The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 11, 1887, Image 1

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    rw.-. -wgMfflga' III! III ill jagfjafs-ffyfe!
vol. nr. rxiox, okeoox, satfrday, jiwk ii, isst.
Attorney at Law.
C"11 i;itr an 1 probate practice pee'nl
ties. Utlico, tw.i duet's sun li of pnt olliee.
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
AX!) NOTAltV 1TIMJC. Onloe, one
doftr of .1. l!. Ku.ou's -tort", I'uioii,
J X. CliO.MWHLL, M. !).,
Physician a Surgeon.
Oilier, oiii' (I n r south of
."tore, I'nl Ur.gon.
.1. I!. Ka ton's
Attorney at Lav,
Ileal is, ate ami collecting nirent. J.and
OHiee Business ii Specialty. OfftVo at Jo
seph, Wallowa eoiiutv. Oieon.
0. p-1,KU-
Attorney at Law,
Xutarv Public, and Al-st-actor of Titles.
Olliee -State K ind Olli building, corner
Main and A St nets. I aiim. Oregon.
A L. COP, US, M. I).,
"i Surgeon.
IIavliii)i-inniMitlv locatd at Alder. Un
ion Hint , o eg hi. will lie found ready to
e ionii'1 ready to
.no... towns .....I
attend to e ills in all I i v
settlements' of i lie Wallowa valley
-My liMNi i,.: "Live and Lot Iho.."
.M. ii.Ki:i;, .!. W. Sun.iox. .7. 1'. 1Uki.ii
JA Iv Kit. Sii Kli'OX .v. 15A ICKIJ,
Attor?ieys at Law.
OI'' KICKS Union ;tn,i I.a Crandc, Ore
gon, spi el d A' tent I ii gi uu all luisjnoss
entrust ed to .
DAY, M. I).,
Physician ad Surgeorj.
Olliee adjoining .lone'
he f-iind eigiits' at tho
room No. 2:;.
Pro's store. Can
Centennial hotel.
Xotarv I'uhlie,
K.-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Iteal and ilin'ng property
fnrnishe I on short notice, at reasonable
Sales of IJeal and Mining property nego
tiated. Cullet'tiou business pnnujitly at
tended to.
Olliee next door south of Tost-oHlcc. Un
ion. Oregon. I
Cor. .Main and TJ Sts. - . Union. Oregon,
Manufacturers and dealers in Soda Wa
ter, Sarsap.irilla, (iinger Ale, Cream Soda
and Champagne c;der, Svrups, etc. Or
ders promptly Idled.
AVaichinakcr.s & .Jewelers,
I'nion. - - Oregon, ,
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale. 1
Impairing at Modem! e KateK.
"all and exainino our goods and prices.
Tonsorial Rooms.
J. 3r. .ioiixsox, - - rnoi'iMF.Ton,
ilahi Street, I'ni Oregon.
Hair cutting r,.ning and shampooing
done neatly and hi the I. 'st style.
t3ot and Cold Oaths.
Win. nr.
D.h-x n (iencrul llankltix Unship. Hhvk
iin l "1U exchange, and uUtttiiiuu coniiuur
eial paper.
Co Isi inii
lr' ii.p:i , i.
.itienihsl to, mill
KenUiGKY Liaiior Store
! W. T. Witi' irr, 1
1 ( 'l.lllMT1 i
First iU Sai,
r a. iikm..
House, Sign and Carriage
I J A T M , A 1 )
1 illN 1 L,
Graining a Specialty.
Sim), Corner Main and A Streets, Union,
R. C.
Isalmosf daily receiviii'c I
additions to his larjfc stock i
or '
A new Ii"e.
Eastmans Perfumes,
Inst in. whieli we well known to take
the lead.
Spectacles, Brushes, Combs, etc,
A large assortment.
Bird Seed, Insect
-r-s -. r . -,
.Powder, Maciiuio and
Coal Oil.
KidneyLsvfer Fvledicsne
xizri::: 7cvo;j.v ro i:uz
CUItKS r.U Ulsoanes of tho ICi(tne;a,
Ijivor, ltl:iilil(ir,r.ii(l Urinnry Organs;
Drtijisy, Or.ivel, Diiilictc.s, llrlRM'a, 1'r.ins in t'n; Unck,
T.ojus, or Side; Itcter.tioii or
Jon-Iteteiitto:i orilrliiii,
Nervous DJscnses, reina'o
T."fakiiPHSor., Ilxoet-.sef,, ,I:uimlleo,
jUIlouxnesfi, Ileadaeho, Sour Utomach
Bysjioiisla, CoiiKttputlcni, and I'lles.
1'AIL, as It acts directly and at unci on tlio
Klilni'yn, I.tvcr and Jtciwels, roetaiin?
thcra to a licaltby action. IIUJ.TS ItEiinDY Ii
a safe, euro, aud f)i!cdy euro, and Iiundrud3 liavu
Leon cared by It uliun jdiytliiaas nnd friends glwn thoin t:i tu Ciu. Vo not delay, try at
Pil if?
Jiladder, Urinary tti.d L'r I'.9i.( D-.ev . ,
Gravil, and Diabetes, are curr i by
Tin: i:i:st ;cti;i:v
asm rn ikuicim;.
curea Iirlebf Tisca o. r.cVn' o.i or Xon-ltotcn-tion
of I'rinv, i i.. t!:o IVi k, Loins, or i'Adi.
cures Intcmpera.ico, Nervous Iicaacs. General
Pebility, 1'snm: j V.'c.'cicsi, end L"xcce,
cure Bill iunct, ttcadulv, Jaundicp. Sour
Sti ina.'i., j'j.;Kj ' i, .6tipat!on and Pit.
A OT8 AT ONCE en Ui KltlnejK, I.Ivor,
ami JlBivels, reAorir? Uiom to a lwcttkjr
actio), anil CUKRSwImb ll otW modlctot
fftB. Hundreds Iiavc Ueu tavd lio bao be -fiton
up to dlo hy IrUflidi ai.d rilijrdrlanc
18 7
llSlE I
Our Poets.
fTiiN if jIvii fur til- use :nd on-
('iiiir:if.'(tici.t "f our witters of vers...
and uc hopr-m make il u nlcasing feature
it the paper. 'I'x thtit cud contributions nr
Mi.icMtvd, bMt they nmr phms nniloiiltU'tl
Written for tlio Scoff.
ot.ii roi:.M ix , .nkw iiuemji.
How liapny i the innti and lilest
Wlio-esun resilendent in the sky,
Sets plowinijin tlie erinison west
With not a Imverinj; elouil on hii;li.
Whose ajre lias jill his iassions tamed. I
Whose soul is- s-dll jireiuireil for death,
Wlin rates hilt, fin1 an lionet name, '
And naught, for fame, or ynljrar hreath.
Wlio iias from life, his yiees freed,
Whose eonricnee i- hi-i strong retreat,
"Whose state can neither llnttoiurs I'ecsl j
)r ruin make opponents rent. j
WJio euyies none that elianee may raise, 1
Who r-almiy grazes on the crowd, j
Who earys not for its lilaine or (irane
And stands serene heforc the proud.
Who only to his (!ol doth pray,
No other jnfts Inn race to lend,
And entertains the harmless day
With a well choen hook or friend.
This man is fried from servile hands'
Of hopes to raise or fear to fall ;
Lord of himself , though not of lands,
And having naught is Lord of all.
K.C. 15.
Written for the Si orr.j
Cheer up! cheer up! this life of ours
Holds halm for trampled hearts,
Oriefs thorns are wreathed with hope's
bright flowers
That blunt their poi-nmed darts;
Dark night to beaming morn gives way
As joy sueeeeds to sorrow,
And clouds that mourn in tears to-day
Shall smile in blooms to-morrow.
O poet of the brooding brow,
liorne down by care and fret,
Cheer up! the world that mocks you now
Shall learn to listen yet;
From dei pest depths of pain, your lay
' Its richest ring may borrow,
1 And they who scorn and setill'to-day
1 May crown with shouts to-mon o',
j O pensive lover, droop'd ami bent,
j Who luourns't o'er treacherous charms,
Cheer up! the maid may yet relent,
, And nestle to your arms;
Or you may find In tender eyes
A ha I u i for every sorrow,
Anil tlft' poor bleeding heart inav nrizi!
I A dearer love to-morrow.
O brother brave! O brother fair!
t There yet are hearts of gold,
And loves as pure, and nouls as rare,
1 As ever towered of old;
j And lu! with broad, triumphant brow,
That knows no sign of sorrow,
The golden age is hastening now,
Thcgrcntand grand to-morrow.
-S. V
1 iiuiwuiiBun
Antelope Items.
Mr. Jackson, of Connor crook,
now l isitill-llis daughter. Mrs !ll,1.u
(.e " " ' "
"r i n ,
las. -Mitohell finishod shearing sheep,
tins week. Shearin
by the rainy weather.
was prolonged t
TomliiiMiii ,t Hrooke havo stored
their wool sons to keep it in good con
dition till thoy get a lair price.
Win. Cates' desperate assailant came
up to Antolopo this week to pav his
-ji.I1.--. . . '
wiiiioui opponent 11 inoiully visit.
...........1 i..., i 1 . , . . "
1 a, e S S
mm uiuumui uuilfelioiat US 11 L'llObt. :
il,,?!, , . , f,. V r p '!! ,,,ow .
. I ! i ..... i i!! 1 1 1',tle-i!nako range ;
ti r i . . . .
lm ' ru. r i A . A"tu" I
iopc , loii.iros i iitneiuio creek.
When a sheep herder packs a gigan-
u. siA-Miowiei nun nun an tiie time,
he must either be a very dangerous. I
man himself, or thinks others t-o.
Work ou the road is uroirrnKNini' I
linely. The new road will boa great
heneJit to tlie people of Telocaset, and 1
iii.iuy in lis win now lai.e me road to
Union instead of that to Xorth Powder.
Much fencing is going on. Mossier
has feucod his ranch and John and
Win. Cates are fencing part of theirs.
'i'i... :n JS...I i
iii nun n iiiueu moro .conveu-
ient tostringu fencearound Iheir ranah !
loan to oe up uay ami night ohiuing :
S. II. Ayles. inaniifaeturcr of but
ter barrels mid kegs, has always on
hand a good supply of iho host quality
and will ull them at i casouahlo niiccs.
(iivo him a call at his fi,pf h0t, gf i
the Hiool house, I'liioii. ,
r.i i.! ii ... it.
I'ni'iltK'iKi'il liul IVnlc Awoke
tlooau ltiishcs 1 ii i li Int.
Snn! !ij.'i, .him S. 'S7.
Kmtkk Okmsvn Skoit; i fotlisit
spnet in yvr vnlyci iilc mpi-r fur n fuc
hints wliitch i luic'll lu icsciivimI
; Hiiisluisly hy i!s iiiciiny riM'dors. i lny
j knlki'iliitcd on tin- iiiiltairrcsMiiiciils
; wliitch heset mi uiu'ilik.'itcd mull when
ho conies (nit in print, hut koiimdcrin
tlie pivssin iniiiorti'iu'c if wlmt. i'iii
vmiin tu say lccils nu tn konldiuk' tu
oyt'iruiu uwl iinlmim'f.siuoiits en niiikc
a hniik.
I i have lived in Oriind round valley
, nigh on tu 20 veer en iu-v tliaut awl
' tin; tiini" en ytili think thi't Uiair is no
ht'tter kentry ennv whuir then this is.
it lies ot, tun Klinict. tlie wnle, tlie
wattur, the ti.iuhur, en mines cdjoitiin.
awl fjoin tu konstitoot a Kiid kentrv
on it is an attraektivu k.ntry tu. im
niuj;ivn;s hoo .'inn heer en puss thru
hecrair struclt with its hnt full cu fur
tol npiiccrens-e
i hev luvn erroutul sum en ohsi-rvin
' tu, en i tine tlict inimnjnvnistlu't etiin
tu this weslnru kentry air mostly join
, ter weh Fut, culiforney en I'nit muiii.
i ; stun even pass rite thru jrruiul lhuind
' en dont mm in tu no enny thinj; ahout
the splt'iidcd oii)iirtoonitv oll'iuvd hear
fur tiie farinmer, murchent, minor en
! mauilactercr. now rite hear inr. Kdi-
i ter i want, tu cum rite doun tu the
i mane pint en jisl uv this hi.iness.
i Unytin is our kounty tvvi en is line
' ly sityuatid fur a nianufacteriu sunter
i en a distribitin pint fur them mines ot
; cornikoj'cc, liouin, ' Sparty oi. ogel
croak, kathrine creak cunimin rite
out uv hy siioi-y motinlanes en runnin
' rite thru tlie toiin lirneshes on ahun-
1 donee uv waiter powar (on watt or uv
uio purnsst Kwamy; inr liianitaeleini
lurpp,sos. on tho lokashiin uv tho
toiin maiks it the neoro.-t on thu most
acksossahel jiint fur tlie iuino Now
l hev hen upthaira gud nioiiny times
laitlven nnthevi,, ...niel. t, I, i nut.
:.. .' .i : V 1
in ni, mm; iiiiisii lawuui en 0001 yon
..1. 1 1 .11. ; 1 : .. ..1 1. . .
n.ito I,., dun tu make i.nvun wun uv
tlie best tonus in casterne origan.
what tho situens tip thair uivfc tu
du it seams lu 1110, jut on rilo anaway
is tu orgonniso a bordo uv Traid. it
wont kost enny thing liardlov on i tun
purty surton it is the furst stop nnssa
ry in bildin iiji a toiin. i hoy ohsurvod
thet moniiy times yunltod slronth
1 Mieks.-ods ivhon unilivyiled (-llert falos.
; now agon : i sea by "the ropourt uv
! tho Shoap ins)ecluer (hot thair air
C.O.OOi) sheapiu Unyjin kotinty. whair
' dtis tho Wiioie fruiii thes shoap go tu
tmo a inarkil? oast, what is the no-
n-omfd" W(;()1"
'Sn L I,Jm! 1 Tm r
u 1 in the iH'st ,gh ,. l,est watter
' odv.i fur 11 vviuilm inilltlmi ( .. ,.
lis. now this is a olano stailincni. nv
indisjsxitihlo facts en a self ovadout
truth, now what, air the peeHo up
thair doin tu hoy thair s)londcd od
vantigos utolisod well yu mite say
nuthin, en hit it purty cloco.
when i wus up thair i heerd suin uv
em tawkin alwmt hifvin Mini kind uv a .1.. 1. ..!....! il 1
. .. .. ,,v 11,0
M'li ospesiiaiiy 1 nyun toiin on it dis'
' ti'ibitiil uwl iivni' (In. stt.,:.
..... ...v.. .... ii.,iiiiii .111, ii;.,
dirockton iittenshiin tu tJiis kentrv.
now it Strikes me this mite ho a purty
gnu inint: on woodont Kostmutoh noa-
ther. on linclly i wood say that kon
siderrin what its cister touiis air diu'u
fur thaiisolvs it is bout time unyuti
wuz wakin up on doin siinthin fur
herself en if tdio dont shell wake sum
iiiornin en line thet baker Silly or
sum uthor toiin iiescum out with mo.t
111 Li 10 lierseeds uv Howled
; - u '
!' t"w iu riiv in imm-iiiu uii
thair, fiiwi : git a iorde uv Triid b I
awi mi,.n, . & ytr ,,. ,,;. ,
i'HTesled in the wooliu mill I
internriMi on nissell iho l.i.irK tm fur :
awl thair is in it; advurtio yer toun '
lu the miinnid mi'ii on iminegrants in i
lu the miinnid men en iinineurants
tho cent en git em (u cum en tea ver
if poisubol.
yor huiiihol servent en mennv uthor
sitiseuson tho sand rigo wood like tu ;
M'11 ""' kouuty Soot the host toun in !
easturn origan, wliitch she can be if
the pmpiuir korse is peixiod by her
Mtitens. More eiion, .
Havana I'ress Drills do not clog in
triishv or sod L'loiind. Tlmv nhmt all
tlie seed in the ground, and produce
' one-fourth more grain than when sown
in any otbe.i way or hy any other im
jilomont. Hold only by Fmnk Jlro's
Imiilonient Co. or their agents. Writo
to or call on thum nt Island City, Or. 2
Ladieu and gouts' siiiiimor goods con-
Htantly arriving from the Kast and San
Franci-ico, at Levy's.
Doings nt llii- llii'I; ill till' t'liimlslilii;
Mining 3!iMrci.iln i r I ii
li n l iiiiiily.
Times arc improving.
Dan. Moore, accoiiipaiiicd hyCohiin
hus (, arrived in town to-day.
Stages u iv loaded down every dip
and toa Ktranncr it limits as if thotown
was on a hooni.
I. A. I.lacki'r urrm d in cainp to
day with a four lioi'sc load of products
of (irandi' Uoudc. '
John ami Ike (loldc. of ttie-ereol.- nr.
rived here to-dav thcvaiv iMiKuped as
cariienters for the 0. (i. M. Co.
Thi O. (J. .M. Co. are now employ
ing every mini who wants work. They
aio opening a waon road from the
"Wliitman" to tho "Alta."
Th." hijih water caused the stao to
transfer hujjnijo and mail for two trips,
hut the hrid.ros havo all heen repaired
and stall's arrive on tinio again.
.Ino. Clark, of stage fame, has douhled
his stock and the increase in freight
and passenger travel hero made il nee-
1 ury to put on four hoi-si
tins end ot the road
Mr. J. 1. Woodmir, of your oily has
permanantly located hero, with tonsori-
al rooms in tho Alphm hotel.' A good
harbor is one of tlie needs of our town
and w h'spe.ik for Mr. Woodrutl' a
good business.
Col. .loh u W. (iilson. special agent,
of tho Noth-iivstorn Firo and Marino
Ins. Co., is registered at. tho Alpine.
Our town is gioatly in need of insur
ance and this is a good oppotunity for
our busino8 men to socuro thonisoliX'S
i against loss by lire.
Several very rich discoveries arc ro-
'. u.-snow .nsappoars, among
i .I. i
' tl
hein tho ".I. (i. JJlaino" discovered hv
I Mossrs llurdott oV Smith who brought
' l'.1 ?".,hrt ,"!V,'S "l"1"ik,,'l wlth ,hl-
iiwiiiniK i nn .nun u uiMvu now aiuiivo
knoiv it.
A dastaiilly attempt to violate the
poi'Min of an estimable young lady was
attonipod Friday owning by one' Win.
Norton, a whiskey fhoto of tho town.
W"1'1'11"! wore iiuiueiliately placed in
. 1111 01 010 ooiistaiuo nut tlie ras-
hI:'l'll('d out and cheated the pen.
, " -' '
IJKSliMI Valley I tuillS.
Mr. l'ovv. l Oweuby and wife spent !
or ' days in La (Jrando recoiitlv, 011
'H." rain of the oil, and (5.1, inst's
as worth h.indiisl, of dollars to tho
f)mi(,r, )(f ,iH vj(.initVi
I)111 '''koman lias resigned his po-
',u'm ''aohot ti-ndor at (ialloway's
saw mill
ano win romovu to idauo.
John Ohristiaiison
has returned
froin Union, where he has been help -
iug Mr. Nick 1'ieklin with his spring
Tho week commeneiiiL' June 7th is
e.vaniinatioii week in thosehool ofDist.
ol which will tost the (scholars' mental
Hum. To the wife of Mr. Sam !
Parker, on tho :!0th ult, a daughter.
Sam says shingles are worth !f2.50 Tp
M now instead of .flOO1
The carpenter now of Daren, Tor
willegor it Owen, havo recently framed
one barn ami raised two in 0 days,
all done in good stylo.
"" '"""'i ui uiiisi. 01 j.iiii, was
in tho nm thorn part of the valley re-
con t V tak liif Knnut nt inVliircM. tun
tt.r.t x-......:.. 11 1! 1 ,.r i.'i..:
. .;. .
""'" (,f "" ""I1 "tI ,'""
raising i
-h's.. Ouy recently purchased one ,
half of a team and mivtt "Whmi I ixd. '
the other half then 1 want mo a cook
'or I. Have tlio cage to put her in. .
Hurrah for Jiiumie!
We are called upon to announce thel
(,tliht!r of t
f Miss Viuhe, the little
the widow (ihent. which i
occurred vorv hiiddenlv at J5 1. M '
Thursday, Ju'ne 2, 1887, with sytnp-
toins ot appoplexy. The little ehil.1
being at school the day previous to her
death, no one knew of her sickness
had not even timo to summon a phy-
'iM.i . i i , ..
j uia iiruig imi simiiuu oeatllS
in this family in less than two years,
the widow has the sympathy of all the i
vicinity in her borrow.
One more youth lm (one to rest,
Uuyond this hind of xorroiv,
And gono to tho fur oll'linnl of thu blest
i here life In free from sorrow.
t Nn.
Wool sacks J 3 eenta each, at J. II.
no. ro.
n IT Ml
fatiTes' lig Smu Ni tes mill C-.schi rroiu
Our Itcgiiliii' ;. i'ri-siini.(.
1'ino Valley, .luno n, US7.
luiins and Hoods.
Thermometer at 10(5 ahovo r.ero on
tho :50th ult.
Mr. C. I). Morgan is having an ad
dition huilt to his residence.
Masons are at work on Pindoll it
Wilkinson's now store huilding.
Mr. F. DaWMili contemplates tho
erection of an addition to his residence,
soon, which will render it quite a com
modious dwelling.
Mrs. niack, of Cornucopia, recently
spent several days on a visit to her lit
ilo sou, who lias boon fortius past sown
'Months an inmate of the family of .1.
A. Denney.
A Mr. and Miss .lacohs, of Itoisii
City, hiMth.-r and sistor of Mrs, C. 1).
Moigan an.l Mrs. 10. (iaylord, are ex
pected to arrive, soon, on a visit to
thoir rein lives,
Tho gentlemen of Cornucopia uovor
stare, oil no! IC. U, 1 la vo you room
for another? K. 11. C That married
man from C. got his arm out of place,
dont it? M. M. Are you pilot for
this outlit?-
(i. I). Yes, no, oh, I'm
jusl helping .liniiny lit'io. ,1. L. Well,
i vou'r hero. .1. A.
t -pho latest practical joke .wo havo
hoared is, for some partv or parties to
j writo letters, igning tho nainoof a vorv
protty ano popular young lady of l'iuo.
It would be well for parties stooping
to perpetrate such jokes, (if jokes thoy
may ho termed) to remember that thoy
aio treading on dangerous ground.
Tho glorious -Itli draws on apaoo,
but as yet thorn is no stir concerning
it hero. Wo hear some talk of parties,
visiting Fisli lako on a camping expe
dition. This lake is situated somo S
miles north-oast, of I'ino Yalloy. Its
dimensions are one inilo in length by
j mile wide; plenty of trout in its wa
tors and nice grass (dose hv, and no
,Iol,1,t. ,mn tt novelty of
cuiiipiug oiu win visit 11, roiuriiiug ny
way of the I'urk, another beautiful anil
picturcsipio spot situated about .'5 miles,
oast of Cornucopia.
On tlio morning of iUo 2:ird tilt, tho
roomy and comfortable dw.-llmg ol Mr.
Solby Loop, was discovered in Humes,
which toon consumed it. furniture.
clothing, piovisions, and in fact almost
uvorylhing it contained, save tho mem
bers of the family. Nothing is known
delinitoly as to how the (ire originated.
The loss is estimated at' something over
!j!2,0(M), Mr. Loop has quite a largo
family, and although he was in comfor
table circumstances, can ill afl'ord to
lose his h'JH''''. Subscriptions have
been raised in cash and work to tho
amount of )!) and .Mr. Leon has al-
ready began the construction of anoth-
1 or resit once.
I On tlio .'lOtli ult., Mr. Cioo. Denney
! went to Cornucopia, aecomiianied hi-
, his sister Mrs. .1. A. Denney and Mrs.
: Mack, who having boon 011 a visit to
I Mrs. J). ivai returning homo. Tho
water of 1 ine crook was washing tho
ends of two briijges as thoy went up,
and as they were getting ready to re
turn in tlie afternoon, word came that
!"lu ur'''0 was gone. They proceeded,
however, as far as tho saw mill of W.
F. Davis, when they learned from that
gentleman and others that although
the bridge was not gone, it was dan
gerous to attempt to cross it. Mrs.
Denney returned, and George leaving
tho wagon, riding one horse and lead
ing one, proceeded over tho trail. Next
day ho returned, bringing two horses
and saddles, and with Mrs. Denney and .
little 1 1 ft tu on one, himself and Master
Harvey Hlack on the other, thoy "get
sail" as it were, lor the valley via tho
trail. After various mishaps, such an
saddlo eirth iiullinir Ioomi Iwieo. .mil
'.once its burden "taking n tumble,"
wiucli Jortunately Uul not result in any
broken hones, they reached the valley,
right side up with care.
. ahiomshimi succuss.
ltlUt" duly or every person who hai
,,s,',1 Urrmuo tyni;i to ha Its won-
" 'iu'w imiowu io ineir irioiutH
in ennui; i-oiidiiininioii, iscvoro Coughs,
Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact nil
throat and lung dheases. Xn person can
use It without imiiu'diuto relief. Threodos
rs will relieve any case, and we cy,isidor It
"H,' "f 'hugsIsU to ricuniRionrt It
to mo. poor, dying consumptive, at least to
try one bottle, us feO.OOO dozen bottles wern
ohl hint year, and no one case whero It
failed was reported. Such a medicine m
tho German Xirnp ctuiiiot be too widely
known. Ask your dnigRfct about It, Sam
ple bottles to try, sold nt 10 cents, Regular
size, 73 cents, Sold by all DrtigKhtii aHd
DenhTi-, hi the I'nlU'tl States rind CaiiWa.