The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 11, 1887, Image 5

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    iwi.uLiu iMfn v wjuu jjmi .if. I iuj.ui Auiuu"uwijn.wwutwiwiiuiniu jmjmwg wmr
AMOS K. Ji'M.f,.
1- ilinO '"r Iiiimi 'slm Unite mi lht "Srt:
Th Orr!fn Sennt ha larpe a circa- Am-kxmo.v ScHOOl. liXERCtSBS. !
Minn a any three paper., , ., ,,r- Comnienerinent e.vereise look idrteo ',
at Ai-eetision M-ltool, Cove, ttn Friday ,
evening of lart week. A lar:e audi-!
fiu'f from nil jwrtf of the valley wis
1 "resent. notwithfUindins the ruin. The
programme eoiifiidetl of instrumental
ana voeal, and leeitatioiu. All
nrtf if it wore reeeived by tin andi
cneo with marks of appreeiation. It
would 1p invidious to mention iianien,
when all dil m uniformly well, rdifs
CiifN. 15eidleinan,whoi tin? (lift jjrad-,
nate of Ai-ccnt-ion school, then read
hi r valedietory, a srholaily and pleas-;
nijj esNiy on " I he i-oree of rtejnilier.
Sochi Srin dilations.
l'nrnjrrni li" l't tiOiiitiic. l'rlnrlj nlly. to
Iho lVrijcrltinttom of tin
I lure.
nnn nj me rilai", contained, ana m cor
rrxpniulintjly valuable an an atlvtrtixiwj
Saturday, .Juno llt-li.,1887
Union and Vicinity.
:ard has been
The post ollice at llil
Circuit court is now- in H-vioii at
JJaker City, Judge Iton ire.-idinj;.
Iheakiii: cart for sale. Knipiho of
)r. 1). Y. K. Deerim:, I'liion.
There will he lots of fun al the "pink
tea" and mum sociable, next Thursday
Head the new announcement thi."
week of the La (irande Fourth of July
The Wallowa Chieftain advocates the
building of a wagon road fiom Joseph
to Cornuco)ia.
A. Meachcn.a prominent attorney
of Suinmerville, was in Union, on bold
ness, tliis Week.
The prohibitionists of Linn county
will hold a convention at Albany on
the lit 1 1 of June.
JJead tin advertisement of the Sum
merville, Fourth of July celebration,
which appear in this icne.
There will be a match panic of bapc
ball between I'liion and North l'owder
flubs to-morrow, at this place.
The New York, Store in La Ciande
continues in the lead. Low prices and
fair dealing, are attractions that draw
-every time.
A series of well written articles dis
ruptive of Wallowa county, by II. F.
Iinrleigh, are now being published in
the Chieftain.
The sidewalks in several places
throughout the city are out 'of repair
and rhnnld receive the attention of the
commissioner. Where is he?
Arrangements are being made by
which those attending the Fourth of
.July celebration at La (irande will only
have to pay half fare on the railroad.
Jos. Wiight has ordered a new stock
of hardware, ami tools for another tin
shop which are daily expected toariivc.
lie. will open in his brick building on
the corner.
If you want a fine pair of shoes or
boots, call on Mr. C. Vincent, who has
L. liner, of San Finm lseo, is now in
this city.
A nnmU-r of noble red men were to
be setin on our streets Wednrsdny.
A very pleasant dam e was given by
the 1'nioii Social Club at their hall
last night.
Mrs. tJiiin Warren left, yesterday for
Wiugville to visit her parent, Mr. and
Mrs. Osborne.
Dr. McDonald and family returned
reeentlv from an extended visit to Can-
i :: i !. ! lie in m ' r
(iiw ii- :i rest ii thr ' t . nil' j ke
A in I lei H have -tiiuethilijr li.w ; ;
J.ct uimhi yi'tjr e iitliliiranil rvtymir Jaw. :
Awl drink' !?.. whtskf r oh do.
N tliere reason or rhyiiM? Urn! other K-i;ilt '-' ,
! Shnulil worrv mi old fHil t a 13 I ! is
And the -nilli- on the slreof yutir Mnrostln' ' v-flQS'm O til t rt d J f(C o
lircw stale, ah! loiiji haiK iK'-
(to "t't, on the lee Ut eiml, 1 '
You Hre too, too overdone, ti "S' 4 f 1 "vs; (ioil rj
.Niul idre Hi a re-t on your wofti nut Jokes, , .U 1 i lUA ' I.A'. I
Wi (lir.iiic to eotilitt'r tli em fun.
l,l,li,.I. I.k,1, mr. l
illlUI., IH'III SO i I
After a brief report by the principal, of j ada and the Kastern State. i
the work of the school for the year, the Tln-re will be service nt St. John's
L'ewMr. l'otwine, of lVndleto'n, deliv- , K)in(pal Church Union, Sunday eve
eivd an addie.-s, niaiked by vigorous, j ning at ipiarter In-iore eight. o'cliK'k.
pr.ietieal thought, on the true aim and (uito a huiiiIh-i- of Iji (irando's eiti
end of education. It was highly en-1 reus lit on! for parts unknown lat week. 1
joyed by all and will leave it. inipres j The natuie of their malady is not giv- ,
for good on many minds. The gr.tdu- j en.
ate was tin n presented to the Hislmp, . Marion Davis who has h.vti attend
who delivered to tier the diploma of , jj, ()) hninesp in Hnker county for
the school, with his blessing. The ex-1 M.'veral weeks past, returned to I nion
ereises were concluded with praycrand , Tuesday.
benediction. All present seemed well Sniilh.s Walking gang plow, some- ,
pleased with what they had seen and ' uw j(lst u, (,linffi ,.Vu. .
nearu, aim so emieo i ouimencenieiii 1iv. ,,,,,.,, i...,,!,..,,.,.., C.. !
j Island" City. d
i Mr. 1. llougliton.n pioininent farui
j cr and Mock raiser, of Lower l'owder '
i river, was in town this week. We ac- I
t knowledge a pleasant eill. 1
i Mr. John Illooni, of Fine valley, pas- ,
j sod tliiough Ibis city last Monday on j
I bis way to the Fast, lie will prob- !
i ably be gone three or four weeks. (
! The two Miss Stnrgills. and Miss '
! nv i .r ,.i. ... t.:... I
.. . . ..i:.. ..!.. tt ,. .l ... . iMiom hi i;iier v in , sin- iimiiiik
ing through his land. We have not
ended Commencement J
at Ascension school One unexpected
feature of thr occasion must not Im for- !
gotten. the establishment and bestow- j
al of the II. II. rreneh prize, tins is
to eon.-ist of valuable books to be given
annually to the valedictorian of her
Tun ()tiij:i; Sim:. Mr. Wesley l'ar
ker, of North l'owder, writes us a lettor
concerning an alleged misstatement
made bv 'Yank" m last week's suc,
Mrs. John McNeally is ill.
Utrge quantities of wheat is
hauled to the Island City mills.
Mrs. MeCleland go.' to Portland, i
Thursday, for medical treatmeiU.
Uncle John liuchanan bin ereetnl
n Turbine wind engine on his farm.
Some tifteeu or n ore went over to
the Cove to witness tho dosing exei
eises of the Ascension iehoi.l.
M:s. A. S. Duniway will lecture at
tin1 schiol hou.-e tli" (Wednesday)
eveirug on "Killing the Dreakers'
KiKy Cooper's tin" horses got frisky
innl ran into a barbed wire fence. One
of them was badly cut on the shoulder.
A fsesh arrival from soinewbere.
so ts. upward.
lK,il)fr Jcivcys, from one dol. upward.
UltillONS, Fiv, AT 1MMCKS
mm now until further notice, at
- Summerviiie,
(y(k WIDKOricr.tal lace.
1. 00.
CUOI) COKSUTS, 50 cents, each.
( ! 1 N ( S II A M K M Ii 0 1 D K U I KS,
CIN'I for DWFSS Front-'..
IS' 11
! r. ft ("!. Vj"S A71i
inovetl over near the school
Look them up and give them
space to give the letter 111 lull, hut it is
substantially a follows: "This road
will make seven miles of county road
fiicnds in this city. They are now tho
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Booths.
Mr. L. L. While, the linker City den
tist will move to this place in about
on mv ranch and takes between Til) and ! two weeks, lie will open an oilice
00 acres of laud that I bouubt and
paid for, and causes me to build seven
and three quarter miles more fence
than I would have to build if the road
was not thi-re, at a cost to me of ueaily
ipSO.) for extra fencing, saying nothing
about the cost of keeping said fence in
repair each war. That "alkali lolnt"
he speaks of, means a strip of land ,
feet wide and three-fourths of a mile j
long, through the bes t meadow land on
my ranch, taking nearly (' acres of land
worth at the least 75 per acre." lioth '
these gentlemen have now had their ,
.-ay, and we trust this matter will be
drooped, as it. is not a proper subject '
. : 1 l ........ .. 1..
usi reccnei. ..sso , f()t. 1K.WH),H.r ,.,., IOv,iy, urn! we aie
test, sty es .ronu neeasu .e wm oe . itl(,r hjM mV(, wn
undersoui lor casn. i ry mm
Last week a neat little steamboat
was launched 011 the Wallowa lake.
The machinery will be put in by the
lrtof July. Alpha is Hie name of the
boat.' It was christened bv Mrs. (. W.
The town of Yale, county seat of
lalheur county, now contains three
saloons, two livery stables," two hotels,
two general merchandise stores, and
ticveral dwelling houses, besides county
buildings in course of erection,
Wallowa county has organized a
stockmen's association, one of the
principcl objects of which is to prose
cute cattle thieves. The association
will 110 doubt be a great benefit to that
county, as stock raising is the princi
pal industry.
Mr. Al. (Jardner, the jeweler, requests
ns to Mate that the icport put in cir
culation by the La (irande papers that
he will soon move his shop to that
place, is intirely false, and that it is
his intention to remain here perma
inently. The title of the town site at Yale in
Malheur county, owned by State Sena- (,...
tor Uinehart, and which has neon 111 j,.,
litigation for a number of years has
finally been decided in favor of IJine
hart by the Secretary of the Interior.
This decision is final.
"We particularly call the. attention
of our readers to the advertisement of
the branch implement house of ICnapp
liurrell & Co., at Island City. They
keep airimmense stock of everything
in their line and farmers should inspect
their stock and learn prices, before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Mr.' Jos. Yowell, while riding along
the road on the Sand Nidge last week,
found a purse lontaining over .f'iOO.OO.
Ho afterward learned that the money
soirv the matter should nave
mentioned in the first place.
Tin: I' Ci:i:i:k 1'oap. The report
put in circulation this week that the
high wateis had washed away the Ha
gle erct k bridge on the load leading
from this citv to Cornucopia, was en-
1.. ...:.t. t 1.. -ii.. n..,.
, v 1 . ...1 .1 ..1 raiUlil
nam nglll, won came over me man j
Thursday, says the bridge is as good as 1
ever, and tin re is no danger of it ever 1
being taken away by Hoods, as the wa- i
ter was higher this year than it ever
has been, or is likely to be for many
years to come, lie says the road is)
now in passable condition, and light!
teams arc traveling it, although lie has
not yet put any work on it with tile
money recently appropriated for that
purpose. This will be done at once,
however, and an extensive travel will
at once commence, as it is much the
shortest and easiest route from the
railroad to the Fine Creek mines.
Mr.M SociAiii.H. The Ladies' Aid
Sociity of the Fieshvterian church will
give a muni sociable at the Hon Ton
Uestaitrant building, Thursday evening
June loth at 6 o clock. 1 he plan is
A few persons will be appoin
ushers, whose dutv it will bo to
receive pi ople as they come, show them
to their seals and Use their utmost en
deavor to induce them to speak. The
first time a person speaks, he or she
and make Union his peinianeiit home.
At least two theatrical companies are
negotiating for the use i f the theatre
in this city, and it is piobable we will
have some anuucnient in that line
Frof. Ilackelt and W. 1!. Johnson
left on the train yesterday for Idaho to
take a look at the .country. We did
not learn how long they intend to be
Mrs. Summers has had the building
on the corner of Mnin and A streets
lifted up for a niillim ry store. She
will, no-doubt, receive an extensive pa
tronage. Mr. iScjthold (Joldsinitb. traveling
salesman of the brni of (loldsinith it
Lowenbi rg. dealers in stoves, and
hou.-e furnishing goods, was in the
city last week.
Yictor J. .Miller, of Union, graduat
ed fioiu the law dcpaitnieni. of the
Willamette University at Sal-in last
v. We arc glad to make nolo
of Yictor' success.
(i. W. Hunt, the well known railroad
contractor, M-cuied the contract for
building the I'cndleton and Wallu'a, and has already several hun
dred hands employed. Levy purchased two wild, liiey
and untamed steeds, of the Indians
that were in town this week. We have
bis obituary written up, which will ap
pear in our next issue.
Mr. Francis, of Fortland, general
agent for the North-western Lifelnui
auce Co., and Mr. Carter, of Island
City, local agent, were in Union the
greater poition of this week.
Last Saturday ' Labor Day" passed
without being obsvived, in this city.
It being a legal holiday, considerable
inconvenience was experienced by
those having business to attend to, and
that is about all it amounted to.
All presons interested are requested
to meet at the residence of Mrs. J.. V).
Davis, in North Union, on the after
noon of June lfdli to make arrange-
I at her W leinskie, of iJaKer ( ity. in
forms us that eighty acri's of land be
longing to the Catholic church estate
in Island City, Will In: sold and the'
mom y Used 10 bthld a residence l.r j
the priest. Fourteen hundred dollars!
has been offered. i
Monday evening, quite a number j
met at the lesideneeof Mr. McOinness. !
Frof. Tate and family, who are on their I
w.iy to their ranch near Ixock erceic,
were there. The Island City hand
went down to see tin ir teaelu r. A
grand mu-ical treat which was highly
appreciated by those present until
quite a late hour. Tnere was a por
tion of three hands present, all of whom
were taught by Frof Tate, and evinces
the careful and skillful manner in
which he has patiently laboicd. The
McUinuiss boy s band began to play as
we neaied I he residence, 'flu hn-tcss
entertained us in a charming manner.
Master licnncy favored the nudienec
with his celebrated jig dance. Then
eamo several pieces by the l'rofe-sor,
on the organ, the Mcd'iiinics boy's
string band and a grand finale 'llon
ney lilue 1' l.ig." and all went home
feeling that it was good for us to have
been there.
Suits, $17.00.
Mens' Fine Diagonal
. .
buits, 1 0.50,
mo mm mm
art, t
SIESin Proportion.
SKCUHF TIIUSK 11AUUA1NS and avoid the KF-
T 1
.a dies'
'twill bo well for you,
Jjist, while I tell to you
How 1 will sell to you
Bargains ail the way through,
Dress (ieous Sold by Sample at rorlkuid Pr'ces,
5 . i
a t !
I A I.i'llrr of E : 11 im 111 -11 1 1 u 1 1 1 11.
! YreUn, Cal. . Fel). -'.". 1SSC,
, This is 10 certity thai Dr. "S. Ilar-
nion has been al this place llie past
j two niiMitli- and tliat from obsci valiou
of him. and of several eases under his
'treatment, I can safely recommend
him as iiuncciili-t ol over average abil
! ity. and as a lirst-eKss opiiean of high
! skill. My fric.iiiW in Oregon who
I may need' hi- service, can rely that be
j is not a charlatan, but a gentleman of
merit and one wlio-e skill will be rec
i ogni.ed by all vliiweycs are alllicted.
, ' V.. II . Al'THXIM.TII ,
Attorncv at Law.
To Those Indebted.
On the morning of May .'Pith. I had the
liiisl'iirlutie toln-i, by lire, my drug store
and iN entire cnuttiits, accoiuit bonks Inehi
tk'd. I am coiiipilUd 10 ak dine who me
hiiU'htcil to me to call at my ollir.) nt the
i Fir-tKatinnal Kiiiik.iiinl iigroc iipim amount
j due, and arrango fur settlement of same.
', Please call at your earliest convenience,
j ' JNO. T. W'itMillT.
Must Ee Settled.
m m 1 11
is bent,
niiiaoiJi laim mini
liEill 01 FlliillS.
ml nv ivT
"As the twig
so is the
tree in-
Drake buys Tor cash and ftives his custo-
ineE's tJie benefit. Caali is king and Bueeess
is his servant.
Drake's low rent and low price
his store the plaee to save money.
ol to W M to
hall pay a lino of ten cents. After 1 ments for. the annual strawberry fosti-
having spoken the person becomes an
usher, and must join in the cllort to
make others speak. The time for si
lence will last until S iI.'O. Following
the time of silence will ho freedom of
speech, and "Fink Tea" will be served
at the usual pi ice. A jolly time is a'n
tieipated. Let everybody go and join
in the fun.
Xi:w Discovmtii'S. Messrs. V.'ilson
it Miles, owners of the "Annie" mine
had been lost by Mordo McDonald, j .... iiiir creek, east of this city, are down
and returned it to him. Mordo was 1 ))U ;t 10U feet, and have struck
much pleased to get bis money back, am,tiu.r vein coining into the one they
and no doubt, thinks that .n nouei .m, ollf llt rllt iUigles, which is ahont
one foot wide and very rich 111 silver.
Mr. Dunham Wright has also discov-
... 1. r ...ui
man .s the nomesi worn 01 nou
Tho following named persons are
registered at the Alpine hotel, Cornu
copia : F. 15. Culluni, rVew Mexico; h.
A. Hlacker, I). V. Moore, C. (ioodspced,
and W. .1. U. Woodrufl'. Union ; Win.
Worst Moorc.s eanii'i; Col. J. W. (Sil
son, Fortland; Iko (ioble, Jno (loble,
IFil' creek: llert (iaylord, City; Jas.
Malonov, .1. W. Feterson, Ike O'Mara,
"Whitiiian;" Win. McCarty, North (
cicd, about a half mile east of his jilaee,
an iminens'; ledge of ore, ut least four
feet wide, which promises to be miuio
thing big. Experts seem to think rit
is extremely 111: 1 in Miver, ami mi
Wright has tent mine
Fortland 1 eduction wor
F:i.i;(TIun ioit Makkhai.. At a spe-
ial meeting of the city council la.t
Tn. .s.l, iv ..veniii''. Marshal Late.s re-
viil for the benefit of the Union Ceme
I The ladies of the Episcopal church
i will give an entertainment sometime
during the session of the next circuit
' couit, for the purpoeof raising funds
I to make some neccbsary repairs 011 the
j church budding.
I Judge (Irodall took his' departure
t yesterday for Cornucopia, for the pur
pose of looking into the condition of
I the county roads, hiidges and other
! propel ty in the southern iirtion of the
. county. lie will bo gone about a week.
I Harry Deacon was the recipient of 11
stipritto party, last Monday evening,
, tendered by his nii.ny friends in this
City, on the occasion f his nineteenth
birthday. Harry in a very popular
young man and on this occissiou re
1 ceivtd K-voral eleuunt i-rctM-iiU from
llavliighad the misfortune to loe my en- 1
tire stuck of gnu'ls, by lire, on the morning
of the .Kith. I emit roipiest a'l tin se indebt
ed to me to call ut m.ce and ii'tih tin it ac
counts, ns I am in acid of money, ami must
.10s. vnurtiiT.
it is our tun 11
Iaf nil the Cita'. U r Un'ni '! F"' n' ' " ( we ; re Itctri leg 1
bin go and I'l ie'v !-'elecfi'd .S'.o. k ot
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Boots and
Shoes, Giass and Queensware, .
.Just recoivi'tl nt IScriiian
Will deck's, Hummurville,
in oxira fine and wtill .sc
lci(!ictl .stH'k of mens' boys'
and yonlfis' i'3jthi!p;1 which
will be wold at asloDishin?
low prices. Call and con
vince onrsclf.
M i WJi 3 ii
: (Of St. IVnr-lnnv. Russia,) j
I and Practical;
1 mr, ami $u. j, Voung lady friends,
e of the ore to tho l ' ,, . ....
,orks tolled.;, 'J.l- nion silver ( ,,
J niin Pro firnl
Urn (wncwN
Olx.' in I'iirli r Cclllenilla! lintel.
ornel Ihiml will 1
be in attendance at the Suniinervilli
Fourth of July celebration, and with j
the Summerviiie b.iud Will fumuli tho
iniieie. Thi will U- a drawing curd. I
The enuineer, Geo. Kiilenbach, who :ni.,i ubo threw up his job of 1 Xi-nrly everybody is fond of good music
had charge of the engine that run oer jgi,t watching. The ivsK"iotm wa' i and will have an opj ortnntty of IisUmi
anil killed the
who was charge
lossnus.H i,v tin
week arrested on a warrant from Judge
(moduli's court, and brought to this
city, whoro ho waived exauiinatiu, and
was held to appear before tho grand
jury, with bonds fixed at .j00. which he
gave at once, and returned to his duty. 1
Not I.nsaxi:. An old l.idy by tho
nanio of Cox was brought down from
Kaglo Valley, this week, who wns
tlmill'llt ii llicniin 1... ..l.rAK'il
eymptoiuii of mental ahomition, and had 1 " 1
bomi limit lu-ii-n in tl ,,..1..... ;., Ut)'1
----- ....... " ...v 4i41t !....
this county. The extuniiruig frhysi
eiaii6 could find nothing, upon this 'oc
casion to indicate that she was of un
sound mind, and Judge (iiHMlall dis
missed the case. She is now stopping
b (; lv u
tramp last week, and .u.oei,jwl, and at 11 meeting to W held
cd with criminal care- nt,xt jjiay evening, thu council Wdl
coroners jury, was this : 'to (ill the vacancy. We
do not know whether there are any as
pirants for iheofHeo or not, but if thero
are, thev should put in their appear
ance. The. city is really moru in noel
of u gH)d night watchman than it w of
a marshal, and steps shuuld U- iinine
diutely taken to h.ive one put on.
Wr.U'olVK Moisti uk For several
davs during the fore part 1 the wi eje, r.uu Ml ii'pi""-"
. i-un'inuoUsly. It ins t"
have tieen gtiui-l.aii ! n- 'i'1"; ' " "
1 1 .1. . ....lir.. iii. Wbllecroiw
ill'll ll'I LIIV I IH" ....-
not actually
nvtloii. the rain.-
i.n I a l ug'
;:sui. I in
iiiffirin' m thu
. did not omr amiss
and iibiind.tiit i '-I i '"-'
I ll.Hll Oilllt V.
iug to it on that day.
Mr. J. II. .Smith, thu railroad eon
tmctor, is i.ovvin thin city looking after
his bosiii.-s iiiterestti. His innny
friends hen arc alwavs glad to see him.
lie informs us that his work on O. A
C. It. l(. in tin Siskivoii niMiinlaiiis is
j,jt;'i. --in." filli lv, aiid ll.inkn colinec- , '1 lC
tku will be made by the Jdth. i
Tie fi il.rwiug named peiroun will fill
the taiioUf olli. i s of tie day at the
1. 1 ( Fi- irth of July h bration :
'i( -Mi 10 , KvSem.tor .las. JI. Slater,
,.f (J. .1. I.-: M .i-l.l. -'"'ig A. C.
Ci .:. 1.1 ' n mo F -idi 1 I J ( la ration,
Turner Oliver: ( haplin, Uv. (!oo. T. ;
KHiot. Mis M.ib. 1 (iraody will rcpn
m nt tin (Jml b f ,,1 j;i rty, and lion.
J..I01 II. Mitil.iU ui'id hv.'r the ora
,ii 11.
Duplex Jjye
It v tli'n iiMclibii' I inn ii'ilo t.. ih'tfrt (In
slitflin-i-l di-.ea n- of the eve. 1 Imve n
invert! 11 hv which 1 hid i-blu to ni'-;islire
tliii fin i u.'lhe tl mi I iiiikeg!mi to
miiii i-m li i'm-i'ci I'll -I v. I Iiivi- a Jaw
siipnh dl . n.iin - I'FIHil.K bl'.NS, f all
-.. m i'iIT :c!i' k ti ri--. wh eh mil lie 14"
iiiri'iln tiv 11. 1 ... ciill'. A!n Imve Ihe
JJIiUlt ATJ:i) mIiU-Ii. in mhiii' c
is. lliaxiuig" ta'iiiiil 1 Xpr tliu l-ilrfu t!ie
trtiliiun rue. di-rUp from t'leni. 1'or in-sliilu-e.
;i farv'i- ere, nlld 11 I iVA I'llpil. em
1. nt ii lie 1 el. lilc. s th uivi I"" miu-'i
ll'lit lli- M .biati ! Ino in lini leu- i
1.1 .kIi U ilf".
f .ill
Wliicli was lj()VLiit for .(;as3i and will be
sold strictly for cash, at prices that will "as
tonish the natives."
We di.i. l isi.wt to "run the town." I ut ;h csp-et n u -jbar.- o' tho trad of
t, iseitv an I " mifv. it lot d ah' H.V 1 X" "lltl ,nv
j rices vl I iiitiii.iii!h!i tl.iit 111.I.
The old way of doing business is a tiling; of
tho past. ' Casli men do not want to pay
poor debts and long-winded accounts. We
expect to ro-orgunize tiie mercantile busi
ness in this valley, not to drum orlmnibug
the people by misrepresentations, not to
sell goods less than cost, but-to make a
uniform cash price on all goods, which
means 20 per cent, lower than any man
who buys on time can sell for.
Twenty thousand dollars worth of general
merchandise bought and sold for cash will
make this saving: 10 per cent, for tho
risk, ,6 per cent, discount, cash and 800
for hook keeper, making a saving of 84,
000. Does anybody blame us for starling
the bail a rolling?
All 8
GlM of oiirsioGill wince
... ... !
..i.. !... ii. .,w ..i..i.,r ..f luulncw. U niU 'U iaur Hat'nuiu nr.. ui im,
Union, Or.