The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 14, 1887, Image 4

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City and County Official Paper.
Saturrisiy, May MUi., IvSST.
1 1" I iui..itra
XOTIL -r'i!i unable I live our
attention to paper 1 1 i vcc!c, vu
nro indebted lo Prof. Tuttlc for tlio
Editorial mid local work. If offense
ie jzivcii to any one. we surest that
tlio Professor is jrunenilly wandering
around town, nnd easily irot at. In
fact we t-1 1 ;i 1 1 not lie displeased if son c
out! docs take offciiM;, and convince
him ol tlio rcniarkaldy rocky nature of
the average editor's life.
Ji A IL llO.ll LANDS.
Tlio Oregon Hallway & Navigation
Co. own in thin and linker county
nearly tiilOU acre of laud, most of it
lying near North Powder These
, lands are iim-tly covered with siifje
brush, and are dry desert lands. The
company ask for those, lands from $1.
to $10. per acre, owing to location,
payable in' six annual payments. The
company make a very line showing in
their pamphlets how easy ills to buy
these lands at. tho pi Ices asked, and
hnve besides the !aud piircha-od,
a snug little sum left at the expiration
ot six years. I ludeive these sage brush
lands can be cultivated with the same
profit, as the lauds in (irande Uonde
valley known as the Sand Hidge, but
never, as long as such exorbitant pri
ces are asked for the lirst cost of tiiiini
proved land. Kit) acres iit-'?IO. per acre
would cost the buyer d PICO besides the
interests on (he live annul payments so
that, the first cost, of t lie laud yroiihl
exceed S-'ouo. Add to this the co l of
necessary buildings, farm implements
and slock to carry on farming, togeth
er wilb Ihe cost of fencing, seed etc,
al least $-JuW or .;M)00 more making a
total of l..rm nr ?:.000 before the.
ground is in rulliviilimi knocks 1 lit
bottom out of (lie prosperity of those
whom Ihe railroad company would
have you believe to be so prosperous
by buying their valuable (?) lauds.
If the company would olfer their bet
lands at 1. per acre it might be pos
sible. t,o buy tlicni mid improve them.
.Tusl as lollg as Mich price .11 o de
manded tor these lands, just so Jong
will they remain an idle waste of sae
brush, bunging in nothing to the
railroad company, except heavy bills
for the taxes. Much impiiry has been
made in regard to these lands by those
who are anxious to gel them, but Ihe
price for each class of lands m o be
yond the reach of most men who care
for them, and preclude ihe possibility
of making it profitable by inves
ting so much money in ho small
amount of unimproved lauds. We
hope to see the time .shortly when
these lauds will be placed at stieh lig
nres as will justify pirsons in buying
them for the purpose ot cultivation.
Mil 11 OA US
The general belief here in regard to
working the roads Ibis year is that it
will be much heller for us that the
wtirk on the streets ot I'liioii should
be placed upon the roads leading to
th's place. Our streets are in line
condition and have been all winter,
while many of Ihe highways centering
here, need a largo atuounl ot labpr ex
pcuded upon (hem to make them what
they should be good roads. It makes
no differeii'-e to farmers and others
bow good our streets may be, if the
roads leading here are almost impas
sible a portion of (bo time. This is
not the case, however, as tlio roads
leading here, are perhaps belter than
the roads leading into any other town
in I'iiSou county , but we want them
still improved and it can be done
v itlioiit any detriment to our streets
this year. And as the people of this
town are willing to have their road
work placed upon our roads, there
can bo no gd reason why it should
not bo so placed. One of tho bust
things a place can havo Is to Its ap
proaches rood roads (livo us good
roads ami Union will always bo found
us she Is to-day, tho fore most town In
tho county. Again tho pooplo of
Union, and who havo to travel
over tho l'yle canyon road, fool that
Xroutlnjustieo has been done by luring
tho present road ii) tho canyon, usud
tin ii county road, as Midi was not tho
uiidorbtaudlug ot tho pooplo. wiion i
permission was given to chango tho
old road to tho present one. Wo ho
llo vo tho railroad company or the
fontrn-toiR, whichever it may be,
should be compollod to build tho road
where it was: agiced that it should run
if the temporary change was allowed.
"W'o do not bolelvo it policy that wo
should suffer any iucoiivoiiioiico in
order that the railroad company or its
coiiiiaclors should favo inoiioy for
Tlio "Orogon," "Sterling" and bust of
nil tho "Grown Seal" cigars ut Jones
Victoria ami her advisers
have ccrtainlv an eve to business. The
old lady has her heart sel on the Im
perial Institute as the niot lilting
memorial of her jubilee year, and her
agents, presumably not without her
consent, are renoi'lniy; to all sorts
nff.flienif!s to raiso fund. Where heir-
ging will not accomplish the desired
obioct. bulldozing is iitcd. A Tri
dune's recent cable copyught .-ays
that a new sort of pressure is being
tried in behalf of this Imperial Insti
tute. It is now given out that
Knighthood will be withheld from the
mr.vors who have not rnied subscrip
tions for (he Institute. Mnnyof these
functionaries have preferred lo pro
mote local objects in connection with
the jubilee. This is to lie their pun
ishment. rr jut. rjimnLi'.'.t' f vn.i
A mouth of ihe inter-.-tate commerce
law does not seem to increase its pop
ularitv. The aim of Ihe law was o
bcniflt the many at the expense of the
corporatinos. From a brief experience
Ihe law seems to worU lo the benefit of i
a verv few at the expense of many,
and it is as favorable lo the railroads
as though Ihe law had been drawn for
their cxpro-s benefit. The commis
sion is overwhelmed with appeals for
relief from the hardships claimed to
be effected by the law, and Irom the
coiirce so far pur.-iiod by the board the
fourth section is.av be suspended all
over the country. It is a disappoint
ment lo 11 ml a law from which so
much was expedod so complete a fail
ure. Spokane Falls llen'rin
There are live electric headlights in
use on Ihe Cleveland, Akron and Co
lumbus lbiilway, which (lie President
of the road declares make an annual
saving to the conipnuv of not less (ban
$.)(), 000, probably a good deal more,
bv lnevcnlinr: n'ecidents. If Iboe and
olhcr roads were lo adopt some other j
iiiclhod ot healing tlicir cars than by
stoves, il would probably save many
lives in eao of an accident lo a train.
It might, no), be a financial success,
though in a mutter of damages, for
injuries icceiveil. against the compa
nies. It is bad enough to be killed in
a smash up, but it is slid woro to be
burned to death after you are Killed.
Portland Stock Yards Report.
Portland, Or., May 2, 1887.
Market for beef has kept pace with
former weeks and has shown a healthy
trade, largely on account of two heavy
buyer from Victoria making their
pieenco and keei'ing an eye out for
all lol.s of line beef oll'eied, tlio week
clotting with a bare market. In sheep, trade heavy, buyer closed out all
stock olU red ; prices in bogs have not
fluct tinted but very little, an them wan
a good demand b supply local wants;
lamb?, in light receipt and rather loan ;
little doing as yet ; slock ealtle contin
ue to air; vo from Ihe v.dley in iiaual
numbers ; considcr.ible demand for
work oxen; but little doing in wwk
boix's thin wet k. U. A. Fletcher sold
Ift bead of Ilcrefui'dH during the week,
which tlenot.H sonio inquiry in thnt
line. Sto'dc arrival for tho week:
April '2(1 Slot k entile, (iO head;
beef, li!0 bead.
April 27. Hogs, 111 ; lambs, 2-1 ; beef,
(IO; sheep, 1 " 1 ; Durham bulls, 1.
April L'. Oxen, 12 bead; hogs, 110
h cad ; bulls, 10 bond ; cattle, 1110
bead ; stallionx, 1 . '
April 2!). Stock cattle UU1 bead;
sb 'i'ii, 17 lieatl.
Apnl no. Ikei, SO bend; rheep, II2I
bea I.
M.ty 1. Hogs, 78 head; beef, SO
.May 2. Slieep, 120 bund; beef, -10
bead ; bogs, (50 heatl ;
Portland, May 0, 1887.
Prices for beef were quite stoutly the
fore part of the week, as local butcher
bought freely, and hh receipts advan
ced, oulside buyers stepped in and the
marked was maintained, ha the offer-;
ings wero generally fair, (to appearan- i
ces gootl) resulting in closing out all !
stock olfered. Ib-avy supply of sheep I
floated a little uneasincon among sell-
ers, they being generally of good qual
ity met with it fair demand and values ;
remained steady, tonality of lambs i
improving, ami prices firm. Prices in '
hogs were steady and few arrivals.
Little doing in stock cattle. Light
movement in work horses. Uirgo
bands. .
uumlvr of bulls changing
Ignite a number
T. A. Fletcher.
of Hereford sold
Arrival of atock
the week :
Mav II. Beef, () lieadj slicop, 171
I bead.
Mny Ileef, SO bead ; sheep, 120
head; work hordes, 14 bond.
May fi. Sheep, 110 bond; bulls, 10
head ; hoys, all heatl.
May tl. Stock cHttlc, l."l henil i bo(,
80 bond ; sh.vp. 2i2 head; bulla, 16.'
May 7 IM, U0 neudi ebwp, 183
lambs, 7(5 heatl.
MayS. Uevf, 20 beml; lmgn, tt8
heatl ; sheep 111 head.
May U. Oxen, 12 bend; IxMjf, 40
bond; ltwp, Mil Inwl,
(iuotution. llcef, 4 tl 61c gn s;
bogs, ! (A oc msn; been, 1J tj 51 e
grot; lambtf, $a.C0. iMuiket tirut for
fine ntonU.
J. II. utvnim'N,
M singer Pott'Hinl Stock Ynli.
Stock of all kindti Mold on eomnuMioii.
Stock fod, trttiifet rel nd rfhipmd.
Aivouo wi-Jiinii to tnido lionoa ar
enttV for an 01 ome twine Wmler,
will Cud it to their udvntfig to onlloj! I
J M HuyiUHi, in tliit city,
If Englisnmen are getting control of
large tracts of Amoi irinii lands in
Wyoming and Tex, Americans are
playing even by corraling tlio irrig
blc lands on the banks of the Murray
river, in AiMralia, somewhat on the
"desert land act" principle. The
colonial iroverniuciit has donated an
j American colony a large strip of tcrri
torvon condition that the beneficiaries
should learn the Urilons bow lo irri
gate. The Australian papers arc
grumbling about it. Jlwiiclirraxs
Ooldctidale, W T.
I hnvelind tl odiahctcs for tui; ty year.,
lime had ninny physicians pre cribe. for mo
but fulled to pot relict. I tried the Omjttn
Ki'itnri Tin. and the lirt dnc piivcmc rc
lelf. I am now nhno-l well, and would rec
ommend it t any one suffering from thi db-ci-e.
Absokstely Pure-
TliN nowder nevr varic. . marvel of
ptiiitv, slr ii'.'th and lnli soniciicst. .More
i! (inoinli a 111. m the riln:i y kinds, and
cannot -ol.i in cm pet n. on with tlieniul
tililde of low tcs', hli iil weight iiltmin or
nliosphate iioivdei -t. S.ild hv in cni.s. ifov
Ai. ii.vKiNo P-wdi-.i: Co., ID i all Kt.. X. V.
Lamp Supplies,
and Blue Vitriol, !
AT j
C. Greig's Drug!
Store. i
Toilet Articles.
In Larjre Varlett-
:i ti il at cry ltcasiilialile
KBLL8- "
I de-lie to inlm-iii the PllDIi' Ilia' I am
the Mile uncut fortlic eel -or. in o r.. l l-.K-PKISi:
V.1NP Ml I. IS, in I nion cam
tv, and biMle intemlinf; pun hasct's to
eonteand cMtiniiie the on now on e.xhibl
tion at in v place in West Union. 1 am
convinced voti will pronounce it the host
mill now niaiiufacttii-eil. The extremely
ow prices place them within the reach ot
nil. Ciriulrs of wind mills and pumps
sent on application.
a..i. Riitni:.
ilecUii'V' I,
Treasurers Notice.
All county wnrmiPs prcsoiited and
not paid, prior to duly 1st. , 1SS:, will
be rodoeiuod to that date. Interest
conies April. tfOth, 18S7.
Treasurer L'nion I'onnty, Oi .
Fine Ranch For Sale!
Situated 1n Antelopp Valley, , inilufroin
raUrond matiim of Telocuw t. The mncli
eoiindnii SOU ucre of the bt
In Knaiern Oregon. MgooU Iioum hui!
outbuildings. Mtd U Well fewevd q water-
fld. For teti mad price onquhrw of
4ftL UnteUi UrtujiMi.
Hi M &
trV f (Ll 1 1 - f'j&& 1 g.-!E-..i.l -
fMm' ':'': !
mSSmMi yOBBuB III 111
' fk I,
orwin C. Coffinberry, - Manufacturer,
Union, Union
TTnioii. Ore ton, May 11, 1SST. Mr. Cliarlcs 0. Cotr-inlien-y,
on .M iy id. vnlied wall mi Acme
waslihi-' in chiiie at m v hotel, in one hour
and forty-live minute, Hie following named
article-:" Family wa bins, t line lrrt-. -i
pair draweis, uiuier-niit-, i wai-'s, i
anion, - towels, M pair socks I- lcindker
cfiiefs (' collars and 1 yt.dr clifN. Hotel
f?ooiis I t:dile cloths 18 -licet-, III) pillow
cacs and 7U towels 170 pce in all. The
above w.ishiliL' save perfect salisf'ietion.
l'ropiiefor ( eiiteimial lio'el.
t'nion. Oregon. May 1'.'. 1S37.
This is to certify tnat 1 u-ed the A;
me wn-bing niacliinu and wriiifrer, and
thoroiiglily testod it. and am now .-atNlicd
that it is the Let wa-liin' machine now in
n-e. and unhesitatingly iceonimeiid it to
unv person wblihiK a ahlnr inic li'iic 1
am -ati-tit'd that it will do all or more than
is claimed lor it bv Mr. (' lfllnbci ry.
ifflltl TSI n IllliliSllflBiniciyOprSie
Main Street,
Has just Received an Ininiciue Stock
rieasegconipare the following prices
i5l5?li)f Hues
ftji .Axes
:2i Wash
Gnus, Revolvers,
lfJlP?rirefMS scythe
' Melongingto
Must, shall and will bo sold at the loAvest
prices ever known in Eastern Oregon.
Call bM Examine Die Only Complete Stock
Adolph Levy9
in siM m
W 91 VI t.T
' 1 IIP
E. MILLER, - - Proprietor-
Iluvinjr leased und thoroughly relittcd the sump, it will be conducted on an en
tirely diilereni pl.n than heie of.Me, uu I no pains will be spurn! to make patrons com
. toit.iliU'. In conn, e-ion with the tn;e is .ut elegant
j Where the Finest Hrands of
Wines, Liquors and Cigars afe kept con
stantly on hand.
The J?trnaj-9 gf the public fa uoUuiU-l. B. MILLRK, rrorrietor.
County, Oregon.
This is to certify thnt I have .ic-cd the Ac
me washing machine and wringer to do
two large fami'y washings and it gave
me perfect sati-faction, and I think It will
do all that it Is recommended to do.
Union, Or. May 11. K-S7.
Union City lintel. May ilth., ltfS7.
Tills I-to certify that the Aemn wa-iliing
maehinn has done, two un-hing at my ho
tel, and it has given perfect satisfaction,
and I think it will do all that Mr. Cuttlubur
rv uipresent.s It to do.
Union, Oregon, May 10, 1S87.
This is to certify that wc have tested the
Acme washing machine and wringer on
several occasions, and have no hesitancy in
saving that it is the bet machine wc liave
scon. M US. KM M A JON FS,
Union, Oregon,
of New Goods, which be will sell at a
with those of other stores in tho county:
Four tincil Hay Forks 7."e.
,, Manure Forks "oc.
Fork, l'akc, ttnil Hoc handles L'.c.
nutUS'aws T.'ic. Hand .Saws.. 75e.C?$L'.r0.
50c. Sintdcs 7."o
. . 50c. Snaths 87Jc.
:'-'.(. Powder . . .' Mo.
. jiauiiiHir.s iw,
j. , .. II rv.
Hoards 2.ic. Fiiruka Wriinrers
Steel Traps 2.')C.
Towel Itacks 2Tw.
.single trees, ironed $1.00
Neck Yokes l.'-'o.
The Finest Assortment of
III the County.
The Celebrated
and Amunition.
m si i u
It a CM M W
K? -v
Sciatica, Scratches, Contracted
Ltsibago, Sprains, Kascles,
Rhcasiatisn, Strains, Eruptions,
SniWi Etitohss, Koof Ail,
Ss?.!d, EliffJoints, Screw
ftinga, Sackachc, Vorns,
'Clot, Galls, Swinney,
iJrn-lsrs, Sores, Saddle Galls,
Suaioa-, t Spavin Piles.
Cora?, Cracks.
-ecorrtvll'he for everybody esnctlyvrliat Isclolincd
"orl;. Onoof tlio rajoiM forthu Kic-it l"jpularlty ol
'ie ll ir.taii;; T.iulmcnt 1.1 founil In lt iuilvcr.ini
. e',!irsil"il't j. Lvcr-l)C''j'ncisln naeh a :uedlclne.
Tli! .t!tibe!'i:inn nen1 it In case of ncclslcnt.
'i'ii u 1 1 i i! s c y i 1 11 nepU 1 1 for sacral fatally iuso.
'lid ('iiiiiilevrecils II for Ills tennis and his men.
The 'lcuiiaulc netda It alwajs on his woili
Vlio Mlncrnpcisltincft'nof rmerRcncy.
t lie J'iuntiiT licedslt can't net nloni; without n.
I : iirincr needs it la liU house, ht3 Btahle,
f! liif Htool: yard.
;'lie Ptcamljont iiiun oi-tlio IJiiiitinim needs
. llber.'il slipjily n'.lniitnud n'hore.
Tio Iloi-'ic-rnncler needs lt-it is hli best
.'r.diwid safest n-lluneo.
Ti o Slccit-KTinvcv need It It will save, him
inu ,tidj of dollar and a world of trouble.
'.u- Iron it inu-.l needs It and will need It so
as Ll life Is of nccldeatsaud dangers,
ilie laiU'ltivnoitMiimti needs it. There li notlr
It ni nn antidote for tlio dangers to life, .vii! comfort which xurrouad tho pioneer.
The rlpic;uiiii needs Itaboat hl3 sloro mnonf
rinpUiyti'. Aeeldints vIH htippen, and when
cine tke 3!'istant: Llalment Is wanted at once.
.-ln IJollIe liillio H&usc. 'Tls tho best of
(i rev a He'll? i" lln I'netory. Itstmnicdlate
v l'i cue of inLideu: avr . pcla and i.i.i. of wages,
iterf a- ii.ittle -VI wiin in the .Slitble for
.- .n,, M'tltltC'1
Cor. Main and II Sts. - - Union. Oregon,
Sll KK.AI.VN & ItAIJiV, ITojis.
Mamifacttircrs and dealers In Soda Wa
ter, Sarsanarilla. (linger Ale, Cream Soda
and Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or
ders promptly tilled.
City - Meal - Market.
Main Street. Union, Oregon.
Keep constantly on hand
Obtained, anil all l'a'ent llu-incs attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Feci.
Oiirotllee is opposite the I'. S. Patent
Olllce, and we eaii obtain Patents In less
time than those remote front WasoiiiKton.
S.'iid MODKLor Uit WlN(i. We advise,
as to paiitentaliililv free of eharfrc ; and wo
We refer, heiv, to the Postmaster, the
SuiH. of Monev Ordc lMv., and to oliieials
of the P. S. Patent 0;!ire. For circular,
itth ire, terms and i ehV.enecs to atttial cli
ents in your own State or ( utility, write to
C. A. HXOW & Co., .
Opposite Patent Ollirc, W.isiiin::lon, I). O
1 1
The eelele-titeil LnIish drfft stallion,
Ulack Prince, wits Lrousht to tins county
from Cahfornin in Ftliruarv Inst, and will
make the sra-on in 1'nion I'oumy at the fol
li. wins times anil jl.tces: At the Cove,
Tiic-il.-.ysniirt Vetbu-(l.-iys;at I-Illiots stable,
Pnhin.'.Satunhiv; on other days at the Stan
ton ranch, north i f l'nion.
l-'or single service, (10, due at time of ser
vicr; for the season. ?15, due at close of
eaon; to insure, !fi;"i, tine when mare is
known to lie with fold. Mure will he pas
tured at the Stanton much free of charge,
owner taking all risk of accidents. Should
any mare bred to l'.laek Prince be sold, tra
ded or change hands, then the charges for
crvicc shall he due and payable when the
sale, trade or change is effected.
lll.AC'K Plil.M'K was sired by imported
Pluck Prince, tin imported horse from Aus
tralia, and owned in Napa, lie is a pure
hied Kmillsh draft horse. His dam by
Young Kentuek. out of a tilery marc.
Black Prince has made stands for three
.veto's in Sonoma ci iinty, I 'id, and shows
some of the lie-t colts in the State.
For further information inquire of Clause.
(Jnoes, who has charge of the liore.
l'nion, Oregon, April 20th, ICS',
89 fiRK'AQP
nEST IN Bil"W"
It wcnrlnK quality hro unsurpassed, actuallr
outlastliislwotHixescf nnyotliprlirand. rreorrom
VulnialOUu. (JET TIIU UEMJlNt-
roil sAi,n nv
Orccou ouit WnhInctou Tor. Morcbanta
a ud Dealers itrnerullr.