WOMAN AND HOME. THE FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE OF WOMAN WORTH WINNING. Cleanllncwt nnd It Virtues ltiilc for Family I'ence A Womnn'n Good Urno' lutloiitt Interior Decoration Children. Itllcbcn Hint 'ot- anil Item. My brother, it is said, and I ljelievc it to bo In many cases true, that men do not read women readily; do not understand their reii characters oven though those characters may ha Keen by other women. Now, let mo give you nn infallible rule, ono which you can apply in every caso nnd never bo disappointed In llo rowulls. It fs simply this: When you onnw into tho presenco of a woman whom yon nre meeting for tho first timo noto tut imprcEnion sho makes on your mind. If sh reminds you nt onco of your box and her owe by look, word or act, let her alone, for her inlluonre will degrade you. Hho may please your oyo by hrr beauty, your ear by her olce, Hatter you by her words and manner, hut sho will never bo n truo friend to you. Klio studies to plenso and expects you tc please in rcliini. Sim has' no thought nbov present pl-amiro and no caro for anything but self. She will never uplift you beyond your propoiit piano nor incito you to deeds of honor. She must livo out lier organization mid by mirroring b: mado to km tho truo aim , of lifn before hhe can bo to you in any respect what u woman should bo to n man n guide ta draw him up, not down; n friend whom 1m can safely trust and honor, and, pcr cJi.mcc, oven lovo. If, on tho oth-r hand, you meet a woman wlxwt proscnoo brings no thought of sex into your mind, who brings out your best thoughts, nnd gives you hers in return, whoso manner encotunges no ignoble deed or word, who ivipectHhem-ir, and involuntarily calk out your respect for her, mako that woman vonr fr end. no matter wnni may no licr ago or social position, no matter if 6hc Imi poorly drowsed and plain featured nnd one not calculated to make n show in tho world .if fmdilnn: hho has a roul Idled with good, nnd her thought arotlio forerunners of good deeds, and sho will provo a source ol con stant inspiration to you that will draw you to higher planes of development and tend to inako vou tho man you otigut 10 i. aiwi ftncndlii? mi hour with such a woman you leave her feeling more manly, more erect morally nnd physically, and though you may not havo tho thought clearly formed in your mind, yet you nro conscious that tho time spent in her company win spent wisely. Vou nro awam that her Inlhumcu L'l elevating nnd roflnini: nnd vou feel your b-tter nature reusing into action. You fool uxihamed of your tnlsdondi nnd winli yourself better than you arc, and resolve to unko yourself more worthy of her regard. Kvili thnt you have wstrco noticed baforo yo l aro hardly willing to tolerate, new desires awako and you hrentho for n tlmo a now, purer atmosphere. When you find a woman who produces lhme or similar impressions on you, ultiva'e her nenualutanen; sho will do you good. Her Influence will bo ennobling, not degrad ing. Kho will never drag u man down, but raise hl-n to n h!.;hrr 1 -v 1 nnd bring out In stromr rolK all tho crawl nobility of man hood that in in him, awl the strength and tmrilr of his highest awl best gifts. Tho friendship nwl lovn of a woman of this Hojm is worth winning, my brother; and happy is ho who can call such n woman his friend, and doubly bliwdin ho who can win her for bin life companion. Association with her will be on a plane far abovo ec!HhIi pas sion, and round out tho life into harmonious ooiupletcmm that not only Inlhicnees tho in dividual but nil who come, in contact with him. Cor. Christian ltegister. C:li'iiillllli' Ih Next to (loillliipit. 1 bavoKeen tho women of many nations." remarked an old gentleman to a reporter tho othor day, "both in society and at home, nnd I confess with prldothnt I think Amerl can women, ns -i rule, nio tho neatest the world over. Have you ever lived in u vil In mid noted tho fastidious habits of tin belles, who nro perhaps more particular about tholr np.-iearauce than they would Ik i:i n largo city, becniwu they know every body knows them, and because they canno go down the h'.rect without b 'lug scrutinized oJrooly bv wHU 'iidinirer!1 1 imvo Known vii latro maidens lor having married awl set tied down In n great city take advantage of t!io wlldonies. of houses and i.trungo ineoh nnd no about i i such slatternly uttiro list hoy would unur I ivu assumed in their nntlvu a i'.laio, but i "tw cases nro rare. 'You take i. girl who is neat at homo and r.he will bo .. -:t every where else. If hhe wears a clean calico in tho morning sho will wour n MtotlcHH inerHo In tho niiornoon. If iV.io Winn's a e'.oun collar in the morning she will replace it with a fresher ono inthoovon iiii, and w) on "Tho habit of nontnewor its opposite Isan hitorobtlng study in women, flio character istie naturally oxisUi just tho samo in men but the circumstance-i governln:; their Hvib jire Hiio.i ns do not living out this phnso in Mich pronounced lankion. 1 don t ('ouln that Horn.) of th civaloat uluttorns on ivirth iro men, but they mv Hcldoui fouud out, you hnow. If you iu Hiililelently iutimuto with n nentlemau to gain neceea to Ills apartment vou will Hoon Iwvo n very oscollent method rtf ju Icinir of his habits, if you llnd his brushes full of bnlr mvl lint, his towels awl nolled clotura lilc;ing about overywheiv, with n bawl of dirty water always on his wmlistand, you may easily judge that l.o will go out lu t.' s'lv.'t with givasn spots on 1 i ; clothe rn 1 lull honed linen on, 'Now, brtv.wnyou nn.l ine, I ilotiHt dirty jipoplo. Tfcew in w.ntlilii!j as repulsive jthout untidy hnbiU to me na (hero U in real vrickttdnim. I don t thlnlt you ciu bn rootl man or a Kd wom in without loKk'K.i'.i.'; thoroughly clean puroounl hsbitti, and I Mill Htiek to it until my dying day. They tell mo I ini a vmuli on this mib.ort. 1 don't ijnro whothor 1 am or not," Denver Trib uuo. ituliw for 1'iiinlly I'l'itic Wo may 1k ipilto Miro tliat our will is likely lo Ik ctMUMoii to-ilay, so piviwi-o for it ICveryliody in tho houso luu an evil naturo lis well iui ouwlviw, awl, thervfoiv, wo aro not to osiicct too much '!' loumlho dltforeut tuniwrof each iudi viiluul. Wlxin any gwxl happens to any ono to ro jolco nt It, Whon Inelliuxl to give nn angry niuwur to count tou If from sIokuosH, pnlu or infirmity wo feel Irrllnblo to koop n vwy btriot wutch ovur oursolve, To obssrvo when others aro no suffering nwl ilrop n woni or kinautw imtl yinimtuy Hultod to Ibctr wsiitc, To watoli far little opportunities of los ing nnd to put llttlo imiioaucen out of tho wy. To tftke n olierul vltw of ovorythiuyr, tu all llttlo plenwiriw wiiioh iuy occur to nut ml lMt To try for the wtt iniiwer that "ttmitih away wrntu. YUw w Imve lwoti indued bv nn urklnd word or tlmxl to lub oun Ivi: "li xoluut often ilono tho smiiw thing ttnd b en for- dvenv ' In cnnv. rsatiou not to er.altounlvfl M to urlna othiiu fomuiu To bo very gcntlo with the younger one nnd treat them with respect, remembering thnt wo wcro onco young. Novcr to jndgo ono another, but to at tribute a good motive when wo can. To comparo our manifold blessings witli tho trifling annoyances of tho day. Itennlntlnn for n 'Woman. Never for one day to neglect hair, teeth or nails. Never to wear a garment spotted or with a holo in it If in any way avoidable. Novcr to corao down to breakfast other than as fresh as a bath and goal temper will admit. If too ill to bo sweet or to drcst carefully, to stay out of sight. Novcr to appear st dinner without dis tinctly showing it is dinner and worthy of sotno distinction. Novcr to forgot to r.how in dress, body or manners that 1 am glad to bo a woman. Novcr to run down men or get c.tcitcd about tho wrongs of our tw, Never to sulk, or whine, or nag th three greatest failings of womankind. Nevcr.'if jiossiblc, to scold husband or brother or other masculino attachments; but if it can't be helped, to scold quick and rea sonably and havo that tho end of it. Nover to forget, if dependent on husband or any ono else for oven tho most loving sup port, that tho loast return is loro and cart and n certain amount of forgiveness. Novcr to mnko n womar. lialanco on the edgo of a horso car scat when by moving thrco inches sho might havo comfort. Nover to elbow a woman out of tho way, bo tho old, young, rich or poor. If anxioui to go ahead, say "p!ea.e, To answer letters. To keep appointments. And last and most enduring resolution ( nil In wear no hats nt tlio tlicatrc. -NOW York Graphic, Interior Jl.Torntlonn. Horticulturists aro positively besieged for lmiidMimn itacds of exotic ami nntivo plants to 1k, worked in with embroidered flowers , or ,. . ,1 v s nual bands or screens, or to uccn tho covers of card boxen, etc. lor attach ment n flno drilled holo for tho passage of tho nccdlo passes through th ir axes. Among choico knlckimaexs lor nouuoir and similar uso aro imall cabinets witn masking doors infido of doors subtloliea of ninftsinaiishin with interior arrangemcnU concealed, tho whole of accurate and refined execution. A uicturonnue card case consists or an open ildod net. witli tho mo ld of n fisherman in compo holding nji ono end. Tho net would seem to In sutllciently capacious for any of tho leaders of wciety. A lantern of tinoftagonaI in rorm and jeweled, bhowit tho dial of iv clod: on ono of iti Bides. Suspended in iv darkened corner nwl with tho fneo of tho clock shining in tho mum of tho colored roundlets it presents n pn rev effect. Half dozen Frtsot elegantly uccoraicu ciu3 and saucers, in tat in cushioned case, are now pnm nosed of thrco nattcnis. Vor vari ous disliffl on stands, surh as tureens and nance holders thick, Hat beveled edges awl sunken centers havo bosn introduced. As a reccotaclo for Jewelry or other arti cles of beauty and vnluo u a nest of four cabinets sot in framo of beautifully carved tortoiso shell, each lu -a different stylo ot lacnuor work and ornamented with rock crystal cut in fantastic forms. V.'blto Underwear floltiB Out. Tho following notes on dress aro furnished mobyaladyi Whilo many a Frenchwoman of tho well-to-do bourgeois clasgoesto mar ket herself in order to savo a fow sous on the prico of her comestibles, sho is often regard lens of tho expense of her whito petticoats. The whito petticoat is ratlior acostiy anicie, becauNO it nnit always bn spotlessly ciean. A I'rcnch lady, nnd abovo nil n 1'nrisienne, would as soon think of wearing ono soiled as sho would think of being seen with a holo in her stocking or with boots down at heel, in such matters tho Trench aro essentially par ticular, nnd in this respect they set an ex ample to many wealthy and well dressed daughters of Albion owl ot America, who, even when in Tnris, nro not always irre proachably gloved and booted. To return to the wiuto peuicoai, u una held its ground in France, whilo in romu oilier countries it has of lata years been nl- mo driven from rronernl uso. et even in this matter of the whito petticoat fashion is luiiiiuding f reach ladies to Iw iienccroiin too conservative. They aro told that, ct any rnto during tho coming winter, they aro to wear colored s'.ilrts. except for full evemnj dress nnd for toilettes do ville. In short, uwlerlinen generally h undergoing modifi cation!!, and night draws of colored cambric etlcct the taslo of many foremost women ot fnshion. Nay, moro, pure whito H no longer excliHiivcly used for luby toilets, Iloston Transcript, Mint lor tlio Klt.'lM'ii. WheiiMovo nwl f.hoo blacking brushes get so worn nt their scrubbing cwl as to b uso- leas, remove the brush from the handle, ro verso it and taeknguln iu pluco, securing th t wo thirds worn buwi another term of serv ice. 'In it iKitato little or iwtnto big to-day?" I overheard a young girl iuk her mother as tin- clock struck 11. 'cither, child, but middle sized potato day," nwl umbo little helper clattered down tho cellar r.tnlrs with tier pan, I mid: "Whatover do vou mean? With your largo crow of workmen for which jou must pre pare meals, I should think all your das would Im potato dinner ilnye. fki they are,' was lier iiulek reply, "but wo havo learned to avoid waste in their cooking by lolling different gtes consecutive tluys. l'ormeily wo wvuM lioil a lurgo din tier jKit or pott'.toMi tor i acn noon r.jeai, giV' In'; llttlo attention to t'icir !. In conno quenw the wna'.ler mun would bj overdone, a wato of Hoveral bushels t: iMiiguouttuoyear, Hut nowadays wo keep the )otato heap plckeil clean ns wo go, a dinner pot of uninll ones wholly one day, large, may b. rotten hearted old fellows thoiuMtiuul middlo bUea IKitntoes nuother iky. t-'ine adopting thii pkiu our boillir; initatoos aro nearly all dona at tho suum instant, and uono como from tho kcttlo half raw nnd other mushed for tho swill barrel. Lnilieb' Homo Journal. Killer Not Into This Tciiiititlnn. There nro two givat tomptntions to which iv onreful lionsekiH'per is liable. Ono is to fill har servant' hands wi full witli tho l-egular work that when oxtmiixiuircmenU come, ai in time of company or iline or homo clean ing, slut Ueinclf iimtt Im thtiouo to fulfill tueiii. Tho othor l wiwrevci' ao nee in capacity in any department of tho work to nuikountlw aenclvHey by tier own cijorts, In thin wav Mie will accumulate a variety of tnaka, aueli th' o iro of favorito lampn, tha diMtlniz i f lu lo-a-br.tc, thj itavorintr of cu- tarua caul mixing or Aiaa, not to &k or tha packlus of lunches and arrair-lna of truys for invalid, which U n rreat comfort to lu-rmar ami otucm to uavo uouo wuu nicety. Hut if ibo does not limit Uer ilcclnw in this ilirectiou thctj task will rnrtainJ? tn :u !i uihni tho time and stwugth ix'quiml for ovom.'jtit and i laiiuin;!, not it ;vKk ol nsjt, an 1 the coubtaut occur iwnco of th UN-foi-x :i wilt litool away tho mnaiilr. H. U. Ueaaott in Uood llouaokocpiug. Oitl Oiiulre aiatto llMHiMltal. I mw u THt foudMNB mrI HUtM( for fixing up old chairs nnd making them even moro comfortable to sit in than when they wcro new. I nail straps of strong, coarco cloth over tho framo to form tho scat, cover this with enrpet, lxrand neatly, and if desir blo put a cushion on it. (Strips of tin may lio nailed over weak places to strengthen vheni. I havo just flxtxi up an old rocking clialr, of which tho woven seat and baerf wcro all gone, so that it is both comfortablo nnd pleasant to look at. Aftor putting In tho back and scat as alwve described, I made a cushion for both back and seat of corn huiks, then covered chair, frame and all, with crctonno nnd put a pretty tidy on it. It stniids in tho bay window and is admired by overybpdy that sees it. It costs only tne crctonno and tacks. Cor. New York Trib- A I.lfo Not to l!o i:nvleil. To bo n belle, with all it implief, is r?allj arduous. It menns dovotion to everybody nnd everything except ono's self, with no quiet moments; it moans to live in tho glare of public life, to havo every action noticed nnd criticised. No wonder tho term "professional beauty camo up in London! It it n most difilcult "profession" to follow, to bo alwnysat ono's best, never to obtrudo private griefs or joys, to ba always unruffled. ifow few who nre really beautiful are capablo of being io professionally; in other words, of really making a business of it. And then tho constant dread of eclipse, nov.-er nnd vounccr beauties aro coming upon tho sccno ovcry day, and tho hoydoy of an attrae'Jvo woman is as short as tho lifo of a butterfly. Hartford Courant. Trouble with 1'rofrnslonal Nnrsr. Tho professed nurro is npt to havo a will ot her own, and in caso of sicknoss to set oven tlio doctor at defiance. Columns might bo filled with instances of their fads. For example, ono experienbed nurso haing learned from a leading accoucheur lo anoint tho now born babe beforo washing it, per hi"cd to tho day of her death in greasing nil her nui-slings from head to foot beforo their daily bath, iiuisting that tho practico was necessary both for health awl tho licauty of their complexions. Another nurso could never bo persuaded to warm tho water in n-hlch -ho washed tin baby. "No, inarm," sho would say, "I always washes children in water fresh from tho hydrant; warm water makes them delicate," awlsko would unhoBi tatingly give up a good placo rather than yield tho jioint. Cor. Doston Globo. To Krop tlio Uojs at Home. Kco to it that their homes rompeto with public places in their attractiveness. Open your blinds by day, awl light bright fires bv night. Illuminate your rooms. Hnug pictures upon tho walls. Put books nnd nitwspaicrs upon your tables. Have music nnd entertaining gnmes. Hanish demous of dullness nnd npathy that havo so long ruled in your household, nnd bring in mirth and good cheer. Invent occupations for your sons. Stimulnto their ambitions in worthy directions. Whilo you mako homo their de light fill them witli higher purposes than mero pleasure. Whether they fchnll pass happy boyhood owl enter upon manhood with reilncd tastes nnd noblo ambitions de pends on you. Tlmro Is IiioiikIi for All. Uut with SOO,000,000 in tho Metropolitan Opera house thcro ought not to bo 200,000 women starving in its i.hadow. Thcro is no need. It is hot a ipicstion between music and starvation. It is only a question of music and plenty, fio far as money is con cerned, theso women can bo amply fed awl clothed without tho raenflco of ono noto of I'atti's, or ono Kit in fluting or ono golden cord. Thcro is enough nnd to sparo in Now York for all tho music and all tlx) millinery, and yet to let no woman go wringing des pairing hands through tho midnight &trcct3 nnd no llttlo child go shivering nnd stipper les,. ton bed of straw. Gail Hamilton in New York AVorld. Don't Asti Too Much of Tlmin. Tho Roston Courier thinks that too many demands nro mado on tho emotional untnro of children. "Who," it says, "lias not seen children badgered and harassed witli: Kiss your nuntie, becauso you lovo her; now kiss grandpa; now put your arms round Tnndmi'n neck nnd mow lier now lonu you nro of her: r.nl you do lovo yiurown doar .muinia, non e jou? nnu mo uiuuriimuiu b. by is forced to go through Miecohsivo icmonst rat ions of affection, getting tnrougn ll round of tlio circlu only lo Uavo it started over again. How many grown jeoplo could ndure being continuully called uixm to givo proof of fondness? How to St null Slilrls. To do ui shirts tako two tablespoonfuls of starch nwl ono teaspoon even full of pow- lerod borax and dissolve m ono and ono half cups of cold water. 1 ho shirts must not bo pr viously starched and they must bo jxjr- focllv drv. Dip tno cuus, couars, ic,oms and neckbands in tho starch, then roll up tight in n dry cloth nwl let them lio two hours. Then rub of? awl iron. They will bo liko pasteboard and havo a nice gloss. A Nurse's l'oollli Notion. A foolish notion prevalent among tha lower classes in several countries U that a babo nt the broast can Iks insured against colio by being mado to tokte everything which tho mother oats, i no writer was onco hot-rifled to llnd her nur i.blmt to give her baby cold slaw on this principle.; tho girl de fending herself on uio p;on tuns n.r uioiner alwnys did it, and that it was good lor tho child. Cor. Uokton tilubo. A Cleior ltotoii 5lil. Miss Mautlo Howe, beautiful, clover girl that sho U, makes ono of tlwiwwt interesting "Chatterers" that over even Hoston devel oped. Wo iuxj quiw rwidy to beliovo her recent statonictit tuni suo - novor uuuio n Journey in her lifo without teeing Botnothins t!iat 1 never iw boforo or learning bonio tliingnew." Aliotlier l)vi) Iteforni. Mrs. Miller, of Wnshingtou, U tho npostlo of n now I'.ispcwuition in tho way of woman s dress. Ilcr creed is wauits inktcad ot conww, layciu of underclothing fitted smoothly to tho lodv, nnd drawers to mutch tho gown, u sort of adaptation of Ijdy Hubberton'ji "divided skirt," with slight ditreronoeB. Multlmi AkMirnnao Coiniuiiiy. The Panes assure maidens iqiou iwymeut of an uuuuul sum ot u comfortablo hom at n certain age. Tho Uenctlts of tho aiMwia lion ctM at marriagv. Uiiiiik aiudo llroom lloldiir. Tako two large hxxmi, clrivo large uaQ through them in th wall about two inches apart, tuul liaug up your broom, Imwh ouU ui. To make fthects but kwger, when they pet Uiin in the middle, tear down tno center, mw tho out edge together and hem tlieaiilw, To ta!:o the "fl!iy" une'J from -our VU let u'.cr f"lus Cbhpu', umpaud water in the akldct aud let boll for ten minute. Samn dtaaer plate crow In favor, aari th newest are w nrtt iu4j of wrUMtt ILLINOIS PIONEERS. MANNER OF LIVING DY THOSE WHO FIRST BROKE THE PRAIRIES. The nulldlnc of the Ig Calitn ruml ture of the Intnrlor Mortur nnd "Swrrp" for Grliullnc Corn Oolne Mill Clothlnc. rioneer lifo takes Its shapo from tho sur roundings. Southern Illinois differed from tho other western states in being distant from largo towns, without public convey ance, having a climato neither cold nor warm, having a nearly even mixture of woodland and prairie, and bsing settled by emigrants from tlio south. Tho huses wcro mo5tly round polo cabins, not tho hugo ioplar logs they had used in tho nouth, but such as they could get. Some times tho walls were "sholpsd down," or very slightly hewn, and sometimes tho walls wcro built of split log3 smoothed n little on tho face. Somo of tho cracks in theso walls wcro chinked and daubed, whilo bomo wero left open to admit light. Windows wcro nearly or quito unknown. Homo of tho cabins had cracks ull around "that a dog coul 1 jump through." If tho floor was any thing clso than baro ground it was mado of puncheons, or slabs, split out and smoothed a little with n chopping nxe, nwl fastened dowu with wooden pins or not fastened at all. Thcro wcro but thrco "sleepers" to tho floor, ono at each end and ono iu tho middle. Tho roof was not nailed and had no rafters. At tho caves the end logs projected at each nnrnnr n. foot Or tWO lieVOllll tllO Walls, awl on tho cnd3 of theso rested logs, ono on each side; nnd theso wero called "buttin poles," !ccauso tho eiuh of tho first course of boards butted against them. Sovcral courses of los wero then put up, tho gab!o3, of course, upright, whilo tho side low werj "drawn in to miipo tho roof." On theso logs clapboards wero laid, four foot boards being generally used, and hold down by "weight polos." A Iolo was laid on each course of boards, and theso poles wcro kept in placo by blocks or sticks set up between them, called "knees." Tho chimney was of split logs bolow and small sticks higher up, with a stone, some times only a dirt, fireplace. Sometimes thcro was a loft, mado by laying clapboards on tho joists; sometimes not; and then tho joists generally jxiles wero convenient lor hanging up deer awl deer skins, etc. Shelves resting on long pins in tlio walls answered for cupboard, pantry, bureau awl wardrobe, n.s everything that might not as well bo on tho floor wus stowed away on theso shelves. There wero but fow bedsteads in the coun try. "Hcd scairolds" were mudo on two rails or pieces driven into tho walls, ono for tho sido and one for tho end, in tho corner of tho cabin, the other ends of theso rails being let into a post, tho entire structure frequently having but one bed post. Hoards wcro laid across from tho long rail to tho wall, or from rail to rail, and on theso tho iKHljf tho happy family had any was laid. Tho tnblo wai either made of boards nailed to a rough, unwieldy frame, or it was mado on stakes driven into tho ground i. e., tho iloor. Meat was plenty, but breadstuff was nt first bioughtfromtlleolder settlements on tho Mississippi, Ohio or Wabash. Koine had httlo hand mills that would grind n bushel or two of corn in a day, awl they did well. Hut many had to beat this meal iu a mortar. Ono family had n big kcttlo which they ued for a mortar, but generally tho mortar was n s'tiinp with a basin burned out in tho top of it. Over this was suspended on u sweep" a burro billet of wood. This billet was brought down upon the grain in tho mortar, tho Mvcep raised it, and so, thump, thump, tho pounding went on till tho grain was broken small enough to make bread. An other stylo of mortar was mado of a largo block, and tho pestlo was a maul witli an iron wedgo in tho end of it. This was used in bad weather, an it could ba brought in doors, and it cut tho grain rapidly. Tho meal was sifted through a siove, mado by pinching a picco of deerskin full of holes with a hot spindlo nnd stretching it over a hoop. In tho early nittr mn meal was grated, awl tho bread r.iado of thi-J moal and baked on a bard or in tho m-hes was as delicious as heart could wish. Hut liner delicacies than fl-eso wero sometimes prepared. Meal was 'sardicd'' that K it was boat en very line, then it was put into a cloth of loose, iion t;:it;iro, nwl as much cs possible Mtu-d nmt beaten out through tho cloth. This was "snrched" meal, anil it was nearly as lino as flour. Most of tho hats or caps woni were mado of skins, often of tlir most fantxstie shapes, lv.it in Minituer tho straw hat was common. Tho hats tho men brought to this country with them were worn on Sunday As tho original r.tpply of clothiir: began to fail, tho first icsourco was to u'.ul.o clothes of deer skins. Tlioso in tho hands of the Indians p.iado excellent clothing: but our llfbt set tlers wcro not such good tanners, and tho clothes did not do so well. Tho breeches soon got a ticiueudous kueo tha. was a per manent thing. When tho men or boys went out into tho grass whilo tho dow was on, tho broechea would toon bo dangling around thsir fcot; und then about 10 o clock, or sooner, when they becumo dry again, they rustled and crackled about their knots n6 much too bhort. Moccabiiui wero almost universally worn often bsing mado for winter usv) of skins with the hair on. In wr.rr.i weather ull wont barefoot. Most of tho leiburo timo was spent in visit- itifr or hunting, horso races and protracted mi clings. Much timo wus ulso tpcuU in going to mill. A two bushel sack of corn was Duelled; long leforo daylight tho next morning tho bnstla of gtttiug off legnii, so ns to mako tho trip in ono day if possible; tho sack was thrown across a horso, man or boy mounted and jogged an ay, follow oil by many cautious nlwut crossing tho creeks owl mucli anxiety wus f. !t if tho loys failed lo get buck tho next niht or tlio following day. I liatl lietter deccrilx) ono of the mills. There is an ojien shed, ojk'ii ull around. In tuo middle, a largo post say eighteen inches iu diameter turns on a pivot in a block set in the ground, ami i stayed by croau beams at tho top; this post, about two feet from the ground, a beam goes throuph and ox tcud eight or ten feet out at each end, und to theso the horses are hitched. Alniiit six feet from tho ground all round tho.iKwt stick llvo or six feet long M ith n natural fork at tho cud aro driven into auger holes, md i:i these forks a raw hide round Iwnd or ro.x work. Soaw later mills hod a light wheel iuttead of thcae (tick. This Kind coos round a little trundle huad that turn tho millstone. The whole was out in the wood, tomotimc without oven a shed; so being t mill was very much like being out of doors. Cor. Chicago Herald. A Current DlugnusU. Physician (to patient) Have you been out to-dav, madam? IV lent Yea, dr. I attended nn auc tion sola of household effect. 1 U Bicifin Vou probably overdid your eli? Patient Ka, 1 didn't do amthtng. ily ttubband weut off this morning without laoviua ma crut rhytietan I aoa. 1 would rromimud Woojdde, madam. You ire wffv-iuu from wcyuwa prostration, -Pio?:. WASHINGTON AND HIS WIFE. A Couple of Strong Honiritlo Tastes. 3Iartlui Wn-.blnBt"' Work. Both Washington and his wifo wcro people of strong domestic tastes. They loved their homo-at Mount Vernon, nnd wero seldom happier than during the few alono in it. Martha Washington grew moro and more domes tic during her latter years, and in tho dark days of tho revolution, with all her wealth and rnrincr cxtnuaguui-v.-, wore plainer clothes at moro bclitting tho tunes. Sho would not patronize Lnghsli goK and a great deal of cloth was made nt Mount Vernon. Sho kept six teen spinning wheels busy, and she was especially proim ol two unra n. liad made for herself. They wcro of cot ton, striped with silk, and they must have been of fine quality, for one weighed only a pound and a half and tho other still lss. Tho silk stripes wero inadu from tho raveling of brown sill: stockings nn.l some, old crimson chair covers. Martha Washington clad her servants m cloth of her own manufacture, nnu un liveries of her coachman and footman wero mado at Mount Vernon, with the exception of tho scarlet cuds and trim mings, which wcro imported. She manufactured the cloth from which Gen. Washington had mado one of his inauguration suits, und it Is ie corded bv her grandson that she dressed very plainlv when at homo with no jmests to entertain, and that sho was so neat that she could wear a gown a whole week, going through her kitchen and laundry and all the other places in the domestic management, and thy gown at the end of the week would retain its snow like whiteness and bo un sullied bv even a single speck. She was a hard worker. George Washington rose from his bed during a part of the vear at -1 o'clock, and Martha was alwavs'up at daybreak. Sho was a great knitter, and while sitting the knit ting needles were seldom out of her hands. She had an army of servants under her. and she looke l personally after every detail of the household affairs, going about with a bunch of keys hang ing at lier side. The extent of the Mount Vernon household may lie imagined by the fart that, at times, tho butter of one hundred cows was not enough to supply its table. Martha Washington was fond of gar dening, and she liked to work in tho garden herself. She was a good mother, and she is said to havo been a woman of deep religious convictions. blie was somewhat of a match maker in regard to her children, and she possessed, in t'.i'irt, most of tho traits that aro common t t'le mothers and the wives of to-day. K hero and there in her character we find some weakness to laugh at, we must remember that, upon the whole, there is much in it to admire. Sho was a good woman, a good wife, and a good mother, and General Washington never thought that she was anything elso but the best wonie.n in tho world. Frank G. Car penter in Tlio Cosmopolitan. Mind ll.'rtliiiR and ailnd ircadlns. A physician in cxtensivo practico was lately asked: "What proportion, should you say, of thoe people who send a servant ilyiii'; to your ollice with, -Como right away!' or' make tho telephone jingle with, -Come as quick as you cant' are suffering chiefly from fear and imagination.-" Stroking his beard, the learned medicine replied: "Well, I might safely put it at two-thirds. When I arrive, tho mero announcement that it is nothing K'rious allays tho fear. Whilo 1 am writing the' prescription nnd chatting ple:isantly on somo other topic, tho last st ago of "convalescence has been nearly reached, and when I say, in an assuring tone. 'Take this and you will bo all right in the morning,' tho caso is settled." In this connection the doctor was asked what ho thought of tho "mind cure." which n now making such a itirore. "Medically speaking," ho replied, "it is a humbug; but with patients whoso sup posed sickness is 'all in tho mind,' it may work." To this tho respondent sum moned the courage to ask: "Well, doc tor, if your estimate of the number of lackada'isien and hypjchondriacs in tho community be correct, why is not tho mind healer a useful member of society, seeing that to thojo who havo faith in him he elTect.i as good results as you minus tho drug?" Hero tho doctor abruptly cut off. further debate; but to the mind of the untutored layman the latter question seems net so entirely out of order. I3o -Aon Globe. Wear ol" Hurry nml Worry. Hurry and worry, which usually go together, ruin mora live3 and destroy more happiness than any umount of reg ular, systematic labor." Any ono may prove this for himself by noticing his own sensations alter a season of hurried mid agitated effort. The- fatigue and re action tell forcibly on tlio strength and vigor, and unlit hisa for subaeo,ueut laoor. Certainly a life thus spent must bo n Bhort and unsatisfactory one. It would 1)0 well enough for each ono to bear in mind that there i i always time enough for him to do well all tliat ho is called urKin to do at all. If he undertake more than thii lio does injustice bota to his work and to hiEUclf. On tlio other hand, if lie waste tho timo which i3 in trusted to him, let him not hope to atone for it bv extra haste and hurry. hen wo havo learned to avoid wasting time on the one hand and crowding it on the other wo shall liegin to appreciato ita truo value. Philadelphia Public ledger. Men Who V'nilerstnuil Horse. It is astonishing how fow men thcro nro who know anything nlxwt a horse. There is no other animal that tho average man is on such close and familiar rela tions with, or that lio treats with Bitch a gross ignoraneo of his peculiarities. That uauister, now, has probably dono little elso than drive a horso in thw intervals of shoveling coal, lio certainly knows how heavy his load is, and you would think ho ought to know what tho horse can do, IJut when his team gets stalled the only way lie can thiuk of to lielp tho horso Is to beat him. This i ono of the things tliat ought to l taught iu our public school, l would li.ve it maU9 a wsui-'.r iuauch of study, und I know the liostler who could furnish a text book. The school of the Centaur on the iilatna of Tlieasalv was indeed famous in us nay, but that ww a lonx time nop, awl the drivers of our oorJ enrts are not A polios. Boston Post. THE "llORSlf EXCHANGE." VISIT TO A NEW YORK MARKET FOR BROKEN DOWN HORSES. "lllggest Jlargaln of tlio Abo" Tlio Dealer's rnvorllo nml tlio CiiBtomcr'n lliine I ixinjj 1 1 Worn nut ilucKs Vit rlouii TrleUs oT tlm Triulc. Tlio Horso Kxchaiigc on Broadway and tho sales stables on Twenty-fourth street nro well known to nil New Yorkers who havo nny knowledgo of horseflesh. Hut nway up in Yorkvillo nt the foot ot east Sovcnty fourth street thero is n placo v. hero horses nro bought, sold nnd exchanged which nlno tentlis of these knowin; Now Yorkcs novcr heard of. Ilut every eddler who is rich enough to, afford a horse, every farmer wltliiu a radius of twenty-fivo miles of Kcw York nnd every fourth rato horso dealer bus been there, nnd with tho exception of tho class last mentioned few caro to go thcro a second time. This peculiar institution is known ns tho Horso Market. A moro appropriate titlo for it would bo: "A market for broken down horses," for that is really what it is, although tho nstutc men who run it will nover ac knowledge tho fact. Between 2 and " o'clock In tho afternoon the market is to be seen nt its best. A stranger coming thero thou might well im ngino himself in a lunatic, asylum. Tho auctioneer is no lone;er regarded. Every dealer is then an nuctiouer, albeit without a license, and goes from group to group shout ing: "Biggest bargain of tho age. Truo Ilam blctoniau blood. Trots a mile in Q.CO. Kiuno your prico." Horses that can hardly pull a pound aro seen bv some magic influence, trotting llko raco horses. Horses with all lands nnd torts of diseases which, in tho whirl anil confusion, nro concealed; horses with hoofs half eaten nway; horses whom thighs seem out of joint; blind horses; horses that are worn out from old age; dozens nnd dozens of horses, but not a sound ono in tho whole lot. Tnn ncALcn's "dummy." Among theso horse is ono that is tho dealer 'h favorite nnd tho customer's bane. In tho vernacular of tho horso market ho i3 termed a 'dummy." The relevancy of tho 'word H not apparent. Ho hn3 what aro called "o:i" and "off" days. Ono dny ho is as brisk nml liery n horso ns one would wish to speed up tho boulevard on a day when tho high Dyers aro out. Tho nest lay ho may Iro unablo to pull a pounil or stand up in his harness, or may give up tho ghost altogether. Uis dUcaso is incurable, yet when ho is in good spirits ho is a flno looking auinial and nn cspcrt might hi fooled by him. It is no wonder, therefore, that tho uvcrago buyer is deceived in him. Thero aro ninny othr.- good looking horses sold nt tho market, but ns tho reporter was privately assured y u dealer, who acted as his guide, not ono of them is worth taking away. As the reporter nnd tho artist wero stand ing on tho outskirts of tlio busy throng u meek looking man approached them. "Say, mister," ho said to the reporter, whoso apparent greenness hid evidently ini pre&i'd him, "do you see that horse over thar!"' Following tho direction of the man's finger tho reporter saw what appeared to lo a spirited bay horse. A typ.cal jockey w as riding him around to shoa- lis pood points, whilo tho owner was haranguing a largo crowd. "Nov, I'll toll ye," continued tho meek man, confidentially. "I fcnow that horso from 'way back. He's a pood tin. Ho's got blood in him, that horse has, nn' I know it. Now, tho man wot own3him nn' I is on bad footins. Wo had u quarrel !.omo timo ago about nlittlo bargin, an' so I don't wnnt tcr bid ou 'im. But if you kin buy him fur !jl7.r) I'll give yo an oven $200 for 'im. AVot d'yo say?" Tho reporter excused himself on tho ground that ho had no funds with him, und tho man went away disgusted. "Clear skin game," said tho guide. "That horso is a dummy. Ho may not livo two days. You iay your en.h for him, und tho other fel'.ow who said ho'd buy him from you never turns up. You nover could catch him, for you don't know his name, and if you did ho'd get a dozen witnesses to provo an alibi for him." tkansfoumatjo.v scr.xn. In front of ono of tho sales stables, which wus locked, tho guide paused and knocked in a peculiar way on tho door. It was opened and tho party walked in. A wonderful scene met their gaze. Bottler, buckets nnd pails full of liquids and powders wero scat tered everywhere. Thrco men with their bloevcs rolled up to their armpits wcro busy .inninrln' ti number of sickly horses. A broken down hack was, in fifteen miuutcs, transformed into a plunging, spirited horse. ITn was nuicklv taken oiitontliogroiincsnuii told at ten times his value to an innocent bUKve'ry horso sold in tho market is "doc tored" moro or loss, and tho effect whilo it lasts is remarkable. All tho dealers n o adepts at the revivifying r.rt. nnd ecu "fir. up" a horwj in less timo than it tako?to tell. A horse apparently sound was sold tho other dny for 1115 to a farmer Imiling from Long Island. Tho purcliabcr urove m.u u tho eastern Boulovard on his v.-aj w Ninety-ninth street ferry. Beforo ho had gono llvo blocks tho horso began to blow ter ribly. Ho proved to bo "a wheezcr," that is, short winded, wueu tuo lunuei turned ho could not llnd tho man ho had bought of. Tho horso looked as though ho would not outlive tho day. 'I'll givo you !V) for him for his bones, saiil an uncouth roil shifted hot-stiiium. Tho farmer, fearing that his hc.r.3 would dio ou the journey, and just as fearrul of bclug gnyod oven if ho did get him home, accepted tho offer. Tlio purchaser was tho partner of tho dealer who first rold tho horso. Tho animal wa3 put unJcr tho doctors treatment and resold tho samo day to an other unsuspecting farmer for 40. A cutsora in general voguo among tho dealers is to provo tho strength of tho horso by showing his drawing iwor. Tho wheels of tho wagon to w'jichtho horso is harnessed aro tied together so that thoy cannot revolve. Then tho horso is forced to dra' tho wagon with its load for nliout twenty-flvo feet. Tho test is not a particularly good one. Tho "persuader," which in horso market pnrlaneo means man and whip, manages to call for the animal's latent icrs in ono ETtlrM' intervals the dealers aro them selves tricked. A toan will sell them a horso aud tho same day tho owner will appear and claim that hi hired wan has stolen tho 1 orso T , ,T wnv. Ho has no difficulty in i.len- Jifvhi" tho horse, Iweuusa hi partmr in Uw iS tal kept track of him. Tho drfer to eui ' ,i i,as no chance of , iV(( u.) tho amaiai w , . to gt o u.i i.i . wbcu , V a rule, wueu lio combination nc!S 5th , very Uw require, a J2hJ York YVorld. tut it i gphton given- aaw ,tafcG in a muta but significant language O