The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 02, 1887, Image 8

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The News.
From Our atti'ty ftx linrrcoe,
ForTllio lti'iiiliipn t.f
tlio "Sctnll."
I X T E R E S T I N G 1 T E MS.
Krom flu: WallowaV ViZrMtV.
As previottelv niiiiouneotl the oflieein
of Wallowa countv met hi .TifcMili hint
Saturday for the purport of taking the
initial nieps toward organization. Ily
action of the county court iiic ""!''' .correspondent mvore hv the heard of
bonds were placed ti In mv: rdierill, jnmim.t nndthe icdright arm of Jove
$10,000 ;,J,ivwnnr,?10,000; Awtwnr, mt (hl.v ,,,,,,, lmV(. n,1,1.csr.(flii0n,
.?o,0()0; Surveyor, )00. Arrangements , nJul C01u,(,(1t.UCe gt a. roniiiiim-ion-wero
made for ofhee rwiin on the ur Lpt 8 h(,I)(, it itt W)t ,,lewl, ;n
ground ilc.or of Koupe s hnll, .tnd the thi. dark, whilo wo of a meckand lowlv
largo hall will bo wed for circuit court l.jt iiumi,ly ni- sMHtanco in our
purposes. The time for tho collection , rH.u nmttor
of taxes was extended to May 1st, al
though the flii'iill' will bo prepared to;
recoipt for taxox after th first Monday .
in April. Tho county court will incut j
in due form on Wednesday, April filli,
to transact the usual county himnetfrj
We learn that the mombersof our conn-!
ty court arc unnninioun in the desire to ;
conduct nffairp eilin'ently and econoin- 1
ically, and m thin they should ho en-'
(ouraged by every perron in the new
county. With thin idea kept in view,
there is nothing to fear for our futuie
Frpirf'tlie linker City D.-mtK-iut.
A young of fJtiion county, ,
who has boon married for only live. :
months has applied for judicial sopera-'
tion becaiiHi her husband will not cut'
his toe nails, which she says are of ah-i
normal length, and she complains that '
"she is scarred from head to foot" by ;
1 - 11 ...1 I 1. ........ I..
AS U Hill: lliroiigliwui. ii.u.n i-iiiim, (
tho loss of sheep during thn pat win-'
terhas been exceedingly light and tlio j
'bands without exception look well rtnd .
give promise of yielding a very birge
crop of wool. Laiubinf? will soon coih
mgnce und evervthiug i favorable for
TI. in a fact worthy of nolo, thai the '
hrt'iul expanse of sage bru.'h land on
the cast side of l'owdor river is fast be-,
iiig cleared and fenced in and sown
wjth seed for the raising of cereals. For
alUhcsoyeaiH it wnmi weaned sight to
tho traveler's eye lo look niton lliese
immense mjro brush tracts, and it was
thought the land waH totally void of cul
tivation, but limo brings about itu many
changes and at last it is found that
thest lands are best adapted to tin- rais
ing of all kinds of grain. Wherever
tho experiment has been tried good ie
milts have followed. In a fewyears the
entire body of land in the eastern por
tion of the valley will bo under good
cultivation and as far as the eye can
reach will be seen tho green and willo
wy grain fields swaying to and fro,
touched by the breezes of tho Atmu
From the AVivnV.
Kxtensivo ineperationii arc hein
matlo for tho celchratlou of tho sixty
ninth aiinaversary of tho institution of
Odd 1'Yllown in America, in linker City.
It in expected 1 1 tut atleiiHt six or Riven
ihlleicnt lodges of
coiuitieH will lie in
Baker and Union
line and n grand '
time in. expected. A hall will he givon
at ItiiMtV hall in the evening; under the
hUHpices of llui I. O. O. 1 of this oily
and a cordial invitation ii extended to
all who wish to have a pleasant rooin
hle time. Km t her paiticul.-.r will ho
given iu future.
HI). .1. Stcndmau, the man who wan so ,
assaulted with nhoveLs IiikI. WctlncMluy
hy a crowd of niurderoUH chinamen,
near Sumpter, pacsed away nhout 10
o'clock last evening from tin; elleots of
tho wounds so received. He will he
huriod today. Tho chinamen who did '
the killing iiavo not yet been arrested.
From the linker City Tritmnr.
Tho court haa consumed a lavo pm
tion of this week trying tho case of Mien
Alien Durhin vs. tlio 0. It. it N. railway
company received hy tho plnintiir hy
heing thrown from a buggy in const-
tpience of colliding with a locomotive.
Tho case was hotly contested on hoth
sides and about 11 o'clock last night
was given to the jury. After hiring out
all night the jury gavo a oompromiso
verdict of two thouKiind dollars daningo
to tho plainliu'.
Tho Commisbioiv employed in taking
a conuus of tho Umatilla Indians. Hud
the following to ho tho translation of
porno of tho nanios;"luugh"and "Noi
sy," mimes of two boys; "Treo shaken
hy wind," "Cry all the time," nanio of
a woman; "Ono who starts toonoplaco
nuri then goes to another," "Uriitjdey
hear stepping on u hill," The names
of four women translated in English
worn: "ltattling while running,""l)res
ing while running," "Afraid of a Yan
kee," a:ul "Tluow a leg over the moon."
M. O. i
, .Moat i:ecllviil.
.1. J. Atklux, Chief of Police, Ktutxville,
Teiin,, wrlteii: "Myfionllyaiid t are beue
tleiiirlcs of your most excellent nii'dlelue,
T)r. ICIiigVNeWil)iMieiy foreitiisumptlon;
lmvlng found It to ho all Unit you claim for
It, desire to testify to Its virtue. My friends
to whom I b;iYeiccoiiiiiieii(lf(lll, praise It at
every opportunity." Dr. KlnyV New ON
covcry for CiniMuaptloii U Kiurriiteed to
cure Coughs, I'oUU, llronuliltlf, Astliinn,
Croup anil every affection of the,
Cheat and Lung, Trial bottle free al .1.
T. Wright, drug store. Wife MiI.OU.
l'rottir Tretiluteiit for Cuuglm. (
That the reiulor may fully iitnleitinid what
rontitltutcsagood .'ough und Luiyctiynip,
wo will ky that Tar and Wild ( hurry in the
lmU of tho best remedies yet dlscounvd. i
'J'Iickp Ingredleiith wll h sn ei !tUitht'i eipitdly 1
nk etllcni'lous, enter largely Into Or. Himan- '
ko' Couli itud Lung syrup, thus niakhi It
oue of the most reliable now on the markft.
Price, .VJiwiilfaiiiUI.OO. glUiiple i'V- 'lU
hy ,L T. "WrlgJit, Union, Orcein. 1
niioieo carilon and llown sods at
Jones Iiro'rj,
. Chntiuunl from jirtt pagr.
through the iinpastuhle condition of
tlio jond up tlio cmiyon. That would
lio u misfortune to not olily the entire
onrnp, Imtnlpo the community at large.
I Last year the r-'tnte very jiraciouely
I appropriated ani)le means to build a
i good road to thin place, hut pome-how
in the! ehullle the money was lost.
' One thinr; wo do know, wo have no
: road. We think the county ouj?ht to
assist us in making a good road, over
j which heavy machinery might he
moved with Vafetv. Tho Tine Valley
Yours Kespectfullv,
Tocpy Spring Spray.
Wallowa County, March 27th.
Beautiful weather.
Snow in tho valley about all gone.
Seed grain is very scarce here, as to
much has beonuMxl to keep stock alive.
The boyn are beginning to look in
! tho creeks for fish. A few trout at pres
ent would be l dished.
Tho stock men of this section seem
' to appreciate the return of warm wcath
, or thiii spring mure than over before,
i 1 learn that Alder is to have a largo
visitation of (Junker from Iowa and
Indiana this spring. Hope they will
i come.
, Alder liana now M. I). Wo tlo not
; know his name, but ho has a very pro
i possessing appearance. Dr. A. L. Cobb
' is still there all O. IC.
There has been nomo sickness in tho
valley and two deaths have oecured late
ly Locke, of l'rairie creek, and
ii daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Parish who
rondo near Alder.
We hear the proprietors of the "(.Jar
lielil" are down 10') feet on their ledgo
with extremely Mattering piospeots of
a rich yield. So, hurrah for tho rail
road and llennet Mat.t
There has been considerable low of
slock this winter, especially slice). Xow
for tho moral: Too much value has
been attached to the out range, and not
enough plowing and seeding has been
done, if there was more grain and
timothy grown, people would not have
to lore their stock. Chopped grain and
cut straw used lo keep horsed ami cows
fat, in the east: Why not try it here?
Monday the 21 insl., I believe, the
Wallowa county ollicers were sworn in
at .losoiih. 1 siiDiiose that big oilers
were made by the capitalists of Joseph i
lit secure the county scat permanently ,
at that place, but methinks that people;
here in our now county can see what!
would be for the general good of all,
concerned loo well to locate the county
seat at that place, which in away to one '
side, knowing that it would have to bo j
moved t-ooner or later at great expense-
The idea of any man or set of men I
erecting and donating the county
bnililiiiL'H is rather transparent. I lie-
l;,,..,, i,.,i n,,, ,,.,, ,vbo were aonoinled
i,iv nlllrialw are well oiialilied.
and men of Mmegrity, Und no doubt
they will look after tho best interests
of the people. Blt.WtY.
All those indebted to mo aio reques
ted to set lie at once, or their accounts
will bo placed iu tho hands of an at
torney for collection. .lo.. WnuiiiT.
Silvi rton, Oregon,
1 have loin allUrled with a kidney trou
ble for twelve years, during which than 1
have ucd almost every kidney remedy 1
could hear of but obtained no relief until 1
tried tlio Oitiiihi Kiiliir; Trtt. I am now us
ing the noeoiid box and am free to say that
l am much better and have no hesitancy
iu reciniiineiuliiig it as a pleasant and safe
kidney remedy,
AbsoStsteSy Pure.
This iiowdci- never arie-. A marvel of
purity, Mrcmdlt and wliole-mnctuss. More
(Miiuomlcal th.ot the ordinal y kinds, and
tup out bo soil In c.impelitiou with theniul
titude or low test, short weight aluutn or
phosphate powders. Sold onk In cans, llov
i. Uakisu I'ow iti'i! Co., 10 Wall St.. N Y.
iim inpiL-MH.UE:
$50 TO $100 s
On the purehre of an Instruint'nt,
nu u. iimnifli W. T. WKIOUT.
U" ui, Union, Oiigon
w. ii. cox.
n' m ttMujot'' nMtinmiiii gum
Made by Botbin Manufacturing; Co., San Francisco, Cal.
An Elegant Present of Silver, Glass, Sife
. or Majolica we wi Every can.
For Sale by JONES BRO'S. Union. Ogn.
Factory, Racine, Wisconsin. Branch, Portland, Oregon.
Maiiufactiiu-r- of nnil Uralers In
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Bnckboards
Bond Carts, Spring- Wagons, etc.
MITCHELL & CO., Limited. - io2--io., Front St., Vortland, Or.
The Celebrated Kimball
E. I. FiiriiiL int. - Ma f alia, 1 1
Keep constantly on hand a large supply of Parlor ami lied
Room Sets, lleililinn;, Desks, Office l:uniitnie'eti.
IHTK)LSTERIN(; Done in the Best Style.
Lounges, Mattresses, and all kinds of Furniture made to order. Tour patronage
solicited. Our pricc an nasonable. - l) - Main Street Union Oregon.
"Tirtnv'Q'Ai'i (ftM' iii Brawn
I rl I I I ' I !!. XI I - I I a 11 1 II ll'i'lV liai
I4 si.J. U,
Jones Bro5s- - - Artists,
AIL kinds of photographic work done in a su
perior manner, and Avarrantod to
give satisfaction.
finws of Resiflences
Taken ofliitataJ
Thomson & Pursel aro agents for ;
t lie celebrated Cyclone Wind Mill, and 1
as the prices on Ihcin have been great
ly reduced they are now within the
reach of all. Sample mill to bo seen
at their planer iu North Union. Call
and examine it.
Anplipation for 1. S. Patent. Survey No.
"i, Claiin Xo, 41. Mineral Hiplicatiun
So. St.
U. S. LaxdOfitci:. La Onsni:, Onroox.l
March I. 1SS7. )
Xntlrc is hereby given that the Oregon
(iold .Mining t'onipnnv, of Iniisville, Ktn
tuckv, bv JoM'iih Luce, their attorney,
wlio.c itostollleeuildrexs i" fVriiiirnpiii, irn
ion couiitv, Ore.jon. has thN day liled ilioir
application for -t patent for fift'-en hun
dred lint-al feet on the Kagle" quartz
lode, bearing gold and silver : the same
being 14110 ftSaitli-wt and 10 feet North
rnst from dUcoverv shaft thereon, with sur
fee rrroand (XKUfeet in width, situate in
! (iranite milling district, I'liion comity.
Orogmi. and described by the otlicml jilat
and Held notu.s on tile in this oilice, as fol
lows, viz:
Iteginnin? at a point N ill drg. 10 mill.
Wtvl and 1)32 feet ditii nl from the (it:irter
section corner between Sees. -'7 and ."4, Tji.
(J S. I tango 4" K Willamette meridian, at
which point is a post mailu'd corner No. 1,
E. M. I', survov No. 5; thence South 71 (leg.
51! lulu. Kast (ioi feet to pot corner No. 2;
thence North IS dcg. 01 uiln. Kast 1.x 0 feet
to jtost c truer No. ;i; tliom e North 71 dog.
(! inlii. West CM) feel to post corner No. 4;
thence South IN deg 01 mill. IfiOO feet
to post corner No. I, and the place of be
ginning, containing 'JO 0 i acres, und lorm
ing a portion of the Sotit'i-eat t, and the
South-wct li of Section :i7 in Township (i
South of Itange lo Hint Willamette nicildi
an; scicl location being recorded in Vol, 0
pag- r.'o of tic reconNi of 1'iiinn county,
Oregon. Adjoining claiinciit-" on this lode
are the "Creek'' lode on the Noith.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
any portion of said "Kagle" quart
miiieor claim above described, are required
to lilt their anvei'se claims with the Itegis
terof the V. S. Land Oilice at La Crandc,
I'nion county, Oiecoii, during the sixty
davs jieriod of iublication hereof, or they
will bo burred by virtue of the provisions of
the statute. " Ilr.Mtv JtixraiAirr,
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of application for a U. S, patent bo
published for a period of (iO days (ten con
secutive weeks j in the Oimoox Scorr.a
weekly newspaper published at Union, in
Union county. Oregon
Jln.viiY ltixniiurr,
imi;-12-wi0. iiegister.
Apitliciition for a U. H. Patent. Survey No.
4. Claim No. 10. Mineral application
No. S"J.
U.S. Laxo Omen La OitAXin:, Ormoox, )
March I, 17. f
Notice is hereby given that the Oregon
('old Milling 'oiifnanv, of Louisville, Ken
tucky, by Joseph Luce, their attorney,
whose postolliceadihess is Cornucopia, Cu
ion county. Or
ba ve this day tiled their ap
i plication for a patent for fifteen hundred,
. lineal feet on the "Creek" quart, lode,
hearint: gold and silver: the snnie being i
' 10 feet .-'outh-west and MtiO feet North-east'
front discovery shaft thereon, with surfacj
ground CO t feet in width, situate in the ,
(iranite itiining di-tricl. Union county, Or
egon, and described by the olllcial plat
and held notea now on tile in this ollleu, as .
follows, viz:
iieginniiig at a point from which the !
quarter seciion corner between Sees. 'J7 and
and .'SI Tp. i! i .),-, K, bears S. Odeg. I'linin. I
K -j:o fivl, marked by a post 5 feut long, ,
marked coiner No. 1, C. M. C, survey No. t,
on North-ea't face of por; thence S. 71 deg. 1
r.limiu. K COO feet to post corner No.
thence N I1 deg. 04 mill. K l.M.Ofeet to post ,
corner No. Ji: tlieuce N 71 deg. ".(! mill. W 1
COO feet to post corner No. I; thence S 18 I
deg. 01 nitn. W l.'tOOfeot to post corner No. :
1, and the olaee of bi'iriuiiing, containing j
U'O.CC acres,' and foiiainga portion of the !
North-east ' 4 of Section 27 iu Township (!
South of Ibiiiu'e 4.'t (Cast Willamette inrridi- ,
an; snitl location heing recoi (led iu Vol. li,
pace "J !l of the reeoids of I nion county. I
Oregon. Adjoining claimants on this lode1
are the "Kagle" quartz led:' on the South. I
Any and all persons claiming adversely j
any portion of said ''Creek" quartz, mine or
claim above described, are required to file ,
then-adverse claim with the Iti-gister of the.,
U. S. Land Oilice at l.a (Irande. Union ',
county. Oregon, during the sixty days peri- ,
od of publication hereof, or they will be i
barred by virtue of the provisions of the .
statute. ,
IIkkuv ItixriiAur.
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing i
notice of application for a U.S. Patent be ,
published tor a period of CO days (ten con- ,
secutivc weeks) in the Oitmox Scoit, a
weekly newspaper published at Union, in J
Union county, Oregon. j
Hl'NItV KlSr.lf AltT,
MarlLMvlO. Hegister. '
Apiilleatloit for a U.
H. Patent. Survey
, Mineral applica
No. (i. Claim No. 4-i
tion No. Nl.
U. S. Lanh Orni r. La fiiiAxin:. Oiikuon,1
March 4, 1S.S7. l
Notice is hereby given that the Oregon
Cold Mining Company, of Louisville, Ken
tucky, by Joseph Luce their attorney,
whose postollice address is Cornucopia, Un
ion county. Oregon, have this day liled their
application for a patent for the "Annex''
placer mine, situated in (iranite mining dis
trict, Union county, Oregon, and described
by the oftlclal plats mid lield notes on tile
in this oilice, as follows, viz:
Beginning from a point 10.00 chains
North of the i Section eorncrbetween Sees,
li" and ill. Townsldn ti South llange 4."t Kast
Willamette meridian; thence Noith hT (leg.
O'.hidn. Kast l.tUi chains to a post marked
corner No. 1, A. P. M. C. survey No. 0;
thence North S" deg Oil nilu Kast 0 .10 chains
to a post for witness corner No. L', marked
W. O. corner No. 2. A. 1. M. C. survey No.
(!, on North fjee ' f post, and in chains to
corner .Mi. -J in tlie lienor rine ere.'K, tJien
North 10 chains to corner No. :i: thence
South 87 de 0!) nun. Wot .1 10 chains- to
corner No. 4; thence South 1 deg. 01 niln.
Went chains to corner post No. 1,
jHilut of departure, containing 0.7:1 acre;,
and forming a portion of the .south-east '.
of Section l'7 in Township ti South of Itange
4. Kast Willamette meridian; said location
iietng recorded in oi. r, c. page iU of the
records of Ut. Ion county, divgon. Adjoin
iiig claimants on this lode nre tho - Kagle''
ouurtx mine on the West.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
any portion of said "Annex" placer initio or
claim above described, are reipiired to file
their adverse claiin with the Itegistcr of tho
U li. Land OIHco, at La (irande, Union
county, Oregon, during the sixtv das peri
od of publication hereof, or thev will be
barred by virtue of the provisions of tho
It is hurt-by ordered that tho forcolng
notice of aoLvlK-dtioti for a U.S. latent no
iiiilillsliwl for a luiriod of tX) dai'S (ton eon-
,.-.i...v i.. .i... Mrtnv sent'T. a
weekly newspaper published at Union, n
Union county, Oregon.
ilEKKV Jit."""" i
inarllMvft. Kegtotor.
Land Oitk i: at La Oiaxni:,OiiK(ioN, I
Mar. H, 15H7. f
Notice is hereby given that the fnllowinfs
named settler lias liled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in iuitttrt of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Itegistcr and Pecelver at La tlrande,
Oiegon. on April (ith.. 1W, viz:
John II. Ptiwcrn,
I). S. No. 72.11. for the SK'. Si e. If). Tp. 0
S, li. 33 KWM. He mimes the following
witnesses to prove hi continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of. said hind, viz:
Lellard Voerbcs, William Oirl.-s.rn, ("rait
Mann, and .lames It. I'llcber. all of North
Powder. Union county. Oregon.
IltlSltY JIl.vr.UAUT.
.".-lli-wO. Kcjutiter.
La si Ofikt. at La Ouaniik. Oncuox.l
March ."Oft. lsS7.
1 the following-tiained scttlerhas tiled no
tice of his intention to niiikp linal proof in
support of his claim, mid that srod proof
will be made before tho ltcjfister and Ifecel
vcrat La (tralid;1, Oregon, on May 10th,
A I fe l .l r.llniilck.
Hd. No. 0') IS. for the Si, Si: Sec 7 and
NKK ee 18 and NW'-i NW '4 Sec 17
Tj) 4 S 11 41 HWM. lie names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his conlinunus resi
dence upon, and cultivation of. :ialtl land,
viz. .lohn Hates, ltravvley Itatcs, A. C.
DelJerd. and William Young, all of Union.
Union county, Oregon.
4-2-wt! itigister.
Laxii Ornen at La OtiAxnn. Ouicoox,)
Mai eh :0, IMS", j
Notice is hereby given that the followinp
named settler has liled notice of his inten
tion to make linal proof iu support of his
claim, and that .said proof will be made be
fore the llegisterand Itecciverat La Grande,
Oregon, on May 10lh.. Is7. viz: ,
( Iloltcrc.
I). S. No. VMS, for the W': SWH and SW'K
N' WM See U, Tp. 1 N. 11. 40 V.. He names
the following witnes-cs to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of. said land, viz: William Peek, Charles
Wvatt, Fillmore Wyatt. and John Ituynar,
all'ot Klg'ut, Union county, Oregon.
Jll'.NItV itl.NKKAlIT,
4-2-wtl. Itegistcr.
'iitlr r AiiplIcaOoti tn l'ur'li:isu Ttm
bcr J.imcl.
U.S. L.vxnOlKieR,
:, LA(;axin:,Olir.(iON, )
March :f)th.. Itfi7. f
TV in compliance with the pr.'visions. of the
Act of Congress, approved .tune ."!, 1H7S,
entitled "An act for the sale of. Timber
Lands in the. Slates of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
William AVIlfcliiHon,
Whose post-ollie: a Idress is Union, Union
eountv. Oregon, has this day liled in this
ollkcftis ap-plication to purchase the NK
SK Sc.- 1 T. I S 11 40 K anil N ,Vj XV Sye No.
C?t ill Township No. 4S. Jtange No. II K, of
the W. meridian. Al 1 persons holding any
adverse claim thereto sue a quired to pre
sent the same at tliisoll'no w iibin tdxly
davs from thelirstpubHcjitloiiof this notice.
lli'xnv IttxiaiAiiT.
(J-wl! Kegister.
Administrator's.' Notice of Ap
pointment. In the in ittor of the e-t.tte of Thomas Cul
ver, deceased.
To all per.-ons having ehiims against tho
above entitled est'itc: You and each of you
aro hereby notified that the und.'islgned has
been by the County court of Union county,
Oregon, duly appointe I administrator or
said estate. Yon are therefore hereby re
quired to presrait your said claims with
proper vouchers, within six mouths from
the first publication of this notice, at the
ollleu of linker, Sbelton & Haker, in Union,
Oregon, All claims not pr' scnted within
said time will be postponed and deferred
until the claims presented within time
ate paid and satistu'd in fall.
Kaki:i:, Kuki.tox ,v. I!.r. t,
Attorncvs for the Ustate.
Sciatica, Scratches, Contracted
Lumbago, Sprains, Muscles,
Khouinatisia, Strains, Eruptions,
Burnsj Stitches, Hoof Ail,
Scalds, Stiff Joints, Screw
Stings, Backache, Worms,
Bites, Galls, Swinney,
Bruises, Cores, Saddle GaMs,
Bunions, Spavin Piles.
Corns, Craoks.
wconiiillshes for everybody cinctly "liat " c,n,l""J
fortt. Ono or tao reasons for tlio iopulnnty or
. . . it.,4 ii ii I vnrsnl
. tlio xiustan,? L a ment is rounu-
? liZ, "owl trorcralfamlly .e.
The "a nn SS
Tho Jllochaulo nocst it always on nu wore
1 Tho nnneiliCcdHa800f emerEcncy.
, I io allnei ib ' EOti0,1BWuaout If.
' ?!,'o v'vTrl it la bb house, bU stttbh,
I UoSuaA or llio oa,.nu need.
,,, ,lbcrai gupiilyalloatanilaslioro.
Hncinintler need it-It U HU best
imi nml safest IX' II an cc.
"JSS WoeU-arowor need, It-It will save him
thousandJ of dollars and a v.-oi 1,1 of trouble.
T ho Uutlrond man needs and win need It so
lone as bis Ufa t a round of accidents and lanSers-
-Tlio Unckwood-mnn needs It. There Is notb.
luellko It s on anUdoto for tbo danger tolUe,
limb and comfort which surround tbo jJoneer. A
Tbo alci-cbnut needs tt about bis store araons
his eniuloyees. Accidents will happen, and when
taeso come Ute Mustang Unlmcnt is wanted at once.
KccnttlJoitlolutUoHoubc. 11 the best of
economy. , ,
Keep a Itottlo In tlio l'nctorr. ItslmmedUte
use Iu caso of accident saves pain and loss of wages.
Keep a ilottlo Alwaynlii tlio Stnblo for
aso rben wanted.
S 1 1