The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 05, 1887, Image 7

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    Why Shoea are Thrown at Vetldlnc
The custom of tlirowinz ouo or wore old
shoes niter the bride nnd groom, cither
when they go to church to be umrriod or
when they start on their wedding journey,
Is so old that the memory of mnn stretches
not back to its recinninc. Somo think it
represents nn nssault, and is ft lingering
traco of the custom among saviigo nations
if carrying away tho brido by violence;
others think that it is a relic of tho nncient
law ol exchange or purchase, and that it
formerly implied tho surrender by the
parents of all dominion or authority over
their dnuehter. It has a likeness to a
Jewish custom mentioned in the Bible.
Thus in Deuteronomy we read that when
the brother of a dead man refused to ninrry
his widow she asserted her iiidependouco of
him by "loosing his shoe." Also in Huth,
when tho kinsman of Uoas gave up his
claim to the inheritance of Huth and to
Ruth nlso ho indicated Ills assent by pluck
ing off his shoo and giving it to Roiiz. It
vns also the custom of tho middle nges to
place tho husband's shoo on tho head of
the nuptial couch, in token of his denom
ination. American Register.
IIclr to 5,000,000.
M. Steenackers, who was postmaster-general
under the Tours Delegate Government
and is now a member ol the French Cham
ber, has taken up tho causo of the claim
ants to 15,000,000, which they contend
is due them by the state. In 1S7G ft
Frenchman named Thery deposited 100,
000 in tho Hunk of Venice, and then died.
For Homo ' imo niter his decease nobody
:aine forward as his heir. Sonioswindlera,
by means ol forged names tried to got hold
of it but failed.
More than a century passed when Bona
parte was ordered by the Directory to de
maud tho principal and interest for tlio
benefit of Frenrh subjects. They were paid
to him, and lie appropriated them to mili
tary uses. Tho state therefore became tho
debtor of tho Thery family. Authentic heirs
of tho depositor of tho 100,000 exist.
That sum, with legal interest, now comes
to 25,000,000. London Daily Kens.
Lovely linxftlc on Iloinchack.
Wo wish the Quitman girln would indulge
more frequently in the graceful and healthy
exercise of horseback riding. Girls look
pretty on horseback, and wo lovo to see
them. Wo popped the question to the
lady wo now board with whilo wo were
gaily cantering side by side in the long ago.
She jumped at tho chanre, and we've been
jogging on together over since. In a town
liko ours, where horses aro plenty and
other outdoor amusements not very
numerous, wo think all the girls should
bo encouraged to become accomplished
equestriennes. Let your girls ride horse
back. It will make thorn healthy, strong,
active and self-reliant; nnd, gracious, don't
they look handsome prancing along on a
spirited charger.
Tho magical effects of St. Jacobs Oil in
removing soreness and stiffness makes it
invaluable at all times. Rheumatism and
Nouralgia promptly yield to it.
The Ilylu Curtllmil.
irdinal Nowman is reported to bo dy
ing of old age. Tlio poet cardinal is nearly
88 years of age, and, despito his increasing
infirmities, makes tho most vigorous efforts
to contUiuo his duties. For somo years ho
has been compelled to sleep fourteen hours
daily, and ho lias gradually curtailed the
period ho used to devote to receiving
friends. Tho author of "Lead, Kindly
Light," was oiw of tho most popular as
well as ono of the most brilliant clergymen
in tho church of England prior to his going
over to Rome, and, while there has been a
good deal of bitter feeling toward his fel-low-seceders,
lie has never ceased to lie a
fnvorite witli Protestants and Catholics
Dr. Gross, physician at St. Vincent's
Hospital, Baltimore, Md., considers Jled
Star Cough Cure perfectly harmless, being
purely vegetable and entirely free from opi
ates, poisons, and other narcotics. Oilier
professionals also endorse it as prompt,
safo and sure. Price, tnunty-flvo cents a
StorlcN of Anijry Slatt-Miiien.
Thero is lovely story in Count Roust's
momoir's about Prince Bismarck which de
serves to bo recalled just now whon the
great chancellor's speech is ringing in our
enrs. "What do you do?" ho asked Count
Beust, "when you are nugry and grieved?
Don't you find it a relief to destroy some
thing when you aro angry?"
"I was over there once," ho pointingop
positc to where the emperor lives, "and I
flow into a rnge. In going out I slammed
tho door and pulled out tho key, which 1
tooic with mo into Douut Lchudorl's room
closo by, nnd threw into the basin, which
went into a thousand pieces. Count Lohn
dorf asked 'aro you ill?' I was. That
cured mo."
How natural this nnd how childllko!
But what a blessing it would be il states
men could always cure their anger by
smnshing a bnsinl Sometimes, like Lord
Randolph, they smash a cabinot, or, like
Mr. Chamberlain, a party. But even tliene
modes of relief aro innocent compared with
the usual methods of emperors and kings,
and of Domes himself, nil of whom find
war occasionally necessary us a vent foi
their spleen.
The positive and unsolicited testimony
of people from every section who have used
Dr. Bull's Couh Syrup confirms every claim
made for its wonderful efficacy. Price L'o
The ship-ynrd in Chester, Pa., will be
operated by .lohn Roach's sons.
The Omaha 'Jypa foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
I rices same as in Chicago and freight
already jmjj to Omaha.
Fiii-iiUIicmI on Short Police From
Oiuuhu ut Chicago Price.
Omaha, Nab. f 12th and Howard.
Orange Jolly Cover ono box of gela
tine witli ono pint of cold water and let
it soak ono hour; then add one pint of
boilin: water and one pound of sujrar.
Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then
add one pint of orange juice, strain and
turn into molds to harden. This should
fctand at least twelve hours.
Snow Dumplings I'aro and core ns
many apples as yon need dumplings;
wasll a pint of rice and roll the applt-s
in it so that the rice will adhere; have
ready a nice, short plo crust; wrap the
apples in a piece of dough; roil tho
dumplings in rice again; put in a nap
kin in a steamer; place it over a pot of
boiling water and steam until done.
Serve witli cream sauce.
Soft Gingerbread Two heaping cups
of Hour, a scant half cup of butter, half
a cup of milk, one cup of molasses ami
two tablespoonfuls of sugar, two eirgs,
ono desortspoonful of ground ginger,
and a half tcaspoonful of cinnamon,
quarter tcaspoonful of soda, sifted with
the Hour. Uub sugar, molasses nnd
butter to a yellow cream, add the spices.
the beaten yolks, the milk, whites anil I
nuy;i. hum! in two luaves in a uiuui-i
ate oven.
Fricassee of Mutton Cut two pounds
ot tlio urcast ot mutton mto inch cubes
dredge witli salt, pepper and Hour
brown in a tnblospoonful of butter or
the fat of the mutton. Put tlicm in a
stew pan with a sliced onion, cover
witli boiling water and simmer until
the bones slip out; sk.moU'the fat, and
where tlio veal is tender add a quart of
peas and simmer lifteen minutes. A
pint of boiled macaroni or asparagus
t.jis may be used m place of the peas
Baked Codfish This makes an excel-
lent ureaitiast uisn. uut tlio lisli in
small pieces and let it soak all liijjht in
cold water; m tho morning pick it m
shreds, and let it simmer on the stove
until it is tender; thou draw oft' the
water, and to one-third mashed potato
ami iwotlurus lisli, and mix it so that
tho potato will bo evenly distributed,
Bake until it is a rich brown on top,
Servo witli a sauce made of drawn but
ter and two hard boiled eggs chopped
Larded Chickens Draw, !wash thor
oughly and wipe the chickens; truss as
for frosting; lard tlio breast with strips
of fat salt pork in regular lines au inch
apart, each lardoon beiny: a half iii'-h
from the next in its row; lay the ciek
ens, breast uppermost, in a dripping
pan, with a halt cup of boiling water.
and roast, basting often; allow twelve
minutes to the pound; keep tho chick
ens warm while you mince tho boilei
giuietts and stir thorn into the gravy
witli a tmeuennmg of browned Hour.
Broiled Smoked Salmon One pound
smoked salmon, two tablespoonfulls of
butter, juico of a lemon, cayenno pep
per; wasii and soaK tlio salmon tor one
hour; wipe, and with a long sharp knifu
out into strips llireo inches lonr ami a
inch wide; parboil in hot water to which
has been added a tablospoonful of vine
gar and lour or live whole cloves.
hen it has simmered for lifteen
minutes drain, wipe dry and broil
on a gridiron to a nice brown; lav on
hot dish, butter well, squeeze tho lem
on over the strips, pepper and serve.
A Pathetic Incident.
u xow wcoks ago in tins city a poor
widow died, leaving one child, a little
lame boy, to tho cold charities of tlio
After his mother's funeral the little
follow was taken ill from tho combined
results of grief and neglect, and it was
thou evident that ho would soon be mu
ted to his only friend.
He was left alono much of tlio day,
tliero being no ono who could spare I lit:
nine io siav wan nun. u was oiien
noticed that the voices of two poisons
could be heard in his little room. But
when those in charge entered lie would
be alono and apparently asleep.
Uno dav tliey listened, being quite
sure rnsii no ono was witli the child,
and they overheard this strange mono
logue: "I you rite there, mamma?"
"Yes, my 1 tile boy. 1 is rito hero!"
"Was you went awav vet?"
"I wonted buck to Ileavon to toll God
about mv little bow
"Did you was afraid, mamma?"
"No, my own little boy, cause God
is nicer n peoples.
"Uid you told Him about mo, mam-
"I toldod Him I had a little boy
named llarrv an' an "
Thero was a loud noiso of sobbitur
then, and t Iks 1 stencr without or ed too.
Presently tho child s voice resumed:
"Did you told God to let mo come up
there, mamma?"
"Yes, my bov, au' ho said bimobw
bimebw "
"Mamma, I'so so tTetl an'
sleepy an' I want to come and stay
with vou and Uod.
Thero was a long silenco then, bro
ken bv no cry or sob. Tho listeners
went in after reviving in thoir hearts
to be thereafter very patient with tho
motherless one.
But death had been kinder than thoy.
Detroit Free I'reis.
Wuxein's 31axims.
Tho richer the government, the poorer
the people.
Tho star spangled banner is the nest
of tho American oaglo, and every young
'nn tho old bird hatches is a star.
Government ollieials kin rit tho need-
ccssaries of life on thur salarios, but tlio
Lord only knows whom they git tho
Tho Fourth of July Is the longest day
In the yo'r.
Tho pattriot that an' I got
hh prieo
marked somewhere on
him is mighty
Tiiar's poworful fow politicians that
won't buy votes with ponsions whon
Undo Sam's paying tip election ox
ponses. Buncombe Is to pattiiotism what froth
is to beor of thar an't no bear thar
un't no froth.
Tlmr's ono political problem 1 an't
never boon ablo to solvo vit, namolo,
to-wit! Kf it costs a man 310," 00 to git
a Sa.000 job, how does ho git even?"
- Washington Untie.
Is Thla So?
A few years ago a little book fell into our
hnndn. recountlnz tho experienco of a cer
tain prominent business man, from which
it appeared that, as with most Americans,
too clone attention to bualnes hud broken
his health. The doctor snid ho could not
live. lie then stated that ho used a cer
tain article which effectually cured him,
and "out of cratltudo for his own recovery
he determined to devoto a portion ot his
fortune to spreading its merits before the
As no read it we said: This Is evidently a
phrewd expression of a commercial motive;
it sounds well; it reads well; but many peo
ple will not believe it.
In a few years, however, that mnn get
famous the world over. He gave several
hundred thousand dollars to astronomical,
research, nnd his nanio became a house
hold woid in nearly every home in the
United States.
Hundreds of thousands of people to-day
without reservation, sny that to this man
alone they owe their lives.
If ten men aro collected together tho
chances are that if one mnn Incidentally
refers to Warner's safo euro oeven ot them
be able to tclli from tbeir
own experi
ence or from the experience of their trionds
of marvelous results which that remedy
hns wrought.
Nothing has ever been put on the mnrkot
wo are told, the salo of which has been so
great and kept up so wonderfully, and this
alone is evidenco that merit is at tho bot
tom of its popularity.
In our files we find many an advertise
ment from this house Some people liavo
believed, havo UBod and have been cured;
others have disbelieved, have not used, and
The manufacturers havo stated, ns the
result of their most careful investigations,
that the condition ot tho kidneys is tho
key to henlth, nnd that thoy know if tho
kidneys aro maintained in health by War
ner's Bafe cure, ninety-three per cent, of dis
eases would disappear.
The uric acid, or waato of thesystem, left
in the blood, by what may bo called con
stipated kidneys, blocks up thesystem and
carries disease to every organ.
This statement, mado timo nnd timo
ngain, is so full of sonso that it is now ac
cepted as a scientific truth by insurance)
companies who reject millions of risks
every year if tliero is tho least inactivity
of these organs.
Tlio public is tired of tho wrangles of this
school and of that school, and it is quick
to recognize anything that has such con
ceded merit, and on this ground alono can
wo account for its extraordinary sales and
Queon Margharita, of Italy, has a strong
prefoionco for women physicians.
It only takes haU a hog to make its foro
quartcrn. Good mannorH nnd good morals aro
morn friends and firm allies. Unrtol.
Iliiiv to ftuln 1'Ichli anil Mrriigtli.
Use after euch inonl Si'ott'h 12.mui.sion
with HypophosphitoH. It is as palatablo
as milk, and easily digested. Tlio rapidity
with which delicate people improvo with its
uso is wonderful. Uso it and try your
weight. An a remedy for Consumption,
Throat affections and Bronchitis, it is nn
equaled. I'leimo read: "I used Scott's
Emulsion in a child eight mouths old with
good results. He gained four pounds tn a
very short time." Tno. Paur, M. D.,
will booh rcsuiuo his seat in
As n raindrop foretells a storm, so does a
pimplo upon tho human body iudicato
health-destroying virus in the blood, which
can bo ucutrnlizedand expelled only by Dr.
Harter's Iron Tonic.
Mrs. Hicks-Lord
moud buttons.
has a dress with dia-
lec Snn Wonder
exist in thousands of f-triim, but aro unsur
passed by tho marvuls oliuvotilioii. TIioho
who aro in need of profitable work that
can be done whilo living at homo should at
onco sond their address to Hallctt it Co.,
Portland, Maine, and receive Ire", full in
formation how either sox, of all ages, can
enrn from $15 to $'J per day nnd upwards
wherever they hvo. You aro stnr'ed free.
Capital notrcinircd. Somehavomadoovcr
$50 in a singlo day ut this work. All suc
ceed. Self-love exaggerates both our faults and
our virtues. Goethe.
If a couch dlaturba your ilccp, takel'lso'a Cure fo
Consumption und rot well.
Do good by
aiue. Pope.
stealth, and bliuli to find it
r ATI2NT8 obtained by I.oula linccer&Co. At
lout J t, i aahlnglon, D, C. Kt'U 1IW. AdIccfreo
The noontide sun is dark, und music dis
cord, when the heart is low. Young.
for Infants and Children.
"CMtorUIaBoireUdptItoclilIdrtnthatB CutorU cures Colic. Constipation,
I recommend it sm ruptrior to any prescription I Sour Btomach, Piarrhcoa, Kructatlon.
knows to me." il A. Axcnca, M. D I K1Ua wrms, Ci'es aleep, and promotes U-
111 Bo. OxXonl fit., Brooklyn, if. Y. WuCtlnjurioua medication.
Tea Cwtaub Coiakt, 183 Fulton Street, H. Y.
HaT OK AWYTIlL-va IN TIIK NUIISEIIV LINK, without first writing
for our valuable FREE Catalogue, tho I 21 LARGE GREENHOUSES
?hSWnTer4 oni 'w and ' 33d YEAR. 700 AC RE8.
Why did ihe Women
f this country use over thirteen million cakes of
Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886?
Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why.
Pleasure is the flower that fades; remem
brance is the lasting perfume. lloutllers.
Unless the habit leads to happiness the
best habit is to coutrnct none. Zimmerman.
Salvation Oil cures rheumatism in from
12 to -18 hours. SwclliiiKs and bruises in a
few hours. All pnins and aches almost Im
mediately upon application. Prico twenty
five cents a bottle.
Thought U invisible nntiiro nature is
invisible thought. Heinrich Heine.
Can consumption be cured'' Yes. Ono
man only discovered the laws of gravitation.
One man only, discovered the vittuo of vac
dilution. And one mini afleryears ot study
and rellection, hns discovered the cure tor
consumption. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Med
ical Discovery" is Its specific. Send two
letter stamps and get Dr. Pierre's pam
phlet treatise on consumption. Address,
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, X. Y.
Our condition nevcrsatisfies us, the pres
ent is always tho worst.
"Snect illHiul Mnller."
Whlttier'l beautiful ballad contains a
touching iil.ution to the many cares and
sorrows wliuh wear upon the "heart and
brain" ot a wife nnd mother. Thousands
of weary suffering women have found Dr.
Pierce's "Pivvorito Prescription" a mar
vellous recuperator of wasted strength,
nnd of sovereign ellicacy in all those do
rangemcntH and mnladies peculiar to their
sex, by reason of which the vitality is grad
ually sapped, and tho cheek robbed pre
maturely ol its bloom. Price reduced to
ono dollar, lly druggists.
Nature is a rag merchant, who works up
every Bhred and art into now creations.
Young or middle-aged men,
suffering from premature declino of power,
how over induced, hpcedily and radically
cured. Illustrated book for 10 cents in
stamps. World's Dispensary Medical As
sociation, ISiiffulu, X. Y.
The cznr is non-committal on war topics.
"Riches havo wings and lly to Cannda."
Nrrvnuitiipsa nnd Iyi.pcila Cured
Hy Cautku's Littl. Nekvk Pills. Twenty
five cents.
Two Xew York yachts will ruco for $10,
000. A Sonn Tiihoat on Coumi, it suffered to
progress, often results in an incurablo
throat or lung trouble, "llrown's Bron
chial Troches" glvo instant relief. Prico25c.
Denver is tho highest of tho stnto capi
tals, being 5,175 feet above tho sou level.
Life is burdensome, nliko to tho sufferer
and all around him, whilo dyspepsia and
its attendingevilsholdssway. Complaints
of this unturo can be speedily cured by
tnking Prickly Ash Bitters regularly.
Thousands onco thus ulllictod now bear
cheerful testimony us to its merits.
and Zanzibar aro involved in
Weakly AVoiiipii with l'alr,
Colorless laces need Cautku's Ikon Pills
Sioux City had
lifteen burglnries ia ono
Not one in twenty are free from Bomo lit
ailment caused by inaction of the liver.
Uso Carter's Little Liver Pills. Tho re
sult will ho a pleasant surprise. They giv
positive relief.
Strikes uro liko runaway horses moro
easily prevented than stopped.
If afllicted with Soro Eyes, uso Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Uyo Water. Druggists sell it.
25 cents.
Tho scutolicst building man can raise is
tho ivy's food at last. Dickens.
TThen Baby was tick, wo pare her Cutorla,
Whtn she was a Child, alio cried for Caatorfa,
When ahe hecam U Us, she clang to Caatoria,
When ih had Children, (he giro them Caatoria,
Tho 25,000 prisoners held in India for
various crimes will bo released.
Tho Omaha Typt foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices siime ns in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
mahout A wards of MmluW In l.uropo it ml
The nratf "t, aiileVrtt, mtrn and inonl inwerful
rrmcily known rurUhrumarlmn, 1'lrnrl.v. NeurnlKl.i,
LumlMRA. Itm kni-liu. Wtaknea, cvildi In Hie elicit
anil all aulK't and palna Kuduraed hy V'l I'liyalt-laoa
and DrugftlalH ut ttir lilgheat ri'PWe. ll-mon'k I'laa
Irra priniilr relieve and cure wlirrr oi Iter pt.ialera
and Krenay xnlvi'it, Itnlinrn'a and loiloiia, am abau
lately utrleri. Ueware ut Imitation under aluillur
foimdlni; names, an, h as "CnpMi'tnn." "C'Anticln."
"C'ap'li Ine." file v art! utie-lv worilile'a and In
tended to deeetve. AtK ronlrsw't -rKr no
otiikkk. All tlrupil.ta. MCADLUV A JOUXbOX,
I'roprletoia, Srw Vork.
V. N. U., Omaha
This medicine, combining Iron with pure
VcjtetaMo tonic, quickly nn5 completely
Cures lirplu, Iiitlletlt)ti, Wrnunraa.
Impure llloitil,.1lnlnrlu,('lil!Iiunl Kevcra,
ami Neuralgia.
It is an unfalline remedy for Diseases ofthe
Kldiirjrn nntl Liver. ...
It is invaluable for lt.eci peculiar to
Women, and all who lead M'dLiitnry lives.
It does not inlure the teeth, cause beadachc.or
produce eontlpntl0u cthrr Iron mrdianrsdo.
It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Hclchttig, and strength
ens the muscles nnd nerves.
For Intermittent l evers, I-nssltude, Lack of
Energy. Ac, it has no equal.
Af The genuine 1ms abovo trade mark and
crossed tvd lines on w rapper. Take no other,
ii,. i, iMoiTit riiKKiniL ix1, luLTiaoni. an
Tho best nnd surest Itemcdy for Cnro of
all disease caused by nny derangement of
the I.lver, Kidneys, Stomach nntl ltowels.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, (.'onstlpatlon,
Ilillous Complaints nnd Malariaof all UIuiIh
yield readily to tbo bcnoQccut influence of
It Is pleasant to tho taste, tones up tho
system, restores nnd preserves health.
It la purely Vegetable, and cannot fall to
provo bcneilclal, both to old nntl young.
Ah a lllood Purifier It Is superior to nil
others. Sold everywhere at 81.00 a bottle.
SufTorlnR from Kidney Ola
onao or from troubles po-
Its furftise is seMyfcr tht tegitimatt htaliagcf
iitratc and tht rclitfef fain, anU that it dots all it
elaims to dotihousands ty ladies can gladly testify,
1 1 has stood the test of twenty years in relieving periodi
cal pain, promoting regularity of seasons, nnd banishing
weakness, backache and consequent nervous distress.
J'robably no other woman in the world receives so
many "letters of thanks" as I.ydia K. I'inkham, of
Lynn, Mass. Mrs. II of I'nfield, N. II,, says:
'I will simply say that your Vegetable Compound is all
pou recommend it to lie, Mas done int Worlds oj
fod" Another lady writes ftor.i Ottawa as follows: "I
hive just to-day boughtthc ccnth bottle of your Vege
table Compound, have used two lioxes of l'ill.i and sev
eral packages of your Sanative Wash, and think it but
right to tell you how much good I derived from your niedi
:ines. Thty art a rtgular God-stud, All the pains
md aches lia e almost disappeared, my stomach Is much
lUungcr too and I feel myself Improved every way."
l'rlto 41. Hold ! ull i)ruatU.
Willi AHKi-t f i,y:;i.yH7.H5.
OtTen Invca' r nn 0irninlt to plitco from
ll.tmi.tll to lil.Ur'.UI In n licit! Kntnto Bytiillcotu an
Hint It will pay ot rr lit, pi-r i-i-nt per hiiiiuiii tin the In
etni' iit I'll II iiiforii.it1 li n tiirniHlii-il mi Hiiptlnttlnu.
lie fcrcni'i'. nil mi-rcuiiilli uuuin lfa and the buitiCB In
KniiMitf) I'Hy.
Cliemnikl Nin, .Yetirnlclu. llliitltler ami Kltl
aoy lllM-iiar. inttl(iil lilt A V. II I SI HllllKL
HATH' SI'KClt'lC (.uttronttitl to (I tf-or money
refunded. Take no other ineillt-lne For frnltt by nil
l)rupKlxt. Ono luillar for larif' hottla Itrfercncc, any
one In St Jot,(.'h. .Ml.souil. fitroriuttloii l-'n-e.
Dr. A. V. Hit iion illrcllrlne 't).,
Nnlnt als.rpli, Mla.oUrl.
t 1 , 1 ' ".r
l'o: Iiivt lyt iirrdinftu ilaynhyKr
IIi,piib'h rlff-lf-ft.MDfTitf-llcllrUi
rru..cul.lblnfjd. Uuaranttttltba
only oi-o In tho world ci-ncratlntr
neontlnuniis Kltrtrio ,p MajntUo
rMltf, ' current, Hi-k-ntlllc, rowcrriil, iiuinnie,
yWComfirtnhlo ami Klfcclive. Avoid frotitla.
Overli.dOOrure'l. HendFttinn fofniimirhlct.
ai.ko ri,i:cTitio roit iihi:asi:h.
rj?xr iij
Thla home for the alek la open both for atlulta and
children, la t-en rally I t-ntel In a p'usaaniantlijulet
nrlgliiiorlntxl anil furncjie . I'lccili-ui lloplUI facli
Ulca for Eu glea and M -dt"tl I, A liltr.i
CIIIUrH UO.Sl'l'l'Ali. Omaha, Nebr.
(irrinan AatliHiu Cure nttrr ftua
immiaiut rilQ Iuq wtrtcci, loiurcf cyi-H
i, la
IrbrUbU iipfDt cfffoU curt whir !1 otbrr fill, Jfl
ilrUt tonvinrt$ th rtjtt btpr-t Prlct Iill fli. n4l
I 1,00, of DrurrUti or br ntall KimtA Vill i: fur
itimn, IU. It. hOIin'K.M AX. hu 1'muI, SIIpii.
now ny urunKvnn.
-uiiilef tinmen (i utile anil
IUuttraieit CMaloautot (Mrtlen
(trana anil Fit-Id Huedi. l'lanta.
Lulb. Uarden '1 1. Ntitr Varietiea of rolAtoea.ctc.ete..
vulilttt tree U'lirral sr-i-tsfor Klrowhrlclfe llroad
cast Bower Addreai. IOWA Ni:i:i CO,, Wbola
ala and Jtetall bedinen, lit lloixus, Iowa.
We want "youi siissisass
prolltabU einrloTinent to rp"eut us lu erery
.-r.uiitv Palmrv t7& twr tnBrttti and ttfttenaea. or a
Urya cumiulaalun uu ulw If preferrd. Uoodaataple.
Lvcnr one buys. Outfit and parllt'tllara I'rer.
UlAJtUAliu miiVUinAiu. iu., iHjatvit, at n nn.
rtDDHH!?-OPIUl MnbH I'alnloaal,
M m B M M r n 1 n Curt-U at Home. Treatment
UMIIIBB aentjn trial and NO 1'AV atSed
III until you aro l-enonted. Term a lx)rr
III IluuiAUO Itemcdy Co., J.ufnyette, Ind.
A poaltlTa care- No Knlre.
KoFiaater. No l'atn. W.O.
Payne, Uaraballtowa.lowa.
to SB a day. lamplea worth tt.M rXER. Unfa
nut under tit h"iW feet. Writ llrewater
Oafoty Rain HolcJor Co., Holly, Mloh.
flDlllll "'"Plilue llulilt Ouretllu It
at Efl nil ,ui,itjr,,
Da J, Braruatia, Leliauuu, Oule.
TPLPRRAPI4V I.rnrn bera and tart,
i-buunnrn i 0(1j pi suUAiiona fiir
nl.t.a4. WrIU VUutlna llros,, JaaaavbU Wl
and MvrphUa lluklt Cured In 10 to
SUdajat Iteferto lOOU t.tlf nu.-ntfd
tu all parta Or, Marsh, Qulsor.ttlcb.
HTUDV. (if uro a Iluiluen Eduratlonbr
uau, from lis YATfCvu.caK Uu3aJu.N,V
Havo boon enjoyed hycttlrcna of every brvnanl
city In the I t. .tnrvt-lou Cure bavo been U
oesaotl by thousands of people, who can testify ta
tub wo.vnunri'i, iikamnu iorctt or
Neuralgia, Toothache, Hcadzche, Earaclte,
Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throat,
Lamo Back, Stiff Joints, Contracted Co nil,
Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Fever Sens,
Wounds, Old Sores, Chilblains, Frost
Biles, Soro Nipples, Caked Urcasts, snd
All Aches and Pains.
ar quickly relieved by this niaplcnl reninlT- Try I
onco nntl you will never bo wltliout It. Horr-aJabr
UrtifKlsts. Price. flOr. OurSoNO llooK frmtoatt.
Will purify the DLOOD tmUla
tlto LlVEP nntt KIDNEYS and
llra-roif the HEALTH aodVia.
Oltnt YOUTH l)v.iiliWnt
or Appetite, jnuiKeMton.iKKoi
mrcnitin situ urea ratina
aolutulr cured! llnnm. raoa-
e nntl nervtw recei, nt
forro. rnliTn lmia
UitfT-ri.if. frnm rnmulalnta
L A OSES frVnkV if artfji-b iruw
rUNIO n anfn nnd pJr cure. Ulveaacler.l
thyeomiileiton, rreiptent ttltemrtu at cOTtntcifelt
lim only add to this popularity of tho otltilnaJ.
notesiKirlmunt rot tho OKIuiNiL ANI llraor.
i Cura Conallpatlon.I.Ier Coutolalnt and8iekl
Flllaadaalie. Batnplo Dose anrt Drenm nookB
mailed on receipt of twocenta tn poatairt,. f
Address: DR. HARTER, MerJicalCo., l.hit
Tlio Croat Nureary of
200 Imported Ilrood Mares
Of Choicest Ftunili.
All Acoa. botll Ken raw
30O to Wi) l.tirOHTHI ANNUAttir
from Kraitee. all reemded withcitended petlnrrxMlnttua
1'ercheroit Ktttd Iinoka Tito l'ereht.-ron iatlwonly draft
bleed of Franco pouncing a Ktittl book that kt tha
support anil endorsement of the French Uowromant.
Hend for lUO-pag Ciitalotrua, IllustraUona hf Itaaas
U.uhaur. M. W. DUNHAM,
Wev-.o, DuPdeb Co., illlBolttv
The oldest yrMk7Yr:'
moat estenlv'-;?tfleyftKSvnw ,
Of ttlH MlKKriMll-
til. Oter KlL'htv
11,-ad of I'm it Hied
II It'll Hied nnd il
Urtttle Peichercn Htal
llona and &larea on hand
also a few rtt-orded Int
ported Kl enr-h Coat-hei a,
fiava the ihii anil vx
lH-iire ttf lonsT rultroud P
trips anil shlpnlni; nntl f'
petjotirllortic-NUthoine E-h
anil acclimated i.fli-ll.t KU
bleliien.Hlih thlablrlt l'",
cd reiHitationr as In t ed tiHtit
era. (Mil- linporlt .1 Mtuck all itidaU-ied In the rVrraem
Rtttd Ilouka of 1 1 unco nnd Aini-i lt-n. We Kuaraalnall
Ktuck Ih-eedera Jtittt as t epreenltid. fiend fox catalwaaa
K umber i free, address,
Wokotlolti, Clay County, It on.
Wouirei'thoubotti aiiioimtof muni viiKtrm
I tlio I Gil iturMtii anawiTlli.r tho fullunlnc )Ko!a
ItlUPStlun Where III tint IMIiln t!oe It
Ifciiy, "tr a mini entolii eefs lin ttluiit
dint" Tho lint pertioi- uasutnue this tivuw.
Uun correctly, w.ll n-celvoilOO casli. U srer.
Iculto (iii.ii) than onociirrectiiiuivcrtlwrcconil
nlllrecclMiflOO; tltti tldrcl fW; the fourth 521;
i lliiillftlt16: tlio sixth 10: uml SI cadi to tho
Ineitono liiiiulaxl peoploaimerlnKltcomett.
If you aro not tho flibtrciucuibcr that you may
I19 tho Eticontl or third no 1011 ntiuul is rival
chatrcf or u larifo prize, rncli competlbir must.
In every ca, seiitl SOcta. with their aninrr for
ono year'Htrlalaiibscrlptlon to '1'JIK (IOOI)
IlOIMlMCI'.KPJIIt. n larpo l&paicr. Ulua
tiatetl family paper. J f you will send ji to Mil
Bend thn paiier one sear, mid
I a bonk of nearly &00 pace for lioiiaclrcrcn, tho
rccular retail price Ii f I M. beautifully bnoud
In extra clotlL Iteinbodlra tho ripe inpnv-ura
of a U'tcnin hou'iekccpi-r, und Its trlpts (of
vthlcli tliero are trn ut numbers on all brcincln
of cottkery ) can bo relied upon as accurals and
trustworthy. KenU your answer at once. H
taeo Mamtn taken. Address TIIK (lOODllOUiK-
IKUSI'KIL TO DearlKim St.. Chicago. 111.
Timber. Mineral and I'rai- I
rlr I.aala. Coilon, Cora.,
Ul1.1t. Kpml tinnleal aail
Temperate Zone
Country healthy
FriilU thrive In tho aamo Bent.
Kiaic rapidly deieloolut- u
Taset. O ol Hchoola, Kew liallroada. an4 ntort
miles of Nailk'abln Ilivera than any other Hull
In the Union. 1lil la
For tl you conoluatii Tiik
UazciTK one year Uhtk i
eat and Heat NewaDaoer
In the Stale, with agrlcultiiral department aMj edi
ted. r'lfly-sU culiiuiui per week, Telia yt all
about the great Bmithweit hit months inc. I
inonlht HAMI'OH KIlb'K. AddrtUJ TUK
UA.HTI'i:, Utile It tt-lt, Arlt.
Protlleat 1JOOIC overt-
l'rlnlutl. 'riltmsunda oft
L4WS5 J'kt 3o CVitron us dirt by
- tm . 4V l iirii ifun 4. ui 1:1. uiuhil 1
sons aiviueti r iti;r. (o i-unomers, 1 kivo
a wat moro tiintt titmu flrma Kflt Htf-ttd for tntf
CatuJomio. JU 11. Mittiiiwuy, HockiortJ, 111.
Nob. 303-404-I7O-004.
A Good l'laaotorSl&7.SV
A Uood Orgaa for 6!) tt
Write for Catilocna of 10 OKN'T SIDSIC. ce
talolue names of 1U plocta of law sad pop alar utaale.
Addreai, HIIVPTT PtROR..
fit. JoMapll, laXlaiatouarl..
IVTha larceat and oldest Muilo llousi ua Uaa Ub
aourl Jtlver,
P. A. r.KII.MANK.fcUla.
or ot fa'eitta wamianaaa.
li.a fceudfvr ClfcuUc
cniritrnrr.,'1 , a
imm m mm