The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 11, 1887, Image 6

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JONES & CHANCEY, Pnblhhon.
vniox. oRGoxr.
Htlll ero tho ship? In haven ride,
Waiting fnlr winds or a turn of the tide;
Jfothlng but fret, though they do not get
Out on tho ocean vide.
O wild hearts that yearn to bo froo,
look and learn from tho ships of tho seal
Bravely tho ships In tho tempest tossed,
BulTrt tho wnvca till tho sea bo crossed;
Jfot In despair of tho haven fair.
Though winds blow backward and leagues be lost,
O weary hearts that ycam lor sleep,
Look and learn from tho ships of the deep I
I. W. BourdlUon.
Women 3foro T.llicly Thnn Men to Marry
IJenealh Their Intellectual Station.
Tbo genius of Milton Dover found a sweeter
tbemo than tbo ideal mnrriago of our first
parents In Men. yet ho who wroto so beaut!
fully of tbo tnarrled stato wai himself th
rictlm of an unhappy marriage. Indeed,
won of genius liavo, perhaps, been moro un
fortunate in thin respect ttinn ordinary mor
tal, because, living on a higher piano of
Hiougut, 10 was moro difficult for them to find
n liclpniato equal to themselves. Tho samo is
iruo, although not lo tbo samo extent, of
women of genius who liavo married men in
fcrior to themselves in mind, lccauso a wo--jiiair's
nature bos not only moro endurance,
but mora adaptability in It than a muns,
Tho man soon grows impatient of tbo coir
creation of a frivoloin wifo, especially if she
disturbs bis moiitul occupations, but tbo wo
man often feels n pleasure, in tbo homago of a
ommonplaco husband, If only ho bo nn lion
est and considerate fellow, nnd with her more
than with man "pity is akin to love." Hence
it is that there nro probably moro clover nnd
lifglily gifted women who throw themselves
nwny, ns tbo pbrnso is, upon a good naturcd
implcton, than of talented men who fall in
lovo with women who nro not in intellectual
sympathy with them.
Tho world "marries and is given in mar
rlago," nnd tho wedding bolls ring on from
ago to ago unceasingly, and yet bow few who
witness tho Ilfo contract of brides nnd bride
grooms fctop to consider tho tremendous im
portance of so brief a ceremony. Upon the
montal, moral and physical mialitloH of tha
man ana of tho woman mav donond tho ac-
tions and msults of actions of a. succession of
human beings in generations yet to come,
Tho ungoverned will doscends from slro to
on, nnd tho Bocretivcncss or aqulsitlvenes
uncontrolled by other qualities in tbo father
r tho mother may ntnko tho thief, tho liar
r tho miser, who, a fow docudos hence, will
bo tho black sheep of tbo family fold. An
ngovernnblo tompor married to on ungov
crnablo tomjier may lKget tho murderer
whom society is forced to hnng for its own
protection, but who may bo as irresponsible
ueioro uio u iuunai or supremo ju&tico ns tbo
lunatic in now bold to bo before our earthly
It has been said, coarsoly, perhaps, in the
un of modern refinement, but with iierfcct
truth, that while wu tnlto every precaution to
lusuro high qunlitlos in tho higher types of dogs
and horses, wo scorn to tlilnl: it a matter of
no consequcneo to insure a noblo naturo to
our own offspring. Brooklyn Hiignzlno.
Slio Vlxfil 1IU llloiisn.
wo nail gono Into winter quarters nt
Charleston, "V. Vu. Somo now recruits bad
arrived for tho Thirty-sixth Ohio, nnd ono of
lliem was finding fault with tho government
xor not putting moro pockots in bis blouso.
It Happened that tho wifo of Gen. It. B.
Ilayea was on n visit to tho general and was
topping nt headquarters. Borne of tbo boys
told tho grumbler that ho could get a pocket
pu& in ins ujouso; mat uen. Hayes kept a
seamstress nt hctulpiuru.-ra on purpose to
patch their clothes and new on buttons.
HV.... I . -1.1 nil . ...
ii-o, Nim mm, ino general uniwuvs on
tho lookout for tbo wolfnro of his men. Onlv
Uio other day ho had a man nrrcsted for sow
ing on como buttons. The idea of n soldier
patching bis clothes when tho general has a
woman for that purpotol If you want nu
other pocket In your blouso tnkn it to thu
Eenorulj you will find tbo lady there. Toll
Ultra what you want and you will soon
get It."
Ilo was soon on bis way to headquarter,
wiiuo wo watched to wo thu fun. Tho
rocrult morehed up and tho general returned
his salute nnd salil:
"Well, my good man, what can I do for
"Gonoral, tbo boys told mo thero was n
woman hero to sow for tho soldiers, und I
wanton to gotn pocket put in this blouso."
JJororo tho general could answer Mrs.
Jin yes spoiio up und Mild:
"Certainly, certainly; leave your blouso for
an hour or m and you shall h.ivo a oekot in
When tho soldier returned with tbo poekct
fci his blouso, and tho boys told him who tho
Jndy was, wo realized that wo had carried tho
Jokotoofar and had imposed on ono of tho
best 'and truant women in tho world.
national Tribuuo,
ClirUttim CnnvurtN from lluddlilmu.
I mot a gentleman a fow days ago who has
but recently returned from n rcbldeneo of
ovcrnl years in India. Ho is well educated,
and during bis long rosldonco in tho land of
Buddhism ho turned his attention iwpoelally
10 tno eiiocis or i.uri4tianity uiMm tho fol
lowers of Gmitama. At lli-xt ho was deeply
Impressed by tho devotion hhown bv tbo na
tives who professed to have embraced tbo
religion of tho western world. Ho found
tbemfulthful in tholr nttfiidancontthoKor
Tices held by tbo missionaries and very care
ful in following out tho instructions given
Hjcm uy tiieir teachers, in fact, they wore.
as u rule, fur moro devout than tho members
f tho hurotiemi colonics.
After htudying them for somo time, how
ever, my friend boennio convinced that u
very largo iiervontago of tho apparently con-
Tcncu native wero inr from being slneero in
Uicir protestations. While jwadlng before
tlio KuroiHjiins as devoted Christians thoy
wcro fcocretly as faithful followers of Buddha
as oven tho most punctilious mcmlioror tho
Kxoltod Order of tho Htar of India could
wish them to be. My friend found that tho
aallvo of India, liko tho heatlion Chlueo, bad
a great deal that was "artful and bland"
about his character, nnd simply pulled tho
wool over tho missionaries' eyes in order to
jceeptn the good graces or tlio liurojieans.
Ho explained that a natlvo who was known
to havo embraced lho religion of tho west en
joyed a great many moro advantages among
tho Europeans residing In India thiui tho ono
who failed to reuounco Buddhism. "Rum
Wor" in Brooklyn Englo,
. 1 1
"Don't you dawnso, I'redl"
"No, dear boyj I'm invited out for my
facial expression." Now York Joumul.
The Now York court of nppoals has ro
affirmed a former decision that the elevated
nUlrosda In Now York city mutt jwy for
damages through loss of light and air to
jmadMM along the line. Chicago Times.
Something That Is Particularly Neces
sary In tlio City of Now York.
Tlio greatest secret of enjoying cxistenco in
New York Is that ono must bo absolutely the
master of his own oyes. Hungry Joo, tho
nrch confldenco operator, uscd-to say that ho
could distinguish a stranger by his hat or
shoes. Tho Idea that theso betray men Is to
deep rooted that many strangers always buy
New York hats nnd shoes as soon ns they ar
rive, whllo others who expect to como often
to town order theso wearables from city
shops. But you can get correct hats and
shoes in any largo city, and off styles in tbo
But whatever ono looks liko ho must con
trol his eyes or lifo will bo a perpetual tor
ment to him. Our dudes and Anglotnnniac
society carry tho thing too far. They go
about forovcr looking over every onos bead,
or clso staring witii a dend and livo glassy
look, insulting uliko to whomsoever they
glnnco at nnd to tboir own intelligence. This
they think "tho grand air" and their admirers
dub it aristocratic A ward iwlitician tbo
other day said to ma that tbo leader of n cer
tain political faction wos"gittiiig'ristocratic"
I asked him how ho was showing this.
"Ob," said tho heeler, "ho has a tired look,
ani no uonx seem to seo you "less ho wants."
But by oyo control I mean tho seeing of
everything without being seen to do so. This
necessity is bred by tho hordo of street bandita
that prey tqKm overymnn out of doors.
incir numix-r is legion and their ways are
tho ways of brigands. If a man lets bin
oyes fall on a boy who utters a peculiar
street cry no 11 apt to havo from two
to six newsboys leap for blm liko
so many human catapults. As ho stens from
a hotel, tbentro, depot or club, if ho ollows
his eyes to wander an instant bo will bo at
onco surrounded and hommed in by cabmen,
each fcceklng his custom, oven bv violence
If bo turns his bead to look nt tbo mendicant
who addresses him ho may not bo able to get
rid of tbo fellow for a block. Hosting tbo
cyo for an instant on n group of well di-csscd
men (who may bo interested in a "quiet
gamo' j, or on a boisterous drunkard or a vol-
ublo crank, may provo to havo very annoy
ing results. I was talking tho other day to a
iauy wnoso recopuons nro very popular, and
I remarked that ieoplo commented very curi
ously on tho dlffercnco l;twecn her manner
in doors nnd her carriage on tbo street. In
doors Bho was all affability and unconscious
caso, nnd out of doors tho was a poker.
"It's all put on out of doors," sho said; "it
goes on Willi my bonnet nnd wrap. I was in
endless trouble as long as I yielded to my in
clination to bo natural und caroless. Somo
adventures thut I bad were qui to alarming, I
cun toll you. But now I am on my gunrd ns
long ns I mil out of doors. Minneapolis Tri
JHnpors Sure Knniigli.
"Thcro had been nn account of nn elope
ment m me morning pnpein," said tho com
mercial travoior, "and 1 was thinking of it
wnon a coupio drovo up to tho country hotel
and registered, 'Mr. and Mrs. So-and-So.' I
iruiKcu ab 1110 uoys aim saiu: -iieros lor a
joko.' Ihe old hotel kecjxir was a very dear
friend of mlno and took my word for gospel
truth, so when I said: 'Look out for 'cm! I
think I know 'em, and they aro eloping anil
they nro not married,' etc., you ought to
havo wen tbo old fellow. Ilo bcowled and
Hi Utl his chin, nnd wagged it up and down
half a dozen time, sort of ns though ho T?ns
tmiiicing it over, nnd then ho walked off. All
t ho other boys in tho liouso woro put on to
tho joko und wo agreed to watch tho old man
and seo what ho did.
"Supior rang, and tho party of traveling
mon took seats at 0110 table and left tho now
arrivals to tho solo occupancy of another.
Tlio hotel proprietor, w ho liolpod servo at tho
table, took hU station as much as possible be
hind tbo young couple, his eyo all tho tinio
watching their ovory liiovoment.
will you havo somo sugarin your tent' at
length sulil tho young man to his companion,
as 110 passed tlio hacchuriuo lor her use.
" 'Io, thank you: I never uso sugar in my
ten,' was tno sweet response.
" o woro watching the old mini asbostood
near thoin and henrd this answer. Ilo grew
about a foot In a hoi-ond. 'lie's got a clow,'
wild I lo myself. Ami it was a clow Mich us
would make tho oyo of a 1'inkerton detective
siKit'Kio. i lioiuea of 11 husband not knowing
whether His wifo umhI sugar in her ton or notl
Tho old man didn't linger long about coming
t a decision. Ho leaned over and said:
'oung man, you leave tho table. Thut
woman is not your wedded wife.'
1 ho couiilo novor whimpered. They called
for their team and drove on. Tho most sur
prised party In tho affair was ours. Wo
hadn't untuned that wo wero so near tho
truth. lho next day tho samo pair
wcro urnwU'd in a neighboring town nnd car
rl'Kl back to their homes. If 1 should tell
thuT landlord now that tho Methodist mini
tor that boards with him was Josm) Juntos in
dlsguiiw fio would bellevo 1110." Lowiston
1M0.) Journal.
'IVapot niitl I'll 11 oh Howl.
lUteriioon teas am flUiinr up tho remaining
days or tho wasou at Washington and tho
teapot nnd punch bowl still "draw," as
theatrical liooplo put it. A lackadaisical
youth who was making eyes and saying
soulful things In ti languid way to a pretty
assistant at 11 reception wus handed a glass of
punch to change tho conversation. Tasting
tho compound, ho rolled bis oves no. and
said, "1 his punch is 11 symphony," Ho was
only equaled by n Kansas man who was taken
to 0110 of Mrs. C'oekroU's receptions, and lieimr
given her tamous punch did not know whether
it was a symphony or not. In fact, ho
did not know what tbohtulV was that ho was
drinking, us ho was a rigid total abstinence
mini, Ho was shy ns well, and beclne- that
every one eiso nuu 11 itiio glass cup of tho
harmless looking liquid ho took ono too, Tho
iKKir man thought it was somo kind of tea.
and tho bowl seemed moro innocent to him
than a bottle. Ho remarked to a friend
afterward that it was very nice, but that ho
iHjlloved that it nmdo him fool very quivrly.
Uno hostess 11ns Intmluml this winter tho
fashion so common in Parts of havlutr hot
punch, bho is nn original woman all around,
inougn, ami caps ttm climax by giving her
hot punch at her Sunday evening receptions.
"uuuiiniaii" in uiobo-iJeniocrat.
l'nrmer In tlio Somite.
Tho remark is current thnt " Judge Ueairnn
01 'lexas win no tno only farmer in U10 sen
ate," but Its propriety is most doubtful. Thero
aro numerous other senators who havo farms.
lhoydonct work them personally, nor do-
iicnd uixm them for n living, nor yet derive
any csiiecial pecuniary profit from them. Hut
then neither docs Mr. Iloagnu. His w ifo runs
tho farm and says thoy lose money on it; for
tho soil u too sandy to rnlso any crops, and
tbo sand is too ixwr to nuiko into class. New
York Tribune.
Tho Kowt'rs and Catacomb.
Tho prefect of tho Seino allows 600 excur
sionists a day to visit tho 60vers and cata
comlM in aid of tho sufferers from tho floods
iu tho south of Franco.
In Germany during a year ore made M0..
000 real meerschaum pipes, 600,000 imitation
uiccrbciuuma and &00,OUOI000 wooden pipe
Somo Distinguished. Cnes of Tremendous
Appetites From tlio ltfcnrds,
Elizabeth Charlotte, tho Duchess of Or
leans, writing under date of Dec. 5, 1718,
says: "Tlio late king, monsieur the
dauphin, nnd tho Duo do Berri wero
enormous caters. I havo often seen the
king eat four plates of different kinds of
soup, a wholo pheasant, a partridge, a
dish of oalad, two thick slices of ham
mutton flavored with garlic, a plateful of
pastry and iinish lus repast with fruit and
hard boiled eggs." Thcro was a good
old German from Wittcmberg, whero my
Lord IJauilet attended tlio university
who liad a flno faculty for storing away
provender. IIis caso is well nttestetl
For a wager ho would eat a wholo sheep
or a wholo pig or put out of eight a bushel
of cherries, stones and all. Ilo lived
until ho was about 80 years of age,
great portion of the litno supporting him
self by exhibiting tho peculiarity of ii3
appctito, which, to say tho least, mui
havo been a very eccentric ono. Thus,
ho would chow glass, earthsnwaro and
flint into small fragments. Ho had nn
especial preferenco for caterpillars, mice
and birds, and when theso wcro not pro
curable ho would content liimsclf with
mineral substances. Onco ho put down
his "maw and gulf" a pen, tho ink and
tlio Gand pounco and ho would havo gob
bled tho inkstand, too, had ho not boor,
Taylor, tho water poet, tells of Nicholas
Wood, of tho county of Kent, in England,
who was a tolerably good trencherman.
On ono occasion ho got nwny with
wholo sheep; at another timo with sev
eral rabbita; at a third witli thrco dozen
pigeons well grown pigeons, not squabs:
again with eighteen yards of black pud
dings, nnd on other occasions CO pounds
of cherries nnd threo pecks of damsons
Dr. Copland, in speaking of two children
who had wonderful appetites, tho young'
est, 7 years old, being tho worst, said:
"Tho quantity of food dovoured by her
was astonishing. Everything that could
bo laid hold of, even in its raw state, was
seized upon most greedily. Other articles,
an uncooked rabbit, half a pound of
candles nnd somo butter, wero taken at
ono time. Tlio mother ntated that this
little girl, who was apparently in good
health otherwise, tool: moro food, if Gho
could possibly obtain it, than tho rest of
her family, consisting of six besido her
a triiio over a imnureu j'cars ago a
London youth alo fivo pounds of shoul
der of lamb and two quarts of green peas
111 hftv minutes: and a Polish soldier,
who w:is presented at tlio court of Sax-
cvj, succeeded, in ono riav m getting out'
eido of twenty pound's oLhocf and half a
roast call, with tho appropriate "lutings.'
When Georgo HI was king, a watch
maker's apprentice, 1!) years of ago, in
three-quarters of an hour devoured a lei
of pork weighing six pounds and a pro
portionate quantity of peat;o pudding,
washing nil down with a pint of brandy,
taken in two "tots." Tlio tall Nick
Davenport, tho actor, is known to havo
eaten a soven pound turkey nt a single
sitting. Instance of depraved appelito
nro numerous, and men liavo been known
t svallow iiro, swords, spiders, flies,
toads, serpents, cotton, hair, paper, wood,
cinders, Kind, earth, clay, chalk, Hint,
musket balta and earthen waro. One
man could swallow billiard balls nnd gold
In tlio Now York medical journals for
182" a record is mado of a man who
could swallow clasp knives with impu
nity. Ono day ho overdid tlio business by
swallowing lourteen and it kuled him,
which well it might. In 1870, m Eng
land, two men of Wiltshire wagered with
earn other as to wlncli could consume the
greatest quantity of food in tho shortest
epaco of tinio. Ono of them blotted from
existence six pounds and a half of rabbit.'
a loaf of bread nnd two jiounds of cheese
m a quarter of an hour, and ho was so
pleased with tho approbation ho received
from the bystanders that ho llniRhtxl off
with a beefsteak, a pint and a half of irin
and a half pint of brandy. Good Iloiteo
kecping. Tho ltnHwiiy l'OHtiit Clerk.
Now tho train starts. Tlio postal clerk
bus lieen pulling heavy pouches around
or throwing lot tern into tho boxes lor
half iui hour, and if ho is unused to the
work his muscles begin to feel tired.
But ho must not quit or tnko rest, oven
for a moment, Ix-enuso his labor has just
begun. Ilo must brace himself up and
outer upon a desperate game of follow
my loader tho leader being a man who
has Ixm'ii in tlio servico for years and has
worked himself up from im npprcntico to
tho high and mighty olllco of chief clerk
in ehargo of tho car, whoso power is for
lho timo as alisoluto as that of tho czar of
all tho Itussias. As tho train dashes
along all theso clerks must continue their
work, now mado 100 per cent, harder bv
tho swaying of tho car. Thoy must braeo
themselves first ono way and then
another, always keeping up that cease
less throw, throw, throw, not for 0110
hour or two, but for eight or ten hours,
taking on additional pouches as tho train
flies through tho country at a breakneck
sieod, anil throwing off other ouehes no
tho stations aro passed, all tho while m n
stato of uncertainty as to whether tho
pouch knocked out the small boy stand
ing on tho station platform, or lauded in
tho middle of tho cornfield near by,
Tho train does not stop at any but im-
iwrtnnt towns, and tho postal clerks must
toko chances on tho jwuch thoy throw off 1
to tho rural postmaster striking tho
ground anywhere within a quarter of a
mile of him. By tho timo tho clerk has
got to tho end of his run, tho place being
Chicago, St. Iwis, Pittsburg, Grafton,
Cleveland, as tho caso may bo, and hav
ing been kept ia a violent motion, legs,
arms and mind, nil tho time, it is only
reasonable to suppose that ho feels tired,
nnd ho does. Cincinnati Times-Star.
Slteiirt) Tlmt whs (Iriiud.
"It was no still in tho hall," said Dob
bins, shaking of tho concert, "that you
could havo hoard a pin drop." "Was
thoro a large mulicneor' asked retcrby.
'lho liouso was halt full." "Is that
all? Hum I you ought to hear tlio silonco
thero when thero is a full liouso. Oh, it's
something grandl" Tid Bits.
To Drink or Not to Drink.
'Yes, ' ' says Jenkins, "I tun ono of those
fellows that can drink or let it nlono.
When I am whero it is I can drink: when
I am whero it Is not I can let it olono,"
Detroit Free Press.
Ijn rictnro of the I.ndy who Killed
Washington Society ITlftecii Years Ago.
Somo days ago an afternoon reception was
given by tho wifo and daughters of Mr. A. B.
Mullett, formerly supervising architect of
tho treasury. Among tho ladies receiving
with tbo hostess was Mrs. ICato Chase, as sbo
now calls herself tho onco famous and al
ways beautiful Kitty Chase. It was tbo first
timo sbo had nppeared atuny social gathering
in Washington for many years, and this
woman, who fifteen years ago ruled Wash
ington society ns it never was ruled before
or sinco, was not personally known to onc
f o.rrth of lho guests present. Ueside her stood
her daughter Ethel a slim, indefinite kind of
n girl, iwssibly to bo pretty, but never to bo
as handsome as her mother.
As for Mrs. ICato Chase, her beauty is of
that noblo sort that ago cannot wither nor
custom stale. Besidc, she is a woman who
has passed througli great storms without leU
ting them agitato her unduly. Slio ii now
nearly 4o years old, but sbo looks ten years
younger. Sbo has lost tho first brilliancy of
her youthful completion, but sbo can't help
being superb and distinguished. In tho day
of her power sho was intensely feared and ad
mired, but nover inspired or seemed to try
to inspire affection, so that tbo animosity
she awkakened on tho part of tboso who saw
her for tho first timo in many years assisting
at a party was of n critical kind. No doub'
this suited her quite as well, becauso pity is
something sbo always disdained.
bho is no longer rich, and inherits Chief
J ustico Chase's financial inabilities inn marked
degree. The sum of what Sho La3 now is tho
nnall compctenco loft by her father, who
lived and diod n poor man. Whatever claim
tho has upon Canonchct is worth notbiii
now, and this woman who could order twenty
two gowns with nil nccjssoiies from Par
not many years ago, and repeat tho order
whenever slio felt liko It, appeared tho other
day In tho simplest land of a black costume.
Cut it was nevertheless 'lognnt and appro
priate, becauso it couldn' t bo any t jing else
with Kitty Chuso as iu wearer. Bho ahvnyi
had a iwrfect genius lor clothes, nnd her
striking bcuuiy gained effect from tho styl
iu which sho ib-essed. w n&hmgtou Letter
A Tonus Indian's Self Torture.
MiiBzau, a promising young Sioux Indian
who is ono of Buffalo Bill's attractions, re
ceived word tho other morning of tho death
of Ins brother iit-Pmo Kidgo agency, Dakota,
ami ho began to mourn his loss m tr.uo Indwi
fashio-i. Ho first uttered a prolonged scries
of yells, shrioka and groans that brought nil
tho polico in tho neighborhood to tbo garden
und moused nil tho inmates of that i xtcnsiv
structuro who wcro taking a morning sleer.
They all know what tho matter was and only
tho uninitiated in Indian crfstoms gathered
around him to watch the proceedings. As t'.o
fervor 01 Ins gi-itl increased ho diw bis Ion
bowio k:iilo from its sheath nnd began slash
ing his bared breast, nrms nnd legs with ir
Whllo tho blood from half a dozen vound.s
wa3 coursing down his body and forming red
pools at his feet, bo sat down and with tbo
bamo bloody weapon began whittling 011
wooden pins about tbo thickness and lengtl
of a lead pencil, which ho sharpened to
point. During tho timo that it took him to
manufucturo a half a dozen of theso ho kept
up tho loud, dismal ho7ling, expanding
volumo ns tho puin increased and tho pools of
blood grow larger.
When tho skewers wcro ready bo caught
tho fleshy part of cno leg lwtwcen tho thumb
and tho lingers of tho left haihrnud drovo tin
wooden pm into tho flesh until tho pin pro
traded. Ho did tho snmo to each limb, and
also drovo a pin through either chock. These
ho allowed to remain for two hours, during
which timo nono dared to speak to mm or at
tempt to interfere. Among lho Indians it is
on min of instant death that ono Indian
speaks to another who is in "mourning'' until
after thu tlilnl day. After tbo Indian drew
out tho pins ho rolled himself from head to
foot in his blanket nnd crawled into ono of
tlio mangers, whero ho lay all dav without
food or drink, moaning and groaning and
occasionally breaking out into wild shrieks as
ho thought of Ins loss. 1 ho blood stainei
wooden pins wcro exhibited to many visitors
to tbo garden, and thero wero many upplicu
tions lor them to bo kept as 1110111011100.
Iow ork tribune.
A I.iuly Ituili'iKM? Stciiograiihtir TalKs
I huo otten thought that tho humdrum life
of u stenographer lind a tendency to brea
down nnd eventually drive out altogether tho
imaginative nnd pcjtieal 111 oiio's naturo and
nuiko lifo practical. 111 ull its details. Tho
murmurings of poesy on moonlight, violets
memories and hoie, grnto harshly against tbo
whisperings of the chief clerk on subject of
drain tile and tho tariff rate on wheat 111 car
loads, with tho resti't of giving tho poem 11
dry llnvor, snvonnj: or owner's risk wtli 11
obate. I-ioisuro ho'lrs cannot bo devoted to
poetry, because tho-ight must bo concentrated
upon rate quotations, billing directions, un-
stanqK'd tickets, whllo one's dreams aro filled
not with tho beautiful, but with mocking
ghosts of rates, tari Js and waybills.
inspiration may como at times, but so cer
tniuly will also coma tho nito clerk with tho
request to mako 11 h ?ktogr.iph copy of a lot of
per cent sheets, droiilful things with strings
of figures, not nice , oven figures, but with
lots of fractious to them which must not bo
mixed up with tho various other ior cents.
Most of my working hours aro spent in arail-
roan oiuce, and 1 imvo almost given up my
jxioticnl dreams K look ufter sUipments of
water pipes, stove 1 listings, potatoes, butter,
furniture, hums, hides, stoves, oil cakes,
iumior, beer, oggf, livo stock, patent medi
01110. etc. lllobo-r eniocrat.
Kt'liiitor Munford'a 1Vlfu.
It seems Mrs, Stanford will nover bo a great
society woman nlUiough this winter, for tho
first timo sinco tieir son's death, sho has
como out of i-otiruimmt and has also enter
tained somo. But sbo can't help having her
sujierb diamonds remarked on and bor
gorgeous gems observed. Shu still w cars a
kind of half niouriiing-tbo kind which ad-
urns m i iiiiu uiuiuuiius uuu sue is u dig
nified and flno looking woman. Both sho and
Senator Stanford havo a life w ork in jer
iwtuating tbo memory of their son in away
to lienetlt other ieoplo's sons and Mrs. Stan
ford says sho is too deeply interested in that
to give n great doal of timo to society. Eut
l-...ll..A..... t. 1. - r . . .
such a loscinaiing Kind 01
place that sbo will bo just liko everybody clso
-give a great neat moro timo to it and g-
out vastly moro than sho expects. Now York
Mail and Express.
Wales as u Scientist.
Tho London correspondent of Sclenco
writes that tho IViuco of Wnles has just been
elected an honorary member (probably tho
first British one) of tho Linna-an society,
which has hitherto lieen soniowimt chary of
lestowjng its "iKuvhments scaled with wax."
Tills famous society was founded in 17SS, and
is tho owner and custodian of tho library,
manuscripts and herbarium of tho illustrious
Uimoms, who died in 1774 Theso wero or
iginally twught from his family for about
$5,500, by Dr. James Edwnnl Smith, who
founded and was first president of tho Lin-
uasan society, which has comprised in its roll
ill tho most distinguished naturalists of tho
day, and may bo considered to be a select club
of scientist
A Barber and a Laborer Win a Big Frize in
Ike Louisiana State Lottery.
Zaclmrias Messinger is a barber who
has pursued his trade of scalping chins
and clipping hair at 315 Bush street
for some two or three years past, lie has
during that time had tho honor of ex
ercising his tonsorial art upon the
enput nnd physiognomy of Boss Buck
ley and in consequence lias enjoyed
tho patronage of the followers of the '
trreat Bush street statesman. His'
trade was a. good one and afforded him
a good living, but nothing mote, and
he 1ms endeavored to increase his store
of gold by wooing the ficklo Goddess
of Fortune by investing in lottery
tickets. He paid his addresses more
particularly to the good dame who
presides over the tlrawings of The
Louisiana Stato Lottery and lias held
ono or two coupons nearly every draw
ing during the last three years. As
the gamblers say, he has played in
good luck nnd lias nearly always won
enough to give him a small prfit, so
that lately ho has been "playing with
the money of the bank." A few draw
ings ago he camo down town and as
lie passed the Chronicle oflico he saw
by the bulletin board that ticket 07 ,0G0
bad drawn the capital prize of $150,000.
He knew that his ticket was 07,000
nnd something and he rushed honio te
get it. His delight can bo imagined
when ho found that ho held a coupon
of the winning ticket, which entitled
him to if 15,000. He went down to his
shop, presented each of his assistants
with a suit of clothes, made arrange
for them to carry on the business and
last week ho and his wife started on a
trip to Europe. He expects to be
gone about seven months and to spend
from $3500 to $-1000 on the trip. Tlio
remainder of the money ho will invest
in some safe security as a nestegg,
and when he gets back will put it into
some legitimate- business.
The uther lucky man is a Swede
nnmed A. Monsson, who lives at 1301
Center street in Oakland. Ho is a
laboring man and lias been living a
hand-to-mouth existenco such as
usually falls to tho lot of a toiler in the
land. Ho bought a coupon from a
peddler as n speculation. When he
heard of his good luck ho could not
believe it, and when convinced that ho
had won 15,000, turned whito with
nervous excitement. Ho is a singlo
man and is now much, sought after by
the young ladies of his acquaintance.
San FranciEco(Cal.) C7iroji!ce,Ilay4
Ail -Anny Contractor's .Experience
I bad a curious oxjierienco with an army
contract onco a few years after tho war
closed. I got 011 order for a lot of fino gro
ceries for oflleer.-' stores. Among tho rest
wero twenty-seven sacks of Java coireo a
hundred pounds to tho saclt. It was for a
station so far to tho west that tho freight was
fivo cents a pound. Tho colTco was billed nt
twenty-soven rents a pound. After 11 wbilo I
received notification that tho codeo had been
rejected, probably 011 account of mildow in
ocean transportation. I wroto to have tho
cofTeo sent back, and at tho proper timo my
teams wero thero lo receive it. When it
camo to tho storo I told 0110 of tho clerks to
put a "trier" into a few saclts to seo if it was
tho sumo goods wo had shipped. Tba "trier"
came out of the first sack tilled with yellow
corn. It was put into another sack nnd
pulled out with tho same result. And so on
nllnround. Kvoiy sack sent back was sim
ply that mil h shelled corn. Tim Midlers at.
the po-t bad taken out tho coffee und probably
sold it to tho country groceries, nnd put corn
iu its place. Tho sacks looked all right on
lho outside. Tho same strings had been used
In sowing them up, and overything had been
dono to ikeeive. I sent for the quartermas
ter on duty here, and showed him the fraud.
There was 11 long controversy about it, but in
tho end tho government stood tbo b)ss, and I
got jiaid for my coffee, k the vnluo of the
tnenty-8evcii sack's of corn sent back iu its
place. Glolio Democrat.
I'd lion's ."itlcroplione.
Perhaps it may bo remembered that j ears
ngo Edison was interested in tho microphone,
a device for magnifying ininuto sounds in
a iuot wonderful maimer; it was with the
microphone thut Edison said ho would enable
people to bear a fly walking across tho ceil
ing, the steps of a fly sounding liko that of 11
war horso upon a theatrical stage. His latest
movo in this direction is a device which, at
tnehed ton small cabinet organ, enables it to
give out tho sound of n cathedral instrument
bigger than that of tho Boston Music hall,
und ho says that a hand orgun provided with
his new invention will bo heard across the
East river. If this is so, soiiim one is going to
get killed, either Jlr. Edison or tho Italian
nobleman who uttempts to put his dovieo to
tie. 1 he idea or Hearing "11 Union" or "Tho
Heart Uowed Down" or "Tho Kneet By und
Uy" from two or threo hundred band organs
suddenly endowed with ten times tho power
of Bariiuin's steam calliope is something aw
ful, and kdison has dono well to got far out
of tho reach of civilization before announcing
his latest achievement. Now York Cor
Brooklyn Englo.
Cost of Toiiibstouo Designs.
Weeping nngol, ngo 10, flno finish, $ 45 to $75
Weeping nngol, with wings 00 to W
Weeping nngol, ago 10 fto to 85
Weeping angel, with wings. 75 to 100
dult angel, with or without wings W) to WO
Adult nngel, with urn '. 100 to 200
Greek gods, demigods nnd muses
mourning series) 150 to 200
Recording ungcl (with book) 200 to COO
Boston Advertisement.
A piece or anc paiecd on tho coal at a hot j
ovo will clean out io stovepipe. The vapor
produced carries oil the soot by chemical Uo-
Tbo yelk of ono egg, three drams of gh'co-
rino and Ilft-.-en grains of carbolio acid make
un excellent mixture for softening tho hands.
Vienna bread such as we have here is un
derstood to lxj materially diireront from that
they enjoy in Austria.
Cent wbalelKJiie can be restored and used
again by simply soaking in water a few houi-s,
then drying them.
Boston women call cranberry tarts uThck-
fray puffs," becauso they aro so keen and
American leather paper, in white and gold,
ta a popular material among London house
Wall through tho bosom of tho night,
Btorm wind; how strong thou art!
Thou canst not chango tho Inward sky,
Tho summer of my heart.
Sbco. thy cold tears, O winter rata!
Sob through the twilight dim
I only feci tho mmshlnc's glow
la ripening fruit for him.
Ecnd your drown branches, leafless trocaf
Beneath tho wintry sky;
I know for mo tho harvest time,
Tho vlntngo hour Is nigh.
The grapes ore glowing on the vine.
For Lore's own hand to take;
But ho must press them with his lips
The wluo of lifo to make I
His Itrscuo of nn 18-ycnr-old Muliloti..
An Interesting Incident.
Said Seth Green, tho fish culturist : " I was
trout fishing on Pino creek, Pennsylvnnin, bo
low Smith'3 dam. Tho creek below tbo dam
was about fivo roils across, nnd tho bottom
covered with ' hard heads,' from tho sizo of iv
gooso egg to a barrel. Tbo water was three
feet deep, and whirled around like the whirl
pool of Niagara. Thoro wns no esenjw there
for anybody if ho was unlucky enough to get,
in, unless ho was a very expert swimmer.
Thero wcro sawborscs placed across tho creek
and planks fastened to them for n foot bridge.
I bad a twrlvo pound basket nearly filled
when I saw nn 18-year-old girl como 011 the
bridge. When sbo got to mo I stepped on ono
of tho sawhorses to let her pas
"I wutcbed her as sho continued, and don't
think sbo had got moro than thirty feet from
mc beforo I noticed t'nnt her head began to
swim. Sho gavo 0110 of tboso peculiar screams
sucli as aro natural to all girls when in dan
ger, tottered for un instant and fell bead fore
most down tho stream, and being buoyed up
somewhat by her clothing tbo swift current
carried her rapidly along toward tbo deep
hole. To drop my rod nnd jump into the
water wns but tbo wor: of a second, and I
mado my way over tho 'hard heads' in three,
feet of water as fast as I could. I wentdowui
twice, but kept going nnd overtook her nlinut
fifty or fci.ttj feet from whero she went in,
and then began tho struggle I grabbed her
and turned her around, and tbo first thing she
did wus to clutch mo with ono hand and push
her clothes down with tlio other, und when
sho had got them below tho surfuco wo wero
both taken off our feet and went slipping and
floating down. Wo went threo rods beforo L
gained 11 footing. Tlio girl must havo been
very fond of mo for I never got such a bug
ging in my lifo as sho gavo me. I had my
trout basket, with tbo strap hung over my
shoulder. I kept swinging it around, and it
looked nt ono timo very much us though we
threo would go into tho deep hole.
"Well, I finally gotn firm foothold, and.
then I had a painful duty to jierform, and
that was lo stop that girl hugging mo and
get her quieted down so that she know what
she was about. I told her that sho must tnko
bold of her garments and with both hands
raiso them lo tho top of tho water, or ne
never could get back to lho bridge uguiusttho
current. I placed her in front of mo and put
my urms around her, and wo went loekstep
back lo tbo bridge. I toll you it wus a severe
wrestlo with tho boulders, current mid laskot
of 1Kb, but wo reached thero at last, and then
continued tbo samo step to tho eugo of tbo
bridge at which sho camo on, when I mod
estly turned my back und stayed In tho water
while sho climbed out, nrranged her skirts
and ran off." Turf, Field and Farm.
.-wientic; tlio J'";tclul Kxpress"....
A ii'oiv York surgeon says ho can take
any man under -10 years of ago and so alter
hu facial expression, by tbo uso of tho knifo
and u Iittlo pain that his own wifo could not
identify him. Tho noxt bank cushier who
makes u haul should try this scheme instead
of going to Canada. Ilo can then enjoy tho
money right at home. Detroit Free Press.
"What is Jigsen in nmwning for, do you
'It's eithaw taw his bwothaw aw hisdawg.
Ono ot Vi.i '.u'd liiM't week, but I wcally faw
fct which it w-iis." TiAvn Topics.
The four unrest and finesr, moRt novel
and best manured displays of fireworks
ever produced were those at tho Centen -ninl
at Newburgh, New York, October 18,
18-:i; the Presidential inauguration at
Washington, 1). C, March 4. It85; the
Bi-Ueiitennial at Albany, N. Y.. July 2,
l'-Stl, nnd the uuvcilinc of the Bartholdi
Statue of Liberty at the City of New York,
November 1, 1S8H, and were manufactured
nnd fired by toe Unexcelled FreworfesCo.,
the largest lnanuffcturerH in tbo world.
Day fireworks, night fireworks and water
fireworks. AVilliam Heck & Son, agents,
Hm and 1(!7 Second street, Portland, Ore
gon, Send lor cataloguo No. 7.
lieimtlfvlnir tlmsldn ef children ami Infants
and curing torturing, dlstlKUrlng. itching, sciUy
ana pimply discuses or 1110 skin, setup ana
blood, with loss of hair, from infancy to old uge.
tho CUTieuitA UiSMKDlKS are infallible.
CUTICUIIA. tho CTCat SKIN Ul'HK. and Cirri-
1 cuka ."-oai. nn eiqulsito Skin Ueuut.lcr, pro
I pared from It, externally, ,and Cuticura He
I bolvknt. tholnew Blood' Puriller, internally,
I Invariably succeed when all other remedies
j and tho best physicians full.
Cuticuiia Kkmkuiks are absolutely pureand
me omy imaiuuio sum oeuuiincrs ana niooa
purifiers, free from poisonous ingredients.
Bold ovory whero. Price,CuTlcuiu,50o.; SOAl
25c.: Kksolvknt, St. Prepared by the Potter
IjrSond for "How to Cure Skin Dlseason."
DAflyiQSkln and Scalp preserved and beauti
IHIUI 0 tied by Cuticuiia Mkdicatkd Soai
Cares all Diseases originating from a
j1""?"4 "J?6 of . tho ?TL00D ,0r
LIVER, Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Boils, .Blotches, Pimples, bcroiuia.
Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial
Pains readily yield to its purifying:
properties. It leaves the Blood pure,
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. GATES Sc. CO., Proprietors
417 Sanaomo St, San Francisco.
t- 1 ixrt
1 'A
If Probably Sr. Ijaac Thompson's U
ThU wU-U''i a earefullx r.rrrrej phxilcian'i pro
cripuon, ana hu brea in ooatUnt tue fur uerlj
century, and notviUuUodins the many other )rpar
Uoni that bare ba introduced into the market, the
Mle of thU article It ontanu increaiinf. If thodi
f rtoni followed It will nerer fall. We partial
U1I7 lnitothi attention o( phjalcdana to IU merit.
John L Thompson, Sons & Co., TltOY, N, V.