The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 14, 1887, Image 5

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    fame iiium.-uiiiM'W'''''J-"1't jmjjuimjnt . j,u.mimu mi
The Oregon S'-outhnsas large a circu
lation as on ;i three papers in this sre-
Hon of the State, ennthin-d, and is cor
responding!; valuable as an advertising
Saturday, May 14th., ISvST.
Union and Vicinity.
New comers every day.
School closed yostorilny.
Joe Wrights tinshop now sports its
sign nguin.
Mr. E. II. Lowis' now residence is
rapidly approaching completion.
We learn tlmt fruit was notniuih in
jured by the frost, everul night since.
Salmon i.s heinj; i-hipped from the
Coluinltia river to this place. They
are very line.'
Rwackhamer S: Smith shipped two
l canoau.s 01 norses to me Denver nnir-
ket, Tuesday.
J. Q. Shirley had an immotiso wood
i en tank built for his windmill on his
place below town.
The Odd Fellows have placed a very
neat lamp at the foot of the stairway
leading to their hall.
The Union base ball nine play the
North Powder club, Sunday afternoon,
at the latter place.
.lohn l.avery, of Malheur Agency, is
in Union for the purpose of buying
horses toshipto lCastern Kansas.
Mrs, A. F. Henson is now engaged
in dressmaking, and ladies desiring
anything in that line should call on
.Joe Wright, the tinner, constructed
a very large water tank for Mr. Gum
Warren. It is made out of galvanized
Work has been commenced on the
stone work for Atty. Dell's new house.
The frame work will be commenced in
I a few more days.
V The lease of the (). K. it N. Co. to the
Union I'acilie, gives general satisfact
ion to the people- of Oregon ami Wash
ington territory.
Quito a number of men with their
blankets strapped on their backs, pass
ed through town this week, bound for
the Pine creek mines.
1 lowland it Wilson arc enlarging
their cabinet shop, their business in
creasing to such an extent that addi
tional room is required.
Several Cornucopiaites wore in town
during the week, and report times im
proving, with bright prospects for live
ly times this summer.
Old residents of this place, who leave
i it to better their condition, generally
' find their way back and settle them
selves down contented with Union.
The Democrat of linker City has
. changed hands., Mrs. B. O.Hiepporil re-
tiring, and Bowen, Small ifc.Cw. taking
charge. Two more men now arc burgu
lar proof.
The parties who purchased the I log
cm mines are talking of establish
ing a post ofiice at that "point. Dele
tions will be circulated for a mail route
from Union to Cornucopia.
The sun, Tuesday evening shed its
lat lingering ray upon the clouds in
such a manner as to make a reflected
shade of mellow pink over Union, mak
ing the city present a very handsome
The railroad commission met in
Portland the !)th hist. Their next
meeting will be held at some Eastern Or
egon point. What tbo result of this
i hoard will be for the good of the people
of the State, time will toll.
Tim Hoard of School directors for
Union district have selected Prof.
Owen, Principle of the Union school,
and Miss Mary Kennedy as teacher in
the second primary, for the next school
year. The other departments have
not yet been filled.
Nearly MO men and boys were en
tombed by the explosion of a coal mine
at Nanaimo, last week. The mine is
700 feet deep, and has many chambers
running in various directions. The
after. damp rendered it absolutely ini
pOKsible to descend as death would be
the immediate result.
The Corvallis Chronicle is saying
some very unsavory things about the
management of tbo Oregon Pacific rail
road, calling it a bogus load etc. The
road must be on a solid basis brother
Chronicle, It carried tbo state over to
tho fish pond and back. Nothing can
be pafer than such a road.
We understand that a surveying
partv will soon be placed on the Grande
Jtomle and Wallowa railroad line. We
trust this is true, and that tho above
proposed line wiil bo built as fast as
monov and men can build it. The
proposed road will run tluough as
fine a section of country as lies in
Union county, and if built will no
doubt be a paying feeder.
Iloraco Eaton, from tho meadows,
was down during the wcok. lie roports
the snow ncuily gone on the Pino creel;
road as far as "his place. Considerable
timber has fallen aecross the road be
tween hifc place and Bin creek, and be
yond his place, on the Pine creek end,
much more has fallen, lie thinks if
tho roml is cleared out soon, travel will
begin over the road at once.
"Baker City i tho coming city of
the Nurthweot. That i what every one
bays who visits the place" Democrat..
If that is thy cu Portland, Scuttle,
Tacoma, and oven the little burg 6f
San Fituicikco, will iloubtlet be told
out at public auction. But as Bker
City has made definite arrangement!
for all Uh lino of 00011 c travol to
s.lop there, mid all railroad lint to
;mako Unit I Mr toriitinul points, of
course shy knows whoiouf thy eiioakj,
1 .1 a. H . re.
VMI h r riH'l.
Froze ice 1 u wl.iy night.
Considerable sickness nioig child
Two thousand lbs tulphur at Drakes,
oc. ft.
Wool facks !$ cents each, at .L B.
Base ball fever has struck the
Union Itoyg.
Farmers are hopeful of a large yield
of grain this year.
Times lively, around a good fire.
Warm days, tlieso.
Kanchinen! car load of rait almost
given uway, at Drake's.
Some of our citizens are thinking of
engaging in a new business.
The Presbyterians have placed a very
neat street lamp in, front of their church
Union is a good town. We expect
to have the greater portion of the trade
Wikinski Bros., of Portland, are now
the owners of the Dan Moore garden
n I this place.
Tramp, tramp, the tramps went
marching; to did our maishal tramps
in the lead.
Ma'Tiagc license issued this week to
Joseph A. White and Sarah J. White,
of North Powder.
The Presbyterian church of this city
presents a very neat appearance since
it received its new coat of paint.
Contributions to the sutlers of the Na
naiyin mine explo-iou, ure being sent
in from all sections of tho Pacific
Tuesday's East bound freight train
had seven' of its ears loaded with lumber
from the Portland mills and destined
fjr the eastern market.
E. D. Hill will soon arrive with some
more blooded cattle consisting of young
Shorthorns alid llolstein bulls, also a
fine Morgan stallion.
There will be preaching at the Pres
byterian church to-morrow, morning
and evening, by Dev. Connel Cox, late
ly from Chicago, 111.
A third interest of the companion
mine at Cornucopia, Union county Or.,
was sold last Monday, to Mr. Cyrus
T. Whoeltr, of Sacramento, for $i!f00.
Oh ! its awful to be wedded in high life.
Think of L"00 invitations from an Ore
gon girl. Dont get discouraged girls
your turn may come next.
It is quite probable that owing to
the Columbia and Snake rivers rising
at the same time, that Portland will be
well deluged from the back water of the
Deputy Sheriff Newman, of Baker
county claims to have discovered the
hiding place of a band of horse thieves,
who are outlaws from every country,
over on the Snake river.
Wallowa county officials arc all in
the harm ss now and of course that
county goes to church now clad in
.broadcloth, trinicd with gold lace high
heeled boots and a plug hat.
Settling matters between Union and
Wallowa counties has not been an easy
task, as the adjustment seems to hang
iiie, (.wing to the difference of opinions
as to the proper meaning of the "bill.
The Canadian K. I!, is carrying wool
in close bales fiom San Francises to
Boston, at $1."i0 per hundred lbs; Sack
ed wool, ifi.OO. San Francisco mer
chants are shipping over that road.
T. II. Palladay, of New Bridge, Un
ion county, Oregon, requests persons
having business him to direct all
mail matter to him at Baker City, Ba
ker county, Oregon, till further notice.
It is now learned that tho man Bun
nel.of whom mention was made last
week as being found dead in Wallowa
county, came to his death by falling
down' a steep mountain, his head
striking a tree.
See Mr. Corwin C. Coflinbcry's add,
of tho Acme washing machine in
another column. Mr. Coflinbery has
purchased I lie right to manufacture
and soil the Acme, in Union, and Baker
and Wallowa counties,'
Will leave for Portland in a few days
to purchase a fresh supply of drugs and
mediccnes, also the latest novelties in
lire anus. Please oblige me by calling
at once and settling that small ac
count. Jasi-ki: G. Stuvkns.
Everybody suffering witji colds.
There is one consolation, however, they
can be quickly cured by a few doses of
Dr. Bosanko's' Cough and Dung Syrup.
For sale at Jno. T. Wright's drugstore.
Price oOcts. and .f 1,00 bottle.
Baker City and Granite railroad com
pany, tiled articles of incorporation
with the Secretary of State, Tuesday.
The incorporators Are E. II. Ferneld,
A. G. Taber.C F. Hyde, G. H. Tracy,
and 13. II, Mix. Capital stock $.100,-
, 000.
I While tho train transferring a part
i of the W. T. penetontiary convicts was
j near Blalock station two convicts mado
a break for liberty by jumping through
tho car window, ono was ajiot through
the head by a guard tho other made
his oicapo.
Railroad compnios ar preparing
blank eontracU to be filled up by eili-
j tors of newspaper- fur which ;thoiw.tnd
j mile tickets- will given for adverti-e-.
incuts at ceil.tin i.. us or squ.ue. Il
, this goes in.o elf, et, poor Bill Syv w.ll
, not iiieuituro Ue much louder.
Mr. Clm. C. Cotfinb rry, of 0ago, Kaunas, h.. told to his broth
er, Ciiiw.n C. CVllhibe-ry, tho rij;ht to
manufacture unu s H the Acme wan
ing machine and wiin--r in Wallowa,
Union, Baker and Malheur counties,
ahofold to S. V. McFarun, Linn and
Mati n cointit, and J. E. Tuttle,
lii-num lounty.on the same wUnt.
1 will ininiodwlttly go
Jo ro.nuucturiug the JimchiniM and
Will plat them on th market. Tberu
if no question but die AvuO wajhinu
1 mnjhiiiB i the U-it on with.
rntngtnpti t'rrtntnliiK, rrtnrlnnUy, to
tin- I'f-rcgrliintloiM of tho
Wesley White of Wallowa county,
is in town.
J. W. Shclton returned from Salem
F. B, Collins, a Suinnicrvillian, is up
on business.
Several Coveitcs visited Union dur
ing the week.
A sister of Mrs. Frank Benson is in
Union, visiting.
J. K. Norvillc of Sunimerville was in
town during the week.
School sttpt. Hindman, was in this
city during the week.
Several Unionites have gone to Wood
river to spend the summer.
Mrs. Frank Benson is on a visit to
her parents, in Umatilla county.
F. C. Eminerv, is down from Baker
county on a visit to his parents.
Mrs. Boskowitz, of Sununerville, i.s
on a visit to her folks, in this city.
Mr. James Welch, of North Powder,
was in town the fore part of the week.
Commissioner J. A. Rumble, of Wal
lowa county, let for home yesterday
Master Elisha Corbin treated this
office to a line lunch. He khows how
to treat the printers.
Dan. Summer, a merchant of Sum
nicrville. is on a visit to Union, his
family accompanying him.
Ed. O'Connor, one of the railroad
postal clerks, was in town Tuesday,
looking as genial as ever.
Oapt. Ben Strang, a tinner fell from
the roof of a building he was covering
at Astoria, instantly killing him.
Dev. 0. Cox of Indiana, arrived, Tues
day. He will take pastorate charge of
the Presbyterian church of this city.
Columbus Goodspecd will leave for
Pine creek, shortly, We understand
his family will remain here for the pres
ent. Sheriff llenshaw passod down the
road on Monday having in charge
Stephens, an insane man, hound for the
C. O. Coffinberry of the Cove, has re
turned to Union, where he will engage
in the manufacture of the Acme wash
ing machine hereafter.
.Mr Gore has been doing the city in
the interest of the HomeMutal Library
Association, of Chicago. Hois doing a
vury line business here with it.
Mr. S. V. MeFarren has sold his res
idence and property to Mr. Chas. C.
Coffinberry, of Kansas. Mr. MeFarren
will move to the Willamette valley,
soon and engage in business there.
Johny Clark the. enterprising agri
cultural man of Island City was in the
city rushing business in his line. We
like to for got to mention he handed in
yonio "Woody" poetry No acrostic,"
J. B. Sams, of Big creek was in the
city Wcnesday. Says it. snows almost
every day, and that icicles grow luxuri
antly on the bushes along tho creek.
What better country does ono want
than this?
I O. P. Jaycox, of the firm of Foster,
! Javcox it Co. left for Portland, yester
day, where he will make arrangements
for having complete, machinery,
throughout, placed in his flouring mill
at the Cve. Mr. Jaycox is one of tho
enterprising men of the county.
The people of Cornucopia desiro to
secure the services of a thorough lady
teacher for their school at that place,
and ask that application bo made at
once. They will pay $-10. per month
and board. None but tho best teach-
frs need apply. Address, 11. C. War
mer, Cornucopia, Union county, Or.
II 1). Houbert, of Pendleton, who has
carried on the butcher business for sov
eral years, has left for parts unknown,
as the best method of liquidating his
debts, also W. II. Appleton, Into man
ager of Frank Bro's Implement Co. of
the same place, has sought refugo in
other parts. Appleton leaves behind
a wife and three children.
Miss McKinnoy was given a very
pleasant surprise party, Thursday ev
ening at the residence of J. P. Smith.
It was a very enjoyable affair. Miss
Mc Kinney takes her departure for the
Eastern states to-day, accompanied by
her parents, Mr. und Mrs, Baird. Mrs.
Baird and daughter will bo absent
three 'months. Mr. Baird goes as a
delegate to a church conferenco at
Omaha. We wish them a pleasant
Why buy frpm imigrating agents of
whom you know nothing, eitlierof their
responsibility or the eharecter of their
goods, when there are responsible ueal
ersjocatcd near you, who carry full
and complete lines of all farm and mill
machinery and implements, and whoso
success it is for your best interests to
Support with yoar patronage? Frank
iro's. Implement Co, of Island City
request your consideration of their
claim, and refer you to your neighbors
who have had dealings with them. 3
KxultL-iiKint In Twxa.
Great excitement bus been caused in the
vicinity of Paris .Tox.. by tho remarkable
recovery of Mr. J. K. Corley, who was so
liclpluM l o could not turn in bod, or raise
liU head ; everybody said be w.13 dyiiiK of
Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's
New discovery wa nent him. Finding re
lief, he bought a large Iwttlo and a box of
Dr. Kuik'h New Life Pills; by tbo time be
bad taken two hose of I1IU and two bot
tlcif the was well nnd has
gained iu ilaub thirty-fix iwuiid. Trial
iNttilM of Ihto Grout DlMovery for Con
tnuipttQii free "t J.- T. Wright's drug Here.
Social Scintillations.
Business Locals.
Strichninc at Drake's
Meals 2') cent? at the Centennial.
Garden hoes at Jo. Wrights, :?7 l-'J
cent- each.
Steel traps, $2.. V) a dozen at Jo.
Choice garden and flower seeds at
Jones Bro's.
Fifteen pounds of blue vitriol for?l.
at Wright's drug store.
Breaking cait for sale. Enquire of
Dr. D. Y. K. Deering, Union.
Smith's walking gang plow, some
thing new and just the thing. For
Sale by Frank Bros. Implement Co.,
Island' City.
After the first day of may I will de
liver milk, morning and evening, at
five cents a quait till further notice.
N. F. F1CKL1X.
S. B. Ayles. manufacturer of but
ter 1)hitc1s and kegs, ha- alway.- on
hand a good -upply of the be-t quality
and will sell them at reasonable prices
(Jive him a call at hi- shop, south 0
the school Iioum L nion.
The above named store at La Grande,
tl. Anson, proprietor, is the place to
secure bargains. A full and complete
hue of general mercliaiutiso is aiwas
on hand. Hcmonibcr the New York
Store, La Grande.
i.i;tikk 1. 1. st.
Kcnininini; uneiillcd
ollii'O, the month i
for at the Union po-t-inline
Apr. ;), IS.i7.
Itnhingtcii Tliomu
Collins I)an J
Clinton Parley l
Ford Mi.i-McKlli-h
Murray Mrs Lucy
l'liviic"! ' K C
Ho'elic William
KnhcrUou Win
Swi-liiM- V. II
Ahny T It
Hli'vaii" Stcilicii A
Cany C O
Diefv Frank
Darn- i W
Mc lntn-h (i W
l'ottec Ch.itle-IVi-ee
Kowhiiu! .1 W
Klne Luke
IVr-oii- ealliiiR for
plea-o say "aihertie
tir.ii. F. II u.
anv of ties aboc, will
1.. P. M., I num. ur.
1)1 121).
OL1VKH. Sudfiilv. at the reiidcnrc of her
parent-, on Sand Itldu'e. Saturday morn
ing. April .".ith.. iss;. Zella Mabel, infant
daughter of I'.lijah W. and Margaret M
Oliver, aged two years, the months and
six day.
She Is lint dead-the child of our affection,
Hut gone unto that school
Where she no longer meds our poor protec-
And ChrM himself doth rule. tion
le that great eloNter's stillness and socia
lly guardian Anjrcl- led, sion,
Safe from temptation, safe fiom sin's jiolhi
.She lhe, whom we call dead. tlou,
Qicb agaiiL
o o o o o o o o o o I) o o o o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o I) o o o o o o o o o 0
Ladies ai-c especially invitod
to call and examine prices and
I t.iko pleasure In announcing that I have
sneured the services of Mr. (5. K. Owen,
late principal of Union public schools, so
well known to vou all. as salesman to assist
me in my rapidly increasing business,
o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o () o o o-o o o o o o o
Which moth and shelf
dolh corrimt. but. bran new
goods, cheaper than dirt.
Cornucopia, Union county, Or.
R. E. WAIUNNEU, - - Prop'r.
The only first e'uss house In tlm camp.
No pain spared to inuke gnosis comforta
ble. Charges Reasonable.
Land Oi-fick at La Gkandk, Ocs.)
May 10, 1887. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler litis lllnl notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, ami that said proof will bo made bo
lero the Itoidbtcruiid KeccIvcJiit Latlraiide,
Oregon, on Juno 'JM. 1887, viz- T. N.
I'HUKFIT. I). S. No. OHM, for tho NK of HV
y. and HW'M of SWM Sc! 0 T h H H i . and
NLW of Sh. hec 1 T8 S It W K W M. lie
names the following witnesses to provo his
continuous re.iidonco ufon, and cnltivation
of, said land, viz. Kclby beep. J. IL Tuba
sing, M. Hloom, snd .M.f-cott, all of Pino
Valley, Union county, O cgon.
JHiNar HisintAiiT,
5-11-wO HeglhUr.
Land Okficbat La GiiXniu:, OonJ
May 10, 1887. )
Notice Is hereby given that tho follotvlng
named settler has tiled notu e of his inten
tion to make limit proof In support of his
cluhn, and ihat said pp of w.ll m mado be
fine tl.o Itogibterand Itoeelverai Luliraiidc.
Ore.-nii, on Juno 21. LW, vU SBI.IJV
LLKI'. I S. No. 0178 for the went hlf. of
nonU-wot or. face 7 T 8 S h -10 K.and east
hlf. of noitli-eiiHt r.See!2 T8S it 15 K WM.
lie naiin n the fol ov ng TitiiP-es to prove
Ids eoiit.imouH residouce upon, ami culti
vation of, said land, viz : J. II TubeahiB.
M. Bloom, M. Scott, and T. N. I'rollit, all
of Pine Valley, Union uiiuity. Oregon.
fi-lt-wO. JUtjUter.
For 30 W
Having bonght tho Saunders stoclc of
goods, v'ill continue to sell at
ggrA full line of Groceries just received.
Gran. Sugar, 12 lbs..
Extra C ,. 11 . .
Yellow C 1(!
Bc.-t Con'cc, .5
Best Tea, 2
Pickcls, o gal kegs
Price's C. V. P.. t?oap, box.
Kirk's Soap, box
Kice. I I lbs
Starch, (! ,,
Blueing, 2 boxes
Ovstets, 211. cans, "i for . . .
in- " i .. .
Sardines, French, 2 boxes
.$1.00 (
. 100
. 1.00
. 1.00
. 1.00
. l.7f
. l.iiO
. 1.2o
. .('.
. .2f
. 1.00
Cove Straight Grade Flour at. 83.50 per.
barrel; 5 barrel lots at 3.25.
Drake's New
I will duplicate the prices of any mer
chants in Union.
r AM UICUETO STAVaii(i;i)ON'T HLiUFF Worth a Cent.
Bice, 15 lbs if I 00
Codec, fi lbs 1 00
Collce, browned, -1 lbs 1 00
Brooms, .'1 1 00
Ivorv soil), 10 cakes 1 00
Dried apples, 7 lbs : I 00
Dried plums, 7 lbs 1 00
Prunes, 7 lbs 1 00
Soda, 12 lbs.-. I 00
Best tea, .'! lbs 1 00
Lye, 10 cans 1 00
Axlo grciiFC, cans f0
Only Union Holler Mills flour for sale. Eest
in market, at prices to suit all.
Boots ai Slioes, Cloii ani Bit Hoods
Coming now from the Ka-t, to Drake's Cash Store.
Herman Waldeck's,
Fine Line of Dress (roofls, riiigliains, Lawns,
Fine Aftooitmeut of
Corsets, Hosiery, Laces, and Embroideries.
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Mens, Youths and Boys' Clothing, Hats,
Caps, etc., etc.
All kinds of produce bought and sold.
W. D. BEIDLEMAN, Proprietor. '
Keeps coiiHtantly on hum! a full uHsortnient of everything in hU line, manufactured
of the Lest material obtainable. He i now oft'ering for sale the
Best lot of saddles, at lower prices than were
ever offered in Eastern Oregon,
LEAD HARNESS from to S.'JO. por set. IIOIiSE
BLANKETS $1,525 each. CUItltY COMBS 12 c.
OIL. Ltc, Ya k., Ic., In fact everything' iisually kept In a
First Class Establishment.
0"Call and e.xatulnc Koodn. O Muln Streott Union, Oregon.
Blackberries, f) cans if 1.00
Peaches, tabic, ! cans 1.00
pie o 1.00
Aborted pie fruit, cans LOO
Tomatoes, ( cans '1.00
Corn, li 1.00
Candles, 12 for 2o
(hackers, lolbs LOO
Prunes, German 10 lbs 1.00
Matches, -I pkgs 25
Lye, American, 10 cans 1.00
Andtnll other goods nt Mim" rate. Tho
nboo prices arc on tirst-elnsi standard
Union, Oregon.
Cherries, fi cans 1 00
Tobacco, 2 lbs 1 00
Codfish, 8 lbs 1 00
Wash tubs 1 00
Matches, 12 pkgs 1 00
Purity temp, 10 cakes 1 00
Thorn's c. w. soap, per box 1 fiO
Koval savon soap, per box 1 fiO
Pickles, per keg 2 00
Starch, 8 lbs I 00
Sardines, 2 cans 2fi
French calf boots -1 50
If ill
- Summerville, Or.
ID 1DIJ ill1.