The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 26, 1887, Image 8

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    PETTY Ht IT 31 KAN.
Mentnl nud PliyUical Hornets of Tills Mortal
Life - DlKfiEreeable Little Remarks and
Minor Mlsoriijs Human Beinz-4 Torment
ed by Petty Ills for Thoir Good-Lessons
to Bo Dnwn from the Minor MlHhaps and
Annoyances of This Llfe-Llttle Things of
Vast Power in Shaping the Course of Men's
Uvett-Tht Lord's Way Always tho Best.
HitooKi.v.v, N V.. Miircli At llic taber
nacle till iiiriilnic I lit lU.'V. T. DeWllt Till,
inline, I). I)., cxiiouihIimI npiironrlate jhhi;c
of Kcrlituri!. Ili'tlicti uv nut tli2 liyiim bc
Klmilng: MuM .loin li 'r llir rrn al'M",
Ami il tin- orM bo fret?
Siil llirni'nn i'iim for errry one.
Anil Hum', a rroM fiirinc
Ttio Mibjcct of lilc tllaootirsp w.n "ftlti;liif,'
Aiiiio.vniiitff," awl Ills text Dctitoioiipoiny, vll..
20: "Tim Un tlir (5il h III mini the hornet."
Ho mid.
It socms in If tho IiimtI world wa dctor
iiilut'd lo ivnr ugii(nt th liummi race. It is
rvrry your attacking tin crulii llcliln nml Hip
nri-linnU and tin vhwyiiriK The Colorado
beetle, the NiTuikii j;riiRiln)icr, the Svw
Jorscv locust, the iiulvi'rsM jiotnto dcMroyiT,
wcin lo carry on llic woik uiilch win begun
iirs uso, when Hie Incets buzzed imt of
Noah's ark us Hid door was oetii:d.
In my text the hornet tiles out oti Its nils
atoii. It Is n species of wasp, swift. In Its huh
Hon nud violent In It ntlng. Its touch Is tor
ture to man or beast. Wo have all pccii the
cattle run bellowing from the cut of Its lancet.
In boyhood we used to Maud cautiously look'
llic r.t the ulobular nest Iiuiilt troin the tree
blanch, unci while we were looking at the
wonderful pajitclMjard covering we weie
(.truck ullli soiuethliur that reiit us flliilukliig
cunqui:ki:i nv iinuxirrs.
The hornet goci In bwaruiH, It Iihh captains
over hundreds, and twenty of them attacking
one man will produce certain death. Tho Per
sians attempted to compter u Christian city,
but the eli'tiliuutH and the beasts on which Hie
Persians lodo were amaulteil by the hornet,
"so that the wholo army was broken up and
the besieged e,lty was rescued. This biinilni;
and noxious Insect fctllllir out. the Jllttlte.s mid
Cauaaniles from their country. What, the
gleaming sword and chariot of war could not
accomplish was done hy the punctilio of an In
ficct. The Lord sent the hornet.
My friends, when 'n are assaulted by behe
moths of trouble (rent behemoths of trouble
wu become elilviihlc, uml we attiatilt them; we
get on the hhrh-mettled steed of our eouni!i
and make a chlvalrle charge at them, and, If
(lod be with Us, wo come out stronger and bet
ter than when we went in. Hut, alas for tliesc
Insectlle annoyance of life Ihesu foes too
small to shoot these tilings without any
avolrduiMils weight -tlm giiutc, ami the mid
ges, anil tho Mies, and .the wusps, and tliu
hornets I lu other words, It Is the miiill atlng
Int: of our life widen drive us out
and use us up. Into Hie iiebt eomlil limed life,
for Mime giand and glurloiiK purpo-e, (lod
tends tho hornet.
MiHimnts of m:kitivi: xmtvr.-i.
I remark lu the llrst place tlial tlicv small
Mingltig siiuioyiiiiee. may come In tlnsi-liupe of
a H'lisltlvo nervous organization. 1'eoplewho
am prostrated under Uphold fevers or with
broken Ihiiics get plenty of xrmiiatliv, but who
pities aiiyliixlv that Is iiervoust The doctors
say, and the family shvh, "), she's only u lit
tle nervous; Dial's all." The hound of a
heavy foot, tint lnirsli clearing of a throat, a
illfiniil In mush', the wuut of harmony be
tween the shawl mi) the glovo on tlinsuino
peiou, a cilit aiiKWer, a puHing t-l lull t , the
wind Irom tho east, any one of !U,0jO iiniioy
nnces opens the. door for the hornet. The fact
Is, that thn vwt majority of the people In
this country i"'" overivotkrd, mid their nerves
are the llrnt to glvn mil. A peat multitude
are under Hie strain of I.cwlcn who. When
he was toi J by his physician tliat If he illd not
stop wOrkllii: 'while ho was In sui'li poor phys
ical health ho would die, rescinded:
"Doctor, whether I live or die the wheel
must keep going around." Tliep persons of
whom I speak have n bleeding hensltlveiiess.
The II i mi lovi' lo IlL'ht on nnvthlnir raw.aud then;
lx.'op e mio ll'.e the (Miianultcs tiiokeuot In the
text, or tu the context they have a very thin
cover i g mid are vulnerable at all ixiluts.
And li e'd vent the hornet.
in.Viii:iinr.i: i.rrn.u urmaiiks.
A!; i n thei-e small Inject iinnoyiuiivs may
come lo ii- hi tho nli.ipo ot friends ami ac
quaint mvs who nru always saying dl;ree
uhlo tl'i. in. There are somti people on can
not In wil:i for half an hour hut you feel
cheered and coinfniled. Then there lire other
iK'opIo you can not bu with for live minutes
before jou fi-cl miserable. They do not mean
to disturb ou, but they slim; you to the hone.
They pullicr iiii all the yarn which the nos-slp-ii-plii
mid iK'ddlo It. They gather up all
the i.iu.'ico crltle'sins about our pjrsou,
alxiui vuiir ImslmiHs, about your hoims, about
your church, and thiiv make your ear thu fun
nel Into which they K)tir lU They Iauj;h
hcaitlly when titer tell you as tliotmh It were
u i;khI Joke, and you Iniih toi --outside.
These tieoplo aie brought to our nttontloti In
tho lllble, lu the ImhA' of ltutli: Naomi went
forth beautiful ami with the II nest of worldly
prospects Into imother laud, but after a while
vhe came liack wliloived, and sick, and poor.
What did herfi leitdii do when hhu canto back
to the city t They all went out and Instead
of Kivliif! tier common-sense consolation,
what did they dot Head the lunik of ltutli
and tlud out. They threw up their hands and
mid: "Is this Naomi I" as much as totuv.
"llotr very bad you look I" When I entered
the ministry I looked very pule for years, and
every year lor four or live years, a hundred
tlute a jenr, I waa asked It 1 was not Inn
consumption. And passing through the
room I would wiuirtltiiM, hear tieople sigh and
cry, "A ah I not lnn(r for this world I" 1 ro
tolvcd In tho'e times that 1 never, In any con
versation, would say anything deiireaslng, and
br the help ot (lod 1 have kept toe resolution.
Tlteso iKxiplu of whom 1 speak reap and bind
In the meal harytiU Held ot discouragement.
Some days ou greet them vvlth a hlhulous
"giwd nioriiliiK. and they coino buzr.liir at
Miu with Niuui depressing liiforuiatloii. The
Lord sent the hornet,
It Is astonishing' how uonui p'ople ureter to
write and to nay dlaauTceablu things. That was
ho casowlieu years npi Henry M. Stnnluy re
turned after li'ei itingultloeut ex Jolt of llndlng
l)r, Ouvld I.ivlugstono, and when Mr. Htanlcy
Uwt licforo the savants of Kurope and mauy
of Hie sumll crlllea of thu duv, under pretense
of getting getraplileal Inlonnstloii. put to
lilin mint liiMilmt questions he folded Ids arms
and refined Ui answer. At the very' time when
you would supH)!o all decent men' would have
applauded the heroism of the man there were
those to hlsK. Tho Iocd sent thu horuet
Aud when afterward that mail sat down on
the weilcia coast ot Africa, slrk ami worn
perhaps In tho grandest arhlevcmrnt of the
uco In tho way of geographical discovery,
Utcro were small crltlw all over tbu world to
tutu nud buu, and cat lea I tire and derldn him,
aud when a few weeks after that be got the
tendon miters, aa Ua opened thrtn, out llnw
rlio hornet. Wheu I m-e that there are to
inauy p;ople In tho world who like to say dl
KiiH'ablo things and write dlcreeble thlugs,
I raxuo almost In iuv weaker moment to lie
L'cto what a mail said to me In riitladelphla
tnu Monday morning. 1 went to get the homo
that was at the llrerr, and tbu hostler, a plalu
wan, said ht met "Mr, Ta linage, I saw that
rni preached to tho youtiK men j-Mtcrday."
said "Yea." llosuld, ".Souse, nu use, man's
Tho Mitall ItiSM-t aiinoyaiiees of life some
tluiet mme lu the ahapu of u local ihypl
iitMible, which doe tiot a moil nt to a lotltivo
prvxilratlon, but which bothers you when you
want tu feel tho Uut. Perhaps 11 Is a tick
boadarhn which l:a btii the pl.ittue of our
Ufa. and you atipilnt sumu iKHiaslou of mirth,
wwK'ialltjr, or usefulueiK mid iben the clock
Ktnke thu hour yuii ejunot maJtc your ap
irMiKw. Perhaps Hin tniublr U UitwuAQ the
vwr euJ the forcJit lu the shape wf a urm-
ralglc twlncc. N'olxidy can see Itorsimna
thl.e with vnu: but Just at thn time when you
want vullr intellect clearest ami tour disposi
tion brii'htest, you feel n sharp, keen, discon
certing thrust. The Iird sent the hornet.
Perhape Hicso small Insect annoyances w ill
conic in inc Miapc oi a iigiiicmic. irriiaiiou,
The parlor and the kitchen do not always bar
monlr.e. ToKetKood service and to keep It
Is one oi the great question or the country,
rVwietlines It max be the anogiutey and Incon
sldtTiiteiicss of the employers; but whatever
uc me ract. we an annul mere arc mcse in
sect annoyance winging their way out from
the culinary department. If the i;racn of
dial be not In the heart ot the housekeeper,
she cannot maintain her eiiullibrliim. Tin
men come home at night and hear the storr
of these aunoyanees and say. "OI lhec
home troubles are very little tiling." They
are small, small as wasii. but they sting.
Martha's nerves were all unstrung when she
rushed In asking Christ to reprove Mary, and
here are tens of thousands of women who
are dying, stung to death by these tiestlferous
domestic iitmoyatiecs. Thu Lord sent the
Theso small In-ect disturbances may alo
come in the shape or miHiness irritations.
There are men here who went through 1S.17
and September 2t, INK), without losing; their
balance, who are every day unhorsed iiy utile
annoyances a clerk's 111 mmners. or a blot
of ink nu a hill of lading, or the extravagance
I of a partner who overdraws Ills account, or
I the underselling hv a business rival, or the.
I whispering or nusines commence lu the
I street, or the making of some little bad delit
I which was npilnst your Judgment, Just to
please soinctioiiv else, it is noi me panic
that kill the merchants. Panics i-omu only
once lu ten or twenty years. It Is the con
stant din of these evcry-day annoyances
which is sending so many oi our ocsi mer
chants into nervous dysiN'psia and paralysis
and the grave. When our national commerce
fell tint on its face, thee melt stood up and
felt, almost defiant; but their life Is giving
way now under the swaim of these iicstlferout
annoyances. The Lord sent the hornet.
I have noticed In the history of some, of my
congregation that their annoyances are mul
tipllug, ami that they have a hundred where
they used to have ten. The naturalist tells us
that, a wasp sometime) has a family of twen
ty thousand wasp-i, and It does seem as If
even' annoyance of your life bred a million.
Hy the help" of (Soil to-day I want to show you
the other side. The hornet Ih of no use! " O,
yes I Tho naturalist tells us they are verv
t rn i to n t in the world's economy; they kill
solders and they clear thn atmosphere of our
skies. TIicm! aunoyanees are sent on as, I
think, to wake us up from our lethargy.
There is nothing (hat makes a mail so live
ly as a nest of "yellow Jackets," anil 1 think
Hint these annoyances are Intended to per
suade us of the fact that this Is not a world
for us to stoji in. If we had abed of every
thing that was attractive and soft and easy,
what would we w.iut of heaven) You think
that the hollow tree sends the lmrne.t or you
think the devil sends thr; hornet. I want to
correct your opinion. The Lord sent the
hoi net.
Then I also tlilnk these annoyances come
upon us to culture our patience. In the gym
nasium you llud upright jiarallel burs bars
with holei over each other for tegs to bu put
In. Then the gymnast takes a peg In each
hand and he begins to climb, one Inch at a
time, or two Inches, and getting his strength
cultured, reaches after while tho celling. And
It seems to me that the annoyances lu life arc
a moral gymnasium, each worry a by
which wc are to climb higher ami higher in
Christian attainment. We all love to see pa
tience, but It cannot be cultured In fair weath
er. It Is a child of thu storm. If you had
everything desirable aud there was nothing
more, to get, .vliat would you want with tu
tlenee? The only time to culture It Is when
vou are slandered and cheated and sick and
ItHlf dead. "O" you sav "If I only had the cir
cumstances of some well-to-do man I would be
patient too.' You might as well say, 'It It were
not for this water I would swim;' or, 'I could
shoot this giiii If It were not for thu caps."
When you stand chln-decp lu annoyances Is
the time for vou losw lm out toward the great
headlands of Christian attainment and when
your life is loaded to the iniizr.lii with repuls
ive aniiojanees -that Is the time to draw the
digger. Nothing but the furnace will ever
burn out of us t he clinker and the slag.
Tiioniti.Ks iv v.vhiol-s fui.vrr.s.
I have formed this theory In regard to small
annoyances and vexations: It takes Just so
much trouble to lit us for usefulness ami for
heaven. The only question Is, whether we
shall take It lu Hie hulk or pulverized and
granulated. Here Is one mall who takes It lu
thu bulk. Ills luck Is broken, or Ids eyesight
nut out, or some other uwful calamity 'befalls
lilui, while the vast majority of people lake
the thing piecemeal. Which way would vou
rather have III Of course In piecemeal. Ilet
ter have the nehhig teeth than one broken
Jaw. lluttcr ten II y blisters than one amputa
tion. Hotter twenty squalls than one cyclone.
There may be a dltletTiice of opinion as to
allopathy anil homeopathy; but lu this matter
of trouble like homeopathic doses -small
pellets of nnnowiiicc rather than some knock
down dosu of calamity. Instead of the thun
derbolt, give us the hornet. If you have a
bank vou would a great deal lather that ilfty
nion should come lu with checks less than n
hundred dollars than to have two depositors
come in the sumo day each wanting Iin $10,
00J. In this latter case, you cotigii mid look
down at tho lloor aud up at the celling boforo
you look Inlo the safe. Now, mv friends,
would you not rather have, these small drafts
of annoyance on your bunk of faith than some
all-staggerlnp demand ittiou your endurance
1 want to make you so strong that you will
not surrender to small aunoyanees. In tho
village of Hamlin, tradition sas, there was an
Invasion ot rats, and these small creatures al
most devoured the town and threatened the
lives of the (Kipulatlou, and the story Is that a
piper came out one day and played a very
sweet tune, and all the vermin followed him
followed him to banks ot tho Weser, ami then
lie blew a blast and they dropped lu aud disap
peared forever. Of course this Is a fable, but I
wish 1 could, on the sweet Mute of the gopel,
draw forth all the nibbling nud burrowing aii
noyaiiees of your life and play them down Into
tho depths forever.
nt'ii.iiis'ii ok i-Kitm'T i.ivrts.
How many touches did the artist give to
his picture of "Oottopaxl," or his "Heart of
tho Andes!" I stippoo about llfty thousand
touches. I hear the canvas saying: "Why
do you keen me trembling with that enell
so long! Why dou't you put It on In one
dastil "No," says thu artist, "I know how
to make a painting; It will take llfty thous-,
and ot these touches." And I want you, my
friends, to understand that It Is these ten
thousand aunoyanees which, under (lod, are
milking picture's of your life, to b hung ut
last lu the galleries of heaven, til for angles
to look at. (iisl knows how to make, a picture.
I go Into a schulptor's studio, and sou him
shaping a statue. He has a chisel hi one
baud nud u mallet in the other, and he gives
a very gentle stroke dick, click, click, click.
I say, Why dou't you strike harderl" "O,"
he replies, lhat would shatter the statue.
1 can't do It In that way, I must do It In this
way," Bo hu works on, nud after awhile the
features come out, and everybody that outers
the studio Is charmed and fascinated. Well,
(lod has yoursoul under the process of develop
ment, and It U tho little Annoyances aud
vexations of life that aru chiseling out your
Immortal nature. It Is click, click, click,
click I I wonder why soma great tirovldeuco
does not come, and with oim stroke prepare
you tor heaven, Ah, nu; (Sod say lhat Is
not the way, And so he keeps on by strokes
of little vexatious, uultl at last you shall lie
a filad spectacle for angels aud tor men,
You know that a largo fortune mar be SHnt
In small change, and a vast amount ot moral
character may j?i aw ay In small depletion. It
is uio mile irounies or lira uiai arc having
luorii effect Hum you than great ones. A
wrm of locusts will kill a gralu Held sooner
than the Incursion of three or four cattle. You
say, ".Since I lost my child, since 1 lost my
property, 1 have U'ou a dllfervut mail." Hut
you do not reeogulru the architecture ot little
annoyances, that are hewing, d gglng. cutting,
elmpfng, and splltlng aud lntcrjottillig jour
moral qualities. Kats may sink a ship. Ono
luclfer-inatch may send destruction throuuh
a bkck of store -house. Catherine tie Modioli
g)' Vr death from smelling a polkonoiit ro.-iu
Columhilf, by stopping and nskllig for a piece
of bread sud'a drink ot water nt a PruncUcan
omrcnt, was led to the discovery of a new
world. Aud there I u Intimate' connection
Usiwoou trifles aud luiiueaJlJo, bc4wiyu
tuUilm ucferjUtlo ,
Now, be careful to let none of thoe annoy
nuces go through vour soul iinnrralgned. CVim
id them toadmltii'ter to vour spiritual wealth,
The scratch of n sixpenny nail sometimes pro
duces lock-jaw, and the clip of n most Infinite
tlinal annoyance may damage you torevcr. Do
not let anv aniiouuico or tierplexity come
hciths vour soul without Its making vou lwtler.
Our national government docs not tiuiiK it ue
llltlni' to nut n tax on tiins. slid a tax on
buckles, and a tax on shoes. The Individual
laves do not amount to much, but In the
aggregate to millions and millions of dollars.
Ami I would have vou, O Christian man, put
a lilgh tariff on every annoyance and vexation
that como through your soul. This mlut not
amount to much. In single cases, but in the
aggregate It would bu a great revenue of
spiritual strength and satisfaction. A bee can
suck honey even out of a nettle; and If you
have the grace of (iod in vour heart, you can
get swer-tticss out of that which would other
wise irritate ami annoy.
roxtii'KittNfi 1'i:ttv iua
A returned missionary told mc that a com
pany of adventurers rowing up tho (lauges
were filling to death by Hies that Infest that
region at certain seasons. I have seen the
earth strewed with tho carcasses of men slain
by Insect annoyances. Tho onlv way to get
prepared for the great troubles ot lire is locon
ouer thc.iu small troubles. What would vou
say of a soldier who refused to load his gun, or
to go to the conlllet because It was only a
skirmish, saying: "1 am not eoinjr to cxiienii
my ammunition on e klrmlsh; unit until
there comes a general engagement, and then
vou will see how courageous I am, and what
buttling I will do I" The general would say to
such a man, "ir you aru not milium in a
skirmish, you would be nothing In a general
engagement." Ami t nave to icu you, i
Christian men. If vou can not apply thu nrlu
clnles of Christ's religion on a small scab;
you will never be able to apply them on ulargt:
If I had my way with you I would have you
iiossoss all world'y prosperity, l would nave
vou each one a garden a river flowing
throuuh It. geraniums and shrubi on the
sides and the grass and flowers ns beautiful ns
though the ralnbtiw had fallen. I would have
vou a bouse, n splendid masilon, nud the bed
should be iMivered with upholstery dipped In
tho setting sun. I would have every hall lu
vour house set with statues and statuettes,
and then I would have the four quarters of
the globe jK)urlu all their luxuries on your
lame, ami i snotiui nave lorKS oi suver ami
knives of gold. Inlaid with diamonds and am
ethysts. Then you should each one of you
have the lluest horses and your pick ot the
eiiulimges of the world. Then I would have
you live lWl years, and you should not have a
pain or acne until tin; lust nrcaiii.
"Not each one of usC'yotisay. Yes; each
one of vou. "Not to votirencmlcsf" Yea; ihe
onlv d fierencc I would make with them would
be that I would put a little extra gilt on their
walls and a lllliu extra emuroiucry on iiicir
sllpiici's. Hut you say, "Why does not Ood
give us all these thliigsP' Ah! I bethink mv
self. He is wiser. It would make fools and
sluggards of us If wc hud our war. No man
puts his best picture In the iwrtlco or vest!
huh: of his house. Hod meant this world to
be only the vestibule of heaven, that great
gallery of tho universe toward which we are
usprlu'g. We must not have It too good In
this world or we would want no heaven.
Polycnrp was condemned to be burned to
death. The stako was planted. He was
fastened lo It. Thu faggots worn placed
around htm, the 11 res kindled, but history tells
us that the llauies bent outward Uko the can
vas of a ship lu a stout breeze, so that the
Maine, Instead of destroying Polvcarp, were
onlv a wall between him and his enemies.
Tliev had actually to destroy him with the
poniard: the flames would not touch him.
Well, my hearer, I want you to understand
Hint by 'Hod's grace the flames of trial, In
stead of consuming vour soul, nro only going
lo be a wall of defense and a canopy of bless
ing. Ood Is going to fulllll to vou tho blessing
and the promise as hu did to l'olycr
"When thou wa'.kest through the jre
thou shall not le burned." Now you no not
understand: vou shall know hereafUr. lu
heaven you will bless (lod even for the hornet,
Ootrectiiiir a Mistake.
Tliu Icnilor of a ilrawbriilo over
JIutli'tii rlvor, who liutl swung his
portcullis lo allow : schooner lo jmss
tin tho nvor, was warmly and violently
:i';.saik'il hy tho captain of tho craft for
sonic slight inattention to duly a few
days previous.
"If I hail you down on thu dock of
this vossul I'd break your neck, said
the skipper, shaking his list like a small
Yor would, would yo, yer check
headed .salthorse? If yo was on tho
iilankin1 of I lie bridge I'd knock the
Hiiro wid vct utrlv carcass, an' hansr
yer ui lo drv on tho truss."
"Mutt up, vou animated sitisit uuckct.
For two brass plus I'd send tn cabin
bo v up to fuod distillory hogn with your
reniaiiH, you chop-snootod son of a
"Arrah, yo bandy-lojrgod horso-nia-
rine, I ve a mtr notion to drop down oil
The bridero an maul ver torn pulp.
"Well, whv don't you uropr '.snooted
the captain. "Just drop and I'll feed
hshes with you.
"Yer a lyin' skip-jack."
"Vou' re a red-nosed .seavpnror with
bl tie mould and a cock eye. I am ro-
lug to tie til) just above here, and I'll
give you a lively Intorvlow when 1 got
"Is it tie mi vor coin' to he after do-
in' P inquired the urulgo tender anxious
" mat s just wnat rni going to no,
"lCorroct, mo hid. When yor have
tied un ver schooner, kuni oop here,
nnd we'll take in tho lagor beer saloon
jist furniiist tho asto Imt of tho luidge,
J'erhaps Fvo mado a mistake."
"All rijrlit, my heartio. Alobbo I too
was a 1 tile quick, but I'll bo there, be
cause when I drink I nlways aim to do
It with gentleinou.
An' it's a guntlotuan yor Is, cap.
Tixas Siftititjs.
Not a Uollovor.
Doctor, what' your opinion about
Sullivan's arm?"
Sullivan! Sullivan! What Sullivan?
1'vo no Sullivan on my patient list?"
"What Sullivan! Why, John L., o!
course, iim grmitJolin u; eiiampton
knocker-out with clovos. Surely vou'vo
hoard of hint, bonio tune ago he
brokn his arm in it lijrht. nud says he'll
soon bit ready to light again."
rsovor hoard ot tho man, and I
dou't know anything about htm. I
know ot no knoeker-out, and advic
you, young man. not to associate or
care for mioh pertons."
"Hut biipposo, doctor, If his arm
was broken on the 18th of Januarv,
would he 1m able to tight in a couple
of weeks from now?"
"I hopo not and if ho does I tmsi
tho iMilliw will bar; him. Those are mv
op nlous," said tho non-sporting sur
geon, as he so ed his naw and stalked
Into his atelier to relievo a paliont from
the Mission of a broken leg that both
ered h m .somewhat. bi Francisco
An uusteady man, Jlkp an unsteady light.
U apt toco oat nlghta. iyWS.yf Frt
J 're.
AbsofuteSy Pure-
This nowder never varies. A marvel ot
purity, utroiistli unit wholcHomeness. More
feonomicnl than tho ordinnry kindn. and
cannot bo sold in competition with the
multitude ot low tent, hort weight nlum
or phosphate powders. Hold only in enna.
Kovai. Uakiko l'ownuit Co., 100 Wall St.,
N . Y.
A. L. COBB, M. D.,
Having permanently located in Alder,
Onion county, Oregon, will be found readr
to attend to calln in nil the various towns
and settlements of the Wallowa valley.
Clironli: IcaKcw n Specialty.
&&"My motto is: "Live and let live."
A. 0. CRAIG, - - Proprietor.
(Union Depot, Ore;ou.)
Snletiilid nrrnuimodntiona for commer
cial men. TruIm always supplied with th
best the market nltords.
jar-Hot and Cold Mineral IUTnstKS
Cor, Main and 1 Sts., - Union, Oregon.
SIlKU.tIAN Jkn.iI.KV, 1'ropa.
Manufacturer nnd dealers in Soda
Water, BarHttjmrilln, Ginger Ale, Cream
Hoda nnd UhamiiaRno uiuer, oyrups, oic.
Orders promptly idled.
Livery end Feed
Orrosui: Ck.mkn.niii. Hotki..
JOn.V S. 13I.I0TT,
Having furnished this old and popular
hostelry with umplo room, plenty of feed,
pood licistlera rind new huggieu, is better
prepared than ever to accommodate cus
tomers, ily tcrmn nre reasonalile.
Adam Ciiossman, I'ltorniKton.
Has now on hand nnd for enlo the best ot
PORTliA.'VE) fl2CBC'i:S
raid lor Hides and Pelts.
Host Havana Filled
5 Five Cent Ciar. S
Jones Rros., agents, Union.
Anti-Bilious Dyspeptic Remedy,
DTSntrHIA hat inch peculiar cbararteriatlca thM
naoaacaji mlatako lh utturvof tha complaint.
Ilnrmptomi are Mirk Ilniilnchr, Hour t)tum
I'.H.I.II... llltPf(...HH VS . . . . . L
ODtllpntlon, l'nlua In the Mlile and IImoU,
llu r Apiielllp, etc. Tit nalurall cheerful
beooma tloroas an J Pciponjcnt, anJ tho moat orna
become Oloornr and Buanlcloun life li a mtaerr Vai
linrdan. anJ ret la tbe Cotteil Sutea at leaattwa
thtrdaof tae iMipnlntlun are trouble J lUIppu
Spring Blossom is Solo! on lis Merits,
And Eruptions of the Skin. Dys
ptpsia, isicK Headache, and all
lCTJf31T!lVTn nilMWU t... i
I oateuiejJHptlnit liloaiom tot Dyapepiia, lnjlue
lion and filck llaKrhi, an. I hi, tfi.a.n 1. I n ..... . j
mlraMr aa a gtnlle Aperient and Mood 1'nrlfler. I
e.)nilder It unnjuali d. "you arc a: UUortj to aa dm
Pallia aa a T1mrne.m " 4
Price, 60oj Trial Siio, 10c
Sold lay all Druggrista
4nUBilion3 and Dyspeptic Goto.
Factory, Racine, Wis. Branch , Portland, Orep.
Buckboards, Road Carts, Spring Wagons, Etc.
mimtu. um spring w&oi.
192-191 Front St., Portland, Oregon.
E. PVl. FURiVIAN, Agent.
Manfi'LturDiH of
Wlain Street, Union, Oregon.
Keep constantly on hand a lariru .upplv of Parlor and Rod Room Solfl. Bed
ding, Desks, Oflico Furniture, etc.
Upholstering Done
Lounges, Mattresses, and all Kinds of
age solicited.
- Dealers in
Variety and
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.
Musical Instruments, Picture Frames, Bird Cages, Baby Garmgoa, Etc.
Candies, Nuts and Fruits, Schsol Books, Stationery, Poriodioald, Novels,
Etc., of Every description.
Orders from all parts of the country
Jones Bros., Jj?-tss.
All Ms of PMoppMc Wort
New Scenery and Accessories Just Received.
All Work Warranted
of and Dealers in
in Ihe Best Style.
Furniture made to order. Your patron
Fancy Goods.
promptly attended to.
Done b a'Soperior Manner.
to Give Satisfaction.