The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 16, 1887, Image 1

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The Oregon scout.
An independent weekly Join nal, N
orv Satiirilny mornlm; by
tied ov-
I'ltlill-litT.- and Proprietors.
A. K. Jonks, i
Kditor. "
i It. CiiAxfin
i Foreman.
One copv, out- vear
' " Hix months . . 1
" ' Thro-.- 111(1111(1-
liivarlalily V'nsh in .-1 unco.
' hi rhmtrr niiliirri'iili'miK urr tint )ni!il till
cm) nj iuir, tiro ilolliii- h !II rlutiiinl.
Kate, of :ul crti-inr made known on ap
plication. J3Corfi"Mindi'in,i' from all parts of the
country solicited.
Adrt!v all coiuiii'.tiiicatitins to the Ouniio.s
SVot'T, I'liion Oregon.
IjiiilKi Directory.
VX.N'ii. .". A. K. and A. M. Meets on the
second and fourth Saturday- of eacli month.
W.T. WKKiliT, V. (i.
A. I.KVY, Secretary.
UXIOX I.OlXiK, No. :i!) 1. O. O. F.
Itcgular meetings on Friday evenings of
each week at their hall in 1'nion. All breth
ren in good standing are invited to attend.
Hv order of the lodge.
(!. A. THOMPSON', X. (i.
('HAS. H. Ml LUCK, Secretary.
Cliiii't'll Dllri'tiirv.
Divine service e cry Sunday at 11 a.
in. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at .'! p. in.
Pravor meeting t-vcrv 'I'liur.-dav evening at
I:.K. IiKV. (i. M. IKYVlX, Pastor.
p i:k.sp.ytki:iax chkisch. ukop-
L lar church services every S.ihhath niorn
inland evening. Prayer meeting Wednes
day evening of each Week. Snlihath school
every .Sabbath at in a. in.
KKV. W. C. 11AI1H), Pastor.
hervicc everv Mindav at :t o'clock n. in.
KKV. W. K POWKLL, Kector.
State Senator
L. P. Kinchart
K K. Tavlor
F. 1). MeCullv
.(). 1'. (ieodall
.lohii Chrisiuaii '
I-:. Lec.
A. X. Hamilton !
A. T. Xcill
Commissioners I
clerk . .
School Superintendent
.!.. C. ltrainard ;
.1. L, lliiidmau I
M. Austin !
O. I). Thoudiuson i
S. .unerson
layor. .
S. A. PiiiM'l
.1. S. Klliott
A. Levy
.1. W. Kennedy
K. W. Davis '
I'M. Kemillurd
.1. 1! Thomson
K. K. Cates
.1. I). Carroll
L. ICatou
Marshal . .
Street Coiamissioiier
Attorney at Law.
t ColleetiiiK and prohatu iiractlee special
tips. Ollice, two doors south of post-otllee,
'Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
door south of .1. J. Eaton's store, Union,
Physician ami Surgeon.
Olllee, one dnor south
More, I'liion, Oregon,
of J. It. Katun's
J) 15. It EES,
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
Otllet State Land Olllce building, Union,
I'liion county, Oregon.
TT. F- mjiiLEum,
Attorney at Law,
Iteal estate nn.i ..,.n... .....i i
rl . 1. i vwui-i-iiiil; Hi;i'!it i.tiiui
UHlee Jlusiuess a Main,, m In.
seph, Wullowii comity.
1 11KLL,
Attorney at Law,
n..1."1' k'' 'J'"1 Abstractor of Titles.
Ottiee-htate I.aml Otllce bulldim: corner
Main and A Streets, Union. Ore"'
L. conns, 31. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
r Uavlng permaiiently located at Alder. Un
ion county Oregon, will be found reatlv to
attend to calls lu all the various towns 'and
settlement of the WalMva valley.
grniuqxir asks a spk( i altv.
MrnMto "fi and l.i t live"""""
t'ltOrKsSIONA I..
V. lMJLTDliX, M. 1).
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
Sunniiorvillo, Union, County, Oregon.
Notary Public.
Lx-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Heal
funii.-hed on .-.hurt
and Mining iro)ierty
notice, at reasonable
Sales of l!cal and Miiiin;: property ucgn
tiated. Collection business pivutiptly at
tended to.
Olllce next door south of Post-olllce. I'n
ion. Oregon.
M. Hvkkii. J. W. Siii.i.tox. .1. F. li.Ki:i:.
Attorneys at Law.
KICKS 1'nioii and I.n (irande, Ore- Attention trrvon all business
entrusted to tl
II. DAY, M. ).,
Physician ami Surgeon, i
vi.i. eu.t.s I''Tj.v atti:.iu:i to.
Ollice adioiniti'' Jones Pro's store. Can
he found ni'lits at thiCentcnnial hotel,
room No. :!;!.
- I
House, Si-n and Carriage !
Graining a SpeciaSty.
Shop. ( orner Main
;iud A Street-", I'liion,
Architect ail Builder
Plan and de iis for any kind of buil
ding furnished on application.
Keeps on hand a complete stock of
m'lliMYf 'filVrHITtt
K'I'C!., lC'fC.
Which be will sell at a low tijiitre.
Parties- wlie desire to huild will do well to
consult him, at Cove, I'uioii county, Or.
JJ- 11. .OJfXHOX,
' Biiier.
Plans and specilicatioiis for dwellings,
barns and bridges, furnished free of charge.
I3Call and interview me.
X. GAJiDXICll ib CO.
Watchmakers & Jewelers,
Union, - - Oregon.
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
ICi'imiriiiK nt .Mntlci-ntu ICntcx.
Call and examine our goods and prices.
W. T. Witioit r,
Doos a fiencral Tiniikiiig llusiiiess. lluvs
and soils exchange, uud discounts comme'r
elul paper.
Collections carefully
promptly reported.
attended to, ami
Tonsorial Rooms.
Main street, I'nlon, Oregon.
Hair cuttln. sliaviiiK ami sbrunpooln'' i
done neatly and in tho best style.
Hot and Cold Baths.
I (iKO. HH.UT, I
President. f
First National M,;
-o, . I
UXIOX, - - . OKEGOX. j
Letter Friini Our nebular Ciivn'siiiiulent
'MM''t lllll tlir i'Iiii' Ci iTli M lues.
l'li'iiilitei-s an- ti't-civ ini; two ccntf n
pcii titl for ftum linki't-Cily.
, Pine Ytilloy l-.uu-licrs an' Mtpplyinjj
tin mini's with potatoes at 2j conts
' pi'i- imnil.
It will lif two months heforc some of
1 tin- K'lljji's (.'an hcjiot at to work, on w.'
connt of snow,
i The Orcuon (Jold Miniiif; Company
arciit work on the fonnilntion for their
, twenty-stamp mill.
Cornucopia has live hotels and cnt
inj; hotises, font- saloons, one hrcwery
anil three jjeni tal merchandise stores.
So'-e eyes are a common alllietion
with ont-doei- lahoicrs here now, for
which thesnow and lu i-lit sunshine is
' to hlame.
1'arties tiro tryinp; (o hund six mines
! for ..OIJ.OOO, lu'loiij-iiiK to the Pino Val
I ley company, hut they have not suc
ceeded sis yet.
j It is expected that some extensive
sales willjhu made of mines in tho I5a
sin hefore lonjj;, as there art' parties ne
gotiating for the mines.
Pine Valley has a millionaire(?)
(hat is, the 'cntlcnian asks live million
dollars for his miuinj; interests in the
Pine Creek minint; district.
I'ort (aylord says he is noinjj to jet
him a pair of spurs, white hat with
fancy leather hand, and a pair of shaps,
then he thinks he can stand in.
The snow having been shoveled out
of the canyon road so that it. leaves
only ftoni one to two feet of snow in
the roads, makes it passahle for teams.
Dr. Woods, our popular physician,!11 head. Have not heard from the
is going to establish a hospital for the
henelit of persons who pay monthly
dues to help keep tho institution in
running order.
Mr. Holies, one of our Cornucopia
merchants, has been to Pine Valley,
"rustling up" bacon and eggs, as grub
in Ihut line is getting rather short with
some of the boys.
The increase in his business with the
expected rush into camp this spring
has caused It, C. Warinner to rent the
hotel building lormerly owned by Win.
Young, with which Mr. Warinner will
have better facilities to accomodate
his guests. All persons stopping with
him will be assured of plenty to eat
and good treatment.
Our Cornucopia artist, Miss Itea,
while out taking views of the snow-clad
mountains,, came very near meeting
with a serious accident. While on tho
steep mountain side she slipped and
losing her ballance, tumbled down the
mountain Mime I'M yards or more be-
l fore she could stop. Luckily outside
0n a ymiii sLiiiu iiicic mjih jiu damage
A correspondent for the Scon says
"It's a wonder someone does not go
crazy writing spring poetry, as it has
begun lo resemble spiing soinowhat."
I should suggest as a remedy for such
alllictious, that the patient bo sent to
this country for a short time, and will
warrant a quick and sure cure, if na
ture covered with from four to twenty
feet of snow wilHlo it.
I see that a county commissioner
has been appointed from Pino Valley,
i . i i
to mi mo vacancy in that board and
hope Mr. commissioner will take sonic
interest inroads leading into coniu-i
copia, as tho intercts of tho whole
county would bo affected for tho hot-1
tor if a little money was appropriated 1
on uio l ine urouK canyon road, and
have no doubt but what ho will help us
all ho can.
I It Is the duty or every person who has
, used Jlnsclirf' (Irrmun tyfit;' to let Its won-
I derail qualities be known to their friends
in curing ( oiisiiinptioii,
'Mwere Coughs,
iu, and It. facta!
N ,,er., can
Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia
.i i i I,
""'"" "s iiiii-se?. ami pcrvou can
uko it without immediate relief. Three don-
n will relieve any cose, anil we coiixlrier It
the duty of all Drugijiwts to recommend It
looiupour, o.viiix consumptive, at least to
try one bottle, as KO.OOO dozen bottles were
sold hint year, ami no one case where It
failed was reported. Hieh a medicine as
the Grrman Syrup cannot be too widely
known. Ask your drugjdst about it. Ham
plo bottles to try, sold at 10 cent. IteKular
fclze, 75 cents, b'old hy all J)nijf,'Ut and
Dealers, In the Tufted Ktatas and Canada.
lliiekleii'M Arnlrii Halve,
TilK lJlisr S.1I.YK la the world for Cuti,
Ilrulsti., Sores, Uleer, Salt Itheuiii, Fever
fioren, Tetter, Chapped IIamln, Chllhlalnti,,
Com, and allskln liruptloim, and positive
ly cureii Pile, or no pay required. It U
intaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
mouey refunded, Priea 2.1 ecnts per bov.
For sale by J.T- U'rljht, 1'idoti, Oreon.
i 1. . '
Lost Prairie.
l'lrl iii''siiui nod Sei l ml, .(I Vnllry
) ' t) in 1 1 i I.ICo in On- Moun
tains i I (Ili'Kiill.
The followinj; interestinj.; extracts we
are permitted lo take from a private
letter written to .(udi:e (loodall, fioin
Lost Prairie, in Wallowa county, hy
Dr. .Mason. That we still have some
wild and unsettled legions in Oiegon
will not he questioned :
"The Hid. of this month I serihhled
you a few lines and starred them out
hy way of Assotin, hut donht very
much whether they over reached you.
I write this not knowing how or when
1 can M-ntl it out.
Ahmit three week's ago two young
men started from Paradise prairie to
Lostine, on snow shoes, for the mail,
They were out six days, on two day's
rations, got lost and had hard work to
get hack. Two more young men then
started and went through, hut hrotight
hack letters only. (ieo. Allen crossed
the canyon and brought our letters
over the fore part (if Nov., hut no
Snow is reported (! lo 10 feet deep
between Kcd l'ir springs and Mud
prairie, which will keep us corralled
for a long time, We have had a very
rough winter, but not cold with the
exception of the first three days in
Felmiary. A good deal of rain and
snow with an occasional (Irande Hondo,
breeze. Snow on our stock ran go fell
from 1 to 8 inches deep and lay 2(5 days.
Horses came through without a bile
of hay, and my cattle on one-half trm
outside except Assotin and on the riv
or below the I nilian gardens, where the
loss of stock is heavy. The ground is
now bare and the stock kicking up
their heels on green gi;ns, and every
thing is lovely except to tobacco-ehew-ers,
the weed being nbu exl.
Xow, "it never rains but it poms"
says the old saw a few of us have
left civilization, schools, and nearly all
the conveniences of life, ami settled in
(he wildest region in Oregon to huild
up homes for ourselves and families,
and mi far have succeeded. We have
passed safely through tin extremely
rough winter, and yet "to a man up a
tree" it looks like there wore some on
the outside with Hhylook fingers who
think we are worth picking. (Hero the
writer complain of bad treatment on
tho part of certain individuals in this
city who promised to pay his taxes.)
Last Jail 1 went to the place of holding
elections to pay my taxes on the day
that tho sheriff advertised that he or
his deputy would be there, but
! deputy put Jin an appearance. I lore
we are, snowed in, with a prospect for
more delinquent taxes. It's a "bully"
chance for our worthy shorill to rake
in some "fat" mileage, if ho can travel
on snow shoes and is not afraid of
cougars and big gray wolves. At tin
same tune there are men
hero with
more properly than I have, who are
exempt. AlcC'ubbin ysver visited this
precinct, hut sent Krank I3rovn. .Some
of the tax-payers were absent and some
evaded through the grossest fraud,
which they boaut of.
Now, a few more words and I will
stop. Wo have a lino country bore
wood, water and grahs without end,
the devil of it is (and it's a matter
tho legislature or county court ought
to look after,) the six children born
in this community since J came, are
all girls. Poor show for raising voters.
What there is here to produce this
phenomenon I don't know,
What wo need here are immigrants
men, while men men with "git up"
in them. (Jood government land is
an object, and 1 suppose there are a
great many immigrants arriving from
the Kant. Send them hero and I can
fhow them as good quarter sections, j
with big cold springs on them, as eve
l".v out of doors. Three years ago
Goo. Allen and boy were the only in
habitants here. In August 188"), when
M cinno in, there were Hi, now there
WIM 1 1 I
are over 100, and
room for hundreds
of families."
fj-riii of 1'Ijjm.
Manufactured only by the California Vlg j
Syrup Co., Han Francisco, Oil., la Nature's
Own True Laxative. This pleasant Callfor
nla liquid fruit remedy may be had of all
drtigjdiits, at ilfty cents or one dollar. It Is
the most pleasant, prompt, and effective
remedy known to cleanse the system; to act
on the Liver, Kidneys, and bowels gently
yet thoroughly; to dispel Headaches, Colds,
and Fevers; to euro Consumption, Indigos. I
tion, and kindred ills.
The "w-regon," "Sterling" and best of
all the "Green Heal" eigaw at Joik-h
Hi, (SS7.
Til iC COVE.
Nw Item I'rom tin- Pen or !ui- K
ul.-ir ( (iriCHj., uileiit.
April 1-1, 1NS7.
M. Policy has yono to Pendleton
and is working on the watei wotks
building in that city.'
Moll Campbell, of Kooky 15a r, Idaho,
has been in town during the weok
looking after Cove interests,
Mrs. Lou Payne has opened a mil
linery store in the building between
the mill and Foster's store, and is oll'cr
ing for sale a large variety of (he latest
styles in her line.
ISotn. To the wife of Win. Martin,
Wednesday, April 11, 1 n d.iughler.
Mother and child doing well. iLllieV
smile is so broad that nothing less than
a Crecdiuore target can conceal it.
Mr. Perkins and Miss Slum's, of
lower Cove, were married this week.
i 'fbe bride being somewhat immature
in years the happy couple indulged in
an anti-bridal (our to Weisor, Idaho.
John Wagner has Mild his dairy
, cows to tho proprietor of a dairy es
tablishment at Helena, Montana. The
price paid was W.oO per head a lair
sum considering tho niilchors wore of
.JiT.-ey stock and well hiokon.
The Cove Cheese Manufacturing Co.
locently organized by the dairy farm
ers of Ibis vicinity, have decided to
erect a factory during the summer,
probably on XoweH's tarm. .Machin
ery will bo ordered early in the spring
and the manufacture of tho best grade
of butter and cheese commenced,
'flic latest improved roller mill ma
chinery has boon ordered from the
l-'ast, for the Cove (louring mill, and
will bo put in place by .1. O. Smith,
'early next month. Ho will al.-o com
plete furlher improvements in tho es
tablishment. This mill will then b;
able to compete with any in tho louu
t iy in furnishing tv lino grade of toller
Anyone wanting to know Wubster's
dflination of a "bowser," call on mo.
.1. O. S. 'flic description of my caso
tis received the other day, is faulty in
t-omo respects. 1. M. I just, was sick
this weok and don't you forget
it. L. C. An overdose of goo.-o is
no good for the constitution' A. .1. II,
Ain't going to hunt guse no mo' this
spring. I). L. lie has gone far away. ,
L. 1 have retired fioin tho vocal
field. I,
Our educational barque
dor full sail, with Prof. W
in going ttn
K. Pearson
at the helm.
.Mrs. Oucnr Olson has been danger
ously ill for some time past, but is now
.Mr. William Houp is canvassing the
valley for tho Cliirjtuin. lie is u very
successful canvasser.
Our county oflicer assumed their :
duties last week. Thev make a txood I
1 ., . . , .
"aram 'i on mo streets oi .losepn.
Hill it (iifloid have moved their jew
elry More down on .Main street, next '
door to Vest's meat market. (Don't !
take oll'cnse, Mr. Hill, wo have not
located yotu'a the meat market.) ,
The tide of immigration has already j
begun, and we expect a mighty in-:
creiiso of population in tho next :i.v
niontns. i ins win ot couio nialco n
rise in trade, both foreign and domestic.
We understand considerable huilil- j
ing of a Mibstautial nature will be done i
in Joseph this mimnicr. Tho ilennett I
Flu tors are also preparing to build ex-1
tensively, and are expecting to make j
vast improvements there during tho
next year. j
Times are exceedingly close now,
but we have good reason to hopo that I
they will bo better in the near future, j
Spring opens with unusual promise.
Stock has come through tho winter iu
n,uu.K .'''0 "in
H,,JI .. "Krii'ii tu.a
rta. "ro ry f.r 1,0 "
time of '
the year. Home few stockmen lost I
considerably during Hie winter, hut
will recover, a tho range is refreshing '
It seems that our apologize did not
have tin desired oli'ect upon the llreut '
Moiul, hut on tho contrary it stirred j
up Ins no to the highest possible pitch, i
So much so that ho devoted nearly tho
whole of his wonderful paper to paying
os nice compumeiiiH ami pet names,
for which of court-o ho has our thanks,
lie thinks u two year old babe would
be about oursizo. Now, is it not sur
prising that u man of such rare inleU
Ufinxce would notice, much less take
oH'oneo nt tho babblings of n two year
old babe. Kko.
Ladien and genth' slimmer goods con
stantly arriving from the Kast and San
Francisco, at Levy's,
North Powder.
Tim OiM IVlliniH Will (Vlchriiti-tlin (I'Mli
.iiiilvi'i-.iry. of tlie Order in
April iO, 1H!S7.
Jame-i Welch is making preparations
to move to Idaho, where lie has some
valuable mining property,
Dr. A. H. Scott has sold his property
iu this place to II. (). (iorham, of tho
linn of (Iorham it h'othchilds, of Xorth
Miss Uichison is teaching the dis
trict school, and is giving general sat
isfaction. This is her s voud term at
thirt place.
'flic seini-anmiiil r.'port of the coun
ty clerk, r.ither kno -ks the wind out
of the agitators of the annexation of
this purl of the coti.iiy to U.iker.
W. j. Charnes returned to his home
on Wolf cioek, last week, from Hrittoti
' station, iu lbtker county, where he has
just completed a live mouths term of
'flu Odd Fellows of this place will
at lend (dm a lodge) the celebration at
1 Maker City on the 215th, which is the
. OSIth aniversary of (ho introduction of
, tho order iu America.
! Hall, Keklcs it Co. are making ex
' leiisive preparations to lloat several
million feet of logs down Xorth l'ow
i der river, lo their contemplated mill
; site, near town, as soon as there is auf
1 lieient water.
While Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Punch
' were out diiving the oilier evening,
I heir horse became frightened, throw
ing them out of the vehicle, and caus
ing some bruises and scratches, but
, fortunately nothing serious.
Wesley Parker will lile an injunc
tion on all irrigating ditches on Wolf
creek, (except his own) as soon as the
l people begin to u-e the water. Ho
1 claims the oldest water right, (although
there may bo water fbr all) and says
he cannot permit, latter comers to use
the water after the loth of May, in
each season.
Tho lease of the O. It. A X. Co. to
, the 1'. P. is anxiou.-ly looked for by
the people of this valley, as it is sup-
posed that if the latter company get
' possession of the vast I net of laud be
longing to I ho O. li. A- X. .Co, lying be
tween Xorth Powd' r ami linker City,
that they will lix sio-h a price on the
laud that settlers allbrd to pay,
and in a short time (ho valley would
he dotted with farms, where it ia now
(and will remain a: tho present price
asked) a vast plane. The company
own some tine farming laud, hut when
i people liud that they can buy improved
I farms cheaper than they can improve
-a farm, (including tho price of hnprov
I cd land,) they will buy improved land
or go elsewhere. Yank.
Indian Valley Items.
Farming is the chief business here
J.T. Galloway started his mill on
Monday, April -lth and everything runs
We are well jileaccd with tho chango
in the form of our Okkdon Roopt.
Klgiu will have a daily mail on the
lTith inst. Just whut 'wo have been
wishing for.
J. S. Parr has removed to flrund
Hondo valley.
Jesse A. Jackson will eonimoneo school
again the 18th inst.
Jas. and .Mike Farley have recently
taken up ranches in this vicinity.
Tho family of Mike Farley removed
to this vicinity recently.
Thomas J. Parker will leave for Har
ney valley soon.
Jos. Parker is trapping in the Look
ing Glass at present.
K. 10. Jones had quite a runaway ro
cently, with his team to a plow, break
ing his new harness some little.
Samuel Parker and John Graham aro
erecting ti shiugloinnM on Gordon creek,
and will have it iu running order soon.
Don't Kxiiutliiif n. 1
You cannot aliord to waste time In expe
rimenting when your lungs are in danger.
consumption always seems at nrst, only a
cold. Do not permit any dealer to Impose
ujioii you witii some ciieap imitation or JJr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
iougus aim coins, inn on nuru yon gee I
genuine. iK'cause no can iuiiku more pn
lie may tell you bo h.n somethlnif lust
good, or just the same. Don't bo declv4j
niu uisisi upon gciimg it ivinjc s.ew itu
overy. which Is guaru iteeil toglvarelW I
..II Tllrn.,! I , .,,1 I'lul ,,ll'..l... m..
.... ,..,., ..IU s - l. vw luita. i
ui oonies ireo at j r " 'i'iu s drug stoi
Choice garden and. t lower Mad
Joium UroV.
I) "