The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 30, 1887, Image 3

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Observation t'pon tlie Annual Drx-rcase
In tlio Number of MRrrlaj;r.
A social reformer, who is as precise
in his statements of facts as he is expert
in the. manipulation of tinres, reports
as the result of the investigation that
the number of marriages is decreasing
every year. Wo have just cause for
alarm if the report is true. Certainly
the choice of a wife is a subject full of
piquant attraction to a romantic young
man who has sown his wilil oats anil is
saving his earnings and longs for the
comfort and slippered ease of a home
of his own. The difficulties of court
ship, however, are perplexing, arduous
and real. In Knickerbocker times the
knot was securely tied after a bluff
proposal and the young married couple
were ready to start housekeeping with
a barrel of potatoes, a blunderbuss and
a family Hible. Then life was idyllic
and full of romance and song. Hut
tcmpora mulanlur and they change for
the worse, in most respects. No longer
do the married pair llutter through
life on wing-? of romance. The chief
bond of interest that unite young lovers
in this mercenary age i a Government
four percent. The domestic tie is so elas
tic, divorces so easily procurable, the
feminine heart is so tickle withal, that
eligible young men feel morbidly t-by
about exposing themselves to the mat
rimonial noose and would as soon
think of slipping a halter around the
The rule of woman in masculine at
tire anil eoiniiion sense shoes is not a
pleasant spectacle to contemplate. But
if the girls of the Republic are not mar
ried oil' in some way, old maids of the
most virulent type, in various stages of
physical decline, will be clamoring for
their rghts with exceeding vigor and
persistency, and who knows whether
there will bo enough green tea and
scandal left to go around? Already
the census table shows a deplorable in
crease in their number. They are or
ganizing crusades against the most
cherished institutions of mankind.
If for no other reasons than the above,
human ingenuity should devise some
method of facilitating proposals and
tightening the love knot so there can
be no e-eape. Cynics seoff at the mar
ital relations. Idle dictations ;u-o de
stroying the confidence of young peo
ple of romantic temperanwut in one
another. Sir George Campbell lias en
deavored to prove that there is no such
thing as love; that it is a psychological
delusion. So long as these ideas pre
vail, no easy-going youth will feel like
sacrificing the frolic and fun of Bo
hemia for the martyrdom of the do
mestic circle. lint legislation can rec
tify the evil. The law-maker.s should
take the matter in hand. They can
make courtship a civic duty which the
individual owes to society, and enforce
it by law. Were men who persist in
remaining single disfranchised and di
vested of their property, and were
women who refused to marry shut up
in convents anil denied access to the
fashion magazines, the aggressive type
of maiden lady who delights in agitat
ing social and political reforms, would
gradually disappear and an ominous
evil would be averted, an evil that all
sensible people would seriously deplore.
Harold Van Santvoord, in Life.
ICelluble Infiiriiiiitlou Itolittiiii; to This IMlU
cult l'urt of l.-iui.Ury Work.
Every housekeeper should acquaint
herself with the general rules necessary
for ironing. It is difficult to g!ve di
rections how to iron well, as experience
is the best teacher, there are several
things to be observed in doing the work
to which strict attention must be given.
A strong table of suitable size, and a
light ironing board, also a bosom board
should be provided. Irons of three
sizes are convenient, and should always
be kept clean, and smooth; ashes, salt
or brick dust are good to clean irons,
and wax rubbed occasionally on them
will serve to keep them in good order.
The sheets and table linens should be
ironed first, then the shirts. First iron
the shirt all over, wringiiiir a clean
cloth out of warm water, and rub over
the bosom, which should be rapidly
gone over with a clean hot iron, then
the plaits should be raised, and ironed
again, then dampened with water or
polish, and ironed with a polishingiron.
Fine thin dresses, or other soft articles
that do not need polishing, should bo
ironed on a soft blanket. Embroideries
should be ironed on the wrong side.
Always have near a bowl of clean
water, so any spot imperfectly ironed
may be dampened and ironed over un
til smooth. Ladies' Home Journal.
A Story From Chicago.
Tlio woman who remarked tuat with
one servant your household work is
done, with two it is half done, and with
three you have to do it yourself, doubt
less thought she had said a neat thing.
Hut, according to a gentleman of Chi
cago, electricity is the only satisfactory
domestic servant. lie has litted up his
house with electrical apparatus that does
every thing. It wakens him in the
morning. After that all he has to do is
to press knobs. With one pressure the
lire Ik lighted, and on goes the kettlo;
with another his hot water is sent up
stairs. Electric scrubbing brushes keep
every thing nice and clean, and an
electric page-boy opens the door for
wallers and tlio morning's milk. Phila
delphia Press.
"What am I likely to draw if I buy a
lottery ticket?" asks a vWa .subscriber.
Wo never succeeded in drawing any
thing but a long breath. CVucaoo Hum
bler. J
manufactured from
paper pulp, strengthened vitli twity, is
one of tho latest uoveltics. A', i". Herald.
Wall paper is so beautiful and ar
tistic now as to bo easily mistaken for
frescoo. -A". 1. Mail.
The Marquis de Mores, the million
aire cowboy of Montana, has leased a
house in New York for four months,
paying $21,000 for tlio rent of the house
and furniture.
Pierre Lorillard's toboggan slide at
Tuxedo Park, near New York, is exactly
one mile long and the descent is fre
quently made in just one minute of
time. -V. '. Tribune'.
Here is a lesson from a b y that
some older person might well heed:
"Why did you not pocket some? No
body was there to' see you." "I was
there, and I never intend to see myself
do a mean thing." Albany Journal.
Jim Brown eloped from Tin Cup.
Col., with a-woman who was described
in a local paper as a "fat blonde."
Friends telegraphed the fact to the fair
creature, ami she returned and smashed
a pitcher over the editor's head. Den
ver Tribune.
William II. Warner, a Connecticut
murderer and suicide, left a document
ordering that his body should be held for
onq week after his supposed death, and
that he be buried face downward, all of
which directions were religiously ob
served by his friends.
Railway Conductor "Can't you do
something for this passenger?" Doctor
"Has he appeared sick long?" "No.
he got out and took his meals at every
lunch-station we stopped at from San
Francisco to Omaha." "Humph!
Hadn't ho any provender with him?"
"I believe not. What do you think ail
him?" "Starvation." Omaha World.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thompson, of
East Bridgewater, are probably the
oldest married couple in Massachusetts.
They celebrated the seventy-second an
niversary of their marriage the other
day. and all of their children were
present to wish thoni joy. Mr. Thomp
son is ninety-five years old and can
read without the aid of spectacles, but
his hearing is poor, while his wife's
eyesight is not what it used to be, but
her hearing is acute. lioston Herald.
A writer in the Boston W says:
"Some years asro I noticed for the first
time a frail young girl who had taken
her position as a candy seller in a door
way, upon a particularly cold street.
1 marked her appearance, with a sigh,
feeling sure that the severity of a single
winter would consign her to an early
grave. But what has been the result?
She has sat in the same place over since,
and instead of going into a decline she
has improved in looks year by year,
and is now positively robust."
Fifteen years ago G. L. Larnie was
scalped by the Sioux Indians in the
western part of the then Territory of
Colorado. Monday he wandered into
Waco, Tex., sick, weary and without
money. He had been roving about in
the mountains for fifteen years. His
wounds are still open, and when he lift
his hat and raises the bandages he pre
sents a ghastly spectacle. Many old
frontiersmen gathered about him, and
the old Hash leaped into their eyes as
they listened to his pitiful story. Steps
are being taken to permanently relievo
his necessities. Denver 2'ribunc.
"The blizzards out in Dakota are
so terrible," said a man just in from
the North, "that the people string
clothes-lines from their homos to the
out-houses in order that they may pass
to and fro during the prevalence of one
of these storms without running the
risk of losing their way in their own
yards. One can not seo three feet
ahead in a Dakota bliz i d, and if he
once loses his bearings l.e is almost cer
tain to drift out upon the prairie and
perish before assistance can reach him.
With the aid i a rope a man is enabled
to grope about his own yard with com
parative safety so long as ho doesn't let
go." Chicago Hcrala.
These carping outsiders: Simpson
"Well, Muggins, how is business?"
Muggins (our artist) "Oh, ripping!
(Jot a commission this morning from a
clergyman. Wants his children painted
very badly." Simpson (with that
pleasant way of his) Well, my boy,
you're the ery man for the job."
They don't speak now. Judy.
"Well, I declare for it, did you see
Mrs. Shiftless' s new hat this morning?"
said Mrs. de Johgns, us she leaned over
the backyard fence, with a shawl
thrown uver her head. "Why, now I
thought it was real becoming." "Be
coming! Why, it looks as if it was
built in a shipyard. It s as tall as a
mainmast." "Certainly. She can wear
ft tall hat. Now you couldn't. You
would want a low, broad hat to fit your
figure." Mrs. do Johgns had a cup in
her hand to borrow some molasses, but
she had inadvertently obtained vinegar.
Hartford 1'osi.
A llTtio tliree-v ar-olil, tlio young
hopeful of an estifnablo lady on P.oty
Hill, in Salem, is just beg nuing to
vergo-.into the period of clu disli inves
tigation, doubt, and inquiry. Tlio little
fellow had heard the words "grass
widow," and hastened to inquire its
meaning of his mother. By way of il
lustration she to.d him that if his father
should run away and leave her alone
without any causo then sho would bo a
grass widow. Tjio future Senator
looked up in his mother's face and said.
"Thou what'd 1 bo? Would I bo a
grasshopper?" Salem Ore.) Statti-
Baby falls and bumps iu head.
Baby bawls. thty think it's dead;
Mamma pets St. Jacobs Oil,
Rubs the baby HtopB turmoil.
A litt'e soda will relievo sick headache
caused by Indigestion.
A prominent farmer of Bowline Green,
Howard County, Md., Mr. J . T. Hlrlirely,
said his four children were sick with sore
throats and roughs at the saincflflrrie. Iled
Star Cough Cure cured them in a week.
No opiatrs.
The following letter Is one of many In a
similar tone from thuslastlc patients ot
I)rs. Staiikky & Pai.i:n, 15iU Arch St., i
Philadelphia, Pa.:
Mr. E. W. Uoutnson writes from Pitts
burgh, N. Y.: ' I have no objections to j
nnr usiiiL' inv nitine in connection with 1
niv case before the nubile. I have had
more ease in breathing, and less pain and
lameness about my body than for many
ears It-fore. Thanks to jour treatment,
am nli . m wnrk tlio 11 lost, of the time.
To tell the plain truth, It put me In shape
I rnnld work. icould not be set back- to ,
the time I began your treatment or a
uiousunu auiturn. iraiinnm ihumuuiu
......... m, in. hiiiI :iown sta rs. go. ili or out
of a wagon in one-third of the time, and f
doub e the ease I overcount In many years
before, for which 1 owo you, gentlemen,
in ny thanks."
"Compound Oxvgen, its Mode of Action
and HcHtilt-)," is the title of a brochure of
nearly 200 pages freely mulled to any ap
plicant. It makes clt'ar to any one how
such statements are j untitled.
Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home
Treatment will be tilled by 11. A.Mathews,
015 Powell street, San Francisco.
A woman in a fforth Carolina town,
angry at her husband, throw a poker at
him as he sat holding their baby in his
anus, and it hit tho little one on the head
and killed It.
Tourist, vnngrutits mid mariners find that
Hontcttcr's blomacli Hitters is a liitukliiul
.mtfi'iniiml nu-nliist luilu ultliful IntllliMiCf h. nil-
on which they cuii Implicitly rely, since It pro-
.1 ,... la Klllnliwl .1 ir-.ili..,.. n.itin. '
CUB UIU VillTt? Ul WillllW nutur'nvivi ........
customed or unwholesome diet, hud water, or
other conditions iuiliiuriit)lo tc health. On
long voj ages, or journeys in latitudes adjacent
tothei'quiuor, it is especially useful us a preven
tive of the fcbrllo complaints and disorders of
the stomach, liver and bowels, which uie apt
to attack natives of the temperate zone so
journing or traveling in such regions, and It is
an ex'eciient protection against the inlttieiice of
extreme cold, sudden chunges of temperature,
extiosurc to diiuili or extremo fatigue. It not
onlv prevents intermittent and remittent fever.
ami oilier dlscas-es of a malarial type, but
eiaaicaiesuiiui. u luci wn c.i ims ucy. ..u -
ioas for ) ears past in North imd t-outh Amur-,
leu, 3uMio, the West Indies, -usliuiui unci
otlier countries.
Salt should
be eaten wi h nuts to aid
Whittier's beautiful ballad contains a
touching allusion to the many cares and
sorrows which weur upon the "heart and
brain" of a wife and mother. Thousands
of wea'y and Hiill'ering women have found
Dr. Pierce's -'Favorite P.ecripiiou" a
marvellous recupemtorof wasted strength
and of sovereign ellicacy in all those de
rangements and maladies peculiar to their
sex, b reason of which the vitality is
gradually supped, ami the cheek robbed
prematurely of its bloom. Price reduced
to one do.lnr. By druggists.
It rests you in sowing to change your
position frequently.
Otliui si ;;'" oj Kastcrn tjpe
founders bine to pay freigts and will ad
vance their prices.
Now read this carefully, and note every
word, fur it may lay the foundation for
your future happiness and health. Any
man or woman, young or old, that sudors ,
with anv disease, no matter what it is
called, or of how long standing, or who
has doctored you. if yuii will sit down and
write mo a full history of tho case, and all
the symptoms, 1 wdl write you inj opinion
of the case the probabilities of a cure and
cost. I am prepared to treat everything
lequiring surgical appliances as well as
medicinall; am a graduate; 30 years prae-1
tice. Men and women both can write lo 1
me in strictest confidence. Peisons com-1
ing to tho city are requested to call on mo.
Enclose a stamp and address !
OfKce-8 and V, First Nutiouul Bank,,
l'ortland, Oregon.
'l'lic ouly ktucU of type, presses and
printing material will be tound at Palmer
& Bey's Portland house.
Hunry B. Arcner, Receiver of Taxes of
lh City of Yonkers, N, Y.. sajs of
BiiANDHUTii's 1'n.i.s:
For the past ten years I have been using
liuA.N dkkth'h Pills for self ami family.
Wo find them a sovereign remedy for
indigestion and constipation, taking ono
or two every night for ten dsj s. They are
also admirable blood purifiers, i erfectly
harmless but exceedingly effective as a
cathartic. I first used them myself, par
ticularly for biliousness and dyspepsia.
They relieved me in two weeks,
fully recommend them.
1 cheer-
Go to Towno & Moore when In Portland
tor ht Photographic and Prnvon -orV
Cut i c'jf
V-& VN. ;
nil r-i.tnmmiblu to the ('UTICL'nA ltKMKDUCS I
In iliclr iniii-vellolis Droiiel'tleij ol cleansing, I
..i. mi, I li,.iuiiff rniLf die hkln and in ,
curing torturing, disllgiirlntf. Itching, scaly and
pimply diseases of tho skin, bculp und blood,
with loss of liulr. . , I
fUTicoiu, the great Skin Cure, and Cun
CUHASOA1' mi exquisite fckin lleautltler, pre
pared from It, externally, and tVniT'ltA ItK
HOi.VK.NT. tho new Hlood 1'uritler, inlernully.
are a positive euro for o ery form of skin and '
bluod disease, from pimples to scrofula. C url
cuiiA'HiiMKnihHarealwolutelypureandthoonly .
Uifailb le skin beautlllerH and blood purifiers. I
gold e very when, l'rioo: Cutiouha.SOc.; Hk- i
boi.vk.nt, $1; Soap, 26c. Prepared by the Pot- .
f ,-n,i 'o- " How to Cnrn Hkin Diseases." I
TjTiTlHiaoll ux dove's down, and as white, by
IliiHDO UShJK CUTICIUIA Mkmcatkd Suap.
Cures all Diseases orifjinatinc' from a
Ilsordered stato of the BLOOD or
.LIVER. Eheumatism, Neuralgia,
Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula,
ffumors, Salt Eheum and Nercurial
Pains readily yield to its purifying
Properties. It leaves the Blood pure,
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. CATES So CO., Proprietors
417 Sanaomo St., San Francisco.
Kf Uest CbuKli Mrtip. Tasicsgooa. uh
P3 In time. Hold liy druKKtsts. fl
b I bill WA I (Jsblor. Uoculsh Pianos: Hur
dct Oreans, band instrumenta. Laruest .stock
of Sheet Mtmlo and Uoolca. Hands supplied at
Kastcrn price. OKA Y,
v 200 Post street, San Francisco.
-"-utmiottics nro wnat wo inakc them. I
Wo can't quell a domestic riot or put a I
quietus to family jars by simply hang-1
ing up a green worsted motto of "God i
bless our home." Neither can wo sup-1
port our families by suspending tlio
other popular motto", "The Ixml will
provide." It is honest toil that makes)
the kettlo boil. Boston Transcript.
"say, 1K.1), you're 'out' with Miss
Parsons," ain't "you?" "Yes, Joe."
"What hanncned?" "She's cxneri-
mentiug too lavishly
:! Wlmt nt?"
i rving to euro
frl,c.cs uv eating ice-cream." "Well,
..-li-it ntnrlit von to P'iro?" "Oh I don't
" l,al. ?.MRn.1 Jou loc'r- V1 ! 1 1 0,1
providing it's at some other tellow's ex
tiense. it was costing nio a dollar ami
r . . .. .
a half a freckle." Philadelphia Call.
A Misunderstanding. "I wonder
what is the reason we have to import
celery from tho North?" asked Colonel
Spilk'ins of Gtts do Smith. "I suppose
it is because we don't havo anv cellars
down here," replied Gits de Smith, who
doesn't know any better. "If there are
buyers, there will bo plenty of sellers."
observed Colonel Spilkins, whose mind
runs on business, and who does not
know yet that he has made a good joke.
Texas Si flings.
A tall woman with a red faco and
confident manner walked into an up
town bank a few days ago and presented
a check. "No good, madam, said tho
teller briefly, "the chock is not indorsed."
"Never mind tliat,"said tho applicant for
cash, "it's all right; bo's my husband."
"It makes no difference. Wo must
havo Ids own signature, oven if he is
your husband." "Well, you give mo a
pen and I'll sign his name, I just want
you to know, young man, that bo's a
mighty silent partner to our combina
tion and I'm tlio boss!" Xcw Vorh Trib-
A si ron g. hot lemonade taken
t mu w, ,,rwlk u() (l ,Ml(l 00 ul
Can consumption be curedf Yes. One
man only, discovered the laws of gravita
tion. One man only, discovered the virtue
of va dilution. And one man after years
of study and reflection, has discovered the
cure for ( oiisumpltoii. Dr.l'ierce's "Golden
Medical Discovery" i.t itn specific. Send
two letter stamps and gel Dr Pierce's
pamphlet treatise on consumpl ion. Ad
dress, World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation, Hullalo N. Y.
Tough beef is made tender by laying a
few minutes in vinegar water.
I om-so n . All sutlVring from Ir
ritation of the Throat qnd Hoarse iu.i.i
will be agreeably surprised at the inline
dialereliel aH'iirded by the use of "Jtrown's
Hrunchiul 'troches." Sold only hi boxes.
ty no I"roit;lils.
Palmer & Boy
mauubictiire their own
i type, and having
i will not advance
no freighis to pav they
tlieir prices.
Bronchitis is cured by frequent small
doses of Piso's Cure for Consumption.
KidneyLiver Medicine
xiinut iafoivx to itir
HUNT'S Itrc.MlSOY lias savod ftuin lin
gering disease and death huudroda who Uav.
been given up by pliytlclaiiu to die.
HUNT'S ItKMKUVcurus nit DUohboh
of tho Kldnoyu, Hindi! or, Urinary Or-t-nim,
Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes nnd
Inuontluuuuo mid Ilotuutloii of Urlno.
HUNT'S ltlillliDY onoiurajos bleep,
create an appetite, braces up t'.io systom, and
renewed health U the result.
HUNT'S ItKMKDY euros iuln In tho
Side, Hack or Loins, Gcnornl Debility,
Fomnlo ItUoanos, DUturbod Sloop,
Loss of Appotlto nutl Itrlsbt'u Disease.
HUNT'S 11KMKDY quietly Inducts tho
Liver to healthy action, removing tho causes
thatproduco Illllous Hcndneho, Dyspep
sia, Sour Utoiuach, Costlvouess. l'lles,
Dy tho use of HUNT'S ItKMKDY Uio
Stomach and llowcls will bpcodlly rejaln tlictr
strength, and tlio blood 111 bo perfectly purified.
HUNT'S ItKMKDY is purely vcnoUblo,
and meets a wont never before furnUhcd to tho
public, and Uio utmost reliance may be placed
lu it
HUNT'S ItKMKDY is proparod ex
pressly for tho abovo dlsenses, mid
has never been known to fall.
Ono trinl will convince you. ITor
sale by nil Druggists.
Send for Pamphlet to
l'ro vldnnre, It. I.
$ to 83 00 iei day maJe at borne blewuut oom
nation this U uO humbus. Ht-nil 2-cent stamp for jr
tlculnra. . II. A. .hai'IMJN ami u i
Ki-smv Hr"-'. Km, KmnclMMi, Csl
CoruUtuttn Carpenters' l'low. Dado. Front , and lU-k
V outer, MatcUUitf J ;iane. u""i yrr T,,m dhii
Hash Plane. HWlo lUbbeU, Bnli Hill. Caw ,,aJ
Ogee, (Juartcr Rounds, Nosing aud V I 'laar. etc. rt.
..'.. .,r. .,..1 iiui. riio whole set sold ooinincM
at UoYemarkauiV l Vtoot Vi m. JZ!?l
combines lu one tool oter e!lit)f different . a id
in-nrklni t.Iaiiea. Aui lart of tun cniBin uaiiou .
nliie4 at I iro rata lirlc. B'ud for free l,,lraM'u!;
! n,-r..fu(n.i3a ii'arket Ht.. h. v. . .
VIH. K. O. V., AdKD SI. ril"M niuiuun.i ..o.
ra.lMi or wriu l lr, if o ' . l"oririu Uw L 4,
atii T(iilf upib dttlpiil f lbs ""In
U U Alt ,,, ajdl, titi lidlti.
(MirlrtllibiTt). (e iLouidirr., ruuudu), B.iiiiiIc.I
hwli Tiud rio.l a prt. jomileiloD frw from , .1
ui fitci bona, try Tbtt in.d ' '
,11 Knili inkDiwi prompllf tured. Hju',U ma
c Ihalr eclcbKlrd kwul i lkl HjtUm.
r: WOBTH X lb tttnul ro i J "JI,lb'
l m.t.r'ra7COSdBCUlt. M-tl-ll . .
Trrw oiiisisit dtuiu, mni !. nifii
JjUUit. i,ro.uh.l eoulliier. l(
-r-Inf, TBrATMK!T;
XKJMVj rlBlllf outlUlxrd la lll. Hk.f.f
t,...,. ,..J.l '"frr , , !.. t.r. II UIMOV. t
0'UcalkaU.Up.Lr, IHHlttiil,BuiicU(.1Ul.
T.-TT TFTHflfm rv.'-.JTV-V
1 r I
We will pay your fare from any part of
United States to Portland and hotel expense
uhtlo hero If wo do not produce Indisputable
evidence froni well known bunker, doctors. '
lawyer)1, merchants and fannurs as to our re
liability in the cure of redueenblo rupture or ,
hernia, without knife, needle or sharp lnstrii I
muni. You are secure aitainst accident from .
the Jrst day until cured, and the euro guaran
teed permanent or money refunded. ou eiin .
work et cry day, no matter what your occtla- j
tlon. without imnirer or lnconvenlenco. Con
gultaUons free. Uillce hours from 10 to I daily.
CorreslHindents will enclose stamp for reply
and address l)rs. Forden St Luther, rooms 8 and
9. First National bank. Portland. Olek'on.
Mention this paper.
When Haby was sick wo Kavc hor Castorla.
When eho was a Child, sho cried for Ca-doria.
When alio became Miss, sho eluntf to CaMoria,
Whcu shohad Chlldroti.sho gave them Castorla.
lttiHty tint irons should
villi beewax and lard.
he rubbed over
Younir or middle aged men,
suH'erinnfrom jireniiture,deellneof power,
however induced, npeedily and radically
cured. Illustrated hook for HI cents in
stamps. World's Dispensary Medical As 1
sociation, Hullalo, N. V.
Milk which stands tooloiiK makes bitter
TiivfiKitMUA for brenktast.
'ilsi k.sukj w 1 1 r ii 1 1 s -
Tree from Ojttatvs, Jlmcttcs and Voisot.
A-F lliit.i.iial-a AMIS IttfllKHK.
l n Cures nhDumntlsm, Neuralgia,
f II SI ll.rLnrl.t-. Ilrnlarlii-, Toi.lh.rb.,
k tl ! hiirnln., llrul.r., rlr.,,-tf.
MS II IT lilll'lllllrtlS AM) llKAl.klta
The HUYH11K' fitlfllK is
lf.mii 1 S it. mill aiurrli,
, encU yt-nr. Hi- 31S4 ihh;i i
SxllK.j lnclns,Uliovr
'3 GOO lllustrutloiis n
Iloie riciuio
ciVICH AVIiolcsnle lrlcra
direct to roHfHHi''- on nil rooiIs for
nrrsonnl or fnmliy it- a " V
ortlcr, uml irlvca exact cost of cvery
OiliiU you uso, cat, tlrlnk, wenr, or
hav. fi.. lth! INVAI.UA 1II.IB
IKHIIU routaln Iiirorinoiiou "
from llic umrUeU of tlio world. Wc
will mall u copy FKUE to any ad
dress upon rrcrlpt of 10 cts. to defray
expense of malllnir. It u hcos from
you. Hlectfullyt
Ac aa WulionU Aeuue. Clilcuo. in.
IIVNir, ll.ll'K llt'VS A i..'.
AV.M. KNAlli; 4i CO. Convinced tlial i-iir I'luuosari
iinoiualoil.lliavodcti'riiilin-iUdpurcliiuniiicoiKXrtB ant
for my l.oii'loa rasldoncu and havoillnctuil niy iiKUiit U
niako tlio ut'C-ary p-ciiii!.iry arraiiRcini'iit vtlth you
l'leaso ship tmuyatlifrcss, IaiiuIou, HiiKliiriil.aiid bolluvi
m. yours sliicmly. MINNIB HAUK.
Music IKMirtmentor t. I- It t.Vt'ltlll'T.V: 'U
114 Jiuiiout Ht.,Hati 1'runciitao, (!al tli-mriil Ak'i-nU.
Sick Headache,
Now wlicn tlio InidBliCKln show,
'TiB time for witinir mid old to know
Tliat Ki-viTB, Kumllude und all
The ills at 1 .ul iKt-Kt Ioi.'h cull,
With f very troulile, nclio or pnln,
That followH in tlui IIIIIouh triiln.
Will BcuttL-r, llko tho thli-vi'H of iilifht,
llufoio u druunht of NKII ZI'.lt bright.
tl M iflvni I'uck In rnttem. lo Kr.ry Hulxcrlbf r to
Tlio Hi-st Ka-lilou Ma-jatlixi. (Inly $1 M) a yiar, (lt-u-eroua
Casli CoiiiiiiIkhIiiii In Aui'iiU. Hituii It-1 '"17 I'nn
w nr Ct.ikpt M.v I'liAsriin
Wiat you can savo tlicso hard times liy gettlni,' Kil
at a f eh Htoro In tlio you iit to tr) 1 1
do the bout lor yourself and family wo t-o I
from 6 (Xiits to 8 louts, and such lino quality.
In Salt and Bmokud rlsh W all kinds. x
i-aiiiicd arid Dry Fruit. No other stiru In tho world
kS,iwT vitety of Dry Fruit or .oils It so i hea,,
Bend L soon y rca.1 this tor sa jdo co,.y ot
IIuuk Cikclm Syivi all tlio jirlcos, to
115 Clay St., S. P., Oal.
if? iiroiK $m
The Grandest Display of Choicest Woolens ever shown in the City,
I-2iikH.1i, French, Hootch anil fJeriunn Fabrics In cihIIumh variety for SulU to ineasiirB.
Ono Thousaiid liiraront 1'atteriiM to holect from.
Fino All-Wool Suits to Order from - - $20.00
Finp All-Wool Pants to Order 5.00
Only White Labor and First-Class Cutters Employed.
126 First Street, Portland, Or.
Absolutely Pure.
113 w ,fr .1 i.r A A '.n r i yiifKrr,
Tf .-Cl a it -, 1 .is. . jc3. Mor r. .irninir-vl Uial
Mnurv liriJw, s.n -a .t v3 no. ' In ctmnKH
'jtv with ihe it ttui 3 ot 3tf f ttwmj'ti
-I at -icnft .i t- w'-rtv Slid -,s 'jx ounj
... at. ti v uU ai cte- - H. t
BBBBBBBbVBBBBBBBBBbV I I M dftm I 1 I U fl I Klsssssssssssssssssssssl
from h eominon tlloH-li, or l.i-nptloti,
to tho worst SortiVulti. Sail - i lioiun,
" I'ovor - noroN," M'tily or Itonuli
Skin. In short, nil discuses omiK'd liy bml
lilood nro ooiunicn-d liy this l.owrrful, purl
I'vintr, and ln lonitllif iiu-dU'lnc. (.relit
l'liitinu l'l'or rnpldly lu'iil undor Us In--nluii
iitlliii'iuv. liH'i-hilly lins It iiii.nllcstod
its potcnov In fiirlior Totlor, Koho Hali,
ltollN, (liirhiincloH, soro'v, hrrnf
iiIoiih soros uml Mvi'1IIiibi Hll
lolnt IInoho AVlilto SwollliiBH.
iiollro, oi-Tlilok NiM-k,nnd lliilnrfroil
.lai.(s. Stud tii itnls In stiiniw lor u
Inriro tn-iitlsi-. with i-oloit-d I'lntis, on Mlu
Diseases, or tlio saino iitnoiiiit lor a ttnitiso
on SerolnloiiH A Hoot Ions.
"rtn: m.ooit is tiu: i.iri:.;
Thoi oiiirhlv ileiiiise It by lisilW IM-. IMcito's
tJol.lei. illvillviil nNoovoryjiind KOa
dlne-lloii, n fair hklu, liio)aiit NPlr
Ith, uml -vital htroiittlli, will beestabllnliLil.
which Is Scroinla or tlio I. units, Is irr
rostcd and eiiivil l.j tint n mcd.,, If talicu 1)0
foro the last stajresor tho di ease uie iimhcil.
Kroiu Its inarvcloiis power over thh tei.ibly
tatal diHOiifo, when llrst olTuluir thin now
celebrated remedy to the public. Dr. l'llini li
thought pim loiisly of calliiw it Ids on
hiiiliplloii rui-o," but that
liltiuo as too llniitcd for a inidlclne which,
front Its wondei-riil conihliintlcil of Ionic, or
strcnu'tlicnlnir, alteratie, or blood-i Ic nn.sfiur,
imtl-billons, pectoiiil, end iii-IiIIIm' p.oper
tics, Is unciliialcd. not only as a leinedy lor
consumption, but tor all ( lironio lls
oiinoh of the
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
If you feci dull, drowsy, dcbllltntcd, hnvo
sallow color of Hkln, or yt llowlsh-luoui. snots
on taeo or body, lreqiKiit IkiiiIiicIic or iIIa.-.I-ncss.
bad tasto in mouth, liiterunl hent or
chills, allcrnatliiir with hot (IurIics, lowsllrlt9
and Lrloomy fo.ebodliiLrs, lin-Kiiltir appetite,
and coated toniruc, you arc siillciiiiK liom
liKllKCNlloit, IVP psln, nod 'lorald
lilvor, or "IIIIioiiNH'i.M. lu many
.,iu.u n1- Hurt if thesu svnuitomH nro exi.e-
rlcnced. Ah u ritnedy for all such ciu-cs,
llr. l'li-ree'H (ioliJcu ITIodical U1h-covoi-y
Is unsurpassed.
For Weak I.tniKH, Splttli.K ol
IIlooil, Sliortiioht of Ureiitli, lli-ou-cliltlH,
Aiitliiiia, Sovoro Oouulm, anil
klndivd aircetlons, it Is nil clllclent icmcdy. liv DltPOOlSTS. at $1.00, or SIX
BoT'1'l.r.S lor $5.00. k
Bend ten cents In stamps for T)r. rlcroos
hook on Consuiuptlon. Addrefs,
Worlil'M IHnpoiiHiiry Motlloal Anno-
ciatloii, titsi Main Stiect, Hokkau), N. Y.
is offered by tho pronrlctorB
of Dr. Baifo's. Catarrh Itemedy
lor a caso of catarrh which
they cannot euro. If yon
........,k frnm ihn
nose, otTcnslvo or otherwise, partial Ions of
saicll, taste, or lii'armjr, cau i-yes, uuii .mu.
or m-esHiu-o In head, you Iwivo Catarrh, 'lhou
nunds of cases teriiiinalo lu eonsunilitlon.
IJr.SaKo'BOATA linn iti:HKv curcsthoworBt
cnssof mtarrli, "Cold In tlio Ilon6V
,nnd fiat-"''nl Iloadaclio. W) cents.
The Van Monciscar
Young, middle aiiud aiwl
old, single or marrlwl meia
and all who suiter with
Nervous Di-WUty, Hlnn
tnrrliva, Keiulnaf Umri't,
Hexual Decay, Falling Mew
nrv. Weak Kies. Litek of
' ICuprgy, also Hlooil 'and
Hkln Ilte.M, Hy).nil
Kruiitious, Hair Vailing
Hone 1'alns, H wellloua
Huru Throat, Ulcers, Kt
fecti of Mercury, Khlncys
..... HU,l.l.,r TrnnlilM
Weak Hack, Hiirulng Urine, (lonorrhea, Oleet, HUiot.
nro- prompt relief and cure for life. ....
Iloth Hexi'N CoiiHiilt C'oiindoutliilly
.t tnVrn .he lr.4 in
llic-aict o( ( iUm of
.eiiic.hc, and i;ivca
Bin. kt onivcihl batikl..
Kurtriiv nuo.,
I'iil. Te
flhM.on the !ivr (
the ihiUii. and '" ''"
utnuiikT tho leading Mcdi
luc.t f the oildom.
a. usMini.
Ilrtdluiit, ra.
Suhlhy nruvgUU.
Di..lw esprcir I urn tun. .if
ttvriiucvinvuu uf tlio rriu-r.ih.
erftn,. Tli. citllnu.iu, flrrtiil
of KI.KCTKIllTY ixiiurallti
throucli tlio i-tiu du. r.lur.
lltfis to be. lib v .ctl.u. Douol
aonfiioul ihu.llh KUttria Hclia
advrill,l to car. all Ilia front
hrJ to toe. It Ii fur lb. ONK
leclflo luriMe.
Kor fireman giving fall lu.
formation, ajilrt-..(.'hrver ko
ine Hill Oa, lej Wiiihlnjiioa
ri.1., m t .
V.. N. U. No.l70-S. P.TJTOWo. m
JSjfo irtnl not i y
CW ciUwSirioturt. M
Ej3 Mf donl by tt.9
Uuss Chixlcal Co.