The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 18, 1887, Image 3

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Devoted to the Interests of Farmers
and Stockmen.
ttlieep Slicarhic
Pass most any sheep ranch in the
Hoppiior country at this season of thr
year, and you find a crow of shearers
busy nt their work. If they are not
thero they arc gone bofoio or arc to
foo:i come after. Their work is hard,
wearing, and not overly clean, and
tiicy get six or seven cents aheaJ.
They are busy, very busy, while at
woik, and have to keen but-v, for Han
aro doing this hard work for the big
money there is in it. Some of them
can shear 100 head or even over in a
day, and the days of tho season's
shearing last not many months, so
that tho wool must be quickly clipped
while yet tho miii holds out to shine.
These shearers are in earnest, but the
scene is varied by an occasional jest,
followed by ;i good healthy laugh. All
sro now engaged in good-natured ri
valry for the credit of being the "boss
shearer." The grim satisfaction de
picted on the countenance of the suc
cessful competitor is suggestive of the
exertions he has niiido to obtain the
coveted distinction. It is evident from
the appearance of Hie men that no
time is lost in their tit'k. They seem
to bo engrossed with their woik, and
their shears skim along the gasping
sheep with a speed that almost bailies
calculation. They do their woik well,
and in their Apparent hurry treat their
subject with guillencss, taking care
that by no awkward movement any
unnecessary pain should be inflicted.
The wages of these nun at the end of
tho season aggregate a handsome
amount, and it is well-earned, hard
earned, anil it represents blistered
hands, tired-to-death wrists, and bil
lions of backaches. In Southern Cal
ifornia the shearing is done mostly by
Mexicans, hut they are not as deft in
the manipulation of the shears as the
white men who follow the business of
shearing as a specialty, and are used to
handling the instruments with marvel
ous dexterity. These men foiyii them
selves into gangs and travel from one
ranch to another, finding constant
employment. They are paid on an
average, four cents a head for common
sheep, and eight cents for superior or
bloodtd sheep. An ordinary shearer
will clean about fifty or sixty head in
a day, and it often happens that some
will shear 100. This figure is consid
ered a maximum, but is by no means
niiooninioii. Heppncr (Or.) Gazelle.
Oregon Statu (i'uiikc.
At tho recent annual meeting in
Salem of the above Order, Governor
Pennoyer welcomed tho Patrons, re
marking that it was peculiarly appro
priate for tho Chief Executive officer
of tho State of Oregon to bid the
State Grange welconio to its capitol,
inasmuch as agriculture was hy far the
ehief industry of the Slate, lie al
luded to the fact that in the earlier
days of the republic, agriculture was
tho most profitable inpustry of iho na
tion, but now it was the least profita
ble. He attributed its piesent condU
tion to vicious class legislation of
Congress, .which had always buen ad
verso to the farmer. He quoted fig
ures from the last census, showing
with more than $10,000,000,000 in
vested in agriculture, the yearly prod
ucts only amounted to $2,000,000,000,
while with less than .W.OOO.OOO.OOO in
vested in manufactures, the yearly
products amounted to $5,000,000,000,
and that tho average profit of farming
was only 12 per cent, of the capital
invested, while the profit of manufac
turing exceeded JH5 per cent. He said
that while the manufacturer was pro
tected by law from the competition of
cheap labor, the farmer had to sell his
wheat in competition with such cheap
labor. He alluded to the great wrong
petpetrated by the Federal Govern
ment; a wrong unparalleled in all his
tory, of collecting its taxes from the
industry instead of from the wealth of
tho country, and declared that the far
mers should unite with tho laboring
men in demanding a graduated income
tax, by which tho wealth of tho coun
try would bo compelled to aid in bear
ing the burden of taxation.
Grand Master It. P. Poise's annual
address showed tho Order to be in a
flourishing 'condition in tho North
westorn jurisdiction.
Condition of Crops.
The way green things have grown
the past week is a caution to unbe
lievers. Wo sec that sprouts of fruit
trees made six inches growth in a sin
glo week. Winter wheat has suffered
badly from tho cold storms of spring
time. We went through a field of
this grain that Wjis badly "fired," or
Bcalded, and old judges feel sure that
tho crop of Western Oregon will bo
inferior, and that the heads will not
fill as woll on tho fall sown as on the
Bowings. Grass is a good crop on
meadows, and our hay harvest should
be a large one. Pastures are fine and
stock are thriving everywhere. Tho
oat crop ehould bo heavy unless tho
rains give way to permanent drouth.
It is hardly possible that such should
bo tho case with so many mountain
ranges lifting great bodies of snow
to condouso tho air that conies from
tho ocean. Tho fruit crop is seriously
injured in somo localities; cherries
especially are a light crop. From all
wo learn tho aggregato will be enough
toBhow tho world that Oregon can
turn ofr enough fruit to meet all rea
sonable demands.
Agricultural duration.
Efforts for special education in agri
culture aro gaining ground in public
estcom all over tho world. A London
nowapapor states that tho Lords of the
Committco of Council on Education
have diroctod that tho titlo of tho
office of Lcoturer in AgriouHuro hold
by Prof. Wrighteon in tho Normal
School of Science and School
Professt r of Agriculture. This hap
pily raises agriculture in respect of
statu among the other branches of
education conducted under the Com
mittee on Education.
About IMicltM.
Pekin ducks begin to lay in Febru
ary and March, and earlier if well fed
and warmly housed, and continue al
most uninterruptedly vuitjl July, Tin
liiiinW of 6it they lay is actually
enormous. They should "be mated in
the proportion of from three to five
ducks to one drake, which ought to be
in good condition of flesh, but not fat.
The special good points in duck cul
ture are : 1. They never have cholera,
roup nor gapes, they never get
drowned and after tho first week vou
won't lose two per cent. 2. They lay
more eggs and hatch better than hen
eges. o. They are the finest and most
delicious llesh that was ever cooked.
I. They attain to three and a half or
four pounds in weight in ten weeks
time, and in the eastern market where
they are known and appreciated, they
command a ready sale at from 20 to
15 cents per pound in the spring. The
expense of raising ducks is about the
same as chickens: they require less
housing and time, but more feed. It
is safe to calculate on one-half profit.
If, however, they are sold as fancy
stork to amateurs, then there is im
mense money in the business, because
thero are few culls and no loss.
A special potato train of twelve oars j
left San Francisco for Chicago re-
Caielessness in leaving farm ma-
clnnery unsheltered is a urcat source
of loss to many farmers.
Thiity bushels to the acre is what
tho farmers are truessinir as tho aver
age wheat yield of Morrow county,
Prune raiting, says a IJaker City
paper, could be made profitable on the
lands adjacent to Ontario and Vale,
Malheur county.
Supt. J. M. Pucklev says the North
ern Pacific has reports from Eastern
Washington representing the yield of
wheat there this season at 3i)0,006 to'
100,000 tons.
Of tho 127,000,000 bushels of wheat
imported into Great Pritain last year
three-fifths, or 72,000,000 bushels, came
fiom the United States, 20 000,000
bu-hels from India, 7,200,000 from
Russia, an equil quantity from Aus
tria and Germany together, 7,-lSS.OOO
bushels from Canada, .'1,111,000 from
Chili, and 2,900,000 bushels from all
other countries.
Tho growing frequency with which
the thrifty American wife or daughter
demands that sho shall have a silk
dress is evidenced by the fact that in
1S70 tho importations of tho product
of the repulsive mulberry-eating worm
amounted to $5,-100,000, but thence
forward grew in size to $10,1)00,000 in
18S1 and $M,000,000 in lSSli, but fell
oil' to $12,-100,000 in 1S85.
In the importations of wool some
remarkable fluctuations aro seen. For
instance, in 1870 the foreign-bred
sheep contributed their fleeces to the
value of $8,2-17,017 to the American
woolen mills, liy 1SS0 tho total so
so sent here aggregated the enormous
value of $2:1,727,050, but the American
sheep seems to have taken a fresh grip
soon thereafter, and the importations
fell off to $:i,800 000 in 1S85.
Of hay this country of boundless
pastures and productive meadows im
ported in 1S70 to tho value of about
$200,000, which had risen by 1880 to a
gross total of $1,517,810, In tho Fame
general line is the fact that in 1870
tho people of this country were obliged
to send abroad for butter and cheese
valued at $058,000. In 18S1 they ate
$l,:i21,000 worth and in 1885 $1,830,000
was paid to the foreign dairymen.
Tho curing and packing of French
prunes is destined to become, in tho
near future, ono of tho most profitable
branches of the fruit industry, and al
though it as yet in its infancy, with
the United States and Canada for a
market, there is little danger of tho
business being overdone. It is esti
mated that the consumption of dried
prunes in tho United States and Can
ada annually is about -10,000,000
Tho United States is justly regarded
as tho largest exporter of breadstufl's
in tho world, hut nevertheless there is !
lUHBiui-ruuiu tiiKMvint; on ine oiiht
side of tho hooku, and iniiiiv will bo
surprised to learn that in lS7(i wo im
ported lireadstufl's to the amount of
$10,3 17,000. This fell on" until in 1881
tho aggregate was but .f 0,1 19,000. The
next year, however, it was nioro than
doubled, being $ M,170,000, but in 1885
the total had fallen to $7,091,000, and
tho business ought to ceaso entiioly.
If you are about to plant roses, be
careful to dig tho soil deep and thor
oughly soft before putting them in ;
then give them a thorough soaking, so
that tho ground is saturated for a foot
dee). Then cover with dry earth to
keen the ground from packing in the
hot sun. It is best to do your plant
ing at night, in order to give tho
plants tlio long, cool hours in which
to revive. Tho same rule holds good
in watering ; always, if possible, water
at night, as when done in tho daytime
tho sun packs tho earth around the
plants, often so hard as to make tho
task of softoning it no small one- Ue
side this, if tho plant is small, in try
ing to break up the baked surface the
roots aro very often disturbed, retard
ing the growth, if not killing tho plant.
A groat many hold, too, that tho chill
of the cold wator on tlio plant, which
is heatod by tho sun, has a damaging
1 In Lacantililre, Ens'nntl, a giitletunn
ImviiiK observed that n Irnnm was
marched oil' by a policeman to the station
for bogg lift n once sent for the police
man to arrest two Indies who npplii'd to
liini for a jubilef ollVrinp.
When the apatite, falls nml the sleep ffron
restless ami m refreshing, tin re. Is trouble
ahead. Tho tliKtstii e oicnns. when healthy.
crave fooil, tlio nervous sjst.-in, when vltjuro'is
and Irniiutnl. ulvos Its iHisspsor no iinnixlnpss
J nt nlKht. A tonic, to ho ell'ectivo, should not
be a mere appetizer, nor ore the nerves to be
strengthened and soothed l the unaided ne-
' lion of a sedative or narcotic. What h re
quired is u medieino which Invigorates the
ell'icts of liosteltcr's Stomach Hitters, a limit'
eino uhosu reputation is founded tlrmly in
publlo eontlileiice. and which physic inns com
mend for its tonic, anti-bilious and other
properties. It Is used with the best re-tilts In
fever ami ugue, rheumatism, kidney and
uterine weakness and other maladies.
Hy tho late earthquakes In Mexico it is
estimated loll lives were lost.
i umiv ii iNiuiiuiuimiiii uii iiuuiiii
citiosHiui tue trapeze are vuuiitttic under
certain coii'titiotis, tmt tiiey are detri
mental rather titan benelicial if the bloott
I ' poor and thin and poisoned with bile,
! Use of the muscles necessitates was'e as
I well as induces griuth. If the blood
(does not cirry sulliclent nuiriuve mate
rial to reiatr tlio wosie, loss ol strcngui
necessarily follows, and growth is out of
I lie question. Purify and einich jour
blood with Dr. Pierces "Unltleti .Medical
Discovery" and then ixorcise will develop
and not consume your physique.
Preserving-jars should he stood on their
heads, for at, least an hour after sealing. ,
IVe vtxti discount any prices and terms j
quoted by any other linn. The immense ,
volume of our business enable us to olli r
this inducement to purchasers. Apply
to Hi:y, Printers' Supplies.
PaiNci: St.,Ni:v Yoiik, .March '.5, 18 4.
Having been troubled with pains in back
and cliest during the last winter I was com
pelled to remain at home unable to attend
to business, until I was advised by a
friend to try ono of Ai.i.cocii'b Ponoi's
I i.ASTEits. After applying one to my
chest and one to my back, in three hours
I found relief which I hd not got In over
three months. 1 cheerfully recommend
them to persons havli g pinnl weakness
and Uintr troubles. .l.GAi.i.Aoinai
S'oi- ICi-oiM-iiiii I. A Imi :i t it; and
E'nliiioiiiii" "oiiil:iiiit-. "Jirowii .1
Jironchiul Troches" lnani est remarkable
c:y atlve properties, lo els a box.
Almost every printing olllce in the
Northwest purchased their plant from
Palmer & Hey. They keep a lull line Id
hand presses, cylindeis ami jobbing mate
rial. Windows should never be washed while
the sun shines upon them.
Hero are a Peck of Pea, sweet Peas, if
you will. Perseverance, Patience, Prompt
ness, Proliciencj-, Push ami Politeness,
Add to these Dr. Pierce's "Pleasapt Purg.
ativo Pellets" and you will get well
through the world without much trouble.
The Pellets prevent constipation and sur
plus of bile which lead to many different
complaints. Kucloscd in glass, always
fresh, entirely vegetable, prompt, and perfectly-
harmless. Any druggist.
The aggregate of subscriptions paid to I
the Logan fund is SlW.OUl 45. .
BrinU'is En I. --Publishers who nro
not bujing through Palmer & Hey are los
ing money. AVesell Job, Hook and News
Inks at manufacturers' prices.
Try Gkkmka for breakfast.
Mow to Cure
with the
f'1 Remedies.
1 scaly and pimply diseases of tho Nkin.hualp,
and blood with loss of hair, fiom Infancy to
old uko, aro cured by tho Cutiui'HA Kk.mkdikh.
CUTicmiA ltKSoi.VK.vr.thonovv blood purider,
cleanses tho blood and perspirutioa of dlseaso
sustainiiii; elements, and thus removes tho
Cuticuha, tlio treat Skin Cuio, instantly
allays itchim; and inllnmmation, clears tin-skin
and scalp of crusts, scales and sores, and re
stores tho Hair.
CiTieuitA KoAl'.itii ox()tilslto Skin Ileautifler, i
Is inilispensablo in treating skin (Uncases, baby ,
humors, skin blemishes, chapped and oily skin.
i Cutici.'Ua ItK.MiailKH uro tho great skin '
beautiuers. i
Hold oven where. Price, Cuticuka. 60c,;
SoAl'. 2.5c; Kkholvhnt 551. Prepured by tho
PoiTHHllutja and CiiKMic'Ai. Co.,llo3ton,JIass.
itiJ'Scnd for "How to Cure Skin lllseases."
mTKD with tholovcliostdellcaoy lsthosliln
bathed with Cuticlmia .MKhtcATan Soat.
Cures all Diseases originating from a
jCAj - f1
of the BLOOD or
LIVER. Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Doils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula,
Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial
Pains readily yield to its purifying
properties. It leaves the Blood pure,
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the !
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. GATES Sc. CO., Proprietors
417 Sansomo St., San Francisco.
'iv- -flv (V 'A 'iV ! iW
Is n Positive Cure
For KrMla ConplAtnt ted Htlknmtf
m tfliuoi to oar !l f rulopcpnUtloiu
It wlU euro onttroly tho worst form of I'emalo Com.
plaints, nil Ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ul
ceratlcn, railing and Dtsplacementa, and tho conse
quent Bpluul wookneed, and la xurUsulorly adapted
to tho Changs of Tilfo.
It will diasolvo and czpcl tumors from tho U terns la
on early etico of development. The tendency to cancer
ous bomon thero U checked very cpocdily by Its tuo.
It rfmoTfs falntnoM, flatulener, destroys all crarlnir
for tlniulnt, an! rvller.a vca&n.-wor tlio itoinaih.
Iteures Illiu.tli(r. Heuilarliwi, l.'onou I'rontratliio, l)iw
eral DiWIn, Hie (4miio-m, lt,n and lndvjMtion,
That trvlUiot Uiarlni; uown, cau.liii- luln, weu;litanii
baukai'he.isalwaj'iiiieruianf mljr euriubrluuwt. It will
atalltlinifl anil undc rolli iriuinstanets uet luharuiour
v-lthllieluirathaiL'urci-ntuo Iciuiie tfuem.
Tot the euro of Kidney CorapUtntJ of either itt tb'i
Compouad u tuuvu-jxuA d. lilco 1 1, ix bottles lor (J.
Ko lamOy fhould bo without IYDZA K. PIXKJIAJS'3
LIVEU rilXH. They euro ooaitl.iatlon, liUiouio and
torpidity of tho 11 vt r, 25 cents a box at all dnigsista,
stomaeii. una promo cs aMmii.mon or. rood J Wl en she wai a Child, (,ho cried for Ca-torin.
by the system, by which means Uie, lieriotH , .... . , ... , , ...
system, us wellns other parts, of the physical 1 "Un sho "ocamo Mis, Blioiluncto Cnstorin,
organism, arc stteiiKtlionctl. Tliese are the ! VW cn holmdt'hIldrtin.hhHgnve.tlKiinCiuitorln.
It will rest Jiltft,'-JO to keep up the
streets oi Mil v rancisco tins year.
Dr. SnxeVCntarrli lU-tnetly surpasses all.
Colonel Fred Grunt Is engaged in raisin
'" lm
.1 .Bob lVfH that is a job mv is the
'Old iteliab e Gordon,' il2 and I Ox IS.
, The cheapest, best Mid H(r'iigist hi the
: market. 1 In v no othe . Kept only by
. I'AI.MHH & ltllY,
: """"
Wi en Unby was sick wo save her Castorla,
If a cough disturbs jour sleep, take
I'isosuiirc rorL "iisutiiptiou a
mil rest well.
Ilwjr mm mid woman ymin; or old, na this lt,
Hut ift urHlitiil wtth any ilimiw. no nmttt r what. Out
thi li fnmili 'hyicln ort not U'l.tmUiid, r t-aimnt
ciitu, riiutil I Knto a full iltK-rliitioii i.f thrir irouMr to
j)r I onUn, 1 1 pvt nil Iw tiu'n an.l tlt lilm lli h im-
t i un rnj in rumint siiniui), mil tin
it iiMcnt to lie Imd for !nomiy t'onsiittttttoiiA frr
in m i oinniKi! cui-n ; ivim tiaini rimivvi All roirr
intcnco fttuotl ciiitliUiithi) Khctnt( Htutnti Adilh'tta
li cni:i" n. j i) . i.ih.vh. k. ii,iii 19. m v ..
tionji cniik, l'oitiami. on on
Rtiptuio Pormnnently Cured.
No MiiKt'iy W nk otht iiny ilin-s ftinrnntiHul.
Auap'sA i- h iuiM i i iii.ii. omrin , aua
I'.: - Ilnitk. 1'oitUnd, OU'k'oii.
Kidney Liver Medicine
AWi:n Kxoirx to
HUNT'S 11HMHDV has saved from lln
Kcrlnp disease and death hundred! who have
been given up by jihyslcians to die
HUNT'S IlISMKOYcurcsnll Dlxonson
of tlio Kidneys, llladdor. Urinary Or
lyans, Dropsy, Cirnvcl, )inlotca null
Incontinence and Kctetitlou of Urino.
HUNT'S KKMIUIY cacotiraeos sleep,
creates an appetite, braces up tho system, uud
renewed health ia tlio result
HUNT'S Iti:.Mi:i)Y cures ruin In tho
Side, Hack or Loins, Gcnoi-al Debility,
Femalo DlKcases, IJIxttirhiul Slceji,
Loss of Appotltoand JI right's DlnonHU.
HUNT'S KU.MKDY quickly InducM tlio
I.Ivor to lioaltliy action, removinif tlio causes
that produce It 11 Ions Hvmlacho, Dyspon
sln, Sour Stomach, CoritlvonuHS. I'llcs,
ny tho llso of HUNT'S UUMNIIY tlio
Stomach and lkiwcls will speedily regain their
strength, and tho blood will bo perfectly purified.
HUNT'S ItKJIKDY is purely vcffctablo,
and meets a want never before furnished to tho
public, and tho utmost rclUnco may bu placed
In It
HUNT'S It KM HnY Is prepared eje
lircssly for tho nhovn f'onsoH, nnd
hns never boon luiown ,o fall.
One trial will coiivliico you. l'ur
Rnlohy nil Druggists.
Send for I'amphlot to
I'rovldoiioi, It. T.
O I um IV n I , oablor. ltooniDli I'ianos: Hur
dot OrKiwB, band iiiHtniinentH. lirKOBt stock
of Sheet Altialo and Hooks. Hands supplied at
KaBtorn prices. M. UltAY,
200 Post st root. San Francisco.
EASTERN BUYERS. - Several desirablo City
houses and lots to exchange. Send for descrip
tive pamphlet of Santa Clara Valley Colony,
Address UEO. U. H0OKE, 202 Market Street,
Boom 6, San Francisco.
Pisa's Itcmcdy for Catarrh Is tbn
IJoat, Easiest to Ubo, and Cheapest.
Sold bv drasRists or sent by mall.
50o. 12. T. Hazeltino, Wurron, Pu.
.Lla., tlxoro!
Hop git your roost and subscribe for
1101 LTItV JoillVAI.)
Slujlo cojlia, lOo ; tbrto m mthn, 13c ; jl.OO per y r
iiih'Hiiiico. nuiupsiHu IV,
Sniuplc 'oi, ilunu imiiio, Kent t.i cvtiv lluilur
filion and MlllliiLTV Ktor-j 011 l'ncillc CV st. Ask to e
It Aoknth Wanti.I). Itlu I'll'. H,.d 25c. tor out
fit. I.I I'luo Street, hail 1 rancisco.
On Agent (Mcn-linnt onlvl lvnntt-il In ovi'ry town for
Yourclga ens oh arc J list tho thing, and per
mil mo to fuv vou uro lbo "Iiohh" advertiser.
Continue to sh p20.0CO "TansiU's Punch" on the
1st and 15th of each month. They aro the best
goous lor mic money on tins coast.
U. H. V ltwiN tc Co., Sun Francisco, Cal.
Ad(5f ss, K.W.TAXHI Mj &-CO.. I'lili atio.
"You Are
Inrlkil to read over thwio liriumaud compare with w hat
you uro now pa, inn f .rK.inlliir good or thoj of Inferior
fuality ilmjwhtri' lUktntror Ycat 1'ouder purpouud,
2-jo ; Sola or Haleratm, 5c,; repper, .Mustard, (linger,
or Al!i.lce, per lb., 15a; Cayenne, 20o ; Hyrup, ktUx,
gl 73; C'ocoanut, 18c lb.; Muc.tvrunlorVerii.ecelll,7Co.
box; KIkh. HaUlua, Nuctailnua, Apricot", IVucbua, Ap
11lS, lYam or Hume, diy, 5c. lb. Jlartulim In Uuantd
(looda, In Crockery, In (llaHnwaru, hi Cutlery, In Itlce,
In Sotlon. hi Domestic Dry Oooiln, In evirrtliliie. ('end
....... . . u '....... u 1IK 1119
llou 1
Yotinrt'tlmprottlrstKlrl In tho world, my dear,
With your t-ifuiny chftks awl your lustrous
And your swi t t, curved mouth, nnd your small,
tilnk car,
And your ru-tlecs look of eurj'rlso.
Vou nro tho (lulntlret girl In tho world, my dwtr,
From your hlildwl foot to your Grecian head;
Your smilo Ih om Htreet, your laugh la as clear,
As if I tveru living, not (load.
And your hoart Is lis llKht, nnd empty, ray dear,
As tho ring ymi ycwtertlay llmif aside.
For him poor follow! would I drop n tear,
Hut I have not wept wlueo I died.
Though I am here nt your slda as you walk
You know it not Still I lovo you nnd yet,
I wonder whua lieart you will break to-day,
And to-morrow, daluty coquette?
Ahl and I wonder, too, cut we burr)' alonk'.
When the tuant to your neliing oywi will start.
They nro taarhsM itow. Your power U iroujr,
Hut tbo man who will broak your ltortt
John K. McCtiuu.
Absolmeiv Pure
i "0 "I r
i . -a A. .
-1 ' .:
ii'U ,! I's.
b .f-
-5t U.
-it .1.3
ol '
x W ( I'
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- t,.
V.'lioli'iuilo niut I'otoll IX'alcrs lit
Guns and Sporting Goods,
Fine riwlilijjy Turkic.
Firo Crnckors ant1.
Airruts tor
SpaliliQgBjseBall Goods
ia'Hi'iiJ for Catulosu?
No. 7.
1C5 & 1G7 Socontl St., Porthntl, Or.
nrsliluAr .SDokiuio PalU, Y .T. lHttttcSt.,3aIfin.Or.
IhniiiiI S-pt. nml Slurcli,
cnrli year. U-.'IIIJ iiuRfic,
S'yXlli;, liiclirnovltlt vtr
3, COO IlliistrutliiiiM
tlvilo I'Icliiro CJnllrry,
OIVKS IVliolcunlo I'rlrrs
iffrrct fit rotmiiiiii't' H Kood
Iirrxoiinl or family use. TcllH lov to
itriler, iitul ;lven exnet cost or every
tlilnt; you use, rat, tlrlult, Wfnr, or
have fun with. Tlirso IXVAI.VAIIM5
IIOOICS voittulu liiforiiintton i;liinrit
from tlie. imirkrt of tlio world. AVo
will mull u eopy FllKH to any ad
dress upon reeelpt of 10 cts. to defruy
rxpenso of liiitlllnt;. Let u lnu from
you. lltMpectflilly,
HSJ.7 tV 2211 ilvi'iiuo. Cblciiao. 111.
Tito Original nml Only (ir-iiulnc.
R.reindiWaji llrllaMo. Iti-wiroorwurtlili-is Imllitlonf.
ladliivimblo to LADIES. AsU jour Ilrucut.t fur
"Olilrlu-ter niiirlli.li5' i"J two nuoilur.or (ucloo.
(itamps) to ui far urtloutars in Utter i'f return luutu
NAME PAPER. Chichester Chrmlpnl t'o.,
Sold bjr llrueKt CTerywhere. Aak ft-r "Chlelie.
UVs laitjUaU" l'cunyrojal i'llls. Tale nooihcr.
1 hl MVtn Itie Ifad In
til' ..lies ol that lUt of
leiiicillc., sn.l has ;iv?n
aim tt uolveisat aali.tac
lutii, I r
a hat won the tavor of
t1i j' ilJic and now ranks
.miotic tho leatlini; Mcdl
clnccflhe olldoin,
A. 1- SMI I II.
jJiadlor.!. Vt.
Sold bvUfuirirlkU.
I'.Ue I.OO.
ThU tin.T or ItefncratorH
ralo fur lbo oure of
ilcraneuutrnu of tlio nencratlTO
orgaoi. Tlio cnutl&uoua itrcact
of KI.ECTIflCITlf inniallui
throufti tho parts uiu.l rcitoic
lliom to ttrallhr aclloo, llooot
eoufooinl UiUollh Kl.ctrlo lirlta
adrerllacil to oure all Ills from
heart to tot. It is rur tho O.Nti
rot oircu
reulnri rlrlntr fall In
fotiuatjoQ, RI.rciiiC)i'irirKlr
trio licit Co., 101 WaiLlDgtua
tStrwt.Ctlcku-o, III.
Mix o's'tATfO?
aflKVuuaraototfd nut toy
cauaaStrlctura. u
RucS Mf Jonlj br lbo
SlTtas Chialeal Co.
NHsV Clnolnnstl.BiMCa
The Grandest Display of Choicest Woolens ever shown in the City,.
KiiKlifh, French, Scotch ami fieriiinu Fabric in omlloai virioty for Suits to mctuuro.
Ono ThoUHiiml IJilForont J'attoniH to select from.
Pino All-Wool Suits to Order from - - $20.00
Pino All-Wool Pants to Order 5.00.
Only While Labor and FirsM'Iass Gutters Shnployeil.
126 First Street. Portland, Or.
tlx Ur or 1111111 gm, .1 j iImi. Ih ktrunjitt iliuotlnff rid mfelt. Ttttfct
wrurKy rijriilrJ, suit lb. irnly slwululflr Mff lill un llit msik.t
IIAI.I.Altl) (TALLKIIY, SfOltTINO ANI TAItOKT RIFLIN, worl.l n' c.uiofu.. -iiAJti.i.v riJtj; aiimn c., aw
for infants and ChHdrgti.
"Cfjtoria Is so well adapted to children that I Castorla cures Oolle. Cowtlpatlon,
I recommend It MBiinerlor to onyprcscnotioa I Bou'" Stornacli, Dlarrhosa, Kructatloa.
known to mo." 1L A. Aacuirt, M. D., I ""W Uee J9-'
111 Bo. Oxford CL, Brookljrn, N. v. Without iourioiu mtdte&Mea.
Trx Cxsticb CoxextfT, 188 FultM Stmt, X. Y.
Baso Ball and Lawn Tennis Goods.
Now Store, Largest Stock,.
Finest Display,
Send for Cr.tologuo and Prices.
H. I . HUUbUN, on.
Invalids' Hotel anil Sursioal Institute
HlnlTtir t:!ulitron rxiiorlriict'd nml Hklll.
Till a'ltjHlciiiltH nml Slinreoim.
Putli'iit.-t tro.ttfil hero or nt thi'lr Iiohhb. llttny
trcttiil lit lioim, tlirouirii corrt'S)outlcnci, as
sui'ciMStully iih if horo In itersoti. Cottiu anil
buu tin, or scud ton routs In stumpst for our
" Invalids' Guldo-Dool," which ulvoa nil purtlo
tilnrs. AtUlivsa: WoumiM liisrcNtt.vttr Menu
CM. Association, OiiJ Main St., lhiirulo, N.Y.
Vor "worn-out," "run-down," tlobllltntcd
school tcai'lion. tnllllnors, soutnptroFwa, liriliso
kcoprra, nnd ovorworlcod women Rrnciitlly,'lorcii's Fuvorlto l'rrsrrlptlon Is tlio lirjit
of nil tvtitortit Ivo tonlw. It It notn "Cure-ull!"
bntiulmlr.ibly ftiKIIMu fIiikIoiTom of uuriiogc,
bclnir n most potent Spoelllo for rill tlipso
Chronlo AVcaknessos nnd DIboiiscs peculiar to
wamen. Tho treiittnent of niiuiv tlioiiwiuils
of such Citsee, itt tlio In villi As' Hotel tinU StirR
Irul Instlttlto h:w ruTorded u litrro cxperieuco
lu iidttptitur lxiiucdli'S for tlielr cure, tinU
Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription
la tlio result of this vnst cxperlcnco. For
intoriinl coiii;omIIoii, In Humiliation
nnd ulo.orulloii, It It it Specific. It
la u powerful (renorul, in well us ntirliie, tonic
and nervine, and Imparts i;ror mid MntiRth
to tho wholo syst m. It cure;) wrnknrwi of
Btomiieli, Indlaestlon, bloat fnir, wenlc bnclf,
nervous prostmtlon, exhaustion, debility and
Bleeplesinefis, In eitherse.v. rnvorlto I'rosrrip
tlon la sold by dnwrlsta under our itoslttre
guarantee. Seo wrapper around bottle.
PR8GE $1.00, .StJof
Bond 10 centH lu Etampa for Dr. l'lereo'a argr
Treatlso on Discuses of Women 1C0 piiffes,
paper-covered). Address, Wuill.n'fl
IllIiotiM ironilnr.lio,
IHzzlnono, CoiiNtin
tluit liullKfNt"
mul ltlllonttAtlnclcH,
promptly etirud by Ir.
I'Wurco'H I'loiiHiint
luri;ullvo I'oIlolN.
nentaa vial, by Drnmriats.
The Van Monciscar
Young, mldilIo-iurt and
old, slnfilo or niarrfod iqqu
ami all rho suffer vlth
Norrous IlKblllty, Stierm.
torrlica, Heinlnal Lowes,
Huiual Decsy.VallltiliSIem.
ory, Wt-ak Kyes, Lack of"
KnerKy, also Wood 'and'
Hklu Olsudsrs, Sviilinul,,
Eruptions, Hair Fulling
llune l'ains, H welllngsi
Horo Tli r oat, Uloers, t
fects of Mercury, Kldneyn
and llladilur Trnitlilev.
Weak Hack, Hunting Urloe, tluuontioa, Oliet, Stdot-iiri-
- iirompt relk't and cunt for lllu.
ltoth Ncxcm CoiiMiilt Conlldentlnlly
NT. P. N. U. No. 18 1-S. F. N. U. No. i(!0.
Btnd for
lluvt'ii, Cuim
, IN. 1