The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 11, 1887, Image 8

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    0 '
O'l K'V; T. i-T II'K M I .N
Hun '
til - I
'V ''.,1' I'l ii'I'Cd, !' 3
ii v-v : Voi'li
' ' l ' 1 im-: t f i ., ( I' l. lit"
" : . r o 1 1 1 1 I u s illjii" . i ill ll'i ir
i t i !ii c i Ii r .h 'ir hot . i ii in 1 1 1 i'
h -iImi i-re i'1-.tlii'j iii i k tlmt
ii .i-' . u- !, had l- tier 1 1' i .ir fill
.'' il l-1- tin ir -tot k.
iti I.
.. r
ii fun I '
III it.
I' ri i I
Survey S'n.
u i ! . t ;'. . 1 1 ; ) 1
l . .-. J, V l On ! ;, r. (Jit 'NUB. ORH.l.t,l
. i'iy .Hi, is.. '
Nn':e" i- Ii mc'iv given tlmt H. r. loneli
111! I C. II KSIIICI . ulm e ) .t.(lHV tut-
ii . i .- m: c, i jiii ii
Land Offick,
at Im (fiMfni:. ORriinx.i
Mm IS. Is-? i
Xotie.' is li'Tdiy given iluii the f .Howi'mr-
Thomson & l'tiifiol sun (lirctits tr
the ri'fplinitod Cyclone. Wind Milt, unci
name i s utler lots nicd untie" of bi inti.n. ,,c id.. ,...!,...., .... n i i
lion nroof in Mini,,,.-. ,f his . . 1 "" fSi
cb.Iin, iiml that kiilil proof uill lie iii.k'c In--
IiitC M.I' register I'll'l re'-i'f'cr nt Ll Or Mule,
Nlll I'I'
of Aijtlti in M t IMu'iriirtKt Tim.
lit i I nml.
.A.nOn- k LGnNli-,
nun u. .H7 I
!)'' c V ).cr bygiicn tliiii, in complianti!
v .th 'In ji mVinii-ol ili.i Ait if ('engie's
j on vid Jul ',. l-7f, (Milled 'All Ad for'
t e Gate Of 'I in. her Lui ds il tic Sti te ol
.cllnitilu. ()rfi.n. N'ivikI'i. ihuI Wit-hing-'mi
'Urn;orj,"S't KWAllT K I.I.J.,wln-e
l ut-.iriec at noes N t'r.Jon, lliiinu countv.
' viftim. h tlii day ft.t.'i in ttW oil cu 1,1
" 1 OHtl ll tO J III U.UlM' till' SU''-,' Nttiuu
XuHl, InTown.Mp No ii jNiwtti. lint:;?. No.
I KhM, if the V Manure meridian. All ,
1 t.'ivtiu tiolilliif;. atiy ndver-c i l.-ilni tlici-e'ii I
i. f tttjinrwl to pn-ont iii Mime nt il I'j
"ill.c ltMlt i, V iluy fnmi thu flr.t lliln- '
i i ...... i-. 1 i
i ihiiuiiiii iililil' .
S.11 WiO. ItlKMtif.
ill'. - H Mm:t''. 1 l iii ii i I'limitv (ii, ii.ii i
.tin..:, I .. t'.,' i.iiiKn' m vu .j ' . ' V r . iViM .'r t . . , V1
Timn-I. T s. ,.Ki- 4!J h. Willti.iii.tteine- r i M .. 1 4 U , c """ t!"
tidl lli i lnl dm r Hi ll iv il... i. Ii . i. i- fo ,,rtl''X 'itlnt5 Ki .ri.V il ciiitiiiiiou
Ii L'" ' " ' ' ,1. '." rwli rmw ti,.m, iiml'tnltivnti.... ,.f. sfl.l
ly ri'tlniM'tl tlit'v nro tiuw within the
rtwli of nil. Siimpli' mill U ho scon
nt thou- pluno! in North L'nion. (.'nil
ittid t'Xiiiiiinc it
Il'lffl 111' I1SI1' f SHIS
I iW. iii w.l
lli'Rliiiiinjf nt hjhikI nt tlinoutliw't vur-
m-ni flu- finiiii f mil wlni'li tl o onrncr tol
ei it- u. :, io ll.Tp. 7.s u j y ,vnr. ;
ri, ITi'ojf (si min. V T-i) foot iiikI tl.c txt ;
iiiliiiiiiirKcil -'('or. No. 1, (f, H. M. C. rtnr-v-y
Xii 7." uml riimiiii s Ki t.v K .
fft't to ii tiiit niHiko I ('or No I'll H J
C Sitr No 7; tlii iicc ttvu I: I 0 ifna to u ! J
I iii iiiiii or .mi n it v, m i rtlir .Ml V,
on foiitli-wi'-'t luce ot jm; iIkiihcS" 8i iIck
V :J."Vi ffi-t to n iMt iiiiirkril 4 t it: Ko I (i ;
('w.... V. .-.,. I .... t 1
.i .-in o in 'iii't- ;s n OCC J. ,11 III"
IhikI. .: llolMTt MoriN. K. It. Millnril.
('Iiiir.'c Dicxhon. nml .liutii". I'.ivtii, u!l of
Covo, (.'nliin lunnty. Oregon.
ilK.fhY IitXKIHtlT.
oi'l-n'! IttKicter.
W. D. BSlDLERaAPJ, Proprietor.
Kociis coiwfinitiv on luiiiil ii fml DSKitrtiiiPiit of xiM-vt'.ltiir in hU lino, innnttfai turc
i of the lii-t liiatiTial ,1 t:i m:.) lf. Jio i nmv . lit r.:i;r inr 'jii ill?
7J,.J 7.2 JL .7.77 i 7 . iT. ,
-vr jjvsl lui ui MHtaiex. at lower uriccs uiaio iuvu
' , o' ' J (
N0TI0K I'Oli PUBLICATION. 0) fici: at La (JitA.vnu, Ons.l
.Mi.y 10, 1S7. (
Notice N liciciiy alven tl.nt t lit- f 'll. tWiiiir-
ni'i-ii;i men notice or nt lnteii.
to tlc ii'm-f ot iK'Jilii.iitii', ii mtiil mix !'.'.( ;t'"ilto nuike tlliiil .roof in Mlfiioit of liN
ncrei". l, M'nii in i emc r.'ion Cil in Vol I). nn, in iitinit miki nriiot mi liu in uii- lie""
In the Clmill Ciinrl nf the fitotr of (frnjvn,
net ii Vut4hlf nf T'ninii,
. 'i. .uilililKry. Ilutntlff, 1
Tf. (
l!n d'nl.M c.y. Dofi mtnnf . J
io Ii'.tvKi.i. (J.i.twH.;uv, Tnl: aIwvk Dr.-
.1 Oii!,tiiii, V ,iir in In rely wiy In il to ii.
)id ir Mini i nxvr tin' eoni'iiiit lli'cd iunimt
.uiii In ill i li ive entitidl ,nlr Miiliin ti ji
i n,V Ir. in tic ilnfe of llie rvlce nf tli'
M...IIIIOII1 II poll .Villi, If 'I'M' I ui.l I'l lni
I'liniy; i inn-utlicr t of
tlii Mut -. tli ii witl. In i wttit v iIh.vk limn
.Ii untefii' tli. vn it c of t!in iiiiniiono ni-
ii yotciiiid I tin mil i.i tn im.wiT, (.!
u-i'iil tlu rui." dm J'lintiturwSII tiike mjffe
nii'i.t iifiiln-i (.ii f.,r tin- d h iMi inn ,.f Hip
lioililt" of ii. n Hnuu y oxIniI'i iienvecn tli..
inn iliK do e o, i.ii'I in n otliff ivlii'f i . nmv
I'l'JIWl ' Mil- in Wl li'll V'. I'. 4Jo ill-
l'C V in I Mi', utiil Juk.Ii.'IIii (ioliUueil'V i
D rfinliinr.
Tlienliot i iniitiiiiiiM initWl Ii (l. liv iin
'i'iV ftiinln ir ebiiiiiliiiv on tin- Mi-il' diiv
i f Jnne. l"7iit .lYndlit'iii. (ii-n.'on. bv Iio:i.
Ii W . Wnlki r, t iivult.'uiidi'i ,tlint ilii-iiliovc
m i.imoiin Ik' iiiiM hIici! lor ix wn-l.-t In
H i (tttcr.oy Rvht. ii wnldv neviii'iMr
jni ili.liil nt I n.on, I'lilon n'ntv. Oregon.
A. MiJACIlliX.
, I'ltl'- Atty.
'V.i tili,lM. mt'ii-'H N. ties
j'ife .JiVi i f re 'nrtlM of iii nt lo niiiuis I'n
Hill coin ly. ur.'Uoll. A(IJ niimv
nit' -.''iiiiiiiiii . oiiiirl. lo,.e on
tl Knilit ii nirix lode on
Any mid nil iht-mis cjiiiiilnir iiilicr-clv
jinv i'ituini of Ki.Id ' (iolili ii I'jijfli (jiuiit.
loilf id o dcKci iliiil, iii o rciiiiioil io li.e
tlieirtiilv r I'lidni will, the r.-ttiu'er i f the
T. S. Iiiiid i.l'dce ut l.n ' iriimli.'. I'liion ei.nn
ty, Ort'lfon. niirii the xi.vv duvn -elioi of
Huh i 'lit I hi h"i-ej, or Hie will he Imrred
hy ilrtiii'iif the pn vision,, ol the Ntniiitc.
, , , I.'ei !((".
It i- lirnhv nnlenil that the foreuo;nt;
lint w of nppllt'iitioii for a 1'. S. I'.ileiit he
pnlilirOiu.l for ii period of .-i.'- dnvs (ten
coiiKOciillve wick ) in ihe OIiK'.onVi'oi't.
ii weekly iieu.npir pnliii-lKiil nt I'lilon, in
i mini comity, uri'iiiM.
Ii i:ttv Hi.-i:iiai!t,
rtT-WlO l.'eaiater,
for,' I III! KculMursitiil Id-c Iff i nt L:i (iuinile.
iliK cliiiiiix, are I ' . U"H' -l l'"s'' viz: T. N
it tin- in-1. uml , 1 1 1 1 U "l""- f"f the N4 oiW
he il rth. ' SW of .SV'iSec(i Tss li fi. uml
ii-.y, oi .-M'.'.", mc I I .l IE 1 V y,. Jle
niillie.'. the fiiilowiinr wllnex-e to rnvi' Iii
( ontiiinoiix iinidoiico iifion. iind cultivation
of, Mild hied, viz. ,-elhv I.eep, .1. 1 1. Tuha
hIiij.', .M. Illooni. Mid .l."Scoti, nil of I'me
Vid ey, Cinoii toiioty. O'pjron.
llKMti' l.'IXKII I!T,
-1 t-wO ItesrUtir.
i7 T
VVL I WL'( 1(1, III .LJLlblt'i II, L(. Jt( Ij;
AIm. a i rf.i, ASSOKTMKXT of SITUS. Willi's, AXM: tilSKASi:. IIA15XK
OIL. Htc. Kti: Kti.. In fai t t-vorytldiifr uitialiy kept in a
' First GSass Esfablishmenf.
I ifCall iilid t'XaiiiliK' ;,'oods.
Main Mrt'i't. rnu.n. OrcRon.
mill im im
I I i
Applieiitlon for a 1. S. I'atenl. Kr.rvev Xo.
i ( In! ii No. .7.1. .Mineral nppl.eaiio'n No.
I'.t4. Limi Oi i'ieu, l,.v (ilu.Ntn:, Oimioox,)
....... . 'r '. if"", f
Notice h lierohy tf.ven tlmt H. H. liiiiyh
nml r. II. Diiik'iiii, whoH" pifl-olllce ad-tlni-H
it:p.iiia. I'liion ci OriKon, have
this day Hied ilicir iiiiicution lor a puient
for llie "Knight'' ipn.r; niine, .-itiiael in
Ihe fo,:r h miner n dixlrie in T 7 It '.'! H
Wslh.iiH'f.f nii rid'un. an. I devcri' e I hv the 1
ollleiiil .!,h nml Ihhl hotcon li t in' tid.s' La.vd (Jitick AT L.V ( iitA.NMii:. Ouncu.v,;
nil. v. - .iiimmvm. ill wil : I Alm-'l I VWT C
La.vd Oitickat Ly (ika.vd!:, Oas,)
May 10, 1487. (
Nolhe N lierchvi'ivcn Unit the follnwii.''-
, liiililed M'tth r has lilcil rotii e of h's iircn
lion to make liiuil i roof in support of Ii s
claim, and di d nld ir'ofwll l.e niade he
I fotethe l!e?i-terand lie tivirat Li (irai de.
j Ore ion, on .hint: I SM7, viz: SIOI.P.Y
LKKI. I. S. Xo. 1 178. lor the we-t lilt, or
nonh-uot ir. f-euTTHS I! -Hi H, mid lat
! hlf. of ir.SieI2TS K .'il;'M.
' lie nanus the fi.l. i. winr win ci to prove
: III- inn. us residen-e upon, and cnlti
viition o', said land, viz : .1. II TnlieMiiir,
IM. lihioin, .M. Si-oit, and T. N. I'mili;, all,
, of Tine Valley, t'nioii cininty. Ore .'on.
IIk.miv i!ixi:iniiT,
! I wii. Itcivtcr. i
y .fia 'r i)
t 4 "
One bciilc taken chortling to dirsciiom
will giro better results than a gallon c)
Sarsapanlla, or any of tlw so-calhd Booo
Tl m Pvomleiorm
Eveiyiliiiic First ('lav-'. TeinisVrry lteiisomililc.
.' Buss to and Fiom the Depot Making Connection with all Trains..
! Daily Stao-e Line to Cove,
I Carrying Fast Freight and Passengers.
! Leaving I'liion everv afternoon und rctiirniiit: in nioriiint,'. making connection with
trains. I-are .10 cents: round trip 7. rents
Iti'tfiiininn: at th.. zsvl e irner j nut or the
"(lohl 'ii Lnye ipmrtz mine, post h -Iiik
lllinke I ','nr.Vo I K M 0 Stir Xo il" on
liorili west nice; iiiimiiiL' thei ce north H
ii(flMi,,lOi' ol tticcHtiite of J!. A
.Milieu. Ueettt-t (I. 1. tc of KIkIii, l'nion conn-'.y-.
Uiw;oi. aiid that nil percons havinjr
himiMttiiliiHi Miid tHtiWo, nro riiiuircd to
p'o-ci.t ih . miiiic, duly'd. io me nt
invoimc in Minuiuiviii . t ition
in Him, w.tjMji n- inntiths
Notice is Ir rchv fiven Ihe folhe.t in"
named selller Iiiih lild untie of her inten
tion to niiik linal proof iiiiiipm t of her
c a ni. a nl Hint s,,ii ii(),,f wi In; mini.' h -hue
the It 'isterimd itei e'veriil l.n(ir.ii) le.
iiie.-on. on .Inn" 'Ji. I8sy. vz: l.Ol
II ..' I i.i it ...
;v..n ...:n. ii- i.j. .... I . Jiiiviiift leaded alio i iioronifiiiv ri'l't.tcit tlie
. TOr n Qiuuea i tirely dillerent 1lan than Iieieiofore, and no oains will h,
ui isruyiisis, jjnev vi.uu per ooztis.
will bo paid for any cccs of
which Dr. Pardee's Remedy, properly ad
ministered, fails to relieve.
it will lie conducted on an en-
pared Io iiuike patrons com
eon ut v.
tht) tl it-
re. i in .iii o : M , he no i,
Will I Uit'HS- 'N tOll.'llVChfT I! UllillllllUS
ti'ion, i n 1 cultivatio.i of. .aid
v.z: W. II. l.i ut le-. .lanifs Pavim
i'lfl'! thii litli, dnv of Juno. i7.
V, 15 i-'OLMNX
Mi.t.fl. .Adniinia.H'of.
To t J t-I i ii i 1 1 1 1 J. 1m.; nym:
iVl 1-wO
HiJ.vitY Ki.i;iiAnT,
IHil) fe.'t Ion post inij'lktd "Cor XoJt.KM ('
Mir .No tl." soulti ilea U l'i(.l) feet,
to tilts liorlli-.we.l ciirnc oj1 ihe 'Sniiimil" '
quarts! mine, vtlm h corner oist is marked ,
oi ,mi i h.ui fur .mi ir' on hoii.Ii west icsidci
laceoi ji(is(j ineiiec MitltJi q. V let I 1
1. 1 no pun-ui ov-jiimiiL', colli i K Wit ( inrl.'s i) c ; ' -out I i' I).,, n ..
iiercs. .'.icoion luliiff I'vorled in Vol D.Kov,.. I'n n .;.,'. "
1 iiiiid .' :!i i ., i'n. ilw ..r. i.. i.,..,o;,.. 1...1.... I 1 ..' lft"'
l"n " '.-'., ,.ii,i-. 'yvnu ;i p, I'llllilll
1 county. Oregon. Adjoiuinx l. 'uu arc Uiu I
1 'O'd'ti 11 Ka.if 1 '' iuartz hid" on the K.,iilh,i
mm wi .7v.'i..':iu mii iii'. n ,11 ll!'.' '.ast. I
.V.'.y.-inil id! v,nf,:u ci!'...V ad.'erM.;v 1 NOTICE FOR ITIiLICATION.
. iiiiv liortl m of Mild ' Kniuht'' (iiiiii Iz lode I
it!1' IT KlCMI'MIIKItl'.D, lint nfiirjn- iihove de-crihed are itquiie I to nle tlirir ad- La.vii Oi rn r. at l, ii:.ii Okkiki.v 1
lur term f cIiim "oiinly e.iiut of the Hint.-of vcim elaini Willi tlic resist, r of the I'. S. Apiil 'J'!, 1K-7.
Or.pUi. fur tli. tmiilty of rnlon hi'pu.i ii!it hind ollice nt l,a (iriuuie, I nioii countv. , Nntiev is hcrehv elven Hint the I'oIIo'.vIikc
htld at CMtrt Iw.l.C I:: tJiv e'tv 1 f I'iiI jh Oiej.011 duiinjj t h. l ty tlas pi rind of imh- miiiicl settler has tiled untie- of hi inien
in 1 .J C tt ,lv mid rl. i:. cu U'.ll. v tl ', ' hereiil'. or tlw y will he I a 'ltd hv ' tion to make. Dual proof in support of his
ti.e nth iln,v of Apiil A. I'. 1W7, III Hl.lH'lV- ' 1 ii'lue of Hie lirovldnlis of ihe statu! I claim, and that s.dd proof w ill I e undo he
I k (lit lliM WidncMlny in mid month, ami JlH.S'l.'Y Kl.VlCll.YliT, f""1 tliu lle.-stcriind lieceivcr at Lit (i ramie
the Hint? tun d hy l.ivv lor li(.l(t!ii a nmlur i; .if!,!," iti.ejrou. on .Iiiue 27th , 1Sn7, viz: WII,
eriii ui Mini eniiri, wncn were pro-eiil : It s
1 no in 11. w. i-, MiHiiiUi . ntillfi'. pros I'linr: ' mil
Ml I lll
eonecutivt' week) in the Oiuhkin Si orr. a 1 n,K willies! s to prove Ids e iiitinnous n si-
weekly newspaper published at I 11:011, 111 , 'U'uee upon, aim 1 'iiitiviititui ol. sill land.
!ik'iii:Mi:M Nervous Exhaustion,
lortahle. In connection with the hotel is an eleirant
Where Hie Finest Brands of
Liquors und Cigars arc kept con-
stiuitly 011 hand.
The jcitroniifre of the puhlic is .solicited. K. Mil. LCI!. I'rnprietor.
A FT..,,l."!:::r "-"IMItchell & lewis co..
' 'I'" 1 iri-iM,"n
branch. Portland, Oregon.
'oj.n "'. ( h-'Hiiian, eoiun ks e.
J (, .Win:; L loner; T. N 1, el r:
. . rrm. n..i-. s'i
Vi:e.i, 01 .'iii.nijv Hi ' Dili d:ty t f .'".vi;
t. l. ! 87 t.r iher'frii Kite .d day of ,u:d
term, mi.onnyt ::. !k f .i!Jwhi;ur(ne"d
ii ,'.' ..". it ui, to v.Ii
J the .Walkr uj it ypn-i! O.ibf ( t!if S'r!tf':
h thli tqiK', It ir,)p. n.hmlotht' tsourt t ilnt
fo: i .v.-.n I ).: vi tltv d'.'L't'ii v.A Uts l!i li..
't(v. Ui'r. c.Ms'irily litrpo find Hint, n i;
(ifti pii,verMiciu 011 tliu dv liupie t tii.x
mil who lire i )i'.-10 pay s.iltl mx.s. It
l Hi-ift'oi'i' ordered hv the curt Hint up 111
ihe r e. pi of tin dflhnp.p it tax roil of tiui
mid irt 1 uii.K vi el", f 0111 :l.e clt i k. that tli"
1 licriiJ p.o,'. ui at otic 10 edic t all ntllti
i innt t:'v's oi.i-la 'itllnjr, hv levying mm
(.ml im c prop 'ity tt iih'nii'v; nntl it
1 Is 1 , ppc.niiiK it ti c court tlmt h ii.'inl.iie
I'.r umiiid yeit!--. Ih.- .In. Ills t f th'i. e ,tl.ily
havi not Umi riuuth td to take the o.itn
iiipHied hv MhIi e iipim the ri'luinofa
ilein miint lux to 1. it 1 1 here nmv o. tiered
hv m tturt, thn lie rfie iff Io untitled
H'tit nhcii In- nick mnt nu nt with l!u
im 1" 1 1 the July e in Jhe'sv f io ,", le ro
1 u 1 d to take tai 1 u,ifi iim pr .vhkd tv
s.,r.i tu. Y:'K'iil) o:'. UtlODAId,, '
Comity Juiiju'.
fi.,i f . dlft,5:r,0' ij tu.',
; ; ,v.i."(,' ,!:, unutr .. :v;:. ,,.:(;,
!. Himil,
I y v rtiKM.f tin oyer of na'e imidenu I pu
le td ly tl e (' ui ly o urt, w.thin ami fi r
I ninii t utility, nr.yoii, on the 4li ihiy of
A pill ,IH7, oiderhq.' ntcl dlr.-et li'ff 't lie
uiiilt ..dut'd aillliluistratoi's 1 f theestat 1 i t
Willi- t-M dewai-ed. to Hul tin- real 1 stale
lntvinattec iim, riUil. to wlr: The s.utli
e:it ijr. ef w. c to 1 7 nml the M;tth -vtt ijr.
ot s-t lion K in lovnhil .'! t)l!tll nf UllUt) t f tin Willnim tie iiierhiiaii, and the
ens: li1,', of Miuth.te.t tjr. ami sutith-wi si
ir ol -i Itt'l-t tt -t r. 1 f set t!on !l't lowiiNlnp
!i -out t o. r.11 tire !17 e 1st of the Vi.lan:e:te
im 1 lie, 11 i.iui the i.orll"iis qr. of mirth
Westq . !'.' Inn 1 township :t Hii.lth 11111:11
.7 en t it,' Widwii iti.' 111 ':ii an, tu witU
hi tin iia iiiortKitr til J. 10. Hin is and
the !!. '! of s.'tiool I'lud 1 (,
YY.'U'II. "II till Mb dIV 1 f Jul,.'. lt", ill
I out o, i'i e.iHrt l i.'tsf (lour ut ihe town of
I'nioii, l 11 hi. ci untv, i)rooii, e said
iihou' i!mt IwhI hunt at pit hue outcry, to
the holiest bidder. T.ic ttrius of s.ilc are
one tnih oiik ere ilt nf molve mouths,
the 1 n.uhnser ifhlnir lit, nole f ir tin di
feind piitiutu. with noilim; on Haiti
Iniid 10 vonreiln taimtu thertHif.
1'. : d at t num. June Ut, tft7
M.VKY '. KKIK!'.
Adiiilnl tratHx.
P. A, .Mt.l.ITKI,
At 'ii'u.4' I ra '.it.' 1 rthf txiatvo; WHIUcklir,
tliie,,t.l. 4.
.V.ttcti I' AilmlHinU'iitwi'" .Silt"
.' .-(.(.( V HVVm X'.'f.
i ..fis'e- lO.ojron. on .lune L'7th . lss7, viz: W'll.
1 .l.erehv n.-dert .1 that the f.;vR. ii X 1 1ilXl T' ii-HTL':!', il'.1. Nv. ' VT j. for the
of application for 11 l'. S. Patent he l'-'y -'U ' W'-, ' SAV ,' SW'K .j'.j S. t
hfd tor a pe.-ioil of sixty as (ten1.1- 'V. ' X I! tu K. II.' iiiiiiiim the follow-'
i'idoit e.junty. OieKim.
llUKitY Tll.Vr.MAIfT,
.V7-wM ltoisttr.
NtJlMt'E FOIJ lHJliLltLV rioN'r
viz: John O. .M.kal-on. John Klhott John
; Karnes autl (i cor; 11 I. Taylor, all of llljdn,
I Orei'on, lli.xhv 11 tnr.
I l-.'W-wi; K'istc:-,
.111.iicalion fot
X.i. ft. t'liiini No..'ft
Xo. Ml,
C. S. IjAxd Oi l ifi
S. l'atent. Smvry
Mineral application
I.AK11 On ten at La (!ii.ym.r, Oiimion.)
April 111. IXS7. 1
liA (illA.VDK. On.) i Notice is hereby it'tvon mat the followinK-
iMuv -I 1867 S ininitsi settler has lilttl notice of his inteii-
V.ilieels herehv L.ivcn Iha't I' ! ciniiili "" Ul'lt.' Illltl make linal proof in
- . 1, '....".::.. .' 1 imimiort of his claim, an I that s.i',1 proof
tlres is sparta, I'nioii co nity. or.-no'i. have
this d.i.Y l'l''l lhcir application for a patent
for t he "Minium' quartz mine, siniale I m
the loiirth unit ri.llUt r.ct in Township 7
S l,aii.'e !( V, Williuutttlu meridian, and tle
serlliid hy the otlieial pltit.s an, I il-ltl notes
on lilo in tills olllro, ax, to wit :
It.. I.... ... t... ... .1 1
1 i KiuiniiK hi ll inni.i tit im- no. no cm t ...... ... - , ... .
, t"..rneruf Hie clni... from whien. t!.e torucr ,', ( ', ,VV. ,i,. , I , it;,', v n '
tolctlWi.2,il, 0.,:11UT7HK UE.b'.ii s 1 ! ' Nllll'v' 1 '
post Ur.rf nu. I."d N 1 S H i.' S".V .o . ... . 1 ! vTtr.
" lUi'-.'VlhonOcFSi.le Ion; lifulMer.
1 Jifi t in.rked "t'or Noils Ml" SurNoS;"
theni..1 north ,S dei V, litli feel ton post! vmtwm,' trm im'iii ii'Y'immv
nniked Cor Xnits m im,,. n,." thil'iietti O'L ,,U1- 1 l A ION.
norths dt'K W J'Su leet to a pus. niarkid
will l.e made before the Hojjislcr und llccei'
er at I.u (irinide. Oregon, on .Mine iiith.,
I7. vi.: CLAIlHXCi: K. ('A VI.UIiI), !
lid. No. .'111. for the KK NV ,'. SW1 ; '
, XH'- and N')i SKK- M'f 'J". Tp. 7 S. li I.) .
!1C. He names thu following witnesses to
prove hit continuous residence upon, and
"f ntn o neivous"-i n verv coinninti ex
pression, used hy both old and youiifr: and
very few can now be found who are free
from nervous troubles. We icjirot to sue
Hint th" nialadv is lapidly ineroaslne;. And
from what cause.'.' There, are various i ens.
on-. It may be bee iue of a low condition
of the icncral hci.lth; the itility of the
neiviuis ystnn is dcfiresM! 1; or from a
want of per'uet digestion ami ussimlliatitm
of fond, and the vltililng p.iwe:' of pure,
l icii blood. Hi1 nerves nro not properly
strentliemd and mmrslied, ami con-eipient-ly
htetuii we-ik anil tliseaed
Tli"iewiisa time when "nervousness,''
and tlmt class of disease known :n nervous
affections, were apparently confined to
latlies: Hie present tiny il is an un
doubted fact that as lar,'e a portion of ner
vous disrates iiiiiiui;' men as among
Hie gentler sex; and tin Ir distressing affects
and rusting and imrvating results are a
thousand fold nioiv crii s, as tlicv extend
to posterity and arc productive i f a wt'ik-
Factory, Racine, Wisconsin.
ened anil enfeebled race,
physic. d tit bilit, , caused by
Nervous and
Mad flij
Am 1
aJ Ml P
X4Wf4Wf A !
j Miiiiin.:i tine s o' and Dealers in U
is a frequuii
' t.t V Xo I s M f Sur No the ice S vSdcg
l.'Uiil feel to Hie phttv nt Ii. ginniiiL', and
eolit lining Id "I ae t's. Lication heiuv re
corilttl in Vol H, page , "Is teeords 1 f tpiar.x
Ii ciiiUii.s, l'nion county, Oreiroii. At.j. lin
ing claims urn thy "(iihitn ICael"" iinnrlx
lodenn Hie west, anil tin North Star" loilo
on H 0 north.
Any ami a I persons mlverstly
any portniu
atiove thscril
nth , i'si' claim
land nlllt'C at
Oivgt ii, ilurin
lien ton hereof,
virtue of the pixivish ns of th.' statute.
I: U hereby ordered that the ft regoiug '
niilli eot iiiniilratioii for n I'. S I'moiit lie I X'ot ! .f
puiillshcd for n period of slxiy days (ten
t)opsit!iitive woukN) in the Oiih.i.ox Snnr, 11
weekly nnwMpitper published i,t l uion, in
rniuiifuuiwy, Oit'gon.
.VT-wtrt Itcgisic-.
Land Oki ii h at La (;iiaxi.k.oi:huii, 1 :., ls'.S". f
Notice is heieby given ti nt the following
named settler hits riled notice of his intoi
'urn to iiuike linal proof in supiiort of ib
claim, ami that suid proof will he made, be- j tlieuuunsnir
foie ltuceiver nt li M .raiiile, . , '
tiitunn, on .iniie mill., insi, vi:: u.-
LIA.M SMITH. l.y..No. lit r.l, for the SU
ml ilistivssjng disensi
pressing influence being felt nl'.ke oil both
sexes and all ages. Among the lirst sym
ptoiis of this atl'eetioii ate usually a de
rangement of the digestive organs. A feel
of lamtuor will be experienced, and a gra l
ua'Liring of strength, with wcak
lH's.s anil pain in Hie back. More or less ex-
haustiitlou Is experienced on waking in I lit
There Is often a had taste in
tin uitiulh: Ihe vilon becomes dim. the
ineiuoiy Is impaired, ami the patient is
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Buckboards
lload Charts, Spring Wagons, etc.
t' I I f L N U III 1 I rK I Ul
MlTCIUiLL & CO., Limited. - 192-10 j, Front St., Portland, Or.
US ! 1
ITn WSfiflWH
, V l,L. nml :u.'Slil . S,.. I!! I'i. S St II I t li'U'M I. i.l.. t .. s.i .... .....
ol stilt "Minim a ' imartx oi l' . it" .Y1 n ... . ih.ii.jiuh wwu irei ueiu tiiziness. roisiins
ted. are required t'i lile their . . """ the following w itnesses to prow , (,bo ,.,!
...i.i. .1... . .1.. f v.- ills coillinunus reiiticiii!e upon, ami cuiii- ' '
v.., ;:,;,nr cuioi, t'nuntv: i y v.-...v?!i . ''".", wv- n,r.r fr"m s,,,Hm Uvu n ,"' ,"t: ; m fi n . ??
Klhe sixty tlavsneilod of nu I,,",M'.J.;.. V .1' ' ' 'V;'". .'"" """" "Wo nee m.e so weikeucji I I HI II L M I ll H WU fl ft ft U'll
. or thev wdl 'he l.:.:. el l,v I'MMUI, ail oi l.lie amy, t moil county, i il.Mt the least oxcittmieiit or slinclv briiuis on ! I I 111 I I I II (I I I I II 11 'A.UU 1
OlVL'Oll. " ' hM i1!? ihlMtm h rf, A&&r.inA h ura UJ4iU Ai ra
llevtiv l.'ivriiiu-p ll tremor or treliibllng. olteli uttended bv
a treiimr or trembling, often
palpatatioii if the heart.
Application t" l'liii'liiisii
lier I. nml.
S. I.vxn Oi i n i:,, 1
March .'i ith., IM'7. f
''. '.
Hv t
I'll..:, i "
A.:l , Is
I It lb Ik in i
... .
I.VXII Ol'l It K, tT l.Y fiUYNKK, 0IHi t.,l
.May ii:t. IssT.
Nntlt. is hereby .lvou that Hie followlug
named mm Her lias lilctl notlee of Ids inie.i.
Hon it. make dual proof in sup)ort of his
claim, mid thai .il I proof will he made he-
lore l ne ivgser and retu'ivci' nt m liraml
Oregon. oiiJuivii, vik:
" " I'nrU'rof sue male an I en
Hi t oi.uty wurt with ii mid for
in! ., (it),'ou. o.i iht .h iby ol
,', k nli i .uK ami til: noting the nu-
tiiiirtrni. r.s or uiu ittt:e of
i ,j, sl.ih, netiase I, i i st' 1 1 thu miiowiitj.
lb M'rihi d i.u!'l.. ,e '.1u lit MikJ t..
lute low '. I., t No. I I .". antl (t In i.hi.-U
N'0. I'i : ml I.l- v 'tyilii ami III fci off
Ihe ' li'h tli' of lui .so. , in Kim k No.
:: .u ll..- it mi "i Vci I n ii, i n on ituiu
iy, t r i'. -ii, . din.' : ti I'lr. of sh il
In it n. a 1 Ii s.,i, ! i p i, i s ,,n . , , , , n (u.
ulrte 1 1 ih c . rn . f f s i ,1 n i n , , in
Hot,, fa. io.i oi Hi" iti" l ' ui 1'ti
(on. ui ,H. on the il ,i. . i .Ian i'ss;
III full! I Oi ill.'lMll.t h 'I it Ol i , 1,
of i'liion. Iilou t otli.l ii..'.., mI ,ii,
idlnV lies 'l'u' I l.llld. ., i ii m i , i ,i
Hie ll sir i bi'ltter, nil ib i 1 . . . i. i us
t.wil: One half iadi ..l id one Ii.i.t mi a
f '.t"f I . month... tin- J ll gttltig;
lioio Wif.'l m .it me o i Hi r !: : sP.
tuir.' n. t ii. iohii. ih '"!
i'n' .i ,i I '"'o 'out l i-7.
m ia i -k i i : ,
iloniii-, r ' ' i
l A i. i I.- 1 1 i:
a- 4, t i in i - ,ii
l.OllSHOX, I In. Nu. lor thesW t.r. f
SV qr. M'i I, X hit. ot N V (r. a"d SV tjr.
of N WP. v 1' Tp IS It SJll I'". lb' IIIUIICH
tin fohnw'inif witutoseft to j.rove lib eii
tinuous tisidence upon, mul eii.tivn lon of.
mbt html. u; Jolin W. .Mini Ick, .losbi
(ials, William W ilkimum and I'luuuio Wil
k luun. nil nf ruiou.on c.ii.
Ill'MHY Uim:ii YHr,
Airt-wti IteglsitT'
i In eompliaiico witli t lit provisions nf the
Act of ('oiigri's.s. approved June ;i, ISTs',
mi i it It'll ''An nit for tin' s d of Timber
Lands in the Statis of California. Oivgtm,
Nevatla, ami Washington Tt ivitory,"
William WHMiiMiu,
Whose ivosi-ollieo mhlrt is I'liion. rnion
cotiuly. Oregon, bus this day tiled in ibis
Arc particularlv
to their
llkr, Iltll.l,
j . if... ......... . - i,..'., ll. iii-iitiis
, owing partly to their more
nervous organisation ami partly
syilentary life ami consequent
oonrineiiieut in-do rs. Such affection lire
attended by restli-ssm.,, Hnd nervous excite,
nun:, anxitty or depression of the mind,
loss i f intertit in soeiety and the daily af
fairs nf life. There is alw. h. of sleon
illlcohis ai.-i.lication in pun base the NU ' ,i .... ... .... , V
MS Ss- I TH It 10 K umi NM,SW.-oc Xo. ' '"v r-'""' "' uionium, u-ui-
ll.ili Township At). I liauge .No. -ll I'., ol
the . uuiKiian. aii iiersoiis iioiiriigany
aiAurse i luiui Ihcteto Hie n inured toio-e
sent tin same ut thlsotlb'o within slx'y
duvh from thelirst piiblieiitlon of this notice.
J.'.'.wll llegislcr.
I.YM.oimi; x , liitwn", oitrii .nj
Apiil .1. I8s7. i
N,''i. c is ben hv oil ill it tin tol oivlng
n .me I -til, r l.i.s ill.d n.,ii,r . i his inlcn
t on In m, il p oof in snppnr, (,f bis
i , a . 1 1 1 , m.iI r, w . 1 1 lie in, i. It
I., to c lb, be. I-t. r and lb . i ut I.u
tii.nnl' (Ii.loii on .lune '.','ib. 1 7 U
Notice of
Application to Pur
Timber Land.
lug Hnd. languid and unrefivsdiod. Kroin
slight in rvnu attacks to hysierlu, from sim
ple "nervommeiks" to utter prostr.ition,
thciv are ni'.iiy and vuritil forms of diseases
of the nervous sysUiu none of which should
exist, and of nil nf which tan he cured by
the Use of
?y nnnvrasinraY bb maBB
mm DEM. EH N
Keep constantly on hand a large supply of Parlor and Bed
Room Sets, Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture etc.
UPHOLSTERING Done in the Best Style.
Ltungcs. Mattresses, a ml a'l l-iiiils of Furniture nnulo to order. Your patr.ningo
solicited. Our prices arc r.iiMiuahh'. O Main tf:icet l'nion Oregon.
Dr. Pardee's Bemedyi mtobi mmri
I'.H. LMONI I 'K, I.V (iKVXIIK. OUBoox.i
April .11, IKs'T. -No!
ice is hereby given dial, in compliance
wilh Ihe j O'Vis'nns of the Act of Congress j
iipi rovtil Juufit, I.S.S. eiuitbsl An Att fi r
II. e silent Timber '.Mini In the States of
t ;.lilornia, Oie jon, Nevada, ami Washing
ton Tcnltory." HAVU) Kl't'Ll', whose,
post-ollit e ndtlress is Xi.rlh Powder, 1'nlon '
eotuil v. Oiei.,11. has ibis duv libil In this
JullX ii. Mil IC A LSi IN, lid No. AllS. ttir ollice Ills Hiipluiitliill to jmribase ibe Kbit
ill- NK, he. Su TpS X It tu K. He iianies N ' qr and W hlf NK qr Nv Xo ii In Tiw n-
llu' foU.miiqr Witnesses In bis e ill- shin N. llSnillb. Ibinge Xo. II 11. of the
Hi. Iti II. le bleu, e tu. II ..II I i-iiliit ition ol',
sdl III, I M
dr. ii. i 'i- tin: ;
.11.1 1 1 It , ll,
I 1 I,
ti M. Mi. ,.li I -, n! I.a
,1'iltn I Id Ui, li h i Iianies
. ..I I.l-1 I, III, . t. I
II -i. . i.i i ii ti.r,
In .'
Wblai.o in- nu Mbim Ml in i -. lis holding
an ail i ei sc i 'a. Ill tin rt ! ale Hiiiudtn
i. s hi lli .,iu . t this i Im v I hi ,i sim
d.n s tioin ill,' tl I p lli' ii .ill. .1 r I Ills in i h . .
ll. Ni v i:imu,i
; i. iii I'i i .
Whi'-li hrst siimi.tatrs tbeliverand kidiic-'s
to healthy aetiou, regulates the d.gestiu-or-gans,
ami from the first dose begins its
work of purifying and building up the worn
out system It prodmvs sweet ami healthy
sleep, enriches the blood, and imimrts to
the jile ami sallow cheek the glow of
hualth, briiifs briylitiiMM to the eye ami
t lustleity to the nt.'i'. Mo.v li ti beiiititCMli
beib"-!i. ii.un i n. Ji ,lf do n b-ttlw of
)r I' p.! ' s I! in n Hun ,r,iiii a buutlrotl
on 'I i:s niM'su I in .nu . Hicr ..
V - i . .... . t :,. . ,l t ijo no
I .1
Jones Brers. - - Artists.
All kinds of photographic work done in a su
perior manner, and warrantod to
give satisfaction.
Views of Residences Tata i Application.