tnaM!.ij.uOTiarJ.'it 'vktt. T JSEOnraxewiwpa 1 ' THE OREGON SCOUT. AMOS K. JONK.S K I) I TOU, City and County Official Paper. batmtlaj, Api.i mi, ifcb(. WHAT WILL JiK DDK El The last giand jury made a most ex cellent report of the condition of coun ty nffairs. and showed zcul and con Mn'ciitioiisucss in the discharge of their duties very commendable. On ac count of the length of the report wc could not publish il at tint time, which we regretted exceedingly, as it. contained much information mid many suggestions of interest to; the people at large. That a very peculiar state of affairs has existed heretofore is shown by the following extract taken j from it : I ''It appears from the licst Information I wc can get on the Mibjeet that there Ins ! dcen various sunn i money collected ny former sherilft and their deputies and by ".I.". " . ... ' . V.. .- .i . Vl " ... 'r... I .1 !..,. ...I....1. 1 ... , unit the ruport for jtum nr l ui in I' imi l ilt 1 11 uiivu iiuoiiimhi nu i continually belli" offered when demand is made for wlint shows on the book to be delinquent, showinBrent cnrk's'iioH and wc lindcrim iuiil nc)ditn In nut properly reporting the public montKS collected mid for the purpose of lenrnin to wht extent this han been doiiu we would recommend Hint the county court order tins publication of the niinie-t rif nil di-Iin-picnts mid all amounts due from them as such dclimUi'iit.. the snmctobeu formal notice of such claims by the county, and while on this subject wc further tififst that the amount of Mich items be t:ui elates that fall within I lie terms (if the respective ex-oilleials of Oils vounty and that luyment Ibeiccf be de- , nim,i...i if i.m..'i iu 1 , 1,,.;,. i,m,i 1 holders, so returning ns unpaid ami in collected taxes wh: re 111 fuel tliev iiad jdven out receltit'' fur Hie amc. and that if it be cumes ncecxsary, that tic district attorney In? rciiuested tii briiifr action axahiM the parties mi in default and tlieir sureties ami Ilia' there be no more delay about ntlcn IhiK lo the matter." A'e do not know (what action 'will be taken by the county court in this matter, but if as the grand jury seems lo think, there has fcbeen ''criminal negligence" on the part of any of our cx-ollicials or tlieir deputies, action cannot ho commenced too soon. A public servant whose nature it is to be "slippery" i about as contemptible 1 a being as (here is on the face of the earth, and the sooner his rascality is , exposed the better. If he is honest, 1 but dull enough to einphiy and be : hoodwinked by thieving deputies, he Hhonld pay for his lolly,. and not allow the peoplo to suffer through his inca pacity. The same g'anil jury, we believe, will serve at, the duly term ami it is to he hoped they will contin ue tncir endeavors to lntvo this uiat'er investigated. J HOPKFUL VU'.W. The Salem Slutcmtm consoles itself with the reduction that the inter-slate commerce law, in raising the through freights both ways, will furnish a greater incentive to home mnuufactiirc in the west. It thinks '-that U will bo found cheaper to manufaetiiro the raw materials at home than to ship them to the eastern states, there to be worked up and returned to us, paying very high freight rates both ways. If, ns it is hero predicted, the continued operation of the law has this effect , it will be a good thing tor the west, and h"b will graduallyl grow to be more independent of other sections in tho matter of tho necessaries of life, com iortand employment," On this hy pothesis wo presume it would bo bet ter not to have any railroad at all. Wo doubt very much whether the ad vance in freight rates will cause any such result as predicted. .Should it do no the law will prove boiiellclal, mid in a way not contemplated when It was enacted. We think it would be better, us the railroads exist, to com pel thoni to adjust their rates accor ding to common sense and .reason, and take our chances of having manu factures, etc. in the future. TlfK 1NTKK-STATK LAW Recent disjmtehes from Wasldiigtoii ftnte thtit the nrcsideut litis npiioiutcd tho following as inter-state eoiiiiniss ioners: Thomas M. Cooley, ot Mich 5Hn, for tho term of six years, Wm. It. Morrison, of Illinois, for (he term of tlvo year's; Augustus Sehoonuuiker, of New York, for tho term of four years; Aldaco K, Walker, of Vermont, lor the term of three years; AValter S. lU'tiKI?, f Alahama, for the term of two years, Tho record" of eacli 0110 ofjthcsu gentlemen is also given at some length. This latter information, however, is of little importance, ns tho only record of these men tho peo plo care anything nnout, is the one they will soon make as commission ers. Unless they are utterly incor ruptible thoy will scueuinh to the wily blandishments of the railroad mag nates, and this ,lhiw" with its mul tiplicily of words and meaningless sentences will ho 41 construed" accor dingly. Wo nil know by everyday uvontH that when tho railroad capital ists Imvo need of one ot tho people's champions, they generally trap lilm, yank out his eyc-tcctli with a pair of golden forceps, and he is "tlteirn." It is to bo hoped, however, that tho gentlemen' comprising this commiss ion will prove exceptions to t lie rule, mill bo nblc lofjnnd Foinct Iiinjr in 'tlic law that will he n bcncllt lo the peo ple, and some port of n safeguard against those powerful railroad cor- ; mpoI thf!m tolnliy2,IIH,nMiro foi.cxt0l.. tion anil robbery. We tiro inclined (to think that tho law will be n failure was intended to lie a failiiri! from its inception. If some law could be enaclnd, in plain linglish, dcllniug the rales that all railroads should be allowed to charge on long and short hauls , and making it the duty of the county ofllcinls of eachjcoiintyjthc roads puss through toJco that the law is strictly enforced, some good might come out of it. Ah it is, there seems to he nothing in it hut, sound and fury, signifying' noth ing. A UK A UTIKUL CJTV rhcrc is not within the limits of IJastern Oregon n more beautiful and attractive citv than Union, strangers coming among us never tire of laud ing our beautiful surroundings, our many elegant and costly residences, our natural resources, and the advan tages that are ours by reason of loca tion relative to the surrounding coun try, and above all, the happy, pros perous, contented condition of our people. Whatever I nion is to-day it has been made bv the demands of the. ,:,,. i, ila ,.iili..ninpfil boom' which so often is the cuie of many towns, but has grown on its o wu ineritsaloue. It will never ret rograde, and its iinproveinetsaie per manent and lasting. Hut, while this ie the case, wis are loth to admit that many of our citiy,ens;seein to be con tented with 'well enough" and do not posses that untiring energy re (ptired in the upbuilding of prosper ous cities, and to keep pace with the restless and pushing spirit ot tin: times. In old settled countries a town might remain the same for generations, hut in a country like this, no place can bo at it standstill. It must advance or decline. Or if il does not actually retrograde, in contrast with neighbor ing towns that have kept up in the race, it will appear to have done so. All that is needed to make Union, in the future, as it has been in Ihe past, one of the foremost towns in this section of the .Stale, is a liberal, pushing and aggressive policy 011 the part of her citizens. All the; natural advantages essential to this end are around us in abundance. Will our take advantage of them? PAT EXT YOUJl AilXKH. An exchange says truly that min ing ground which is worth holding is worth patenting. . A possess ory title is good only so long as there is actual and continuous po.-sess-iou and tho reejuirmonls of the United States and district laws tiro .strictly complied with. The hitter are often iiuihigoiiA, vague and conflicting.. It is true they must boin accordance with the national law, or they arn void but it is never safe to trust to compliance with them to the title of the ground. A patent is the only sure ami enduring title. Under it tho owner it the own er is assured of his properly for all time. Xo change in Tinted Stntes laws can deprive him of it, forthegov erninent having conveyed to the pur chaser its title, has no more control over thu mine lb in a private individ ual would have over any piece ol prop, trty after having deeded it to another person for a certain sum or money. It is as far beyond the roach tit Con gress as a building lot in New York City, or a farm in the slate of Massa chusetts, (('round hold under the pos sosory title is under the direct control of tho government , and Congress can dispose of it in any manner it choose; therefore a claimant is always at the mercy of that body and subject to its caprices, until he purchases tho right from actual owner, who is no less per son than L'nele Sam himself. A pat ent is not only tho cheapest, for it can bo obtained at less cost than tho ex pense of holding the ground under the possessory method. Uvory minor claiming ground which lie purposes to work or sell, should by all means se cure his titlo from the general govern ment. milll IMMIIIUIW Euoiiu CUy Notes. Andy Titus is lioro again. City election flret .Monday in April. Tho Guard is to huvo n new power lues. Turner Station is to huvo a W. I . tel egraph olllee. The Haptists are talking of binding a iffiOOO church. The mammoth rcforvoir on tho Hut to is about completed. .laokionville is to huvo a railroad connecting with tho O. it C. Tho Knunn Heath Coiunany will commence playing hero to-night, MrMordoMu Donald, of tSuuunor illo, return liouio again in April. J'nif. IIiiMhiU loeturvd two nights, on astrtniopiy last week. The nt'w three dory Hoffman Hotel was opened for bueinrw Ut Trewlny. fpell." It is still to wet for farm work. , A tii1t .ttwl iiift wwini will wrwin ' be built in the north end of the court bouse. Mrs. II. C. Humphrey, Miss Uet tioShaw, relumed from u visit to Eas tern Oregon, last Tuesday. j connecting the engine room with the, 1 superintendent's odicc of the Eugene x ) iiiii jiimjii; mill j i tin ia i n j'nv atcr t.o. ' The Commissioners of Lane County have purchased KJO acres of land , which will be used for county and pau per purposes. The two story wooden structure on corner of Utb aiid Willamette has been torn .down. A largo brick will be erect ed in its place this summer. The Masons will during the summer build a large brick temple on the cor ner of Willamette and 8th, now occu pied by a two story wooden building which will be removed ns soon aa pos sible. I,. Jay. ASTONISHING SfCCIJsS. It Is the duty or every person who hns used I'tofflirc't fiermwi Si'rup to let it.t won derful iptalitics be known to their friends 111 ciirint? Consumption, 'severe Coughs. Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact nil throat and lung diseases. X person can uso it without immediate relief. Three do--im will relieve any case, and we condiler it the duty of all Druggists to ivcommend It to the poor, dyinj.; consumptive, atleat to try one buttle, as S0,000 dozen bottles wen sold la"t year, and no one case where it failed was repotted. .witeh a medicine as the Gtnmin Syrup cannot he too widely known. Ask your drui"t abotit it. Sam ple bottles to try, old at Hi cents, ld-ular size, '! cents. Hold by all Driljjists and Dealers, In tho Cnlteil Mates and Canada. l.iU'Ulon's Arnica sjnlro. Tin: 1Ii:st In the world for Cut", llriilses, Sires, ITIcers, Suit Hheum, KVvcr Sores, Tetter, Clcvpped Hand, Chilblain,, Corn, ami all Skin Kruptions, anil positive ly cures Piles, or no pay reiiuired. It is guaranteed to jjlve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. L'rie.i i'.'i cents per box. For sale by J. T. Wright, Union, Oregon I J A. IIKLI., House, Sign and Carriage PAINTER Graining a Specialty. Shop, Corner Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon. City-Ieat-IailGt. Main Street, Union, Oregon, BENSON IJIiOS. - I'KOlMtlKTOKS. Keep constantly on hand MEEK, l'OIJIv- VEAL, MUTTON, SAUSAOE, HAMS, LAUD. Elv;. , BUY YOUR Coal Oil, Lamp Supplies,, and Blue Yitriol, AT R. C. Greig's Drug Store, vStatiouery, Toilet Articles. )ctaeless i Perfumery, Sponges & i Brushes, In lj.ttTt.t- Variety and at Very UcijMiabli Price. . Mi r r v ' 'i ;i .. mm . .ft I desire to inform die pubhi tbat 1 am the Mileajjcut (or tlu niei.Mt. -I KNTKK- tv. tiud invite niteiiil'iiK pur. hasen. to come and examine the mu- now on exhibi Hon at my place in Wit I'nion. 1 mn cnivinca you will pronouiiw it tho bott mill now mununu'tured. The wxireiuoly low prices plutv t hem within tin- u iirh u ail. I'ltvniurs ot win i nau- .mil iuiuip. . ... . i: ..: ... . i i- tii... l!l .nut luiuipo I j Kirtuu. , miii on iipinn aiiiiii ent on appli do, -o-y 1 , fig mm ; r 11 t JZLmOS? JOS. WRIGHT, -J HULK I nfSljfe I? ulu .kVglhB W III! a .1 Til N .A. 1 I I d jr.,s 7Ial:t direct, in.-! It' ccivrd an Ininiuw Aock wsa TO3Bn rieasefcenij ai the i liowniL' pii' i s Uiur Cork, I'.iu k jl,,is sevthe Trooni xe V.'adi PAT. (ML CHURNS THE Guns, ilevolvcrs, NOT THE WORLD l.l'.M' ou- -Belonging t M. 'vsi Must, sliall and vdll pnecs ever kncnvii 3 Tl. .7 m m mm m ixr Tjisrzoisr AdoSph Lew, T. u Mb . i MM UilitHlili Union, Jfnvinjt k-:iscd and thorou.nldy relitted the nunc. It will he wmw I united on an, en tirely dillcrcut 'dan than licretofoi c, and no pain" will be spared to miike initroiis cum focti'ibh'. In coomirtion with tho hotel is an cle.uant -BIUIAll) PAHfilS Wheiu tlie finest Hrands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars arc kept con stantly on hand. Thicpatnuoy of the p-tbli is xoliiitcd. at cptiMFiTupnr tvma ire mm ii Vy. D. BE8EPLESAIW, Proprietor. Keeps o!istan'.y on hand a tidl assortment ot i e; tiling in ln.s lint , niiuiufactured of tbt be.-t obtaiun'ilc. lie i.s now offer: iy lor Male the T.Kt l.a S ,.,7,71c. ,,l ever offered in LEAD UAnNSCSS (Voin $2.r. blamcets caoh. AlMtii n'1,1, ..-m;i.ill'..l ot .sn il.s, Willi', AM.!'. (IKKAKK. IIAICAI'InS first lass EstaDhshmerst. j tiTCail and cxandne pio.i.s. (I M:tui SteMt, Huno, Qragun. JONES Dealer IS i m mi mum i Varisiy and Fancy Boob f t 3 i nt. t t WATCH15S, CLOCKS, JEWKl.HY, Ml'SICAL INSTIU'jIKXTj. PlCTl'RE ' PltAMhfa, 1JIKI) V VCih.s, UU C'AHHIAGKS, lire. Cumlios, Xuts ami Fruits, I'eviodicalw, Ifovolts, olts. etc. tgsSQrilors from all promptly attended to. It IX- I iir 31 'V t 1U U 3-1 Cfci V llllumiUlU Union. Onv"n, of New Goedc-, which he will sell at'a .L Mi. $kZW with tho of other stores in the county :( tincd Hay Forks Manure Porks. -v. Te. Ititke, and Hoc handles 25c. Saws 7.rc. Hand Saws . . "flc.tgf 2M. ' 60c, fpndes T60 .. . fine. Snaths 87e. ; . 33' '.y. l'owdcr ROc ?1.00. Jlntnmcrs ouc - Boards .. 28e. Knrekn Wringers 2.B0. t.,i Trnh. .. 2fie. , , , or Towel Hack -"c- Siiifle trees, ironed Xeek Yokes ,, ..$1.00. 11.25. Tlii- Fines. A-sortmcnt of Jn the County. AND AT LOWEST PltTCBF The Celebrated BEST.-IN'THE WORLD. and Amnnitiou. r BUT ' fszp&Zi bo sold nt the lowest m liiastcni Oregon m -s Ft i n . i mi mum mil goulttt. Uiiijiorgn Oik si Oregon, opnetor Il rn.l.KK, I'ropi-ieror. oimmis mm mm m , 7u. i.wr. Eastern, Oregon, to hv sot. liOilSIi cuiiry vimm i2c. . BRO'S. Ii wised ?2S?k Mil Mi parts of the country in a it II S I OA II Stuff. m tl. I CABINET SHOP, ItS'KU FHiST and C TT! !'.! T. ,11 1 prep r.'d to do ALL KIXDs il UL IIHaH, and also make t.HJBnajMSk DOORS and SASH TO OliDEK. TURNING NKATLY EXK V TED. I A sbure of the pil'lic patrnmi,;" -"li't.d. 1 All orders promptly attended to. H. (!. EMERY, Union, Or. Stailion For Sale. B' virtue of in v nppointmcftt a- nn'iicr in the case of J. Q. Mdrlcyv ; CinnU-v ;,.! noiigh and 15. 8. Ilnllcy, n.v i"-ndm-r in thoCireul) eivtirt of the Htale of (Hcl'oh, fur Union countv. I wi'l. 'll the dav i of April, lt'H7, in' front of tin' livcrj -i.dMo I Ion count.'. Oregon, nt 2 oVlo-k i' M. of ; snhl day, sell to. the hl..-hcst bid le-. .n . -.lit of six month with noiirovcl I'-i.ity, the 01 . 1 n. 1.11KIK, in nm town m omui. i n- celebrated stallion, "Iron Dul c." , t 11 il i;i'".'1- , ESTIiAY c r:. Taken in, Fii. 16;h. I'W". bv .r.'Jri P.yl. at his pines' miles fturth o. I ...01. and duly posted nccordhiir to l.iw. ". .ir old'rwl steer.!Is'ble b-.-o. 1 i ' T-.rlit , bin. Appraised by J. (S. H:eve;;s. ,r. 1'. a ' ESTRA.T KOTK'E 1 Taken up 1y the uncterslirncd. 01,-bait inile .south of 'Kluin. Unloii comity, Ore ' win. onu ivon irray mure. 5 years ;(., ' hniids high, ui'iintclltribk ''rand on iht 1 shoulder, ids 1 on: blwk cn!t nearly a year old. brundod with a tlnrc 5 ,m rc:!.t Minrtl 1 der, the 5- Ueinx cronvi e of 'Iviibi-r. ; ..;:'n. The nlwvc . Mil iinel-i wire epofd-ed by Nam e, Justic of tiie IVik-c, led an Valley I prceiiHft, us fol'oo : Mare, fiiMM; i'"ll-. j .t0O. A TcrwiH;f?r IHic: sworn .r - the aliove is as tre a description r. bf can 1 give of said animal:!. E.STilAY 3TOTICE. Taken no Feb bvC. W. l ulv, at bis farni in Knl w.iky, X." lt-ii;r i'. 0..ied (u!y po-ttil. 0110 iron Iiore nb'itlt 5 yer'r-i ohl." tl ha'ids- h'eb, t-.nidcd with. n u ulie'iai' T low down on U it Inml b r the thlikisof t?ln unibor bciurj d t the bottom of the ?vin of Ibe T. .u r ns l at f ,'0 by ( '. T. Wis iju.-eil-e of th" IV u . EHTRAY NOTK'Si. Taken up hv A. K Kato'i. of Un'on, Un 1 ion ((Hill, srejo.i, rr.'!-b!: 'i st .'I'. 11 coll,. rfuM'dlnni sir,'. Sirl luh.' nrrsold. ' Huui'li white .-l: 'lo .'(elua i s,,P. i:n!hmri.m-h..-.,,'ri.i- m"!?, ' has been du!f po-.ti'd accord: ie. t in . , A. L. ::. toy. KTltAT NOTit'E. V i" V , :,."'iv..' ... . ', Taken up icc. 1st b.s'i, by .Io--;i!i ,-;bi-p- m Ma on left Mi'iul icr. mu ncirc li ivio : '..r lilif? colt with hc. ..I: re and o' .ipp'.ii.- ed at .fMi 0!) bv K. A. b e:-. Jr. tic c th.i 1 pe-ico, i'i'ie '. .iliev pp cir.e! . nu o n 1 hi i" ' i "i o' j v iXRtilflJJ t'' '-'.s. S '"'ii? iirenaiatiun mora Iho '.'"n.reJ m-om end XV-rCKn conn trwn. tao i.'Mli.hem . hn h n'ttio Anii.'wrn m'ntii:i:o toct .-s nor, ' lit, ltvrrs. I'll 'I"-IH n ik tuiv- .'..u .,,0 1.1" 1'. 111 ITniii'il Mntc'.Jiml (lorav.y, Mt.l IVot!5r ccwiij-.s '1 hflr c-.iwn-c-iuo i unmiu.-u(ii anil the r f.icilitte'. ero uuimr- in tlia I'atotti l(!ii en t'.iir.i, rm' w--.. Ii-r.m M-r-inaHon.ibj. rii.cli'Ti-H cir.i-'itiiCaoa 01 moili'll cr ilmitm-i .iKI liv rc,;l f . r i n Llio V 'A -: Tl' A Til P 15 1 C A . . 1; idi a t!io i6rjivteiro'ila.!i.iii nnd ii .'Mn:.iil iti..uent nl ny- poT nl Ua kin.t puMinhd m tin. world. T!im d'inrtxa cf anch. tt noouo every jutoaUo "fU'wanrt ?ri'oT).lMt niuiilrMoil Tiowp.nrier I , T,uMi.-.inl KJ'lICh V nt f ;.') ' ' nr. .mil w iidin'ttl t s tho rlimroiivi'tr... in t-' oner, uri'.Vwiul, l:.7nntiins mimiwrr iii.' v . fj1 olhw Aoa(rtian.".ta of imtnatrit.l i i . lmu liii i'.l in ro" country. It conuimM'i ' Mim - "J r.l! i.ircr.i.jts r.ndtitlonf mn'iiiv "'ti.i i lutnMril i-i mi in tic. 'liv It. four UKiiulu i i.' o::o iljlior. tiu'iihv ill nrws Staler. IK o lifvo n inrcntlr.n In vil"-it write V Marli : Co.-, vnj".i-in"'J in' H;en.. j Aiaini'ib, 51 H aiutimv, .! rr't , Itunubou!. ..Si.nit i 'i' !' i m ,. patents u iiriy.ndi-MMier Kee, Oflk'e, im.i wu ctn obtain I'ati'ivs hi les t',., tli)Ui itmot,. from V, jiMimton, SendM()l)KLorUUWl(.. Weadvi-o js to puntcnt'i'ipilv free of i h.irr" ; and wc mnko Xi) ('HAKfKi:NLlS i'Al'KNT Iti We refer, her -, to the iktuia-tei tho stipt. of Momy oior idv., t.d t.. oil., juts sMfcfMS ents in vtmr own Htte or County, wnie to op;,,it,p,t,,i; w...d,, a - cz nnn Ann proPI EllSE iii Wjwv ww FEKY'S SEED! O. tH. FERRY & CO. reaomittcuioouuio LAnnEST SfESSMEN 1 MFFRRViCO'S lllu.lrjlfl. ' CPlpllu il r cril SEED ANNUAL For I0B7 ill ho muled FREE to all f , ' '.fvjliry -Nv, rustoracra (&L ,' I WA ' . 1 witliuntor- in'.t ot f --hlll!.si (mM if. ' rorii Addreee C. M. FEKFT !i CO. Dst.oit, fii:ch. T 1. ' ( I'l .'!"! I'll. ' tl' 11 and "f I ' m jn 1 1 i lia i' rcopuifd my 1 fl&a r R9M: 4SM5X -W.1- . m ,..i.i.'ur.