The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 23, 1887, Image 4

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City and County Official Paper.
Saturday, April 2!5, J 887.
Thoprc'Cmptiou. lioiiiestciid, timber
culluro unci desert luuil laws reimiin in
force. Congress adjourned without
tuition upon tlioin tilthiing-h ttiny were
loujr under discussion. A hill pussei1,
however, to protect homestead settlor
within the limit of railroad -.'ninth.
Ihikor City hn a hoard
of tritdu. Thi is a move in the riht
direction mid ihe first, most impor
tant step toward prosperity and the
upbuilding of the place. We trust the
hiisine-s men of this phice will rouse
themselves to the need of the times,
and do likewise
The prospects' for an ahundant yield
of wheat and other cereals are very
flattering in this section of the Slate,
and farmers arc consequently in frond
.spirits. The ininiiifr prospects of Un
ion county are also extremely frond.
No doubt there will hi; a hir-re influx
of immigrant this year, who will in
vest, in laiuii iiud aid matciially in
building up the country. Taken al
together the indications are that L'n
ion and adjoining countic,s will wit
ness a prosperous year.
The glorious I'oiirth of'.Iulv will
soon be here. We notice that the
prcliiniiuuy notes for a celebration on
that day are being sounded by our
exchanges in neighboring towns, and
no doubt some of them will get up a
full blast presently. Wu shall not
pipe any this year on this subject.
The last celebration held in the valley
was at this place and largely attended
by the denizens of nearly every sec
tion of the county. It is our place
now to reciprocate. We are ready to
get full of enthusiasm, yell, and show
our patroli'-ni in divers ways, if the
opportunity is ofrered.
The following noma San Francisco
paper look as if the people of California
hud a notion of getting around tin;
Inter-State Commerce law by inking a
short cut through the air. Articles of
incorporation of the California Aerial
Steam Navigation Company have been
filed. The corporation is organized the purpose 'of hiiihlingiiiid con
structiug air ships and equipping them
with machinery; machines ami nppli
aues for exhibition and navigating the
nir: for making ascensions; tor trans
porting passengers, good, wares,
merchandise mi1 other properly
through theairhy mcniisof thcsnint!. ' '
The.O. It. N. Co. ami the Union
Pacific have fixed a rate of W cent"
per hundred on lumber from Portland
to Denver, ami from Portland to Oma
ha, Kiiiisiih City, Council (Huffs, SI.
Joseph ami other Missouri lfivor
points. This iH a reduction of nine
cents a liundred to Denver, and live
items to the Missouri river, from last
year's rates. The rale from Chicago
to Dcnvir is the same as from Port
laud, and this will place the lumber
men on an equal footing wilh the great
lumber market of the win hi. The new
rates will be pcruiiimcut , at least this
.season, nudiill the saw mill" in Oregon
will no doubt llnd u ready inii'kol lor
their entire output .
lteceutly .1. G. Hlaiii took cold anil
a slight chill or two ran down his spi
nal column. There was nothing very
peculiar in that, hut a very curious
phenomena in connection (herewith
is brought to our notice while readii g
our exchanges. There can ho no
doubt that when one of the aforesaid
chills caper down his spine, it affects
ihfi vertebra of a large number ot the
populace in a similar hut more aggra
vated manner. Wo presume this is
due to the remarkable 'magnetism"
ot the plumed knight. Now, Cleve
land never made anybody fed like
that, unless it was when he vetoed
some rascally pension hill, or excom
municated some post-master, mid
then the sensation seemed to be lack
ing in quality or something, llo's no
good, and hasn't the proper magne
tism, MagnetUm-is what we want.
A number of our exchanges seem
to feel grieved at the loss of their
'free pahs' ' ovur tlie railroad. The
newspaper man "who says he had a
'free pass' acknowledges the utter
worthlessiiess of his paper as mi ad
vertising medium. It would he sup
posed that he paid for all ho got.
Wo advertised for the railroad compa
ny hist year to the amount of $00. and
charged them up on the ledger with
the same During that lime we llnd
them credited with one ride $2.W,
Thus it will he seen that the got ad
vertising to the amoiiiit of ?V. for
nothing. To be sure we could have
taken up that amount and much more
in riding if wo had desired to do so.
.Not one newspaper man in twenty
litis occasion to ilde morn than his ad
vertising amounts to providing he
attends to hi business, ami his minor
is worth a continental -and this being
the case wo can't see where thu fro!
pass come in.
All Exploded Myth.
The following poem is published by
request. Jt was written by .Mr. 0. 1.
Milfoil, a iironiiuent attorney of l'ort-
j land. While it is not exactly in our
j line as a general newspaper, it contains
truths (hat should be heralded to every
land ulidcr the sun. We give it cur
rency with pleastiic:
"Tin re is no Hell!" (Jrcat wonder!
That long hath furnished Christian
"There is no Hell!" exclaims .Ward
The great est living Christian preacher.
The thought sweet consolation brings
i "There is no Hell!" it rings, it rings
j Through -all the land. Now -pulpit
Is furnished without hell for dressing.
Ah happv man! how sweet to tell
! "i'herelsno Hell!" no Hell! no Hell!
In boyhood's days I used to think,
That standing. on the grave's, dark
Willi vast eternity befcre
A plunge! Now "on the other shore"
Are mvccIi i-t liouers of varied hue,
Elysiun fields aie brought to view.
! Alls lovely as as a summer's morn,
i And fragrance on the air is bourne.,
And cherubim with snowy wing
In dulcet strains there sweetly sing.
While harps of gold the niithiun swell
'And just below u brimstone Hell!
Long years ago muuc thousand ycai
The priests made Hell to augment
In it poor mills were cast and burned:
. "I'was made of course for the unlearned,
' For those who could not read or write,
To force submission by the fright
Of that dread 'place for men were
' That sinning mortals to it brought,
1 oul'.l writhing gioan,
m chains, m
1 pain.
Through endless time in vain, in
' vahi
For their i dense, at any cost,
Would plead forever, ov r lost,
t With tender eye to heaven would look,
' And see a sweet and purling brook,
l'laced there, no doubt, their pangs
to swell,
j And add more torments to their Hi ll.
, Oh horiid place! in il were cast
Uniiuinhcied mills so vast so vast !
Go cotintthe sands on ocean's shore,
i And multiply them o'er and o'er,
, And still the number will not tell
Jnc half the souls coiidcmn.itl (o Hell!
i And yi t 'tis said, "since Adam's fall,"
.There's room ah, ves! in Hell for
! all!
i And more beside for young and old,
I For high and low. For we are told
That king, and prince and beggar man,
"Anil clulil that measures not a span,
O'er that dread Hell piofusely strown,
For Adam's sins and not their own!
Ah, yes 'lis said there side by side,
Are mothers grey, and lovely bride,
' And little babe, and aged sue,
! Distorted in that liquid lire.
j There, too(j that throng of heathen
Willi horrid eyes and demon faces,
1 Who in their earth-life never heard
i Of Gospel truth one single word;
i Hut all reduced to common level,
Presided over by the Devil.
I Fternal ages there to dwell,
j Without relief in Hell! in Hell!
! Some thousand years, I said, or more,
! This Hell's been preached to rich and
j poor,
j To high and low, to small and great,
j In heathen laud, in Christian state,
I Till it became the common tether
I That held IheChristian creeds together,
' The corner stone in every creed,
The germ of faith, the Christian seed,
A mighty weapon in the hand
Of priest and preacher in the land,
! A terror that was ever ready
I To use with skill on the unsteady.
1 That none might he left in the lurch,
"I'was made a dogma in the church,
1 And he who doubled brimstone Hell
! Was styled, alas! an Infidel!
Hut now the wondrous revelation,
Astounding to a Christian nation
"Thoio is no Hell!" oh glorious
j Is from the Christian pulpit taught.
Away goes Hellas Hies a pigeon,
and leaves but heaven in religion!
On man new hope begins to dawn
j The Devils dead his business gone!
I As every dolt must know full well,
I 'I he Devil s Useless without Hell.
, Oil blissful thought! for rich and
1 poor.
For knave and rogue, and many more,
i Who strive to live by way of cheating,
; Wjth them 'twill have a happy greeting
Now they'll rejoice; their voieesswell
, "There is no Hell!" no Hell! no Hell!
' Hash man! stop here! go not too fast,
For you must find a Hell at last.
1 Stay the mad thought, for nature true
I Deals ever honestly with you.
For every wrong that you commit
Some punishment must come, most tit ;
For every crime that e'er befel
There is meet punishment in Hell:
I Not brimstone Hell with horrid Devil,
j Hut Hell proportioned to the evil,
i Go where you may on land or sea,
From Hell fiom Hell von cannot
For Hells are many, great and small,
Am) cairicd in the breasts of all;
They're banks upon which Nature
Her checks to pay for broken laws.
Aflhtt, I'uslilni; mill lEellulilt.
J. T. Wright can always la- rcliod Umiii to
cHrry in Mock the purest and bent good,
uud Kiistaln tlm reputation of ln-inj( active,
pushing uud reliable, bv recommending ar
ticle with well e.tllllied merit mid stiuli
k urv Mulr. Having tliu uuvney for thy
ceWbrolid Dr. King's New Discovery for
eolUIUuplioh, cold od cmli. will M'll H
on a pcfitiu' guarantee. It will surely i nre
HHV ulidevci v alttvtiun of thumt, boigii or
ibi st. ami in olfti r In ioc .mi claim we
ask ou (o i all aildyt ( a H ttlc Fno
Elgrin Echoes.
April li), 1887.
Our farmers are nearly through
(Jardens arc doing nicely, although
the niglMs are ..old.
Tnere are several buildings going
; 11)1 here his spring,
i . It. E. Stevenson ha liis new barn
lip. It is a line frame.
I Dr. Snyder will soon commence the
erection of a dwelliilg house
! Health is good. Peace and plenty
'abound, hut ileum are scarce.
Sheriff I lamilton paid us u short visit
recently, inlying heavy horses.
Itov. .Johnson, of Siimmcrvillc,
preached for us hist Sunday evening.
Jilgui is still improving. We haven
new blacksmith firm Thompson &
Alford. Success to them.
Mr. McCully and Mr. (Salloway arc
running daily stages from ha Grande
to Joseph and are doing a good busi
ness. We nre still expecting to have a rail
road in the near future. Who will be
the lirst man to avail himself of the
finest mill privilege in Union county?
We arc at last, in communication with
the outside woild by a daily mail,
which commenced on the Kith in-t.
We can now get your valuable paper
on Monday after its issue.
Mr. Win. Snyder will soon com
mence building u house -'OX-- feet,
two stories, to he used by himself and
wife. Part of it will "lie used for a
barber shop, and part as a millinery
store. We hope they will do well.
Valley Happenings.
Too cold lor grass to grow.
School opened with thirty-two
Strong indication now for a dry
Farmers h ive got about half their
crops in.
Wilkinson and Swnger moved their
cattle out to Thorn creek, on heller
range, for the summer.
This is a ninny sided world, ami we
get ntir share of theirood and bad, the
bitter and the sweet , as we .idvr.iice.
Holdfast to all that i" good, and do
not weep when no trouble is. Wo
thought thus as we finished up sur
veying with Mr. M . Austin . Crook
ed Ihiuun were inade straight, the
deputy to the contrary not withstand
ing, who, we hope, went home from
here a wicr and a better man. Mr,
Austin is the most competent survey
or Union county has ever had. and we
Know wiiereot we speak. We will
say to anyone wanting surveying done
j to send for Austin and satisfaction will
Ibeiiot. Measure everyone by their
! good works and not from the 'abund
ance of what the mouth speaketb.
I Iomo.
Syrup il i'itf".
.Manufactured only by the California Fig
Syrup Co., San FrancNeo, Cal., is Nature's
Own True Laxative. This pleasant ('alitor-
J ilia .liquid fruit remedy may be had f all
druggists, at fifty cents or one dollar. It is
the most plcaMiut, prompt, and ellrctive
remedy known to cleanse the system ; to act
on the Liver, Kidneys, and ltowelsi gently
yet tluiioughly ; to dispel Headache", Cold.",
and Fevers; to cure Consumption, Indiges
tion, and kindred ill". .
oim :iti:i:i).
We believe' In truly nicetingthe eonlidene.
of our natrons, In honest goodstuul accurate
I statements concerning theiii, square deal-
lug, a cash biisine-s, low prices, prompt-
I lies-, ami a i leur roicivniv.
All orders entrusted to ns for D1!Y
(iOODS, will be sti Icily tilled in accordance
with this creed.
LSI! First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Silverton, Oregon,
I buve l ecn atllicted with a kidney trou
ble for twelve years, during which time I
have used almost every Kidney remedy I
could hear of but obtained no relief until I
tiled the Omjn n AVinry Tin. 1 am now us
ing the second box and am free to say that
I am much better and have no hesitancy
in recommending it its a pleasant and safe
Mduey remedy. W. It. COX.
Ladies and gents' slimmer goods con
stantly arriving from the Fast and San
Francisco, at Levy's.
Fine Ranch For Sale!
Situated in Antelope Vallev, ', mile from
railroad station of Teloc.isct. The ranch
contains I'tm acres of the best
In Eastern Oregon, Ha" good house and
outbuildings, anil Is well fenced and water
ed. For terms and price" enquire of
li. II. DliAKE
l-Ki-nil, Union, Oregon.
j Coal Oil,
Lamp Supplies,
and Bine Vitriol,
- AT-
R. C. Greig's
Toilet Articles.
Perf "inner y,
vlw?mX'n"'u ut v, 1eunbU
Main Street,
Immense Stock
Huh just Ilcccivcd an
Plcase2coinpare the following ju ices
TiMFBfffwggwc i. "w i h .fir
Muck Saws
Wash Hoard"
Guns, Revolvers,
-Helonging to-
Must, shall and will be sold at the lowest
prices oyer known in Eastern Oregon.
Call ai Examine Hie Only Comulete Stock
tint Tjisrionsr ootjistt.
Iph Levy,
Having leased and thoroughly relltted the same, it will be conducted on an en
tirely dillereut plan than heretofore, and no paiii" will he spared to make patrons com
forlablc. In connection with the hotel i" an elegant
Where the
Wines, Liquors and Cigars are kept con
stantly on hand.
The patronage of the public is solicited. E .Ml LLElt, Proprietor.
Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of i very thing in hi" line, manufactured
of the licst material obtainable He is now otl'eri lg lor sale the
Jkst lot of saddles, at lower prices than were
ever offered, in Eastern Oregon,
LEAD IIAIiNESS from $'r. to por sot. HOUSE
1JLANKETS $1.2. oat h. CTKKY C031IJS 12 v.
OIL. En.. Kir.. En.. In lint e cry thing usually kept in a
First Class Establishment.
t'if Call and cxainine goo s .() Main Street, Cnion, Oregon.
and Cigars,
Variety ad Fancy Ms,
Hi Bosks and Stationery, '
Pit AM ICS, HlltP C.UIKS, HAHY CA ItltlAC.KS, Etc.
CaimllOiS, Nuts and Fruits, roriorticnls, Novels, etc, ete.
jggOrdcrs JVom all parts of the country (
(promptly attended to.
Union, Oregon,
of New Goods,
which he will sell at
with those of other stores in the county
tilled liny Forks
Manure Forks
Hake, and Hoe handles
. . . . 7h:
. ...S7Kr.
. ... ."0o.
... . I.)C.
. .lOc.
. :!.
. ...$1.00.
Hand .Saws
Hurcka Wringers
. . 2tK!.
$1. -'.-).
Steel Trap"
Towel Itstrks
Single tree", ironed
Keck Yokes ,,
The Finest Assortment of
In the County.
The Celebrated
and Aniunition.
- Ubiiobi, Ogn.
Finc"t brands of
s In
Itui'klpti'n Arnlrn Sntve,
Tin: Hkst Iii the world for C'nt,
Unices, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Itlicuin, Frrcr
Sores, Tetter, ('Implicit Hand", Chilblains,
Corn', and all Skin KruptIon, and poltlTc
ly cure" l'lle, or no pay reiulred. It in
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Pile.) cent per box.
For sale by J. T. Wright, Union, Oregon.
A ranch of iMi) iicris in the best part of
(irande Itiuide Valley the garden spot of
Hu"torii Oregon. Mnety acre" well set to
tiiiKithv; to ai res good fanning land, the
bahine"1 good pasture well watered and
near tiinhc' A very desirable place, unit
will lie sold cheap for cash. No reasonable,
otter refused. Call on or address :
or J. W. Hii.i., Cove, Or,
Drawer 17. Portland, Oregon.
New Itridge, Union Co.. Oregon.
To am. whom it MV coSciuin: Vorth
of Powder river and east of Kaglr creek, the
stoekineii are outg(touc saltpetre In their
salt on the range for tlicir horses and cattle,
and partlc" that arc dealing in tock that
thi"l" poNonoii" to, had better be careful
where thev drive their stock.
1-l.l-yl. STOCKMKN.
LNi) Oi'rici:, at La (!i:amr, Our.oox)
April 111, lss.7.
Notice is hereby given Hint the following
liiiineil settler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to imike timil proof in xiipport of his
claim, and that said proof will in; made he
fore the I!ei:iterand K-civer at (irande
Oreiron on .June , W. vis: l'UA.WIsj M.
STKWAIIT. lid. No. -M.'Ii, for the SV
See. 1.-1. Tp.S si. It. -Ill H. W. M. He names,
the following itues.iM to prove his comm
ons residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, iz. Luther Lloyd, Caleb Moxley,
Selhy Leep. and .lames V. Leep, all of Pine
Valley, I'nion count v. 'reg hi.
l-'.'.'l-wli. itegister.
Lank Omen at La Otu'.oov.)
April 111, 187. f
Notice is hereby srlven that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his inten
tion to commute and make liual proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will he made before the Itegister and llecei
ver at La (Irande. Oregon, on .Mine 27th.,
1SS7. viz: lLAKK.WK K. (iAYLOKl),
lid. No. .'ill I. for the K'.. NW',. SW1;
NHV, and NWV, SK'4. S-e 2'i Tp. 7 S. II 4'
K. lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residen -e upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles I.
Morgan, Henry Tithesing, Kreemnn Steele,
and (ieorge Steele, all of t' Vallev. Un
ion county, Oregon.
l-l!.'-w(i. Itegister.
Administrator's Notice of Ap
pointment. In the m ittcr of the estate of Thomas Cul
ver, deceased
To all perou.s having claims against the
above entitled estate: You and each of you
are hereby untitled that the undcrslgned'hsu
been by the County court of I'nion county,
Oregon, duly appointed administrator of
said estate. " You are therefore hereby re
illired to present your said claims 'with
proper vouchers, within six mouths from
the tlrst publication of this notiiv, at the
'otlle of linker, Hii'lton & Ilakcc, in I'nion,
Oreiron. All claims pot presented within
said time will be postponed and deferrt'd
until the claims presented within said time
ate paid and sati-licd in full.
IiAKi'lt. Siiki.tox A- 1! Ki:r:,
Attoruevs for the I'Ntate.
I desire to inform the public that I ant
the sole uncut for the ecL-brated KNTKR
IMIISH WIND MILLS, in i'nion conn
tv, and invite intending purchasers to
come ami examine the on icv on evhibi
tion at my place in YV.t Union. I uni
cwnvinced' you will pronounce it the he.-t
mill now miiiiufaciiiiod. The extremely
low prices place them within the reach of
all. Circulars of wuui mills and pumps
sent on applicafion. , A.J. KlllItK.
Obtained, anil all Patent llusiness attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
Otirollieo is opposite the l S. Patent
Olliee, and we can obtain Patcnis In le.s
time than those remote from Y asoington.
Send MODKLor Dlt AWINC. Wc advise,
as to pantentabilily free of charge J nnd we
We refer, here, to the Postal aster, the
Supt. of Monev Order Div and to oflicials
of thel'.S. 1'atent Otllce. I-or circular,
advice, terms and rell'crcnees to actuul cli
ents in your own State or (. ounty, write to
C. A. SXOW & Co.,
Opposite Patent OlUec, Washington, I). C.