The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 30, 1887, Image 5

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    TH Q&ti&QN SCOUT.
AMOS K. JDNTs. - - nntion.
The Ovfow Semthana larflra Hrcn
lalion ax anil Hirer pnperx hi this xec
Hon of Hie Stair, combined, and in ror
rrxpondiinjly valuable ait an adrertMna
inrilin m.
Siiturdiiy, April :0, 1887.
Union ami Vicinity.
Horn! our new ads.
Two weeks morn of school.
"Weather very changeable tin's week.
Pell Drake is nl.-o in jail with hit-
father, at Silver City, for stealing 1 o s-
A salnm anil fixtures fur rent or sale.
I'nrther partienlars will bo given on a) -plication
at this olliee.
Heinove that load anil responsibility
from your mind ly immediately jmy
iiifjyour Cove ilruir store aeeount.
"Winn (Joe is the nam" of the ."hoc
maker at Long eivek, Grant county.
.He hails from the llowcry kingdom.
The Summerville city council has
fixed the licence for hrewers, who re
tail in iunntities of less than one gal
lon, at $200. er year.
I). A. Bovlesheing unable to put up"
bonds for the costs of action in the io
Itlevin suit against Irwin and l'unch,
last week, the case was dismissed.
A move is on foot in Baker county
to secure the pardon of l.ert. l'roseott,
who was sent to the penitentiary jibo'ut
three years ago, for horse stealing.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Pres
byterian church will meet at the resi
dence of Mrs. A. F. Benson, Friday
afternoon, May Oth., at two o'clock.
If. H. Drake has had the front of
his store building painted in gorgeous
style, and remodeled and fixed up the
interior. It is a neat and attractive
Last week the jury in the case of the
State against Steven D.,Koster, indicted
for the killing of 1 1. C. .larrcll, ex-county
clerk of Oiant county, last fall, brought
in a verdict of justifiable homicide.
iulius Levy returned from Baker
City thf fore part of the week. We
understand he will go to Centerville,
in a few days, and will enter into part
nership with .lake Block, in the mer
cantile business at that place.
According to the report of the county
clerk of Baker county, the indebtedness
of the county is .$00,001. NO -titer deduc
ting the amount due from cx-sherill'
Daily, the estimated unpaid current
taxes, and the amount now in the treas
ury. '
Considerable improvement is going
on in our town, of a substantial char
acter. I'nion has not over grown it
self and we venture to say that its busi
ness men are doing better than tho.-o
of any other town in this section of the
The Leader says that, a little four-year-old
daughter of .Inhn Davis, living
on the Weston Mountain, wandered
away from home last Friday, and was
found on Saturday, threo miles from
home. The little one had been out in the
cold mountain air for thirty six hours
without food or shelter, and was kidlv
Mrs. Watson, who has been teaching
in (he intermediate department of our
public school, will take her departure
to-morrow for La (Jrande, where she
lias an engagement to teach another
term. The people here, especially 1 1 to
school children, will miss her greatly,
as she has endeared herself to them in
many ways.
Jake Bloch is now in Centerville,
Umatilla county. lie bought the stock
of goods belonging to Mr. Morris of
that place, and will open a general mer
chandise, store. 1 1 is family will go over
in a few days. We are sorry to have
them go. .lake is a prompt, honest,
anil reliable businessman, and will lie.
quite an acquisition to the town of
There seems to be a growing animos
ity between the cattle men and the
sheepmen throughout the entire coun
try. A I'matilla county exchange says
that the cattle men in one or two local
ities in that county will imitate the ac
tion of the F.agle valley stockmen and
give notice that saltpetre will be used
in their salt on the ranges. It would
seem that this is not the best way in
the world to adjust matters of this
A superior quality of marble has
been discovered near Huntington, and
a company has been incorporated, with
a capital stotk of .$50,000. for the pur
pose, of working it. Saws will bo put
in and marble slabs for tombstones,
mantles and ornamental window and
door sills and stops- manufactured,
while the refuse or smaller pieces will
be burned into a superior nrlioloof lime
which will find a ready market all over
.tho Pacific coast.
..his. Johnson informs us that if the
Union correspondent of tho Sentinel'
Journal is to be beleived, all tho furni-
'ture in his bouse, when it caught tire
recently, was broken up and Uestroyu!,
Jimmy don't liki tube t tlkiil out of hie
household ellbcts in this inunnir, and
. requests us to utuU that none ui hit.
furniture or hoiuohuUU'tf'ects , wre ii
jinud pi the leant, for which It tliaiiku
thu people who agisted in getting them
'out of tho house.
Turner Oliver, who wap on a tlyiujj
visit to the lower end of the vulloy thi
week, says that the imjipiwUi for an
nbuiidant crop this your uw very flat-
.tering, and thinks flier WH bo one
fourth more grain .- wii in Union coun
ty thin year than over tovivu. The.
tuuid ridge, which a few your ako
vras considered almost " hht, $
'jjtiw, mont of it, uudrr t'tduwgjfln, fto4
is as good as any laud w lnvto.
to tilt Hull.
A I'.HIH 1.IM1 CVll.
That delectable sheet, the Fnlinrl
lournal, of a (inuide, presided over
y J. O. Kuhn, has the follow'n::
' The Scout still enntiutte its attacks
.jraint the late A. L. Faundcrs, charg
ing him with uro.-s carelessness while
ujing us sherill'of I'nion county. The
Scout should substantiate all such
charges hvfutc it attempt to make
peuj ile believe them." A e ca'iv not for
what this cur mav sav of us individu
ally, but when he attempts to defame
the dead, we, in common with all men 1
of feeling, must protest. Sberitl' Satin- i
dels was a warm friend of ours, and a I
man strictly honorable anil upright in
every act of his life so far as we know,'
and if Kuhn will point out a single
instance where we have uttered or
printed anvthiiii: asuiust the late A.
L. Saunders, we
dollars in gold.
lltt'O liiln i f I
cannot do it.
.'"- "' .
Doubtless, in order to gratify some ha
tred he has for the dead man, he takes
this method, thinking that if he can
make the people believe that the Srorr
has made charges against Saunders it
would have moie weight than if he
made them himself. SlU'h a piece of
work will shock the sensibilities of de
cent jieople.
a (iimu Mtms.
The County Commissioners have
caused a neat swinging gate to be
placed at the entrance of the court
house yaid; and Judge (ioodall, at hi
own expense has planted some more
shade t ices. This is right and we are
in hopes that thu improvement will
hot slop at this. Alike fence should
be built, and a wind mill erected some
where on the premises to furnish water
for the court bouse and jail, and for
irrigating purposes. It could be made
one of the must attractive places in.
the city at a very little cost. The va
rious oil'ieers inform us that if the
proper facilit'us were at hand they
would take delight, at their leisure mo
ments, in cu'ltivatinu: and and beauti
fying the place, and ?oon transform it
Irom its present barren state to an or
nament to the city and a credit to the
county. Let it be done.
NOT SO 1!.I.
An idea of the general prosperity of
the country may in a manner be ar
rived at by noting the number of per
sons who.risk their necks in tin mat
rimonial nuose, during a certain period
of time. The records at tho court
house show that ill marriage licences
were issued in Union county during the
vear biU, and
17 during tho first
months of li'.bT. This is not bad, al
though it might be improved on with
the numberof our inhabitants. It will
be seen that the number of mauiages
this year is nut up to tho average of
1 SS7. Wo don't know whether the
inter-state commerce law is to blame
for this or not, but wo trust the young
men of the county will not be intimi
dated, and exclaiming with Bobby
"The church and State may xiuig to hell,
And I'll lilt! to lav" Annie!"
(Jet in and make a better showing for
the present, year.
I here is a ccret in inuiiiing towns. ,
Do you know what it is? If you don't
you can work the problem out in tho 1
following manner: 'fake two town i
files; one be a beautiful location, with '
all th'. natural advantages osihlo and
tho other none'of those. Take fiOO old
fogies and misers men who do not be- i
biivo in aiherlising; men who do not
belcive in giving capitalists anything
for ri.-king their money in their town '
and put them on the good site. Tbon ;
...i i.,,.,.i...i i n,. , :,. i
wow iwij miiiKiw t;"'o iiv, ni ii UL.
, . i , .i .r f. ii ... 1
; yci-iqi-imii-jjei enit, ot ji iiohs, iiu
never let an opportunity pass to advir
tise thenisilves and their town site;
then watch these two towns for live i
years and you will readily catch' on to '
the secret of town building.
wait iii:ai:i num. !
Tho Columbia Chronivle, of Davton, j
W. T. alluding to tho report that J. C. .
Wait, who, it was thought by many i
hero knew comething about Hit) disap-
poaranco of Willis Skill', and for whom
some search was made at the time,
says: "As to .1. C. Wait, his friends
and relatives here have letters from
him as late as March II, I8b7. He,
was then at Htovensvillo, Montana, at ,
weak in the branch store or tho Mis-
soula Mercantile Co. Since leaving
linker county he hns been at Spokane ;
Falls, Mistoula and his present ad- ;
dress." j
It takes John P. Irish, of tho Alia
California n to condense a whole vol
ume into a very few words. Speaking
of the protective tarill' he says : "St n
ator Sherman's talk to the ieoplo about
tho henelits of protection to ihem re
minds ono of the conduct of tho hun
ter who cut oil" hii dou's tail, roasted I
it, picked off tho meat, and gave the
i. . . , i -. mi t i. . . . i. ...... f 1
bone to theUog for his tJmre."
The Milton Kagle hiw not toUnnl
high enough yet to got glimpse of
this side of the. mountains. It ulludei
to tin (Jrande Hondo an "Jm Urande
Yulley" tipd quotes our QornucopU cor-rt-swudent'n
dm'ription of the went her
a auplyiiia to fliu valley. Brother
Pu I In
Bewerer UiomW pluck the pin feather eu. the colebrated Acmo washing nia
out of I bird and Uke u higher Aght. ohinB, in Union and Bakor couytiiw, to
hi broth- r, at the Cove, who willinovo
After the firet dy of nwy I Will Je-
lver milk, morning and evening, t
iv cvnto a uuiut till furtbt t notioe. j
If. If. inCKUK. 1
Social Scintillations.
I'nrnKrnittii tnliiln;. rrlnrlrnlly. to
Hit lfrt"Rrlttntloni of tin'
Dr Strange has located in a (Jrande.
Miss Mary Tall, of La (irandc, is
visiting in I'liiou.
Mr. K. T. Novell of the sand ridge,
was in town this week.
The Tnion Social Club give at least
one party each week.
Mr. Mason the lT. S. postal inspector
visited I'nion this week.
Mr. John Dobbins returned from his
trip to the Kast, last Saturday.
Miss Becky Beard is still confined to
her bed, but improving slowly.
Mr. (ieo. W. Wiight and wife, of
Keating, were in town, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, of I.add canyon,
made a brief visit to Cnion, Thursday.
I Miss Viola Pur.-el, who has been
I quite sick for several weeks, is improv-
: ' gr-
Mr. John Cline and wife, of High
; Valley, made. this olliee a pleasant visit
a few days ago
I Mrs. Merwin, of Lower Powder, has
i been visiting in this city, the guest of
I Mrs Saunders.
; Miss (iilliani will probably commence
( a suh.-eiiption school in Summerville,
I the tiist of next week.
Miss Annie Binehart, of Stiniinci
. villi, is in this city, stopping with Mrs.
Lou Binehart.
' A. H. Katon's new barn is progrcss
I iug rapidly. Johnson, Wihnot and
! llacket are the architects,
j . Mr. K. II. Lewis, of North Union,
will soon have his elegant and com
modious residence completed,
i Kph. Jacobs, agent for Kobn, the
hatter and clothier, of Portland, was in
town this week, taking orders.
The Presbyterian presbytery closed
last Sundav evening, alter a very in
teresting and profitable session-
Mr. II. F. Burleigh, the leading at
torney of Joseph, allowa county
was in Union this week, on business.
i I rank Johnson has lieen sullering
I with a lame arm, mj much so that tho
blacksmith business has taken a rest
i Miss Ida Davis, who has been visit-
i ing her sister, Mrs. Mallory, in llepp
; ncr, came home the fore part of the
! week.
I Miss Lulu i bill, who has been sick
1 for some time, is recovering under the
i skillful treatment of Dr. Day, and will
I soon be out again.
Marion Davis will take his departure
I for Baker county, where he will re
main several weeks, working up the
1 marble business.
We understand that Bcv. Baird and
familv will take up their residence in
Lostine in a fiw weeks. They will be
i missed in nion.
Mr. Foster, of the firm of Javcox it
Foster, has rented the building jiit. va-
i cated by Mrs. ( apps, and bus moved
Ins family therein.
Mr. Kd. Davis, who lias been at It n
I ding his raucho on North Powder, for
I (ome t i i no pn.-t, made Union a brief
visit this wo k,
Mi.-s Aldah Hannah and Mies Kiltie
Benson, of Wingville, were in Union
this week, visiting relatives. They re
turned home last Tuesday.
Judge Moreland, of Portland, visited
UniAn this week, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Wright. His son Harvey,
is employed in the bank here.
Judge Piper of Salem went into Jo
seph, th'. county seat of Wallowa
county, last Wednesday, for the purpose
of locating and opening a law olliee.
''v ""' '"
'I crry Tuttle of Summerville left for
,i i, . i , t. e
the -LaM last week for
tho purpose of
procuring medical treatment for his
daughter Jessie, who is alllicted with
ear trouble.
Mr. James Gentry, of North Powder,
had his leg broken, a few days ago,
while riding.on the running gears of
a wagon. He was taken to Baker
City for medical care.
Senator Kinehart took his departure
last Tuesday for the purpose of look
ing after his interests in Vale, the
county seatv of Malheur county. Ho
will be gone a week or two.
Miss Moore, made a visit lo Baker
county this week, hoping that the
change would benefit her health. She
will return and resume her duties in
the school next Monday
.Mr John Ihichanan and wifo of Is
land city wore visiting friends in this
city during tho week. John placed
his autograph on our subscription book,
and will read the Srot r hereafter.
Mr Dave MeCully, of Salem, father
of repre.-entive MeCully of Wallowa,
passed through on his way to Joseph,
a few days ago. He was accompanied
by his faniiy, and will remain several
(icorge Lash, an employee of the
Short Line, hail his left hand cut off in
coupling cats at (ilenn's Ferry last
wik. Lat-h was formoly a conductor
mi a.
nth O. H. it . and is a son-in-law
of Jo.-h Hopper of La (Jrando.
. IX. C. Sklpworth a lawyer who wont
into the Wallowa a few weeks ago and
entered into partnership with A. C.
Smith in the law business, got disgust
ed with the peaceable methods oftho
Wallowans, and has gone to Pendleton
inewirch of greener pastures.
Mr Colllulterry has sold tho right to
1 hit fum ' . t. 1 1n-- citv h.'aI cjniinencfc
nianufactiireing the macbinos at once.
Ttw ma bine is the Ivoit out, und no
doubt huit lr. df. of tin in will Im moUI.
- - - -
tHrfolmln til Drake's
Letter t'rtitu Our l-hulii Con t"'iniiilii
Coiit-i't-tiini; tin I'.no ( reck Mlnei.
April 1, 1SS7.
All travel into camp is on wheels,
sleiphs having bu n laid aside.
The weather being so cold and its
freezing so hard i.t nij-ht makes the
snow go very slow.
Mai tin it (ircen, owners of tho ledge
called the "Timber Wolf" are running
a tunnel to tap the ledge.
Our communication with the outside
world is limited to three stimes a week.
Wo should have a daily mail.
There has been eight births and two
deaths in Cornucopia since its exis
tence, which is not a bad record. i
Mr. Usher, of Kagle Valley, who has '
tin interest in the mine called "Way
Up." is winking on the same and it
is way up.
J. L. Alberson and wife arrived last .
Monday. Having bought a house and
lot some time ago, .Mr. Alberson is hav
ing it refitted preparatory to going to
housekeeping. i
Businc.-s is reviving MUiiewhat, after
the long winter. A great ileal of freight j
is being brought into camp, which, !
with the lumber that is being hauled,
and peddlers with their farm produce,
and tin stage which has come in load
ed down for the last three or four trips, !
makes things look a little lively.
There has been several nice strings
of trout caught out of Pine creek in
the vicinity of Cornucopia, which may
not seem strange to the people of :
(Sr.inde Hondo Valley, where every
thing in the . hape of vegetation is glow- j
ing nicely, but here with the banks of
the creek lined with snow from three
to live foot deep, it seems out of pi. ice
to be tioitt fishing. j
I have an excellent farm, situated
one and a half miles from Union, con
taining 100 acres, which 1 will sell or
rent. Small dwelling house on place.
For particulars apply to me at Cove,
Oregon. L. H. Hoi,.mi:s, agent for Mrs.
A. T. French.
Business Locals.
nine vitiol at Drake's
'Meals 25 cents at the
(lardoii hoes al do. Wri
cents each.
Steel traps, !?2.y0 a dozen at Jo.
Choice garden and flower seeds at
.lonos I'ro's.
Fifteen-pounds of blue vitriol for if 1.
at Wright's drug store.
Ladies and gents' summer goods con
stantly arriving fioni the Kast and San
Francisco, at Levy's.
Havana Press Drills do not clog in
trashv or end ground. Thev plant all
the seed in the ground, and produce j
one-fourth more grain than when sown
in any othe.i way or by any other im- I
plcmcnt. Sold only by Frank Hio's j
limili'tiii'iit ( 'it. in- I licit- iiL'i'itts. Write
to or cil'll on them at Island Cit , Or. 2
To the citizens of tho Pacilic States
during the past week, and reported ex-
presslv for the Oiskoon Scoi t, bvC. A.
Snow & Co. Patent lawvers, Opp. U. S.
Patent Oflice, Washington 1). C : .1. M.
Thompson, San Francisco, Cal., min
ing car; .1. Pottinger, Santa Ilarbara,
Cal., wheel and axlo. F. Itoisucr, ICu
guno City, Oreg., key fastener; F. .lack
son, Oakland, Cal., stove or range; L.
T. Chu, San Francisco, Cal., Chinese
lantern; C. ('.Carter, San Francisco,
Cal., smoke consuming furnace; It. It.
Ihirrows, Potter Valley, Cal., beet pull
er; L. norland, k T. .I. Parsons, San
Francisco, Cal., grain drier;
All persons who are indebted to
(!. W. Ihu'ors are hereby notified that
their accounts and notes must bo paid
within ton days from date, or costs will ,
bo added. Call either at my olliee or i
the ollico of (). F. Hell, attorney at law. !
1 mean business. I
(i. W. IWiCHUS. !
Union, Or., April .50th., KSS7. j
VEKY Tit IT K. '
"Where did you get that last flour
husband? See what beautiful broad it
"Why, my dear, it is the tTnion.Mill-
ing (Vs. Full Holler Flour."
"Well, there is none better, so don't
bring homo any other, and remember,
they pay the highest cash price for
Tho above named stoioat La (irandc,
II. Anson, proprietor, is tho place to
secure bargains. A full and complete
I lino of general merchandise, is always
on hand. Hemenibcr tho Now York
I Store, La (irando.
Kxriti'ini'iil In Ti'xit.
I (treat exciteiiii'iit lias been caused in tho
vicinity of l'arl" ,To.. by llio romiirkiilili
recovery of Mr. .1.1'..,. who was so
helpless be could not turn hi bed, or raise
his head ; everybody salil'lio win dying of
L'liiiHiiiaption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's
New dbcovery win sent lilin. Finding re
lief, ho bought a largo bottle and a box of
I jr. King's New Life Pills; by tin; tbao he
hud taken two boxes of Pills ami two bot
tles of tho. Discovery, be was well anil bus
gained in (lush thirty-nix pounds. Trial
bottlosof this (ireut Discovery for Con
sumption free at J. T, Wright's drug store.
Tin: 1'iati'HOTio.v
Of the ago hi tho nicilluiil lino is tho liquid
fruit ruiiioily, .Syrup of Figs, liiuiuifiu'tiirod
only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San
'ninc-ico, Cul. It U .''Krtieublo to the tunic,
acuopiableto Uiu Htoiiimb, liarniluK In iU
nut.iro, palnlchJ yet prompt ami thorough
in its uction. Fr Mile by all dniKKhU.
Hnell. ll itshu.c Wooibinl uliolesah iigents
I'ortlunil, Oregon.
For 30 W
Brand Clearance
Having' bought the Saunders stock of
goods, will continue to sell at
mm W I e
m m
ist m
mi t;.i ii en m irci i?,i
ur a til ia vf iia l'.j say
$ R PA
mi n i & m
gpSA full line of Groceries just received.
(ban. Sugar, 12 lbs. . .
Kxtra C I I
Yellow C 10 . .
Most CoU'ee, 5
MesfTca, 2
l'iekt Is, .") gal kegs
Price's C. V. 15. Soap, box.
Kirk's Soap, box
lticc, I J lbs .'.
Starch, 0 ,, . . .
Mincing, 2 boxes
Ovstcis, 2H cans, .") for
" , IB. " 0 .'
Sardines, French, 2 boxes
..fl.OO '
. 1. 00
. 1.00
. 1..10 '
. I.2f i
. loo i
. .On
. .2".
. 1.01) .
Cove Straight Grade Flour at 83-.50 per.
barrel; 5 barrel lots at $3.25. fi
rJAV(,()X & FOSTlSft,
I-2-tf, Tnionj Oregon.
Drake's New
.SB M mm M 1BBHHB Bn B
i mja Ha mm a a m nva s m
I will duplicate the prices of any mer
chants in Union.
I A3I 212KETO ST A V ami. DON'T ttLUFF Worth :iClmi(.
Itiee, 15 lbs
CoU'ee, 5 lbs
CoU'ee, browned, -1 lbs.
Hrooius, 1
.$1 00
. 1 00
. 1 00
. I 00
. J 00
. I 00
. 1 00
. 1 00
. I 00
. 1 00
. 1 00
. 50
i ivoiy ulap.lfl cakes.
iricii appies, i ins.
Dried plums, 7 lbs .
Prunes, 7 lbs
', ,i
; 5(,"st " "M
i Vi"' !
' Axk' mw ,! n,,,H"
I Soda, 12 lbs".
Only Union Holler Mills flour for sale. Best
in market, at prices to suit all.
Boots anl Shoes, Cloii and Bit IMs
Coining now from tin
Herman Waldeck's,
Fie Line of Dress M, tliiliams, Lawns,
l-'Iue Asorliiit'itt of
Corsets, Hosiery, Laces, and Embroideries.
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
.Mens, - Youths and
Laps, etc., etc.
All kinds of produce bought and sold.
J. S- ELLIOTT, - Proprietor.
Kvcrythlng First Class, Tonus Very lteiisoitiilili,
Ikiss to and l;ioni the Depot Making Connection with all Trains.
Daily Stage Line to Cove,
Carrying-Fast Freight and Passengers.
Lulling Dillon ovary iiftoriioon und returning hi morning, niaUliif connection with
train. Pars SO onts; round trip 75 touts.
Mil I
til a i
niackberrics, 5 cans
I'eacbes, table, I cans ....
.. pie .")
Assorted pie fruit, "i cans . .
Tomatoes, 0 cans
Coin, 0 .'
Candles, 12 for
Crackers, l.'ilbs
l'tunes, (ierniau 10 lbs
Matches, -1 pkgs
Lye, American, 10 cans . . .
AniKall ntlicr l'oiii'.s t:t sioa
1 .00
. 1.00
1 00
1 .00
1 00
1 00
libit, o prices are on tiist-i-ii.s
l?i ; J Al b
'SH Km m
Cherries, 5 cans 1 00
Tobacco, 2 lbs 1 00
dullish, 8 lbs 1 00
Wash tubs 1 00
Matches, 12 pkgs I 00
Purity soap, 30 cakes 1 00
Thorn's o. w. soap, per box 1 50
Poval savon soap, per box I 50
Pickles, per keg 2 00
Starch, 8 lbs 1 00
Sardines, 2 cans 25
French calf boots -1 50, to Drake's Ca!i Store.
Hi hm
- Summerville, Or.
Boys' Clothing, Hats,
H !!I