The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 04, 1887, Image 1

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    x 1 1
An Independent weekly journal, iwicd ev
ery Saturday niurnliij? by
Publishers mid I'roiirictors.
A. K. Josks, I
Kilitur. f
j 15. Ciiancky,
I Foreman.
One copy, one vear $l.r0
" ' Six month. 1.00
" Three moiitos . . ..r
Invariably Cash In Advance.
If hi dinner .iiititvriptiuii.i (ire tiof puiJ till
end of ycur, tiro ilollur will he charged.
Kates of advcrtlidng made known on ap
plication. SEETCorre'iiondenee from all parte of the
country solicited.
Adre-s all eoinniiinicition" to the Oitcoo.v
ScotT, I'lil-in Oregon.
I.oilnc Directory.
No. .'(I. A. F. and A. M. Meets on the
second and fourth Saturdays of each month.
v. t. wmenrr, W. (i.
A. LKVY, Secretary.
Regular meetings on Friday cveiiinnsof
each week at their hall in Inion. All breth
ren in good standing are. invited to attend.
By order of the Indue.
(!. A. THOMPSON, N. (i.
('HAS. S. MILLKIt, Secretary.
('lunch Directory.
Divine servics every Sunday at 11 a.
in. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at :t p. m.
Prayer im-etuix every '1 bur.-dav evening at
.0:50. JSKV. G. M. IRWIN, Pastor.
larchurch services every Sabbath morn
ing and evening. Prayer meeting Wednes
day evening of each week. Sabbath school
every Sabbath at Hi a. m.
RKV. W. C. I'.Alltl), Pastor.
lO Service everv Sunday at a o'clock p. m.
County OHlcrrs.
State Senator . . L. It. Einehart
1 T. 1.
Tt-nrMiMitiitivP ii if .'."'"
f F. I). Mcl'ully
l), P. Gcodall
Commissioner k' j1'"11
Sheriff .... A. N. Hamilton
Clerk ... A. T. Neill
Treasurer .K. (.'. Hrainard
School Siiierintendent ,1. L, llimlmau
Surveyor ... M. Austin
Assessor O. I). Thonilinson
Coroner , S. Albcrson
City O litems.
.1). II. Recs
S. A. Pursel
J. S. Elliott
A. Levy
J. V. KVnnedv
E. W. Davis
Ed. Itemillard
.1. li Thomson
E. K. Catcs
... . J. D. Carroll
Street Commissioner
. . . L. haton
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice speeial
tieR. Office, two dwors .south of pot-ofUcu,
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
door south of J. R. Eaton's store, Union,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, one door south of J. n. Eaton's
store, Union, Oregon.
J) . HUES,
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
Office State Land Office building, Union,
Dnlon county, Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Real CHlato and collecting agent. Land
Office Business ,v Specialty. Office at Jo
cph, nllown county. Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public, and Abstractor of Titles.
Office State Land Ofll.e bnlldinc, corner
Main nd A Streets, Union, Oregon.
L. COHBS, M. D. ,
Physician and Surgeon.
Having permanently located at Alder. Un
ion county Orcg in. will be found ready to
attend to caliK lu all ihi-vinou twin and
ettlcuienth- of the Wallowa valley.
My motto ix Live unit Lot lire."
f. pruden, m. d.
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
SuniMorvillu, Union. Cmmty, Oregon,
Notary Public. Ux-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancei's and Abstracters
Abstraetsto Real and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable,
Sales of Real and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Otlice next door south of Post-olllee. Un
ion, Oregon.
M. Hakkk. J. AV.Shki.tox. .1. l' llAKlUl.
Attorneys at Lav.
OKKICKS Unjon and La Grande, Ore
gon. Special Attentb n given all business
entrusted to ti.
Q II. DAY, M. I).,
Physician and Surgeon.
Ollire adjoining Jones Pro's store. Can
be fftinul nights at the. Centennial hotel.'
room No. '-!.'f.
House, Sign and Carriage
Graining a Specialty.
Shop, Corner Main and A Streets, Union,
MM art Biior.
Plans nnd designs for any kind of buil
ding furnished on application.
Keeps on hand a complete stock of
Which he will sell at a low figure.
Parties whe desire to build will do well to
consult him, at Cove, Union county, Or.
ppr n. joirxsox,
Union, - - Oregon.
Plans and f-pccificatlons for dwellings,
barns and bridges, furnished free of charge.
J5j"Call and interview me.
JV. GARDXEli (fc CO. ,
Watchmakers & Jewelers,
Union, - - Oregon.
Clocks and Jewelry Por Sale.
ICepiiirliic at .Kndnrnte Knten.
Call and examine our goods and prices.
Geo. Wnifiiir, 1 W. T. Wiikjiit,
President, Cashier.
First National hi
Does a Genoral Hanking Hustnoss. Huys
and sells exchange, and discounts commer
cial paper.
CollentIns carefully attended to, and
promptly reported.
Tonsorial Rooms.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
T T .. 1 a.i . ,
j.uir ciiuiiig. Kiiuvmg ana shampooing
done neatly and In tho best btyle.
Hot and Cold Baths.
Wmill'l1 ' -1 iiiKmitmi
The i'lnc ("reek Mines Xnv llctol,
"(i nine nts -"-News ltcms---Siiclcty
i A $10,000.00 I AY 110LL.
Cornucopia, May 2S, 1887.
J. L. Albcixm has moved his nVi
(li'itcu .-o that it now faces Mam street.
liminie Uea is the boss ribbon ma
nipulator of the stage line, as F. Stein
has resigned.
E. Kstus is building a two story house
which will form an attraction to our
lively little town.
A business meeting of the P. 11. F. A.
will be held on Monday evening, which
will bo fully reported to the Scour.
It is now a settled fact that Halcer
City can hold us back no longer, and
stages are arriving witli passengers ev
ery trip.
Times improving. There is no"rush"
into cam), but a steady stream of
teams and travel make our streejs and
town fei'in lively.
I The roads are being improved, and
j were never better at this season of the
i year. A force of men are kept con
stantly at work on them.
. Mr. John Ilargstroni, of California,
is registered at the Alpine, hotel. Ed.
Asliby and Mrs. Henry Green, of Un
ion, are also at the same house.
The 0. G. M. Co. will pay in checks
on the fust, at least .1()',000, which
will make times lively for a little while.
Does Maker City or La Grande have a
better pay roll?
The (). tl. M. Co. expect to increase
their force to at least 100 men, soon.
The snow is now about all gone and by
the first of .Inly there will be at least
200 men employed by tho different
companies here.
Messrs. Webb, Torey and Johnton
arrived from Haker City, Friday, with
the additional machinery for the Hope
mill, which will be put in place in a
few days, when they will start the same
in full blast.
le of good cheer, brother Jones, we
will come out on top yet. The Scout
is the bo.-s paper for our camp, and if
you can get in here by the first of tho
month you can add f)0 names to your
subscription list.
Messrs. Smith & Stein, of the "Nor
way" ledge, are engaged in running a
tunnel on the ledge. They expect to
run two hundred feet and lap the
ledge at one hundred feet depth. They
have a very promising prospect, and
are rustlers from the turn.
Miss .losio Rea has taken a great
many fine pictures of different scenes
in the mines, two of which appeared in
the last number of the West Shorn.
Miss Rca is a thorough photographer
and will have her gallery running in
full blast by the last of this week,
Judging from the money displayed
on the dilfcrent gaming tables last
night, tho "tin horn" fraternity are
finding pastures green in Cornucopia.
One thousand dollars changed hands
in a few minutes time and wo have no
ronton to complain of hard times, and
this too before pay day.
Tho tocial given ut Mrs. Easton's by
tho P. U. F. A., was a grand success.
It. C. Warinner was elected chairman
and Miss Sadio Curtis focrotary. Prof.
Jos. Luco amused the audience, by tell
ing "how tho Devil lost his tail" A
fine lunch was served and music and
dancnig was indulged in till a late
North Powder Nuggets.
Juno 1, 1887.
North Powder river is higher than
it lias boon for many years. It took
part of tho Haker county bridge away,
yesterday, near town.
H.O. Gorham is preparing to build
a stono building on his lot on E street.
He has a force of men quarrying ba
salt rock for tho purpose.
Tho North Powder base ball club
coino out ahead on every game so far
this fcason. They beat the Haker Citv
club la6t Sunday at JJaker City.
J. W. Parker is bucking like ac.iytiso
about tho E. Hagerroad running across
a little alkali point on his land, and is
trying to take steps to claim $800 or
$100 for 120 rods of fence, after letting
tho petition pats through tho county
court and declared a public highway,
without even trying to got up a re
monstrance or filing a bill of damages.
Ladi and gents' summer goods con
stantly arriving from tho East and San
Francisco, at LovyV.
Sully Anil's WrrUly lluilcft of News
?t.tcs mill l'uelli'iil rmnters.
'Tis the lirt breath of summer,
The weather's (pilte hot,
Tlu-JpeopU' ate Mwit'iiug
And bard is their lot.
'TN the lirst breath of summer,
Which iloats mi the lea,
And makes your red llannels
Stick like glue unto thee.
'Tis the lirt breath of summer,
Perfumed with "bock" beer,
That makes dealers happy
And people feel queer.
'Tis the first breath of summer,
Rring out linen clothes,
And dusters and straw hats,
Likewise striped hose.
'Tis the first breath of summer,
And here we will stop,
Or. from sheer exhaustion
We'll certainly drop.
There is on dit that O. Kirkpatriek
intends to learn tho art of photogra
phy. Moses Austin, of Sunnnervillo, does
not inteijd to open a restaurant in the
Rarnhart house.
The Gazette correspondent at Island
City, is as far behind in his make-up
as an old cow's tail. Wonder where
he's been?
Dr. McDonald, of the Cove, drove
over Tuesday and spent tho day visit
ing friends in town. A hearty wel
come greeted him at every turn.
In inetnory of our fallen heron, the
Hag at the Island City mills hung at
half mast, and seemed to say in the
name of union, liberty, justice and hu
manity ; proud of tho honorable scars
we bear, and proud of the colors and
battle Hags sacred relics of long years
of fullering and patriotic devotion.
Shall we forget these honored trophies
bury them from sight forever? Nev
er, so long as our minds retain and
our hearts respond to tho memories of
the eventful days of which they are
priceless emblems. As well ask us to
level and forget tho mounds a nation
strewed with llowers to-day.
Sally Ass.
Elgin Echoes.
Sheep-shearing in going on quite
lively in this vicinity.
Wc are needing rain very. much on
our gardens and farms.
It is very warm at this writing.
Times dull and items scarce.
Mrs. Ella Snyder has her fine stock
of millinery goods open and is ready
for business.
I learn that Mrs Nauce is making a
noble eil'ort to pay the debts of her de
ceased husband.
Wo get your valuable paper, 'I'm-:
Scout regular each Saturday evening
after its issue. Good.
Tho Raptist church is progressing
finely, under tho supcrintendance of
Mr. Rirdsell,our foreman.
Prof. Crowhurst lectured hero last
Friday night on the prohibition ques
tion, and organized a prohibition
Wm. Hill, our worthy blacksmith,
lias taken in as partner Mr. M. Farley
who is a lirst class workman, sol am
Mr. 11. E. Stevenson has dono some
very good work on our roads. As
overseer ho is the right man in tho
right place.
Our school is conducted by Prof.
Laramoro of Summerville. All aro
well pleased with him and the pupils
aro learning" rapidly.
Wo are soon to have a first class
moat market in our village, conducted
by Griggs cfc Childers. Our two nour
ishing hotels will then bo able to furn
ish their patrons with juicy beefsteak
from .tho bunch-grass hills.
Young Mr. Alf. Hartley's team ran
away with him thiu morning. Ho was
thrown from tho wagon among tho
horses and dragged tome distance.
He sustained a few scalp wounds, but
was not seriously hurt.
Our Sunday school is getting along
nicely under the superintondancu of
Mr. H. Galoway. Good order prevails.
Elder. Wm. Owcnby will preach for us
on Juno the 12th at 11 o'clock A. M.
All aro invited. Sunday school at
half past 2 P. M.
Cheaji Ilituls mid Hliuu.
Ladies Fruucli kid fchoos, fS.AO; mens'
boots', $2 75; mens' two-bticklo shoes, JL-'
at Vincent s. Ho Is closing out his goods
regardless of coat before getting In hi
spring stock. Kvorything eluo at similar
prices. Now is tho time to get bargain.
Wool eacks 38 cents each, ut J. IJ.
EatcmV '
Intensive l'i ';irtkt Ions Helot; S'tnle
(Vl:iriil the lVurtli I .Inly
nl Hint I'hHT.
T he farmers are through with their
seeding and are hauling oil' their sur
plus grain to the mills.
Miss Flora Riiu-h.irt.of Shedd's sta
tion, is visiting her uncle's, J. 11. Riue
hart, and will assist in the musical de
partment at tho coming celebration
on the Fourth of July.
Tho boys are talking of organizing
a base ball club. Hope that they may
succeed in doing .lo and try some of
the clubs in another portion of the
county a rub about the -lth. (if July.
Some of the boys got a little to full
lust Sunday and as a consequence they
were up before the recorder on Tues
day and were obliged to contribute lo
the funds of the treasurer of our little
Miss I'Mna Gillhaiu has over 00 pu
pils enrolled at. the select school taught
in the Summerville school Iioum'.
She is giving good satisfaction and will
probably bo hired to teach the fall
term, by the diiectors.
Florian Waldock, v.iio has been
working for his brother Herman at this
place, took his departure for Portland
on Tuesday. Florian made many
friends during his stay bore who will
miss his smiling countenance in future.
The led tires given by Win. Crow
burst on Saturday and Sunday even
ings were largely attended and as the
result, of his labors fiS names were sign
ed to the temperance pledge ami a
lodge of Good Templers was organized.
Herinan Waldcck caught a .'FlO
prize at the last drawing of the Louisi
ana State Lottery. He invested the
whole slug in tickets in the June draw
ing and will be very much surprised if
he don't gel the !fir.00l). prize this
Dr. W. E. Uinehart started lo Port
land to-day Tuesday lo negotiate
with Dr. Harry Lane of that place
about the sale of ionic piopcrty, mid
will, probably, locate I bore as he has
the .Professorship of Anatomy ofl'eivd
him in one of the medical dispensary's
J. H, Riuehart returned from a trip
to Portland, Hcppucr, Arlington and
other points on Saturday of last week.
He will bring his baud of horses to
(his county and turn them over to L.
15. Riuehart of Union, who will take
them to Malheur county and keep
them the coming three years on the
T. A. Riuehart has quit- the book
business and will never more descend
to the degrading depths of the canvas
ser for "Tho Museum of Antiquities."
Says that he would rather die of indi
gestion than to canvass I'nion county
and bo subjected to tho sneers and in
sults of those whom he considers his
inferiors, even though he be a book
Who says that 11. C. has got the
itch? His girl. It is rumored that
E. S. C. and G. P. went to the Wallowa
valley, so says E. C. but it is hard to
mako fcomo peoplo believe it. It iR
also rumored that A. J. P. .had
the toothache very badly and consulted
S. L. Mc. who told him that ho would
gaurautco a euro in course of time.
The Temperance committee have ap
pointed a smelling committee to smell
tiie breath of those parties who are
seen loitering around the brewery
Guess that is the reason that II. V,
went out tho back way and would not
speak to the committee when they call
ed on him. What did A.. I. 1'. call H.
C. R. out of tho bank for on inonday?
Ask F. R. C. Going fishing, hey A. M.
Tho celebration at Suinmervillo will
will bo ahead of any thing ever before
attempted at this blaco. Everybody
seems to tako an interest in having a
rousing time. L. R. Isou will be orator
of tho day. Tho committee on music
have arranged a splendid programme.
The committee on arrangements are
hard at work. A prizo of about $iK).00
will lie offered to tho winners of a
game of base ball, provided thoy will
come. If not, any nine that will come
will be privileged to compete. J The
Suiuuiorvillo S. S. ('. Rand have, in
vited the Union Silver Cornet Rand lo
assist theiu in ftirnishihg music. The
ball at nitwit will lie one of the features
for young folks. Prizes will bo given;!
for declamations and other literary ef
forts. The American eagle with its
talons will be on exhibition the entire
day, and Undo Sain, arrayed in his
striped garments will parade tho
grounds from ii until 0 and will then
go oil' on a whiz.
NO. 41).
Ilttppeiiliics Hi'' l'llt Wcrh Tim
ISlue Alimiit.illl I lilvi'l lit .
June 2 18S7.
The water will reach our ward by
the middle of next Week, so savs " Uncle
Hon. M. Raker has been quite sick
during the past week and is but little
better at this writing.
The Episcopal church is now on its
way to the second ward and will be
located near the jail.
Dr. llines of Portland, and Rev.
Abraham Ends, of Roisoaro at present
visiting in our city.
Mrs. Gray and children, of Hunting
ton, arc now making their home with
Mrs. Kinsey, of old town,
A. O. Porter has sold his blacksmith
shop to MeR'.ynolds, recently from
Kansas. Mr, MeR. seems to be a rust
ler ami our town looses nothing by
bis coming.
It looks as though wo had not lost
our position as u division terminus,
when the new time cards give fiO min
utes here for each passenger train and
make it an eating station.
A quiet wedding look place yester
day at the liomo of J. J. Nesley, whoso
biothcr Homer was married to Miss
Joselia Real. May joy go with them
to their home at Elk Flat.
D. S. Ivinsey with his sons, Charley
and Willie, also licit Raker, Ed. Par
sons and Mr. Taber, left, yesterday,
for their mountain mines. Kinsey's
mine is said to be valuable.
A porch has been built on the front
of the council chamber which adds to
the appearance of the building, and
prevents the rays of the afternoon sun
falling too directly upon the head of
our just Justice Ellsworth.
The new manager of tho U. P. came
this way last week in company with
several other R. R. magnates, at which
time a delegation of citizins waited up
on them and tendered the freedom of
the city, lint they were to busy to ac
cept. Tho trustees meeting at tho Univer
sity did not amount to much because
one of the quorum was missing when
they were ready to vole, but wo under
stand that Dr's Hines and, Ends aro
going to lake the work in hand with
the consentof the trustees and com
plete (he building at once, and set it on
Mime kind of footing again.
Shunibough is now looking for his
foii-in-law, Harmon, who sold his wool
and left for parts unkown without
making any returns. And then it is
said ho sold it twice and got tho money
for it both times once to Summers
who paid its full value and again to a
Portland (inn, though their agent An
son, who paid half down.
Indian Valley Items.
May 30, 1887.
No school in district 51 to-day as, it
is a legal holiday.
Road working is tho general busi
ness of tho present time.
This is Decoration day, but every
thing very quiet, and very warm wea
ther. JoMpli l'arker will leavo for Uar
ney valley soon, to spend a couplo of
Miss Louiziv Jones spent tho 28th
and liDth i list's. witli iter parents of
this locality.
W. II . Moore has purchased a $05
White sewing machine, by trading jui
old machine and a horse.
Hilly Snyder, the well known Elgin
barber, says ho can take the top of u
person's head off in a hurry.
Jesse A. Jackson ' had ti 'picture of
his residence and school taken on the
27th inst, Mr. Norris tho photographer
doing tho work with grand success.
As Samuel Parker was working on
tho roads not long since, his team be
came frightened and a runaway was
the result, but no serious damage was
John Graham and family, of tho
Flat, have move! in this vijinity re
cently, for the purpose of sending his
childieu to school, and a splendid pur
pose it is.
Prof. Crowhurst, tho well known
temperance lecturer of California, gavo
tho people of Elgin and vicinity a fine
lecture on tho temperance question,
which resulted in the organizing of a
"Temperance League, with tho follow
ing officers : President, Dr.'J, V. Sny
der; vice presidents, John White and
Mru. II. J, Owenby; secretary, Jesse A.
Jackson; assistant secretary, Miss ITet
tie Stephenson; treasurer, Squire Cow
un. A committee of three was Hpixlr
led to write a constitution, '