The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 14, 1887, Image 8

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    Pioneer Relief Fund Association.
En. Froi'T: Eui'loft-d please iind a
copy of the arliclort of incorporation of ,
tho "Pionei'r'.s Relief Fuml Astooiation,
of Cornueonin. Oretion. If you
tlio rending of the article might ba
liendieial to your rcadcra and bring
about the formation of .similar aptoci
utionri elsewhere, you nio welcome to
jnibli.-h them in (he co'tiintiM of your
progressive and wi 11 informed paper.
Our MHi'oeinlioii immbeiH IM5 inotn-
liern anl our mectingx are well atten
led. Our Kleo club inemlierH liavclnuH
ii well deserved sticccfH ami rendered
our meetings more plnnmnt by favor
ing u with fpiartettf and rungs. Our
Sunday ovoniiif sociables might be
oalled ladies' reception days, an our
families take part in our festivities.
Another feature of our association is
the inaugural of a series of lectures
on tciontiliu subject, treated popular
ly, that is to say, deprived of the dry,
rhetorical and frigid literature uen
emlly used by lecturers. The associ
ation has weil started and will have a
long, prosperous and useful life, as ev
ery meinbei is permeated with the
wisdom of the old adage, "God helps
.those who help themselves," and act
accordingly. Yours Very Truly,
Statu oi' Oniinox,
County of Union. t
Know all men by these presents,
that we the undersigned, under and by '
viitueof the provisions of the statutes cf '
the Stalf) of Oregon, pioviding for the
formation of corporations for certain
purpose, do hereby certify, agree and '
declare, each for himself, and not one
for the other, that we will, and by i
these piei'onts do, form ourselves into,
a body politic and incorporate under ,
the following provisions and restric
tions, io wit :
aktiou: I.
The name of said corporation shall !
bo Thu Pioneer Kelief Kund Associa- I
tion, or Cornucopia, Oregon. j
Airnou: n
The object for which this association (
is formed, are, to wit:
Jut. To give all possible moral and '
material aid in its power to its mem
bers in the eases of sickness, accidents
or misfoi t nnes.
iiiul. To promote benevolence and
charily by establishing a. fund fiom
which tiie cervices of good and com
petent medical advisers and nurses
shall be secured, and also suitable
rooms for the acco;nmodation of siek
llnl. 'l'o develop brotherly love be-1
tween its members, by encouraging !
each' other in business, and by assist-1
ing each other to obtain work or em-1
Ith. To bring comfort to the dying
and take charge of t lie funerals of the
dead members and accompany their
icniaiiis to their last testing; place.
fith. The dill'iision of knowledge, by
securing a suitable loom to be used as
a nhu'o of meeting for its inembeis,
i M!. ... : , i. i i i i
aim wnmuiiig y, un u iuusu pujicm
i;r nut are ui tin; niruioi'ia ui niu at.-w .
The attoeiiition slmll be administer- j
ed by a board of directors.
The members of its directors shall
bo fcvcn, (7) who shall he elected an
nually, by ballot, on the first .Monday I
of April of each year, anil shall hold'
their olliccs until their nieeofsors are I
duly elected and ipialilied. j
'1 lie names of the directors elected
for the liil year, aie, to wit : I
.losi:i:it hm:,
.I.T. Itobl.HH,
llnni OtuiitAN.
.lollN H. MoiidAN, Directory.
A. II. (iAYI.OIil),
(ii:o. O. Nhwi'o.mji,
vitrici.i: iv.
Tho plaeo of Imsiucss ami olllee
the association shall lie at Cornucopia,
Union county, Oregon,
The association shall continue its
eoporato existence for the period of
twtmty-livo (2i"0 veats fiom and after
tho tiling of these presents in the ollice j
ot the tseererary o Slate ot Oregon.
autiom: yi.
The aftioeiatioii shall bo supported
byijinoiithly dues, paid by every niom
bor t the time designated by the
boanl of directors. I VII.
Tho lionrd of directors of this asso
ciation shall meut immediately after
tho filing of these presents and adopt
by-laws lor the government of the as
sociation, and make all necessary and
pioper arrangements for carrying out
the objects herein expressed, and as
to (hem may seem for the best inter
nets of the association.
.losisi'ii hrcK, Upon OntitAN,
.1. T, Hoi.i.ks, .1. li. Mokoan,
(1. O. Nkwcomh, A. II. (Jayi.oiiii,
W. H. L'siikh,
Stati: op Oiikoo.s',
County of UnionA
On this 11th day of April, 18S7, be-'
f ore me, It, C. Warinner, a Notary'
Pulflie in and for said Union county, j
duly commissioned and sworn, per- ,
sonallv appeared, Joseph huee, T. T. !
Holies, (leo. O. Newcomb, W. It. Ush
r, Hugh Curran, Jno 11. Morgan and
A. II. Oaylortl, to mo personally known ;
to bo tho individuals described in and :
who nxceuted the foregoing instru-1
meut, as parties thereto, and they i
everany acknowledged to me that they i
excuuto the same fieoiy and voluntu-j
rily and for the uses and purposes
therein mentioned.
hi Witness wheieof, I huve hereunto
set my hand and allixed my ollicial
N al, thu day and year in this certili
rate abovu mentioned.
It. C, Wahi.vnkk,
j MiAL I Notory Public.
1'dnl uiid recorded in tho olrlco of
the s. cm buy of fc'tate of Oregon, April
lilih ' ilr 1 t I'lake s.
astonisiiino srcci'fls.
It Is the duty or every pcron who has
used Ttotchrr's Grrmno' Syrup to let 11. won
derful qualities be known to tlielr friends
in curing ('oiiMimptioii, 'severe Coughs
i -'r,'I'i Asthma, rncunionia, and in fact all
throat and Iiiiil' diseases. " person can
use It without immediate relief. Three dos
( will relieve any ease, and we consider it
the duty of nil Druggists to recommend It
to the oor. dying consumptive, at least to
try one bottle, as RO.OOO dozen Lottie were
.sold last year, and no one ease where it
failed was reported. Such a medicine as
he (,'crman Sump cannot be too widely
known. Ask your druggist about It. Sam
ple bottles to try, sold at 10 cents, Regular
size, " cents. Sold by all Druggists and
Dealers, In the United .States and Canada.
ItllcUlen's Arnica SitWo,
Tick Hrst io the world for Cuts,
Hriilfcs, Pores, Ulcers, Suit Khcuin, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,,
Corns, suid all Skin Lruptlony, and positive
ly cures l'lles, or no pay required. It N
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. I'riej ''." cents per box.
For side by J. T. Wright, I'nion, Oregon.
Thomson fc I'ursel are agents for
the celebrated Cyclone WintlMill, and
as the prices on them have been great
ly reduced they are now within the
reach of all. Sample mill to be seen
at their planer in -North Union. Call
and examine it.
A ranch of 210 acres in the best part of
(irande Ifonde Valley the garden spot .of
Kastei n Oregon. Ninety acres well set to
timothy ; iO acres good 'farming land, lliu
balance good pasture, well watered and
near limbo-. A very desirable place, and
will be sold cheap for cash. No reasonable
offer refused. Call on or address :
or .1. W. 1 1 n.i., Cove, Or.
Drawer 17. Portland, Oregon.
New Hiidge, Union Co.. Oregon.
To ai.i. whom it may coNciatN : N'orth
of l'o)dcr river and east of Kaidr. creek, the
.stockmen nre o i ng to use saltpetre In their
salt on the latino for their horses and cattle.
i and parties that are dealing in i-tock that
I this Is poisonous to, had better be careful
where they drive their stock,
j l-lo-yl. STOUKMKN.
Notice of Application to Pur
chase Timber Land.
' U.S. I, su On ici:, I.a GiiANm:. Oitr.on.N.l
t April 1SS7. f
I Not ice is luireby given that, in compliance
I with the prnv'.vlons of the Act of Congress
approved June:!, 1878. entitled "An Act for
I the sale of Timber hands In the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
. ton Territory," DAVID KCCI.KS, whose
posl-olllce address is North Powder, Union
count v, i
count v, uicuon. nas tins oav nieti in mis
..Hlcu lil.-s application to purchas.
s annlication to nurchaselhe K hlf I
NW or and AY hlf N H or See No. (i in Town- !
i shli) No. (f South, linage No, 'II K. of the
I Willamette nieridiiin. All nersoiis holding i
any adveise ehiiin thereto are required to!
ptesent the same at (his ofliee wl'hin sixty
days from the lirst publication of this notice.
IIi:.MiV Iti.viai.MiT.
l-"0-wlO ltegister.
Not lee of Aliillrnllon to l'lii cluisx Ton
lie ! I, unit.
U.S. I.axii Ornci:
La Gmxiu:, Omrijo.s,
March :i)th.. DPf.
in compliance with the provisions of th?
Act of Conuress. annroved June 3. 1378.
entitled ' All act for the s ile of Timber
Land In the Slates of I'alifrrnia, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
IVillbim WUMiimiii,
Whose posl-oillee aildress is Union, Union
county. Oregon, lias tins day tiled in thi
olllceh.s ap-plicatioii to pun h ise (ho
S10 See 1 Tp4 S It 10 10 nlitl N J SV i-ee No. I
(', in Township No. -1 S, Itango No. -II 10, of
the W. meridian. All persons holding any
adverse i laini thereto aie required to urn
scut the same at this ollice within sixty
days from the first publication of this notice,
IIknky KiNiatAitr,
l-'J-w(i ltegister.
l.AMt Orncr at L GitAxiu:, Oiu:oo.v,l
April ID, 18S7. f
Notice is hereby given that I lie following
named settlor has (lied notice of his inten
tion to commute and make dual proof in
sun on oi s can. turn mar sa hi
proof 11
liecei- ; ii
1 will he luade before the ltegister anil
ver nt La Grande. Oregon, on June '-'7th.,
lid. No. 3IH. for the I0., NW. SW; '
N10-: and SW'U ,. Sec a Tp. 7 S. It 45 i
M. lie names the following witnesses to j
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, .said land, viz: Charles I).
Morgan, Henry Tubeslug. Freeman Steele,
nnd George Steele, all of Pine Valluv. I'n
ion county, Oregon.
lh:SI!Y lllXlUIAltT,
4-23-wU. ltegister.
Lano Ornn: at I .a Gitxm:,Oin:no., )
April 1887.
Nntler is hereby given that the following
named settler has liled notice of his inten
lion to make tlual proof in suiiport of his
claim, and that said proof will be made he
fore ltegister and lteeeiver at l.a Grande,
Oregon, on Juno loth., 1S87, viz: WIL
LIAM SMITH, D. S.No. lUtl.forlhe Si,'
N 10 and N ViSlOi, See HITpS .S It 4't KW.M
He rianies the following witnesses to prove j
his continuous residence upon, and eultl-
vatlon of. said land. U: Luther Lovd.
Jacob Drake, .1. H.
Wbeeloek. and John
Mrixou, all of Pine
Valley, Union county,
Land Omen at h.v (Shandk, Oukoo.v,)
May'd, 1SS7.
Notice is hereby given that the follow ing
mimed settler has tiled notice of her inten
tion to iiiuke iliitd proof in support of her
claim, and that said proof w ill he made be
fore the ltegister and Uecoiverat La Grande,
Oregon, on June V2. 1887, via:: LOU S.
PA VNH. 1). S. No. tva). for the N15 qr. SIC
qr. See. 33, SW qr N W or. ami N hlf. S W qr.
See 31 Tp. 3 S It 10 10 WM She naines the
following witnesses to prove her oontinuous
residonets upon, nnd eultivatlou K, said
laud, viz: W. II. Itundles, J.nues Payne,
Charles Dickinson and J. C. Donov, all uf
Coo, Union oounty. O'eg"".
ft-ll-wfi Itogmtor
Application for a U. S. Patent. Survey No.
,. Claim No. 3". Mineral application
No. 8 "i.
U. V. Lank Ornci:, La GRANim, Oiikoo.v,!
.May Ith, 18s7.
Notice is herein given that K. li. Cloiieh
nnl C. II. Duncan, who.e post-olllee ad
dress is Sparta, I'ldon county. Oregon,
' have this dav tiled their application lor a
I patent for the "Golden K.-uic44-uiittz mine,
situated in the fo.irtli mineral district in
j Township 7 S. Range A:) li. Willamette ino
: ridlan, ami described plats
and Held notei on tiie in this ollice as kd
I low.-, to wit :
I Beginning nt ajost at the south-west cor
ner of the claim from which the corner to
! sections :i, 10 and 11. Tp. 7.S It 13 li, bears
! S, 17 deg. 0-J mill. W 7sU feet dist. the post
i being marked "Cor. No. 1. !. II. M. C. Sur-
vev No 7," and running thence S sl cI'K 12
250 feet to a not maiked "(.'or No ' (f li M
C Sur No 7:' thence N 8 dec K 1 Olteet to a
post marked "Cor No 3 (5 LMCSur No 7,"
on sonth-flest face of post: lhciucS deg
W 350 feet to a iiost marked ' Cor No A (i K
M C Sur No 7;" thence si 5 .leg W I.'x.O feet
to the place of beginning, eoiitnining V2.(b
acres. ioenti.)ii being recorded in Vol D.
page 3.VJ of records oi quart loi atioas Co
lon county. Oregon. Adjoining claims, nre
the "Suin'mit'. quartz lone on the east, and
the "Knight" quartz lode on the m iih.
Any and all perstms claiming adversely
anv portion of said "Golden Kagle'' quartz
lode above deseribtil, arc required io li!e
theiradvir"e claim with the register of the
1'. S. land olllee at l,a Grande. I'ldon coun
ty, Oregon, during the sixty days period of
iiilljl'';iti(iii hereoi', or they will be barred
by Irtueof the provisions ot the statute.
JIk.vky IhxiniAitT,
It is hereby ordend that the foregoimr
notice of npiilieation for a U.S. Patent be
published lur a period of sixty days (ten
consecutive weeks) in the OitnooN'SrorT,
a weekly newspapir published at Union, in
Union county, Oregon.
.r-7-wl0 ltegister.
Aiqilieation for a U
S. Patent. Survey No.
Mineral application No.
claim No.
Ianii Oi fici:
I.a Gkvndi:, Ouooon,)
May 4, 18S7.
Notice is hereby given that 10. K. Clouglj
and C. II. Duncan, whose post-otlice ud-dre.-s
is Sparta,, Union county. Oregon, have
this day tiled their application for a patent
for the 'Kniglit'' q'lartz mine, situate,! in
the fourth mineral district in T 7 S It 13 10
Willamette meridian, and described by the
ollicial plats and field notes oil tile in this
olllee, as follows, to wit :
beginning at the NIO corner pnt of the
"Golden Magic"' quartz mine, post being
maiked "''"or No 1 IC M C Sur No !" on
north west face; running thence ninth K!
deg west 1SW1 feet to a pu-t marked ''Cor No
J K M ("Sur Null;" thence norths deg 10
(00 f('"t to a post maik(d "Cor No3 K .M C
i Sur No Ihenee south -'2 deg M HHI feet
i to the northwest coiner of the 'diiniinit"
, quaitz mine which eonui' ost is m.irkcd
, "Cor No 1 K M (' Sur No !'' on mjii h-west
face of nest; thtnee south S (leg W i(i feet
I to the place of beginning, containing 'M.ifi
I acres. Location being recorded in Vol D,
page all) iccouls otouatts locations, i'nion
county, Oregon. Adjoining claims are the
"Golden MagV quartz lode on the south,
and the Suniinit'' quartz I do on tho east.
Any and all poisons clalni'iig adversely
anv portion of said "Kniglit" qu.utz hide
above described are rcqitiicd to Hie their iul-ven-e
claim wiih the register of tho U. S.
land olllee at La Grande, I nion count v.
Oregon during tin1 sixty das period of pub
lication hereof, or they will be barred by
virtue of the provMons'ofthe statute
1 1 1'.NItY ItlNKIIAItT,
It Is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of application for a U. S. Patent be
publish) d lor a period of sixty days (ten
consecutive weeks) in the Oi;i:ion Scorr, a
weekly newspaper published at Union, in
Unioii county, Oregon.
1 1 i:UY KlNKHAKT,
.r)-7-wl(l ltegister.
Annlietition for a U.
S. Patent. Survey
Mineral applictitioil
No. 8 Claim No. 3S.
No. Mi.
1'. S. h.vjii) Oi'i iri:, h.v OitANDi:, Oi:.)
May -1, 1SS7. $
Notice Is hereby given that 10. 10. Clough
j and C U. Duncan, whose post ollice ad
dress is .sparta. Union county. Oregon, have
this day hied their application for a patent
I for the "Summit" quarlz mine, situated in
tho fourth nuneraldistrict in Township 7
S ISange -13 10 Willamette meridian, and de
' scribed bv the ollioinl plats and field notes
j on tile in'thls olllee, as follows, to wit :
I'.eginning at a point at the south west
corner of the claim from which, the coiner
to sections J,3. 10 and 11 T
S It 13 10. bears
SL'ldeg r8 mill W 1(10 feet distant; the
post being marked "Cor No 1 S M C Sur No
8;" running thence S 8.' deg 10 ."'() feet to a
post marked Cor No -'SMC s'urNoS;"
thence north 8 deg M i;!.'(i leCt to a post
in. liked "Cor No 3 S M C .S'lir No S;" thence
north 82 deg W 3.10 feet to a post marked
' 'or No 4 S M CSur NoS;" thence S 8 deg
W I33il feet to the place of beginning, and
containing 10 71 acres. Location being re
corded in Vol D, page 318 iccords of quart,
locations, I'nion county, Oregon. Adjoin
ing claims are the "Gofdta Kanle" ouarlz
lode on the west, and the 'North Star lode
on the north. .
Any and all persons claiming adversely
anv portion of said 'Suniinit" quartz lode
ibove described, are reuuired to tile their
iuhersccluim with the register of the U.S.
laud olllee at La Grnndc, Union county.
Oregon, during the sixty days period of pub
lic;! Ion hereof, or they will be barred by
virtue of the piovisions of the statute.
Tt is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of application lor a U.S. Patent he
published tor a period of sixty days (ten
consecutive weeks) in the Ohkoox Si'Oi'T, a
weekly newspaper published at Union, in
Unioii county, Oregon.
lir.XKY ltlXKllAHT,
ft-7-wlO ltegister.
Land OrncK, at Lv, OhkuonI
April lit. 1S-S7. t"
Notice Is hereby given that tho following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in suiiport of his
claim, and that said proof will tie made be
fore the Uegisierand Hcc'iver at l.a Grande
,rV'ii V.'.-? "V. 17V.!,V ' .VnC vMi
n''-tl' U,V, "v . ,or H'e 4 " '
s.0(,'); 1 P- h 's-, l!' il h- u M- lie names
the folluwini: witnesses to prove his contiii
oils residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, lz. Luther Lloyd, Caleb Moxley,
Selhy I.eep, and James V. Leep, all of Pine
Valley, Union county, 'regno
Hi:.miy KixuiiMiT,
l-'ill-wO. Kegistor.
La.m Okhck at L Gkxhe, Oiawx.l
April 187. I
Notice is hereby itiven that the following
niuiied settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make Hnnl proof in support of his
claim, and that said pront' will he made
before tho ltcKUtcr and Keeelver at La
Grande, Oregon, on June '.'7th.. l&s" viz;
JOHN O. Mil KALSON, Hd No. .1kS. for
the N10W tW Tp'J N it 40 K. He n:uiie
the following witueiises to proio his oon
tluuoiPi rtvtldeneo upnn, nnd cultivation of,
siiid land, via: S. 11. MePhenUrs, of La
(inutile, On'tjon: .luliu Mlliott. John llarnes
and W. T. Hurt ley" or Kluhi, Oreuoti.
llusitv Kimmunt,
4.f-fl HegUter.
Application for U. S
r. Claim No, 41.
Pnlpiit. Snrvrv Nn
Mineral application
u. 81.
U. S. LaxdOitice. La Or.xpi'., Onroox.i
March I. H87. I
Notice, is hereby given that the Orepui
Gold Mining Company, of Louisville, Ken
tucky, by Joseph Luce, their attorney,
whose pnstoflicc address is Cornucopia, Un
ion county, Oregon, has this day filed their
application for a patent for fifteen' hun
dred lineal feet on the "lOagle" quartz
lode, bearing gold and silver; the same
bring HPOfeett-outh-west and 10 feet North
cast from discovery shaft thereon, with sur
face ground (!00 feet in width, situate in
Granite mining district, Union county,
Oregon, anil described by the ollicial pliit
and Held notes on file in'thls olllee, as fol
lows, viz:
licginnim; at a point N 31 deg. 10 lain.
West and 1132 feet distant fiom the quarter
section corner between Sees. '27 and 4. Tp
(! S. If: ngi 41 E Willamette merldl n. nt
whlel po . t Is a post marked corner No 1,
10. M v . survey No. 5; thence South 71 deg.
Admin. Ma-'t fit'lfl feet to post corner No '2;
thence North 18 deg. 01 mill. Mast l.Vfl feet
to post orner No. .1; thence North 71 d g.
."(! inln. West (100 feet to post corner No. 4;
thence South is deg 01 mill. West 1.100 feet
to post comer No. 1, and the place of be
ginning, containing SO 01 acres, and torm
ing a portion of iho South-east V4' and tho
Sollth-we-t ys of Section 1!" in Township 0
South of I!ange4.1 Mast Willamette metidi
Hi) ; said location being recorded in Vol, 0
pag"lL'0of the records of Union cunitv,
O.cgon. Adjoining claiments on tills lode
arc tho "Creek4' lode on the Noith.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
any, portion of said "Magle" quart
nii'neor claim above described, are required
to file their adverse claims with the ltegis
ter of the U. S. Land Ollice at La Grande,
Union county. Oregon, during the sixty
days period of publication hereof, or they
will be barred by virtue of the provisions o'f
the statute. llnxr.v IIiniuiaiit,
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of application for a U. S, patunt be
published lor a period of 00 days (ten con
secutive weeks in the Okkuon Sci;ct. a
weekly newspaper published at Union, in
Union county. Oregon
lln.vuv ltixrai kt,
marli!-wi(). ltegister.
Application for a U. S. Patent.
4. Claim No. 40. Mineral
No. H'2.
Survey No.
U. S. LA.snOri-icK La Giunim:, Oitr.oov, I
March 4, 18S7. J
Notice is hereby given that the Oregon
Gold Mining 'otnpany, of Louisville, Ken
tucky, by Joseph Luce, their attorney,
whose postollicc address is Cornucopia, Un
ion county. Or., have this day filed their ap
plication for a patent for (ifteeu hundred
lineal feet on the "Creek" quartz lode,
bearit'g gold .and silver; the same being
ID feet .south-west and 1400 feet No. lh-ea- t
from discovery shaft thereon, with s,,if.!ec
g:uml HOI feet in width, situate in the
Granite mining district. Union county, Or-
I egon, and described by tho ollicial plat
and held notes now on tile in this ollice, as
follows, viz:
lieginning nt a point from which the
quarti r section corner between Sees. U7 and
and 31 Tp. 0 S. II 4.1 10. bears.S. Odeg. lilmin
10 C2 0 feet, mai ked Jiy a post .1 feet long,
maiked coiner No. 1, C. M. C. survey No. 4,
on North-east face of post; thence Si.' 71 de'.
.'(! mill. 10 (!00 feet to pot corner No '2;
ihenee N 18 deg 01 min. 10 MOO feet to post
corner No. 3: thence N 71 deg. .'.I! min. W
000 feet to post corner No. 4; thence S is
deg. 01 mill. W 1.100 feet to post corner No.
1, and the olac" of beginning, containing
L'O.Wi acres," and fotniinga portion of the
North-east i of Section '21 in Tow nship I!
South of Range 4,1 Mast Willamette meridi
an ; said location helm recorded in Vol.1!,
pane li'il of the records of Union county.
Oregon. Adjoining claimants on this lode
me the "Magle" quart. lod on the South.
Any and all persons claiming adver. ely
any portion of said "Creek" quart mine or
cia'iiu above described, are required to file
theiradverse claim with the Register of tho
IT. S. Land Ollice at l.a Grande, Union
county. Oregon, during tho sixty days peri
od ot' publication hereof, or they will be
barred by virtue of the provisions of the
statute. JIknky RixriiAKT.
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of application for a U.S. Patent be
published for a period of CO days (ten con
sccutive weeks) in the Oltr.uoN Scoi t, a
weekly newspaper published at l nion, m
Union county, Oregon.
Ilicvuv P.i.snii ht,
MarlU-wlO. Register.
Apjilieation for a U. I'atent
No. . Claim No. -1. Mineral
tion No. Kit.
U. .S. L v.mi Ornci: La (iitA.vni:. Oi:i:oon.
4 March I. 1Ss7.
Notice is hereby given that the Oregon
Ciohl Mining Conipany, o' Louisville, Ken
tucky, by Joseph I. uce their attorney,
whose poidnllico address is Cornucopia, Un
ion county, Oregon, have this day filed their
application for a patent for the "Annex'
placer mine, situated in (iranite mining dis
trict, Union county, Oregon, and dtseilhed
by the ollicial plat's and Held notes on tile
in this nill e, as follows. vU:
llegiu dng from a point 10 00 chains
North of the ', Section corner between Sees.
l!7 and III, Township d South Ranu'e l.l l-'.ist
WULiinette me idinn; thence Noith s7 deg.
00 min Last l.ti.1 chab s to a (l ist iimrked
coiner No. 1, A. 1'. M C. survey No. 0;
thence North S7 drg 0!) min Hast 0 .10 chains
ton post fur witness corner No. '2, maiked
V. C. corner No. '. A. 1'. M. C. survey No.
(I. on North face of post, ami 10 chains to
corner No, '2 in the bed of I'iuc creek, then
North 10 chains to en-tier No .'I: ihenee
South S7 dei; 00 min. West .110 ehains to
corner No. 4; thence South Is deg. 01 min
West 10 S'J chains to eo'iicr post No. 1,
point of' d. parture, containing il.7: acres,
and forming a portion of the .outh east '-4
of Section '2 In Township li South of Ranee
'.1 Hast Willamette meridian; said location
being recorded, in Vol. IC. page 01 of the
records of Ui.lon county, Oregon Adjoin
ing claimants on this loi'lo tire the "Eagle"'
quartz mine on the West.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
any portion of said "Annex" placer mine or
claim above deseribed. are required to tile
their adverse claim with the Register of the
U S. Land Olllee, at La Grande, Union
county, Oregon, during the sixty days peri
od of" publication hereof, or they will hi'
barred by virtue of tho provisions of the
Henry RiNrmirr,
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of application for a U. S. Patent be
published for a period of 00 days (ten con
secutive weeks) In the Oitniio.N scofT, a
weekly newspapoj- published at Union, in
Unioii county, Oregon.
' He-niiy Ri.vkhakt,
niarl'-'-wlO. IteKuter.
Land 0tick at La Oitvxnr, Ohkoon I
April 2, 1S7. I
Notice is hereby given that the following
noiiied settler has tiled notic of his inten
tion to make thiol proof in support uf bin
claim, and that said proof wilt be nude be
foiethe Register and Receiver t LaUinude
Oregon, on June 27lli , IS", Wll
LI AM T. HARTLKY. lid. No. :HT2, for lb
KW SW V W SWV. and SW sl5M Sec.
12 Tp t X IM0 K. He name the follow
ing vitneso to prove his eoo:iiiious rtvi
donee upos, and eultiwt ion of s dd Utt.
viz: John O. MiknUoii. .1. Im J.,ii tl John
lUrnoe and (loorse II t l f lilgln,
OruMQii. IUN'.v Lisn utr,
4-00 Register.
uvjittx li
u u
Mvcry thing Firsi Chis. Tonus Viry Rctifonalle.
Buss to and Ftom the Depot Making Connection with all Trains.
Daily Stage Line to Cove,
Carrying Fast Freight and Passengers.
Leaving Union cve y nffc-tiom and returning in morning, making connection
trains. Fare .10 cents; round t rl j 71 1 cuts.
(hl.M I i'ED.)
Factory, Racine, Wisconsin. Branch. Portland, Oregon.
.V. 1 i. - V
Carriages, Buggies,
Carts, Spring1 Wagons, etc.
mm ii aid hi ins,
MITCHELL & CO., Limited. - 11)2-19., Trout St., Portland, Or.
The Celebrated Kimbail
E, I. Ftiriiii, Apt
Sill IIIIE lid
Keep constantly on hand a large supply ot Parlor and Bed
Room Sets, Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture etc.
UPHOLSTERING Done in the Best. Style.
Lounges. Mattresses, and .ill ' inds of Furniture made to order. Your patronage
solicited. Our pi-ii es are r asonable. - O Main Street Union Oregon.
Dealers In
ml Fmof Us,
mm i
Candies, Nuts ami Fruit4, I'crlorticals, Novels, -etc. etc.
grOi'dGrs from all parts of the country
promptly attended to.
mm m
5 M ! 1 1 1
of and Dealers In
Phaetons Buckboards
I alia Walla,- f . T.
.'-'"V C?-H. . .,.' J . I V
v . -' rr...-.
Hi Mi and Stationery,