The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 23, 1887, Image 1

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vol. ni.
The oregoh scoot.
An Independent weekly journal, issued c -cry
Saturday morning Iry
I'tiltll-liors and Proprietors.
A. K. Josks, I i 15. 'iiam'i:v,
Kill tor. I ) Foreman.
n.Ti:s or suiiscKii'TioN:
One. copv, niii' vear .fI..-0
!! :1.lx "u,,"tll '-'it1
" IlllVC lllolltlts .1.1.
Invariably Cash In A.lvnncc.
If In eltititrc uttbfm'iitiiiit hit wit iniiit till
ml ' unit, tun ilnllm-.t will c chiiiijril. ,
Kates of advertiinir madi; known on ap
tBCnrropontlciii'c from all purl of the
country Mil cited.
Adro- all coninitinieations to the Oiilcon
Scot' i', I'nion Oregon.
' I.oiIk'' Dlrectoi y.
No. r.ti. A. V. and A. M. -Meets on the
.econd and fourth Satnrdav of each month.
W.T. Wit Hi I IT, W. (i.
A. LKVV, Secretary.
UNION LODOK, No. :) I. O. O.
ltcgnlar meetings on I'riday evenings of
bboIi week at their hall in I'nion. All breth
ren in good .standing are invited to attend,
lly order of the lodge.
0. A. THOMPSON, N. (i.
CIIAS. H. M I LI Kit. Secretary.
Church Directory.
Divine service i eiy Sunday at 11 a.
ni. and 7 p. m. Sunday .school at :! p. m.
l'raver meeting everv 'I hur-dav evening at
U:30. ItKV. (i. M. IltWlN, Pastor.
1 ltKSItYTKItiAN ClintCH. ItKtil
. larchurch services every Salibath morn
ing and evening, l'raver meeting Wednes
day evening of each Wick. J-ablmth school
every Sabbath at 111 a. in.'
ItKV. W.C.ltAIltI, l'astor.
(T. JOHN'S KI'ISCOl'AL ciiritcii.
O Service everv Suiidav at :l o'clock p. in.
ItKV. W. I! I'OWKLL, Hector.
,'(. unly Olltci'i-s.
.State Senator L. 15. Itinehart
ltepresentatives 'J$Wlv
Judge . .O. I''. (ieodall
Commissioner, K;',isU,im
Sheriff . " ' A. N. Ilamiltou
Clerk . . A. T. Ncill
Treasurer .K. C. Itraiuard
School Superintendent .1. L, llimliiiau
Surveyor . . M. Aii.-tin
Assessor O. D. Thonilin-on
Coroner S. Albcrson
City Olllccis.
.. . D. II. Itee
) S. A. 1'uiM'l
I J. S. Klliott
'""""'" f J. R'cnncdv
j K. W. l)ais '
J Kd. Itemillard
Itccorder I. 15 Thomson
Marshal . K. K. Cates
Street Cominiioner L. Katon
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice sj ial-
tics. Olliee, two doors south of post-olllce.
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
AMI XOT V 11V 1MTIII.IP rill'ii'i. nnp
loorMJiitli of .1. 15. Katon's store, I'nion,
Physician and Surgeon.
Otlice. one door south of .1. 15. Katon's
.store, I'nion, Oregon. j
J) H. HKKS, !
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
Oltlee-State Laud Offlcc huildiiig. lnion,
Union county, Oregon,
Attorney at Law,
Iteal estate and collecting agent. Land
Offlce Hus hes, a Specialty. Otlice at Jo-M-pn,
allowa countv, Oregon.
0. "
Attorney at Law,
Notitrv Public. Ullll Abstractor nf Tlil 1
Otlice Mate Land Otlice liulldimr, corner
Muin ami A Streets, I'nion. Oregon
l. conns, 31. )., j
Physician amisurgeon.i
Having permanent! v located at Alder. Un-'
ZT!!!l .VilMi ?;!!' .''""."J"' mu,v "5
etleiiieuts of the Wallowa rulluy.
... .... v v.... i ... .... ...v f 111 luiii iuu im anil
My m .tto is '""I.hc and Let live,"
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
Suinmcrvillo, Union, County, Oregon.
.1. M. CAKKOI-I.. I 15. F. WILSON.
Notary Public, j Kx-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to lieal ami Mining' proper! v
furni-hi'il mi short notice, at reasonable
aici (it lical ami .Mining prnperty nego
tiated. Ciillection btt.ine prolitptly at
tended to.
Olliee next door ontli of Tot-olliee. Cn
ioti. (repni.
M . 15. k i:it. .1. W.Siiri.iox. .1. 1 15ki:.
Attorneys at Law.
OlM'ICKS I'nion and Latirande, Ore
gon, .special Attention gi en all linine
entrusted to u.
Q II. DAY, M. D.,
Physician ami Surgeon.
a i.i. cm.i.s l'ltiiMi'i'l.v atti:xim:ii TO.
Olliee adjoining Jones HroN store. Can
be found nights at the Centennial hotel,
room No. '.'!.
J A. 15KLL,
House. 5ini and Carriage
-t . T" TV T r I T "1 i
J A M T p R
-j--L-- N -L J iX. V
Graining a SpeciaSty.
Shop, Corner Main and A Streets. I'nion,
.). KOKXKi,
l'lan and designs for any kind of buil
ding funiMicd on application.
Keeps on hand a complete, stock of
Which he will sell at a low llgure.
I'arties hi- desire to build will do well to
consult him, at Cove, I'nion eo'uuty, Or.
JJ- A'. .10IIXKUX,
Contractor Biiier.
1 moil, - Oregon.
Plans nnd specifications for dwellings,
barns and bridges, lui ni-hcd I'l eo of charge.
H3"Call and interview me.
' X. a.uiDXKl CO.,
Watchmakers & Jowohns,
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
Itcpniring at .Moderate Kales.
Call and examine our goods and prices.
Oko. Wiin.iir,
Y T. Wiin. iit,
First National hi
! Docs a (ionoral Hanking Husinoss. ltny
and sells uxcliangu, and discounts commer
cial paper.
, ..
Collection carefully attended to, and
promptly reported.
t - -
J M- W"0. ' ' I'ltOI'KIETOIt,
Street,, Oregon.
Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing
uoiio nuaiiy nun in ine ihjm siyie.
Hot and Cold Baths. (
ArcnneGt aim buii
(iold Dust.
I.ati'st I'roio tin- "Wliltiiinii." "Timber
Vilf" ai d "Vi I'll" .tlltii-Hir
tin- l'lne Creek t)lH'i( t.
Cm micupia, April IS, KSS7.
Snow fast disappearing anil tin- singe
will lu' running on wheels liv the 20th
i Frank Ballard, uf I'liiiui, has return
ed and will go to work on his properties
at once.
Travel i.s starting up n train and the
snow will he a thing of the past hy the
lht of May.
The "Way 1'))" is improving with
depth, Mime of the ore running as high
as .f2f'00l) per ton.
Work will hegin to-day on the "Tim
he r Wolf," a very proiuisinir property
owned hy .1. W. Mackcy and others,
late of Nevada.
Commissioner Lee) made our camp
a short visit, Saturday, lie assures us
that he will do what lie can to secure
us a good road.
What has hecome of our road super
viMirV He was appointed from I'nion,
hut has failed to putjin an appearance.
The roads are greatly in need of work
and'tliero are many who would he will
ing to work their tax if proper credit
could he given them.
We are always glad to get. the Scopt,
for it has hecn a true friend to our
camp, and will reap its reward when
money is more plentiful. More nuin
hcrs 'are Icniailed to friends in the
Fast and in other parts of the country
from th's post-olliee than all the other
paper eonihined, and we all wish the
Oiticoo.N Scoct long life and prosperity.
A very pleasant, social singing par
ty was given Friday evening at the
residence of Mt. Hea. .Miss Josie
presided at the piano and rendered
some very pleasing instrumental mu
sic, after which Messrs (iaylord, Woods,
and otheis delighted the company
with vocal selections, and when we all
went forth and seated ourselves on the
hard crusted snow and slid down to
Main street, we felt that we had heen
rewarded for all our trouhle.
The Pioneer's Uelief AsMiciation. of
Cornucopia, have tiled articles of in
corporation with t lie secretary of State,
with Jo.s. Luce, .1. T Holies, A, II.
(iaylord, Il.Curran. W. I. I'shcr, John
Morgan and Geo. (). Newcomh as in
corporators. The ohjeet of the "corpo
ration is to take care of the sick, hury
the dead, etc. t This is the hospital as
sociation referred to by ".luniho" in
last wcek't issue. In fact, this is a
most worthy heiievolent society and
will accomplish n great deal of good if
properly managed.
i Notices me posted and petitions
signed for the establishment of a coun
ty road to run from Langrell's saw
mill at the mouth of the canyon, on
the east, side of Pine creek, crossing
to the west, of Pine aliout two miles
below Cornucoipa, and thence into our
town. Thfs is a matter of very grave
importance to our camp, an it obviates
the necessity of building bridges, and
, insures a very much better road bud.
j Wo feel sure the County court which
, convenes the Jlth of May, will take
sutlicient interest in this mutter to hoc
i that the load is pioperly anil substan
, tially built.
Fro!, .los. LuceAof the O. G. M. Co.,
has gone to-Maker City to confer with
the president of ,tho company, who is
on a (lying trip, accompanied hy his
wife. The Prof, can niako :i most Mut
tering report on the "Whitman," as it
now shows a ') foot vein at a depth of
KiO feet, and there is no longer any
doubt in regard to the "Whitman" be
ing one of the best properties in the
camp, tioid is plainly visible in the
ill li t.. ho says we
'now? It lias been said
our surface prospect
depth i.s not assured.
haven't depth
by some, that
are good, but
We think this
question is now settled
beyond anv
reasonable doubt.
Pas roliixctui ft Dit (Irncia.
('ire lur I'llcs.
Piles are freiiucntly preceded hy a weiiso
if weight In t lie hack, lohin and lower part
of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup
pose lie Inn. some affection of the kldriVys or
neighboring organ. At times, syinptonisof
Indigestion arc present, llatulunuy, uneay
ncs of the. stomach, etc. A moisture Ilk.
perspiration, producing a very disagreeable
Itching after getting warm, Ik a common
attendant, lllind, lilccdlug, and Itching
Piles yield at once to the application of Dr.
ItfiotiliL'fi-i. Ifb v (
... fi.iva. , .....w,.
upon the parti effected, absorbing the
Tumors, allavlni' the intense llcliln.' .mil
effecting a permanent cure. 1'rlec, W tout.
Address 'l lio Dr. Itosauko Medicine Com-
limy 1
any, i n ua, w. sum ny ,j, r, Wright,
,.lll'll, ' N rj'wp
FAS ill OX NOT 13 K.
Itepnrteil Uy Oar Keo inr i'ni 1 1 sponcli'iil ,
all A mi "
Fashion notes have been delayed on
account of the great desiie to get the
cream of the Parisian styles. The la
test aieto be seen in the trousseau of a
' cousin of the Prince de Von Puliskz
ditclifowskiiilti. All Paris is on the
qui vh'f over the approaching nuptials.
The plivilege of seeing the elegant
trousseau was granted me as I was a
corresponil"iit of the OitKtio.v sjcofr.
How to begin a description of this
grand conception of the celebrated, ar
tist, Worth, is puzzling. To begin:
The shirt is fastened at the neck with
an elastic band. This band is the very
latest innovation, and provides swell
ing room for aristrocratic indigestion
as well as shrinkage fioin pioiw amia
bility. His vests are of tin-most deli
cate shades of satin, hand-painted in
: figures of cute looking little pigs, geese
and glasses of champagne. There is
l one complete charcoal suit, all in black.
The skirt of the coat is so arranged
that it will give the usual "divine wave."
There is one unique suit called "Fath
er Washington Combination" coat,
vest and pantaloons all in one. The
vest and pantaloons form one long
garment. The coat is represented by
two small haud-painted laps attached
to this elegant stilt. It is made of tea
gicen surah silk. The next is an op
era suit of the most delicate pink satin
do Lyons, decollate in the legs and
neck. The bathing suit is fashioned
like a fish; is water proof and covered
with shining silver scales. When he
gets into it and launches into the sea.
he looks tor the world like the whale
that swallowed Jonah. His luidal suit
is ,t of heavy satin in pearl
white. The coat is long, daw-hum-
mcr, hand-painted in ntmicrons
.enpids, standing on their heads,
queue is" of the lovely Titian
and is linked with elastic so as to elon
gate when it gets a pull. His bridal
dickey is of superb Duchess lace. His
fan is an immense peacock's tail fin
ished with. in orange-colored boa. His
pantaloons are decollate at the ankles,
grass blue, and apron fiont. His boots
are rose-colored satin, except at' the
heel and toe, These are of the clearest
glass, which give the observer a glimpse
of his delicate heels mini toes which are
while and colored with cochineal. His
hat is an immense poppy, upon which
a large yellow-jacket, reposes. His
handkerchiefs are yellow satin and are
scented with the latest of perfumes
citbliuiic tlr httilloii, or in plain Knglish,
boiled cabbage. Tin wedding cards
are the size ol a ledger, with an im
mence plum cuke in one corner and a
roast pig in the opposite.
("Sail Ann" is now about to marry
and she will be so busy in preparations
and bridal tours that there will be no
time for hunting up fashion notes.)
North Powder Nuggets. .
April 20, 1887.
J Ercd Voting haw gone to Union, on
I business.
Hull, Eckels it Co. have built a new
road to their saw mill, and hauling
lumber will soon bo resumed.
L N. Saunders wants to buy a span
of No. 1 work horses, weighing KiOO to
1100 lbs. Will pay a fair price
Frank Oolan, son of S. W. Dolun
Esq, bus arrived from below, with his
family, and will make this valley his
future home.
We understand that Mr. Walk fs
1 about to fail in getting a wife in Ar
i kausas, and is likely to return as he
went, and will be hossof the batchdor's.
hall again.
Everybody that can spare the time
will go to La Grande, to-morrow, us
witnesM'H in the desert lund contest
euse, wherein A. Lim is contestant ami
Wesley Parker defendant.
Eil. and Lou, Davis, of Union are
keeping butch and funning their ranch,
about ') miles above town. Gucsh Lon
will make other arrangements as soon
as he gets his house finished.
John Ivimbrell took u flying trip to
High Valley, on Friday, but missed
the train at Union, Saturday on his
return home and walked, most of the
way from 1'yle canyon, in the evening,
Walter Higgs, an old resident of this
valley, returned to his home on North
Powder river, on the 17th., from South
ern California, where he went several
months ago for the benefit of his
hcaltlij hut got worse, and concluded
to return to hie family.
Thomwm it J'ursel are tho ugentH
for the celebrated Cyclone wind mill.
Dont forget it. , A sample mill on exhibition.
A l'liiniiil mill Splcv l.i'ltr!---Iiilni;s
1. 1 llic Niilmlis in Hip Na
tional Capitol.
Washington, April S, 1SS7.
It looks very much as if the name of
Mr. Whitnev will live in history as the
"Naval Secretary." lie has just taken
another step towards the impiovc incut
and building ip of the navy. This was
the sending forth of an announcement
inviting sealed proposals from the ship
builders of the United States fir the
building of five nt w iron vessels. All
Anicticans with yards cquiped can
compete. Speed is an important con
sideration, and extra premium for ex
tra quarter knots is guaranteed con
tractors. Three of the vessels are to be cruis
ers and must be completed within two
years. The others are to be gun-boats
and must be completed within a yeai
and a half. It is also rrquired that one
of the vessels shall be built on or near
the coast of the Pacific ocean, one of
them mi or near the coast of the Gulf
of Mexico, and two of them on or near
the coast of the Atlantic ocean.
There has been a good deal ol com
ment here in regard to the withdrawal
from the National Diill, which takes
place next month, of two prominent
Alabama companies the "true blues"
and the "greys," because some colored
militia will participate in the contest.
It is argued by the managers of the
coining event that since it is to be a
National Encampment and Drill, they
have no right, civil, military or moral,
to exclude regularly organized soldiery
on account of their color. The drill
has the recognition of the government,
in this sense is a national iiflair, and is
simply intended to illustrate the pro
ficiency of volunteer soldiery in the
munucl of arms and military maneu
vers. The social aspects of the occa
sion are quite another thing. Soldiers
who camp on the same field are not
obliged to put up at thesnme hotel, or
eat at the same table. As citizens they
are still priviliged to select their own
associates. Colored troops took part
in President Cleveland's inauguration,
they were assigned a place in the cere
monies attending the laying of the cor
ner sloue of the city hall at Virginia's
capitol. The managing committee o
tin; national drill, which is composed
almost exclusively of democrats and
southern men, did not hesitate to ad
mit the two colored companies which
applied for entry. And, indeed, it is
not quite clear why the militia system
of the country is in any more danger
from the colored clement, which is
lawfully recognized in its organization,
than is the regular army, which inlists
colored men in its service and converts
them into soldiers.
The first day that the Inter-State
Commerce Commission was empow
ered to act judicially, which was on
Tuesday (the day that tho law went
into ell'ccl) it selected permanent olliee
quarters. The next day it announced
its lirst odicial act the suspension of
the "long and short haul" clause, as
alfcctiug the entire Southern Uaihvay
and Steamship Association. It is sus
pended for a period not to exceed nine
ty days, and is subject to revocation at
any time by the coinniisnion. . The
Washington home of the new commiss
ion is in a beautiful new building with
white inurhle front, recently erected hy
the Ilultiniore Sun coinpiiny. Ench
commissioner will have a spacious
apartment there to himself.. Applica
tions for appointments under the com
mission continue to come in hy every
mail. One applicant writer that he is
about to take a pleasure trip to Eu
rope, and that should the commission
require bin services before the date
fixed for his return they nuiy cable
him at his expense.
When the champion pugilist of the
world visited the white hotiso one day
this week, it is alleged that in an un
guarded moment lie gave expression
to the opinion that a series of Turkish
baths would improve the president's
health. It was fortunate for the mus
cle developer that he did not belong to
the Medical Association of the Dis
trict of Columbia, or he would bo inves
tigated for expressing sentiments: so
in conflict with the exulted "ethicw" of
tho medicul society. This is in connec
tion with the ordeal through which Dr.
Bowers hus just passed for having re
inurked recently ut nu evening club
that the manner of life pursued by the
president wuh in danger of leudinfi to
Anyono wishing to trudo horses or
cuttle for un Otiborno twine hinder,
will find it to their ndvuutugo to cull on
J. M. Huyncfi, in this city.
h. P.,
NO. 4)).
Xi' Items I'mm llic I'cii of Our Keg
u lur Corrt'o pnmlc nt .
April 21. 1SU7.
.Ia. Uussell will open a meal shop
in Cove. It will he it convenience to
the community.
Hishop Morris, on his wiv to l'oit
laml. trom the East . paid Cove a brief
visit ibis week.
duo. Magaiiii has gone to Cornuco
pia, where he expects to engage in
mining this summer.
The directors of Frosty district have
engaged Miss .unborn to teach the
spring term of school.
Two inclKjs of snow fell Wednesday
morning in Cove, but soon melted.
It was a benelit to spring sown grain.
Lou Cbilds litis gone to Pendleton
where, he has been hired lo drive ami
train a number of highly bred horses.
S. liloom bus concluded to discon
tinue the dairy business and otters a.
number of guild milch cow for sale.
'fho spring lligbt of game has ar
rived in la rue numbers and are imposing-on
tho sand lidgo farmers by
picking up recent ly sown grain.
Since the intelligence vouchsafed hy
the Teepy Spring correspondent lust
week, no miners can be ton ml in the
Cove, all having cliuuited their occu
pation, Hubert Cochran received a telegram
Irons his folks iii'Cictir d' Alene, Wed
nesday, to come Lome at once on ac
count of the illness of his mother. Ho
started Thuisla morning.
Win. Kellty met with a serious ac
cident this week. His horse tailing:
he was dismounted, kicked ami
dragged some distance, receiving se
vere bruises, but fortunately no bro
ken bono. The injured man has
been confined to his bed since tho mis
hap. I'm going to hire a muscular man1
to tell O. he is a prevaricator. V. I
cannot disregard the wants of the in
ner mail. P. I intend moving into
the .settlements this fall. S. The
principal occiinution of Cove sports
now-a-davs dodiring the road super
visor. It takes me to make a good
horse swop. -It. She stole my "tu
bacca" and 1 was in inUcrv all duv.
Lit Umndt! Litconics.
April 21 . 18S7.
Nothing of particular interest has oc
curred in our town during' me past
i ween.
Our hunk cashier continues honest,
and no one has been killed hy the mis
takes o! our druggist , for lliev make
none, nor hurt) we any accidents on
i be railroad lo record, and everything
is ipiiet in .lustico Ellsworth court,
but our town is not dead? by any
menus, and it is only because evcry
tbing runs so smoothly that there is iio
racket. Our town U full of people so
there is not a vacant house this side of
the hill, and only a few in the old
L'ev. Conway arrived with his f.-unilv
the llrst of the week and will have to go
to Hie hill for a home which seems too
j had for all the nreachers live in tho
old town, and It seems as though at
least one minister should live heroin
the new town, and Dr. Strange, yvlio
has just arrived from Pendleton, can
lind no place for either a dwelling or
olliee. lint a large number of residen
ces will ha erected this spring, and wo
hope to have room to accomodate an
other thousand during the coming
year. Our city Is not so attractive as it
might be, for a good many things am
neglected which would add greatly to
the appearence of our streets. Now,
If our city park had a more respect
able fence about i', and a good coat of
grans, it would be much more congen
ial to the taste of those who might fre
quent it during the summer seasons,
hut though our new nnyor is a man
of taste, and prompt in making in
provmeutH, when asked when this
would he done, said he did not know.
And then our college 'building might
ho improved somewhat, if about four
hundred panes of glass were added to
the windows to replace the broken
ones, it would bo inoro inviting t
strangers who coino hero to educate
their children; hut notwithstanding
these things, and other disadvantages
which might bo mentioned, LiiGrando
holds her own with n Unn hand nnd
is Improving till tho time. Thero is
nioro union ho"ro now than over before
and when our city gets through both
ering with Chunluin ubotit water works
and guts ready to talk business to
soino other company, thoy may huvo
soiiio tiro protection, winch will quiet
tho fours of capitalists unit insure a
good substantial class of biddings.
We huvo just learned that Pierce Ma
huffcy has tired of tho hotel business
and has routed Ills house to Fred Scott
who is already in charge
Soinmer'B now brick will soon loom
up, for tho foundation H already dug.