The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 11, 1887, Image 2

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The Mont Fnvnrnlilo Timo tnr tho Chime,
rreparntlon of tlio Horses Tho Gaiuo
In View Methods of ilio Htintsinon.
Tlio Capture.
With tho Arabs of tlio desert tbo chase nnd
canturoof tho ostrich is tho most nttrnctlvo
and aristocratic of tho many diversions in
which they indulge, Tlio first thing attended
to when n hunt is contemplated is tho prep
aration of tho hones. Theynro entirely de
prived of grass nnd fed on barley for soven or
eight days boforo tho intended hunt. Thoy
nro allowed to drink only onco n day, nnd
that at sunset; nt that timo thoy nro also
washed. Thoy take long exercises, and great
attention is paid to tho nrrnngcincnt of tho
harness. Tlio Arab says that after seven or
eight days tho stomach of tho liorso disap
pears, whilo tho chest, tho breast anil croup
remain in flesh. Tho animal b then in con
dition to enduro fatigue. This training is
called "tcohaha." Tho harness used in this
hunting Is much lighter than that in ordin
ary use, especially tho saddlo and tho stir
rups, and tho ninrtingalo is dispensed with.
Tho bridlo alo undergoes many changes, tho
mounting and carlaps being tnl.-en away, as
they nro considered too h"avy. Tlio bit nnd
frontlet nro mado of ropo, without throat
band, nnd tho ivins, though very strong, uto
extremely light.
Tho timo most fnvorablo for ostrich hunt
ing is when tliero is tho greatest heat. Tho
higher tho tcnipcraluro tho less is tho ostrich
nblo to defend itself. Tho Arab Miys that
when a man stands upright and lii3 nhadow
'is only tho length of Lb foot is tho
exact timo to hunt. Each horseman is accom
panied by n servant, called "zemmal." llo is
mounted on a camel carrying four goat sUns
filled with water, and barley for tho liorso,
wheat flour for tho rider, somo dates, a l.ettlo
In which to cook tho food, and everything
-which can possibly bo required for tho repair
ing of tho harness in caso of accident. Tho
horseman wears u linen vest and trousers, and
covers his neck and ears with a light material
callod "hnvull," which Is tied with a tf p of
a camel's hide. His feet lira protected by san
dals and his legs by light gaiters, called "tra
bag.' Ho has neither gun iior pistol, his only
weapon licing n wild olrvo or tamarind stick,
fivo or cix fcot long, with a heavy knob at
ono end.
nr.aiNNiNo nin JounNnr.
TJeforo starting oir tho hunters ascertain
where a largo number of ostriches nro to ba
found. They nro generally mot with in places
whero there is a great deal of grass and ruin
has recently fallen. Tho hunters commenco
their journey early in tlio morning. After
ono or two days' traveling, whon thoy have
arrived near tho desired spot and thoy begin
to &co traces of their game, they halt and
camp. After bottling, two intelligent slaves
aro neat out to rcconiioitcr. Thoy carry n
goat skin at their sido nnd a littlo bread.
Thoy walk on until they find tho ostriches,
which nro generally on elevated places. As
noon as tho game Ls in viow ono lies down to
watch and tlio other returns to convoy tho in
formation to tho camp. Tho birds nro found
in troops consisting often of ns many ns sixty.
Tho horsemen, guided by tho scout, travel
cautiously toward tho gnmo. Tho nearer-they
approach tho spot tlio greater is their caution,
nnd when thoy reach tho Inst ridgo which
lildos them from the ostriches they dismount
nnd creop forward to uncertain whether tho
birds nru still there. If such is tlio case a
tuodcrato quantity of water is given to the
horses and each man mounts again nnd pro
ceeds. Tho servants mid cuniclj follow a littlo
distanco behind, carrying with thorn corn
and water.
Tho horsemen divldo and form n circla
around tho ostriches nt such a dhitunco as not
to bo noticed by Mum. Tho servants halt
when tho horsemen separate, and ns soon as
thoy son their masters in position thoy walk
right boforo their prey. Tlio ostriches flee,
but aro met by tho limitoiii, who nt ilrst only
drlvo thorn back into tho circle. Thoy aro
mado to run around tho ring, and In this way
their strength it exhnustod. At tho ilrst sign
of fatigue in tlio birds tho horsemen dash in
and tho flock separates. Tho affrighted bii ds
open their wings, which is u sign of great ex
haustion, and tho hunter, now fouling sure of
his pray, selects his bird and runs it down
nnd finished It with u blow on the head with
tlio olive stick.
Till: CAITUIIKD i a mi:.
Tho moinout the bird falls tho limn quickly
dismounts and cuts its throat, taking euro to
hqjd tho Iieud nt some distance from the body
so as not to soil the plumage. It is said tho
nialo bird utters loud moans whilo dying, but
thd female dies in silence. When tho ostrich
is on tho xInt of liohig taken by,tho hunter,
if ho docs not wish to kill it ho
can easily drlvo it with tho stick
to whero the camel is, it is in such
an exhausted condition. After tho birds
nro bled to death they nro carefully skiunod
no that tho feathers limy not become injured,
and tlio skin is stretched upon a tree or u
liorso and salt is well rubbed into it Then a
flro is built and tho fat of tho bird is boiled
for a long timo. When it is very liquid it is
pom ml into bottles mado of the skin of the
thigh and leg and strongly fastened at tho
lxttoin. Tho fat of one bird is generally suf
ficient to 1111 two of these cases, and it is said
tiio fat would sK)il in any other vessel. After
Uio trying out process tho flesh is prejuiroil
and eaten by tho hunters, who dress it well
with popjior und flour. While ull this is going
on tho horses are carefully tended, wntored
and ted with corn, and tho party remains
quiet for forty-eight hours to rest tho ani
mals. After that they return to the camp or
seek more gamo.
To tho Arab tho chaso of tho ostrich has a
-double attraction that of pleasure and of
profit. Tho price obtained for tho skins well
compensates for tho cxkui.m.v, Not only do
the rich enjoy tho pursuit, but tho oor, who
"know how to ntrnngo for it, its well. Tho
usual plan is for a jvoor Arab to bargain with
somo ono who is well to do for tho use of his
liorso, camol, harness and two-thirds of tho
necessary provisions. Tho borrower fur
nishes tho remaining third, und tho result of
th'j cIiumi is divided in tho hamo proportion.
Boston Herald.
lie i "MUllnrdntre."
A now word has leen coined In Franco to
represent n very rich American. It I not
fcutUcient to call lilui u "millionaire," ho lan
mllhnrdulro," In fact, such is tho pres
ent extravagant European notion of tho fabu
lous wealth of tho American railroad kings,
that an American who is a mere "million
aire" has ceased to bo regarded in rai ls as a
man of jiecuniary Importance. Tho Argo
naut lluiitorou Hut Ghuitly.
Thoy tell n story of a flro in Chicago that
baa n'cei taim grim liumcr to it. lho flro
broke out in n medical college, and n fireman,
groping Ju a building, saw what lie took to lw
MOina one insomiblo from inhaling unokc, 60
be rushed to the prostrate form and conveyed
,it totbo btreet at Uio risk of his own lifo, only
to find when ho got there that ho had rescued
a partly ' dissected subject, Petroit Fre
Did tho Jews Contribute to tlio I'ojiula
tlon it ('rent "tuny Years AgoV
Hcsjiccting tho Anglo-Isrncl mania, n self
evident nnd undcnlablo proof of an eoily
settlement of Isrnclitish tribes in the United
Kingdom is afforded by names of towns, of n
nnturo which historians as well as ethnologists
admit. Everybody will agree that Dover, for
instance, is nothing elso than a dialectical
form or tho locality Dcbir (Joshua xiii, G).
Edinburgh is 110 doubt tho Eden town, and,
in fact, tliero is nn Edcnic viow from that
town. Eborncum (York) is cither tho town
of Ebcr or clso Ebras, "tho blessed town,"
with a Latin termination. But let us lake
London, whose derivation is still doubtlul;
as n Hebrew namo we shall find it to bo Lan
Dan, "tho dwelling of Dan." Old London
was, therefore, inhabited by tho Danlles (per
haps n part of them went over to Den-mark,
although not yet clnimod by tho Danes).
In tho name of Dublin is most likojy to bo
found a reverted form, that namo seeming,
to bo Dublnn, tho dwelling of Dub or Dob.
This word, which'-means usually in Ilebrow
n boar, could dialectic-ally mean n wolf (hard
ened from Zecb). Tho wolf represents the
tribo of Benjamin (Gonetis xlix, 27', conse
quently a part of the Boiijamitcn settled in
Dublin, and that perhaps in tho timo of
Jeremiah, who, it is known, camo over to Ire
land, married nn Irish princess, and brought
over n copy of tho law, which is now buried
in tho Mount Tara (from Thorah. tho law),
Tho tribal characteristic of "ravening as a
wolf" still continues to mark tlio descendants.
It is not unlikely that Phoenicians settled nko
in England, which has long been suixotcil
from tho frequently employed word Bid us a
pretlx In CelUc localities. Could not Syden
ham menu "lho homo of tho Bidouiansi' A
Koubaucr in Notes and Queries.
Interviewing Henry Want Ilorchor.
Tbero nro probably but few nowspaper re
porters in this city that liavo not interviewed
Henry Ward Beochor. Tho 1'iymoutti pas
tor enjoys groat popularity among tho ro
jiorters, for ho is nccosjiblo, genial, nnd, as a
rule, talkative, llo is always ready to en
gago in aharmleas bitof chaff with lho nows
paper mon. but ho will not brook insolence.
Tlio Inst mentioned fact was roomily Im
pressed upon tho alleged mind of a swagger
ing youngster who said that ho 1 eprcsoiitcd a
Brooklyn pupcr. A rumor that Mr. Beecher
was dead got started in some unaccountable
maimer mid spread liko wildilro. Reporters
by tho score hurried to Mr. Beechcr's house
and wcro thero confronted by tho famous
preacher halo and hearty. After n whilo
along camo a young man who said to Mr.
Beecher with nn impudent grin that ho had
beon sent by tho city editor of Tho Brooklyn
"to find out whether Beecher waj ullvo
or dead."
"Well," said tho Plymouth pastor, "I sup
poso you know who I am?"
"Oh, yes," answered tho fellow portly, "but
I would liko to havo it directly from you that
you aro not dead."
"Ah," murmured tho stalwart pastor as ho
laid 11 heavy hand on lho funny young man's
coat collar. Tho next instant tho young man
was held up in tho nil- and shaken as n dog
would shaken sawdust doll. Mr. Beecher set
him down on tlio bldoivullc not any too gently
and quietly remarked, "Now, you can go to
your city editor and tell him that you havo
received actual proof that I am alive." Now
York Times.
A New Heredity Needed.
All wiso reform must commenco with rec
ognizing tho fact of heredity, and that by
that law human ills nro multiplied, nnd by it
they may bo dimiiiishod. It will do littlo
good to work for individuals hero and there.
Such conditions must bp created as shall
mako n now heredity possible. That cannot
bo accomplished without improving tho en
vironment of thoso to bo reached. If men
livo in good houses, drink puro water, aro
accustomed to frequent sight nnd contact
with thoso who mo worthy of honor, havo
given to them tho inspirations which aro es
sential to tho best development, tho result
will Ik manifested in tho next generation.
Tho generation following tho French revolu
tion was distinguished by buch an epidemic
of nervous diseases as had never been known
in French history. It was the result of tlio
torrillc strain upon mind nnd heart and nervo
of thoso delirious j ears. Aiuory II. Bradford
In Andover Roviow.
A Mysterious Society "Man."
A Boston man writes from Paris to u
friend "You know, of coiu-no, tho exceedingly
breezy volumes of descriptions of society in
tho Euroixinn capitals, written by a certain
mysterious mid exceedingly outspoken Count
Paul Vasill, that have npiM-aiedi Well, I
havo found out tho identity of this mysteri
ous 'Count Paul.' It is nono other than
Mine. Juliette Adam, tho versatile and vi
vacious directress of Tho Nouvello Rovuo,
whoso salon is tlio center of nil literary Paris.
KI10 has beon absent a good deal of late, and
well, when a Parisian editor wrote to ask
Ml no. for nn article tho other dny, sho inad
vertently sent him an unpublished manu
script of Count Paul Vasill. Tho editor
charged her at onco with being tho 'man'
whom nil Europe was speculating nbout, and
shoscnt him an answer which dodges with
out denying." -Now York Post,
Treatment of Whooping Cough.
The following method of disinfection of
sleeping and dwelling apartments nnd clothes
is recommended by M. Mohn in the treat
ment of whooping cough. It Is said to euro
thg oases immediately. Tlio children nro
washed and clothed in clean articles of dress
nud removed to unothor part of the town.
Tho bed room nnd sitting room or nursery nro
then hermetically sealed; nil tho bedding,
playthings nnd other articles that cannot bo
washed aro exposed freely in tho room, in
which sulphur is burned in tho proportion of
twcnty-ilvo grains to tho cubic meter of
sico. Tho room remains thus charged with
sulphurous neld for ilvo hours, and is then
freely ventilated. Tho children return the
saino day, nnd may sleep and piny in tho dis
infected rooms. -Lancet.
Origin of tho Custom.
Foreign Actor Tho final tableau 'of my
play is invariably spoiled by American audi
ences. Omaha Man Why, in what way?
"By tho noise and confusion. Tho very
moment tho curtain begins to fall tho people
jump up, look for wraps, fans and what not'
and thoso who nro ready start out, completely
ruining tho effect."
"Oil, wall, wo get into that habit at church,
you know." Omnha World.
I'qual and lUuct Jiutlco.
Lieutenant Governor Jones, who pays tho
frolght, has informed his employes In his
Blnghainton scale factory that during tho
present year ho means to bharo his profits with
them. This is tho equal and exact justice
that might bo expected lit nil times of a
manufacturer of scalos. Now York World.
Modjeilitv'a Native ljtud.
Mine, Modjtwka says bho will not roturn to
Poland to live bocnuM bho can do nothing
there, Rutatan tyranny U vo great. She
wnnts to live whoro site can .tako nn active
Intorctt In whatever Ij going on about Lor.
Now York Tribune,
Whnt Ifny bo Seen by a Visitor In the
Oullory How Huslncss Is Conducted.
No Dmlt to tho Length of Speeches.
Mr. Gladstone tho Chief Magnet.
A visitor goes down to Westminster, let us
say on Monday, when tho houso of commons
is to meet, nt 4 p.m. (nominally), in order to
sco tho oldest and most celebrated representa
tive l)ody in tho world. After being elbowed
about among tho "strangers" (as tho British
public aro officially designated in what is
supposed by a polito fiction to bo their house)
and ordered about by policemen who look at
him as though ho was a spy or a traitor, tho
visitor takes his seat hi tho gallery and
glances down into tho arena. It is 4 p.m.,
and tho speaker is in his chair, but thero nro
few members present, nnd nothing seems to
bo doing. After a whilo tho visitor becomes
awaro of a dumb show going on a sort of
paiitomimo in which tho chief performers uro
a clerk in wig and gown at tho tablo and
a gentlemnn who stands nt tho right hand
sido of that ploco of furniture. It is too read
inc: of tho private bills. If any of theso
L should bo opposed, members will flock in, nnd
thero will bo n debato ana tljvision. nut
othcrwlso tho chamber will bo nlmost empty.
Gradually members como straggling in and
tako their seats. Thero is scarcely room in
tho body of thoi-hninbcr for two-thirds of tho
members, and therefore as tho benches Oil up
tho lato arrivals tako their places in tho side
gallciics, whenco they survey lho sccno.
Thero nro no conveniences for writing or
taking notes, and as nearly every ono has his
hat on, a less busliiossllko working body it
would bo dimcult to imagino or desci ibe. It
is inoro than -1:30 o'clock boforo tha real busi
ness begins, for thaso gentlemen who nro sup
posed to bo dovotlng themselves to tho servieo
of their country nro really engaged during
tlio working part of tho day on their private
affairs. Their best energies aro given to tho
stock exchange, or tho law courts, or tho
office, or to pleasure; tho dregs thoy kindly
offer to tho unfortunuto country.
Tho first indication of businoss is in tho no
tices of motion, mcmbors (who nro called by
name), reading out tho terms of a resolution
which thoy nnnouuco they will movo on a
given occasion. Then comes "question timo,"
which generally consumes from throe-quarters
of un hour to nearly two hours. Any
member who has previously given notico of
his intention may put a question to any mem
ber of tho government in tlio houso on any
subject, from a momentous diplomatic inci
dent down to tho parish pump of Littlo Ped
liugton. It cannot bo denied that theso ques
tions sometimes bring forth vuluablo infor
mation, but that iuformaiMii might all bo
printed, instead of vuluuble being con
sumed in tho answers. Fo oo it remem
bered that these answei-s are, in least half
tho Instances, all written down by officers in
tho particular department, and tho minister
mero.y reads what has boon prepared for
To show tho absurdity of this in reference
to Ireland and tho consequent necessity of
homo rulo Micro, n mcmlnn- gives notico on
Monday of n question ho w ill put on Thurs
day to tho Irish socretnry. That gentleman
probably knows nothiiigof tho subject matter
of tho question. Ho writes or tclcgrnplis to
Dublin for information and on Thursday re
ceives a reply from Dublin which ho solemnly
roads in the house. It would lw diCleult to
conceivo greater inaptitude. Some of tho an
swers given ovoUo party demonstrations on
0110 sido or tho other, for tho houso Is alwaj-8
full at question time. Whether it will bo full
immediately after depends upon tho subject
und tho speaker. If thero i3 an adjourned
debato to bo opened by nn omiucnt monibor,
most, of tho other members retain their places.
Mr. Oladstono is, of course, tho chief magnet;
ho attracts every 0110. Next to him Lord
Randolph Churchill draws tho fullest houso;
and after that erratic politician would como
Mr. Parncll, Mr. Labouchere, Mr. Morloy,
Blr W. llarcourt, Sir W. Lawson, Mr. Sex?
ton and Mr. Chamberlain. But if an uuim
portuut or dull man rises to spoak there is a
regular stmnpedo, nud whero 400 or COO nion
were just now sitting you will not see more
than forty or llftv. Tho rest havo gone to
talk political gossip, or to write letters, or to
see somo of their constituents.
By 7 p. m., or a littlo after, as a general rulo,
nearly ull tho members havo gone to dinner,
and tho chamber presents n lnjggarly array of
empty benches. To theso empty benches nnd
to tho wenry speakers tho bores and wind
bags hold forth for threo morfal hours. Tho
period from 7 to 10 Is generally sacred to
them. Thoy havo nothing to say nnd thoy
say it very badly. You havo read or heard
all tho old dreary arguments a hundred times
over; but theso men bring them out ns im
pressively as though they wero stating now
ideas of 10 most profound nut uro. Tliero is
110 time limit to speeches in tho houso of
commons; and it is possible Mint this whole
throe hours might bo taken up by ono bore,
though that is not often tho case. At about
8 o'clock Micro is usually a brief cessation,
when tho speaker goes out for refreshment
(which is popularly supposed to con
sist of a mutton chop and glass of
claret); on his return tho droning con
tinues. At about 10 o'clock p. in. tho members
begin to drop in, several of them in evening
dress. If a good speaker is on his legs this is
a lively time; if not, soveral of tho gentlemen
who have eaten and drank not wisely but too
well go to sleep. Somo timo between midnight
and H o'clock in tho morning tho debato is
either adjourned (generally after a wrangle),
or there is n division; thon, as tho newspapers
say, "tho remaining motions nro disposed of
and tho houso adjourns,"
Of tho houso of lords I will say nothing; it
is too terrible a thome. A dozen jieers and
threo or four bishops sitting for an hour con
stitute tho nominal session of that body.
What I havo written is of tho "popular"
house. On that chamber decrepitude seems to
havo fallen. Tho visitor is struck by its list
less ways. With a few exceptions tho mem
bers do not seem to have gathered together to
do anything; the nation's business is not
transacted hero. You meet soveral good and
earnest men, n very few nblo men; but col
lectively they npjK-ar to bo belploss. Aud so
things nro drilling, drVtiug whithor, who
knows? London Cor, Now York Commercial
A Tenor nud HI Throat.
Niemann, tho illustrious tenor, prefers
to expose his throat to tho cold air and
to promenade in tho streets, after singing
a laborious rolo rather thou to muUlo his
neck and go homo in n close carriage. Tho
cokl air serves his larynx as a tonic, and the
prlnio doimo who nro afraid of it mako a
mistake, ho thinks. Iublio Opinion.
Vrt-sldont Harriot' Son.
Tony Barrios, ton of tho lato president
of Guatemala, U u btudont at Went Point,
and young 2aral., ton of tho mau who over
threw and caused tho death of Proldent
BiutIcu, U cUo at West Point and hu cloo-mate.
Private Hoxes Thnt Are Sump
tuous In Their Appointments.
The person who sits in tho auditorium of
tho Metropolitan Opera house and looks
around him finds himself encircled by two
tiers of private boxes. At least tho private
boxes aro all that strilco him of his environ
ments. Theso boxes aro allko, as far as shape
and furnishings nro concerned. They nro
deep, broad and commodious enough. They
wero originally upholstered in yellow velvet,
which gave tho houso when it was opened a
most blzarro aspect Now they aro all crim
son and gold, and tho effect is rich and har
monious. Some aro in choicer locations than
others, but all aro in tho main mero private
boxes, such ns aro familiar adjuncts of tho
proscenium of any theatre, only larger and
mora sumptuous in thctr appointments than
most theatrical boxes.
But behind each of theso boxes is a private
room, tho samo slzo as tho box itself. Orig
inally theso anterooms wero fitted up in keep
ing with tho open section to which thoy givo
access. But wealth demanded moro than
mero richness of them. Taste and tasteless
ness have mado great changes in tlio interests
of display, and few, indeed, retain thoir orig
inal sumptuous simplicity. Some box holders
have transformed them into littlo drawing
rooms, opulent in furnishings and decora
tions, whero pictures adorn tho walls and
costly bric-a-brac abound. Somo havo mado
littlo alteration in their snuggeries, but when
they tako n party to tho opera havo them
profusely decorated with flowers. In one
way or another thesa nooks reflect tho tastes
and tho liabits, tho pretensions and extrava
gances of tticir owners, and aro tho sccno c
many pleasant and somo decidedly plquoi.
social episodes.
It has got to bo tbo fashion for ladies to hold
regular evening levees in their anterooms at
tho opera. They reccivo friends in them, and
rctiro to them when tho net happens to bo a
dull one. Business men even transact busi
ness in them. Thero is a good deal of loud
talldng and ill bred merriment in tho boxes
during tho ierformnnces, but thero would bo
much moro if tho anterooms wero not so con
venient. Liko every other new toy it chances
upon, society seems to got a great deal of fun
o.t of them, and, considering tho prlco it pays,
one can scarcely grudgo it whatever pleasure
it may reap from its investment. Alfred
Trumblo in Now York News.
Adelaido Xollon's Childhood.
A lady prominent in tho social lifo of this
city has in lier employ as parlor maid a
woman Efrom n littlo villngo in Yorkshiro,
England, whero Adelaide Neilson was born.
Tho woman says tho actress had neithor Span
ish nor Gypsy blood in her veins, ns she
claimed, but was tho child of a basket maker,
a poor, drunken fellow, and u Yorkshiro
woman, a decent soul, but wretchedly poor.
Lizzy .Tones, ns Miss Neilson was thon known,
was noted in tlio villago for her beauty nnd
her idleness. Sho spent nil her timo hanging
about tho shops nnd gathering all tho nows
travelers and jieddler.s brought from tlio out
sido world. When sho was 13 years old her
uncle was going up to London, and Lizzy
coaxed him to tako her with him in his mar
ket wagon to see tho great city. When thoy
reached London bridge tho girl dropped oit
tho tail end of tho cart and her fumily never
heard of her again until thoy learned that tho
great Adelaido Neilson was their daughter
Lizzy. Only ilvo years had passed between
tbo timo that the barefooted country girl,
who spoko with a strong Yorkshire accent,
had dropped from tho back of tho cart anil
tho timo whon sho appeared as Juliet. In
thoso. ilvo years sho had attained tho educa
tion nnd bearing of a gentlewoman and had
mastered French nud Italian and tho still
moro difficult tongue for a Yorkshiro peasant,
puro English. Philadelphia Press.
I.ooh'rcl I. lice the Jack of Spado.
Mrs. English, tho mothor of Lncillo West
ern, an actress of merit nnd beauty in her
day, told mi incident of her past theatrical
career, in which. 1 certain tragedian, of rather
stout proportions, was tlio unfortunate hero.
Ho was playing Macduff to her Lady Mac
beth. Tho child who plaved 0110 of tho ap
paritions which warn Macbeth of Macduff 1
bocamn very fretful before tho curtain went '
up.'nnd began to weep coplou ly. "Luc-iile," (
said Mrs. English "brought tho child a pack j
of old cards from tho property room and en- I
1 .i 1 1 I.. .1 .11 '
Ul'livuruil lu hit;) iiur uJivtcai;r(i 1:1 luuui uulu
it was time for the infant to appear. 'This is
tho aco of spades, this is tho king of hearts,'
said Lucille, 'and this littlo fat follow is tho
jack of spades.' When it was timo for tho
npparition to appear tho child had finished
its crying sjiell. 'Macbeth, beware,' it re
cited, 'MaebotV, beware of hero sho becamo
confused and looked hopelessly back fyr as
sistance. Tho gentleman who was playing
Macduff waved his hands to attract her at
tention and tried to givo her tho cuo by
pointing to himself. In his short kilt, plumed
bonnet nnd gcuoral rotundity of figure ho had
a mot unfortunuto effect upon tho infant.
'Oh, yes,' bho said cheerfully, 'Mocboth, be
ware of tho littlo man that looks liko tho jack
of spades.' "Philadelphia Press.
Catching ltunawny Hoys.
I've captured so many runaway boys at tho
Union depot in tho last few mouths that
jK-oplo havo got to thinking it's my specialty
as if a policeman could have a specialty.
But I havo got my eyes trained pretty well
by this time to look after runaway boys, aud
I Hatter myself thnt I can tell ono of tho
chaps as soon as I seo him. You see, tho run
away boy is never experienced, either in
traveling or any of tho ways of tho world,
and ho betrays himself very quickly if ho is
given an opportunity. He generally appears
at tho depot in pajrs, nnd if tho two don't do
something very singular in buying their
tickets they are certain to trip in finding their
way to tlio train and gettiug on board. Some
they aro loaded down with flashy papers or
books, mid si'inetimos they nro armed to tho
teeth with pistols, as often stolen ns bought.
Generally tuoy havo their jackets filled with
money, sioleu from soma rclativo, and their
destination is almost invariably somo western
city. When they find themselves arrested
their courage disappears nt onco, and ono or
tho othor makes a clean" breast of it. Glolie
Democrat. Tlio Dude of Chluutowu.
Tho cynosure of all eyes was Ah Spud, who
has amassed a fortune as a jwtato jieeler in
ono of our lending hotels, nud who is tho ac
knowledged dudo of Chinatown. As Spud
stood in tho center of a group of Chlncso
dudes, envious glances were cost nt his cos
tume. Under his silken blouso ho wore a
spotted piquet shirt of tho latest stylo affected
by society young nion, and this was tho eauso
of tho jenloiuy in his rivals. Ah Spud ox
plained that there wcro but two shirts of tho
jMttern worn by him iu tho state. San Fran
cisco Chrouiclo,
Case of Itruln Surgery.
Tho fourth coso of a successful removal if
a tumor from tho brain has been reported in
England, tho weight of tho tumor being four
and a half ounces. Theso cases of brain cor
iwy, with tho exact loontioii from tho ym
wiis of tho spot mTeoted, aro feat of hieh
selenco may well bo proud. Arkansaw Trav
eler. Tho average ago of thaw m ho enter college
la tins countrv is 17. A ounmrr aro It web 11.
An Artist's Attempt to Secure the 1'lct
uro of N'avnjo Hnbj A Cunning tit
tle Savage Obliged to Olvo Up tho
As wo know, the Navajos nro an American
tribe of Indians, scattered for tho most part
over tho territories of Now Mexico and Ari
zona. Quito a number of them livo with
their families, in tho curious littlo habitations
they erect, about tho frontier military station
at Fort Wingatc, Iow Mexico. It is in this
latter placo that I havo had tho opportunity,
for over two' years past, of studying many of
their ways and customs. And it was here,
too, that a few days ago I went out among
them with n photographic camora, armed with
an English instantaneous shutter, with a
viow of taking a few pictures of them while
thoy wero actively engaged in somo of their
very interesting games.
After having obtained four or fivo moro or
less satisfactory plates tho Indians became
quite restive, as they rather object to that
sort of thing; and, as if by common consent,
they gradually disappeared, a fow at a time,
making for ono of their low, conical shaped
mud huts, whero they entered through tho
single small door nt its sido. In less than half
an hour thero was nono of them to bo seen
outside nt nil, nnd knowing full well that they
would not appear again so long as I remained
upon tho ground, I shouldered my instrument
and prepared to como away. At tho timo I
was standing between two of their huts, situ
ated some 000 yards apart, with a well beaten
though narrow footpath passing from ono to
fJio other. Thero were no trees within a
uarter of a mile, tho plain being sparsely
covered with sago brush, tho plants being
from two to threo feet hish.
Just then ono of their babies toddled out of
the doorway of tho upper hut; tho child
could not havo beon over 10 months old, nnd
woro only a very dirty littlo shirt, which
camo about half vtv.y down to his knees. It
looked more liko an infant Eskimo Mian any
child, not white, that I know anything nbout;
and It started right down tho path with a
very unsteady baby waddlo, making for the
lower hut, whoro I imagino its mother had
taken rcfugo from my merciless camera. I
bad often longed for n good plcturo of a
Navajo baby in its native plains, mid hero
was an opportunity not to bo lost So step
ping a fow feet out of tho wny, in nn instant
I had my instrument in position, focused on
tho path, and, with instantaneous snap ready,
I stood quietly for my subject to pass. On
ho toddled until ho camo within thirty feet of
mo, when ho suddenly stopped and, to my
surprise, teemed to fully tnko in tho situation.
At this stago I felt quite suro thnt ono of
our babies, especially at this tender age,
would havo begun to cry and moro than
likely retraced its steps to tho hut from
whence it had issued. Not so, liowovcr, thi
infant Navajo; aud, mark tho difference. Ho
steadily watched my every movement, nud
was evidently determined to reach tho lower
hut. Very cautiously leaving tho path on
tho sido furthest from mo, ho was, in the next
instant, behind ono of tho sago brushes, whic h
was something over a foot taller than the
baby. From this position ho peered through
tho leafless twigs at mo to seo what I would
do nbout it. A littlo annoyed nt this turn in
affairs, I threw tlio focusing cloth over my
head and turned tlio instrument on him.
Taking advantage of this temporary conceal
ment of my head, ho ran, thoroughly baby
fashion, to the next lower brush, u distance
of somo ten feet, whero, hiding as before, hi
crouched down mil stared at mo liko nyoiuy;
lynx through tho twigs. Ho now looked, for
all tho world, tho young Indian cub at bay,
with all thonativo instincts of his ancestors
on tho alert, and making uso of nil tho strat
egy his baby mind could mustei.
It was a wonderfully interesting picture to
study; but, fearing that I would lose a perma
nent menicmo of it, I turned to lift my in
strument, with tho 'iev of taking a much
noarcr position, when, ngnin facing tlio brush
where 1 had last seen tlio baby, it was, to my
great surprise, not thero, but had scampered
to tho next loner one, in tho direction of tho
but for which it was bound. A full grown
buck of tho tribo could not ha to possibly
managed this last movement any better. As
J1; ran to tho still next lower brush, I was
astonished beyond aieasuro (for, I tako it, I
am a gcod stalker myself) how it took ud
vontagoof everything that lay in tho short
intervening distance, nud how, after it ar
rived at the brush, it immediately too!: a
position on tho opposite sido of It, from whero
it could make another quick start, and yet not
lose sight of my movements. And, mind
you, all this from u baby only 10 months
old nt tho mast. As it was rapidly
gaining its point and approaching tho
lower hut, in sheer desperation I ran up on
its last place of concealment, holding my
camera in such a way Mint I could immedi
ately placo tho tripod in position, which I
succeeded in doing with tho lens loveled dU
rectly at its head, and not three feet from it.
It now stood up to tho full extent of its baby
height, and giving vent to a genuiuo iufan
ttlo bawl, it mado a break for tho final point
of its destination, for thero was nothing elso
left for it to do. It is almost needless to add
that, before f could focus and insert a plate,
my Navajo baby was out of range. And,
fearing that its angered mother might
uppear at any point, at tho cry of alarm of
her child, I immediately forsook tho ground.
My object in making a record of such an in
teresting case as this is to simply draw atten
tion to tho fact that tho native instinct of
theso American Indians is exhibited in their
young nt a wonderfully lender ago; und in
this particular thoy differ vastly from our
own children ut a corresponding timo of lifo,
and reared, as thoy havo liecn for ages, in u
civilized environment. Nature.
Ail lnsuno Womnn'a Strength.
"Ono of the most striking things about in
sanity is tho wonderful strengMi of tho luna
tics," said an cx-omployo of tho Buffalo State
Insane asylum whilo detailing his oxperienco
wiMi tho demented. "Ono day I was assisting
to carry a trunk through ono of tho wards
wben a littlo woman patient laid hold of my
scat nnd expressed tho intention of puttiug
uio in tha trunk. I tried to pull away, but
nor delicate hand held on with an iron grip.
Forco was tho only alternative of remaining
thero until somo other whim took posses-ion
3f her, so wo resorted to muscular jicrsuasion.
Would you believe that it took threo strong
men and a woman to make her lot go? Wo
pulled her slendor fingers back ono by ono,
fach man hanging on to a singlo finger, until
Snally tho parting of tho thumb and tho first
anger released tho garment. To bond back a
linglo finger was like bending a heavy telo
jrapk wiro. It appears as though tho lunaUo
Sas the power of concentrating all his strength
hi a singlo part of tho lxxly at the oxpeuso of
thcr ortious in a maimer impossible to a
rational person." Buffalo Courier.
The grave of Capt. Crawford, who was shot
y a Mexican troop whilo leading hii com
uand in pursuit of Gerouimo lost summer, is
io havo a monument.
The Sccrttnry wns Always Accessible to
Soldiers who had Fought.
Although Mr. Stanton was by naturo an
acccssiblo man, it was simply impossible for
him to givo privnte audience to n tithe of tho
persons who daily inquired for him. Even
senators nnd representatives hi congress of ten
had difficulty in seeing him at times and In
the manner they desired, and frequently ac
cepted pot luck with tho crowd in tho recep
tion room. Col. Hardie, a handsomo Scotch
looking officer, took chargo of this room
early in tho morning, and. iu tho namo and
by tho authority of the secretary, dispatched
tho busiucs3of such as neither needed nor
Insisted hpon tho personal action of tho secre
tary. Ho also sent in tho names of such
callers as ho thought tho secretary would pri
vately receive, and from time to timo went
iu himself to tako the secretary's commands
upon somo caso of special difficulty or im
portance. Aa nearly as possible to 11 o'clock,
tho secretary, who had an almost religious re
gard for this daily observance, camo into tho
room nud tiok station at tho littlo high desk
near tho bottom, Col. Hnrdio or Maj. Pelouzo
being in attendance to assist him. Ho waved
everybody back who approached him, unul
ho had completed a deliberate scrutiny of tho
company nnd had received from tho (fflccr in
attendance a statement, in a low voice, of tho
exceptionally urgent or meritorious cases.
Thon, one after another, ho indicated thoso
whom ho wished to draw near, beginning
with tho soldiers, and, after them, calliug up
tho plainly dressed women, who looked as If
thoy might bo soldiers' kinfolk. If ho hap
pened to notice that a soldier had crutches or
was weak from illness ho would lecvo the
dosk nud go to him whero ho was seated. Of
ficers bearing visiblo tokens of wounds or die
ability wcro also preferred suitors, but with
other gentlemen of tho shoulder strap ho was
usually curt. Civilians ho treated accord
ing 03 hi3 humor was affected by their
statements or maimer, but there was always
a general observance of tho underlying prin
ciple that this pnblic rocei-tion wns for thoso
who bad no other means of access to him.
It was hero that Mr. Stanton might usually
be seen at his best. Ifncasjof unusual gal
lantry, merit or suffering wcio Ltated ho
would comment upon it aloud to tho company, .
ending with a moral, inviting to patriotism,
virtue or fortitude. On tho other hand, if
ho found a woman suppliant embarrassed by
tho publicity of statement and action, ho
would draw her beyond tho desk to tho win
dow recess and hoar her tliero, or send hor to
his room to bo heard moro leisurely or pri-
vntely. Somo of us used to think, wliild
watching tho secretary at these receptions,
that a great power had been lost to tho pulpit
when ho becamo a lawyer; for ho was on nd
mirnblo preacher, and far from averse to sor
moniziug. The Century.
An Old Time Now EiigluiKl Doctor.
Dr. John D. Meers, of Naugatuck, was
widely Known ns ono of tho most skillful nni.
successful physicians of his time. His prao
tico among tho farmers was quite extensivo,
and it wns his custom to tako his pay for ser
vices in tho produce of tho farms, seldom or
never keeping accounts or making any
charges, but sending for a bushel of potatoes
or corn or a barrel of cider ns ho happened to
want it. His drafts on tho farmers wero al
ways honored nt sight, for ho used to ray ho
"did not intend to overdraw," and, as tho
families iu thoso days wero largo and tbo chil
dren quite as likely to bo sick then as now, it
is quite likely that ho paid in his way for all
that ho reccivod. Ho was always very caro
ful not to injure his patients and gnvo very
littlo medicine, but, if called to seo a man who
was a littlo out of sorts, would prescribo a
diet of toast and cider, or something equally
simplo, and leavo naturo to effect a cure. Ho
was onco callod to a?o a man who had been in
bed soveral days, and on entering tho room
ho sat down, stuck his long legs under tho
bed, movod his upectacles to tho lop of Ids
bald head, and sat and told stories for an
hour. Ho then sent ono of tho boys to draw
a glass of cider, which ho drank, and mado
his preparations to leavo tho house. Tho sick
man asked if ho was not going to prescribo
for him or givo him sometliing to tako.
"Oh, yes, yes," replied the doctor; "you
just get up and stir nbout a littlo, and wash
up and put on a clean shirt, and you will bo
all right, I guess."
Notwithstanding the doctor's peculiarities
in such cases, ho was one of tho most careful
and devoted physicians in cases of dangerous
illness, and would often appear, unsolicited
and unexpected, in tho sick room long after
midnight, so great was his anxiety for tho
w el faro of his patients. tv nterbury Ameri
can. Shrewdness of the Newsboy.
Tho newsboy is a grndo abovo tho ordinary
gamin; ho frequently comes from better
stock, and is under moro restraining influences;
Ho is moro intelligent and, I almost feel con
strained to Bay, moro unscrupulous, no has
facility of expression, though it may lack
correctness; ho is posted upon current events;
ho has opinions, formulates theories, encour
ages expectations. Ho is generous, ho likes a
good feud, ho is ready to help a chum, he
hates shams, ho doesn't indulge iu mako bo
lioves, ho is sin oof tho past, ho is confident of
tho present, ho doesn't troublo himself much
about tho future.
Ho is shrewd, wary, artful; ho is quick nt
resentment and sharp in repartee. At ono
timo I had a weakness for chaffing nowsboys,
but 1 don't chaff them now. I generally
caino out second best in tlio encounters. Out
of many instances I can recall two In which
I wus left threo or four laps behind. On ono
occasion I gavo a newsboy a bright now cent
for a paper. "I mado that cent," I said. He
shot mo a swift glance and replid: "Well,
you look liko a counterfeiter." On another
occasion I said to ono of them: "Bub, do you
know how yon can sell twice as many pa
pers?" "Howf ho asked, with keen interest.
"By keeping your face cleaner," I said.
"Humph I" ho ojaculated. with a scornful, de
liberate survoy of mo. "If mv faco was a3
hairy as yours I reckon it wouldn't matter
much whether it was clean or dirty." "Ob
server" in Philadelphia Call.
A Cllmpso nt tho Cxur.
Tho reservo which for many reasons was
forced upon tho present czar whilo yet heir
apparent seems to havo grown into a settled
habit. In society, during tho St. Petersburg
season, which, however, plainly bores him as
much as it visibly delights tho empress, thero
is nothing moro striking than his majesty's
mild and sovero look at ono and tho same
time. It is curious in this connection that
among nil his portraits painted sinco his acces
sion thoro Ls no uniform and settled stamp of
expression given to tho face. For somo time
past, however, tho gloomy cloud that used to
hang about tho brow long after tho tcrriblo
death of his faUier has been gradually wear
ing away. In order to be seen perfectly at
his case, ho should bo observed with his child
ren in tho prouuds of Gatschina, whero ho is
much more at homo than in St. Petersburg.
His physical strength, it is bald, fully accords
with his enormous size of body and limb, ami
ono often hears It said that ho can cosily
break an ordinary horseshoe with bare hands.
Of ono thing thero can be httla doubt, and
that is certainly his tsuacity and obstinacy
opinion and purpose, St. Petersburg t-X)
London Times.