The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 14, 1887, Image 1

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    VOL. III.
The Oregon scout.
An iiulepi"ide:i' weekly journal, iued ev
en Saturday llionii.ig by
.1 ONES & .0 5 AXCE V,
Publishers and Proprietors.
Editor, f
t It. ('IIANCr.Y,
"( Foreman.
One eopv, one ear $1 .V)
" "' Hx months LOO
" ' Three monto ... ."fi
Inv.iriiiM.v Casli in Ailvnnce.
If hv chu arc f'ilnirriit!i)iin nrr not niil till
etui of yenr, twit dollars will br clianjeil.
1 of ndertitng made known on ap
plication. O'"' ?pndence from all parts of the
country sol eiieil.
Adre-. all ronnnuniiationsto the Oi-loon
Scout, I'lii ui On on.
Lodge Directory.
No. A. P. ami A. M. Meets, on the
second and fourth Saturdays of eaeli niontli.
v. T. w'kiuht, w. (;.
A. LEVY, Seereiary.
Regular meeting on Friday evenings of
each week at their hall in I'nion. All breth
ren in good standing arc invited to attend.
Hv order of the lodge.
CIIAS. S. MILLER. .Secretary.
Clitiich Direetory.
Hivine service cveiy Sunday at 11 a.
in. anil 7 p. in. Sunday school at .'! p. in.
I'raver muftiiig t verv Thur-dav evening at
0:30. REV. (?'. M. lltWIX, Pastor.
X larehiireh er ices every Sabbath morn
ing anil evening. Prayer meeting Wednes
day evening of melt Week. Sabbath school
every Sabbath at HI a.m.
ItEV. W. 0. BAIUI), Pastor.
O Service everv Sunday at .". o'clock p. in.
i:KV."W. K POWKId,, Hector.
County Otilecrh,
,Statc Senator H. Hinelmrt
lieprcscntative, fj; !,v
Judge . . .0. I, fieodall
Commissioner, .1 l?b?SThimn
A. N. Hamilton
School Superintendent
A. T. Ncill
..IC. C. Itrainard
.1. Ii, Hindiiiau
M. Austin
O. 1). Thoinlinson
S. Alherson
Citv Ollleeih.
I). H. Jiecs
S. A. Pursel
J. S. Elliott
A. Lew
.1. YV. Kennedy
K. YV. D.tvis
lid. Tloinillard
Hcconlor. .
J. H 'l'homson
K. li.. Catcs
.1. 1. Carroll
li. Katon
Street Coinmi.ioner
Attorney at Law.
Collecting a. nl probate practice special
ties. Ollice, two door.s soiuh of just oilice.
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
AND NOTAHY IM'IUilC. Odice, one
door south of J. It. Eaton's store, Union,
Physician ami Surgeon.
Oflice. one door south of J. 1$. Jiaton'.s
(tore, Union, Oregon.
J) li. HUES,
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
Office State Land Oflice building, Union,
Union county. Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Heal estate and collecting agent. Land
Office Humiu-i. a Specialty. Office at Jo
seph. .il.owa eountv, Or'ejoii.
O. P' m:LI" ' l
Attorney at Law, o
,i' otarv Public, and Abstractor of Titles.
Ofllco-itau. Lnd Oi h o bulldinK. comer
Muln Hua A fctreuts, Union. Oregon
4 L. COUIJS, M. I)..
Physician ami Surgeon.
Having permanently loeatd at Alder, Un
ion curt Oreg.m, will be foil ul readv to
atten 1 1 i v i s in all 'lie variou- towns and
tettl nient. of the Wallowa vallev.
tarcHHo.xie diseakks a bpkcvalty.
fr m. t to i 'I.Jyp and Let liw,"
V. PKL'DEX, M. I).
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
SuniHU'rville, Union, County, Oregon,
I. M. CA HKOLL, I I!. 1-'. WILSON.
Notary Public. lix-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Ahitracts to iical and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Sales of Heal and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Oilice next door south of Post-ollicc. Un
ion. Oregon.
M. ISu:i:n. J. W. Shki.tos. .1. 1 1!aki:i:
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICES Union and La Grande, Ore
gon. Special Attention given all busine.-s
entrusted to us.
Q 11. DAY, M. D
Physician and Surgeon.
Ollice adjoining Jones ltro's store. Can
be found nights at the Centennial hotel,
room No. U.'J.
House, Sign and Carriage
Graining a Specialty.
Shop, Corner Main and A Streets, Union,
y-J. KOJiXKt,
1 '
Plant and designs for any kind of buil
ding furnished on application.
Keeps on hand a complete stock of
Which lid will sell at a low figure.
Parties whe desire to build will do well to
consult him, at Cove, Union county, Or.
Contractor Mfler.
I nioii, - - Oregon.
Plans and pecitlc.itinns for dwelling",
barns and bridges, furnished free of charge.
JSyCall and interview me,
Watchmakers & Jewelers,
I'nion, Oregon.
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
UepairliiK at Moilernte l.atefl.
Call and examine our goods and price.
Ono. Wnuiitr,
W. T. Win 1. 1 it,
Docs a Hanking IJusinoss. Kuys
and sulls exchange, and discounts commer
cial jiapor.
Collections carefully attended to, and
promptly reported.
National M,
Tonsorial Rooms.
Main street, Union, Oregon.
Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing
uono neatly and in the best style.
Hot and Cold Baths.
Siiiinnervilie SiH hvn.
StitnitU'rvillo May J 1th, 1SS7.
WVutlu'f cold.
I'ro.-ty niglitf.
ltriui'is still seeding.
Reports coining in, of a daiimgo to
grain hy win worms.
15. I). lhiler.i paid Ln (Srandu a visit
on Monday of this wock.
John R. Oliver is teaching at the old
Sand ridgo school htntto.
Mr. and Mr.-. It. W. Dougherty "are
visiting at Jacob Collins, the- present
Miss Edna Gillham reports an attcn
danee of MS pupils at the sefiool in
J. H. Kinehatt and wife ftarted to
Portland on Tuesday, on a visit of two
weeks duration.
II. C. Rinehart now holds the osi
tion of easliier in the banners Mort
gage Savings Rank.
The butcher thop is open once more
and onr citizens have had a chance to
"Hop" their lips over a chunk of beef
steak once more.
Rev. J. C. Willet and wife will start
to Canada on a visit to their old home,
on l'riday. They will remain about
three months.
J. . Tiittleand J. L. were
compelled to leaow a large quantity of
grain on account of thu wind blowing
the grain from the fields.
County Stipt. of Schools, J. L. Hind
man, was in town on Monday. He
will hold a Teachers Institute at La
Grande some time in July.
The M. E. Church at Stunmerville
was dedicated last Sunday. The ser
vices were conducted by Rev. G.AL Ir
win, and were well attended.
The people of this part oft ho coun
ty would be gl.ul to see the change in
mail delivery mentioned in last weeks'
issue of the Scot'T but fear that it will
never will come to pats.
I made a mistake last week in giv
ing the dimensions of the hall that is
being built by William McPoil, -the
building is to be liOxhi") feet instead of
30x70, as mentioned last week.
I hope the Editor of the ScoiT may
not make as sad a mistake in the fu
ture in the composition of words as in
the case of the "Teepy Spring" corre
spondondent, a few weeks since.
Let them kick I tool; the pri.c just
the same. S. 1). What was in the
package that II. C. R. took out of the
P. O. last weei;? A. J. P. The next
time I deliver clothes at the Chinaman's
yon can do it ymir self. J. C, Found
by S. L. Melvenzie, an article of wear
ing apparel, almost new, the owner can
have properly by calling upon hiniaiid
paying for this notice. CitANK.
There are more signs of activity
throughout the count ly than has been
for several years past. There is no
spasmodic boom causing mushroom
towns to build up, nor do we want any.
We want a good healthy growth of
our county's wealth ;a legitniate growth
which will be permament and as indur
ing as time. We are pleased to notice
that just such a growth is springing up
in every part of the county. Wo re
ceive many letters from did'erent s-ect-ionsof
the country in regard to Union
county, its faciltios, ad vantges of school,
society, etc., and of the financial stand
ing of the county; the probable
chances of making a living and a fair
remuneration of an investment; of
chances of building up this or that
businesH and whether certain manu
facturing interests are represented or
not or whether such interests would
receive due encouragement by the peo
plo here. Wo cannot answer each of
these individually, but endeavor to im
part tome information in some, way or
other so that our county shall bo prop
erly advertised.
Itiaco Up.
Yon arc feeling depressed, your appetite
i poor, you are bothered with Headache,
you are llgetty, norvoti, and generally out
of sorts, and want to jijcack up. Uracc up,
hut not with htlnuilcutx, spring medicines,
or bitters, which have for their basis very
cheap, had whiskey, and which stimulate
you for an hour, and then luave you in
worse condition than before. What you
want is an alternative that will purify your
blood, start healthy action of Liver and
Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give re
newed health and strength. Such u iiicdl
ciiio you will llnd in Uleetrlu Hitters, and
only 60 cents a bottle at .1. T. Wright's drug
kture, Union, Oregon.
Ladies and gents' summer goods con
stantly arriving from the East and Sun
Francisco, nt lA'vy'e.
lsl:tJi(J City lilyls.
Girl on a ladder,
Mopping oil' winder,
Long comes a man,
With no one to hinder;
Climbs up the ladder,
Puts his aims avoimdher,
Smacks her on the mouth
A forty horse-i lower sounder
Naughty man !
The girl turns around
With a sudden chop,
Reaches for the man
To use him for a mop;
Gets a good strong hold'
No one nigh to hinder;
(Joes right ahead
Mopping oil' the window
With the man.
Weather on the bias.
Miles Cartel' caught a lynx.
Iitisiness lively over the left.
House-cleaning begun in ear'ifest.
Mr. Childers is inipioving slowly.
As yet the frost has not injured the
fruit but little.
Mr. Thomas Poach dieil Monday,
very suddenly ; funeral to day, Wed
nesday. Ed. Lindsey's barnyard would make
a nice croquet ground, as far as clean
liness is concerned.
James Cutter has gone to Portland,
in charge of a car load of cattle, for
Rogers A Williamson.
Mr. Ed. Kiddle, of Union, has ac
cepted a position in the Island City
mills. Thcv are running night and
Hli Ilaer's team made the. best time
on record, When I hey came, home
they weie badly bruised, and will bo
crippled for some time yet.
Chaltin IJros. have opened the new
meat market.
Conic ami buy, and they will try
To cut your iucat to roast or fiy.
S.W.l.V A NX.
North I'owder Ntieis.
May 10, 1S87.
From 0 :.':() to 8 o'clock V. M. heavy
snow storm.
G. M. Walk is preparing to build a
new house for bib happy britle.
J. IC. Carroll has routed his black
smith shop and tools' to Gray & Ritch
ison. The supervisor hns commenced to
put the roads in good shape, in this
J. A. White will soon occupy. his
now saloon building, which ho is hav
ing fitted up in line stylo.
Married. At Eureka, Greenwood
county, K'ansa.-, April 27, JSb7, G. M.
Walk of North Powder, to Miss Wash
of the former place.
Hall, Eccles it Co. are building a
large pond to hold their logs, when the
river gets high enough Id iloat them
down. Yank.
The Acme washing mncliino which
is being introduced here by Mr. Chas.
C. Coflinberry, of Kansas, is one of tho
greatest labor savihg inventions for
women that has ever been invented.
It is very simple, and constructed on
pure philosophic pirnciplus. It (Ioum
its work complete, washing, wringing,
and rinsing the clothes better Hutu it
can be done in the old fashioned way.
No standing over the hot suds, no rub
bing on the board, or with tho hands.
It tloes the work of a whole day in fioin
one to two hours and does it complete
ly. They are manufactured in Union
at I lowland it Wilson's. Every body
wants a washing machine
Clieiip ltutitH anil Kline.
I. adieu' French kid klioey, fci. ".!.); nieiiv'
boots, ?2 75; mens' two-bucklo shoo, $1.2fi
at Vincent's. IleU tlosiiitf out his good
regardless of coit bcl'oru jtettiujj in hi
spring stock. Everything cUo at dlmilar
pricus. Now is the time to got bargains.
'Are important probleim, theformerdepini
ding grimily on thu latter. Everyone is fa
miliar with the healthy propertied of fruit,
and no one can afford tu be sick and minor
able while the pleasant California coucoii
trated liquid fruit remedy, Hyrup of Figs,
may bu hud of all tlriUirUtit. Suell, Htfitihu
it Wuodard, Whuletutlu agent", Portland,
Tho IJurford mlky plow with wheel,
land-bide is one hor.- lighter draft than
any other sulky plow in-uie. You wdl
find them, with a full line of walking
und gang plows at Frank IJu. Imple
ment Co's. establishment in Island
City. 1
La (i ramie Laconics.
La Grande Jlay 12th, 1SS7,
Our summer has been v ry short.
Edith lluntington now el. iks in ho:
father niurir store,
A tax of one per cent, if to be levied
to pay for the water works.
Those who have put out gardens
wisdi they could take them in.
Those who have wood to pell wear
short face- wreathed in simles.
The latest news from Harry Dlakc
indicates no hope of his recovery.
The band boy. a re now able- to make
very good music, I'M. Eckley, leader.
.llousie Murray was over from I'ilgard
last Sunday and E. A. G. was happy.
Next Monday James Henry staits
for Portland as a epresenliitive of the
I. O. O. F.
Old Mr. Dray has been conlined to
his In d. during tho well; past, but is
now better.
Many of our fust families an em
ploying ehinese cooks so that chincee
pie is quite popular.
The men have been hurrying to get
the j osts set about tho new jail beloro
the ground freezes Up.
It is mid that Mrs. ICate Souders, is
about to buy the fruit stand belonging
to Foid, on Depot street.
The sidewalk improvement still con
tinues, to that wo now have bctv.'een
live and six miles of good walk. .
Our boy Charley, .in the P.O. begin
to bo threatened. E. A. says he will,
dooapatiato him, if he leads any nioroof
his postals.
Noyes and Caesar, are becoming
quite artistic in their ideas ; to they have
artist Thornton employed to pile tip
their lumber.
Church bells will soon make music
for us on the Sabbath day. The Rap
list, and the Prctbytcrinn churches
have each ordered one.
Weli-am that Mrs. Noyes who's en
tire family, including her self, has been
down sick for sometime past, is k low
at this writing, that she is not expect
ed to live.
Hurt Raker, yesterday returned from
Willamette valley, where lie has been
visiting, dining the past two weeks.
He says he is glatl to, get back where
the sun shines.
Sorry you can't havo tho .SVk.'iW
Journal, it is very much impioved
under tho new management which
proves that one bend is K):neiiincH bet
ter than two if one is a sheep's head.
it begins to look like business, about
the water woi Its, A number of loads of
pipe have been distributed during the
last kw dayu. These pipes aio of
wood, larred over tho ottuide, with
iron bauds at tho ends.
Mr. Peach died at his home four
miles distant from this place, last Mon
day evening. It scorns that he was
found on the hay in his barn in an
unconscious condition and soon after
wards expired. Ho was well known as
a brother to tho great butter maker of
the Sand ridge
Old Mr. Hays who hns been making
his home with his son Rev. Hayes,
started Tuesday for Indiana where he
expects to make his home with his
daughter. And next week, Rev. Hayes
and wife, ox j wet to start for John Day
town, where they will make their fu
ture home, tho Rev. gentleman having
given up the ministry and expecting
to embark in tho undertaking business.
Road petitioned for by T. R, Ilaynes
et al, ordered surveyed.
Road petitioned for by K. Steehnan
et nl, onleied surveyed.
Road potitionrd for by II. W. Oliver
et al, ordered surveyed.
Liquor lieoiitso granted to Shea it
Unwind, of Cornucopia, fornix months.
Liquor license granted to Cochran it
White, Cornucopia, for six months.
Liquor license granted to II. W.
Bartholomew, Island City, mouths.
Liquor license granted to John Mc-
Neoly, Inland City, for one year.
Ollit CltKUI).
We believe hi truly muetlngthu oontldeiioe
of our patrons, in dullest Koodsaud accurate
statements uoiieeriiiug tlieiu, square deal
ing, a eiuh liusinens, low pticus, prompt
no, and a clear mineluiice.
All orders entrusted to uh fur DRY
(iO0D.S, will ho tiddly filled In accordance
with thlv ereed.
ISO Fimt Street, Portland, t regon.
Only a few cans of the prize Sewing
Machine baking powder loft at Levy't-.
Try your chance, you will probably
draw thu machine.
NO. 4. .
Cove ('uninK.
Cove, May 12, 1SS7.
Horn. To the wife of 11. L. Dangh
erly, Friday May t!th., a daughter.
E. O. lleiuy has gone to C-ettr-tl'Ah
ne to look up business prospects
in that re-Jon.
A. C. McCttlly and wife, of Joseph,
are visiting at the residence of M. R.
Reese, this week.
The contract for building the Sand
tidgo sclu.ol hou-o. M. L. Carter, clerk,
has been 1.4 to Y. II. Hardy, for if 175.
wotk on the structure will commence
at once.
Rev. J. W. Sclwood.of Fast Portland,
is sojo'.U'nii'g in the Com, in hopes the
change may improve his health. Tho
Rev. gentleman presided in the Epis
copal church pulph last Sunday morn
ing. The wire worm has made its appear
and.' on the Sand iid
One field of
eighty acres had to be sown the sec
ond time. The insect ceases its de
structive work on tho approach of warm
Motiv. ('has. Van tress, Win. 1'iigh
and Win. Rullin rolled out, Wednes
day morning, ha- Long prairie, Idaho.
They w.ll search out a slock range, al
so shoot and capture wild animals of
tho forest.
Miss Nimenia- Sanborn entertained
a party of friends at. her homo last Sat
urday evening, witli progressive eu
chre. The fair hostess and her parents
succeeded in making it very pleasant
for their guests.
Frank ICelley came stepping into
town labt Friday, and smoked at
the bny'rt expense on the strength
of its being a ton, but morn reliable
news soon came and established tho
fact that the pretty stranger was a
John Wagner started for a visit at his
old home in Pennsylvania, this week,
he expects to be absent swe.ial weeks,
will go over the Short line and Union
Paeilic, and return by Central Pacific
and O. C. by way of San Francisco,
and Southern Oregon.
Prof. W. F. Illanchet, of tho Leigh
ton Academy, wan the recipient of a
very pleasant surprise party at tho
residence of Dr. 10. J. Thomas, Thurs
day evening. A large number of
iriendf weie present, Cards, dancing,
music an.1 an excellent lunch passed
away the time very quickly for those
! Of late farmers and stockmen havo
' taken to iinpiovo the breed of their
sto'-k, especially cattle. This is wise.
, It cost no more to icar good stock than
; it dood to go through tho worry
i of raising poor onery stock that doca
! not possess much money value, and
I certainly no merit. Jerseys, HolstincB
and Poled Angus, all find ready mar
i ket hero from cattle men. Ah tho
' range is being narrowed to a Htnallliin
' it stoukmen are making up tho iliH'er
j enco in number, by obtaining the bot
her breeds. Horses, sheep and swino
i are receiving the same kind of atten
tion from their respective admirerors.
It ceitainly shows good judgement
among 'the Hlockmen. Now, if farmera
would only adopt the same plan in tho
selection of their seeds, study tho soil
of their farms, and experiment with
tho view of obtaining the best results
for tho labor and money expended,
they would bo large gainers in tho out
.Mont l.xuelli'iil.
.1. J. Atkins, Chief of Police, Knoxvllle,
Toiin,, writes : ".My family ami I aro beue
llolurlcH of your most excellent medicine,
Dr. King's New IH-aHivcry for consumption :
Inning found It to lie all that you claim for
i It, di 'ire to testify to its virtue. .My friends
( lo whom I have recommended It, praise it at
every opportunity," Dr. King's New Dls
covery lor Consumption Is giiarrnteed to
cure Coughs, Colds, Hroiiehitis, Asthma,
I roup and every affection of the Throat,
; Client and Lung-. 'Trial bottles free at J.
' T. right ,s drug store. Large size $1.00,
Syrup of I'lcs.
Manufactured only by tho California Fig
Sypip Co., tian Francisco, Cal., is Nature's
i Own Tiiio Laxative. This pleasant Califor
nia liquid fruit remedy may bo had of all
drugsUts, at Jlfty cents or ono dollar. It Is
the iiiiut pleasant, prompt, and etreetlve
remedy known to eleanxe thohystein; to act
on thu Liver, Kidneys, and Uowels gently
yet thoroughly ; to dispel Headaches, Colds,
and Fevers; to euro Consumption, Indiges
tion, and kindred ills.
"Merry War," "Rig Ring" und"Oys
i tor Shell," new brands of tobacco tit
Jonei Hro's. Try then.