TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Ad Epitome of foe Principal Events No Attracting Public Interest Boston. A special to the Journal from St. Johns, N. F., says the. steamer Eagle was lust seen by the steamer Aurora, near Funks island. A terrible sea was running at tho time. The next morning the Aurora could find no trace of tho Eagle, and nothing has been seen of the ill fated vessel since. .A message from Grecupoud, about 100 miles from here, says that lighthouse keeper Cabot had boarded the sealing steamers Van Guard and lleet; both of those vessels arc re ported passing. Spars, forecastle and nameboard of the Eagle have been found near the spot where she was last seen. Lighthouse keqwr Cabot is a reliable man, and from his knowl edge of affairs there, and the fact that the Eagle has not been seen since, while other vessels of the lleet have been seen every few days, it is univer sally believed that the vessel with the 200 souls on board was driven on the terrible reefs, so numerous inside of Funks island that the sea broke her up, and that she probably sank im mediately with her fifty seamen on deck and 210 60uls below. The sea that swept the coast that night, was the worst ever witnessed by old sailors on board of other vessels. No ship once getting in those terrible breakers could possibly escape. dipt. Jack man, the commander of the ill-fated vessel, was considered to be the brav est skipper Newfoundland ever pro duced, arid he was called tho ''king of the sealing ileet" until 1885, when, for the first time in his experience, he failed to secure any seals. Last year bad luck again overtook him and he lost tho steamer Besolute near the same fatal island, but his crow es caped. Late in the same year ho took commander of the Eagle, and within a few weeks she broke her shaft. She was refitted and n month ago started with tho rest of the lleet on what is now felt was her last voyage. A ma jority of tho crew are married and residents of this city and vicinity, and all in the prime of life. The city is in mourning. This is the greatest calam ity and most frightful loss in tho mod ern history of this unfortunate colony. At Junction City, on the lino of the Northern Pacific Bailroad, in Mon tana, great excitement was caused by the accidental shooting of a young Indian buck, a 6on of Big Ox, a well known Crow Indian. Mrs. DeWitt of that place had lately been given a 32 calibre rifle and was practicing shoot ing when an Indian dog came running along just at the edge of the embank ment of the river. Mrs. DeWitt, be ing somewhat back from the river, did not see the Indian, who was below the embankment, but seeing the dog thought she would take a shot at it. i6he fired, and just as she did ko the Indian's head reached the lovel of the bank, and instead of the dog getting the bullet, she shot the Indian through the head and he died in a short time. The Indians were very much excited. The citi7.ens, wishing to show that it was whollv an accident and that they were willing to do all the kindness possible, dressed the body in. a new suit of clothes, placed it in a coilin, buried it as though it were 'i brother. Bev. Father Brands of tho Crow Mis sion officiated. Paul McCor inick nobly opened his store, giving freely to the Indians of sugar, cofl'ee, blankets, etc.. The total amount given away was es timated at .$100. At Scranton, Pa., an explosion of gas occurred in tho Van Storch mine. A heading was being driven from the Van Stuivh mine to connect with the Dickbon air shaft in order to secure better ventilation. Frre boss Lewis, Thomas Lewis and Edward Owens en tered the mine and detected the gas ; lire boss Lewis leaving the miners re traced lus steps, going toward tne en trance. On his way ho met the mine foreman and was explaining trie situa tion when the explosion occurred. The forco of the explosion was ter rific. Every door of the fifty were torn from their fastenings, and seni crashing against the walls of the mine. Tho miners were carried oil' their feet and hurled into ditches, and blown against pillars. Fire bos,s Littlejohn and a miner named James Morgan were hurled into what is known as the "dump," tho spot in which the water from tho lovel accumulates. Three doors were also thrown into tho dump," Littlojohn's hat was carried to the top of the shaft, at least 200 feet. Etlort was at once made to res cue Lewis and Owens, tho miners who went in tho Van Storch mine with fire boss Lewis, but after-damps prevented. Jackson Marion was hanged at Beatrice, Neb., for the murder of John Cameron, 15 years of age, in April, 1872. Marion and Cameron left Grass hopper Falls, Kansas, with a team of horses and wagon to work on the St. Joseph it Denver railroad. Tho body of Cameron was found one year after ward, and tho crime, after a lapso of ton years, was finally fixed on Marion, He neither confessed nor denied his guilt on the gallows. At Now York City, James Hogan, a driver of an ice wagon, nearly killed ms who wun a natcliet and then threw himself out of a three story window, dying instantly. Tho couple had lost their sixth child, and both were re garded as partially insane in conse quence. T? I rli f v-fi t-rt mnt, wam m. I n...t l 1 an explosion in Bull's colliory near Sydney, N. S. V. Tho accideHt oc curred in a tunnel a mile and a half from its mouth. Seven bodies have been recovered. The tunnel is blookad by debris caused by tho explosion. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. Devoted to the Interests ot Farmers and Stookmen. The Unritcn Spot. In making preparations for the ac tive farm operations of tho spring too little attention is in many cases paid to the preparation of a kitchen gar den. The fact is overlooked that in the garden is comprised the summer's living. Hundreds of families have lived during the greater part of the year on an almost unvarying diet of salt pork and potatoes, bread and pas try, and hundreds will continue such a diet during the year to come. It is reasoned that there is no profit in a garden simply because nothing that is produced therein will bring in money, while corn can bo turned into pork, beef , or ready cash ; wheat can be used in furnishing bread and the surplus sold for cash, aifd oats can be fed to the horses or sold as desired. Beside, it takes time to cultivate a garden, and a farmer's time is fully occupied in getting in, caring for and harvest ing the field crops, making hay and doing the necessary chores about the barn and stockyard. Many farmers thus occupy their time and probably feel satisfied with pork and potatoes for breakfast, potatoes and pork for dinner and both for supper. The fact that families have and do still subsist on such fare is no excuse for not having something better. It is said, and with some degree of truth, that the best butter and freshest eggs produced on the farm are sent to tho village store and exchanged for family groceries, and when milk is used in the family it is after tho cream has been removed that there may be no lack in the quantity of butter pro duced. If any person should enjoy good home living it is the farmer. The products of the farm may bo had at their best, and it is folly to live on the husks and let others have the ker nel. There are odd minutes, morning or evening, that may be employed to advantage in hoeing or weeding a vegetable garden the minutes often devoted to hanging over tho fence and gossiping with a passing neighbor over the latest local sensation or tho prospects for rain, or some other trifle. The industrious farmer will, at the earliest opportunity, prepare a garden spot where may be planted a patch of early potatoes, sweet corn, peas, beets, onions, lettuce, beans, radishes, cu cumbers, salsify, summer squash, with a plat of cabbages, tomatoes, turnips, and, perhaps, melons. Sweet corn, peas and beans, for uso as string beans, should be planted at several times during the season in order that one patch may b3 made available as another becomes too far advanced toward maturity for use when green. To this short list may be added such other vegetables as are advisable. No family should be without an asparagus bed, while a patch for strawberries and other small fruits will add much to tho family conrfort during the summer. A garden spot should be tho best en riched and best cared for part of the farm, as it is the best paying in fur nishing a fresh supply of tho most healthful food during tho season when hearty meats are not best adapted to the human system. Once a good gar den is kept up it will become easier year by year because of the variety it furnishes on the table. There is yet time where no garden vegetables have been raised to enrich and prepare a plat of ground for this purpose, and by all means havo it near the house where the good wife may readily make her selections of variety for tho dinners in tho weeks to come. Ex change. It is said there are over 2,000 var ieties of the apple cultivated in Europe, its growth extending from thirty-eight to sixty degrees, though tho best fruit is grown between tho thiity-eighth parallel and tho forty-second. Do not try to keep geese unless all the conditions are favorable. Geese may be kept at a very small cost or they may entail cost according to cir cunistances. A pond and pasture will enable them to secure their food with but little aid. Cows need light, not only for their own health and comfort, but because good butter cannot be made from tho ! milk of cows kept in dark stables. Air, light, cleanliness and warmth are I four essentials of a cow stable where cows are kept for profit. i All fowls that feather slowly are usually hardy. For instance, tho Brahnias. It is owing to tho fact that the drain on tho system occasioned by quick feathering does not weaken them. Slow feathering while growing is indicative of hardiness. One of tho means to bo employed in the future to inako of tho sorghum industry a success is to get pure good seed, seed well saved, thoroughly cleaned, true to name, and that will mature at difi'orent periods to suit the convenience of the grinder. Tho plan of a farmer for securing large crops is thus stated by him : "I tell my men to harrow tho ground twice as much as it ought to be, and then I tell vhoni it is not harrowed half enough." Thorough pulveriza- j tiou of the soil is more important than any other work bestowod upon a crop. I Iron is an important part of tho , blood, giving its red color, but this does not necessitate taking solutions of iron for health. All well-developed vegetation contains some iron. It is the coloring matter of green leaves. In soils from which every trace of iron has been removed seeds will germin ate, but thoy will be whito. Pouring a solution of copperas or sulphate of iron on tho soil will change the leaves to a dark'greon color, OREGON NEWS. Everything of General lntereit In a Con densed Form There is not a vacant houso in Pen dleton. Koseburg is to have n $11 ,000 school house. Weston expects to have a steam grist mill soon. Ashland has GOO pupils enrolled in her public schools. Albany is taking steps to organize a military company. Hay sold as high as $20 a ton around Albany the past season. The assessment of Albany will amount to about $S00,000. The crops in all parts of Douglas county are reported excellent. Bichard Meyers was drowned at the foot of Main street, Portland. " The peach crop in Jackson county promises to bo the largest known. Baker City has a brick-making es tablishment that turns out 110,000 por day. The La Grand National bank is to have a now building in the near fu ture. The mail route between Grant's Pass and Crescent City will bo relet, service to commence July 1. The State fair authorities havo put up $500 to bo competed for by the military companies of tho State. Lebanon proposes to build a tele graph lino to Leng's station on the Narrow Gauge at a cost of $500. Vuli, on the Oregon Short Line, near the Snake river, is the temporary county seat of the new county of Mal heur. N. A. Lundy, was found dead in his room at a Portland hotel. A bullet in the head and a revolver in his right hand revealsd that he had committed suicide. Miss Alice Durbin of Huntington, obtained a verdict for $2,000, against the O. B. & F. company for injuries received by being run over by a train last summer. George Smith, an old pioneer of Marion county, and a resident of Turner, committed suicide by swallow ing a dOso of strychnine. A short time since he sutlered a paralytic stroke which allected his whole right side. Miss Kate Trullinger, aged 1-1 years, of Mullino, was drowned in Mill creek. She had been subject to con gestion of the brain, and it is sup posed walked into tho creek, while by some it is thought the bank gave way, precipitating her into tho swollen stream. John Cahill, a hod-carrier of Albina, aged -10 years, was run over and killed. He was going to a store with a coal' oil can and was walking on tho O. B. ifc N. track when he evidently heard a train coming behind him as ho stopped from the main track to a side track, but he did not notice that a dying switch had been made, and was struck by two freight cars which threw him across tho track and passed over him cutting otT both feet and crushing his head. His death was instantaneous. Schuyler Ford, aged 21 years, dis appeared from Harrisburg, Oregon, aixiut a month ago, and nothing has been heard of him since. He had purchased a lot at Coburg, upon which he had built a houso to run a saloon, and for which business he had bar gained of a linn at Harrisburg for a stock of goods. When last seen he had upon his person about $700 in money and bank checks. His pistol and overcoat romain at tho hotel un called for. His friends entertain fears that ho has been foully dealt with. Journal of Commerce: So great is the demand for prunes in this coun try that their cultivation promises to bo one of the most prolitablo occupa tions that Oregon farmers can engage in. During the last four years the imports of prunes from foreign coun tries Aggregated 228,51:1,01)8 lbs., value $10,G57,:i7(). The Oregon prunes are said to equal any of tho imported ones and they require no extra attention. Prunes will not grow everywhere and Oregon is one of the favored localities. Mr. Hidden, of Vancouver, has an or chard of 3.1 acres in extent which yielded ten .tons of prunes last season, from which ho notted sonio$2,-100. A few boxes were distributed at Moline, 111., by the Immigration Board and since then there has been a constant onquiry for Oregon prunes from that direction. One of a band of Indians having their ilia ho on tho Washington Terri tory side of tho Columbia, nearly op posite Umatilla, died a few days since. During tho ceremonies of his funeral a brother of tho deceased deliberately shot and killed old Tom, an ex-medicine man, and one of the best Indians in the gang. Tom had practiced medicino among his tribo for many years, but abandoned his profession some time since. It is an old rule among Indians that if tho doctor lets the patient die he must be killed him self. An Indian woman named Annie, while in an intoxicated condition, visited the farm of Charles B. Iteed, in West Kittitas, W. T. No ono was at homo hut Mr. Keed's 17-year-old eon George and some of the younger children. Tho squaw was disorderly and assaulted the young man, knock ing him down with a club and assault ing him with a stone. Young Becd (licked up his shot-gun and on tho squaw making further demonstrations and threatening his life, he fired, tho charge taking effect in tho woman's face, killing her instantly. The coronm'rf jury brought in a verdiot p' justifiable homicide. ALONG THE COAST. ' rievoud Principally to Washington Territory and California. A new shipvard is being established at Port Madison, W. T. The Thompson Opera Company went to pieces in San Francisco. A site for a sugar rolinory has been selected at San Dieg, Cal. Nearly $25,000,000 worth of candy was marie in California the past year. It is estimated that about 110,000 Montana sheep froze to death tho past winter. Mrs. Langtry, it is stated, will take up her summer residence in San Francisco, Cal. Hiram White, an old resident of Taylor, A. T., accidentally killed him self while handling a rille. There are about 800 bales of hops left in Washington Territory of which Yakima county has 150 bales. Contract has been awarded for the delivery of 25.000 piles for the jetty at the mouth of the Coquille river. The Provincial Legislature of Brit ish Columbia has passed the bill au thorizing the loan of $1,000,000. Bobert Fulton, a blacksmith, at Port lladlock. W. T., lost an eye by a piece of steel entering it while at work. Judge Freer, at Oroville, Cal., "sen tenced the stage-robber, George Hen derson, to fifty years at San (jucntin. A dozen Bob White quails havo been turned loose in Kittitas county, W. T. They came from Whidby island. Near La Center, W. T recently, a young man named Chailes Anderson was struck by a falling tree, which ho had chopped down, and received fatal injuries. The loss to cattlo in Northern Mon tana is 25 per cent, and much greater in the southeastern portion of tho Territory. Leo Roberts was found dead on the trail between Tunnel city, W. T., with two companions. He is supposed to havo been murdered. The nineyear-Old son of Henrv Hamilton, who lives near Cal., was instantly killed by dental discharge of a gun. John Lemper, of the Army, who struck a citizen Grayson, the acci- Salvation of Sacra- memo, Cal., on the head with a rock recently, has been sent to Folsom for two years. Thomas E. Harvey has sued Nelson Bennett for $5,000 damages. On Sep tember 21, 1SSG, Harvey broke a leg while working on the Cascade tunnel for Bennett. At Lathrop, Cal., T. H. Odell, famil iarly known as "Doe" Odell, was shot and instantly. killed by his brother-in-law, Wm. Moss, daring a dispute over a mortgage, at his ranch. 'jJf ' M. Yager, a teamster jumped oil' a street car in front of a switch engine of the Southern Pacific Bailroad com pany at Los Angelos, Cal, aml was almost instantly killed. ti'Z Charles Goslow, convicted of the murder of Henry A. Grant, at Los Gatos, Cal., on the 10th of January last, was sentenced by Judge Beldon, to be hanged on the 20th of May. Samuel B. Branson committed sui cide at Monterey, Cal., by shooting himself in tho right templo with a pis tol, dying immediately. Ho was (50 years of ago and a Mexican war vet eran. Tho trial of Alexander Goldonson at San Francisco, Cal., for the murder ot little Mamie Kelly last November was concluded by a verdict of. mur der in the first degree, and the penalty fixed at death. The brick liro wall alongside tho Tacoma mill, W. T., has been com pleted. It is 90 feet in longth, 35 feet high and two feet in thickness. There was need in tho construction of the same 120,000 brick. Yakima paper: An experienced tobacco grower is coming out from Wisconsin to take charge of the Moxeo company's essay at tobacco culture. They will plant seven acres to tho weed as a starter. A little five-year-old pon of W. T. Siniins, of Itiverside, Cal.,, attempted to board a loaded train and was run over and killed. His mother is very low from nervous prostration and is liable not to survive long. A man named Harry H. Osborn, of Tulare, Cal., aged 23, bn keinan on a freight train, jumped from the tram at Goshen and fell against a truck, throwing him under tho train. His head was severed from his body. In getting of! a train at Caliente, Cal., Ed. Mills, a car repairer, fell be tween the cars and tho train passed over his legs severing thorn from his body, No doctor being near an en gino was sent with him to Sumner, where ho died. English capitalists are negotiating for the purchaiio of tho Minnie Moore mine at Bellovue, Idaho, in the Wood Hiver country. Tho price hot on tho property is $3,000,000, and it is thought the sale will bo consummated. The mine was originally sold for $20,000 and has since produced about $2,000,, 000. J. G. Haggart, an owner of mining property in Arizona, was paying a visit to his family in Alameda, Cal,, and took four of his children, three boys and ono girl, out in a rowboat fishing. Just as ho was about (o re turn ho stood up in tho boat ta put on his overcoat. Tho boat began to rock and tho motion .increased until tho frail vessel capsized, throwing all tho occupants into tho water. Othor boats in thoir vicinity quickly pulled to thoir aid, hut only two boys were drawn from tho water. Ono of thene diod a short time after. SOLDIERING IN AFRICA. A Fronrlininn' Ilemttrknlilp Adventure While ii Citptlxe Aiiioni; tilt Arnln, ' A lot of ('migrants stopped from the car? at the Union depot recently. Among tlinn was a Frenchman named Victor MiiIIit, with hi wife and two children. He hail a remark able story Of advonMire his life, ami as lie rested in a hotel1 preparatory to going out house-hunting he related it to a reporter as follows: "When 1 was young I had a great love for the army, and at the age of seventeen 1 went to Stras bourg to become a soldier. 1 was put into an infantry regiment, from which 1 was transferred in six weeks to the Third ivgmient of zouaves. While among them 1 was sent to Algiers, where I staid for about fifteen years, lighling the Ajubsor living the miser able life of a French soldier in Tan gier." "Why miserable?" "Well, the country is awfully hot, and anybody who is not used to it suf fers terribly." "Did you do any active service?" "Yes, and plenty of it. The Arab on the northern coast of Africa are con stantly revolting against the supremacy of the French, whom that country costs many a drop of blood in a year. Many a friend did I lose while 1 was out there. Once when we were on the de-ert we had been alter a detach ment of Arab horsemen we .est our way. and we roamed for about a week through the vast sea of sand which stretches itself through tho northern part of Africa the Sahara. Our sup ply of water had given out, and we were almost dying of thirst, while our knapsacks witli provisions were almost empty. To get some water and sonic food we resorted at last to the measure of killing one of the camels that we had with u. The camel has a stomach which is divided into four parts, one of which contains the water just as the animal drinks it. We opened that part, and to our great joy there was enough water to give us all at least a cupful each. On the sixth day our number had dwindled down to seven, when a cavalcade of Arabian horsemen came upon us, and we, being too weak to defend ourselves, were made prisoners and taken to Taghit, a town in Morocco. "Here our Captain was killed in the most horrible manner by the Arabs. They tore his nails one by one from his lingers, cut out his tongue, and chopped oil' his ears before they finally killed him. 1 myself was sold the next day to a rich Moor, who made me his valet. I had here comparatively an easy life, but they forced me there to join the religion of Mohammed. Unfortunately my master died, and ho leaving no heirs 1 was taken back by the Govern ment as their property. They, not being able to dispose of mo immediate ly, sent mo to Morocco, where I was put into a dungeon among criminals of the most degraded character. How ever, 1 appealed to the Sultan, through the governor of the prison, ami 1 was released, prine' jally because I had be come a Mttssii .11:111. 1 ran through the town, fumi one end to the other, when at last I found occupation with a He brew, who took 1110 in as a water-carrier and general servant. As soon as I had saved some money, I left Morocco for Algiers. Tho dangers 1 encount ered on my long and wearisome jour ney were horrible not so much from tin people or from beasts as from the horrible climate. For five days I trav eled through a dreary, barren desert. I was without food for two days. On several occasions I was misled by the Fata Morgana. The Fata Morgana is a relleetiou of some distant place in the rays of the sun, and is very deceiving to travelers, especially on tho desert. 1 had left Tleineen, tho town where AlxW'l-Kader vanished the French in 18:l.r), the day previous. When I got on the desert I had a small llask of water, which I had been obliged to buy, ns there was a drought in Tle ineen, making water so scarce that it -.oinelinies eiinio to twenty centimes (foiir cents) a pint. "When the water in my. llask gavo out I seemed to feel awfully thirsty; 1 became terribly dejected, my head felt dizzy and ached dreadfully. I was wishing for the next town with all my heart. The sun shone down upon the country with scorching heat. The sanil was so hot that it burned the soles of my feet. With a fainting heart I lifted up my head to see whether any trees or houses appeared on the horizon. Look ing up 1 was pleasantly surprised by noticing in the distance a beautiful vil lage. The little one-story white houses were surrounded with largo trees, whose beautiful green foliage, In con trast to the white houses, made up a nice picture. I hastened to reach the spot as quickly as possible, but imagine my disappointment when ,1 found that the glorious oasis was noth ing hut a deception. The next day, al most at tho.point of death, I came to a small settlement, where 1 recuperated myself front my starving condition. After a week I arrived in Tangier, where I was received with joyful hur rahs bvl my (dd comrades. In the meantime news had arrived in Algiers 'if the war between Franco and Gor nianv. In a few days a ship took us iway from Africa. Wo landed in Mnr eilles,and were at once dispatched to the front. I fought under Marshal llaziuo at Gravelotte, and was taken prisoner by the Prussians, who sent me ut Krfurt, in Saxony. I was prisoner ilforo for six months, when I was lib- ierated on account .of peace, which had lieeii established between the countries. Since that time 1 have been a German subject, 111 Alsace-Lorraine was an nexed bv that countrv. I am ulad wo ibeeauie Germans, because while I was 1 prisoner hi their country thoy treated me like a nrineo, hotter than 1 was Mevor hold as it soldier in Franco." "iltsburgh uiinncn utl luce .. A3 MUSEUM OF CURIOS. Tho Content of the rnrlnlinptl-Unggng itoolii nrn IIIr City Hotel. Not long ago the baggage store-room of the Palmer House was tilled with ev idences of the forgctfiiluess and fi nancial irresponsibility of a vast num ber of guests. The rule generally among hotels is to keep unclaimed baggage or packages three years, subject to tho call1 of the owner, at the expiration of which time those remaining are sold at auction. Tin annual sale took placo recently, consisting of the parcels and possessions left during the year 188.1. To one viewing this vast collection of luggage It otild seem almost incon ceivable that so many things should have been forgotten, as a major part were, and also that so many unusual things should be found there. Tho. word baggage is not generally taken to mean a cooking-Move, or a sewing machine, yet in this collection was not only a eookitig-tovo, but pots, pans, eollee-pots, knives, forks and a potato masher, while otl' in one corner were two antiquated sewing-machines. Ono had been left by mistake and the other intentionally as collateral for value al ready received by tho owner in tho shape of food and lodging. Therowero trunks and valises of all sizes, styles . and descriptions, from the silvcr nioiinted alligator-skin "grip" of tho swell drummer to the tin-bound black varnished paper valise of the country man who spent all his money seeing the town and "jumped his board bill," leaving this sole token of his love. Of trunks there was an endless variety. A very substantial one was opened, and was found to contain the full uniform of a German dragoon. Every thing was complete top boots and spurs, dress and fatigue coats and trousers covered with gold lace, sabretache and shako, while on the breast of the dress coat was sowed a decoration, pendant from a triangle formed of German col ors, tho med itself of bronze gilded and "bearing date of 1874 and a German inscription. In tho same trunk was 11 velvet-lined case in which wore a pair of old dueling pistols. From thesizo and style of these weapons they must have been nearly ono hundred years old. All nf tho things in this trunk be spoke a certain amount of refinement, which contrasted strangely with tho contents of the neighboring one. In that were a lot of old clothes, copies of Hash literature, two whisky bottles one empty, the other half full a worn out revolver and a dangerous-looking knife. Three large massive trunks were especially noticeable and woro found to contain theatrical costumes of remarkable beauty and value. A closo investigation revealed the name of tho owner, an actress of National reputa tion, who has been notified and to whom the trunks will bo delivered, they having been probably forgotten or delivered to the wrong address and returned. Another trunk was full of blank books, ledgers, etc., and thcro was one full of sponges, ono of chamois skin, one of hatchets, axes and knives; one of cloaks, which had been so nioth-eaten as to resemblo mosquito netting; ono of shoes, but not a pair among them; one of hats and caps of all kinds, from a satin opera-hat to a fifty-cent cloth cap; while still another was full of fans, some beautifully inlaid and sonio of Japanese and Chinese manufacture, in all over a thousand fans. Probably tho ono that was the most accurate representative of its owner's character was the trunk full of bricks, sand-bags and serap-iron. The man who left it also left a largo bill. Ono valise was full of champagne, and in others were found Christinas cards, music, gloves, pictures, jewelry, but tons, laees, optical and surgical instru ments, dolls, tobacco, a inarlin-spiko, murine glasses, charts of tho Paeifio Ocean and China Sea and various eoni niereihl samples in almost every imag inable kind of business. There was a large packing-box full of advertising for the ill-fated Now Orleans Exposi tion, while another contained chorusos and blank advertising cards. In a corner stood about three hun dred umbrellas and canes, Vepresont ing every known typo of either article. Near this lot hung a small reticule, which was a jewel in its way, and con tained two articles distinctively femi nine a powder-rag and a garter. Tho only approach to this in tho way of scant buggago was a collar-box neatly wrapped, in which there woro two vory high collars, a pair of celluloid cuffs and a soiled whito scarf. No claim existed against theso articles, and is generally supposed tho dudo was too weak to carry them away. Thero wero som quite valuable emeralds, a few opals, pearls and sapphires. Sovoral gold chains and cull-buttons wero al so found. After the salo had boon concluded the only articles loft on thoscono of the battle wero tho little hand-bag and tho collar-box, and although tho generous auctioneer had 011 sovoral occasions of fered them as inducements to speedy purchase and afterwards thrown thorn in to be taken for cost of transporta tion, they were as often incontinently refused, and still remain as a nucleus for the action of 1888. Chicago Tri bune. m Near Navarro, O., a few days ago, John Fotheringhani, a wull-kuown coal uiinor, died, aged CO years. In 1801 ho had tho misfortune to lose both eyes by an explosion In a initio. Al though entirely blind for a period of twenty-three years, ho worked very hard in the coal mines, and would got out as much coal In a day as any of his follow-mlners until recently, when ho was obliged to quit on account of fee bleness. , .,