The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 02, 1887, Image 5

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AMus K JUNK.-. - - KD1TOR.
VVir Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation an any three paper in this r
tlnn of the State, combined, anil ix cor
responding!) valuable as an advertising
Saturday, April ami, 1887.
Union and Vicinity.
Hide with Elliott.
Head our new ails.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Beautify your homes.
Suli.-criho for the ScoiTT.
Wv hail ti head imt. on us.
Remember, Monday evcniiur.
Al. Dickson ean save your i-olc;?.
Patronize your home merchants.
A number of m w buililinjrs will be
ereeteil in Union this summer.
ray your taxes to-day, if you don't
want to be deelared delinquent.
Levy has the finest lot of goods in
Union enmity, as all who visit his store
will testify.
There i. considerable bustle in town,
especially when the Indies arc out
"Ammvi'r" -mil "Poiunivor" seem to
bo syuonimous words to a number of
ras-oals in Oregon.
The inter state commerce law goes
into e licet next Wednesday. We will
then tee what we will tee.
Dan llcidleman is overrunn with
business in his line. (Sen. Station! i.-
now agisting him in his work.
There will be preaching at the Tres
bytcrian Church Sunday morning and
evening, April 3rd 1SS7 by Hev. .1. A.
.ludge Walker has qualified and en
tered upon the duties of his office. His
first holding of court will be in (irant
county, commencing next wet'k.
The Montreal saloon is being re
modeled and another billiard table will
be put in. Hemillard spares no pains
to make tilings pleasant for his patrons.
Al. Ciuodbiod filled an order from
Pendleton, this week, for 12,000 lbs. of
potatoes, lie got li cents per pound,
for them delivered at the Union Depot
Jas. Obin, of Antelope Valley, war
gathered in ly the marshal, this week,
for fast riding on the streets, ami as
s.tvcd by his Honor the recorder, $7. SO
and costs.
Jfow about that, mail route from
Summcnille to Cornucopia, via Union?
Let the matter be .-tirred up. Service
is needed on this route and (should
commence without delay.
Jos. Wright has a splendid display
of cutlery and fancy hardware in his
show windows. lie buys his goods
from the iiianafactmcrs and is selling
them astonishingly low.
.Now is the time to plant fruit and
shade trees. L. ,1. House ean furnish
the very best at reasonable rates. Trees
can be handled till about the 10th or
loth of April. Send orders to the Cove.
Hill, the cattle dealer, is still in this
city, and disposing of bin Mock very
satisfaetoiially. Harlan Stewar in
vested 100 in a Jersey cow and Hol
stuin bull, this week. They are beauties.
A very interesting communication
was received this week from Clover
creek but as the writer did not send
his name the letter is not published.
We would lie plened to have a corres
pondent at that place.
The bottom has fallen completely
out of high prices in Union. Head our
new advertisements and judge for your
selves. We honestly believe that goods
are being sold in Union to-day, cheap
er than anywhere el.e in the State.
I have an excellent farm, situated
one and a half miles from Union, con
taining 1(10 acres, which 1 will sell or
rent. Small dwelling house on place.
I'or particulars apply to me at Cove,
Oregon. L. H. Hoi.mhs, agent for Mrs.
A. T. French.
Win. Cusick, of Clover creek, wliilo
running stock last Tuesday morning,
had the misfortune to have his hoio
fall with him, breaking his leg about
four inches above the ankle, joint. Dr.
Cromwell, of this city, was called, and
reduced Hie fracture, and the patient
will no doubt come out all right in a.
short time.
This issue is a sample of what the
Scorr will be during the coming year,
when more extensive iniprovmeiits. will
bo made. It is our intention to keep
up with, or a little ahead of the times,
and we cordially invite the co-operation
of the people throughout the entire
country. We thank our many patrons
for past favors, and shall continue our
endeaors to make the Scorr creditable,
alike to ourselves and them.
Mr. John Souder and Mr. Albert
Scott, of Preston, Nebraska, relatives of
Jos. Yowell, of Pyle canyon, arrived in
this city a few days ago, looking for a
location. They are very much pleased
with tho appearance of tho country
and think that Union is tho placo for
thoin. Hefore locating in this country
thrir business will take them hack to
Nebiiutai, and they want to take with
thorn a lot of cheap horses, as there is
a demand for low ricol hews there.
They say that the Intrd winter, cy
clones and blizunrds of that country
have killed a great number of horses,
mid the farmers being unable to pay
much to replace them, the cheap ani
mlsto lw found in sonic parts of this
oountrj will exactly fill tho hill. Doubt
um the price on chvuo pome would
lu ewtifetory to the avarago Nebras
ka), but wlien he attempt to hitch
SM of them to a pkWj lie will find
iftl he i "nionke hg" with a cyclone
dynamite combination that' is fear
fully u! WtMitlwIuUy made.
rm in
1 inclliR.
to tlu Utiles
Main street iii 'urth I'liion lins for
pome time been the favonte prome
mule for vniuiir people, lovers and tlu
i-entitnentallv inelined generally, but
an uuhappy willing lias conic t tin'
whole bu.-incss. anil much bitterness
of feeling si ems to exist. We have in
terviewed several of our young men
and they niv it is a dinbolieul outrage.
The facts hi the case as near as we can
get at them are as follows: That pet
crow that Jerry Thomson has been ed
ueiitimr for some time has trot so he
can speak English moderately well, j
and now sits in the trees in front of the
house and every time n young fellow
passes by, he sings out, "Papa! papal
Como here, papa! Stop that!" in a
voice so like a human that you would
declare it to be a little child speaking.
Of course this is very annoying and
we sympathised with the young dude
who'expliiincd the ease to us. "You
see" he t aid "that it's most item un
pleasant for a fellah to be promenading
and conversing with his best girl don'
cherknow, and to have a voice cwy out
and addwess you in that numnah don'
cherknow. I t'un.-twiugs a man's nerves
and throws him in an enibwarrassing
1 position, I assuab you." 'flic Scorx
t as a fearless defender of the rights of
the people cannot remain quiet in this
instance, and although Jerry is a friend
of ours, we m lift insist on Ins taking
this feathered nuisance of bis away,
and not allow him to insult inoll'eiisive
citizens as they pas.s along the public
llroiher Saltier, of the Centervillian,
is no slouch, and is always prepared
for emergencies, liceentlya man from
Weston went over to Ccnterville to
wallop him. The impending catastro
phe, which, however was happily aver
ted, is tbrillingly described by Sattlcr
as follows: "Had ho attempted to
! raise his hand toward us while in this
I ollice, would never returned to Weston
' to tell the tale, as he would have been
dropped by our faithful helpmate in
two short seconds. Hditors in the far
wide west are always prepared for such
occasions." We are under obligations
to our brother journalist of Umatilla
county for causing us to see a way out
of some of our dillicuitics, that had not
' occurred to us before. We catch on,
j simultaneously, as it were. A few of
j these reptil'-s around here who have
been thirsting for our blood are invited
I to drop into this od'ice at any time. If
I our "helpmate" don't put a hole through
! them about the si;:e of a stovepipe, it
will not. be our fault.
imoi' is.
Quite a nuniber of our subscribers
have fallen behind on their subscrip
tions. We have reminded them of the
fact several times, but still there are
.-onie who do not respond. We are not
running this paper for anything but
.... "t
tlio monev lucre is in u, aim as we en-
there is in it, and as we en
dcavor to give full value for the amount
asked on subscription, we, expeot our
pations to pay us promptly. This is
sue will be sent to all our subscribers as
usual. Next week if you do not re
ceive, the paper you will understand the
reason. It will then be in oilier for
you to come forward, pay up, and re
new, which we hope you will do, with
out any back talk. We dislike to lose
any of our friends and readers, but they
must bear in mind that it takes money,
and lots of it, to run a newspaper.
covh or men vai.i.i:y, aviucii?
The following item is going the
rounds of the press : "A woman sold
her wash-tub to a party of rilieinen for
a target. They paid her $1. fit) for it;
and after they had gone home she went
out into the field and brought it back
as good as it ever was." The vcrracious
chronicler does not Mate where this
feat happened, and leaves us somewhat
in doubt as to whether he refers to the
Covo or High Valley team. If either
of these arc meant the matter bhould
be corrected.
An exchange remarks "that men who
are advertised in their papers are the
nen who transact tho businees of the
town. You can pick up a newspaper,
and in a few minutes tell who does thu
Imying'and selling and keeps up the in
terest of the place. A newspaper invu-'
ribly rellects the worth, the enterprise
and inleligence of the comunity in
which it is published." .
Mcl'udilen's Uostuii Double Uncle Tom's
Cabin, to appear at Wright's ball Momluv
April ttb. is tan; of tin inrjjest companies
playiiij; this drama in tliu United States.
I .Miftrtftilly Partington, the ci'IoliratcilTnpsy
thut wont to HnKlaiiil with Jarnttt & Pal
mer, of New York. M". Orlando Hhikc and
tho lani nis little Putnam twin sistcr.n'eoinc
I with the company. The nrguulAition Ims
! played in all tho leadniK i-'itio.s and theatre
' hi tho country. Anions tho western lnm-os
will mention lloyd'n Opera Houmi, Oiiialin;
(illlis' Opera House. Kaunas City; Tabor
Grand Opera House, Dunvor, apodal men
cry come. with the lompuny and every
thing will bo produced in a roalUtlo man
ner. Don't fail to utU'iid,
Uracil Up.
Vou are feeling di!pre-Mil, your appetite
Is poor, you aro botlierml with Head;iclni,
you are lli'otty, nervous, and generally out
of sorts, and wnt to ms.UT. up. llrace up,
hut not with hthnuleiits, spring medicines,
or bitters, which have for their basis vury
cheap, laid whiskey, mill which sthauhito
you for an hour, and then leave you In
. worse condition tliuii Imioro. i nat jou
want Is an alternative that will purify your
' blood, start healthy action of Liver and
Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give n-
uewwl liimlth and strength. Suuh u laedl-elm-
you will ihid in Kleetrie JMUiv, and
I oul .W cents it bottle at J. T. WriglitN drug
' ktore, Union, Oregon.
l SCI 11 tj UatiOHS.
! rntiiuinj-liH 1m t ulnliir. l'rliirli ntl.v, tn
tlw t'iT'Krlniitlnn uf tin
M. C
Uniervisun tlu1 .ick lint this
Mr. (leorge Ilnrsepoul, of La (!niude,
paid Union a visit this week.
1 !. W. Cooke, civil engineer, of JJn
k.T City, called on us during the week.
Frank Wilson has been rusticating
for the past week or two on his farm
in the Cove.
J. II. Slater has received the appoint
ment as one of the state railroad com
missioner?. Mrs. Jack Vincent arrived in this
('ity from California, a few days ago.
Jack is happy.
Columbus (ioodspeed and family
will probably hike their departure for
Pine creek, in a few weeks.
Mrs- Coriiin opened her new milli
nery goods for sale yesterday, and her
store is now thronged with customers.
Mr. O. Kirkpatrick. the genial audi
accomcdating postmaster of Island j
City, was in Union the fore part of the j
Mr. W. A. Plain, of North Powde.i, j
who has been on a visit to relatives in j
Iowa and Wisconsin, returned last j
Monday. i
Mrs Keeler, of I.ostine, has been 1
stopping 'in this city for a week or two j
past. She has nought a lot ot goods,
and will open a millinery store in I.os
tine in a few days.
Harvey Moreland received a splen
did type writer, from Portland, this
week. In addition to his writing for
the bank, no doubt Harvey will indite
his love letters, etc, with the machine
A nuniber of our young people at
tended the entertainment given at the
close of the Cove public school, taught
by Prof. Hacket, last Saturday even
ing. They report tho exercises as be
ing excellent.
Mr. John Katun moved his family to
his ranch on Kli.abeth creek, above
town, this week, where they will rusti
cate durintr the summer months.
Thev will come back to their residence j
here next winter.
Assessor Thomliusou is now making
his regular annual visit around among
the people. Like his predecessor he is
a regular gossip, and asks a great, many
impertinent questions concerning your
financial standing, etc., etc.
Frank C. linker, slate printer, has
printed at his own expense a lot of con
stitutions of the .Native Sonsof Oregon,
and will furnish one of them to any
person desiring a copy, free of charge,
providing a two-cent stamp accompa
nies the request.
Dr. Drake is in recipt of a letter from
Dr. ('has. 1 1. Dav, a hoinepathie phy-
sieian of Dayton, . I . stating tliat lie
'11 il . .!,.. .1 ! ,1...
win arrive in ims citv uumig me ruin
ing week foi the )iiriose of permanent
Iv locating. Dr. Dav is said to bean ex-
I cellent physican.
i iohn Wihnot and S. L. Hunter, ta-
keniogether, have more ingenuity than
i any ten men in the countv. Had it
i not been for them we doii't believe we
j would have got our new press in op-
eration "till yit." They will please ac.
i eept our thanks.
Wednesday last, Mr. John Hayne's
boy Ulyses while splitting stove wood at
Drakes, let the ax slip and cut a large
slice out of his hand. He lit out for
Dr.Deering who found it ne.-sary to
have the missing piece, and after con
siderable search it was found and prop
erly replaced. The boy showed a great
deal of pluck and no doubt will lie all
right in a short time.
Business Locals.
(iarden hoes at do. J Wrights, 117 1-2
cents each.
Steel traps, .r0 a doen at Jo.
Illue vitriol for sale at Wright's, drug
store cheap.
Choice Mower and garden seeds, at
Herman Waldeck's Suniniervillo, (Jr.
The Union .Milling Company are
paying 00 etc. per bushel for wheat.
Eleven pounds of blue vitrol for $1.00
at Herman Waldeck's, Suinmerville,
"Merry "War," "Ilig King" and "Oys
ter Shell," new brands of tobacco at
Jones Ilro's. Trv them.
Henry N. Copp, the laud and pen
sion lawyer of Washington, has jtiht is
sued tho twelfth edition of his Sctttrr'n
(liiide. It is an indispensable liook
for all who expect to he, interested in
public land. Settlers will save money
by purchasing it, and all who expect
to take up land should get posted on
the several laws under which it can be
entered. A chapter, illustrated with
numerous cuts, shows how to tell town
ship, section and quarter section cor
neiH, and explains the system of sur
veys. It gives Commissioner Sparks'
orders and late decisions and instruct
ions, and full information about the
homestead, pre-emption, timber cul
ture, and other laws. Tho price of tho
book is 2.') cunts.
Tin: rmii'ixTioN
Of the UK" hi the medical line in the liquid
fruit remedy, Syrup of Kb?, manufactured
only by the California Kit; Syrup Co., Sun
Francisco, Cal. It is agreeable, to thetiuto,
acceppiblo to tho Stomach, harmless hi Itw
nat.ire, yet prompt and thorough
in its action. For Male by all druggist.
Huoll. Ilcitshii& Woodnrd, whoIealeflj,'eNti
Portland, Oregon.
Smith's walking gHiig jilow, sojno
thinir now and iut tho thing. J'or
Sale by Frank
Island City.
15io. Implement Co.,
il'ii Ity n
1 rnii Hnr la
I v lit h.
(ill! t the !
Will bos, as I have taken a sisterly
interest-in you, 1 must tell you that if
you don't want to fall in love, keep away
from muslin. You can no more play
with the girls without losing your hi art
than you can play with a gambler
without living your money. The heart
strings of a woman are like the tendrils
of a vine, alwayn reaeh'iigout for some
thing to cling to. The eonsequenec is
vou are enntuivd In fore von know it
So Iwvs, take vmir sister June's adv
and before vou fall in love, think twii
What ever other folly you commit
not fall in love with the portrait
gill you have neer seen, (tills as a
rule are pretty much alike; A society
girl will palm nil' her waiting maids pho
to with out a single twinge of her eon-
eieiiee. So take care of your selves.
SisTi:n June.
Tyionc, Pa.
Jlayor Hotis' Hopm''
7'o the Hon. Common Council of the
City of Union:
UKNT1UMT..V : 1 beg leave to submit
the fi'llowini: as my report of the fi
nancial condition of the city of Union.
The report should hae been published
in January, but was unable to obtain
the recorder's report, hence- tho delay:
Liquor license.
Show license.. .
HI. Iii
. 20.00
. 028.!) 1
1 Pedlar licenee..
Dog tax
City tax
Lumber and Mdse.. . $18:5,01
Ixecorder fceo L'W.'K!
Marshal fees (M1.7S
Attorney fees 121.(5(5
Firewardens -lO.O
Moving buildings. ... 1 L'!.:i!
Cost of building. . . . IS 1. 20
Ollice rent l-l.W
Treasurer com S2.Ho
Sundries 151.00
Costs in case of city vs
.1. 0. Walsh 107.(5!)
Printing !.2"
Citv election.' lo.OO
City indebtedness at
of l&5 $2,200.00
Cr. by bal. of 1880. . 220.2S
The city owns the buildings
charged up in this exhibit,
which valued al cost is. .
2(5 1 .fill
Making total city indebtedness
exclusive of buildings. . .$1,7 M.S'.!
I hereby certify that the above, ex
hibit, is as nearly correct as could be
obtained from citv ollicers' report.
D. M. I.'KKS, Mayor.
Hring your wagon to take homo a
dollar's woith of sugar. Drake sells
1(5 lbs. for $1. and goes better.
X 0 Sugar 11 lbs $1.00
Drv Gran. 12 lbs 1.00
L'ii-e M lbs k 1.00
Collee f lbs 1.00
Crackers given away. No old stock.
Drake will keep the ball rolling, and
"get there Kli." Clothing and dry
goods at Drake's, direct from the Kast.
Drake will not be undersold, you can
bet vour bottom dollar. Cash is king.
31 A It It 1 13 D.
liAltDNKK MKAMIS. At the resilience
of the Kiddia's mother. Ill this citv, Tues
day ivi-niiiy, March -Hth, Mr. A. N.d.inl
ner and Irs. Annie Skills, J. H. Thom
son,.!. I', nllkiiitin.
The contracting parties are both of
this city. The Scot"' wishes, them
happiness and success.
1)1 131).
1MCH. At lmndahi. AV. T. March hi, at
litiOp. in. Mrs. AlidaM. Ilice, wifeof liev.
II. V. Ilice, pastor of the Hay Presbyte
rian church,
Deceased had been sick for about si
mouth, and in spite of all that could
he done for her by a devottd husband
and loving friends, death come at last.
She died of paralysis of the brain. The
funeral took placo at the Presbyterian
church in Port Townscnd on the 18th.
The news of her death will cause the
most poignant regret among her many
friends in this city and vicinity, who
became greatly attached to her during
her residence heie. The bereaved hus
band has our sympathy in his irrepar
able loss.
Syrii)i uf i'lfjs.
Manufactured only by the California Fig
Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cl., i Nature's
Own True Uxative. Thi pleasant Calllor
niii liquid fruit remedy may be had of all
ilriijfKlst. at llfty cent or one dollar. It is
the most pleniuuit, prompt, and effective
remedy known to clean u thonynteiii ; to act
on the hivor, Kidneys, and howels gently
yet thoroughly ; to dispel IIeadohei, Colds,
and KnvurH; to cure Cuiiwiniption, Indiyoji
tiou, mid kindred ills.
nim ;itKJ!i.
Wo bollevo In truly iiitoilngthu oonllilnuco
of our patrons, In lioiiiietKoiiUand aeuuratii
utateingiitH concerning them, siiiure ihwil
lug, a wish liusliioi, low prlcm, prompt
iiusn, Mild a clear uonnlenoe.
All ordura oiUrutI to in for DItV
OQODK, will Ueitrlotly AIIimI hi neiHirUanoe
with thU orued.
lsurir-tsticct, I'ortlaiiil, Oregon.
Fsr 30 Sijs,
J laving bought flip
33rA full line of
Ciran. Sugar, 12 lbs...
Kxtm C ,. 14 .
Yellow C 1(5
Pest Collee, a
if 1.00
1.00 I
1. 00 1
l.iiO I
i.2; i
1.00 i
Hest Tea.
Pickils, gal kegs
Price's C. W. 11., Soap, box.
Kirk's Soap, box
Uice. 11, lbs
Slnrch, 0
lilneiug, 2 boxes
Ovstets, 211. cans, ." for . . .
m. " 0
Sardines, French, 2 ho::es .
do kbmh w urn m ip m ftSS g sj
of a 52 H M K fl H l&
11 Hf 12 S w ts3 Sfca 8 U Ska ffizs
mi o n a .
Cove Straight Elour at 3.50 per.
barrel; 5 barrel lots at S3.25.
,1-2-tf. . Union, Oregon.
m m 4
1 " PKJill'j ' 81
il II II K
Will duplicate the prices of any m
chants in Union.
1 AiT 31 Hit 13 TO STAY ami DON'T CLU.tfF Worth a Cent.
Watch for Drake's Xev Slock
of (.Icneral .Merchandise, di
rect from the Kasl, all new
and fresh, you bet.
Only Union Koller Mills liour for sale,
in market, at prices to suit ail.
els aM Imi LIlii mid Dry
I iiiinin' imw (Vein '.he
Drakes doii'ftlruw il, but swim on lowest prices without
i " a feather ru filed.
Drake will gather yon under his wing, like
a hen doth her brood, and protect
you f ron high prices.
Herman Walcie
k 4
in W
Low Prlr-s and (hmd dooil- to
i mm mm arm
s muh mim wmi
ck's, - Si
Fine Wliilosuitl I'crciilc Shirts, Alok'sktt and Cashmere
Overshirts. Fine Line of Summer Vmlerwnre, Silk and
Linen Hamikert'liiuls, ele. al Very l?easnal)le Prices.
TlWfeJ8f!IW sjyQ'ooR
No old shelf-worn stock, but New Goods
and Latest Novelties.
S3-.Mv -tick of Dry (hiods and I.adlis' Fancy (infills will soon arrive ."Wft
i i T-n i - nil jii in ii r .il i i ii i i 1 1 i i i i iiiiii urn rr - r 1 i 1 " V"!7T
3il!B5IIIs III II f tii FD ESffll.
l.Aerything I-'irnt Ohiss. Terms A'ery ltcahonabln. '
Htiss to and Fiom the Depot Making Connection with all Trains,
Daily Stage Line to Cove, .
Carrying Fast Freight and Passengers;
hoNvhiK I'nion every oftornoon and
train. Fin .vi wui round trip 75 conti.
Saunders slock of
will continue to sell at
a u
111 I
Groceries just received.
Pdackhcrrier, cans
Peaches, table, ! cans. . .
Assorted pie fruit, fi cans
'foniatoes, (5 cans
Corn, (5
Candles, 12for
Crackers, lolbs
Prunes, (ierman 10 lbs. . .
Matches, ! pkgs
Lve, Americ.ui, 10 cans .
-i: 1 .01)
Anil all other
nlniM' prices it,
(Hii! ill HiiniP rate Tho
e on lir'l cliiss stin.i..uil
I will not sell one class of
goods at cost, and make up
on another. I discount, all
my hills and give liiyjlpatrons
the benefit.
1'i - t, to JiraUe's Cash
jmmervi!lef Or.
-ult A oun"
and O'd, short or Tall
- Proprietor.
returning hi morning, making connection
; T E
1 1 I M 1 life in f