MITCHELL LEWIS CO., (LIMITED.) factory, Racine, Wis. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS Buckboarcls, Road Carts, Spring Wagons, Etc. MITCHELL FARM AND SPRING WAGOMS. CANTON CLIPPER PLOWS, IIARKOWS. ETC. GALE CHILLED PLOWS. AND IDEAL FEED MILLS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. FREE MITCHELL & LEWIS GO,, Limited. 192-194 Front St., Portland, Oregon. KIMBALL Pianos & E. M. FURMAN, Agent. WALLA WALLA, HOWL AND & WILSON, Miinfucturors ul F1 TLX IR, Main Street; Union, Oregon. Keep constantly on hand a largo supply of Parlor and Red Room Sots, Hod ding, Desks, Olllco rurnituro, etc. Upholstering Done in the Best Style. Lounges, Mattresses, and all Kinds of Furniture juado to order. Your patron- ago solicited. JONES Dealers Groceries, Tobaccos and Cigars. Variety and Fancy Goods, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Musical Instruments, Picture Frames, Rlrd Cages, Raby Carriages, Etc. Candies, Nuts and Fruits, Schsol Rooks, Stationery, Periodicals, Novels, Etc., of Evory description. Orders from all parts of tho country promptly attendsd to. PHOTOGRAPH - GALLERY. Bros., xetis-s. All Kinds of Fliotoppliic Wort Done in a Superior Manner. Now Soonory and Accessories Just Ruuolved. AH Work Warranted to Give Satisfaction. VIEWS OF RESIDENCES TAKEN ON APPLICATION Branch, Porilanfl, Orep. and Dcalors in Organs WASHINGTON TERRITORY. TXT RES BROS., in tin Sip POWDER Absolutely Pure- This powder never varies. A mnrvel ol purity, ntretiEtlfand wholesomeness. Moro economical than tho ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in competition with the multitude ol low test, short weight alum or nliosphiito powders, hold only in cans KOVAL, JSAkl.NO I'OWDEH IX., JUU tVUIl Ol. N. Y. A. L. COBB, WJ. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ilavine nermancntlv located in Alder, Union county, Oregon, will bo found ready to attend to calls in all tho vnrioiiH towns and settlements of the ullowa valley. Chronic IMmcumin n. Speciulty PSr-My motto la: "Livo and let livo." DEPOT HOTEL A. 0. ORAIO, - - Proprietor, (Union Depot, Oregon.) Splendid accommodations tor commer cial men. Tables always supplied with th( best tho market affords. Sr-IIoT and Cold Mi.vehal IUtiisTSS KENTUCKY LIQUOR STORI AIV1 SOA I'ACTOKV. Cor, Main and I Sts., Union, Oregon SIIICK.IIAN A:IHI.i:V, I'rop. Manufacturers and dealers in Soda Water, Sarsapurilla, Cinccr Ale, Creain Hoilu and Champngno uuer, oyrups. eic Orders promptly filled. -COMMERCIAL Livery ml Feel OrrosiTE Centennial. Hotel,. JOIIN B. ELIOTT, PROPItlETOR. ITavins furnished this old and popular hostelry with amnio room, plenty of feed. good hostlers and now buggies, is better prepared than ever to accommodate cus tomers. My terms uro reasonable. GOVE TMERY. Adah Cuosbmax, PuoritnrroR. Han now on hand and for sale the best ot IIAKN12SS, LADIOO, LPl'KIi nnd LACK LEATHER. SHEEP SKIN'S, ETC. Paid for Hides and Pelts. SMOKE OUH "PUNCH" llest Havana Filled Five Cent Cioar. ! o Jones Uros., agents, Union. E. (JOLLINSKY & CO. SPRING WWII) BLOSSOM THK OKKAT Anti-Bilious f Dyspeptic Remedy, DYSPEPSIA. ARE YOU AFFLICTED? nVSl'KPfllA bn rich prcull.r cbaran-rttttci thu u no one can mittiKe nr nature or tut .--"iniaiDi II. .pnptu'lii .rn Mick IIfuiIiicIm , Nmi- 4lum- cli, llrucliilluu. llnirtbuiii. Wiilrr Uritsli, VhiiII.iiIIm. I'ullit Ih the Hi lt Mini i.ol ii rill li ir Men il I Inn Mt th IMtuftheNt iiia.Il Ci. or Aiielllo. tie. Tho nlumll wieerft' ktwmt Morote trnt le tpoadrnt, nd or tfi'-ninr Oloomj and tfutpk'louii Mr It n, iarj n . ImrUtn. ml J ft la the Called Sl.le. t lenit tv ttlnli of tn iwpuLttoa .re troubled wtUi i'livcwl And Um Cuctplaiut, mar. or leu. YOU OAJN Ilia OUItlCI Spring Blossom is Soli on Its Merits. tarTIUAL SIZE, 10 OJSNTa.l Sold. ty all rJjrs-vargrlata SPRING BLOSSOM CERTAINLY CURES! Blla PIinu, tn their mrrl4 fonni art U w.ji lollifDie more pArtfcaUily to n la tb. h.p if Holla or 1 iii)Im oo ltdtrt' ftc-tul when thli retieJ) laiolen aooonilEk to dlreciloo. . enr ut eertalblr (allow. It iiot vh.t It utuiJIj CMIM t Ulturt the t.klnir of which. Ib ni.nj 'i.tUnrr, u only . prtle .1 for drlnitnr bu U free from Alcoholic 6 Imul.alt, mdlt . tfflcdoutl. it. r.talu Ui ui ulou .uulu Salt Rhoum and Sorofula dlllU J10.ID aT IAD, PHtlKlLTUT .ioaTlOk.-AL.o CANCERS, T IMORS, ULCERS, ABSCESSES. CAN I X KHTIRKUT CUIlKll BT spni.sra blossom "THE RANSOMED." DR. TALMAGE'S SUNDAY DISCOURSE, A Lesson on "How to Triumph Over Sin." Christ Will Dalivor All Those Who Put Their Trust in Him. Urooklt:;, Feb. 13. Over six hundred per- tons have joined tho Brooklyn Tabernacle, pastor, the Hcv. T. DeWItt Talmage, U. D., during the present revival, lnaklnt; thu com iimiilcant membership of this church about four thousand. Professor Henry Eyro llrowne rendered an orcan solo, second sonata in E minor, by A. 0. Hitter. Tlio coiiBreKatlonal snurlup was Ilko the voice of many waters. when the pastor cave out the hymn: "lie leadetli me; O ulctscd thought! 0 word, wllli heavenly comfort lmiiRtitr iuo suuject, ol Ur. lalmae's bermon was ''TheKausoincd,"and his text was 1 Corinthi ans, en. vi, v.bu: "le are Uoti"lit wltu a" Your friend takes you through his valuable house. You examine the arches, the fresco, he grass-plots, the fish-ponds, the conscrva- orlcs, the parks hL decf, and you say within foursclf, or you say aluud: "What did all this cost" You sec costly apparel, or you see a high mettled span of horses harnessed with dllvcr and gold, anu you hegiu to uitiku an stlinate of the value. The man who owns a large estate cannot Instantlv tell you what It Is all worth. He says: "I will estimate so much for the house, so much for this furniture, bo much for laying out thu grounds, so much for the stock, so much for the barn, so much for tho equipage adding up, in all making this aggregate." Well, my friends, I hear so much about our mansion in heaven, about Its furniture and tho grand surround ings, that I want to know how much it is all worth, and what has actually been paid for it I cannot complete In a mouth or a year the magnificent calculation; but before I get through to-dny I hope to give you tho figures. "Yo are bought with a price." With tome friends I went into London Tower to look at the crown jewels of England. We walked around, caught one glimpse of them and, being In the procesidon, were com pelled to pass out. I wish that to-day I could take this audience into tho tower cf God's mercy and strength, that you might walk around just once at least and Fee thu crown jeuels of eternity, behold their brilliance and estimate their value. l-Yo are bought with a price." Now, if ye have a larce amount ot money to pay, you do not pay It nil at once, but you pay ft by installments so much the first of January, so much the first of April, ho much the llrst'of July, so much the first of Oc tober, until the entire amount is paid. And I have to tell this audience that "You have been bought with a price," and hat price was paid In different installments. The first installment paid for the clearance of our souls was the Ignominious birth of Christ in Iletlilehem. Though we may never bo carefully looked after afterward, our ad vent Into the world is carefully guarded. We come Into the world amid kindly attentions. Privacy and silence are afforded when God launches au immortal soul Into the world. Even the roughest of men know enough to stand back, lint I have to tell ou that iii the village on the side of tho hill, there was a very bedlam uproar when Jesus was born. In a village capable of accommodating only a few hundred people, many thousand people were crowded; and amid ostlers and muleteers, and camel drivers yelling at stupid beasts of bur den, tho Messiah appeared. No silence. No privacy. A better adapted place hath the eaglet in the ejrie hath the whelp In tho lion's lair. The exile ot heaven lletli down upon the straw. The first night out from the pafaco of heaven ipcnt In nn outhouse. One hour after lav Ing aside the robes of heaven, dressed in a wrapper of course linen. One would have supposed that Christ would have mailt', a more gradual de scent, coming from heaven first to a half-way world of great magnitude, then to Ciusnr's palace, then to a mciehant'' castle in Galilee, then to a private home in Ilethaiiy, then to a fisherman's hut, and last of all to the stable. No! It was one leapj from the top to the bottom. Let us open the door of the earavansarv In Iletlilehem, and drive away the camels. Press on tin ough the group of Idlers nnd loungers. Wliat, U .Mary, no iignu ".n llglit," sue say, "save that which comes through the door." What, .Mary, no to .lf "None," she fays, "only that which Is brought in thu sack on the Journey." Let the Iti'ttilehem woman who has coinu In here with kindly alleetlons put buck tin- covering from the babe that we may look uimiii It. Look! Look! Uncover your head. Let us kneel. Let all voices bo hushed. Sou of Mary I Son of God! Child of a day mniiaieh ot eternity 1 In that eye tho glance of a God. OmiiiKiteueu slie.itlied In that babe's arm. That voice to b,e changed from the feeble plaint to the tone that shall wake the dead. Ilosauual ilosannal Glory bo to God that Jesus came from throne to manger that wo might rise from manger to throne, and that all the gates aru open, and that the door of heaven that otieu sw ung this way to let Jesus out, now swings thu other way to let us in. Let all the bellmen of heaven Jay hold the rope, and ring out the news: "llehold. I bring you glad tidings of great lov. which shall be to all reoiile: for to day Is born In tho tlty of David, a Saviour wmcu lsmrist, mo l.oni!" Tho second Installment paid for our soul's clearance was tho scene In Qiiar.tiitaula, a mountainous region full of caverns, where there are to this day panthers and wild beasts of all sorts; so you must now, the traveller says, go there iirmtd with knife or gun or pistol. It was there that Jesus went to think and pray, and It was there that this monster of hell, more sly, more terrific than anything that prowled In that country S.ttau himself, met Christ. The rose In tho cheek of Christ that Puhliiu l.entulus, In his letter to the Hoinau Senate, ascribed to Jesus that rose had scat tered Its petals. Abstinence from food had throw u him Into emaciation. The longest ab stinence from food recorded In profane history la that ot tho crew uf the ship Juno; for twen- r-inreo uays wiey natt iiotiung to eat. nut lis sufferer had fasted a mouth and ten davs before He broke fast. iluugermust have agonized everv fibre of thu body and gnawed on the stomach with teeth of death. The thought of n morsel of bread or meat must have thrilled tho bodv with something like ferocity. Turn out n pack of men hungry as Christ w as a-hungercd, and If they had strengtti with one veil they would devour you us n Hon a kid. "it was In that pang of hunger that Jesus was accosted, aud Satan said: "Now change these stones, which look like bread. Into an actual supply of bread." Had ttie temptation coiiie to you or to mo under those circumstances, we would have cried; "iiread it shall be!' and been ab most linpatl.'ut at the time taken for mastica tion; hut Christ with one hand beat back tho monarch of darkuc.'s. O, ye tempted ones I Christ was tempted. We are told that Na poleon onlered a coat of mall made; but ho was not quite certain that It was Impenetra ble, so lie tald to tho manufacturer of that coat of null: "Put It on now Your self and let us try It": and with shot after shot from his own nlstol the emperor found out that it was just what It pretended to be a good coat of mall. Then the man received a largo reward. 1 bless God that the mine coat of mall that stiuck back the weapons of temptation from the heart of Christ we may all now wonr; for Jesus comes . and says: "I have Iwu tempted, aud I know w hat It U to be tempt. Take tiii. rube that defe.ided Me and wear It for yourselves. 1 will see you thn.ugh all tr.als, aud 1 will see on iiirtmgti all temptation." "llul," sa Silati still further to Jesus, wort h iirncy ( I tie come mid Iwillslmik Mm till,, v looking at." and all,i i .i i d i. i tl 'V ante Ji tuulem . n i t ili t. , lein 'H .Iiit as .i . ii, I t . . , i..n,.- 1..., ti of the lower of Antucip ulU louk otlupcu Belgium, so Satan brought Christ to the top of the Temple. Some jople at a great height feel dizzy, nnd have a strange disposition tc Jtlinp; so saian comes 10 jurist wun 11 turner fill temptation In that very crisis. Standing there at the top of the Temple thev look off. A magnificent reach ot country. Grain fields, vineyards, olive groves, forests and streams. "Now," says Satan, "I'll make n bargain. Just jump till. I know it's a .great way from the top of the Temple to tho valley, but if you are divine you can fly. Jump oft It won't hurt you. Angels will catch you. Your father will hold you. Desldes, I'll make voua large-present, If vou will. I'll give you Asia Minor. I'll give jou India. I'll give you China. I'll give you Ethopla. I'll give vou Italy, I'll give you Spain, I'll give you Ger many, I'll' give you Hrltaln, I'll give you nil tho world." What a humiliation it must have been. Go to-morrow morning nnd get In an altercation with tome wretch crawing up from the gin-ecllar in the Fourth Wnrd, New York. "No," you say, "I would Not bemean mvsclf bv getting In such it con test." Then think of what the King of heaven and earth endured when lie was down and fought that great wretch ot hell, and fought hlm In the wilderness and on tho top of tile Temple. Hut I bless God that In that triumph over temptation Christ gives us t tie as surance that we also shall triumph. Having Himself been tempted, He Is able to succor all those that are tempted. In a vloleut storm at sea the mate told a boy for the rigging had become entanged lit the mast to go up and right It. A gentleman standing on the deck said: "Don't send that boy up; ho will be dashed to death." The mate said: "I know what I am about,' Thu boy raised Ids hat in recognition of the order, anil then rose, hand over hand, nnd went to work; and as he swung In thu storm the pas sengers wrung their hands and expected to sec hlm fall. The work done, he came down in satetv, and a Chihtinu man said to hlm: "Why did you go down in the forecastle be fore you went up?" "Ah." said the boy, "1 went down to pray. My mother always taught me before I undertook anything great to pray." "What Is that-Oit have In jour vesti" said tho man. "O, that Is the New Testament," ho said, "I thought I would carry it with me if I really did go overboard. "How well that boy was protected! I care not how great the height or how vast the depth, with Christ within us, and Christ beneath us, nnd Christ above us, mid Christ all around us, nothing shall befall us in the way ot harm. Christ himself, having been in the tempest, will do liver alt those who nut their trust in him. Blessed be his glorlhus name forever. The third Installment paid for our redemn. tion was the Saviour's sham trial. I call It a sham trial there has never been any thing so indecent or so unfair In the Tombs Court of New York as was witnessed at the trial of Christ. Why, they hustled Him into tho court-room nt two o'clock lu the morning. They gave Him no time for counsel. They gave Him no opportunity for subpoenaing witnesses. The rulliatis who were wandering around through the midnight, of course they saw the nrrest' and went into the court-room. But Jestis's friends were sober men, were respectable men, and nt that hour, two o'clock In the morning, of coursu they were at home asleep. Conseouentlv Christ entered the court-room with the rulllaus. Oh, look nt Hlm! No 0110 to SDcak a wonl for Hlm. 1 lift the lantern until I can look into His face, and as mv heart beats In sympa thy for this, the best friend thu world ever had, Himself now utterly friendless, an oillccr of the court-room comes up and smites Him in the mouth, aud I see thu blood stealing from gum and Hp. Oh, it was a faicu of a trial, lasting only perhaps an hour, aud then the judge rises for the sentence ! It Is against the law to give seutencu unless there has been an adjournment ot the court between con demnation ntyd sentence; but what cares this judge for the lawl "The man has no friends let hlm die," says the judge, and the rufllans outside the rail cry: "Aha I aha! that's what we want His blood. Hand him out here to us. Away with Hlm lawny with Him!" Oh, I bless God that amid all thu Injustice that may bo f nil let oil upon us lu this world we have u divine sympathizer. The world can not lie about you nor abuse you as much as they dlil Christ, and Jesus stands to-day In every court-room, in everv home, lu every store, and says: "Courage! By all my hours of maltreatment and abuse, 1 will protect those who are trampled on." Aud whett Christ forgets that two o'clock morn ing scene, and the slroko of the rutliau on the mouth, and the howling of tho unwashed crowd, then He will forget you and me lu the Injustices ot llfo that may bo inflicted upon us. Some of you want deliverance from vour troubles. God knows you have enough of them. Physical troubles; dometslc troubles; spiritual troubles; financial troubles. You have been gathering them up, some perhaps lor live, or six, or seven years, ami you nave divided them into two classes: Those ou can talk about aud those you cannot talk about; and 11s tlioe griefs are the most grinding and depressing which you cannot mention, you got condolence for the things you can speak of, while you get 110 condoioueu for the things Mint you cannot. In your school days you learned how to bound the States and could tell what rivers and lakes and mouuta ns ran through them. If you weru asked to-dav to bound our wordly estate you would say It Is bounded on the north by trouble, and on the south by trouble, and 011 tho east by trouble, and on the west by trouble, while" rivers of tears and lakes 01 woe, mid mountains of disaster run through It. What are you going to do with your troubles! Win- do you not go to the theater and have your mind absorbed in 6otue tragedy! "Oh," you say, "every thing I have seeii on the boards of the stage is tame compared Willi tho tragedy of my own life!" Well, then why do you not go to your trunks and closets and gather up all tho mementoes of your departed friends and put them out of sight, and take down their pict ures from the" wall and put In tlie frame a harvest sceno or some bright and gay specta cle! "Ah," vou sav, "if I should remove all these mementoes of my departed friends, that would not take away tho killing pictures that are hanging in thu gallery of my own heart." Well, If that does not help you, why do not plunge Into society and try to wash oft In worldly gaye tles nil these nssolhuents of tho soul) "Oh." you say, "I have tried that! but how cau I hear other children laugh when my children are silent! How cau I see other happy families when my own happy family is broken up! Trouble, trouble!" Hilt do vou gain anything by brooding over vour misfor tunes, by sitting down lu a dark room, by a comparison of the sweet past with the bitter present! "No; that makes things worse." Hut I have to tell you to-dav that the Christ of all sympathy presents Himself. Is there anybody in this hntiso that can got along without sympathy! I do uot think that I could live a day without It And vet there are a great ninny who seem to get along with out any divine sympathy. Their fortune in tho couutlng-room, or lu tho store, or in thu Insurance company, takes wings and flies away. They button up n ctiniles3 pocket. They sit down in jKMiury where once they had atlluencc, and yet there is 110 Jesus to stand by them aud sav: "Oh, man, there are treasures that never fall, in banks that never break I I will take caro of you, 1 own the castle on a thousand hills, and you shall never want" They have no such divine Saviour to say that to them. I do not know how they get along. Death comes to the nursery. One voice less In tho household. One less fountain of jov and laughter. Two bauds less to be busy all daw Two feet less to bound through the hall. Shadow after shadow following through that household, vet 110 Jesus to stand Mere mid say: "I am the shepherd. That lamb is not lost I took It off the cold mountains. All's well." Oh. can you tell mo tho mystery! Can you colve it I Tell me ho.v it Is that men aud women with aches, aud pains, aud sor rows, and lo'scs, and exasperations, a:d be reavements, can get along without a sympa thizing ChrUtl I cannot understand it. But I como here to say this morning that if youftall, want divine sympathy you can havo It There are tw o or three passagesof Scripture that throO with pltv and Kindness and love. "Cast thy burden on the Lord and he will sustain thee." 'Come, unto Mo all ye who nn treaty and bu-tvy laden and I will give you rot." Oh, there aru green pastures where the Heavenl. Supplier J leads ttie sick ami Wounded ol the Hock! Wh ' all the other tie.- tf the orrliar I fail. Gxl I, ,4 on tree of fruit for li a ticir rmidren. lii 'Uti the organ ail.s out Us re ititcui, there com is afterward a song, a chant, nn anthem, a bat tie-march, a coronation, a victory. Do you not want tlio sympathy of Jesus! I offer It this morning to every man and woman In this house; you need Hlm. Oh, b6w much you need Hltul . . . There was n chaplain In tho nnny wounded unto death. While lying there 011 the field he heard nt a great distance oil some one crviiig out In great pain: "Oh, my Godl' and he said to himself: "I am dying, hut I think, perhaps, I could help Mint man. Although I cau't walk I'll just roll over to where he is." So he rolled over In his own blood, nud rolled over the bodies of the slain, and rolled on un til he enmc to where the otliT man was dy ing, and put, as it were, his wound against that wound, nnd his sorrow ngaiust tliat sor rcx, nud heljicd to alleviate It. Aud so It seems to mo that Jesus Christ hears the groan of our sorrow, the groan of our poverty, the groan of our wretchedness, and comes to the relief. He comes rolling over sin and sor row to the place where we lie on the battle field, nnd He puts over us the arm of His everlasting love; and I see that arm and hand arc wounded; and ns lie puts that arm over us I can hear Hlm say: "I have loved thee with nn everlasting love." Oil that you might feel this morning the power nnd con dolence of n sympathizing Jesus! Further, I remark: the last great install ment paid for our redemption was the demisu of Christ. The world has seen many dark days. About fifteen summers ago there was a very dark day when the sun was eclipsed. Tho fowl at noonday went to their perch, and we felt a gloom as we looked at the astronomical wonder. It wns a dark day In London when the plague was at Its height, and the dead with uncovered faces were taken In open carts ami dumped In the trenches. It was a dark day when thu earth opened and Lisbon sank; but thu dark est day since thu creation of the world was thu day when thu carnage of Calvary was enacted. It was about 110011 when the curtain began to be drawn. It wns not thu coming mi of a night that soothes and refreshes; It was the swinging of a great gloom all around the heavens. God hung It As when there is a dead one in the house you bow the shutters or turn the lattice, so God lu the afternoon shut the windows of til.; world. As it is appropri ate to throw 11 black pall upon the coIlin as It passes along, so it was appropriate that every thing should be sombre tliat day as the great h'-ar'se of the earth rolled on, bearing tho corpse of the King. A man's Inst hours nro ordinarily kept sacred. However you may have hated or earl entitled a man, when vou hear hu is dying silence puts Its hand on vour lips, and you would have n loathing for thu man who could stand by a death-bed making faces and scot flug. But Christ lu his last hour cannot be left aloue. What! pursuing hlm yet after so long a pursuit! You havo been drinking his tears, do you want to drink his blood! They camu up closely, so that, notwithstanding the darkness, they can glut their revenge with tho cortortions of his countenance. They exam ine his feet. They want to feel for themselves whether those feet are really spiked. They put out their hands nnd touch the spikes, nnd bring them back wet with blood, and wipe them on their garments. Women stand there and weep, but can do no good. It Is no place for tender-hearted women. It wants a heart tliat crime has turned into granite. The waves of man's hatred and of hell's vengeance dasli up against the mangled feet, and the bands of sin and pain mid tor ture clutch for His holy heart. Had he not been thoroughly fastened to tho cross they would have torn Hint down nud trampled Him with both feet. How the cavalry horses arched their necks, nud champed their bits, and reared and snuffed at the blood, llnd a Itomnu olllcer called out for a light his volco would not have been heard In tlio tumult: but louder Mian the clash of thu spears, and the walling of womanhood, and the neighing of the chargers, and the bellowing of tho cruci llers, there comes a voice crashing through, loud, clear, overwhelming, terrillc It is tho groan of the dying Sou of God. Look! What a scene! Lool;, oh world, at what you have done! I lift the covering from that maltreated Christ to let ou count tho wounds and esti mate the cost. Oh, when the nails went through Christ's light hand and Christ's left hand tliat bought both vour hands with all their ixiwer to work, and lift, nnd write. Wlien tho Miornu went into Christ's light foot and Christ's left foit that bought your feet, witlt nil their power to walk, or run, or climb. hen the thorn went into (jurist's temple Mint bought your brain with all Its power to think and plan. When the spear cleft Christ's side tliat bought your heart 'with all its power to love, and repent, aud pray. Oh, sinner. come b.ickl If a man Is In no pain. If he is prospered. If ho Is wyll, and he nsks you to come, vou talio your time and you say: "f can't comu now. I'll como after a wlille. There is no haste." But If he Is In want and trouble ton say: "I must go right away." lo-day .lesus stretches out before ou tv.o "wounded hands, nud lie begs you to come. Go and vou live. Stay away and ton die. Oh, tliat to Hlm wlio bought tisi wo might give till our time, and all our prayers, and all our suc cesses! I would we could think of nothing else, that e could do nothing else lint comu Jo Christ, Mo Is so fair, lie is so loving, lie Is so svmpitliiz ng, lie is so good, I wish wo could put our arm-, around Ills ivv' ainl say: 'Thine, Lord, will 1 bo lorcver." Oh, that to day you would begin to luvo Hlm! Would that i could take this audience ami wreathe it around the heart ot mv Lord Jesus Christ. When, In ISIm, tlio Atlant e e.iblu was lost, do you remember that the Great Eastern and the Medway and the Albany went out to find It! Thlrtv'times they sank the giap.iel two and a half miles deep in the water. After awiiilu they found tlio cable and brought It to tho surface. No sooner had it been brought to tho surface than they lifted n shout of ex ultation, but the cable slipped back again Into the water and was lost, i hen for two weeks more tuev swept the sea with the grappling hooks, and at last they fouul Mi cable and brought It up in silence. They fastened it Mils time, then with great excitement ttiey took one end of the cable to the electricians' room to seo If there were really any life It and when they saw a spark and knew that a message could be sent, then every hat was lifted, ar.d tho rockets flew, and tho guns sounded until all the vessels on tho expedition kuow the work was done, and tlio continents weru lathed to gether. Well, my friends. Sabbath after Sab bath we have come searching down for your souL We have swept the sea with tho grap pling hook of Christ's Gospel. Again and again we havo thought you were ut tho sur face, nud began to rejoice over your redemp tion; but at the moment of our gladness you sank back again into tlio world mid back again Into sin. To-day we comu with this gospel Fearchlng for tour soul. We apply the cross of Christ first to seo whether there Is any Hw left In you, while nil around Mie penplu stand, looking to see whether tho work will ho done, and the angels of God bend down and witness, and oh, if now we could see only one spirK or Jove, and hope, and faith, we would send up a shout that would bo heard 011 the battlements of heaven, and two worlds would keep jub.lee because communication is "pen between Christ and the soul, and your nature that has been suukeu in slit has Iwen lifted into the light and thu joy of tho opeb Tho Hook-Keeper Swore. The heiul of it firm, vhoo olllco is witlun six blocks of tlio Treasury lluildnr. is u vury good and pious man, and tlio head book-keeper, who is called Sam for short, is also a church momber. One day Sam and the chief wo 10 in the ollico alone, nud Sam was wrestling with an account which persisted in uot coming nut as he wanted it to. Finally he became so provoked that hu slapped the ledger shut and vindictively muttered: "Damn tho thing." The chief was so shocked at first as to bo speechless, nnd he gazed at Sam in horror. Then ha spoke 'Samuel," ho said slowly and firmly, "shut tho olllco door and lock it." Samuol obovod. and roturuud to uia desk, woudorltig what was golDS 10 uaPI,0"! . .' Samuel," continued tho cluof, "let us prav." , , . Then tho door wns opened awl busi ness was resumed Washington LnUc.