The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 26, 1887, Image 5

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    "trvf rr" -trw "g-y
T.1 J J UMir
The Oregon Scout has as larqea drew
Jalioii than any Ihrce papers in this see
on of the State, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
Saturday, March 2C, 1SS7.
Brief Bulletins.
Sparta litis a wholesale liquor store
Mrs. Corhin is reccivinir an hnmenso
lot of new goods.
Joseph will hold its first city election
next Wednesday.
Mrs. L. 1. Rinelmrt has been quite
sick for several days past.
The roads will toon be in good con
dition throughout the valley.
Jimmy Eakin returned from the
Willamette valley, last Wednesday.
Eleven pounds of blue vitrol for 1.00
at Herman Waldeck's, Summerville,
"Merry War," "Uig King" and "Oys
ter Shell," new brands of tobacco "at
Jones Hro's. Try them.
Mr. E. II. Lewis will cominenco the
erection of a now residence on his place
in North Union in a few days.
The Ladies Aid Society will meet at
the residence of Mrs. A. V. Benson,
Friday afternoon, April lst.at2oclock.
The La Grande amatuers plaved the
"Streets of New York" last Tuesday ev
ening, under the management of it. T.
Smith's walking gang plow, some
thing new and just the thing. For
Sale by Frank Bros. Implement Co.,
Island City. -1
"Fully Ann" of Island City will oblige
us by sending her true name as we can
not publish communications without
knowing who tho author is.
Mr. Miller, of the Centcnial Hotel
has reduced the price of board to f.00
and upwards, according to room, per
wee!;. Single meals 25 cents.
"We have a correspondent in Cornuco
pia who will furnish the readers of the
Scout with news from that section,
regularly, each week hereafter.
The M. E. Church sociable under
the auspices the Ladies Aid Society
will be held at the residence of Mrs. M.
L. Sulivuu, next Friday evening. All
are invitod.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lloyd, who have been
living at The Dalles for some time, like
everybody else who leave here, have de
cided to come back. They are expected
this week.
A disease resembling epizootic is
prevalent among the horses of Uma
tilla county. None reported as having
died yet from eit'ecls of the dibcase, but
u great many are very sick.
Our thanks aro due to M. II. )e
Young of the San Francisco Chroni
cle for a certificate of membership to
tho Chronicle Literary Union, of that
Wo erroneously stated, last wee):,
that nearly $1, 000 bounty had been paid
for scalps in this county during the
past year, it should havo read $10,
A board of trade has been organized
in Centerville in Umatilla county. A
good move that should bo imitated by
other towns that expect to amount to
Dr. Diggers and wife took their de
parture for Baker City, last Wednesday,
where- they will permanently reside.
Tho doctor will enter in partnership
with Dr. Atwood.
.1 foraco Eaton, who has been in town
this week informs us that Clough &
Duncan have sold their mine to parlies
ftom Califonia for ipir,000. He believes
there is no mistake about it this time.
News reaches us that a man by the
namo of Steadman was killed by a
Chinaman, near Britton's station in
Baker county, last Wednesday. The
trouble originated in some mlsundcr
standingjabout a water ditch.
J. B. Eaton has rented tho La Bud'
place, four miles from town, and will
convert it into a hay and stock ranch
3Io will probably move his family to tho
placo in a few day, although it is his
intention to still remain in business
Dr. Pruden, who has been in this
city several months, moved his fumilv
to Summervllle, last Thursday, anil
will make that his permanent home.
Dr. Pruden is a physician of consider
able experience, having practiced in
(rant county for many years.
The fore part of tho week W. A.
Cates, of Toloeaset was brought to the
city, on a complaint bworu out by Ben
Mache, charging him with nn assault
with a deadly weapon. Tho caso was
tried before Justice G. A. Thompson.
Eevidence not being sutliciont against
tho defendunt he was discharged.
Mr. Jaycox, of tho Covo, and Mr.
Foster, who arrived a few weeks ago
from the east, havo entered into the
morcantile businens under tho firm
namo of Jayoox it Foster. They will
soon open up an immense stock of
goods. If they carry on business on
tho plan they propose to, they will he
ure to fcccuro a large trade, and will bo
quite acqulvtion to our town.
The High Valley riflemen finished
their match for a purse of ifll last Sat
liruav. Distance 200 yards, off hand,
HO shots each, Orcodmoro target and
rule. Tho sooro was as follows : J. It.
Cline, 1S1; Andy Wilkison, 110; Louis
Ltunere, 105; Merit Wilkison, 101;
George Simmons, 99; Wm. Murmv,99 ;
Cluy Kobuiette, 99; Warden Iluiiiiwav,
97; J. P. Urimee, 91; John WilkUoii,
9.j; Wjii. Alexander, Si); Samuel Smith,
.'); Wide Slalton, 85; John Wtilllngti,
Gr.i s mi tin- lulls, is growing rapuliy.
Blue vitriol for sale nt Wright's drug
storo cheap.
Choice flower and garden seed, nt
Herman Waldcck's Nummerville, Or.
The Union Milling Company are
paying (50 etc. per bushel for wheat.
Bead the new nd. of Wm. Koonig,
architect and builder, whose place of
business is at the Cove.
Relieve that small burden from your
mind by walking right into the Covo
drug store and paying that small ac
count. All those indebted to me are reques
ted to settle at once, or their accounts
will be placed in the hands of an at
torney for collection. Jo?. WittOJlT.
I am again in tho tonsorinl business
in Union. Shaving and hair cutting
done in good style. A share of the
public patronage is solicited. S. V.
McFaurkx. .
A large audience was in attendance
at the concert given at the Presbyterian
church last Sunday evening. Tho ex
ercises were, and afforded much
pleasure to those present.
Geo. Thompson, who was insured in
the Agricultural Co. of Watertown, N.
Y., through J. It. Crilcs their agent in
this city, recchod the full amount for
which he was insured, this week, !fl,
Next week our renders will observe
quite an improvement in the Spout.
We would be pleased to have all of our
correspondents send us a letter for our
next issue, and keep on doing to regu
larly thereafter. Wo will havo plenty
of room for all.
At the La Grande city election last
week, the following officers were elect
ed: Mayor, If. N. Weber; recorder,
Clay Ellsworth; Marshal, J. A. Whit
tier; City Attorney, S. Y. Cook; Coun
cilmeii, Daniel Bay, A. it. Mat toon,
and M. Simmons.
Yesterday the commissions of our
county officers at last arrived, and the
wheells of our local government will
soon begin to move. We understand
that the county court will meet to or
ganize next Saturday. Wallowa Chief
tain. Look out for Jaycox it Foster's big
ad. next week. They are now selling
the old Saunders stock at wholesale
cost, some of it at fifty cents on the
dollar, and some of it is being given
away preparatory to getting in an im
mense stock of new goods. A full line
of groceries -will be added this week.
The Iiaker City democrat has con
tained several articles recently concern
ing the Willis Skill' mystery." They are
evidently of the sensational order, and
we deem them unworthy of notice. If
the editor of the Democrat or any one
else can tell us what became of Willis
Skiff, we would be very much pleased
to have them do so. Talk is cheap,
and sensational articles on a subject of
this kind is not what is wanted.
Cove C u I lings.
March 25, ISS7.
Miss Grace Evans, a prominent
young lady of The Dulls, has entered
the Ascension school.
A. Burden and family havo moved
to North Powder, where Mr. B. is em
ployed as engineer in tho steam saw
An irrigaing ditch is being construct
ed above the mill by property owners.
No doubt the hillside will blossom as
the rose.
A force of carpenters are at work re
modeling DeBorde's saw mill, near
town. Sawing will be commenced in
a few days.
Frank Wilson is out of his office for
the present and is tickling tho bosom
of mother earth with tho plow on his
Cove farm.
Mr. A. B. Conloy, of the Sand ridge,
is selling large quantities of a fine ar
ticle of oats, wheat and barloy, for seed
ing purposes.
O. P. Jaycox's smiling coiuitenanco
is seen now behind a Union counter.
1 lo is said to be giviog his Cove friends
great bargains.
Tho Cove school exhibition takes
place Saturday eve of the present week
at Wright's Hull. As the exercises are
first class a largo audience will be pres
ent. Frank Mitchell and Harlan Stewart
started for the Malheur country this
week with a drove of cattle and will
make use of the lino stock runges in
that vicinity.
The Cove and North Yakima ride
clubs shot a match last Saturday, the
latter winning by niiio points," Tho
Cove team will try their luck again
next Saturday, and hote for better
Among improvements going on we
notice tho of u part of Mr.
Oorpe's property with the new woven
wire fence. Being cheap, neat mid sub
stantial it is destined to come into gen
eral nso.
Mr. Lorenzo Corpe gnvo a very pleas
ant patty to his children, last Satur
day, it being tho occasion of Seymour's
and Alice's birthday. It was particu
larly enjoyablo to all present, as this
was the lirt day Mr. Corpo's children
had been together for nine years.
It was only a lapm lingua at the re
hearsal tho other night. Judd. A
liberal reward paid for live men stuffed
with straw. J. B, The vigilantcrs
and crematers are showing no mercy.
I ho next tune we walk to Union, we
will jiostpono the trip. V. Yes, but I
had ro get my cranium sand-pa ml.
M. Ton to one I don't make a !
goose-egg in the next mateh. A I
shall never lie guilty of the same of
fense again. W. B.
All those knowhijr themselves Indebted to
us r n-'i'.p-.twl u mule at oiuw. This U
tho la t;i uiik we shall make th rcpiit. If
It I not uinnlled with!".- ..hall oil. .i H
In law UV. & J;tu:iN-
l.ottor I'mm Our lCrtulnr CorrrpotnlBUt
Concerning tit I'iho Crcok Mini-.
Mnreh 21, 1.SS7.
The "Whitman" Company have over
sixty men employed.
The mail is jmcked from Pine Valley
into Cornucopia by a man, the roads
being impassable for a horse, on ac
count of the soft snow.
The snow haa settled down to nlotit
five and one-half feet, in camp, and if
we have patience and lots of warm
weather, it will soon disappear.
Wages in camp, for common labor
ers, $2.."k0 a day ; miners, $o.o0 a day.
At there wages laborers tioard them
selves, which costs them $ 1 a day.
Business in camp has revived some
what. Saloons all running at full
blast. Hotels and eating houses arc
receiving a benefit from the extra force
of men employed lately.
Travel into camp has, as yet, not in
creased much over tho average amount,
as the roads are in a bad condition
and it will be some time before they
are good. Would advise anyone con
templating going to the mines this
spring for work, that they wait for
awhile, as board is high and everything
else in proportion, and right tit pres
ent the camp is supplied with all the
hands that can bo worked, but think
there may bo a chance for more men
to find employment as soon as the
snow goes off and the ledges can be
got at.
One of tho richest ledges yet struck
is the Howies it Heaves ledge, which is
situated about one mile north of Cor
nucopia. It is a two foot ledge. They
have a force of men at work and arc
taking nut some ore which will go
from $:?00 to .";00 to the sack. If Cor
nucopia mining district lay in any
other State it would bo furnishing em
ployment for a hundred men where
now it furnishes- employment but for
one. Oregon's reputation as a min
ing country has prejudiced mining
men against it, and the lack of capital
by the owners of mines here has not
advanced it as rapidly as it should, but
it is bound to conic out in a short time,
as so much wealth cannot remain hid
den long, and the camp will see bus
tling times.
As soon as possible the road from
Pino Valley to Cornucopia will be
worked and improved, us there is lots
of room for improvement. Some of
the bridges have been broken down by
the heavy snows, and it is expected
that they will wash out as soon as high
water comes. The way the road runs
now it crosses Pino creek five or six
times in throe or four miles, and it is
the intention lo run the road on one
side of the creek as much as possible,
to sae bridging, as bridges are an an
noyance and expensive when they are
liable to wash out every spring. The
"Whitman" Company donates $500
toward tho road, which is very liberal
of the company. The amount of mon
ey they are investing in this county is
ti great benefit to the people, conse
quently tho loads should bo kept up
by tho county, if there is not sufficient
money received by the ror.d tax to
keep them in repair and to build new
ones when thev are needed.
i rise.
Telocaset Ta i 1 1 i u gs.
Farmers all busy.
Sheep men on tlfo rustle.
Stock aro doing nicely on the range.
The prospects for crops are better
than for a good many years.
Lots of trouble about land. It seems
as if some men didn't know there was
any good knd up here, until this
Brooke it Tomlinson aro going to
move their immense band of sheep to
the Burnt river range, in n low days.
A good idea.
Wonder how it happens that wo
don't hear of somebody going crazy,
trying to write spring poetry. It's a
beautiful time for it. Everything is
No weddings, no births, no deaths.
Nothing to chronicle of interest what
ever. This placo is not so lively as in
olden times, when everything that hap
pened south of Union, happened here.
Perhaps a storo would louse things up
a little.
The country around is settling up
fast. A jierson could hardly believe it
could be true until they see it with
their own eyes. Little houses and gar
den lots mark the foothills and valleys
in ovory direction, whero a few years
ago people scorned the idea or taking
up land. ItioiiAitu.
A Captain's Korluimt Discovery.
Ciqit. Coleman, kuhr. Woymouth, plying
between Atlantle Cpy mid X. Y., had been
troubled with a cough mi that he wiiBiinablo
to sleep, and was Induced to try Dr. Kink's
New Discovery for Consumption. It not
only gave him IiiHtant roller, but allayed tho
extreme soreness In Ids breast. Ills children
wore similarly affected and n single doso had
the name lutppy offcet. Dr. King's Now Dis
covery Is now the standard remedy In tho
Colettmi" lioiuehold -uid on board the huhoo
iter. Free Trial ISottles of this Standard
lteinedy at J. T. Wright's drug Itoro,
1 T I- t i .
Curn for 1'iloK.
Pile are frequently preceded by a souse,
of wolght In the back, loin and lower part
of tue abdomen, causing tho patient to siip
poe be has some nffoctlon of the kidney or
neighboring organ. At thnot., symptoms of
liidigfstlon are present,. flatulency, uneasy
nets of the stomach, etc. A moisture like
lrplrUoii, producing a very disagreeable
Itehlug after getting warm, l a common
attendant, llllud, liloedtng, and Itching
Piles yield at once to the application of Dr.
IIoiiko, l'lle itemedy, which acts directly
uiwiii the part effected, absorbing the
Tumors alluiu the Inteiine Itching, and
effecting a j.i mum m cure. Prlce,&0 cents,
AAAnm, Ti- Ir. itc.uik.j Medicine Coin
TCuy, l'lqua, O. N.ld by J. T. Wright,
UNkm, Owfufi
Joseph floU'tnM.
School oiHMioU on the 1-Ith inst, with
an enrollment of 11.
The movinc-cliolery days have come,
truly the saddest of the voir to the
bujy housewife
The Ionian memorial services on the
2.1rd inst. was a grand success. Kev.
Irwin, of Union, presided.
Dr. Danforth ami family hnve moved
to Lostine, P. M. Burleigh and family
to the vicinity of Alder, Mrs. l'leene'r
to her much Kast of town, and W. 11.
.lack and family will soon depart for
the land of (lowers and sunhinc in
Southern California.
The county sent question is Ivoing
agitated all over the valley. The ficht
is mainly between Joseph and llenuclt
Flat. It is our opinion that Joseph
has placed the rope around its own
neck, by not paying the teachers their
hard earned wages.
We meekly apologise lo tho Chief
tain for the mistake we made a few
weeks since, in stating that the Chief
tain had moved into W. II. .lack's
butcher slum. We have since learned
that the editor's father is the sole own
er and proprietor of the shop, and lvo
sides we did not mean to insinuate that
the Chieftain moved into said building
to butcher lieevcs, but simply to butch
er the Hughs!) language. We trust an
iiology will act as oil on the tumbled
waves, as ihrce devil and an editor is
more than we can contend with.
DOnniNN - In tliis city. March L'-'nd, 1S7,
to the wife df ilohn I toWim. a son.
SK1I-T Il.YYNKS. -At the t'nion Citv
lietel. in tin- city, Sumlav, Mmve ), lssf,
Mr. Drln .skill' h'ikI Mis.s llayuos.
Itcv. Hootlio ollk-hitii.jr,
The young couple have the best wish
es and congratulations of the Scout.
l.ONU. In r.culali. linker county. March
10uof paralvsis, Villie, the ten'year old
son ol . S. Long.
The funeral took place on Sunday.
Idiclileii's Arnica Snle,
TitK P,r.sT S.u.vt: hi the world for Cuts,
Hrul-e.s, Sores, L'lecrs, Salt liheiim, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,,
Corn--, and all Skin Kruptlnus, anil positive
ly euros Piles, or no pay required. It i
guaranteed to give perfect watifnetioii, or
money refunded. 1'rie.i i" cents per box.
For .-ale b) .l.T. Wright, Union, Oregon.
Sj run tit I'lfjs.
Manufactiuod only by the California Fig
Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal., is Nature's
Own True. Laxative. This pleasant Califor
nia liquid fruit remedy may be had of all
druggists, at fifty cents or one dollar. It is
the nio-t pleasant, prompt, and effective
remedy known to cleanse the system; toact
on the Liver, Kidneys, uud I'owels gently
yet tliormijdily ; to dispel Headaches, Colds,
ami Fevers; to cure Consumption, lmligus
tion, and kindred ills.
ouu ciii'.iiit.
AVe believe In truly uiretiiigthe confidence
of our patrons, hi houuxt goodnaml accurate
statements concerning them, square deal
ing, a cash business, low prices, prompt
ness, and a clear e.onclonce.
All orders entrusted to us for DltV
(3001)5!, will he strictly tilled In accordance
with this creed.
lJKi First Street, Portland. Oregon.
Fur rich and poor who wish toonjoy good
health, and who do not wish to rosort to
hitter, nauseous liver medicines and cathar
tics, is tho concentrated California liquid
fruit remedy, Syrup ol Figs. Fifty cent
and fl bottles for sale by all druggists.
Snell, Jlcitshu A AVoodard wholesale ngimt.s,
Portland, Oregon.
Kciiowh Ilor Youth.
Mr. T'hojbe Chcslej', Peterson, Clay coun
ty, Iowa, tells tho following reuinrknklo sto
ry, tho truth of which Is vouched for by t lie
residents of the town: "I am Til years old,
havo Ir-cii troubled with Kidney complaint
and lameness for many j cai ; could not
dress myself without help. Now I am free
from all pain and sorenos, and am able to
do all my own housework. I own my thanks
to Kleolrlo hitters for having renewed my
youth, and removed complete,) all dUeaso
and pain." Try a bottle, only f0e. at ,1. T.
Wright's drug steru, Union, Oregon,
What a truly beautiful world wo live in!
Nature gives us grandeur of mountains,
glens and oceans, ami thousands of means
of enjoyment. "Wo can desire, no bettor
when hi perfect health; but how often do
tho majority of people, feel like giving it up
dinhoartcnod, discoiirugod and worn out
with disease, when there is no oi casioii for
this feeling, as every sufferer can easily ob
tain satisfactory proof, that (Irern'n Juriut
Flower, will make them free from disease,
as when horn. Dyspepdu and Livr Com
plaint arc. the direct causes of sevcrity-llvo
Hir cent, of melt maladies a lHllouncss,
lndhjutfiton, Kick Huodachu. C'itivt)iios,
Nervous Prostration, Dlzzhii'ss of the Head,
Palpitation of the Heart, aud other li-treating
symptoms. Three done of A uytut Vkic
er will prove Its wonderful cllieet. Kamplu
ImjUIos, 10 oents. Try it.
ICoynnto to Health.
Health Is wealth. Wealth ninaiis imlupuu
dnnue. Tho Keynote Ik Dr. Ho&atiko's Cough
and Lung S) nip, the be.t Cough .Syrup In
tho world. Cure Coughs, Colds, Pains In
tho ( he!t, llronehltl and Primary Consump
tion. One done gives relief In every case.
Take no other. I'rloo WJ cnnU ami II. Samples
frae. Sold by J. T. WrljjJit, Union, Oregon.
Choice ganh n and llower seeds nt ;
Jones Dro's.
Herman Waldeck's,
Low Tricis tuul Uiuxl Uoods to
n HTIliP 1
Fine White :imi Percale Shirts, Moleskn smd Csishmero
Overxhirls. Tine Line of Summer I mlervuire, Silk :uul
Linen Ilsuulkerehiels, etc. til Ver Reasonable Prices.
No old shelf-worn stock, but New Goods
and Latest Novelties.
S?Mv stock nt Piy lined and I.iullos Kuiiev Oomls will sm arrive. -13531
Astoria. Oregon.
1 take nleasure In testifying to the merits
of the Ominn Kiitnrii Ten. Kor the past
tlireo years 1 have been suffcrliiK from Kid
ney troubles, and iluriii;? the time have tried
nearly every kind of Kidney medicine, in
the market, almost without any relief.
Having heard that the (hnjon 'Kidney Ten
possessed wonderful properties, I purchas
ed a package, and from the llrst dose ob
tained lelief, and by the use of the one
package feel conipletclv cured.
SAM'L. (iltAV.
l'iirinuiH anil .11 cellulites.
Save money and doctor bills. Uellevcyour
Mothers, Wives and Sl-ters by a timely pur
chase of Dr. Uosanko's Cough and Lung
Syrup, best known remedy for Con ;hfi Colds
Cioup anil Hronchial affections, ltelieves
Children of Croup In one night; may save
you hundreds of dollars, l'rleo M) cents and
i-l.OO. Samples free. Sold by . I. T. Wright,
Union, Oregon.
Ciicnp Itimts mill Siloes.
Ladies' French kid shoes, JflkW); mens'
boots, 7."; mens' two-buckle shoes, $l.-f
I at Vincent's, lie is closing out his goods
j regardless of cost before getting ill his
spring stock. Hverything elsy at similar
pric.w. Now is the time to get bargains.
Taken up by the undersigned, one-half
mile south of ' Klgiu, Union county, Ore
gon, one iron gray inare, fi years old, l.IJi
bauds high, unintelligible brand on right.
shoulder, also one black colt nearly a year
old, branded with a ligure u on right shout
der, the it being crosswise of shoulder.
M'lm nbove nniniiils were ntnirnKpil liv -
Xanee, Justice of the Peace, Indian Valley
precinct, us follows: Mare, sj-oO.OO; colt
$10.00. A Tcrwilleger being . sworn says tho
above is us true a description as ho can
give of said animals.
Plans and designs for any kind of buil
ding furnished on application.
Keeps on hand a complete stock of
. 11 UMJZ tZtr
' ETC., HTC.
Which ho will soil at a low ligure.
Parties who desire to build will do well to
consult him, at Cove, Union county, Or.
All persons knowing themselves indebted
to us for Ktibscilptlou or advertising to the
Mmintnin Sentinel will please come forward
and settle Immediately.
For Rent or Sale.
I have an excellent farm, situated 1
miles from t'nion, containing VM acres,
which I will sell or rent. .Small dwelling
house on tho place. For particulars apply
to mo at Cove, Oregon.
iJ-lO-inl. Agent for A. X. French,
fain Constantly Keccivhig New and La
test Styles of
And will have a grand opening of tho
same, commtiiehig on tho 1st day of April
and lasting three days. On thosu days tho
goods will be sold at a
JUmIhccmI Price, For Cash.
CP-J)o Not Fall to Atttend.-&
Mrs. Corbin, Main Street.
Stallion For Sale.
ArcmtRct ana Bmlaei
Uv virtuo of my appointment as receiver
in the caso of J. (J. Shirley in Charles flood
nough and II. H. llalloy, now ponding in
tho Circuit court of tho State of Oregon,
fur t'nion county, I will, on the '-'nd day
of April, 1HS7, in front oftue, livery stable
of J H. Klllott, ui the town of Union, Un
ion county. Oregon, at 2 o'clock P. M. of
said day, sell to the highest bidder, on credit
of elx month with approved security, the
celebrated stallion, "Iron Duke."
T, It, II. (UtKKN,
ii m coil! nt!
- Summerville, Or.
suit ouv. mwl OM, short or Tall.
Taken up Feb JI. IS.S7, bvO. W. Moodv,
nt his farm in I'.aglc allc, New llridg," P.
O. and duly po-ied. nnii h mi gray horse
about "i year old. 15 hands high, branded
with an anchor 'Plow down on lett shoulder
the llukes of the anchor being joined to thu
bottom of the stein of the T. Appraised at
10 lty C. T. Wise, .lust lee of tho Peace.
Taken up by A. L. Katon. of Union, Un
ion county, Oregon, one black stallion colt,
of medium size, supposed to be 2 years old,
small white spot In forehead. No brands
vistblo. Appraised at ,IS by 0. A. Thomp
son, J. P., Union precinct. This notice
has been dulv posted according to law.
Coal Oil,
Lump Supplies,
and Blue Vitriol,
R. C. Greigs Drug
Toilet Articles.
In Largo Variety and at Very Kca-onublo
W. F. Pjiuden, M.
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
Huniuierville, Union, Couty, nOregon.
O. K UKLh.
Attorney at Law,
Union, ...... Oregon.
Notary Public. Ux-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Heal and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Kales of Real and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Oillco next door south of Post-ollleo, Un
ion, Oregon.
yj ir. GAllDNJJR (0 CO. ,
Watchmakers & JoavoIovs,
Union, - - Oregon,
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
Itcpiili lni; nt Moderate. Itntes.
Call and examine our goods and prices.
AT -
Al. DickMon'.s
Hool and shoo shop, two doors north
of Benson Ilio's meat market.
Mmlo to ordor out of tho host inato
rial to bo obtained, ami at prices as
low as tho lowest.
lloimiriiifr dono with neatness ami
dispatch, cheap for cash.
Lani Oi'i'ici: at la Uiuxin,Oiu'.nox, )
.Mar. , ItSST. f
Notice is hereby given that thu following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final nroof hi sutmort of hi
claim, and that said proof will bo made. bo.
lore jtegixteraiKi uoceiver at La UranUe,
Oregon, on April i'Uth., iHil, vis:
John If. rowers,
I). B. No. 723J.for thoSK!4 Sec. 10. To.
H, It, US i:VM. Ilo iiauieK thu following
wunesKcs io irovenis eoniiuuoui residence
upon, and cultivation of, said hind,: viz:
Lollard Yoorhtw, Wllliuni Dickson, Cralt
Mann, and James R. Pllehcr. all of North
Powdor, Union county, Oregon.
J u:itv aut,
:i 10-wti. Rcalstcr.