The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 30, 1887, Image 8

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2"1 ,u
AVccfcly Jtcport I'liinWlii-d tlie "Si-nut" by
.1. 11. Ualbliinii. l'liltbuid, Or.
Stock (iT all kjmls miM on coiniiiisMon.
Slock fctl.traiiMferml mid rc-hippcd.
Portland, Or. April 2(1, 1887. '
Hoof receipts at the yanls piito hca-
vy for tin' week and pi ices were well
nunhtined by the pre.-ence of a Victo-!
ria buyer, which drained the inaiket
elo.-e and piiccs reinained (inn. The
Khei'p market was drawn upon heavily
by a buyer fioin the Sound, cleaniiiK
market bans ho u-eeipls. quite heavy,
and prices hriu; in blooded eat lie, wane
20 bead weie Mild by (i. A. Fletcher;
htock cattle continue to move ficcly;
moderate move in work horses. Ar
rivals of Mock for the week:
Amil 20. Ueef, 80 head; hoj!?, 300
head ; cheep, 'Ml head.
April 21. Stock cattle, "02 bead;
draft htax's, 11 head; beef 100 head.
April 22. Sheep, 211 head; slock
cattle, !i!KS head.
Apiil2:i. P.lcmled stock, II head.
April 21. Work hoies, ',0 bead;
beef, 20 head ; sheep, f.O head.
April 2o. Sheep, PM) Head; vyorK-j
horses, Hf bead ; beef, 20 bead.
April 2(i. Stock cattle, CO head;1
beef, 120 head.
Quotations. llecf, -1 (rt ')c wavf,
hogs, -1 (rt fie giocs; sliecp, Ij " e
Manager Portland Stock Yard.
11110 Nm1s.
Times livening up considerable.
Quito a stampede of (immigrant to
thirf valley and camp.
The clay spoken of ih my last, letter
is pronounced by expert to be the gen
uine lire clay of a vciy line quality.
"We. understand that the Irwin brothers
will commence work immediately and
try a kiln of three hundred thousand
brick (not three thousand na you erro
neously printed last week.)
Air John Irwin and family arrived
yo.sterday. Mr Irwin evidently means
busines a ho purchased Mr John
Hughe' !S0 acre ranch to-day. Ho
brought quite an acquisition to tho vjil
ley with him in tho shape of a triplet
of fidl blooded Poland China pigs and
a twenty-two-hundred weight full blood
ed Durham bull and heifer. This kind
of stock in much needed in tho valley.
We would humbly suggest, since the
wagon load up the canyon to camp is
attracting so much attention, and is of
so much importance, would it not be
economical to organize a company and
const met an elevated ear hack from
bangley's mill to Cornucopia, adis
taneeof about six miles. It seems to tin
write! that il could be built as elrap
if not cheaper, and much quicker than
to grade a wagon load. A ono good
horse could haul a much in this way
aH three s pnii could haul on an ordi
niir.vjwiijioii rml ; freight could by trans-,
polled i,,uch el. 'iq.rr. Vol- inManco:,
Make what is .called trcllo eoosiMing
of one mud sill, two post and a cap of
lound limbers spotted and fpiked, then
two stringers hewed level on upper
side, thcii for rail 2x1 M-antling spiked
on four feet apart, then Ihieo 2x12 inch
plunk spiked between for one or three
lioisi hitched tanlam; car six feet
wide with I lunge on wheels lo lit rails.
Toward wiuh r the track toiild v ry
oaMly be snow bedded, and would
makea safe and t imifoi table 1 1 a lis it at
all lime of the year. An easy grade
could be made this way by having
i omo of the trestle short and nunc
longer to suit the variations of the
'giound. 'I hi however, is merely a
suggestion. We will undoubtedly hae
oneor more raihoads in the near liilure,
hul. railroad tompanic are generally
huge concerns, and move slowly. We
need homething at once to meet the im
mediate demand, no matter how rude
so il issiibslaulial, speedy and leliable.
For fear 1 am eneioacliiug on your
valuable space and time, I mhserihe
Your Most Old. Servant,
Pixi: 1 1. 1.1 AN.
North I'owdtsr NiiyW.s.
April 20, 1S87.
North Powder need a poM-inaster.
.lumen Castle got hint last week by
hi hoise kicking him.
Horn. To the wife of W. J. (!iovee,
A nil 2.Srd, a daughter.
Clint. Nelson ha bought Dr. Scott's
Mock of drug and medicines.
Most of tho farmer in Ihi locality
art; thiough with their seeding.
Flunk Spicer, formerly of this place,
it iek at the pro-out time, in Precott,
A riiona.
S. A. Pursel has sold his entire stock
ofhunU'i at hi Clover creek nutwmill,
lo ICclkwg.v Punch.
W. J. (!roi will jto into the luer
eiuitile hiit-ine, in thu place iioou as
ho can yet his building completed.
Some of the farmer have sold the
Wghl of way through their land on
North Powder river for!, to T. F. Hall,
for tho purpose of lloatint; saw log.
Curt" lor
Piles tire froiiietttly preceded by u r-eu-e
of tvehjlit In the back, loins mill lower part
of the ubiliuncii, enuslnjr the iHiilr-iit InMip
jiomi lie lias Miiae affnithiu of the ktlnev oi
nohrhlnirhig ortfiiiik. At times -yinptoin.(ij
IiiilIgrMinn are pro-out, tlutulcney, unoa-i-im.-s
of Hit rtoliiuoli, etc. A innl-turo Ilk
i(iphtiiluif, producing a wry disagreeable
ilulilug after gelling wiiriu, i a common
atlciiilunl. Illliul, Weeding, mill Itching
Pile vlolil at mice to the applh at ton or Dr.
llnsUlikn, Pile Itemrily, which not- dlli'dl)
llpiill tile part effected, absorbing the
Tumor, aliasing t hi lnteiic Itching, anil
tifltKilliiy a .permanent euro. Price, W cent-.
Address Thu 1 Jr. Ilnsiukn .Medh'lne (m.
miiv, Philiu, O. isulil by ! 1 Wrlfshl,
tllllOll, 0VSJl
Tin ")ii';oii," Sli ihii . il '', t
nil tlie "(Jrcvu ?eiil" enit .it Ji-uen
What Union Sorely Xeerts.
KniTolt scofT : Your corrciK)ii(Icnt
knows very well that it i not exactly
right to dictate the need and rcqtiir
nientsof an incorporated town, because
it i to be supposed that men who can
realize the need of such incorporation
arc at the head of it, but the temptation
U too great this time, and cannot b.e rc
iMed. l.'nion is a very lively business
place; hit muiio good buildings, and is
the county scut of u prospuioti county.
Th.c citiye'ns ure an industriou, ener
getic, clever class of people, and are
very deeply interested in the welfare of
their county and town, but still I hoy
can be blamed lo a certain extent for
negligence. Caution is not exercised
in procuring sullicient defense against
danger. Within the last few month
several small lire have occurred; and
no doubt the town will stiller teirihly
fiotn the" ''stiiall" fires et, if it has
be n vi ry lucky in the puM. There is
il telling what time u blaze will occur,
tiiitl m the town by all mean, should
be pieparcd lo make m me resistance.
Willing bunds, of eoiiree aie excellent,
but (hey should have something lo
wolk with. 'I here has been organized
for several year past u Ihe brigade,
but the i real est need now is agood en
gine one that will make a work when
put at wink. YVhy not Iboiougbly or- j
ganize the old lire company, and pur-j
chase mi engine and general lire appa-j
ralu, and be piop..ied for any emer
gency? An engine would not cost a
great amount and it may save consid-
orable in a few years, bet the populace I
rolled, iind pel hit) Mime step will J
lie taken in this matter. 1 1. II. i
siiii oi l'u:-.. j
Mimufiietttreil only by the California Kig
Syrup t'o., San Francisco. Oil., i Nature's
Own True Laxative. This pleasant Caliloi--nia
ll'tuul frill' rcincdv inav l' had of all
IruggiMs, t llfty cents or one dollar. It
the most pIciiMi'nt. pioinpl, anil cllcctive
loincily known to uleuiwe the syitcin ; to act
on the Liver, Kidneys, and ltowels Kent y
yet thoroughly ; to disocl Hoailiiohei, Colcb,
'nil Fever-; to cure ( 'on-uiniptloii, Iiuligts
t in, and kindled ill".
j,. 'I r iitiiii nl fur :iiiiK!i.
That the reader may fully iiuilcr.-tand what
L-ansllttitcs a rami '.'oiikIi and Lung Syrup,
we will ay that Tar mid Wild ( licrry Is the
laihis of tliii het remedies yel dl-couTed.
Tluse iu;rrcdii'ut with sexernl other.- equally 1
a-ellleaelou-, enter largely into Dr. ltoan-kn'-
Cough mid Lung Sjrup, tliu niakln;r il
line of tin- nin-t reliable now nn the market, i
Price, "id cent and 1.00. Sample- free. Sold (
by.L T. Wright, Culnn, Oregon.
I rmv.v
Till- nowih"' ncxer :iiie-. A marvel of
lilliilv. -tri ll 'III and bole-o:nene--. Ajorc
e ouoniiea'. Ill in the onllna y Kinds, utiil
cannot b I in eoinitilio:i wltli tlienuib
tllllde or low le', hoi-i weluh! ahiinii or
lilio pl ate now-ler-. So'd nh in can-. I!v
ai. llvKiMi P- w Co., in i Wall St., N. V.
Organs 0ks ztnvji Ws;
C'nexe.-lieil .
$50 TO $ I no s
A lil)
On the piiichii-e oi an In-uuui nt, by
hujiim through W T WlildllT.
Agi in, P mIoii. On gou.
Al. Dickson's
Hunt ami shoo .-hop, lw o tluurs nin th
of lteiisuii Pro'.- meat market.
.Made to order out of the hct iiiutu
liultohe ohlniiicil, and tit prices us
low as the low est .
Itoniiiriii'' (lone with tieatne-s and '
dispaich. cheap for cash.
1 vrnn
JJllltLUl I
I'm-. Mam and It M- - I'nion, Oiwmii,
SlIKltMAN ,V : It.Vl.liY. 1 1. ps. '
M.inuf.ictuier. and de.i'. r-in soda Wa-
tcr, Saraliai ilia. ( iiug-'i' Me. Soda1
and Champagne Cider, Siup-, ite. Oi
l i proioptlv nil. d.
n . Iu niint
ill lUllllVUl.i
Main Sirtet, 1'uion, Oregon.
Koep wuivluiitly on hand
SVrsAUK. II AS. V.u .
i-l i
ir ......
tr M W l fetal
isntiiGky Liaiior Store
3Iailc by Uotliin Mnmifacturiiiff Co., San Francisco, Cal.
An Elegant Present
or Majolica tare
For Sale lv JONES
Factory, Racine, Wisconsin. Branch. Portland, Oregon.
.Manufacturers of
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Buckboards
Road Carts, Spring- Wagons, etc.
iMITCHliLL & CO., Limited. - 192--194, Front St., Portland. Or.
rrriT yryrrr ryjrvginj mr3 1 imr JKg.Trraairrg ifT.'.-Arr
The Celebrated Kimball
T? TllF Tcmnnnn A rrnnt
l. 11. r 1 m m .
mum dmmi mm.
Keep constantly on hand a larv supph ut Parlor and Bed
Room Sets, Heddin;, Desks, Office luirnitiire'etc.
I DI-l Ml CPRL1 1 Hnnoin i hn Unci' Qfx'lp
L 1 I l LO I llliv WUIIV ill LllL, WLOL vjl iv.
i Lounge-. Mattn-scs, and all kinds of
-ollelted. Our put are r-a-onablc.
O ?
iliV SCliXl-RV and ACCliSSORlliS JUST RHClilYKD;
it 1 i 1 11
'All lands oi photographic work done m a su-
porior inannor, and warrantod to
give satisfaction.
Tim of Residences Taken on Apiilication.
of Silver, Glass, Site
itii Even caa.
BRO'S. Union, Ogn,
and Dealers in
aim nc
Furniture made to order. Your pair-mage
O Main Street I nion Oregon.
Wnlln Wnlln Iji
ma, ff . 1
Thomson & Pur-el urn agents for
(be celebrated Cyclone WindMill. and
as the prices on have been great- ;
)y reduced they are now within the j
reach of all. Sample mill lo ho -eon1
ut their planer in North I'liion. Cull j
and examine it. '
wryrv. ttrtvw.w-ritm itt" rHj
Xt-1' ' ML -M.m Jki-JV,' ,Vi i
Apiilieati.ui fo- Pi-tent. Survey No.
."1, Claim No. M. Mim nil aiilieation
No. HI.
I". S. LaNKOVFUT.. I.V (iHVNUi:. Okchon.)
.March I'. Ism". 1
N'otice is hereby jrlven that the Oregon ,
(!old .Miniiift Conipany. of Loni-ville. Ken- ,
tuckv. bv Jo-eiii Luce, l heir attorney, ,
who-e jm-tolticea-ldl-e is ', riincoliin, I'll
ion county. Onvon. has thi" day tiled their
aiplicatio'a for -i jnitelit for fifteen liun
dred lineal feet on the "Kaj?le" (juartz 1
lody. lieai'injr '(old ti 1! I -ilver ; the -utlie
biinir IlllOfeetiiiith-u-ist andlOfe-.-t North- '
east from tll-'-overv -laift tln-reon, with -iir-f
ace i: i-o. i inl UX feit in widtli, -ititate in
(iraiiite ininintr di-trict, I'liion county. ,
Oreaon. and de-eribed by the ollicial plat
and lield note- on tile in' this olliee. as follow.-,
lleKinniier at a point N :U 1K- 1 niin
West and il.S'J fi-t t ili-tant from tlie quarter
section conn r between Sees. and .' I. Tp.
(IS. lialif-'e I) Vj Willamette meridian, at
which point is a po-t maik -d corner No. 1,
I-;. M. C. -uivev No. .1; thence South 71 deg.
.Mi mill. Ka-t (XII feet t i -t ci-rner No 2;
thetiee North IS dir HI nil:-. I'a-t 1" () feel
to iosi coi ner No tlieneo North TI d t.
till inin. Wct (Kilt feet to post enrnt r No. -I:
thence .smith l-'dejrOI inin. We-i LMKl feet
to po-t corner No. I, and the pku-c of lu
Inniiii;, contaiiiiiir 'JO (i i ai re-, aid lorm
injj a portion of tlie Sont'i-ea-t and the
Sotitli-we t ',, of Section-.'" in Touhip li
South of limine t." Hast Willamette ine-idi-an:
sirid loi a'ion beiaf ivi-orded in Vol, C
pair" rD of Ih.- reiords of I nion e ninly,
(ii-fron. Adjoinini.'.e!aiiiii'nt on tlds lode
are the "Creek'' on ih-North.
Any and all ei-on- el.iiniiui: ader.-ely
any ' portion of mid "Kajrlc" quart,
luineor claim a'iovede-c-ribed, are required
to tile their aciver-e claims witii the Ile?iM
ter of tlie 1". S. Ijin.l oihci- at La (irande.
I'liion county. Oregon, during the sixty
dav- jierioil oi' vt 1 1! i -a ' i. -n hereof, or tln-y
will lie liar red by virtue of Ihe provisions of
tlie .statute. " IIksiiv Pii:itHT,
It is hereby ordered thu tlie forenoinK
notice ot application for a C. S, pHtent be
iubii.-hed lor a period of (i( days (ten con
secutive weeks j in the Ouki.on Scuct. a
weekly new-paper published at Union, iu
I'nion county. Oregon
Husky IiIncuaiit,
inarl-wiO. Iteister.
Application for a IT. S. Patent. Survey No.
I. Claim No. 10. Mineral application
V. S. Land Oitich La Cisaxui:, Oitr.oii.v, I
.March I. 1S7. f
Notice is hereby given that tlie Oregon
Cold Mining Company, of Loui-ille, Ken
tucky, by Jo-epli Luce, their attorni-v.
who-e po'stoHlceiiddress U Cornueopia, I'li
ion county. Or., have tin- dav tiled their ap
plication i'-ir u patent for fifteen hundred
lineal ieet on the Cu-ek" quart, lode,
bearing 'Kuld ami -ilver; the same being
in feit .-outli-wp-t and 1400 fe -t Nortli-ea-t
li-oni di-eovery sliafi thereon, with -uifgc -ground
(10 1 feet in width, -ituate in the
(iranite mining di-lriet. 1'nioii county, Or
egon, and described by the ollicial plat
and lield notes now on file in this olliee, a
follows, viz:
Iicgiuning' at a point from which tic
(iiarter .-eci ion eoi-nt r between See-. -J7 and
and :H Tp li S. II 15 H. !iear-S. odeg. 'Jliuin.
15 L'-J 0 fe. t, ni.n k -d b a l-o-t .1 feet long,
marked comer No. 1, C M. ', -urvey No. I,
on North-ca-l I'.iceo, ; thence S. 71 (leu.
.Mi inin. K nod feit to i'i-i corner No. 'J:
thence N l-hg 04 inin. K l.'iUOfiet to po-t
corner No. :l; tiience N "1 deg. ."(i min. V
OOOleet to po-t i rm i- No. 4; thence S IS
deg. Ut min. W l.MHl leei to po-t corner No.
Land tie- pis of b- ginning, eoniaiiilm;
i'O.lili aei'is.'and foiiaiica portion of the
North-ea-t ', i f See inn 27 in Town-hip 0
South of Palme li I a t Willamette meridi
an; .-aid Joe ilion belli-.' refolded iu Vo!. li,
panel' 1 of the iccomI- of I'nion county.
Oregon. Adjoining claimants on thi-s. lode
atethe''Kaglc" quartz lode on the South.
Any and all per-n- claiming adversely
any poition of said "Cre k" quartz mine or
claim' aliove dicrihed, are required to file
theiradver-c claim witli th.e l!egi-ter of the
1'. S. Land Olliee at i.a (irande, I'nion
e-nnitv. Oregon, during the lxty day-period
of jiiililieation hereof, or they will be
barred by virtue of the prov ision-of the
NcNnv IlixFitAiir.
It i- hereby ordered that the forcuoing
notice of application for a V. S. Patent be
publi-hed tor a eriod of CO day- (ten con
-cctitivo weeks) iu tlie OiikloX SoiT, a
weekly newspaper published at I'liion, iu
I'liion eoun'y, Oregon.
Marl2-Wl0. Itegi-ter.
Appliealinn for a V. S,
Patent. Survey
Nn. . Claiui No. 4"J
Mineral applica
tion No, K1.
P. S. Lami Oi rn t: L.v !i!Mii:. Oitr.'ios.i
March I, lss".
Notice i- hereby given that the Oregon
Child Mining ( 'onipanv. Louisville, Ken
tuchv, liv Joseph Luce their attorney,
who-e po'-toltieu addrc-s is Cornucopia, t'll
iou county. Oregon, ha vo thi- day nled their
application fur a patent for the "Anne.s''
plai er mine, situated in (Ininitf niiningdis
l riot, I'nion county. Oie-Aui, and de-cribed
by the otlleial plat- and tield note- on tile
in this ( tli -e, as follow-. vU:
Ib-giuidug from a point to on chain
North of the Section corner between See..
27 ami SU, Town-bin ! South ltinnte l-"i Pat
WIll iniettM me t han: tlieili'e Noith -s7 deg.
00 mill. ICa-t l.tiit i luii' t" u p -t mai kid
e niier X. 1, A. P M. C-. -uru-v No. (i:
thence North S7 d -gtHt inin K-'-t 1 W) e-ialn.
to a po-t for witnes. corner No. L inarki-d
W. C. corner No. A. P. M. C. -uney No.
(i. on North face f po-t. ami Id chain- to
comer No. iu the bed of Hue creek, then
North IU chain- to e truer No. it; t hence
South 7 deOV mill. -t it ID chain- to1
ci rnerNo. 4; thence South In (h'-'. tM min.
West I0..VJ chains to eoiner t No, I,
jKilut i f (hp irturc. e intHiuicg U.7.! acre.,
arid foi inillg a porlii-ii i f the ssiuth-ea.t V,
of Seetimi 27 in Town-lilp t South of Itange
Pu.t lll.imeite meridian; -aid loeitlon
being reeonhHi in Yil. P. C jwige Hi of the
record-of fi, ion county, Oregon Adjoin
ing elaiit)MUi on thi- lode are tlu "Kajjle''
ipiart mine on th West.
Any and nil jn-r-m claiming adversely
any portion of .-aiii 'AumN" iilaeormiiieor
lahu uttie ihwrllH-d. are rejuirel to rile
their nilver.e claim wllh the Hegistifr of th
t' S. UiulOttice. at La (iriiMdo, 1'nioit
county, Oregon, liurinj: the K'tv days peri
ikI of' publication hereof, or thoy will lie
uarr0l by virtue of llie irovilat( o( the
Ilesnv KuruKT.
It isherebv tinlercil that the forexoiug
notict'irf api'llcailoii f r m P.S. Puient lie
pultlubetl for a riurt irf W Uy (ten con
secutivti ueiku) iu the Onauos ."HtnT. a
wis-l Ay neWsiMK-r pubiichiM ut I nion, iu
I'nu fHiuty, Output.
arlJ w t"
Ainic; oi Application to Pur
chase 1 iinhcT Land.
l .S. Lxn OfkK e. L fi i:Mm. ()iti:i.nx.r
April I'll, Iks;. ,
Xotieeis here'iy given that, in eouiplhuice
Willi the priAi-'nic of the Act ol ('engross
approved June.'!. 178. entitled "An Ait for
the-eileof Timber Law's in the State- of
('idilnruoi, Oregon, Noada. and Wa-ldnj:
ton 1 ""litorv." DAVID HCCLHS, whn-e
I o-t-oilk- aildre's i- N rth Powder, rnion
eoiintv. Oieaon, hn this dav tiled in this
olllct' lis a I i)lici t ion to iiireh:i-e the 1-2 hlf
N'x' qv and W hlf N 1-7 qr See No. (i in Town-
WlllaiurttK in liali. All ner-on holding
anvndter-c claim th -reto are required to
P'eeltt the -ante at thi- olliee wi hin sixty
tin - from the tir-t publication of thi- notice.
lli-sav KrNi:iiur.
4-.i()v!(l l!egi-ter.
Lmi ofi it. at L (iiiAviu:. Ouniio.v,)
March : otb. 1SS7.
ii the fnllowlng-nain tl -I'ttlerha- tiled no
tice of hi-intention tu niukc final proof iu
support of hi- elaim, ami that said proof
will he made before the Register and Recei
ver at La (irande, Oregon, on Mav 10th,
Alfei-.l liniitel!.
Hd. No. illls. for the Si. S.;i,- See 7 and
NK'-i NKi-i Sec is and N"V'4 NW'-, See 17
Tp 4 S R 41 F.W.M. He name- the follow
ing witnesses to pro f his ciintinunu- re-l-denee
Upon, am! cultivation of. -aid land,
Viz. John Hate-, lllawley Rates, A. U.
Dellerd, and William Young, all of t'nion,
t'nioii county, Oregon.
IIkmiy RlSr.llAIIT,
4-2-wfi Register.
Notice of ilpptb-al Ion to riiiehn-e Tmi-)ei-
I. mill.
P.S. Lami Ol'Klci:, LA(ii!Mii:,Ol!f(i(.s-,
Mfiicli aaii . is'T
.Tierif'M Is! Iir.l.'KI'.Y (ilVK.V THAT.
1.1 in compliance with thepr -vision- of the
Act of Congivs-. approved June .'I, 1S7S,
entitled ''An act for th' - ih- of Timber
Lands in the Stan- of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
William VllUn-iHi.
Who-e post-olliee addrc i- 1'nion. I'liion
eniinty. Oregon, ha- thi- day tiled in this
ollieeii - ap-pbeatioii to pun h.i-e Ihe XK
Sp See 1 T t S R 10 H alio N - W See No.
(I. in Towtishlp No. I S. Ranee No. 41 K, of
the W. uieiidiiin. All pei's n- holding any
adverse claim thereto me rcquncd to pre
sent the same at tbisotllce -vi'hin -ixty
days from the first publication of thi- notice.
1Ii:i;y Riniui m:t,
I i'-w(i Register.
Taken up Dec. 1st iss:, bv Jo-epli Sliep
ard, at hi- ranch in 1 hie Valley. Pine Val
ley po-tt'tlit e, I'nion county, Oicgon. and
dulv po-ied One luavv built bay mure
with !S white feet, I lazed.' far.-, branded W
on left shoulder, -aid ma're having a year
ling eolt with her. Mar.-and colt apprais
ed at i'l.OO bv K. A. Leep. Justice of the
jieaee. Pine Vallev iireeine;.
The celebrated Kna!i-h nraft stallion,
1'lack Prince, w a- bruii-.-bt to tin- coiiutv
from Caliloriiia iu Kebiuarv la-t, ami will
make tlie -ea-ou in I'nion County at tlie fol
lowing time- and place-: At tlie Cove,
Tue-day- and Wednesday-: a' HI lint" - table.
I'nion. Salurdey: on other day-at theStan
tim ranch, iiorih i f I'liion.
For -ingle serv;e-.-, ."Mu, due at time of ser
vice: for the .-ea-ou. Mo, due at elo-e of
M-a-on; to insure, 4-"'- due when mare is
known to be with fold. Mare- will be pa
tuied at the Stanton ranch f r e of charge,
owner taking all rik of accident-. Should
any mare hied lo lilack Prince be -old. tra
iled or chati'.'c h mil-, then the charge- for
service shall be due and payable when the--ale,
trade or change i- effected.
ItLACK PRINCK was sired h imported
lilack Prince, an imported hor-e from Aus
tralia, and owiu il in Napa. He is a pure
bred English draft horse. Hi- dam by
Young Keuliiek. out of a (ilory mare,
lilack Prince ha- made .-land- for three
years in Soiioina county. Cat. and shows
some of the lie-t colt- iu the State.
For further Information inquire of Clause
(i reocs., who has charge of tin- hm-e.
I'liion, Oicgon. April 'JUtli, 1S-7.
Sciatica, " Scratches,
Lumbago, Gpraiua,
EheumatltK, Strains,
Barns, Stitches,
Scalds, Stiff Joints,
Stiugf, Bochaclio,
EitK, (Sails,
Bruiiu, Sorer,
Bcnionr, Spavin
Corn;, Cracks.
Eoof Ail,
Saddle Galls,
th;s good old gtand-by
nrcn:ii.tl8bea for everybody ctnctlv v. liat tn-ln!mfit
forlt. ooo of Ujj w.ou fr t'i Rrt'at !l"larity of
tlm Jlustauif Llututcat U foumllalt universal
avirlluutilllty. Kvorjrl-ody lu-wlssut-liniiifillcltia.
Tho l.tiniberinnn needs It la east-of acclJont.
The Uon-otvlliJ nosl3 It for general family aw.
The Cannier noeUii It for hla toaias anil liUmcn.
Tho .llechnaic ucvUi il abvajs oa lib wort
Tho Miner nfwU It laetwof entenfency.
Tho riouoornef 1-tt caa'tiiotoloai! without It.
Thu I-'ariaer neii It la UU house, his stable,
natthU stock j.inl.
Tho Steiualniat lima or tho llontiiiiin netsb
It tn liberal sup; ljr uQoat mill aslutrr.
The Uor.i'-I'nnclor neU it it U hb best
frleuii luul safest reliance.
The Stoclwruwor needs It-It wilt save him
lUnua:uls ef di.llar.i anU a tvorlU of iroulile.
Tim It ai Iraad mnu aeeJ It ami wUl lieed It -l
Vftt as hia life Is a round of acolttents anU itaue-ers.
Tho UiiokM-ooilMinnu uceJslt. Tl.ere ts Jiotli
toB like It as an autldoto for the ilaitsers to life,
linib and coiufort wliloh surrouuil thu 4ouer.
The aleecliaut nwds It about lit store amonir
HI eaiployee. AoeliUwt will liapjw". ami -me the MiuUns Uatuitt Is wanMsl at onet-.
Keep nott tela tho llauiu. TU the U-t of
"ivecp a llotll In tho I'nciory. lis Immediate
u I of accU ves i-tla ad W- of vaea.
Ueei. ii Ilottle Alvuy-tu the tnblo for
use vrlu-u wniited.