The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 18, 1887, Image 1

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    VOL. ILL
The oregonScout.
An independent weekly journal, Uued ev
ery S.itit.da.v morning ly
Publishers unci Proprietors.
A. K. .loxr.s, I
Editor. )'
1 It. Ciiamuv,
'l Koieumu.
One copv, one vcar SI .50
" ' Six tnolitlir- !.()
" ' Tluee niontos ".")
Invariably (,' In Advance.
If bu clutncf mdnrtiptwwi nrr tint jiititl till
tml ti year, tiro dullatt will lie rluiryid. .
ltates of advertising made known on ap
plication. 32Jf"Corrii"pniloiicc from nil parts of the !
country sol ci;ed. I
.Adre-s nil coii'iniinic.-Uions to the Okkuon I
Scol't, I'nixii On "on. I
Attorney at Law.
Collecting ami prohtite practice special
tics. Olllce, two iluori soiiih of po-U-olllee.
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
AND XOTAltY Pl'ItUC. Ollice, one
door south of .1. J!. Naton's store, Union,
Physician ii Surgeon.
Ofllee. one door .south of J. t. Katun's
-store, Union, Ongon.
Attorney at Law,
Real estate and collecting airent. Land
Olllce lliisine-s a Specialty. Olllce at Jo
seph, Wallowa countv, Oregon.
,Q V. 1SEI.L,
Attorney at Law,
Notary I'ub!ic, and Abstractor of Titles.
Office State Land (Mlice huildini;, corner i
.Mam and A Nru'ts, I nion, Oregon.
L. COliUS, AL. D. ,
Physician and Surgeon.
n Having permanently located at Alder. I'n
ion county Oregon, will lie found ready to
attend to cills In all the various towns and
settlements' of the Wallowa vallev.
asrciiHoxif diseases a specialty.
3Iy nn.ttn is: "Live and Let live."
M.ISakkk. J. .1. 1 liAKKU.
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICES Union and La Grande, Ore
gon. Special Attenlh n given all business
entrusted to n.
Q II. DAY, M. 1).,
Physician i Surgeon.
Olllce adjoining Jones Uro's store. Can
he tumid nights at the Centennial hotel,
room ho. ,
Notary I'uhlic.
Ex-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Ttiwil and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonabfe
Sales of Heal anil Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
. Ottlee next door south of Post-olllce. Un
ion, Oregon.
Cor. Main and lists. . . Union. Oregon,
Manufacturers and dealers In Wa
ter, Sarsuparilla. (i Hgor Ale Cre., Sodi
and Champagne CidSr, 8ym,,, or'
ders promptly tilled. "'J,S. "-
Watcliniakov.s & Jowohu-.s,
I'nlon, - . Oregon.
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
ltepalrini; nt Moderate Ititti ..
Call and x.nnincour poods and pricew.
Kentuclcy Linuor Store
KidneyLiver Medicine
xnri::: icxoirx to
COr.r.S till Diseases of tlio JCiilncys,
LI vcr, llladilor, and Urinary Organs;
Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, llrlijlit'ii
Disease, I' In ilic ItatI;,
I.olns, or Side; Itctent Ion or
Non-ltotentloti of Urine,
Nervous Diseases, I'emalo
AVeakiicssen, Kxcesses, .taundlco,
USHonsnesa, Iloailache, Sour Stomach
Dyspepsia, Coi:sti;)atlo:i, and I'llcs.
FAIL, as it acts directly ami at onco on tlio
Kidneys, I-ivor ami Itoivcls, restoring
thorn to a healthy action. HUNTS HEM ED Y is
a Bafo, sure, and speedy euro, and hundreds have
been cured by It when phyticians and friends
had given them up tu Civ. 1J not delay, try at
Illaddcr, Vrinary and Li"or Dui.a.,oj, Dropsy,
Gravtl, and Diahot. i, aro cured t y
Tin: s;i:s-i' kiiskv
and ti i:n aiHKicijv i:.
curua Hrijht'3 Dlsca-c, r.i;tcnt:on or N'on-Uetcn-tion
ot Urine, Pali; : !u thu l.'aelc, Iins, or Mdo.
cures Intemperance, N'ci-vuus Diui. es, CJtuc-al
Debility, I'oi.ia'u Weakness, and Exresscj.
cures IiI!I(iutne"s, Iloadaihe, JauuJico, Sour
Stoma-.)., j'ypep;la, Cunstljiatlon and I'iles.
ACTS AT ON'Ci: on tho ICMneyo, r.lver,
and IJov.'cls, restorin;; them to a healthy
action, and CUItE.S wlion all other inodichios
fail. Hundred i b'-tn saved w ho havo lieet
fiven up to uio by fiiends and f liysielans.
KidneyLiver Medicine
xi:vi:n icxoirx to r.tir..
HUNT'.' liKJIKDV has ned tn.m Un
caring dUeaso and death hundreds who hav.
been t'lvcn up by physicians to die.
HUNT'S ItKMUDY cures nil Diseases
of tho Illdnoys, Itladilor, I'rlnary Or
gans, Dropsy, Oravel, Dlatmtos nnd
Iiicontinctico and Itotentlon of Urluo.
HUNT'S IIKMKDV encourages bleep,
creates an nppotlto, braces up the system, and
renewed health Is tho result.
HUNT'S IIKMKDV cures pain Jn the
Side, Hack or I.oina, General Debility,
Ftsnialo Disease, Disturbed Sloop,
Loss ofAppctlto and Ilriglit's Dlsuusa.
HUNT'S KKJIEDV quickly induces tho
Liver to healthy action, removing tho cautos
that produce ISIIIons Headache, Dyspep
sia, Sour .Stomach, Cost! venoss, I'llcs,
Ity tho uso cf HUNT'S KKMUDV tho
Stismoli and li-.welj will adlli rutfJil thtlr
ctrenth, and tlio blood will be porfectly purifiod.
HUNT'S KHMKDY Is purely v6tablo,
and moots a wont never be lure lurnlshod to tho
putllo, and tho uttnoct rsllanos inay bo placed
In It
HUNT'S 1I1JMKDY Ii prepared ex
prcmly for tho nlioro diseases, n'icl
has never been linmin to fall.
Ono trial will ronvinco yon. For
latoby all DniKglsts.
Ecu.) fur Pain;.t.Ict to
Our Poets.
Tld- spa'-" is -riven for the ue ami en
emirate -unit of our local writers of vei-se.
and c hop.' to make tt a pleasim; feature
of the liaiH'.-. '!'o tlmt end eoiitriliiitlniis lire
solicited, hut they must undoubted
litiiary merit to obtain place and recogni -
tlntl llel, I" It 1
Written for the Soon-,
(iitANDt: i:.
(i ramie 1'otide, thou lovely vale, sweet val
ley of the " t,
(iirdcii around on every Mdc, hy moinitains
Miowy crests
Thjit Mtaiul like white-rohed .entiiiel.s to
watcli thy midnight dream-,
And cnt their fjIanciiiK Windows upon tliy
crystal streiuiH,
Could they lmt only . peak, what tales they
would' unfold
Of treasures hidden in their depths, of
j-ilvcr nnd ot pold !
As far below, in heaiity, upon thy fertile
They .-co the waving liunch-firass, and wuv-
lields of fjrain
The home where once, the dauntless Indian
warrior trod
Lout; ere the white mini came to furrow thy
green Mid.
WhcfVMilitude once reigned, is heard the
sound of mills,
And herds of sheep and cattle gnv.u upon
thy j.'rn.ssy hills,
While' on thy poueeful lioom, reared hy
many toiling Winds
Are ! mansions iiuilt, :iud thriving cities
The iron horse, undaunted, thy mountain
harriers hreak
And dashing o'er thy hoMim, thesleejiy
farmers wake.
Now, from Mas: and West will come the
' hardy sons of toil
To claim from tliee a pleasant home upon
thy virgin soil,
And ask in faith of thee, what honest toil
To vield thv hidden treasures into
brawiiv hands.
Written for the Scopt.
A in:
Oh glorious life! with double .stage,
How sweet thy joys to me.
I've tasted youth, and long for ago
, To set my spirit free,
I In earlier days, when sill was bright,
And songs of joy gushed from my heart,
' When .sorrow, at my will, took flight
Aim leu my muni, at ease, apart.
I thought that life would still he gay
That trouble ne'er could pass my door,
To mar the joy of one fair day
And that 'twould last forevcriiiore.
lint now, tho-e days are past and gone,
And drear have been the changing years,
'Til now, not old, I'm growing wan',
And know the bitterness of tears.
The pi ime of life is hut a lino
Whet c culminates our Jpippier task.
Thence downward do our paths decline,
And when we, mournful, ask
"I lath our past life been free from care
And have we, tint oils, lillcd our pint?"
A "Yes" to this h very rare,
Hut "No" is heard the most.
-Ii. II.
Wo have had
crops are lookin
good humor.
a glorious rain, and
; line. Everybody in
Mr. Stevenson's largo barn is Hear
ing completion.
Our hay crop is going to lie first
class. Wheat, oats, and other cereals
look very promising.
A young man hy tho name of Shears
camo to town to seo the doctor, and on
his way homo took a lit, fell oil his
jmrso, aim oroico ins arm. tie is, wo4
learn, getting along quite well under
the treatment of Dr. McXaugton.
Our now Justice of the Peace, J. II.
Cowan, is having considerable work in
liis line of business. He Fcems to ho
the right man in the right place.
A freighter from Wallowa got into
trouble witli the Wyatt Hro's, recently
and a law suit is ponding.
A very enjoyable time was had nt
tlio dime sociablo given at Mrs. i).
Chandler's, last Friday evening. The
next is to be at Mrs. Stovensons' in two
weeks. The proceeds are to go toward
furnishing our places of worship.
Mr. .J. K. Norris, tho artist, has
painted several now signs for our busi
ness men. Ho has also lettered the
boxes in (ho post ollice.
Our wideawake asiestor isliorc, hard
'it work, Ai.kph.
What a truly bountiful world we live la !
Nature, give us grandeur of mountains,
glemi and oceans, and tlioiinunds of means
of enjoyment. We can desire no better
when in perfect health; but how often do
the majority of iieople feel like giving it up
disheartened, iliseour.igeil nnd worn out
with dlseate, when there ii no occiudon fur
this fiuling. at every sufferer can easily oh.
tain satisfactory proot. that dtrrn' Amjuit
yiuictr, will make them free from disease,
as when born. Dyspepniu and Liver Com
plaint uro the direct taiino of soveiitv-llve
per cent, of niich muludic as llilioiiHiiess,
Kervou I'roiitration, I)Zzini.hg,,f (he Head, i
I'u In tatioll of 111 Heart, nii.l other. lly,..! :
iiiiiineiiiii, sick iieaimciic. i ontivoiibkx,
lmf kvini.i.iiiiK Thre.. . ,.f t. ....... ....;. '
; tr will prove its wonderful eillcct. huniiilo 1
Try it
plcy Letter Prom Our
Cm respondent.
Cold as liluzos
L. Hitcr. of Han Francisco, visited
i olu-(own on Sattll'diiv.
William K. Kiiit-linrt's Hall on July Itli.
.1. (). Smith, of (lie Cove, visited
.Stitiiinerville on fsiindny, returning ui
A li.uht over si neck yoke on Sunday
eauseil an inoresiM' in tlio funds of the
treasury on Monday.
F. 15. Collins was at Klpuon Satur
day looking after the property belonp;
ing to die 11. A. Xancu estate.
Mrs:. Dr. W. E. Kinehart lias gone
to l'ortland to meet her hus-Iiaud wlio
has located there peiinumeutly.
Tho new house of Uncle Henry
Meyers is almost completed and pre
sents a very neat and tasteful appear
ance. W. F. Martin nnd Wm. Fino have
hought a ear load of liorscs in the Will
lown valley which they will ship to
Jl. D. Hubers and S. L. McKonzio
started to l'ortland on Sunday to tit
tend the meetinj; of the t!nind Lodge
A. F. it A. M., which convenes the
present week.
Lincoln Auttin, son of our county
surveyor, litis been engaged by Wm.
K. Hinchart it Hro. to canvass this and
Wallowa counties in tlio interewt of
hardware and agricultural store.
A telephone line from .1. II. Uine
hart it Son's mill to the bank in Sum
nicrvillo will bo put up at. once. It is
to bo hoped that the citizens of this
I place and Island ('ity will take the
I initiatory tteps toward extending the
I same hit ween those two points.
It is liunoied Unit H. .S. 'Crane is
somewhere in the wilds of Patagonia.
, It is well for him that, ho is out of the
I way of some of the citizens of our town
I us his bones would be left to bleach
upon the prairies if all accounts are
to bo beloived.
A cordial invitation is extended to
Union and North I'owder base ball
clubs throimh tho columns of the'T to i t end our celebration tho
coining -Ith and match against each
other for the purse of $.'iO. ollered in the
progranio, published elsewhere in tho
Here is $7..r)0, take that, for the lino,
its blood I'm after. II. P. And blood
you got. Dick. I havo fully re
overcd from toothache. A. .1. 1
I) m that C'rane. nianv creditor
Wo will fix (loosely. A. J. I'. We
will that, .lack. K. 11, M. (Jot my
life insured. (V U. I'. There aint
anything tho matter with that niaro
II. W. Thoy say that the mam I
got from Waldeek balks! .1. M. S.
1 never go back on a horse trade. II.
W. They say tho boys put up a job
upon Waldeek but I dout believe it.
JTortli Powder Nuj?gels.
Juno lo. 1887.
Tlio I'oad supervisor is stirring up the
Frank Clark is preparing' to jdiip a
car load of horses Fast.
I). W. C. Nelson has made quite an
improvement in his drug store.
W. J. droves is making tomo im
provements in his business,' this weak.
We noticed Uncle Djivo Johnson, of
Union, on our streets, ono day this
Hill Dixon says that cayuso is a bad
ono that wipes tho ground with him,
doud it.
(Icorgo Dorman says ho don't like
to trade horses with a child, even if lie
doci get !r2.fjO to rue hack.
James Knapp left tho country, last
week, with another man's wife, but she
loft her two little girls with William,
this time.
C. T. Irwin, tho shoemaker, left last
.Sunday to visit his father, near ('ho
ney, W. 'J'. Win. Harris now, takes
care of tho people's solos.
Ilyron Vandeear says the next time
young ladies come to visit his bachelor
hall, ho would like to bo nt homo and
help thorn to arrange tho furniture.
We refrain from commenting on
"The Other Side" of the question as it in the Hcoi-r last week, anil
will wait and see what disinterested
reviewer will say about it, after court.
If von want It tillll iiii'i- nf idinou ii-
boots, call on Air C Vincent wlm bus
r""lP' u, . 1OG0UI, Will) 1111
Jiusi received a large assort mont of la-
u'Bt tyles fiom theeast. He will not be
undersold for cash. Try liini.
niiriTTTmirniuTT muni iif in nun 11 1 r 11
Work In tlie Alines -1'i epm lllluns
u Celelirntllin t.n tile t'.iiulli
---Pel i nll.-il Mention.
June 12, 18S7.
1). F. Moore visited (be camp to-day. I
Travel has- slackened with the rainy I
weather. ' j
Jsimes I lendershott and ICugene
Foster, of the Cove, are in town.
We. have been having regular Web
foot weather for the past week and still
Work is progressing rather slowlv on
the 0. (i. M. Co'.smill, the weather be
ing co bad that outside labor is sus
pended. W. U. Usher was elected president
and U. C. Warinner vice president of
tlie P. U. F. A. at the last meeting of
the board of directors.
From and after this date stages will
leave Ilaker City at J o'cock, P. M..
arriving in Cornucopia same day at 10
o'clock. This will bo a great conven
ience to the travel as there will be no
layover at Sparta.
Messrs. lien Stearns, Wid Wrijht,
Wm. nioom, Mr. Thomas and Alex
Cochran arrived in camp, from thoi
Covo, on Friday. It looks as if tlie
Cove had not fully digested this morsel
and the result has been a good old '
fashioned ''puke."
Dan Moore informs your correspon- ,
dent that tho object of Jim I lender-;
shott's visit is to get this partof Union '
county set aside as a seperato state '
and himself appointed governor of tlie
same. Jim denies the charge and says
he is entirely out of polities anil is on
ly seeking a market fur his fruit. ,
The committee appointed at the last
meeting oi the association for the pur- (
pose of raising funds and taking steps;
toward celebrating the coming -1th of '
July, inform your correspondent that
there will undoubtedly be a celebra-1
tion. and are talking of securing a brass
band for the occasion. Why not have ,
tho Union baud in nt tendance?. '
li. C. Warinner was elected a direc
tor of the P. K. F. A. at its last regular
meeting, as Jos. Luco resigned. We
aro sorry he saw lit lo resign as his in
lluence and counsel has been a great
benefit to tho association, but ho prom
ises to work as indofatigably for the
good of (he order, in tho ranks, as if
ho were an ollicer and ho is a worker
in any capacity.
Then. Oiniiotte, of Louisville, Ky.,
one of the directors of the O. (J.M. Co.,
visited our camp last week. He ex
presses himself highly pleased with the
company's property heio and promis
es to return by the firt of September,
when their mill is expected to bo run
ning. The company have ordered ,
20,000 brick and IIO.OOO lbs of lime, ,
which is being delivered by Wm. Lane.
Telocaset TsiMliug'M.
Weather wet and cold.
Crops growing nicely.
.Sheep shearing in full blast.
This vicinity is flourishing under the
recent refreshing rains.
If grain commands a good price this
fall, limes will not bo so hard. The
prospects for a good crop aro excelled .
A company from Ogden, Utah Tor.
contemplates . tho erection of it saw
mill in the mountains to the east of
this place.
The work on the now road up Pylo
canyon is not progessiny very fast.
Dont know tho reason. Too niudy
Mr. Tims. Lloyd, of this place has
associated himself with the Standard
Silverware (Jo., of Boston, .Mats., and is
acting as their agent.
Air. L. llobinsou and (ieorgo Thomp
son, two of our miMl respected young
men, are going to take their departure
for the Dlackfoot country next week
to look up a location for a stock ranch.
We regret lo have them go, and Ihey
have our best wishes. Our ranks have
been cut down considerably within the
last few mouths, and the remnant of
the once jolly baud are somewhat lone
ly. Why buy from imigrating ageutH of
whom you know nothing, eitherof their
responsibility or the chaieeter of their
goods, when there are respousilile deal-
era located near you, who carry full .
and complete lines of all farm and mill I
machinery and implements, and whofo
success it is for your best interests to
support with yoar patronage? Frank
Hro's. Implement Co, of Inland Citv
request your consideration of their
! claim, and refer vou to your neighbors '
wlio have had dialings with tie m.
NO. 51.
ur irn 1 1 1 i n i n n iiniinii i 11 mini mil iiiiiiium.
.Villi's M ee
Nutes .-Hid P
My Itinlet of Xcmh
eticul Pointers.
M v name is .Tunc, sir; and I
Often laugh ns often cry;
I cannot tell what make me;
(Inly as the lit o'ertakes me.
I must ,-iug, smile and flown.
Laughing though the tears toll down,
Hut 'ti nature, sir, not art,
And I'm happy at my heart.
Mr. L. IJ.ier, of Salt Francisco, is
Mrs. A. Hberly, of Walla Walla, re
turned to her home, Tinvday.
Don't eat soup with a fork; it is
more eletgan to use a spoon and you
get more coup.
The balmy airs of summer and the
copious rain at intervals, makes the
fti.niers happy.
Mr. J. F. JohiiFoti, of Wallowa, is
hauling his wool to La (Irantle. llo
has three thousand pounds.
J. O. S , of (he Cove. "Please pass
tho M-huol nia'in. ' She don't pass
wor'h, a cent, but I'll take it up and
make it clubs.
Don't drop your fork at the tublo;
if you do, quickly secure it by placing
your foot on it, tlius hindering all oth
em from getting ahead of you.
Don't hit your wife on the head with
your umbrella, because she tulles too
much. Practice economy. Uso a
steel poker, and she won't talk again.
Air. Henry V. Sterling, who is en
route with his father's remains, is ex
pected here by Thursday. It is proba
ble the funeral will be held tit La
The Island City At. and Af. Co havo
bought out Jlaer it Church. Tho
goods will lib traui'fored as soon as
convenient. A hardware, crockery
and a variety store willbe opened in
the brick. Sai.i.y Ann.
IJijjIi Valley Happenings.
Hverybody smiling over tho recent
Air. John Smith, of Omaha was here
recently buying horses for shipment
Airs. Tom Wilkinson and sister,
Mary, have been vihitiu,; relatives hi
Baker City.
A visit to Union showed us the char
red remnants left by the late lire,
speaking in silence of the necessity of
a good steam lire engine. Union can
not ami will nut build up as it should
until protection is secured against lire.
Tho secret of town building what is
it? It is for all Us cilizeii.s to pull to
gether and work in concert. Towns
do not gtow of themselves, but grow
because they are peopled hy men who
know the secret and are not afraid to
prove their faith in their town by their
works. A citizen who is not willing
to do all in his power to advance his
town is a positive detriment to it, and
the town would bo far better oil' with
out him. You can't build up by
sitting on dry goods boxesor standing
on the street corners growling because
the lown hasn't inanufacturies and
everything it ought to have, while you
leftist) to patronize what it has got, and
send to l'ortland or Chicago for dry
goods and groceries, probably getting
less for your money by doing so than
you could get at homo. There never
was a town on earth built up in that
way, anil there never will he.
IJoport of the public school in dis
trict No. II, Union county, Oregon,
for Hie month ending Juno 10, 18S7:
Total number, fil; average
daily attendance, l(i !!.". The following
named pupils have maintained tho
highest deportment: Kniuia Jewell,
1)8; llattie SteveiiMm, OS; Alary Alex
ander, OS ; (Icorgo Chandler, On ; Ulrio
Kiidicott,U5; Alilton Combs, W; Wil
lie Lambert, O.'j; Lucy Weaver, 05;
Alay Colwell, !)."; Viola IJndicott. 05;
Flora Stevenson, 95; Fannie Harris,
00; Milton Hcnnett.OO; Artie Lambert,
00; Alerlio Jewell, 00; Lucy Harris,
85; John Kiidicott, 85; Weldon Wea
ver 85 ; Nancy Land. 85 ; Andrew Land,
85; Alanda Land, 85; Pliiubo Weaver,
I 85; Alay Kndicott, M).
HAltA CI I It ISM AN, Teacher,
S. It, Ayles, nmnufiictnror of but
ler barrels and kogs, has always on
hand a good supply of the best quality
mid will sell them at reasonable price,
(iive him it call at his shop, south of
the school house, Union.
Wool tacks US. cents each, at J, U,