THE ORECOM SCOUT. AMOS K. JONKS. lnurou. The Oregon Seoul has an tardea nYeit lation an any three papers in this ser Hon of llf State, combined, and is ear respondinijhj valuable as an advertising medium. i Saturday, June 1 81h., LSS7 Union and Vicinity. AVooil wiling at !f3.f0 a conl. Stniwlti'rrii's in tho gardens of this vicinity aro now getting ripe. The Union Milling Company are now paying Co cents per budifl for wheat, A number of the fanners of l'owder river valley will erect new dwellings and barns this summer. It has been cloudy and raining near ly the uittire week in this vnlley. An .abundant crop is asMired. Tim Quigley, of Kagle valley, recent ly ."old his entire wool clip to a linker City firm.' $3,000 was the consider ation, In the can on appeal to the Su preme Court of State vs. Dr. Clements, the decision has been iever.-ed ami new trial ordered. Some mngnifieient fleeces from .l.X Mitchell's Spanish Merino bucks, are on exhibition at Levy's store. One weighs 21) .V and one 2H.V pounds. Help pay for a night, watchman if you have any interest in the city, or your neighbors. Let go of that tkfllar .a id you will. feel all the hett'-i- for it. When in La (irande do not fail to visit the New York store. You wifl be surprised at the elegant lines of goods carried, and the extremely low prices. Messrs Minuiek it Davis rceervod their steam engine, seperator, and wood Ki.-.v from the ICast, last Monday. They will have the saw in operation in a few days, Frank and Lee Wilson, and .lohu Kenedy took their departure for Cor nucopia, last. Thursday, on business. They will, probably be gone a week or two.' . The farmers of Eagle valley have commenced cutting their alfalfa hay crqp. They cut. three crops a yeir, averaging in all, six tons of hay to the .acre. Some of our young people are tack ling' of making a pilgrimage to t&io "VViillow.t country. Jf they go they .will attend the Fourth of July cele bration at 'Joseph. 'A linker City exchange says that .arrangements have been made for (il more's famous brass band of New York City to be in -linker on the Fourth, and participate in the celebration. The people of Summerville are deter mine'! to have a big time on it he 'Fourth, mini to that end are work ing incessantly. Full particulars in their advertisement ebewhere. The Hanson Bio's have had the ceiling of their butcher shop hand somely decorated with colored paper. It presents a very gay appearance, and "Mickey" Jloats around inside liko a wasp in a garden of -rose. Frank Prime, indicted for larceny of ;nmalgam!froni 'the Connor Creek mill, pleaded guilty a :fow .days ago in the circuit, court at Haker City, and was sentenced by Judge Jton to two years imprisonment in the penitentiary. Near McCoy, 3'olk county, Oregon, Oscar M. Wdit nhot and killed his wife last Tuesdav night, lie was 2S years old, and she was 22. They had two children, lie Mien shot himself but may recover. She was killed in her father's house, where she had gone on inimint. of AWH y.'ti iihiiKi vr 'treatment. .1. Bloom who is on a isit to the East writes us from 'Laramie City. He pays the grass is goiod and Ktock looks well, and St loolcs something like life, after passing through Idaho and Green river desert. Well improved farms meet the gu,e on evory side, lie thinks Laramie City is the only town that has improved much since he passed through in 1871). The following named persons regis tered at the Alpine hotel, Cornucopia, this week: .las. HendtTshott, TJene Foster, Cove; Harliy. Huntington; Cusic, Mrs. llattie Burns, Baker Citv; E. L. Beck and daughter, .New Briilge;.). T. Holies, R. Buos, E. II. Cling.m, city; Thos. BenFon, Eagle; John Cameron, Ilailev, l.T; M. 11. Brow, Dayton, W. T. From the Baker J)emorrat we learu that Henry Rust, Julius Lachs, J. II. Mitchell, Win. Crcighcad, were lined by Judge Ison, the sum of $50 each and eostf, and license for selling liquor in less quantities than one gallon re voked. Judge- lson said it wiw not necessary for him to declare the license revoked ns the law was mandatory in that rcrpect and that parties convicted under the piesent state law for dispos ing of liquors to minors, arc subject to indictment and prosecution for selling without a licence, providing they con tinue in the trailic under the present liconse. Hand bills are- distributed around town announcing that "Baird's Min strels" will exhibit in this city next week. Wo sec from our exchanges that this "groat combination of aggregated wonders" have been playing to ex tremely small audiences throughout the Willamette valley. It would seem that thoy have also been in Portland, by the following, which we take from the. World: "X sewly looking minstrel troupe toots on the base drum in the streets overy day, and tires stale ehesU nuts at' an atilictod audience every ovoning this week at the New Market." Tho people of I'nion will hardly bo ta ken in by them. :iVHu ETCHINGS. Or Iiiiprc-ixiliiii Mailt on tltn 'Scout" 1y l'niliB Kirnts A Cnttors I'liocniuuxo. The city council at its meeting last Monday ev- j ening, cut down the salary of city mar- s'hal fioin $."() to.fcO per month, which , seems tons a very curious pioceeiiing, inasmuch as the late maishal resigned on account of the pay being insuffi cient. What is a city government for, anyway, if it is not to atford protection to its citizens and piopeity? To this end a good marshal and night-watchman are indispensable. Instead of de crca.Miig the salary of marshal to $.'10 It should have been inercasod to $80. Then, if the business men saw lit to contribute something, monthly, for ex tra pay for a night-watchman, it would be well enouirh. although they have but little more interest in the matter than the householder living in the outskirts of the city should have; for what would property in the outskirts lie worth if the principal part of the city should be destroyed by lire? This one-horse style of conducting the city all'airs is not the correct thing, and a change should be made. If the pres ent o-niill city tax is not sufficient, in crease it to li); if that is not enough, make it, t; and put a marshal in who wHl collect every cent -of -it. If any f the hide-bound gentry that seem to abound hero don't like it they can easily take themselves -away to a more congenial clime, and the city will be .all the better oil' for their going. Vince Beeves, who we believe would make a .good olfic.vr, is willing to take the po sition if he can raise enough from tin business men, in addition to the par, siniouious sum o tiered by the council, to pay him. As yet, we believe he lias been unsuccessful, and in all probabil ity the citv will have to worry alwig without either marshal or night-watch man. "A X.vrrr-Ai, Boadway." T. 11. llenderohott, Gene Foster, and Alex. Cochran came .over the new road from Cornucopia to this city last Tuesday, in a hack. Tiioy stopped several times alouir the rend, but the actual Hunt consumed in traveling was a little Kiver nine liours. Al.r. Ilender.-hott inform.) us that tins is Just tune lie has ever passed over this road, and that he was surptiscd at what he saw. lie -says the route tr.mirsed is almost a natural roadway. That portion built by our citizens is as "rood as anv road he ever traveled, and the part built by thet;tate could be made an excellent, road, with no great expenditure. It was not built, on the survey, and the sharp turns in it makes it impracticable for big freight teams. When this is remedied he thinks the road will prove to be a great factor in the prosperity of Grande Honde valley, as it is lined almost the entire distance by rich mineral districts, and many good mines already in op eration. The llogem district he thinks will prove to be richer than the Pine creek ivigwn. With these mines and markets for produce lying at our very doors he thinks it high time for the puople of Grande Hotule to wake up, and take what property belongs to them. Wicke Tjikv Lawyj:rh? Constable Cates arrested a couple of seedy look ing traveling gentleman, last Tuesday, on si charge of vagrancy, as they hail uo visible means of support, and had been Pegging their meals at different houses ;i round town. Next day they were ar raigned before Justice J. B. Thomson, and made a demand to be. tried by ii jury, which was granted. They con ducted theirown ease with such skill that the jury brought in a verdict of not .guilty, and they v.'ojk discharged. Prof. Harmon, the oculist gave each of them some money, .aud they pro ceeded on their way. Coi-tke. ColFce. is up to "war iiines" prices, or to the prices that prevailed in the (!0's. Two months ago Costa Hica, for instance, was retailing in the local market at the rate of live pounds to the dollar, and one mocAh ago, at four Kunds to tho dollar. The rate now is three poundf, or a .higher rate than it has sold for in the twenty years. CoIIee buyers are astonished at i he small packages of coffee they get for their big dollar. A short stock on hand in the, market of the wxr!l and a crop shortage in are said to be causes for the present advances. Post Jnlelliij''nccr. Wim:stmn: M.vtc'H. The Dtmoerat says that one hundred dollars a side has been deposited as a forfeit for a wrestling match, mixed styles, to take place at the Haker County Agricultur al society's grounds on June 2"ith. The contestants are Win. Mowers, of Chicago, and James 1 'as coo from Mon tana. The articles of agreement have been drawn up and signed. The total purse to bo contested for is $1000. The parties interested in this match mean business and as they have both gained considerable notoriety in tho ring it is expected to be a well contested match. Law KursuLATrxo Oi'U'M Si:i.un;. The new law regulating the sale, of opium and kindred drugs provides: No perion shall oiler for sale opium, morphine, eng-sho or cooked opium, chloral hydrate or cocaine who has not previously obtained a license from the county clerk, for which the latter should be paid $1. Said license shall bo valid for oho year from date of issue. Only pharmacists ami physicians shall li - jH'iige these drugs, and then only when prescribed for the cure of disease. The penalty for violating the law sliali no a lino not less than .ffK). nor more than !r2")0. Terry Tuttle, of Summerville, who left about six weeks ago lor Chicago, with hi daughter, Jessie, returned Tuesday. The object of his vialt was to procure medical treatment for his daughter, who was atlhcttd with ear trouble, but is now finitely cuied. Social Scintillations. rnrnRtni'lM lVrtiiliih'B. I'rhirlpilly. tiiiiilnci. to "THE WOKM DO MOVE." Judge Coodall returned from Coruu- j eopia last Thursday. J. W. Drew will deliver the oration at Baker City on the Fourth. Mr. Win. Blize, of Baker county, ' visited Union a few days ago. Maik Benson, returned to I'nion last Thursday, after a long absence. ; Harry Deacon and (ieorge Heidle- j man made Baker City a visit this week. W. T. Wriirht went to forth. n 1 to attend the Oram! Lodge A. F. it A. M ! the fore part of the week, and has not returned. Mr. ("has. C. CoOVnbcry's family ar rived fioin the Last, last week and have taken up their permanent resi dencein this city. Some of our exchanges locate the stingiest man on earth at La (irande. lie uses a wart on the Kick of his neck for a collar button. Dunham Wright, of the Park, is making preparations to give a grand ball on the fourth of July. Full par ticulars, hereafter. Arthur.Lindsay and Willie Church of Island City, who have Ix-en attending the l'oitlalail (iranunar .school, leturn ed home Thursday. Tho old soldiers of Trenton l'ost, (i. A. U., of Ihis city are talking of attend ing the l.a (irande Fourth ot July cel ebration in a body. Dr. C. Shields, the Haker City dentist, 4nnounces that he will arrive in this city to-day, and stay one week, in the practice of his profession. Sherill" Hamilton made a trip to the metropolis of Wallowa county this week tor the purpose of serving papers in the case between Wallowa and I'nion counties. Victor Miller, who has been atteiu! ing the Willamette University, and graduated from the law di-juutmeut a few days iigo, returned to lus Inane in this city, yesterday. Mr. H. D. Hamilton, of La (Irande, who had a contract with the O. N. Co., to furnish ties, was in this city a few days ago. He placed his autograph on our subscription book. Mrs. Duniway lectured in the cwirt house, last Monday evening, to an au dience of twenty-live or thirty people, and took u,p si collection amounting to $1.7"). Mrs. D. has evidently lost her prestige m tins community. The Pink Tea, and Mum Sociable given by the ladies Aid Society last Thursday evening, was voted by all who attended, (lie most enjoyable af fair of the kind we have had for some time. It was a very stormy evening which kept many away that would otherwise have attended. The pro ceeds, we understand, was between forty-live a-nd fifty dollars. Dr. Harmon, the oculist is still in tliin I'ilv -mil emi ln found :it, theCeil- ! tenial betel, lie will leinaiu till after : court. He has had many cases; aJid j fitted many of our citizens with ihu ground pebble given satisfaction far as we know. .genuine nrazuiian .glasses, wikich have in everv instance so The Dr. has had 17 years expenenw, .and is master of his profession. Dr. Harmon at Vroka. Yickn., Cal. Feb. 3, 1880, Dr. S. Harmon , oculist, an far as 9 lmnv has given entire satisfaction. From personal knowledge I know the doctor to be well skilled in hU pro les,ion, and in my opinion merits the patronage of the public. 1). Hi:am, M. I). 1 have found IV.. Harmon to be an M-ulit and skillful fitter of glasses. H. II. ItommtrsoN-, M. D. Dr. S. Harmon, oculist., with his invention, the "Ihiplex Eye Hhimi niitor'" tind"iibtedCy gives great aid in (he superficial ixamiiiiiliou of the eve, JosKi'ii McCiiKssnv, M.D. V. II. Horn, Sheriff. Statk ov CAtaroit.vjA, ) ss County of Siskiyou. J Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th dav of February. 18SI5. J. V. Hnowx, Notary Public in and tor Siskiyou Cotuitv," Cal. A PREDICTION. Ennoit Scoct: Time works won ders; and sometimes things which are considered impossible, and ideas that are very often thought to be brought into existence by anexcentric or crazy brain, are developed into realities through some hitherto unseen agency, Twenty years ago not an inhabitant of this valley could have been made to believe that through railway trains with freight and palace cars would be sj ced ing through this very country yet it is a living fact. Such an idea advanced at that time would have entitled tho owner of such a fanciful product to bo called what the later world has pleased to denominate a "crank." Well, Mr. disbeliever, the world has accustomed itself to wild and iniagina rv ideas, and has unconsciously brotiL'ht 1 itself by imperceptible dogieestonot ! oniy ho on rather intimate terms of ( frioiKlliij) with tho "crank," but to actually adore bun, and in the future jl0 will be held up as a public benefac- tor of the human race. Now my friendly reuders, the down fall of Union has been predicted time and again by the of thu county, as only a matter of time; and while she ban not, jK-rhii, enjoyed that rush and boom Which to often proved fatal to a town, she Huh neverthelofg been improving, and to-day is on a belter and firmer basts for future pros perity than any other town m (Irande Bonde Valley. Ihr husiuc-s men are drawing trade right from the very threshold of every town in this county. Her trade is increasing every day, and licr citizens, cognizant of the impor tance of woiking for her interest, are doing so in a quiet but ell'ective way. We know that uo railroad magnate alights from his palace car at this place to receive the winning (?) smiles of a catering, and fearful public, for we have nothing to fear, lullucnce-i are deeper perhaps than many ever dream of, and silent forces produce greater cllecls than the hip! hut rah! of more superficial ones. five years will make many changes in raiho.ids in this county, and there is very good indications that the present line of railroad from La (irande to Vn ion will be very materially changed, and within that time the railroad will be running through our town; not on ly that, but the vast product of the large agricultural ami mineral bells south-east of us, will make, for the transi ortation of their luodticts. the, , building of a raihoad into that section, . merely a matter of the near future. V Soon our roads leading into Union I from dillerent sections of the county will be first class in almost every respect j and it is the determined loolvc of ev ery citizen of this place that our roads must, shall and will be kept in the best possible condition. Union wants sev- eral enterprises to grow up, ami she is not going to sleep till she has them, j We do not expect them to-morrow or i next week or month, but that she will ; have them is just as certain as the sun shines on Us to-day. 'A. Portland Stock Yards Report. Portland, Or., June LI, 1SS7. .Much less receipts of beef this week gave a good tone to tho market, though buyers diil not raise their pretentions; though at times they became spirited and round up the week by handling less stock, and wait further develop ments. Light supply of sheep resulted in good market and quick sales. Sup ply of lambs not Millicicut to meet de mands. Hug sell readily on arrival. Very little doing in draft horses. Stock cattle moving in limited numbers. AliKIVAI. OT STOCK I OH TIIK WKIIK. June 7. lieef 10 head ; hogs f(i hd; sheep (57 head. June S. -Sheep 1 20 head; beef !() head; oxen 2 head; draft horses 1.'! head ; hogs 151 head. Juno 1). Lambs 101 head; beef 20 head. June 10 Beef 20 head; sheep 2f.l head; slock cattle 10 head. June 11. Hcef 80 head; sheep (57 head. June 12. Heef 20 head; sheep 120 head. June 1!!. Heef SO head; hog.s 110 head. Quotations. Heef, ( f e. gross; sheep, Ii ('i A e. gnws; hogs, 1 Qi it c. gross; lambs, if 2.00 .f2.2.i each. Market, steadv. .1. II. HAT1IHUN, Manager Portland Stock Yards. Stock of all kinds sold on commission. Stock fed, transferred and lcshipped. Ladies and gents' summer goods con stantly arriving Iroin the East and San Francisco, at Levy's. itoitx. 1IAIHHS.--In IIih eitv, June llth.t' in the wife of N. 1!. lfnrri-i. a son. 1887 .Just received at Herman Waldeck's, Snmmerville, I tin extra fine and well se lected stock of mens' boys' and youths' cloth inj;' which will he sold at astonishing low prices. Call and con vince yourself. (OfSt. I'ctcislairp;, Itussia,) and Practical OPTICIAN. Parlor Centennial hotel. Oregon Ollice in lTniou, Inventor of The Duplex hyc Illuminator. Bv liia lilne 1 am ablotiideico th-slh-'llt t (1 e;i-r of the i c 1 have ills ) ail invent! -n bv which I am able to luca-airo tin' foriisof tacivc", I iiiiiKegliiss 's to sulf each eve :ii-cor.biij.'ly. 1 have " Imgo Mlpplv of genuine PlllJbbi: U..V for all eves, 'in (hifoa'iii stuu'ci, which can bo so ciiroiloiilvl'V an ocmlM. AUo hiivo thu MKDK'A'TJlt) I.KNH. which, hi s.inui ca--i. hiiKiiiige cannot express the benefit the hiiiniiii nice derive from tlnun. for In-Htaiii-e, a law eye, yiul a l.iw pupil, can not llsi! till- pebble, a tney jiivc too lilllcll light The .M.dicited bavin; tint lens Is inneli better. FOR SALE- A ranch of 'J 10 acres in the best part of (iiiindu itondtt Valley tho garden sjiot of Kntcn Oregon. Ninety arms well sot to thnothv; t) m rcs kooiI fanning land, tho naliiiic"' K'ol )i:itu ro. well uaicrcil am! near thiibe A vorv doirablo pluce, and will bo fold oheap for cash. No reasonable oftor refused. Call on or imMivhx : J. A. Kl'HSKLL, or J. W. Him.. Cove, Or, lrawer 17. Portland, Oregon. lut From now until Herman Waldeck's, 20 YARDS 1. Parasols, from 50 cts. upward. Jerseys, from one dol. upward. (i LOVES, HOSE, CALICOES, It II! HONS, Etc, AT I'll ICES Fine OMENTAL FLOUN Mens Fine Diagonal Suits, Si 6.0, C.WAj KAULY, Sl'ici'UH THKSH Ms' Fine Casnre EHra pity Diago- Sift $17.00, ml, $22.50, "SWING LOW SWEET CHARIOT."- List, 'twill 1)0 well for you, List, while I tell to you How I will sell to you Bargains ail the way through. La-lies' Dress Goods Sold by Sample at Portland lYces, KERIES AT 'BEDROCK rmnmn a m Tmrmnrr SALT ALIOST "As the twig is bent, so is the tree in clined. Drake buys for cash and gives his custo mers the benefit. Cash is king and success is his servant. Drake's low rent and low prices makes his store the place to save money. i WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD." low, it is our turn,- not to "Blew," Mt to Inform Hie Citizen of t'nion nnil lTnl,m!(' n-1' On'l wiuro It.'ci iving i Largo anil Finely Sulertcil Stock of Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Glass and Queensware, SI I iifl TMncwi en i u in Which Avas bought for cash and will be sold strictly for cash, at prices that will "as tonish the natives." Wo don't oxm-t to "s un the town." but do expert oar "hare n tlio trade of thiscilv mid nuiiitrv. if (air d oluH. pod floods and lo prluun will ui-ioiuplNIi Hint cud. The old way of doing business is a thing of the past. ' Cash men do not want to pay poor debts and long-winded accounts. We expect to re-organize the mercantile busi ness in this valley, not to drum or humbug the people by misrepresentations, not to sell goods less than cost, but to make a uniform cash price on all goofls, -which means 20 per cent, lower tluttnny man who buys on time can sell for. Twenty thousand dollars worth of general merchandise bought and sold for cash will make this saving: 10 per cent, for the risk, 6 pei' cent, discount, cash and S800 for book keeper, making a saving of 84, 000. Does anybody blame us for starting the ball a rolling? An sarlyiuspBction of oiir stock will convmce Tin? inoit nkcptltlo that the new or.lcr of bu!no Ujnuch nioro Katlsfuutory to all, JAYCOX & FOSTER, - - -Union, Or. further notice, at - Summerville, Or. r V I1W OKlHN'i'AL Q ft yds. WIDH Oriental lace, Si. oo. GOOD COKSliTS, so cents, each. (5 1X0 HAMS, KMliKOlDKHIKS, IX lMUH'OKTlOX to AHOY K. (MXCi for DUICSrt Krontf. BOYS' SLUTS ,& JO SlliS in Proportion. HAUOAIXS and avoid the HUSH. GITEN AWAY mm W!!l( TT Ii TITITI A IT Iffi mmMTCnflTflC1