An Opportunity for Old IU utile. Anybody wishing to buy a second-linnd husband clienp should communicate with that Iowa girl who carried on a courtship through a matrimonial bureau with n "wealthy stock niiier" of Nebr.iaVn, who, alter she had been mnrrieil to him, turned out to be a hotel porter with arm glass eye. She will dispone ot her interest in him so cheap it would rnnks your hcml swim. Chicago Telegram. Anybody troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia, Hliff neck, nr any pain or ache should procure a bottle ot Salvation Oil at once. Price 25 rents. Queen Marfihuritn, of Italy, has a strong preference for women physicians. How to Onln IMeli and Strength. Use after each meal Scott's Emulsion Tfith Hypophosphitcs. It is as palatable as milk, and eaily digested. The rapidity with which delicate peopl improve with Its use is wonderful. Use it and try your weight. As a remedy for Consumption, Throat affections and Bronchitis, it is un equaled. Please read: "I lined Scott's Emulsion in a child eight mouths old with good results. Ho gained four pounds in n very short lime." Tno. Piiim, M. D., Alabama. It only takes half a hog to make its tore quarters. 'Concentril I.lvcr Is Frequent In tlie Bprlng, and is relieved by Cakikk's Littlb Livek Pir.i.s. It doesn't require nn emetic to make one throw up a poor poker hand. Von f'nn't ItenttTlilq without wishing to investigate, if you nre wise. Send your address to Hallctt it Co., Portland, Maine, nnd you will receive, free, full information about work that you can do, nnd live at home, wheruver you are lo cated, at which you can cum from $5 to $- and upwards daily. Some have earned ovorSiiO in a day. Capital not required;you are started free. All is new. Itoth seics; all ages. Sung little fortunes uwait all workers. The ship-yard in Chester, Pa., will be operated by John Roach's sons. in: AO THIS. Fifty thousand mnmmoth cluster rasp berry, best black, SI per 100, SGyer '.000; ir,000 grey raspberry, largest black, $1 per 100, 50 ler J, 000; 10,000 Turner, red, rnsp beiy. $1 per 100; 50 per 1,000. Strawberry, Beet potato, cablings and tomato plants for sale in season, and a general assortment of green house and bed ding plants. Send for price list. V. J. licsshit, I'lattsmouth, Neb. There are 113 fanners in tho Connecticut legislature. Lyan'K Patent Heel StlfTencr Is tlie only Invention tluu luukes ohl bools ctralijiit as new. I'gypt lias raised the blockade of the Soudan. Obktlnatn Cnntlpntloii ICcndlly Yields to tho regular use of Caiuuk's Little People who trust luck find collections slow. The Omaha Type foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on hort notice. Prices same ns in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. Nover peddle other people's faults so long ns you have any of your own on hand. Lii-K is burdensome, nlike to the sufferer nnd all around him, while dyspepsia and its attendingevils holdssway. Complaints of this nature can be speedily cured by taking Prickly Ash Hitlers regularly. Thousands once thus ufllicted now bear cheerful testimony ns to its merits. The foreign powers mobilize their troops. Here we vaccina o Vm. Hi? PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOHHD, IstrosltlveCuro For ALL of those Painful Delicate Complaints and Complicated trouble! and Weaknesses so common among our Wives, Mothers, and Daughters. It tall cure rnffre! allovii-iaiiorvuginal troublcSf Inla n m a- lion ami Ulcera. i Displacements! it Z contapitnt spinal nun, 4u,iiu urn, yffj. f jf. Weakness, nnd II fX4s.j. particularly Hi" Woman'n Pure Frlenrt eha,w, ,. ITIniiti rsiNuTooviRwonanDwosiitii. Itkzvuves rttNTxzsa, rurmvoT, iuu cmnxa rem snMiu.vrs, axd Rruxrr.i wr.n.vfa or the btovxcil Cunns Llu connnon. JlivnTRCAi.riiKronsrsKiifdftout nix. p7"Mold by JJruKsists. Price. $1. per bottle. One auent (Merchant only) warned In every town tor Wo have handled your cigars for moro tlinn 15 years. Your "TansiU's Punch" is the best selling and most popular nickel cigar we have sold, and is still our leading Cc cigar. John U. Fohtf.u tc Co., Druggists, Kockford. III. Address It. XV. TANMLIi Jc CO., Chicago. IOWA SEEDS art THE BEST. Lumplelc t.anten Uuuit ami Illustrated Catabigut of Harden llrc nn.1 i'Ulil tWili. l'l.ntB. Bulbs, Uardenioola, New Varieties of l'otatoes.etc ,tc , muitel tree, General agents for Mrobrldge Hroad east Sower Address, IOWA NIH'.II CO., WLula aale and lUtall Beedmen, Ilia Hoists, luvva. FACE, HANDS, FEET, and all their Imperfection, Including Fa. rial lietrlopnii nr, llairnml hialp, huper lluoua llalr. lltnn Maikx, Jlolea, Warta, Moth, KiccUc. Hed Nowi. Acne, lllaclc Head. Rears. Viltln anil their trealment. t I "rnd inc. for book of Kpngeii,4th edition. II. H xxUur?, 87 X. IVarlSL. Alt.aiiy.Y7, EH VU 1K0. Dr.J, Iresli. Hellablet Wholesale at ltetall. Free by mull ut B and II cts. per larno pack kb. Mum- V,'. .. Heauuful Illustrated Catuloirue FICadf:. 11 , iilckiiek, Koclrfurd Seed Karm, llockford, III IHE-OPIUM Ilnblt I'alnlenslj Cured at Home. Treatment tent on thai aid NO I'AV aakod until you nre benefited. Terms J-ow Ilumatue 1 muo ltcuscdy Co., Lul" ayette, lad. HOMtT RTUOY. Dook-keeplnf. Huslnen hand i? .i lo'ft i'enmanalil.Aru!iiiietlc. bliurt PATENTS Of Ot P n;at W. .V, U. 0, Send for Circular. KIPPERS PA8TILLE8.gH'ML wuuwii, Mala. OPIUM tJ.".p.l"i,l,,a 'i''" Cure, la 10 lo:io.lya. -Nopy tin OareO. C to .S8 ? df7 5mpJ, worth 1 U Hike. Unea AGEfnS VAHTED UtfcTUUKa terms circular address Ji atiok ai, fua Co. Culca-o b ir a' , SaEtH.llH THE . . !. FATE. A Cruel Vrr-fi " ! l'l Tlnifs .Ttore Tt.! 4'ov. ICot ninny ib in in this country, the people ci- .x iled over witrhrmft. Persons suspoctrd eiv Ihrown into the water; if not witclu'f tliey would drown; if they were witche. t'n.-y would swim nhnre nnd would be put to death! In any event, they were doomed! Not many years a;o if a person were taken sick with advanced disorder of the kidneys, the physician Mould piouoiiuce tho disense Height's disease, and when so declared, he regn riled Ins responsibility at an end, for medical authority admitted that the disease was incurable. When the physician found a patient thin alllictcd, lie would say, "Oh, n sliulit at tack of tlie kidneys; will be alight in a lit tle while." He knew to the contrary. Hut it he could keep his pat'ent on his hands for it few months, lie knew he would derive n sreat revenue from his rase, and then when the disease had progressed to a cer tain stnge, he would state the tacts mid re tire, exonerated from all blame. Hut the error of supposing the disease in curable, lias swayed the public mind, long after the fact hod ceased to lie. Hut pub public opinion has been educated to th truo status of tho cuse by those- who liavo discounted the incurability theory, and the public recognizes nnd testifies to the fact that Warner's safe euro is a specific for this disease. This hns been shown witli thousands ot testimonials. Upon referring to them In our files we find that $5,000 reward will bo given to nny one who can prove that so far as the manu facturers know thpy aio not genuine, nnd that hundreds of thousands similar In character could bo published, if ituete necessary. This condition of tilings is very nmining to tho journalist, who looks upon all sides ot every rpiestion. Proof should be ac cepted by all, but prejudice fights proof for runny years. It seems strange that when a proprietary medicine is doing the good that Warner's snfo cure is that tho physi cians do not publicly endorso it. Many of them, wo nro told, privately prescribe it. A few yenrs ngo, ns stated, when a man had Uright's disease, the doctor lioldly an nounced it, because he thought it relieved him of responsibility. To-dny when prominent people nro dy ing (ami hundreds of thousands ot com mon people die of tlie sumo disenso), wo are told that doctors disguise tho fact that it is Hright's disease of tlio kidneys and say that they die of paralysis, of apoplexy, of pneumonia, of consumption, of general de bility, ot rheumatism, of heart disease, of blood poisoning, or some other of the unmes of the direct effectsof kldneydisease. They nre not the real disease itself. Wo sometimes, wonder if they avoid stating the real cause of disease for fear they will drivo the publ c into patron age of the only scientific proprietary spe cific for kidney disease and tho thousand nnd one diseases that originate in inactive kidneys. Wo do not believe every advertisement we read. Poino people perhaps may regard this article as an advertisement and will not believe it, but we are candid enough to sny that we believe tho parties above men tioned have stated their case and proved it, and under such circumstances the pub lic is unwiso if it is longer influenced by ad verse prejudice. "THE CAMIMUaLS A KB COMIXIJ" HAVE COME. Arrival of Another Party from IUuokc !I on. New Oilenns (La.) rirayune, .Inn. 39. 1SS7. Among tho recent arrivals at tlie St. Charles Hotel are Mr. and Mrs. John Camnbell and little daimhtor, from Muskegon, Mieh. This pleasant event is noted not because the name of Campbell is novel on the hotel regis try, but on account of the circum stances which produced the autograph of the gentleman above named. Mr. John Campbell is a worthy citi zen of North Muskegon, Mich., and a member of the firm of Gow Majo it Co., extensive dealers in lumber. Though a young man, he has, by energy and close application, assisted in building up a business, which live years ago was started on the most limited capital, and to-day takes a front rank in tho city of Muskegon. Knowing Mr. Charles J. Herrmann, who resides in Muskegon, and having heard of the good luck of that gentle man in tho drawing of-Tho Louisiana State Lottery, Oct. 12th, 1880, when Mr. Herrmann, on an investment of SI, won $15,000 of tho capital prize of $75,000. Mr. Campbell, at tho suggestion of his wife, wrote to tho Company in theearlypart of January for one-tenth ticket In the grand draw ing of tho 11th inst., with $1 enclosed. Ticket No. 91,000 was immediately forwarded and it proved to bo .the winner of tho capital prize, $150,000. The pleasing intelligence of his good fortune was imparted to him by his friend, Charley Dun, a fellow-townsman, through a dispatch from the Lottery Company, and Mr. Campbell immediately made arrangements to gratify a long-cherished desire, viz: to visit with his wife the ancient Crescent City. It may bo mentioned that before ho knewof'his success, his wifo as with prophetic soul remarked: "My dear, if wo should bo fortunate and win a big prize, wo will surprise father with a nice check, won't we?" to which John cordially assented. On Thursday, Mr. Campbell pre sented himself at tho Lottery Com pany's oflice, and received a check on tho Louisiana National Hank for $15, 000 in exchango lor tho one-tenth ticket he had held. This ho con verted into sight drafts, not forget ting one for father for $1,000. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will remain in the city a few days, enjoying the balmy climate nnd visiting places of interest in nnd around town. The blitzard is an institution peculiar to Dakota. To be free fioni kick-tieadacne, unions nets, constipation, etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. Hie. gently stimulate the liver uud free the atomucb Jrom bile. Mrs. Parsons snys she w ould have thrown thut bomb lierselL The Omaha Typ foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices aaiiiH us in I'lncugo uud fidlit already paid to Ouiulia. A BOSTON CLERGYMAN'S STOUT. Curlou Afllntty Itotween n Triuili. tin-fit nnd n .Muteli-llox. Psychological experiences luivo In come decidedly the fashion :it the Huh of late, writes a Host on correspondent of The Sew ork World. Whether this is attributable to the vogue of tho Thco soph cnl society during llishop's v.sif, or the inllucnco of Kider Haggard's thrilling tale.t, or to both, it is not cuV to sny, but the fact remains. The most recent event of this kind that has set people wondering is a wanting expe rience of Rev. Mr. Raymond, prine pal of St. Mark's academy, in tlio pretty suburb of Soiuhboroiigh. Mr. ltn niond is a scholar and a clergyman of high reputation and unimpeachable ver acity. Here is his story: "A few dats ngo 1 was rcturn'ng homo after spending tlio holidavs in Now York. As the train neared Boston I put my hand in a pocket to get tho check for my trunk It was not there. To an oltl traveler of good memory and preciso habits this was alarming, i knew I had put the check in my left hand trousers pocket, but 1 turned all my pockets inside out in search, onh to iind that tho the cheek had nbsolute lv disappeared. , A search of the seat, the iloor of this car, mv handbag ami hat was alike unava ling. On nrriv ng at Boston 1 told the baggage-master the trouble at d identified the trunk. He called in the superintendent, and I made another thorough search for the cheek in their presence. It could not ho found. 1 was then required to de scribe the contents of tho trunk, pro duce the keys, and havo my descr plion verilied. Filially, after pa ing for the lost check and signing a receipt, I was allowed to take the trunk away. "Cietting into a cab, 1 drovo stra'glit to my house in Southborouirh. It had been left loeketl up and unoccupied m my absence. Finding the air decidedly eliilly. as soon as I got inside 1 deeded to light a lire in the front grate. The wood had been sot in the grate already to kindle. Lift ng the lid tiiVtho match box on tho mantoi-piece. I was aston ished to seethe lost cheek lying on top af tlio matches. As 1 remembered the number. 'l.joO,' and it was one of tlno uicklo-plated ones not commonly in use, I knew it tit once. How it got there I am utterly unable to explain. All I know is that it was the identical idicck I got in New York and which lisappcarcd before 1 reached Boston. I am that I did not put, it tlier-i and, in fact, had not touched the match box since entering the room until I found it as I have described. I tilled the box w th matches just before 1 left for New York two weeks before, and had no such check in my possession then. The baggage-master, lo whom I took it next day. recognized it as the dim' that out tied me to the trunk, hut. is 1 hail alreatlv paid for a duplicate, I prevailed on him to keep it as a ma .erial proof of this odd exper once." Mr. Raymond has no theory of tho ivhv and wherefore of this depraved conduct on the part of the cheeit. and resents nny idea of the. supernatural ligniiicance in it with orthodox ardor. Sam Jones's Aphorisms. I despise these little two-wheeled Chritians. IM rather be a noble, gouerous sill ier than a stingy Method. st. I do not know any human be ng who ins any spec al claim on (iod. Clod never made two men alike, and, f he did, one of them was of no ac count. Jesus would put the angles on half ations before he would let a oldier in ii army sudor. This world has been keeping its ems poti for (J 0 JO years, and yet tliev have .Hirer seen a good man want. I loft mv feelings at home, for I thought some fool in Boston might hurt them if I brought them along. The power of the pulpit is in the pew. It is rough to put a preacher m an iee jox, and thou curse him because ho w.ll lot sweat. They have been after mo about my zramnmr long enough to straighten mo 5ut, but I always try to adapt my stylo 0 my congregation. David was a great sinner, but David was a magnificent repenter. He heat my man of his dar s'i: dug, but ho also oeat them all repenting. There may be a lot of people who ?an boat mo in bring right, but there ihall not be any man who can beat mo repenting of anything I do wrong. There may appear in my remarks what seems to bu levity, but I would rather have anything than that sober, solid, hump-backed stillness some try 6 palm oil' as religion. God is going through this world liuat ng for every hungry man,, and when the hungry world hears God ringing his dinner hell the hungry men can take oil' their hats, walk in and eat and bo hungry ho more. When a ropiesentntivo of the Metho- 1 st Church died on a hall-room lloor young lady tho dovil came in, picked lier up nodliy and ran oil' with her. I will say this to you, you dancer that 5oes to ball-rooms: If you die, you die an tho devil's territory. A bov gets $10,000 in the Louisiana State lottery, but I would rather bo a boy who had ploughed a whole week for ?1. I would slap that dollar into my pocket, push my breeches under my lioad ut night and the eagle 011 that dollar would turn into a uightingald md sing me to sleep. Many preachers say that a man Is not religious because he has no morals. Nonsense! One jnau gets religion and ho jumps up and shouts tho praises to CJod. Another man gives $1,000 to a mission next Sunday, but never shouts. Now, which would you bet on, if you svero a betting man? Warmth in l'uper. It has been demonstrated that thoro s much warmth in paper. An old aowspupor cau bo appl oil so as to keep jut a great doal of cold. Thut re minds us that when wo ran for olllee aiice and tho opposition "warmed" us, wo too discovered that there was much wurmth in paper. Texas SifUngs. John nnd Jacob nro twins Un years old, having each a head and a chest, but only on abdomen and one pair of legs for the two. Jacob nfovts the rij;ht leg, J0I111 the left. They recently reidcd in Vlennn, where they were being closely observed by phynicUrtH, for ccording to the las.t report regarding them, John was rery sick, nnd it whs expected that it John died, Jacoti would havo to follow into tlie grave. It is reported that tlie twins were enpaecd to visit the United States under Parnuin's control, but in the event ot their death, the monstrosity will go to nn anatomicnl museum. From Dr. Foote'a Health Monthly. A single tact is worth a ship Innd ot ar guments. This tuny well be applied to St. Jacobs Oil, which is more efficacious than all other liniments. Mr. John Gregg, a well known citixen ot Wntsonville, California, found it to bo Indispensable ns a cure tor rheumatism. Price, fifty cents. 'The. Vopiilntlou of Spain. Slgnor Stella says that in 1791) tho popu lation of Spain scarcely reached 10,000, 000. but at the end ot ISStJ it exceeded 18,000,000, this being tantamount to nn increnso of 8.40 per 1,000 inhabitants every year. The agricultural population, which wnB only n.Glfi.OOO eighty-five yenrs ago, is now 0,a'J8,000, and tlio nrea under cultivation lias increased from 511,000,000 to l'JH.TGO.OOO acres, while thcro are now 38,000,000 head ot cattlo as against just half that number at the beginning ot the century. The industrial population ot Spain has risen from 1,035,000 to 3.03S, 000, and tho numbcrof manufactories, etc., from 833 to 13,01 l. Geographical News. An ounce ot discretion is better than n pound of knowledge Vhy not spend twenty-five cents for n bottlo of Red Star Cough Cure, and save n Inrgo doctor's bill? YIio Meanest Dog 011 Uncord. The other dny 1 saw a dog trying to bury a live rabbit which ho had caught, ileheld the rabbit in his mouth while ho dug it grave with his pans. When the grave wns prepared, ho put its unwilling occtipnnts into it, covered it up carefully, nnd after patting the dirt well with its paws retired to a little distance and lay down wntcliing it. Presently bunny, doubtless thinking that tlie moment ot escnpo had nrrived, nrose from tho tomb nnd stnrted off on n run. Tho dog soon rntight him nnd burled him again. Throe, times tho little, animal resurrected itself and ench time tho dog caught and buried it. but on tho fourth trial concluded that tho rabbit was a little too lively for a corpse, and killed it before proceeding witli tlio obsequies. Uoinney (Me.) Independent. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup gives by for the best satisfaction and taues tlio lead ol all cough preparations on our shelves. Car pentcr it I'almeter, Jamestown, N. Y. Secretary Whitney'8 baby is called tho court liauy." The Comuination ok I.NniiuniKNTs used in making IIhow.n'h IIiionciiiai. Tiiociiks is such as to give the best possible effect with safely. They aro the best remedy In use for Coughs, Colds, nnd Throat Diseases Sold only in boxes, Prlco 25 cts. The present session of congress expires the 4lli ol March. A Tribute to Amerlruii 0 1 11 were the recent awurdB at Liverpool and Kdiuhurgh ot silver medals to Seabury & Johnson, Pharmaceutical Chemisls, and proprietors ot liensou's Capciuo Plaster These plasters aro endorsed by 5,000 physicians and phnrmacistH as the only reliable external remedy for coushs, colds, rheumatism, tvc. Jiewure ol nostrums ad vertised by epiacks. The French government wishes to In crease the duties on cereals. All (Tien Are Not IC111I, Neither aro all prepared remedies unre liable. This Is proven by tho results follow ing the uso ot Dr. Hai tor's lion Tonic for dyspepsia, rheumatism, scrofula, jaundice, torpid liver, and general weakness, Tlio new state department at Washing ton has 150 rooms anil cost $5,000,000. Kvery 0110 is peifectly satislled who uses Uuckitighaui's Dyo for the Whiskers, The bowels may bo regulated, mid the stomach sltengthened, witli Ayer's Pills. Over 70,000 of the German reserves havo been summoned for a ten days' drill. lixcuraloiis to tlio Winter llcaoitu ot tlio South. The Wabnsh, St. Louis it Pacific Hy. aro now selling round-trip tickets, good until June 1st, 1887, at greatly reduced rates, to Mobile, Now Orleans, Pensacola. Jack, sonvillc, Codar Keys, and nil the principal points in tlie south. For further informa tion uud tickets, call on or writo V. K. Moores, Ticket Agent, or G. N. Clayton, Northwestern Passenger Agent, 1502 Par nam Street, Umnha, Neb. Hats come high but the ladles must hare them. TThen Baby ni sick, wa gave her Cutorla, Than (he waa a Child, abe cried for Caatorbt, When aha becama illaa, abe clang to Castorla, Whan aha had Cldldrau, she. gar thorn UutorU, The ragman's business is picking up. Pleo'e Ilemrdr for ( alar ill Is agreeable to use. It If out a liquid nr a anull. U)c Max Muller has recovered his honlth suf ficiently to resume his literary labors. Produce Ike Choicest lowers. Vegetable and ('rutin, lloubles BUY ilCiulus. Mwoais. wmtiT. roriTOM, iuhui SEEDS WARRANTED. I0H.KW7 you aeecataloK With HfUO Offers An - "Toga, ay OaO FRUIToORNaMENTALTREES,GRAPE VINES gi Oil ANYTHING IN THE NUIISKIIY LINK, without llrfct writlna forour valuable FREE Cataloirue, tho I 21 LARGE GREENHOUSES BEST woeier Issued, contalnlnc the liarrst Man and 33d YEAR. 7O0 ACRES. ctvitcatou. THE 8TORR8 & HARRISON CO. PAINESVILLE, OHIO. Why did the Women of this country use over thirteen million cakes c Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886? Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why, A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. - Tha no Ml Ion has proliablj been aad thousands at tlmoa .'How en Brown's Iron Illtlfra eura ttrrj' thlna!" Wall. It domu't. Uut it doa cura anr diaMM for which a ropuUbla phjalcian would praarnb I SOS l'hrsiclans reonlta Iron aa tha hi roatoratlr ant known to tha pro(a.lon, and loaulrr o( any ipadlnf chamloAl ttnn will aubatantlaU th asaortion tbav ttaira ara uora prpsratlons af Iron than of an orbor aulwtanra uaad in mdlclna Thai ahowa con elositalj that Iron la acanowladgod to ba tho mrt luporUat factor in ocpoafol mad leal rtartlca It la, howator, a rmarkUa fact, that prior to tha dlacor irjof HltOWN'H IIMltf IUTTKKSn(wf 1 aatlaf actor; iron combination had arar boan found. BROWN'SIROHBinERSfeeinS haadacha. or produca constipation all ther Iross niadlclnrado. HltOWN'H IKON HITTKK8 rnrra Indlaeatlon, Illllananeaa, Weakness Iljaprnaln, .llalarln, Chllla and Fevers, Tired PrellncHenrrnl ficbllltr,Faln In tha Side, Back or I.lmti,llrntnrtipandNenraU kIr for all thasa ailmants Iron la praaeribad dall, BROWN'S IRON BinERSXT tninnta. Uka all other thoronch madlclnaa. tt acta alowlr. Wtin taken by n't tha flrat symptom of banent la ranawod anarsry Themnacltfttnenbacoraa firmer, tha dirtlon Improraa. tha bowel ara actifa. In mn tha elf act ia usually mora rapid and markad. The eyes betfin at onca to brighten i tha akia elears op: healthy color cornea tn tha rheeka; nenonsnaaa disappear; functional derangetnenta become regu lar, and If a nurvinc mother, abundant auatananoa H supplied for tha child, ltemember Browna Iron llilters la tha ONLY Iron medicine that la not in jurious, rtaif ruy?ll rsrommtad it. lha Genuine has Trade Mark and cmaseil red line n wrapper. TAICI! NO OTIIIilt. tSsmssmtissxmmsi The best and surest Ilemcdy for Care of nil diseases caused hy any derangement of tho Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and llowels. Dyipepsla, Sick Headache, Constipation, lllllons Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to tho beneficent influence of It Is pleasant to the taste, tones np the system, restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetnhle, and cannot fall to provo beneficial, both to old and young;. As n Wood Purllier It Is superior to all others. Sold every where nt 31.00 a bottle. II h-lioal A aula of .MoilnU In Kurope uiul A in stick. The neatest, aulckot, auiesi and most powerful remedy known for Itlieuma Inn. 1'leurls. Neuralgia, I.uinliimo. Hai liaclic. Vealtno-s. eulds (n thu chest and nil eheand pains Kndorsed liy.vmi l'liyalclana and DriiEKtsta uf the highest repute, llcnvju's lMas trrs prumpilv relieve ami cure where in her plasters and greasy saUea. liniments and lollous, are abso lutely iiarleoa, lleirarc of Imitations under similar inunrftng imincs. such ns "Capsicum," "Capucln," "Caimlcfiie." Hire are iitierlr wurllilea and In tended to deceive AK I'or. llrsaoN'a NI Tarn no oTimtV All iiriiKiflsta. bl'.AUUKir 4 JOHNSON, l'roprlclora, New York. FREEH I'rrtiieat uuuii avert l'rlnlcil. Thousands of I KiiKnivliiRS. Ho8tHKH.I A cln-aiiost overurown. 1'kts :io Cheap at dirt bu oz. it lb. 100000 vkts. new sorts tlMrted TltlOH fo CluKmirr. I tflve n wan ,n..ri, tltnil uittll, flrmn .el I . Hllfi flir HIV Uutaloguo. il. H. Slniinwny, ltocliforil, 111. The oldest medicine In the world Is probaMyl R Dr. Isnno Tliomnson'B i:i.i:ieECA'i a:B i:vi; ivati: Till" arltclo Is a carefully prepared Physlrlan'a pre scription, and has hn-n Inconstant uso neiulv a centu ry, and niilwlllielaiiillni; the many oilier preparations that have heen lnlrodiii ed Into the market, the sale of 1 tilts arth In ! constantly Increasing. If (tin direc tions ait- f. Unwed It win never fall. We particularly lnvlle the Hllrntlon of physlclana tn Itainrrlla. JOHN L, THOMrSuN. BONrlA CO.. TltOY. N. Y. THE WINNER INVESTMENT CO., OF KANSAS CITY, MO. A REAL ESTATE TRUST COMPANY. With Asauta of tl,!i!i I.SHT.80. Offers Investors nn opnonun ty tit place from ll.iul.UI to l0.(im.U0 In a Ileal Kaluto Syndicate so that It will nay overlUU per cent per annum nn Hie In fcstment. Full Information furnished nn n plication. Reference, all uieicnnlile ntcnclcs and the banks lu Kansas City. AND ORGANS A Onod A Hood Orifati for 00 Ot) Wrltii for Cntalouuo of 10 (!HNT JMSIC, con lalnliiR nauicsof IKU pieces of late and popular music Amire... HUYETT BROS., St. .Tonojlll, BdClasaicsiai!. reThe lamest aud oldest Music House on tbe Ml auurl Itlvcr. Plao'a namady for Oatarra la tka IUa na PaM In that TTataL1 Headache, Hay Faver, Ac Meant. Hill f Import ant Information. Send for IS MILOail'KVJtWa 4 tTO., PMBioa ArroNii, oiuomo. liu WE WANfVoul orT.TK profitable employment to represent ua In aery county. Salary ? lr month and eipcneee. or a larte coiiiiuinelou on aalea If preferred, floods staple. lCfery one buys. Outntand narllculara 1'rro. . btaVNUAHD BILVKItwillK CO.. BOSTON, MABS. NORTHERN GROWN SEEDS GENT Hants. lion'l buy till eUUl l.liUia,Ulrewe,rTls. Enc ROSES UOsPUaWTS (CapcinRQ I w FOioUPfeTER J. mm MM WIZARD OIL CONCERT Hays been enjoyed bycltlion" of every townan slty In the U 8. Marvelous Cures have been wit-, nested by thousands of )oople, who can testify l TUK VfO.inKltrCI. HEAMNO POWEH OF J Hamlin's Wizard Oil.; Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Earache Calarrh, Croup, Soro Throat, Lnmo Back, Slid Joints, Contracted Cords, RHEUMATISM, i Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Fovcr Sores, Wounds, Old Sores, Chilblains, Frost i Bilos, Sore Nipples, Caked Breasts, and All Aches and Pains, - are quickly relieved hy thin mairlcal ratnedy 'fry It once and yon will never bo without It. Ko lo tjr UruKilsts. 1'rlce.fiOc. Our Soso Hook freo to all.' Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY, CHICAGO. THE ONLY TRUE mou 3TO Will purlfr the BLOOD rKuUt lh LIVUn ana KiUNtY .Vii la... . ll.UVAIrlI an,iVlil. un or yuu jii aU)tic'iti." " or Appeiiia". jnnicrucin,it ui r Utrfnitin una iireu ffunu w i ioluteiy curea: uonrn, niu- flat. naarvatal rrlvft TitW 1 rorco. t nnifnt unwumu r 1 .11.. ltrnln PftWiT. ladies j aa. mm an " riuuriii.rt a a.-... '- I n nn. II ARTER 8 IRON i Ihy completion. Friqnnt ijtlo mpt nt ""nr,rrW Ins only mlil to the ropuUritjr of the orUlnM. 1 ng-iptjriiuoav c" fctD vn,wl""' ( ... i iiirB m I i a 'Cure Contiptlon.LlTr ComoUlnt and Sles 2ieiO0n. nirapm . r.v tn ailed on receipt quuwuh Address: DR. HARTER, Medical Co., St.Loufg- VrFP 1UT0CK e?0 - a taa " f-puni ' PERCHERON FRENCH COACH HORSES. REPUBLICAN VALLEY STOCX FARM. TJio oldest and ER) liirmt aafantifVaa hrrfiliiiKO'tAh' llithincnt Wrht of thwMinrIsif1p- nl, Over h'ichtv llend of 1 'tire Hrrd KfRh Ut (Ml nnd J (Iriule IVrchf run llotii ami ilai f r un hand, alto a few rrrnidrd Im portrd KrcncliCoAchf i a, bave tlio i ink ami ex )no of Ionic railroad trip and tttlpplntr nnd K t jour IlorM'tnt home nnd cclltimtctl. ttfitlU hie ntcii.wllh fp(nhllh tI iPiiiitftllonnnlireetl em. our Imported Stock all retdidf rtnl lu tho Perchfroa htm I tmt k of Krnme and Ameilca, We guarantee all Stock Urrfdcr Jtut n repi t-btiittd. bnd for catalogue Number b ftt-e. Addiens, AVERY & COLEMAN, ProriB. Wakefield, Clay County, Kan.- ELY'S CatarrH CREAM For lfi ytars 7trvn( annoyed with catarrh, j severe jwn in tit'tl head, lheiares if. mil t'lrthil ami un plfamnt breath. J iciik of smtll wa much tmntiretl. II have overcome thestt truutAei irith Wj'af ( irrm lia'nx , ; l t mr, .if. items tiotet.t n - rf Jhvmlway, .V. fiTjakY "l.hCVC.Jt A parth le la nnplled Into cacti nostril a id It airrea- aute in use. rni-e S'i eta. hr mall nr at ilriiRitlita. Kciid fur el'c iiuuiiinus, uruKifiit. Oaeuo. V. WEAK, NERVOUS PEOPLE And outers eutlerlnir iron tiurvoua duhlllly .ethauatlnir iccllna of youiia" or old ara iioalllvely cuird hy Dr. Home's famous rivclro t. .1. Illt TtniiiiinH. "iRtate In the union have lieen cured. 1 1 Instantly felt l'atenled and sold lo- yeaia, Whole family can wear aame nelt. Kieeirio Nu.peaaorleafrea lih mala tielra Avoid worthless Im itations anu Iiokus companies I'.leetrle '1 rua.ea far liunturc. 70U cured ln'H&. Krnd atattip foi painphUU till. W. J. HORNE, iNVtHIOB, IB I WABASH AV., CH1CAC0- CATARRH, headache; ASTHMA, NEURALGIA. ?ulelily raltaved by u.lnr Cuahmstn'a Blanlhot iihnlVr and by continued ua elfect acuia. tiatle faetlon (ruaranti ad or money refunded. It laU front alt mrntiis to one year. I'rlca M eeiiUi by mail or at druifiel.t- Clrculai a mailed on application. H. O. CU8IIMAN, Three Rivera, Mloh. JONES xz sn PAYStho FREIGHT a Ton Vnon Hrnlra. Ii.a Liirn, 8ul Ptailui., Bias Tars Usaal aad Utata Has fur (very til. male, far ftrr rle list. ta.aiU. shl. paper til ..IJre.s JONIS OF BINCHAMTOK, niNCIlAaiTUN.N. V. Marvellous Memory DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike Artlltvlal Systems-Cure of Ulnd Was derlim -Any book leaniCAl lu one reading. Heavy rs duutlona fur lKMtal clnatea. 'ruaclut. wllh opin ions of Mr. I'Hiicroit, the Attruuniner, Iiona. W, VT. AaTOM, JUDAH 1. lllNJAMIK, Dra. HuiOA. Wooo auX titiieri.aeut tvjat mrx, by PROF. tOISETTE, 837 Fifth Ave'ane, Weir Tork roTETDDDnns STEEL laiOl LIIUIIUUIl PENS awensBBBBr? el ae rtcoi(a LeadliteNoj. 1 M.048, 130, 135, 333, T6T. ITor Salo by nil Btntioners, THE eSTERBROOK STEEL PEfl CO., Woiki I Camdeu, N.J, 20 W St., Hm Yk' W. . UH 0waU . U08 COrsrea i. It I f ft f c. CS Uh EWM-m'-m 'V;aVv In every isiretrlrl sr 3 TOT5? sm. . aaaa.Sk . jm aHaDaWaUIUaT s