7T8S It 4(i K.aml east
hlf. of north-east tr.Seel2TKSU l.'iKWM. I
lie names the following witnesses to prove ,
ids eontiiiuoiis resilience upon, and culti
vation u!', said land, viz: .1. II Tubesing,
M. lilooin, M. Scott, and T. N. Frotllt, all
of Pine Valley, Union county. Oregon. KixiuiAitr,
o14-w(i. Register.
Land Oi'i'ici: at La (Iiiandk, OhkoonJ
May!), 1887.
Notice is lierehy given tliat the following
named settler has tiled notic of her inten
tion to make final proof in support of her
claim, and that said proof will lie made be-
foie the Kcgisternml Rece.iverat LaOralide,
Oiegon. on June 'Jl. lh7. viz: LOU S.
1'A YNIC. D. S. No. ii -!). for the NIC qr. SU I
qr.See.:t:i,SWqr NW or. and Nhlf. SWqr. 1
Sec .'14 Tp. .'5 S R 10 H WM. She names tlio
following witnesses to prove her continuous
residence upon, and cultivation of. said 1
land, viz: W. II. Rundlcs, .lames Pavne,
Charles Dickinson and J. C. Douev, a(l of
Cove, Union county, Oregon.
IlKXltY IiINKtfAlir,
o-ll-wd Register
Lanii Ori-'icK at L (iiuxiii, OitiimiN I
April '23, 18S7. I
Notice is lierehy given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of Ids inten
tion to make final proof in support of Ids
claim, and that said proof will he made be
fore the Register and Receiver at La (irande
Oregon, on dune 27th.. 18s7, viz: WIL
LIAM T. IIARTLKY. lid. No. 2072, for the
l'H, SWK HWk and SW'K iKlA en.
12 Tp 1 NK 40 M. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon, ami cultivation of, said land,
viz: John O. MikaNou, John Klliott John
1 la rues and (icorgo II. Taylor, all of Klglu,
Oregon. IIk.Nuv Ri.VKii.visr.
l-!!0-w(J Register.
Lanh Omen at La Oiiaxhk, Oitnoo.v.l
April 10, 1887. I
Notice is lierehy given that the following
named settler lias filed notice of his inten
tion to commute ami make dual proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will he made before the Register and Recei
ver at La (Irande. Oregon, on dune 27th.,
1S87. viz: CLAKHNCH K. (iAYLORD,
lid. No. Silt, for the UK NW'X. SWl
N !:, ami NWK.SK.Scc2.-)Tp. 7S. R 4.')
K. lie naines the following witnesses to
prove Ids continuous residence upon, ami
cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles 1).
Morgan, Henry Tubesing. Freeman Steele,
anil (icorgo Steele, till of 1'ine Vallev. Un
ion county, Oregon.
Ilrxitv Riximiakt,
4-2.t-w(l. Register.
: i
Notice of Appllentlon to
tier I. and.
'iireliasn Tioi-
U.S. Land Omn:,
La (iRVNtu:, Oiiiiuon, J
Aiarcn ait n., invi. I
L in eomiiliaiico with the provisions of the
Act ot congress, upproved .nine .'I, I3i, i
entitled "An act for the sale of Timber
Lauds lu the States of California, Oregon, I
Nevada, and Washington Territory," j
Will lain Wilkinson,
Whose post-olllee address is Union, Union
countv, Oregon, has this day Hied in this
olllcchis tip-plication to purchase the NK
SK See 1 Tp4 S R 40 K and N.j SW Sec No.
(I, in Township No. 4 S, Range No, 41 K, of
tne yj . meridian, aii persons uoitimg any
adverse claim thereto are required to pre
sent the same at this olliee within sixty
days from thetlrst publication of this notice.
Jlnxav RixiaiAKT,
4-2-w(i Register.
Notice of Application to Pur
chase Timber Land.
U.S. Lvnu Officii, La (iUANiui. Oukoo.v,)
April 2(1, 1887. f
Notice is hereby given that, in compliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress
approved June,'!, 1878, entitled "An Act for
the sale of Timber Lauds Irt the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," DAVID KCCLK8, whose
post-otllee address is North Powder, Union
county, Oregon, has this dav tiled In this
olliee Ids application to purchase the H hlf
N W qr and W hlf NH qr Sec No. (I lu Town
ship No, (I South. Range No, 41 K, of the
Willamette meridian. All persons holding
any adverse claim thereto are required to
present the same at this otllce within sixty
daVkfroiu the tirst publication of this notice.
4-,'tO-wlO Register.
Obtained, ami all Patent llii-iurss attended
to Promptly urn! for Moderate l ees.
Our olliee is opposite the V. S. Patent
Olliee, and wo can obtain Patents In less
time than those remote from Wasolngton.
Send MODKI.or URAWINC We advise
as to lmutrntnliililv free of charge; ami we
Wii refer, here, to tlio Postmaster, the
Stipt. of Money Order Div., ami to otheials
of the U.S. Patent Olliee. For circular,
advice, terms and reli'erenees to actual cli
ents lu your own State or County, write to
C. A. SNOAV & Co.,
Opposite Patent Ollleu, Washington, 1). C
Thomson & I'tin-cl tiro ujionts for
tlio celebrated Cyclone Wind Mill, iiml
as the prices on tlicm Imvchecn .'icat
ly reduced they mo now witliiit the
reach of till. Sample mill to be seen
at tlieir planer in North Union. Call
and examine it.
.VifVA .
S (lXk t f lrf -firnA
One bottle taken according to directiom
will give better results than a gallon ot
Sarsaparilla, or any of the so-called Blooo
Purifiers with which the market is glutted
At Druggists, price $1.00 per bottle.
will be paid for any case of Rheumai.'zm
which Dr. Pardee's Remedy, properly ad
ministered, fails to relieve.
Nervous Exhaustion.
A Tow Useful Hints For
Nervous People.
"I am so nervous is a very common ex
pression, used by both old and young: and
very few can now be found who are free
ironi nervous troiiDies. we icgrct to see.
that the malady is rapidly increasing. And
from what cause? There are various reas
ons. It may be because of a low condition
of the general health; the itillty of the
nervous system Is depressed; or from a
want of perfect digestion and assimlliatlon
of food, ami the vitlll.lug power of pure,
rich blood, tlio nerves are not properly
strentlieued and notirshed, and consequent
ly become weak ami diseased
There was a time when "nervousness,'
and that class of disease known as nervous
affections, were apparently conlliied to
ladies; hut at the present day it is tin un
doubted fact that as large a portion of ner
vous diseases exist among men as among
the gentler sex; and their distressing affects
and lasting and enervating results are a
thousand fold more sertos, as they extend
to posterity and tire productive of a wetk
ened and enfeebled race. Nervous and
physical debility, caused by
is a freqnent and distressing disease, Its de
pressing influence being felt -dike on both
sexes ami all ages. Among thu tirst syiu
ptons of this affection are usually a de
raiigeinentof the digestive organs. A feel
of liiugtioi will be experienced, and a grad
iialfalling of strength, with general weak-
ness ami pain in ttie DaeK
More or lcs ex-
haustation is experienced on waking in the
the niornsng. There is often a bad taste in
Hit mouth; the vision becomes dim, the
meiuoiy is impaired, and the patient is
troubled with frequent dizziness. Persons
thus iiffected are often despomhmt, and
ruffer from gloom and depression of the
mind. The nerves become so weakened
j that the least excitement or shock brings on
a tremor or trembling, often attended by
palpatation ef the heart.
Are particularly susceptible to nervous
disordors, uwiug partly to their more
delicate nervous organization and partly
to their sedentary life and consequent
eontlneinent iu-doors. Such affections are
attended by restlessness and nervous excite
ment, anxiety or depression of the mind,
loss of interest in society and the daily af
fair; of life. There is also los of sleep;
the patient on rising in the morning, feel
ing tired, languid and uiirefreslied. From
slight nervous attacks to hysteria, from sim
ple "nervousness" to utter prostration,
there are many ami varied forms of diseases
of the nervous system none of which should
exist, and of allot which can be cured by
the use of
Dr. Prtfi's Mef
Which tirst stimulates thellvcrand kidney's
to healthy action, regulates the digestive or
gans, ami froiii'tlie tirst dose begins its
work of purifying and building up the worn
out system It produces sweet and healthy
sleep, enriches thu blood, ami imparts to
the palo and sallow cheeks the glow of
health, brings brightness to the cyo and
elasticity to the step. More roAl benillt can
be derived from one half dozen bottles of
l)r Pardee' Remedy, than from a hundred
dollars InvtuttHllu any other way.
Ask your druggist for It, and take no
A lilw
W. D. BEiDS-EIViAW, Proprietor.
Keeps constantly on hand a full as, irtmcnt of t veryti lug in ids line, manufactured
of Hie best material obtainable. lie if How nH't.r..ig for .sale the
Best lot of saddles, at lower prices than were
ever offered hi Eastern Oregon,
OIL, Ktc. Ktk.. Ktc, In fact everything usually kept in n
First Class Establishment-
33JCall and examine goods. O Main Street, Union, Oregon.
MlIllE LI? Ill ill! IfliEE.
Jn So ELLIOTT, - Proprietor-
Everything First Class. TeinisYery Reasonable.
Huss to and Fiom the Depot Making Connection with all Trains.
Daily Stage Line to Cove,
Carrying Fast Freight and Passengers.
Leaving Union every afternoon and returning in morning, making connection with
trains. Fare .r0 cents; round trip 7."i cents.
if! si
Having leased and thoroughly refitted the same, it will he conducted on an en
tirely dillerent plan than heretofore, and no pains will bo spared to make patrons com
fortaldu. In connection with the hotel is an elegant
Whete the Finest Brands of
Wines, Liquors and Cigars are kept con
stantly on hand.
The patronage of the public is solicited. E. MILLER, Proprietor.
Factory, Racine. Wisconsin. Branch. Portland, Oregon.
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Buckboards
Road Carts, Spring Wagons, etc.
lira fm a
MITCHELL & CO., Limited. - 19219.1, Front St., Portland, Or.
si UK;
1 si WM
Keep constantly on hand a large supply of Parlor and Bed
Room Sets, Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture etc.
UPHOLSTERING Done in the Best Style.
Lounges. Mattresses, and all kinds of Furniture inado t order. Your patronage
solicited. Our prices tire reasonable. O Main Street Union Oregon.
Cornucopia, Union county, Or.
R. C. WA1UNNER, Prop'r.
Tlio only tirst class house lu the camp.
No pains spared to, make guest, comforta
ble. Charges Reasonable.
FRAZER axle rdpaqf
Iti weArinr nu&lltle sro unturtuuted. actuallr
outla.tlni two loir nf any other liratul. i'ree (rota
Oiliualolu. UET Till; MENUINK.
rou sale nv
Oregon auJ WaablDstou Tcr. .Merchants
auil Dealer ceuurnUy.
- Proprietor-
of and I'ealers in
City - Meat -- Market
Main Street. Union, Oregon,
Keep constantly on hand
Tonsoria! Rooms.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing
I done neatly ami in the best style.
Hot and Cold Saths.