The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 18, 1887, Image 6

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JONES & CHANCER, Publish en.
'I bring not houses, lands, or pold,
To give, sweetheart, to theo;
No richer than I was of old,
Am I to-day," quoth he.
In sooth ho looked his poverty,
If ever so did ono;
In rags and tatters clad was he,
Harolicudcd to tho hunt
It was her love of long ago
Who look her outstretched hands;
"If you arc ho I used to know,
I seek not (,'ohl or lands.
If you hut lovo mo still, sweetheart,
I am content," cried sho;
"I will kharo your lowly part,
For I your bride will bo I"
"Then, by my troth, my heart Is thlno I"
Quoth ho at her reply,
"Though rags and tnttcrs may bo mine,
No beggar now ara I.
I'm richer than with gold and lands'
Tho proudest monarchs be,
With thee for mluo, and theso two hands
To work, sweetheart, for thee!"
Vhambtri1 Journal.
Why tho Former Aro Preferred by
Somo People
"I know what that nirans, before
Klsio goes," Haiti Ruth Murdoch, as the
trim maid sot tho rolls on tho luncheon
table, and went ofl" to answer the bell.
'Well, what is it that has turned my
daughter into a prophetess?" said tho
doctor, (smiling fondly at Huth over hid
"Vh', to-night is the night of Daisy
Hammond's party, and it's time my
flowers appeared."
"Oil, you thought you'd 'temper the
wind to tho (thorn lamb' by making
somobotly else pay for tho bouquet?
Well, that was eonsiderato of you,"
will Dr. Murdoch crossed tho hall and
entered his oilieo just as Klsio re-
appeared witli a long white box.
Gentle Mrs. Murdoch leaned on her
daughter's shoulder as tho girl took oil
tho Jifisuo coverings which protected
.the dainty blossoms from tho January
cold. At tho bottom of tho box lay a
rcniny mass of Maroehal Niels, galh-
Jn thoirhrst perfection. Mrs. Murdoch
listened for Ruth's exclamation of de
light, but it did not come. Instead,
lifter a brief look, and a slight but
(significant smile, the owner of the box
closed it with a bang, and placing it on
tho table, turned to leae the room.
"Aren't you going to put your roses
in wtiler?" called her mother after her.
"You may sot them in the library, if
you choose. 1 am not going to wear
tJiom to-night," was tho reply; and
Huth went upstairs.
Mrs. Murdoch had been educated in
tho days when whistling was no part of
a girl's education, so she simply uttered
tho gootl old-time expression of aston
, Ifihmont "Well, 1 never!" and proceed
ed to take euro of tho roses. Tho
trouble was certainly no disappoint
ment as to the sender, for Mrs. Mur
doch had caught a glimpse of tho card
with tho line "Fdward Leslie, Mt D.,"
ngravod in the center; and only last
night sho and tho doctor had decided
that Until was becoming too fond of
young Ned Leslie. They had no ob
jection to the handsome young fellow
who had already gathered the next
best practice in town to Dr. Murdoch's;
but they were far from ready to give
up their only datiglitei. There had
been no chance for a quarrel since
Ruth had announced that she and Dr.
Leslie were going to this German to
gether, so tlio situation might well
puzzle Mrs. Murdoch's brain.
That tho innocent Mareehal Niels
wore themselves the source of the mis
chief never entered her imagination.
Hut such was really tho ease, and this
is the way it till happened: Tho night
before, Dr. Leslie had called at tho
Murdochs', and tho principal topio of
conversation had been the next even
ing's entertainment. As he rose to go,
ho had asked Ruth, with a touch of in
tention in his tone, what color sho was
to wear to the Herman.
"Oh, my dress is oroam-colored oropo
do Chine, and 1 must have lilies of the
valley to go with it," sho answered
gayly; and since both at home anil in
Uridgovlllo society her word was law,
fcho had confidently expected tho lilies.
Of course, they must bo costly in Jan
nary, and Neil Leslie was not rich like
many of the circle in which sho moved;
but Dr. Murdoch's daughter know
nothing of the practical inconvonienco
of tho lack of money. She was more
likely to think that careful expendi
tures meant moannoss a fault which
her generous soul abhorred; and all
her liking for young Leslie could not
oovor the dire fact that ho had sent
roses when sho had asketl for lilios.
For a few moments she sat in hor
easy chair considering tho problem;
thou sho donned out-of-door costume
and went slowly downstairs. Mrs.
Murdoch had a second shock of aston
ishment when her daughter appeared
at tho library door, mutllcd in sealskin
and asketl if there were any orrnuds
down town.
"I should think," sho said, "that you
would save up for to-night, instead oi
going out into tho bitter cold. Let
mo send Dennis for whatever you
"Unless you havo some wants, 1
have but one errand, mamma, and
Dennis could hardly tlo that. Good
bye," and tho heavy front door
slammed behind her.
"That ono errand inufit bo a very
amusing one," meditated Mrs. Mur
doch; "she looked brimful of fun.
What she's up to I ouu't make out,"
and site gave a little felgh.
Neither was her state of mind much
illuminated when Ruth returned, hall J
nn hour Intni. with n tinv tuimnl. (mm I
- j 1
which she carefully extracted six sprays
f 111.. ..f !,, ti.,.. .....1 :..
ll'J 11 1IIU tilJIUJ, .Will JMIO llll 111 111 '
"One, two, three, four, five, six,"
said her father, who had come in be
hind her. "Is your allowance played
out. Rulhie? 1 might havo advanced
you a few cents in consideration of tin
"No, thank yon, papa; I am a long
way from being insolvent Since 1 gave
up caramels I am quite a capitalist;"
and Ruth vanished to takeoff her wrap
pings. That night when she came down stairs
dressed for tho party the carriage was
already there, ami Dr. Leslie and the
cWler physician wore in the library talk
ing about endemic fevers. She had
brought down several vards of cream-
colored ribbon of the width which fash
ion dictated as tho proper one for tying
bouquets. Dr. Murdoch looked on won
deringly as ho watched Ruth tie the
huge bow around the tiny stems of the
lilies site had bought in tho after
noon. He wtis about to silently
conclude that this was tho latest
absurdity of feminine fashion, when he
caught sight of Leslie's crimson face,
and Ruth's demurely mischievous air.
"Will you tako my bouquet, please?
I believe I am all ready now," said she,
tendering tho ridiculous posy to Dr.
Leslie. "Gootl night, papa, or tiro you
going to sit up for me?" and tho two
people started for the door.
Leslie took tho Jlowors and escorted
Miss Murdoch to the carriage. He
entered after her, and shut tho door
with a single bang, instead of tho half-
dozen usually required by livery vehi
"Miss Murdoch, where are your
roses?" said he quietly as tho cab rolled
"I took them back to the llorist, and
this is what I got for them," was tho
calm answer; and the lilies were held
for a moment in tho light from the
carnago lamp, "i wanted lilies, and
the qtutntity would make no difl'erencc,
as every body would know who sent
them. J here was a very little sup
pressed triumph in tho tone, but
othenviBo it was perfectly common
For 11 moment or two neither spoke;
then Dr. Leslie said slowly: "Kxcepl
that it would seem that 1 have been
lacking in respect to your wishes, the
public mortification would matter very
little to me. I wanted to send you tho
lilies, Miss Murdoch, but they asked
twenty dollars for a bunch of rospect
ablesize, and this Meek I havo to make
the last payment of tho money l bor
rowed for my education. 1 havo strug
gled hard to fn;o myself from this debt,
that 1 might honorably oiler you my
love. J ought not to speak of this, but
I hail to toll you that your slightest
wish was dearer to 1110 than life than
all but honor. Why, Miss Murdoch!
why, Ruth!" in a changed tone, for tho
girl had burst into passionate tears,
"(hall I oiilor the cab to drive home?"
"N-o," sobbed Ruth. "I didn't
know about those debts. 1
thought you were m-mean and I'd
teach you a lesson. I tlo want
to to " hut tho sentence was lost in
the noise of tho cab, and one seat was
unoccupied tho rest of the way.
When Dr. Leslie met Ruth at the
dressing-room door he thought thatshe
was lovelier than ever, in spite of tho
peculiar appearance of Iter lashes. The
long ribbon had disappeared, anil the
lilies were tucked in hor belt in tin art
ful fashion which did not even faintly
suggest that there should have been
more of them.
It was a beatific evening for at least
two of Miss Hammond's guests, and
when it was over there was another
happy half-hour in the library with Dr.
Murdoch. Huth related the story of the
lilios, and Dr. Leslie told of his hard boy
hood and his student years, how Ruth
hail doubled the value of life by asking
for half of the modest income which he
hail finally gained. The doctor laughed
over the first story, but was very sober
during tho second. At the end he
looked at the carpet, and said huskily:
"I don't know that I can tlo any
tiling;" then, with a smile, "Ruthio has
taken things into her own hands, as
usual, anil 1 am very glad that you
sound on the question of typhoid."
Of course, after a few months, Dr.
Murdoch's old sign was taken down,
and a new ono, rending "Murdoch &
Leslie," was put in its place; and of
course, too, when the junior partner
wants to please his wife lie brings, not
lilies of the valley, but Mareehal Niels.
t'. '. ('., in Dcinorest's Magazine.
February Earthquakes.
Some of tht most severe earthquakes
on record have taken place in February.
At Lisbon, on tho 'JlUh of February,
161U, l.flOO houses were destroyed by
an earthquake and !!0,000 porsotf.i
buried in the ruins. On tho 'id of
February, 170.1. ft.000 lives were lost
by an earthquake at Aquila, in Italy.
On the 5th of February, 1783, a terrible
earthquake took place in Italy and
Sicily, destroying thousands of lives,
and overthrowing Messina and other
towns. On tho 4th of February, 171)7,
an earthquake destroyed the whole
country between Santa Fo and Panama,
including and Quito; and it is
estimated that on this occasion 10,000
people were buried in ono second, On
tho laJth of February, 1S;W, an earth
quake in Chili, besides ell'oot
ing an immense amount of other
damage, almost destroyed tho city ol
Concepeiou, knooklng down the Cutho
drill and must of the public buildings.
A', r. W.
Tho onttlomuii aro to be driven oil
the Crow reservation hi Montana.
I Wujjar-Kinir sjimkel oivr Soma rncu
I Almt io Horribln IHmmisi-.
Claus Sprockels, the man who is sup
posed to own the Hawaiian Islands
among other liltlo tilings, is here, and
is one of the most noted men in town.
Sprockels is a stout man. with wiiitc
hair and beard. His most striking feat
ure is his eyes, and such eyes they are.
They aro gray anil blue at times, and
M'oin to look right through you. He
speaks with a slight German accent
and uses gestures freely to emphasize
his remarks. Ho said to the correspond
ent: "I am at a loss to understand the
apathy of tho people of the United
States towards tho Hawaiian Islands,
Naturally in the course of time they
would become it part of the domain of
tins country, and they will, too, if we
would only fake some interest in the
great properties owned by Americans
there. It is the most glorious climate
in the world. Tho temperature never
varies more than eight degrees ami tho
soil will gnow every thingtliatisknowq
to tnt! earth. I lie people aro splendid
specimens and of excellent disposi
"How about leprosy?"
"I can tell you as much about leprosy
as any other man, but really I do not
pretend to understand it. Tho lepers
are banished to tin island, from whence
they aro never allowed to return. No
hotly has ever been able to learn
how leprosy originated or how it
can be cured. It appears in the
most curious waj's, and leaves men anil
women untouched who have sullbred tho
greatest exposure. Tho most striking
instance of this fact is tlio case of tho
present Queen of Hawaii. The Kinr
is her second husband. Her first hus
band was a leper, and her two children
by him both died by tho horrible dis
ease, and yet she is a perfectly healthy
woman. Nobody knows how leprosy
is communicated. Tho most, eminent
authorities who havo looked into tho
subjoetcontend that itis not contagious.
Several years ago a white man was
condemned to death for a murder
which ho had committed. Tlio au
thorities allowed him to choose be
tween being executed or passing into
the hands of a noted German physician
for experimental purposes. Tlio crimi
nal cheerfully chose tin; latter. Ho
was inoculated time and timo again
with leprosy, but tho disease had no ef
fect upon him, and to-day he is as
healtly a man as there ig on tiie
islands. Leprosy tioes not often attack
tlio white nice, for out of tho thousands
of eases there aro to-tlav onlvabouta
half dozen Caucasians. These aro facts
beyond dispute. In my judgment
Kngland will take somo very aggressive
measures to obtain possession of the
islands before many years. Tho native
race is rapidly dying out, and it is a
question of a very short time before the
country will pass under tho control of
a foreign power." Washington Cor.
Boston Traveler.
Why 1111 ArkuiiMiiu- l.rulslutm- Object to
tliii Constitution of IIIh StlltK.
In thi! Arkausnw Legislature. Mem
ber from Duck llayou "Mr. Speaker:
I rise, sub, to ax or question of privi
lege. 1 have tried to do my duty to
my eorn-stituents sense I come down
here, tin' it makes mo mad to be
projiked with. I see hero, sub, that
(lie editor of my county paper says that
lam or fool; yea, or blamed fool. Mr.
Speaker, 1 put my announcement
in that feller's paper an' done ever'
tiling 1 could tor he'p him erlong, an'
now he calls ire er blamed fool. I am
willing', not tor say anxious, tor stau'
my shorn uv the abuse that naehully is
heaped on er body like this, but I don't
think I'm called upon tor tote moro'n
my shore. Mr. Speaker, I move you,
dull, that the sargeaut-at-arms bo di
rected to notify Jim Hanks not tor
print his 'totnptiblo sheet no mo'."
Speaker "The Legislature lists no
such authority." Member "All right,
if it hain't, but ef it litis, I want tho
benefit uv it' an' want tor take this
invasion to say that I'm tired uv bein'
hampered by er constitution that ain't
broad enough, tin' 1 hereby move that
the (institution ho patched up er little,
an' in the meantime 1 want tor say that
any fellow that whups Jim Hanks bofo'
the eend uv next week ken git five dol
lersfrum me. I'm ergoin' tor make it
dang'us fur or feller to call mo or
blamed fool." Arkansaiv Traveler.
Tim Wiilo uiul Prrtit'iitly MUumlerstooil
Dlllttreiire llt'twrcu tlio Twti.
Having a fancy is ono thing. Per
ceiving an ideal is quite another thing.
To fitnev that one, of whom wo know
but little, is faultless, or that ho is
above all ordinary planes of conduct
and thought and feeling, is to deceive
ourselves, and is to prepare tlio way
for a bitter disappointment when tho
truth in the ease shall fairly be known.
Hut to recognize in another tho very
highest standards of purpose ami 011
doiivor of which wo havo any idea, as
purely human standards, is to bo in
structed and inspired in the direction
of those standards; -and no disclosure
of that person's failure to attain to his
own evident standards will lower the
ideal which he represents to us in pre
senting those ideals. As applied to
those toward whom wo are attracted, a
fancy is what wo think another to bo;
an ideal is what we see that another
wants to be, and would have us to bo.
Tho fancy in suoh a case is unreal; but
the ideal is tho roalost thing in tho
world. Whore tho unreal fancy de
ceives, the actual ideal inspires. Yet
there are those who think that all their
fun el es are Ideals; and who finally
cease to aspire toward an ideal, bo
cause n fancy has so manv times disan-
j pointed tlivm. & S. Times.
Arcotint of the New .Ann of (he
Trench Army.
Tlio Lebel ritie, as the new arm is
called, was invented by Lieutenant
Colonel Lebel, principal of the artillery
school at Chalons. Its remarkable
qualities are lightness, long range tint!
extraordinary penetrating power. Ac
cording to tho scientific researches ol
the mathematician, Prof. Ilebler, it
was supposed that tho absolutely per
fect annv rille should be a weapon
with a caliber of preci.-ely seven mill
imeters. The Lebel ritlc has not co
small ti caliber, but oilers the nearest
approach to it yet made viz.: Kight
millimeters. Witli this caliber tho ad
vantages arc: a lighter cartridge; a
greater penetrating power, and a much
less liability of the missile to be devi
ated from its course by a strong wind.
The ball is so covered with steel and
brass, as to enable it to preserve its
form and to follow precisely the
giDoves of the barrel. Its initial ve
locity is exactly 100 meters per second
greater than that of the Gras rille,
which had an initial velocity of 450
meters, while tho Lebel boasts a ve
locity of 540 meters. It revolves upon
itself .1,000 times per second always
traveling point first. At a ilist tiiee ol
1,800 meters its tire is as fatal as within
ii lesser distance; and as tho line of the
projectile is almost perfectly straight,
extraordinary hits can be made
tit immense ranges. To obviate the
shook of recoil consequent upon so
prodigious an expelling force, a special
powder litis been invented by Colonel
Hrugere, which detonates progressively
without smoke and with comparatively
little noise. Tlio shooter feels the
weapon pu-h does not feel a sudden
and painful jar. Throe wooden shields
plaeetl at about twenty-live yards apart
wore easily pierced in a straight line by
one rilleshot the ball traveling on live
hundred meters further without chang
ing its course to strike tlio outlying
target, aimed at precisely in tiie center.
Tlio movable breech piece is .shorter
than in the Gras rille, but idlers a
greater resistance and tho recoil fol
lows the ttxis of tiie weapon.
On finding themselves in possession
of so extraordinary an arm, it was for
some time a question witli the military
authorities whether or not to adopt it
in its simplest, form, as the best of
single-shot breech loaders. Rut as
Austria is adopting tlio Maunlioher re
peater, Italy tho Vitali repeater, Ger
many tiie Mauser magazine gun, it
seemed neees.aiy to make tho Lebel
a repeater also; as troops tinned witli a
single shot rille only, however good,
would easily beeonie demoralized by
the mere conviction that they were
face to face with enemies armed with
magazine guns. English Paper.
Iliinriipolls llmiiclu'i'iMT .Manures
to Keep Hur ScrvuntH.
Slie pays them liberally ami prompt
ly, recognizing tho fact, true the world
over, that the employer who boats down
wage always sutlers from the inforioi
quality of work done, and from lack of
interest on tho part ot tho employed.
Having it practical knowledge of the
business of housekeeping, sho can not
be deceived, and knows how to direct
the work properly; and, while insisting
kindly, but firmly, that it shall be prop
erly performed, she never fails to give a
word of praise lor all Unit menu her
tpproval. She never meddles witli hor
servants' particular ways of doing work
so long as good results aro produced.
Slit! doesn't think it necessary to suh-
titute hor way for every, body else's
She never lowers herself by scolding.
Her servants aro respectful to her be
cause she is respectful to them. ro
familiarity is tolerated or attempted.
The private domestic life of the family
is never intruded upon. 1 hey havo their
own apartments, eat by themselves and
prefer to do so. And yet the mis
tress is not unmindful of their physical
mil mental well-being. She has fitted
up a eomfortahlo bedroom, with a good
spring bed and toilet necessities, and
Adjoining, a cozy little sitting-room.
with a stove, table, rooking chairs, etc..
where tliov can rest as women need to.
nd several times si week tliov aro in
vited to tlio family sitting-room for
half tin hour in the evening, where sho
teaches them to read English, they
being Scandinavians.
She realizes that, as human beings,
they have desires for social companion
ship, and allows them to havo a rea
sonable amount of company. Sho
allows them as many church privileges
as possible, and gives tlioni a street-car
faro once or twieo a week. Sho takes
a kindly personal interest in them,
helping them to select their clothing
and get it matlo neatly.
"Too much trouble to tako for serv
ants," is it? Well, perhaps it is; and
yet sho contrives to do it in tlio inter
vals of a busy 'life. Sho says that it
isn't a quarter tlio trouble that it would
be to change servants ovory six weeks.
Those girls lovo hor, and look up to
her, and work faithfully for her, and
couldn't bo driven away from her.
Minneapolis Tribune.
The French havo devised a short
way with fraudulent buttormoti. llytho
now law on tho subjoct just passed any.
one intentionally soiling any butter
substitute, or any butter mixed with
other substance, under tho namo of
butter, is liable (1) to a torni of im
prisonment from six days to six months;
(2) to a lino of from fifty to threo thou
sand frauc&; (.1) to havo all his stock of
tlio fraudulent substance confiscated;
(4) to have the conviction published in
the jwpers, and placarded in the market
of lus own town, and posted on his
luats,. and shop, all at his own expense.
Boston Trwerl)L
Mary Magdalen, the fair sinner
witli her penitential tears, who has been
a favorite tlicmo of tho painters for
centuries, gave tiie word "maudlin" to
ourEnglish vocabulary. Boston Budgcl.
It is said that the streams pene
trating the Gogebic iron range near tho
south shore of L?.ke Superior aro so
black witli discoloration from tlio ore
that fish can not live in them.
, Geranium green is a now color that
seems to have found immediate favor.
It is said to be "trying," but nobody
will care very much about that so long
as it is fashionable. Chicago Mail.
A profcssioqal palmist says a per
son can never tell a lie with Ids baud
shut. We know people who can t -1 1 a
lio witli both hands shtitaiul tied behind
their backs. Go to, palmist! Chicago
. A man can "get high" by going to
Denier. It is 5,17o feet above tin! sea
Icv.'l, and the high st Slate capital in
t he Union. Annapolis. Mil., is the
lowest, being just four feet above the lei el.
A Misouri sheriff went home in
disgie'-e in the evening to see if his wife
would scare. Sho tired throe shots at
him o promptly that lie dropped his
cxp.'! imiMit and began looking for tho
end of ono of hi lingers.
A L'nieago woman who was at
tacked by a desperate highwayman and
robbed ran after him, captured him
.mil turned hint over to the police.
This is indeed a feat which every Chi
cago woman ought to be proud of.
uearn 111 society: 1 to ! nog your
'panl'in, miss but I don't admire your
hist name." She "Great heavens,
man, haven't I done every thing in my
power to change it? Must I knock a
man down with a club?" Washington
Ciiti .
The number of dwellings in Jeru
salem has doubled in twenty-live years,
the schools are open five days a week,
and Paris fashions ure common. Street
railways run past Queen Anne cottages.
Bethlehem has had its streets ropavod.
Nazareth is a good oil market. There
is considerable activity in real estate
around Mount Carmel and Jaffa.
Such things still happen in Missis
sippi, it appears, as whipping negroes
to death, for at a ylico called Koscius
ko tho mayor has bound over four
white men for that business, and held
four others to hail. Strong iniluonco
was brought to bear to prevent a pros
ecution, but it has no eti'oct upon the
officers, who tire determined to put a
stop to this species of lawlessness.
William Schncfcr, a farmer near St.
Louis, had in mind to fell a large elm
on his laod. when ho met some city
sportsmen out sifter rabbits. He made
fun of such small game, and said that
coons were tho things to hunt. They
wanted to know whore coons could bo
found. He told of a nest in tho big
elm. Thereupon tho St. Louis boys
borrowed axes and went at the tree.
They cut it down, encouraged by Mr.
Schaefer, who seemed groat ly surprised
that no coons were found.
Mrs. Lina Swafiield, of Beverly,
Mass., who has recently been taken to
Florida by her husband, who hopes that
changeof scene and climate will restore
her to sanity, is the victim of a practical
joke. A few weeks ago her husband
joined a hunting party. On tho way
homo ono of the party hurried in ad
vance, and told Mrs. Swailield that her
husband had boon shot and killed. She
fainted, remained unconscious for sev
eral hours, and when she regained con
sciousness was insane. Boston Herald.
A farmer's daughter during tlio
rage for albums handed to Willis Gay
lord Clarke, an 'American poet, an old
account book ruled for pnuinls, shillings
and pence, and requeued a contribution.
He happily utilized tiie columns as fol
lows: s. ii.
1 (lis worms n scono us nunc as Styx
Whure hope is scureo worth
Our Joys uro boruu so tleoiini; hence.
That tliey are dour at
Anil yot to stay hero most aru willing
Although thoy may not havo
Pall Mall Gazette.
Of course a majority of our citizens
aro opposed to gambling, but there is
considerable pleasure when you try it
to know that you are going to play a
gumo that is fair. Clifi'ord J. Tweedy,
the colored boy who was tho lucky
holder of tho one-tenth of ticket 23,-
890 the second capital prize of
.ff)0,000 received about a week ago
his one-tenth, or 5,000. and our read
ers would perhaps like to know some
thing of this colored boy s lite, and
how ho won tho prize, and what ho
has done and intends doing with his
Clifford is a likely colored boy, about
twenty-one or twenty-two years of ago
and was raised by Mr. Henry T. Pey,
with whom ho has been for the past
sixteen years. At the timo 01 his
drawing the $5,000 ho was in tho em
ploy of Mr. Feny, getting -i por
month. Ho has retained his position
with Mr. I'eay, and docs his work as
faithfully as evor.
After receiving his $5,000 ho depos
ited $4,000 in tho Georgia llailroad
Bank, and took $1,000 and divided a
portion of it amongst his poor colored
relations. Bo it to his credit too. he
did not forgot his employer, Mr. Petty,
to whom ho gave a present ol titty
He says with the-four thousand dol
lars that ho has deposited in tho Geor
gia llailroad ho intends to buy Augusta
real estato, another sign that ho has a
lovel bond. In answer to the question
how much ho hud invested boforo win
ning, ho replied that ho had bought a
ticket rocularlv ovcry month for tho
lust fifteen months, and it was tho fif
teenth dollar that did tho work. hc
gusla (Ga.) Chronicle, April 30.
Leave plenty of potato to your
potato-eyo if 5'ou want strong plants.
Nobody has seen ground harrowo t
too much as a preparation for wlioat,
for it is hardly ptsiblo to get too fine
Windows and mirror! can be made
to shine without long polishing, if after
being wahed in hot soapsuds they are
rubbed dry with a newspaper.
Graham Pudding: Two cups of
graham Hour, one cup of molasses, one
cup sweet milk, one cup chopped rais
ins, two teaspoonfuls soda. Steam
three hours. Motion Post.
To take spots of paint from woods"
lay ti thick coating of lime and soda
mixed over it, letting it stay twenty
four hours, then wash oft' with warm
water, and the spot will disappear.
Bees in their search for honey visit
only ono kind of llower on the same
trip. This is not accidental, hut it is a
wise provision for preventing hybridiza
tion of diii'crcnt varieties from pollen
which bees always distribute in their
journey from llower to llower. Chica
go Journal.
The Indian plan of saving seed
corn is to select tlio finest fiill-iiponeil
ears sit. husking time, leaving husks
enough on the ears so two ears may bo
tied together, when they tire strung up
over poles in the lodge, and when fully
dry, before freezing weather sets in, it
is stacked in a small pit on a sandy
ritlge and covered secure from wet dur
ing tiie wilder.
Hominy Fritters: Tab- two tea
cups of hominy, stir a small cup of
sweet milk and a littlo salt with it, anil
0110 ogg, four tablcspoonfuls of Hour,
witli half a teaspoonful of baking pow
der. Have your frying-pan ready with
the fat hot on it; drop tho batter by
spoonfuls, and fry a delicate brown.
Good Housekeeping.
Mixing lime with any kind of ma
nure will cause decomposition quickly,
but at the loss of tho volatile matter.
It will not be beneficial to uso limo
with manure, except when about to
apply the manure to the land, for then
tlio soil, which is usually damp, will
arrest tho escape of ammonia, espe
cially if tlio manure bo harrowed in or
well incorporated with tho soil. Iroif
Cinnamon Rolls: Take a piece of
bread dough read' to make into loaves.
roll to about half an inch thickness,
spread with butter, sprinkle with sugar
and cinnamon, roll up and cutliko roll
icily cake, place in a greased tin and
let it rise. Before putting it in tho
oven, put a small piece of butter, and a
little sugar and cinnamon on each.
The Household.
As a protection to trees against
mice, rabbits, borers, etc., a screen
made of common window wire is rec
ommended. The wire is cut into strips
about six inches wide across the end of
t he roll (which is usually about two
feet in width), and the strips wound
around a broom-handle. When placed
around trees tho spring of the wii
holds them in place, and thoy do not.
bind the trees. AUumi Journal.
file "brain of the late t'rof. Edward
Olnoy, of tiie Michigan University,
"weighed sixty-one ounces. Tho aver
ago normal weight of the human brain
is forty-nine minces, while the majority
of intellectual men go a little above
that figure.
George Westinghouso. of Pitts
burgh, Pa., patentee of tho famous air
brake ant! many other valuable inven
tions, has manufacturing establish
ments in England, France and Ger
many and employs nearly four thou
sand men. lie is a native of Sehonee
titd', N. Y., and a graduate of Cornell.
An enthusiastic New York dentist
recently said in an address that if all
the workers in woods, metals and clays,
molders, porcelain workers anil decora
tors, painters and sculptors, "wero sud
denly anil simultaneously destroyed,
thoM) arts would not bo lost, for in tho
ranks of the dentists could bo found
experts in every one of them; and if in
tlio same grand eatastropho all the
scientists of certain classes wero cut oil
the same sciences could bo fully taught
by dentists."
"gy "
"I have used Simmons TJver
Regulator for ninny year, hav
ing made It my only Family
Medicine. My mother boforo
me was very partial to It. It is
n safe, Rood and rollablo medi
cine for any disorder or tho
system, nnd If used in time Is
11 rent prerrnttv of slrknets.
I olton recommend It to my
Wends, and shall continue to
d S'"Rev. James M. Holllns,
"Pastor M. E-Clmreh, So. Falrlleld,Yn.,
nl trail" liacitliip Simmons Liver
jli-OHlftor in the house.
"I have found Simmons Liver
Ketrulator tho best family med
icine I over usod for anything
that mny happen, have used it
In IiuUgeatloii, Colic, Diarrhoea,
JUUoiisness, nnd found It to re
lievo Immediately. After eat
lmrn hearty supper, if, on going
to bod, I take alout n tenspoon
ful, I never feel the effiaots of
the unpper eaten.
"Kx-llayor Macon, Ga."
Has our 3S Stamp on front of Wrapper.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., Sole Proprietors,
Vrlce, 81.00. niUvVDEU'mA, PA.