The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 26, 1887, Image 5

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    Tie Oregon Scott
Brief Bulletins.
New bacon at Drake's.
Circuit court in fcstion.
Subscribe for tho Scout.
Read druggist Greig's new nd.
Don't misa Drake's clearance gale at
Hot and cold baths ut Johnson's
barber f hop.
Drop in and pay your subscription,
"We are always at home.
Minora aro jubilant over tho pros
pects of the coming aeapon.
Johnny Clark, of Maud City, is
foreman of the grand jury.
"Dotdrummer" seems to bo getting
more numeious than ho ever was.
Fraud Collins and wife, of Suinnier
ville, were in the city during the week.
Jurors and witnesses aro requested to
call at Drake's caeh store before buy
ing elsewhere.
Board and lodging at Booth's hott'l
is $5 per week instead of $3 as errone
ously printed in his ad. last week.
Our representatives and senator
returned from Salem during tho week.
Abo all our members of tho third
The travel between this city and the
Pine creek region will soon login. A
daily stage line should be put on with
out delay.
Tho sheet and pillow-case party giv
en by the Union Club, at Davis'
hall last Tuesday, was an enjoyable
affair, and largely attended.
A large lot of medicines will soon be
received at the Ci.Vj drug store, from
Detroit. Money is needed to pay for
came, fo call and settle at once.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Pres
byterian church, will meet at the resi
dence of Mrs. A. F. ltomon, Friday af
ternoon, March 4th. at 2 o'clock-
I am again in the toneorinl business
in Union. Shaving, mid hair cutting
done in good style. A hare of the
public patronage is solicited. S. V.
Brother Hayos is going to yank that
?10 000.00 out of our contemporary,
now shortly. We will bet he gets ev
ery cent of it with tho exception ol
that first figure.
J. Q. Shirley, who returned a few
clays ago from California, brought witli
him a lot of bulls to be placed on the
range, lie also brought a splendid
Englbih draft stallion.
The following named persons were
drawn to serve as grand jurors: Al.
Diok&tm, L. Blanchard, A. J. Hitches,
Thos. O Bryant, 12. II. Chngan, J. B.
Emery, and J. S. Clark.
The suit of Mrs. Legoro (whose hus
band was killed some time ago'by Win.
Bennett) against the Bennett estate
for $5,0W duniges, was settled by
compromise this week Mrs. Legore
being allowed $500 damages.
Hen.Uu bill No. S3 provides that a
Ftock inspector be appointed in each
county, with authority to quarantine,
or direct the destruction of diseased
ftock. This bill goes into effect on ap
proval by tho governor.
The confirmation of Henry Rinehart
as register of the U. S. land office at
La Grande, which has hung fire for
rome time, was settled the fore part ot
the week Mr. Kinebart received a
telegram apprifing him of his confir
mation. lleyman SYiahor( of liagle Valley,
Was taken to the penitentiary thi.
weck by the Baker county deputy sher
iff. He was sentenced to servo a two
year's term, but it is thought he is de
eerving of executive clemency and Will
be pardoned.
Hereafter county clerks Will bo re
quired on the 1st day of April and the
1st day of October of each year to pub
lish in an issuo of a weekly paper ol
the county, a complete statement of
the county finances. This is a good
law. The people have a right to kttow
exactly how all public business is
There are no cases in coitfl thi
term of any general importance, with
the exception of the esse of Union
county Vh the Pine Greek Unad con
tractors. This matter will no doubt
be fully ventilated. It is a matter nl
great importance to the entire roni
Inunity that this road ihould be coin
1 leted with as little delay as possible.
A number of Wullott.i people were
tumiuoued to serve aa jurors at this
term of court, and some aB Witnesses.
It appearing that that section Of the
country is not a portion of Union cotfn
ty they were released from duty and
Vent home. The cases on the docket
from that suction Were stricken off
and will bo placed on thu WalloWa
county docket, and tried at Joseph.
Several weeks ago about 303 f-lieep
"'longing to Win, Jtoss, of Pilot Rock,
Umatilla county, died suddenly with
out any apparent caue. They dropped
Mfud one at a time while being driven
along. A poibonous weed among tile
liay with which they Were fed bad
wen found to have been the cause of
their death. This weed is ofteii eaten
by tbeep and is fuwl in every instance.
The Sentinel mm raVs ho has a
"longing curiotity" to see what kind
01 a valentine we got. Will say for his
lwucht that wo got two highly colored
Chromos, which we tacked Up in our
titncti for safe keeping. Their brilliant
colors will no doubt accord With Ilia
esthetic taste, and he is invited to drop
In and inspect them. We had an idea
that we would receive a number of ten
dcr mludveu from our lady admirers,
but we didn't. Probably the wertl
Jd of Mrs, Ji
The weather ia moderating.
Overcoats, coata and overshirbi at cost
at Drake's.
Choice garden and flower Eceds at
Jones Bro's.
Several communications crowded out
of this issue.
Dr. Capps seems to be tho busiest
man in town.
Hams, thoulders and sides .t Drake's,
cheap for cash.
George Ames is now in Los Angels,
Cal., with his horses.
The measels nro being distributed
around in Baker city.
Mrs. J no. Clark, of Island City, was
visiting friends hero this wvek.
The Union Milling Company are
paying 00 cte. per butdul for wheat.
A new bridge has just been built over
Wcifccr river, near Weiser City, at a cost
of .f.1,200.
A series of revival meetings are being
held at the Ladd canyon school house
by Rev. Watson.
The commissioner to take tho place
of Mr. Rumble, w.ll bo appointed at
the next term of court.
Frank 12. Parkyn, of Wallowa, esti
mates that a narrow gaguc railroad can
be built from La Grande to Joseph for
All thoFC who arc owing me are re
quested to come in and settle at once.
I need t lie money and must have it.
Mits. Coiibin.
The O. R. & N. lease bill has become
a law without the governor's signature.
Now let the lease be consutnated and
discrimination flopped.
All those indebted to me are reques
ted to settle at once, or their accounts
will be placed in the hands of an at
torney for collection. Jos. Wkioht.
The total amount of taxable proper
ty in the new county of Malheur is
f 8:19,62-1 . Tho amount of taxable prop
erty still in Baker county is 1,500,37(1.
The East Portland Packet is the name
of a now. paper, tho first number of
which Will appear on March 4th. It is
started by C. P. McColl, formerly of the
Weston Leader.
Jacob Bloch, formerly of Bloch Bros.
Sc Co., of La Grande, is in this city with
his family, and Will probably take up
his residence here. We hope he will
conditio to do to.
From this date until the 10th of
March I will make a great reduction
in the price of all kinds of millinery
onds, while hoisery, underware, etc.
will be sold for less than cost. Mitfl.
We are in receipt of D. M. Ferry ,fc
Go's, seed annual for 1887, abo a pack
age of line garden and ilowor seeds,
from this well known house, of Detroit,
Mich. Send for their seed anntul,
which Will bo sent free to any address.
Rev. Hayes' suit against the publieh
ers of the Sentinf.t for libel, came up
for trial on Thursday. The case Was
fully ventilated and given to the jury,
which had not brought in a verdict
when We went to press, yesterday even
ing. There must be quite a difference
of opinion among them.
A little difficulty occurred at the De
pot saloon last Sunday, wherein Paddy
Smith Was struck on the head with a
revolver, by Charley Marsh, the bar
tender. Smith entered a complaint be
fore Justice Thomson atid had his as
sailent arrested. The thai was set for
Monday, at which time Marsh pi cud
guilty uud was assessed at ten dollars.
It lias been fotind out that the whole
matter of divisfon of this county rested
on the matter of jack rabbit bounty. If
the county court had paid a good boun
ty for sculps furnished by people on thu
other side of the mountains no division
would huvu been asked. Bakef City
exchange. Which recalls to our mind
the Words of the bard: "Great God!
on what a slender thread hangs over
lasting things!"
Governor Pennoyer has made the fol
lowing military appointments; A. B.
Compson of Huntington, ltlajor-gencr-al
of Oregon ilnlitiai Ji M. Sighit of
Empire City, brigadier-general, First
brigade; J. C. hhofner of Portland,
brigadier general, Second brigade ; W.
F. Matlock of I'eiidteton,,
Third brigade ; F. C. M.iekey, heuith
officer at Gardiner ; C. B. Golden, heuith
officer at Coos bay.
S.uith & Ames, Btdckmen of Gratide
Hondo valley, Uninh county, Oregon,
arrived from the east Friday, with two
ear-loatb5 forty head of fine horses,
which they art taking to San Francis
io to sell. They Were tdlipperf over
the Oregon Snort Lino to Pocatello,
thence to Oirden, on the Union Pacific,
and from there here. The total cost
from Grande Rondo to SUti Francisco
will not exCerd Sf 2-10 a car, a reasona
ble rate, coileiderine the distance tra
versed, heaily 1603 miles, and in
marked contrast to the rato charged
bv the Centrul Pacific ?90 a car from
Rent) to the bay. The animals stood
tho trip remarkably Well, and Will, no
otibt, bring good prices from the lov
ers of fnie horseflesh in tile metropo
lis. Hetto Slochndh.
riant Thnk.
Willie Motley Id eilo'xe, wafc'es and prlcw
low, expends nbudld bit rut down lit every
hollselloldi Economy, the watCUword for
Mothers, head off doctor bills, by ahviy
keepllifc III the hoUsB a bottle Of Dr. Ilosah
ko's ( otigh ind Lung Syrup. Stnpi a coutfh
iilktantlv) relieves cougutttptlmi, cUres Croup
and pain IH Dm Client In ond night. It Is
juSttheretnedy for hard llntea. Price 50 ct.
and 91. SanipleU free. Sold by d T. Wrltflitf
Union, Oregon.
HuckleiA AriliCH 8aU,
TttK IIkst SALveIiI (lie world for CilK,
Bruise-, J-or , Ulccra, Salt IthbUm, ."ever
fioresj Tfetterj Chapped Hands, ( hllblA!u
Conn, ind all ttkhl I ruptlons arid positive
ly cdm Pile, dr Ho pay required. ItU
fe-Uirauteed to gltb perfect aatlafactlorii or
ttldiity f'bfUMdedi PrlcJ Ut ceut pef itft.
t falV bf 0i T TTriRkti UUItftij OrenUi
The Substanco of it.
The farcial nature of our laws is nov
cr more forcibly illustrated than in
libel t uit. A man hears, for instance,
that a certain newrpaper has made
tome allusions that he conceives to be
injurious to his reputation and charac
ter. Ho goes to a lawyer, who informs
him that he has just grounds on which
to base an action, and it is taken to the
courts, and allowed there, presumably
for tho ronton that tho man has been
wronged, and a right to a fair and
unprejudiced hearing. But no tooner
does it come before His Honor, than
the lawyer for the defense, who seem
ingly is exempt from the law govern
ing "his client, proceeds to inform tho
jury and tho assembled populaco that
the" prosecutor is positively a liar, thief,
perjuror, criminal of the deepest dye,
and a villian unfit for the tocicty of his
fellow men. The attorney, who is not
amenable to the law, it seems, on ac
count of being on the inside of its tem
ple, sits down and the attorney for the
1 rosorution gets up an 1 states in re
buttal that the defendant in the
has thown of what material he is mad-),
that he is without doubt a greater vill
ion, liar, and perjurer than bis oppo
nent. So it goes on. The original re
marks made by the journalist sinks in
to insignificance in comparison with
tho allegations made by the attorney?.
In the language of the J o.-t they "aro
as moonlight unto sunlight as water
water unto wine." Both parties to the
suit come out branded as monsters in
human shape. The attorney for the
defense gets paid for (.lapping the bran
ding iron on tho pro?ecutor. The at
torney for the prosecution gets paid for
branding the defendant. The journal
ist, in all probability, gets cinched for
the remarks made in hi paper. And
so the dignity of the law is maintained
and justice flops along on her eourse.
We would like to trade this shebang off
for some law books.
New County Oflieers.
Through the kindness of Senator
Rinehart we arc in possession of the
names of the gentlemen that have
been recommended to the governor as
sui able officers of Wallowa county,
and they will no doubt be appointed at
once. The governor requested Rine
hart, as senator, to submit a list of
nalncs for appointment, but he de
clined to take the responsibility alone,
and called to his assistance Represen
tatives Taylor and McCulIy, and made
the recommendations as follows, which
appear to be fair and just, as half arc
democrats and half republicans: For
county judge, Peter O'Sullivali ; com
niiteioners, J. A. Rumble and J. A
MasteOon; oleik, 1). B. Revis; sheriff,
Robert CoshaW; school superintendent,
L. J. House; treasurer, E.J. Foresvthe;
surveyor, ; counter; Dr. Dean.
'I he recommendations for officers of
Malheur county Were made by Repre
sentative Locket, seven of them being
democrats and one republican. They
are as follows 1 For county judge, Dr.
J. R. Froman ; commissioners, John
Lackey and C. I. Lacy; sheriil, A. C.
Murray ; clerk. Test j school super
intendent, Thos. Elms; arsest-nr, Win.
Ritchie; treasurer, L. A. Seavy, The
surveyor and coroner to bo appointed
by the court'
CoinimlHofy Education.
Eminett's bill for compulsory educa
tion of children, provides that every
parent, guardian or other pcif on having
contiol of a child between the ages of 8
and 11 years shall be roqu'red to cend
such child to a ptiblio school for a peri
od of at least twelve weeks in each
school year, of Which, at least, eight
Weeks shall be consecutive, Unless sitch
ch.ld shall be excused from attendance
by the board of directors of the district
ih which such parents or guardians re
side, uj on its being shown to their sat
isfaction that the bodily or mental con
dition of sdcli child has bccil such as to
prevent attendance at (school or appli
cation to study f r the period required ;
or that such child is taitght ill a private
school or at home in stich branches us
are mil dly taught in primary schools,
or has already acquired the ordinary
branches of learning taught ill the pub
lic schools. For violation of this act a
tine of ftoin $25 to iffiO is provided ill
the lirbt iustatice und from -ffiO to $100
for a subsequent Offcilsc. This bill is
noW in ihc hands of the governor.
I'll 6 Llquoi' Law.
The Watt liquor bill passed both
hohses of tlie legislature and nowaWaits
the governor's signature to become a
laW. The bill J rovides tho license i hall
be iffiOO per annum. i and that no license
shall bo granted for a less period than
six mouths, and requires tho uppiicunt
for fciull license to tile a bbnd ill the
sdin of $1000; that the applicant pre
sent to tho codnty court a petition
signed by a majority Of tho whole num
ber of legal voters in the precinct in
which tilts applicant, w.thes to sell and
the same be published in a newspaper
for four Weeks, that no liceriec shall be
granted to any person to sell any epir
ituous liquora within ono mde of the
outer limits of any school llotlee ; Tho
bill gives circuit cburt jurisdiction in
all capci Of violation of the act. Tho
act does riot refer to incorporated towns.
Cure t ir Pilr.
Pllen ire frequent! pfeceilod by a aenxe
ol weight In the bck lolna and lower part
of the abdomen, cauihlg the patient to up
ptfe be bus nenif! affection of te kidneys oi
ntiglib rlngorgxHm At IIiiich, nyinptointiot
liidlgcstibn are present, datulenc'K uncday
litki of tlie otoriaehj ett'i A moisture llk i
peraplrallon, producing a Very dlsagrcrslile
Itching alter getting wartii, U eotnirion
atltndanh Blind, IJIr!dltig, and Itchlnf
l'ilea yield at once lo the appllcntldn of I)r.
Donanko.S Pile Ilstfiedy, which act dlrec'lly
Upon th parts effected, absorbing the
tiitriorii, allaying the Interim Itching, Hid
cffectlny a' pertaaiifnt cdrb. Price; DO cerili,
AUdrei, thd Br. Uotaulco Medlcldc Coffi
Plgua, U. Kuld uy Jl Tl wriui,
Covo Callings.
February 2."), 1SS7.
Crunimic Jones went to Butte city
this week, where he will probably act
as assistant in his father's mercantile
The mail schedule between Cove and
Union has been changed, departing
now at 7 :30 n. in. and arriving at 3 :.10
p. m. Close connections are made with
both cast and west bound trains.
The Cove rifle team went to High
valley last Saturday and shot a match
with'tho H. V. club, 5 shots each, 200
yards, off hand, Creedmore target, for
a purse of $10. Score: High Vallev.
A. Wilkinson, 19; J. Cline, 18; L. La
mere, 18; W. Murrav, 18; G. Simmons,
18; W. llathiwav, F7; W. Shelton, 10;
M. Wilkinson, 11; total, 138. Cove.
S. Bloom, 21 ; A. Ciossman, 21 ; A.
Cochran, i0; A. J. llackctt, 20; Jap.
Stevens, 15); Eng. Foster, ID; J. Flick,
17 ; W. Pugh, 15 ; total 152. Cove win
ners by 11 points.
Wouldn't I have fixed him if I had
not shut niyeyc8 the last shot and made
a "goo.'ic-ogg." L. L. 1 could not
laugh, Saturday, qu'te fo hearty as us
u il when that little blacksmith downed
me (o completely. Andy. Pretty
tough, losing a hat to a store keeper
P. G. Do you see my new hat? B. bad
to whack up. F. B. It is said the
man who wanted to wager $20 on High
valley, I'orrowed $1 and lost that. Nev
er mind, we arc hauling wood into Un
ion, and will be ready to shoot you
again as toon as we real'ze on it. II.
Vallians. Eh, eh, whack up! B. Be
oil", young man, 1 don't know you, and
besides I don't want to know you. M.
If that jack rabbit had not had such
long legs, I'd not linden hot it. M I
got a Marlin, now and just watch me
rake in the coin, Saturday. Lym.
fhoso short of hay, are informed that
a few tons of 6pring poetry can be pur
chased cheap at the drugstore; though
not contatn'ng much ntl'riinent, it may
save the lives of a few suffering calves.
Powder Iliver Pebbles.
Justus Wright's little child that has
been sick for the past two weeks, has
The dance at Warm Spring hall,
given by Dunham Wright, was a grad
success. Fifty-six numbers Were sold.
Mr. Chas. Duncan ami McLcod.
Who have been vising relatives and
friends on Big creek, have returned
From the looks of things at the Big
creek dance, We think that 1. T. B.
attempted to catch the calf by salting
the cow.
School commenced on Powder river
at the Keating school li .use on Mon
day the Slat inst. Mrs. Phila Clark
Mr. Fred. Duncan, Who has been
stopping in Hogenl for the past two
years, has come out on Powder river
ami commenced Work on his claim,
clearing sage brush. Mr. Duncan has
made a fine improvement.
The literary and debating society is
progressing nicely for new beginners,
and has a good attendance. (Question
for the next evening. Resolved I That
art is more pleasing to the eye than
The citizens of PoWdcr river gaVe a
dance at the Keating school limine on
the 18th. FiftV'four numbers Were
sold. The proceeds Was donated to
the literary and debating society. A
number from Big creek und linker Citj
were present. VoX Poroi.t. "
High Valley ikippeiiliitfu.
There are eleven fiddlers in High
Feed petting acarco arid Winter still
hailging ou.
Machine agents, with a combination
of trttth u lid veracity, are making the
The last two dancing parties eclipsed
nil others of thu season, With Mr. T. J
Foley as floor niuilager.
Who stood hi the stiow drift Whil
the dllrgen Was replaced, on the road
home from the dance?
The CtiVo tea In beat the valley rcore
M poititH at the last match. They
have been olit Winded at both ends of
the road, but show commendable cour
age In preparing for another itlateh.
Oman! Oman I In form, how like
a ciothes idu, in attributes, how varied.
Thoti toddlcst forth in the morning of
life With a colicky cavit.V before thee
and an aching void behind. Thou
changest front colic In nohiH and tllo
thunder of I ho worl I Is about thee,
and tho aching void Is before thee,
and thitigs ure tdrrled around I thou
itiarryest a ghl with bants. Slie Call
cook tliee naught to lilt the aching
Void, bdt can claW ivory, and howl
like amnio! Thou hi rest a gill and
she red U thy vitaU With Uneatable
things, and thy Wife getteth jealous
aild threuteneth to go homo to her
mother! O temporal O nianl O man I
Hjlup it I'lK.
Manufactured only by the California Tig
HyrUpCo.,Han FrancisrioiL'al., Is Natufe's
Own Trtic LuiallVc. fids plcdsnnt Calltor
nin liquid fruit remedy may he bad Of all
druggists, at fifty cellts or one dollar. It i
tlie liiost ploasUut, prompt, and effective
rcitiedy known to cleanse the system;
on the Liver, Kidneys, mid Uowela gelttly
yet thoroughly ;tt) dispel llendkcllci, Colds,
arid Fevers j to dUfc CdnaUniptidn, IaJIc
Huh, und kindred ills.
In dttlrnte health) and all whd MiftW
Irtiin hibltual donstipat'dn, will find the
pleasant Cslillortll llqui J fruit rehicdy,
ri.Vrup of Figs, uidrc easily taken, und mdrd
bclrKc'al fli effect than any dthcr remcMyi
If acts promptly ytt gently on the1 Bonds,
Kldneya, LlVer dad Httfrnacb, and dobs not
xifcken or dubllltatei For salo by all drug
giits, Huell, Iltltihu & YYoodard wholesale
aiselitsj Portland Or:
Snmmcrvillo Sittings.
Sheriff Hamilton and wife were in
town during the week.
R. J. Mr-Williams, of Elgin, spent
Wednesday in Summcrville.
F. B. Collin and wife paid Island
City a visiton Wednpuhiy of last week.
Mr. Evans, a nl.itive of the Wade's,
arrived at Sunimervillu last Friday,
from Iowa.
What was that joke on Harvey
Rinenart at the Bank last Wednesday,
February lGth?
T. S. Paul and Wm. Hull arc pur
chasing a few car load of horses to
ship East, in the eaily spring.
A. J. Patten has been putting up
ice the present week, and proposes to
"cool off" nil drinks, when summer
The party of Summervilliana who
attended the paity at Island City Last,
Saturday evening, report a most en
joyable time.
Harvey Rinehart, who has been in
the Wood River country for the past
5 years, returned to his old homo in
Summervtlle on Friday last.
I). W. C. NM-on, of North Powder,
was in town on Tuesday of last- week,
lie was in search of teams to haul lum
ber to North Powder fiom their mill 8
miles above in the mountains.
James W. Childers sustained a pain
ful accident last Wednesday while
hauling flour from the Summcrville
mill to Li Grande. Whil walkinu
.tlong by the side of the sled he struck
one of the horses with a wnip, which
caused them to start at a lively rate,
and Mr. Childers in attempting to
catch bold of a standard of the sled,
was thrown down and his shoulder
dislocated. Dr. Kinebart was called
,tu 1 at tlu present linn Mc. Childers
is carrying his arm in a sling.
New Bridge News.
February IS, 1887.
Dan Allen and Johnnie Davis were
in the valley tho fore part of the week.
R. A. Whitcaker is feeding his band
of 10,000 sheep 15 tons of hay per day.
It is reported that Mr. E. It. Swisher
will soon go on a two year's visit to the
State Capitol.
The winter in this part of the conn
ty has been Very mild so far and but
little stock have died.
The dance at Diek Makitison's on
evening of the 1-lth inst. Was a success
in every sense of the Word.
J. T. Williamson, of Union, passed
thioiigh the valley yesterday on his
way home from the camp.
Mr. T. H. Foster, of Union, left here
yesterday with S. B. Williamson's
baud of 1-10 head of fat steers.
Eugene City Notes.
The whooping cough is prevalent
Capt. C. T. Hale, of thi scantily, died
Feb. 2nd.
A blisittess college has been started
in this city.
A graitd camp fire of the G. A. R.
at Bint-hart's hull on the l'Jlli inst.
Rev. Ti G. Bronson was recently
elected president of McMinville college.
The revivalists, Rev'B. Sails and
Joiles, are "whooping things tip" at
the M. E. church.
Tho show Which W.ib about M inch
es deep in this part of the Valley, has
nearly disappeared.
Eiigeile did not havu a fire last year,
but nevertheless she ia constantly im
proving her tire department.
It is rhmored that a railroad will
soon be built from Drain Station on
the O. A. C. railroad lo SitislaW bay.
L. Jay.
From Hfilein.
Tha following letter, containing
much now in little space, Was received
last Week too l.ito for publication. It
is still good :
"WalloWa. County created. Union
ctllinty board ascertains tho indebted-nes-s.-Expci'tiug
let to the loWcst bid
der. Sulary Of judge arid treasurer ol
Uuioii county Increased to $750 each
Apportionment hill passed. Union
1 senator ail J 3 representatives add 1
ioint senator With Umatilla. Atl ad-
ditiodul judge for fit It judicial district,
but nt additional Pros. Attorney.
May tend of court for Union codnty
abolished. State laud office abolished.
--Bill to debar Women front voliug at
school meetings indefinitely postponed,
and thustatesiilad Who iiltrodilced it
covered Willi shame.-Ji'Malheur county
created. 'Uuiatill i and Grant county
division failed. Legislature Will ad Friday night at 10 o'clock, over
Which event bdt few tears will be
shed. J. H.
will Clieiry ni ir.
llveryhody known the tlftti's of Wild CH?r.
r'y ild Tsr ia a relief arid clire for any affee'
tlons of tho Throat and LungN combined
With thcao two Ingredients nro a fcW slmpli
liealhlg renicdlen In tho composition or Dn
Ilonauko'a Couh and Lung Syrup ntaklng
It Junt the article you should always bate 111
tho house for t 'oiigb, I'oltb, foUp and
UronCbltM I'rlfco 00 t'ctttn and h Hrtlliplea
free. Sold by J. T. W right i Unlotit Oretfoni
Independence, Oregon.
Both niyre'fand wife have been forsonib
years afnictid willl dlscHsc'd tho Kldticys,
and bud trbd many iCnuddi without ob
talnin.f ally pcrntanrii' relief. About three
nlbntlis a;o ne wet b Induced to try a puck
ago of tho 0..KO H Kii'HK Tk, which hU9
apparently en.ircly (tirc.1 both of U, M
alnco Inking II two weeks wc have felt ml
nyinptoma of the dliicUsc. Wdcdti heartily
recommend 11 to others similarly aflllctc-d,
ai we believe It will do all that li claimed
for It, M. I. Wlllf K.
Y. tiiOns. Mi Ui, BllrKoOn add Lorried'-
Hitlilb piiyaic'IKii) UiiloH, UreftBtit
Webcll-vc In truly nretingthecmfldoricj
of our patmn, In honaitRjodgandacHirato incuts c nicer. dug thim, sqirj deil
I. g, a liuiinese, low prl.-cs, prompt
lies , nail a (bar c nick'tic.
All uric- cntrm ed t tu fr DRY
GOODS, will lu stilc ly tillo I in acordancj
with thi i c cuJ.
180 Firt Street, Portland. Oregon.
AH tboc k inwl g li ni elves Indcbt'd to
u'ercn. :e tel lose tlo at ontc. Th's h
iholnt fine w. ah 11 mike h icqiiMt. If
It I n u c.inpll.'d with w nh i I c licet IS
by law. K'CEd AUJllXS.
An I- ml In Ilune;.
Kdwnrd Shepherd, o' Hnrrisburr. Ill,ays:
"Hating roce vrd o much benefit from
1 led He Hitters, I fori It my duty to let ouf-
frrlng humanltr know It. Have had n run
nl gsoroonmy log for eight years; my
doctor told mo I would havr. to have tho
bone jeraped or leg amputate '. I used, In
stead, three bottle of Klectrlo bitters and
seven boxes llueklen's Arnica -aire, and my
leg Is now "tiuml and well." Klectrlo Bit
ter. are --old at 00 cc .t a bottle, and Buck
Icn'.i rnlca Salvo at Wc. por box by J. T.
Wrick , Union, Oregon.
c:ci II iuIh mill Silt .cm.
Ladles' Fr-ncli kid sh e. $3.6); mens'
boot, $'2 "."; mem' two bucklo sh.ic.. 1.15
at Vincent's. Ho i- clo-dti,' out h's good!
rga-dless of cost before getting in Mi
-priii ; atoek. Kvcrytbing else at similar
pr'e;.s. Now U the time to sot bargains.
(Hoi i:ulti III K.or; Cmr,
I). A. llrdford, wholesale paper dealer of
Chattanooga, Trim., write Hut ho was se
riously afllletrJ with a novcrn cold that net
led on his hi op: hail tried many rem dies
without benellt. Being Induced to try Dr.
ICIngN New Dincovery for Consumption,
did so and was entirely eured by use of a
few bottles. Since which tlmr he has lined
It In hi- family forall ( ouglisand Colds with
the best results. This is the experience ot
thousands whoso lives have been saTed by
IbU Wonderful Discovery. Trial Bottles
frca ut J. T. Wright's drug ttore.
.W.BMW-.. I.! .. Mil j
Coal Oil,
Lamp Supplies,
and Blue Vitriol,
R. C. Greig's Drug
Toilet Articles.
In Lirgft Varlc'y and at Very tea'o..ablo
Price 'i
Notice of Final Settlement.
Pi the County court of Uillo i cottnty, Statn
of i rex n. 1 i th- unit er of tho . ta e ol
I. H. Myers, de.ceaiid
T1I0 U.'DliuSIUNl 1) ILW1NCJ KlhKI)
1 his 11 i.tni!- unt In th- a ov untl led
court, as 'ad , hdatrator f til entato of L.
My ra, ilei! a cil, null a Is li r bv given that
Tuesi ay h fitli day of April, 1687, ll uboeii
appoili oil by aa l d ilmy court f rthu hear
ing f bj c) Ions 1 1 tile utile, a dthnsttlu
it- nt thcr nf, id thai this notice Is, pll'i;
ltdie.i 1 1 the om:iio. fluiu;. by ( rd r ol
aid Co. it. K It. Lf.VMf,
J. K. C 1TK8, AdiullllHtra or.
Ally. fuowB.
I'APKIt ilANGlNCl ti Fiieuialty.
All Work Promptly Attended to,
l'ltmrnnyts BUlli'ilild lYom -til piti'tn of
(he Valley.
(1. V. rtTAJ'i'oiti), Union, Oi.
Walchltiakoi'H & JcWUll'U
Unlun. - - Oiegoli.
Clocks and Jewelry Por Salo,
Ilrpdlrlnif nt MOilet-nlo llntrs,
Cull and examine our pob Is ititd prices.
Ah Dickson
tlhol hiitl fhoiiMiotn two ildoi'B north
of ltciiHun lira's infill lllUrki'ti
iMildd to Onlih' odt ortho bbst, llldte
ilaltuiie uiiiainuu, nun nt prices no
tuw as thd lowu.sti
itrpiilrinjr chile with tieatndod anil
dlK"tt:b. iilluap fdr t'llflh '
Oprjolte the Court House, ail 1 near H
iv'n'aliv'v'rv atuhld, Ivheib tho pUblliJ ttwy
tl id llHt-cluss bira.
iiBALs a Am. UoliriHi as WkHTJ,
Union Citr Hotel.