The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 26, 1887, Image 4

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Ih Oregon Scout.
onr.ooK. hat. Ff.ji. ea. is7.
Indian Valley Itcni,
Grnndnin Dloodtworll), of Elfjiih is
cn llio fhvk'litt.
Jlcv. N. Evans will be in our tpiiUt
Rlcut Ijic 25li jmt. A wilcome caller.
Pleigli riiling is tjio eiief enjoyment
flniong llio vomit,' jx.01 1j ip this viein-
Jp. 0. Cluifllunfon, mo of our
Jionorablo farmerc, i called for jury
liinil in the t'lisuiinc term of court,
,T. T. Gahtvay in petting the ynrda
nt his raw mill nicily filled v'ith Ioch
for fr'mg and tumiiicr tawing.
Fheinmn Gitllnwn.Y, of Elgin, b pre
pining to eject n lrgo bum it tjmt
j luce toon, for purpoee of keeping tlio
Mace lioricp.
Several of tho tuiglibors met at tho
reritknee i ! Mrs. Jan. Ghent on the
JOtli )itt., and out the widuv ljicu
Jot of wood.
A din 111 dial vn had in the ricut
prt Hill litirnry npi dt'lmtipg lociety
Mi the 17th iiut., which remltcd in
ncnuilting tho defendant, fining the
j Jaintifl'$'25 and the jiiilko to (my the
By mutual cnipent J. A. -Tackron
Juts ditnipfed his f Mint 1 for the pur
j eo of ljvine. l)ie uln llai npd It i in -tiS
t mt before cnniinoucing hi"
H'Hng teim, which will be on April
18th., 18S7.
Elgin EtiliOQK,
Health j very good.
Times are improving.
Our ti wn is quite lively for n Firmll
Mr. Hill, our bljekniiilh, has taken
in n partnei u Mr. Gray.
We are becoming qiiito noted for
rinitll liiw-fuitu in our village.
Win. WcWilliams lias u giocery
Hrue in this laee, and in doing cjuiti;
T initio.. rrmi nf iMir ni'nt "I'llnic
ready to "go tourting," to Union will
be quite lively for n ine time.
W. H. Galow.iy fc (Jo. havo n nice
little dry g( odp Moie, and are doing a
fair huMiieM. You may cxpi etan sul.
hum 1 1 it in in the near ftituie.
Hev. Johmnii, of Sumtncrvillo, was
to have pleached for on to-night, but
wo lea i ii that he Ik very ieU. We
hope he will nam be mound again.
.1. T. Galmv.iy will Kion Hart bin
mill and planer, when we can get all
kinds of droned lunilc r and mouldings
for our rpiini: and tuiimii r building.
Our town in glowing, with good pn
pecty in the fntuieof a limning mill
and geiiend iiuiclinndhuMuro. Among
the nctiliiliiicK ie a milioad fiom La
Grande to Klgin, Iheuee to Jocej h.
May Mime good augil rpeed them.
We have t wo hoti N. The (Ldowiy
llou.-e is doiui; a fair hindni'sH, cou.-id-tring
the cold weather. They are
about to erect a good barn to run in
conm etinn witli their hotel. The
travdnig piillio will do well to call
on them.
Our literary tocicty him been very
good this winter. Mr. .1. II. Cowan i.s
Viefidei't and Willii aloWillianiH no
letary. f-'ubji et lor debate next Wed
nesday evening if, ltemhvd: That
fear of punishment has a greater in
fluence on the human mind, than the
hope of n w.ud.
Joseph .JoUitiu.
'1 he ice eii a in festival laid at the
home of Mi, 1'auuwoith a lew nights
linee, for the lunclit of the ehutch,
.is a di cidi d t iicer tf.
(it ml ihighing. Clear leasaut
eather. llinlili good, and liiiriuess
i king up tinee the division and in-
coi'i oration questions Imvo been rctiled.
The vnei.l i lass under the cfli dent
inananeinent of Tiof. W. H. PeaiMiu.
J pi iV resting rapiillv. Mr. IVaoon
is on.' of tho hct vnc.,1 instiuotoM in
the State.
Th i Chiftiin lnu removed U office
into V. K. Jack Hlnitehv'r liop, in the
north end of town. W, A. Leslie is
fitting up the Chii'Jtain's former buil
ding for a itwilhng.
Th.' in w church was dedicated 1 is-t
Fuudav. Hev. Will.ud, of Bummer
ville, pre.iched the dedicating sermon
to a crowded houe Tim meeting was
protracted and will continue several
days yet.
tfclux 1 will dose on tho 2.rnh iust.
Tln teachers were 1 1 ased and encoiir
aged the past . w -el; by vbils from the
fillnWiiii n, lined peiMins; Prof. Htnue,
of Al b r, Hev. ILiiid, of Union, Hev.
FhLl Is and Wife, of Joseph. They
nil seem very much iuteiesU d in edu
cational matters.
A meeting wih hel I in ,Iose Ii the
other day for the purpoo of voting a
tax to pay tin' te.ieh'rs their wages,
which is now du. The lux was voted
down by a majority of 17 mil of !ll
votes. That certainly ihowj tho in
tilligenee and honuKty of soni. jieopln
of this community. My opinimi of
ju-oj j who wdl try to prevail' teachers
that have 1 diorud hard all winter, fur
tho adv.imvui -tit of their children,
from gulling their my, is tint they
would tcal the coppers ofT u dead
nigKi r's oyes, if given lulf a ehun-'o.
It will be a brilliant send oil' for Wid
low.i coun'y for the tlrt suit in court
to be Icachers vi djViict. I timet the
pooj 1.' will t-ee their interests enough
to voto tin- county seat of Walbiw.t to
a place where tho pcoplu are at least
honest. One old man wa" lisanl to
ray that "ho did not want his children
to'git ennv edie.ition, as he didn't git
an edieatiou til li w.w gniwd up."
tfueh u tnte of uilairt is u dUgrnro and
ftftt frup fptU no.
fho unprccilcriioil snlcqf Doselirp'i 0c:
Uian tsyrijp vltlln a few years, bus itstoni
ished the wprld. H Is wUhoiit doubt thp
gffwi and bpst remedy vcr diseoverod tu
the spt'tily and ctUctual cure of Qpunhs,
Colds and tlio severest Ltmg tro'iMCs. It
iCts op ni cntlrelydlirpnjit principle fron
the Uf ual preset jptlons gli o i by Phyb lans,
(is it dpos not dry up a Cough end leave the,
iliscusc Ktill in tl.p system, but on tlic con
trary icin, ive.i tjio CACHE qf tlic troub!c,
iculs tlic pnrts utrecttd ml l'-'nri them in
a purc'y healthy conditidii. A bottj j kept
hi thp limine fqrinic when lie(lli(nt n.nkc
their uppcari'H'C, wid avo doctor's bills
ipi a long spc l of srriotis illness. A trial
will com!", c you of tligfc facts. It is poi 1
lively sold by all druggists and Rcncrul
dealers u tic land. I'Ace, 7& cents, large
Thomeon & l'uif-ol me nirents for
the eclchniteil Cyelmio Wind. Mill, and
iik the prices on theni have been great
ly reduced the.v iti'o now wi'hin the
reach of nil. .Sample mill to be seen
at their pbiiici'in .North Unjon, Call
ami exiiiuiiiu it ,
Chronic Disease? a pccially.
Orncq Comer utpl A streets.
Union. Oregon.
i 'i ' ' i '
4Y()'TAIir VUllhlC,
.SuMStijuvit.Li;, - - - Ook,
0. i' HELL.
Attorney at Law,
- - Oregon.
W. 1). Iii:ti)i.i:MAN, 1'itop.,
Kop)s constantly on hand a full as
sortment of everything in his line.
He is now offering tot' Mile the
At lower prices Hum were ever off
ered in Eastern Oregon.
FUOM StVi.OO TO :!0,)i) Mill SET,
Uforse Hl.i n kets!?1.2.r each.)
(Gurry Combs 12i ets. each.)
Also a MILL AS Oil I'M UN I' of
spim.'S. wiiny, a xi utiituAsn.
IIA1!NU-,S OIL. Kio.. :n Utc,
In fact everything itMialiy kept in a
First Class Establishment;.
Call ami IC,tiiii!ne Goo Is I
Main fcTam.T, - - Union-, Ojt. j
Clianjrc of Management!
Having leased tl.o
tdmmi a i i rnmnu
iii iii
An I tlinriiii'jlily elltted th" sumo, it will ho
i o idiicted o,i .ii n ircly r.nt plnn than
lierelro e to d no i.i!ih will lie spuivl tn
llialo' patr his eoiiifii t.ililc. In euiincctiou
with the I Intel is an e;iiul
Where the Fluent Hrjnd.i of
arc constant y on hand
Tho Pitrum;eol tlie I'lililic ii SiKetUni.
13. IU1LLEII, Vi-opr.
Siaifios For Sale!
Th" uiiderilK'ied linni few head of icve-i- j
elitles I 'red IVrehcoi N iriinoi MuUiim,
cieiiiiii'L' cir ohl. Tlic are the i t tift u
pure bred l'cie ien n Nulla in st illlon I
Who e wi lull at a -J-yeur old was T lln.
unit nr.' on o tl r h'-'iii irtor l-cd Percher
lat Anriiiiiii mires. Tln'e colts were ru's mI
on Hie rinjje, i n I wr neve'1 I a ullil or
fed mil l Pi-ei'inner Ii. .and they am cin
so'iii ntly v.Oa hoitc'l f ;r 1'iei" ervlce.
Price a-o fr in f .VO l $'0J i u I where a
mo'o of iwn or n ore i an h coiiMimati'd to
icio uirtv, p rMou o' the iiiie'iint will hi
tukin 'a KHiUixo.l gulidnipi or neti o'.
(! Hts i'i l seen on ranch of J. I.. Cavi
in hi at I iliiu l t'liv.
Address: V. U. AI.MY,
lilund City, Union naiuty. Or.
Oh'il'ied. nnd nil Pu'i-it Uusiiiess nttendisl .
tu Promptly mid for Jl ali-rate Feci.
Oiirotll l oppei't the U.S. patent .
Ollbn. and wo can olitit'i Pntenis l i lesi ,
tituo than tlio-e rene t j In in Wusoiiigion.
S ml MODKLorUIt WVlNtl. WVndvisn '
if to p'iltili'i' fr" 'if ih'i.- ni, we
Ver.fe". htr , to Ho Poktuiasler. the'
bupt. in Me v 0 1' Dlv , jii I to fltVi iuls i
of thi P. S. I'alont O Heo. Fi r t iivnlr. i
1 edvir. terms ami to'lVri'MCMn io aitnnl ell- ,
entii In yuur own rfuie or County, write to !
C. A. SXOW Co.,
OppoiK Patent Ollice, W.iilihijton, D. 0.
It' Onarountof lteinfv.d, I
wtocK i nave ui.vnen, uuu
To Make it an Object, I have
put it clown to Prices to
fit the Smallest purses,
mi ate ail
Overcoats, Overshirts,
Coats and Vcsts,(clnelc)
TTnJprahivfa fifn on
UOSIN, 8,'s.perlb. SULI'IIPR 10.:. uer H. Will- J
TLNO, Ce. per lb. I'll TTY, Sc. per lb. SLLi, j
by the barrel, 7 cei)tis per. poutul. i
CiE.S, HlCIjY LEMONS, and : keg pf
Wait for Drake's New stock of
BBnorai Merciia
Main Street,
eM,m m& Z8 V "ST
Ever known in
Call and Examine our Stock. His the only Complete Stock of
In Eastern
I 7.
Main Street,
II D lllli
Has just Received an Immense Stock of Nrv Goods, which ho will nil at a
Please compare the lolli wing i rices wi'.h those of oilier stores in the county:
l ur
J orl;.
Wn h
-SffiS3 .Muge tree
' illilBr cok mm
Guns, Revolvers,
raHtFroilttsmtl Pji.sso:i;jop.s
Leave I'nlon every afternonn, and re
turns f-oni Ce everV inoroPiu.
I'aic 0 1 cents. Kni'id Trin Ti -ents.
J . KI.LpitT. Propr.
Ovr G.OOO.OOO p-oplfiis
p 9
tn tami:tCi.tkl4in
.I t'f wvr f.
D.L'.rrnr.r iters
r uee o u.i
1 1 , 'icaiiU. (l I
t. I UlkM Kll'
Us 1UU
J '1 d' .uicit.
a. ii.'y Car
J... ii. l rr,akl
ml or it. Ai&ntL
b. m, , a.
Detroit, Miili.
wish to V.U Farewell to tfitno
Fanners1 life
Union, Ogp.
Eastern Oregon.
ii 3 1
Union, Oiegon,
lined liny Forks
Manure Forks.
llake. and Iloe Iwmilics
m ii.iin wwm.
Puck .' av.-i ".r)e. Hand Saws .. $l'X0.
1 1 i s 0.-. Sjnidos 7.r)0
M-ytlie . fOc. Knaths S7Ue
11 minis . . . !:::Vc. Powder fite
A lm jfl.tX). ll!iiiiiner. Wi'.
1! .unh . rrie. Uurcka Wringers Sj'-'.ftO
. 23c.
ks 25e.
s, iion-'d ?t.00
In the County.
The Celebrated
and Aimmition.
I tie-ire to info -mi the u'l'ie il.a I tun
t'p Mile ii 'i-o lorth- i i r.iti'd INTKK
PKISF. WIND .Ml LIS in fid .n enti
ty, lllld invite liit' inlie pun h i-er- to
'otne and eviimitie die one nw mi ehilii
tion t inv place in Vet I'icoii. I am
eonviiieifd yi-u will nrunnuie' it the ln'-t
ni II n iw iiiunu'a m e I lh uxtretiiely
low p I e-pi ice tliein wi h'-i the leneh tif
ill. Clival t of witi-i mills und p-imp-ic't
on application. A.J. Kll.IliJ.
d -cifi vl.
nUnlljLlO TORS, send foi
tjiiotatioa sheet of HAW FlT-a. QYASti.
Pi:i.T.J n:.d Io.l Skin-, to
de, :.'-!.?
1 o-t( ii. JIass.
ycssT irf 'fUUWOHW tUalEoKlEk.
U iimiiij nuflllllo irn uniurrwo,!, rcumllr
out!alt!,i twolsni-itf rryolinrlir. ii.l. f.vofroiu
o:t .u: nv
Orccuu ami Wnnhlnctun Tcr. Jlorchanta
unit Duulcm cvuvrully.
" Ex.rJ.t'lprk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters
Abitracta to Ii ill and, Min'nj property
fiirniislipiou thnt .n. riaioiintli
''Sacs of Ural and MhitntC property nB"
thfd. Colipctioa hudiiiJis protijptly t-
tC0 lice next dojr south qf To, JSofllce, lf n
Ion. Oregun.
I ilnslro to nnnrttii 'C to the fcojde in
crmr I. and of Union in p trtjetdur, that I
pa v.- ruopip 'il my
COItXin FIUST anil C STItEKT'. and
am p-.p r.-d to do Abb KIKI S OF )VL
VAUl.U, anil also n also
A share of th pill 1 c pa'roiao solicltitl.
All orders i v miptly attended to.
II. C. EMEU Y, Union, Or.
I.AXU Onjcs at La fiitANnn, Onnor I
Fehru iry 11, ISS7. i
Xollrc is hori'hy elven that the followine
I'iinicd settler ha tiled notice of his iittip
tion to niiiki' 1 1 1 1 u I proof in support of Ins
I lion in ifiuii pi"i m
j elaiiii. : n 1 that said-p- o f will lie iiadc lie
I fore the KeKoterand ltecciver at I.;t Uramlu
.!.. .... ... Ir.,1. Ii:?' ..I .
V II hm A nrtpisiin.
D. S. No 000 h for the W half N oui r'c-.
SIC n,r XR it. mill N K q'. N V r. or Si c 'Z
Tp. I S. It. 4 i KUM. He names the fl
lowiic witnesses to prove ld coiiiiiuoMs
residence upon, und cuH'vition of. snid
I m l. viz: Stephen t; n n icr. Marshall
Wi o Iwnrd. P, F. La'h o,i and (S, V. Mnp
nions, all of I ni" i. I'uioii county. Oregon,
llKJillY itl.NKllAlir,
f 19 y0. llegister.
Land Qi'i'ipn at La GitANi)i:.Oimt:ox, )
.mi . n, w . J
Not'i'c i. hcreliy given t' a Ih finiowins-naiii-d
settler h s Tiled tp'ticc of iii-. iitpn
'ion t i make Ijiul nr.Kif in support of his
cl ihii. unit tl a Miid uroof will he npide lie
fine licgislc ii'id Iteeeiviir at Li lirundo,
0:c.;ijii, iin Match .rt'i..JW7, vti
l(f I'KC Hi H',
n. S. No rm , f,.r 1 1 c H'j s X 05. Tp
3. 'f. acd NW!4 NMM -id Nl-Pf NWi4 H -c
1. '1 p 4 S. 1! 't). KWM. He niilii s the
following witm s e to pr ivtfh's t'onlimi u
res'd iui icon in. nT'lvMtio i o'. Mini
land, viz: Wm. H i' g r.c. CI a I -s Idikson
L U. IJa -gi rty. iiiii K. IS. XI. r,-d, all if
t qvc, t nioi) e.iunty, (trrRo'i.
Ili:.NItY Jtt.SEII.MlT.
jm.22-w0. ltcgUtcr.
LAgn Orriei: at Lv (iitAvnn. OacinNl
.I'Miiiarv 2(J. 18S7. f
Notice is h.-rchy riven that the fnllowinp
irtined ettler lias ti ed no ieo of lii-i inten
tion to make I'i 1 1 it I proof in smiport of his
elaiiii, and ijint said nroof will he made he
fore the l!ej:i .teraiid lieciveriit LiUraildc,
Oregon, on Ma eh 1 i. 1-37. vi:
Ceorirn 12 C rj e.
I) S. No 3S.V!. fnr h- M h ilf SK inn i".- Sv
H I NIC i u i' tc!- NF. ipia-tur Sec. 11) i n 1
N'W NW co 20. Tp 7Sv th. Panef 42 K
W. M. II" naines im followi' g wtuc s--tojrove
III colt inio'ls residence ni o i.
anil cultiMit'o i d-,siiid 'nirl. viz.: Daii'i''
Fruit. 1. 15 l)avl. II. rain II M-ni's. and
J OiivikI 1 nuly, .ill of Ke.ui'ig. li on coun
ty, urcgo.i.
j 0 ' 9 w(i. Hester.
.N ol ion of Appl ni t'on t-i I ui'nliasii Tim
lii i- l.unil.
Lakh Ornci: at La Ouvnoh. flr.roo,v,i
Jim 13 1887. I
Notiro is tie'cliy jiiven did. in eoiepli
aiici: wire t! o provisions n' the Act of Co.i up; r ived Ji.ii 'i, 1 7S. entitled "An
Act for th y.ih' if TrnliT Is in th"
.Stat' s or C difo.-nia. O eo0.i, Neva. la, and
Wa'jlungti u Territory,'
Illil .Ol' .ii lilm M,
Wh'o pn-t.ollii'e address is lVm Valley
Hn'o i eountv. Oicfjoc, has tli.s d-y fih-d
ill this otlicc IT" eppl'e ido i to pirv-h die
SK'-,. NW'.-, SH!,? and SW'( NK',
H.'c. No. 'J!, to T". No 7 .S. liangu No. 13
Kast. of the W'i I ill ite ni.'! idii.n All pi r--mis
I ) o ! i i ji nnv ;i v r e r'u in dl!ieto are
required to p e ent the s.iiii-j at this ulli-e
within i.x'y Ta. a f.u n thu first pubKciition
of this u 1. 1 e.
Hu.nhy nvitr, 'JC-wlr, r.
Nutit'i) vl Appt enti n t 1'uidir.Mi Tim
I ei I. hi d.
La:;d Oitici: at LaOkandi:, okkoon, )
.i io - , m . I
Noti-e 's lic-eliv giiin tint, io n in ili
aoee widi die provisions of di ? Art of Co -
lVss iiMi'-oved .lu-ie .". 1S7.S. eiilitie.l "An
; Ael tor th Mile tf Tiniher Iin!s in t e
M tesnf Calif rail, O.-cguti, Ncvml.i. ami
a-iliingtun 'Ie r tory."
Will n.ii Iiirrav. i
I Whose po! o!ll. e uddr hs is Unii u Uni u
leiuite. Orecon. lias tl,i t'a Hied ii tl,is
oiliee IT1" i p ilieiiii n o pLr hie Miu Sii'.; I
. i nil .M'.vi oiv .-ueii m i. . in i
To . ii hip No. 1 sou h. I'-'iige, N '.40 K ist.
of tlie illiimrt'.c llle"id!ii:i. All perMi
I o diiiL' any a Iv.-r-e elaiiii tlier-to are e
'piiied to pre.-ent th -a ne ut this o'lice
wnliin it; days from liio flrt puhli a inn
of this i oilee,
jnnEH wn. Krister.
utlou . f Kit ill .'ijttleiui lit.
Nr tice is hcrehy u'ven Hint the under
s't; ie.1 Ino I iet' i-miy I'I si in the Cmntv
i.iirt of 1'ni n eo iotv, O f; "i. ids tinnl ; c
eoiint of tlie iiihiiini-lr itii n o' the e-nite i 1
l'etei" Cir-ieo dt'i-easpil. h'mI p-nvini: for a
Idiiili re "lid th it Tuesday iheih i'a oi
j Mi ivh. 1 7 at 10 o'c o -k. a. in. of .snid d iy.
'ho sin e he'ti.' a day of th reiru'nr to in
oisaid e urt. liH.i he ii ai'P"iiited as the
lime, and the court Iimi-i- in I'tdon. rn'oti
! oiinty. O'etriiii as tlie pliiee f i h itrii-jr o' -,
ji c.'ious t snid i e mint, and f r slinwin.r of
I c uise. if imv there I u. whv n i rih r I e n )i
nniili di-eliarin the i n e i :ne,l from
fu-ther dntv us such iidm ui-tr itur, hiuI
ii o i iiut his-u -eliu fro n fun her linl'ilit'c
o i ''- niulurt.iHn '. uu 1 h 'I Ilii- notice h
i mil l.di mI hv n il r "f the lio'i. O I'. Oood-
i pul of the County court of I'non
eo'intv, o a e oi i r -to i.
Mm le unit dated this'-O h da" of J m 1S;.
febR v3. Aduiin s rato .
Administratrix Notice.
(Of FhirTsiiJini'nt.)
Voi.v iheiby sV(ejI?rtf ,1 -mimi Pol y.
i' Iniill'-tratri c of t!in'etMi of n r w Ho
ley, il- i a sl, Ims llio I her fin d ac o i .t i f
'ho I'Jniiid tr iion of snid st.iff. in the
Cm n'.y court of the S:te of tJ.eij. ii. for
I id -ii lonntv, and that Maic'i Sin., 18-"
at 10 o'cl si; a ie. linn ii--n iiDiMiintid lv
lil eojrt a ilu time for hwri"i;i bj.-ttj lis f
i;iercn. unii iur uuiciiieiu iiierisn.
Union. Oregon I JEMIMI 1IOLKY.
Jcur31, 1SS7. Ailiainiatratrir.
J. M. CAUT'Qlib.
K'rtfnrl- 1 . 1 111 ! II
A liberal rorfrd will 'hp paid for tho reT
turn of the following dcciifu-d aninials, to
the Fi de'siu'iii'd at L'nu p. Oregon. :
Pne bav iiiaro, i n I colt. hrain'B 1 I It
JOHN' T. WKlOfir.
'liui'H iirrue tuul ucpait troin Luiuii
dnilv as fol'o.vs:
KAST 110 P. il.
l'asii'iier No. 0, L'vi
at 11:01a. in.
Freight. No. 10, L've
nt a or) : ni.
I.ST t oPM'.
I,ast.eiiver.No..'i, L'vc
lit 1;03 p. m.
Freight. No. J5. I.'VO
lit S fO :i. III.
Making iion' ciiiui i nt liu iin irtoo
witn train' of th" iveoti Sliort Line Kail
road for ALL I'.OIXTS HAT anilsSOl'TII :
' At I'liiatillaic tlitraiiiaforTlIiJIlALLliiJ
I'U'i ii ii, ive.i
I I Vf "Illl ' IMin til
Nnrtlicru Pacilie 1 dlroinl f Jr ALL PUINTH
At l'or'l'ind w'th t-ains fo- all points in
the W.LLVM..TTK VALLKY, an 1 with,
stea'iie-s fur AVT MtlA. and all lio'nts on
and ALHKa.
i iio.m i'uari..N-ii. ii m sn niANeisco.
Leaviinrat l'J-.Ml'dn't. L V'" Spear st. vh'
IIS fiM'iws; i! .0 I III.' 6 "o'lows;
Cphinibei. Fil, Feb. tite. Tlnu Fell. 3
rit.ite. W "l. ,, ! ) iron. Tiles. ,. H
piei'ii, Mon. ,. 1 Inliiiiiliifi. ji "I- i 13
Coliiiihi i. Sut, ., 1! t ite. Friday ., IS
HHte. Tlnirs. , 2 ro.:on. Wed. 'Si
('VPin Tue i. Ieh. ' 'ol'a. f'mdav .. US
( oliimliia Fri. .. it ''( '('li'l-s M -h. .
I The eoiiip tn v esorC' die right iu Jliaugu
' steamers or Milliter days.
C. If. I'ltF-'t'OTT. I
Mii"ii-'i'r f Tr illi Manau'er,
IN0 .1. r.Yl'NF. Oen'l Piss.,t Picket Agt,
H. L. DH C )N Aeunt. Unaci.
Sciatica, Scratches, Gfintraotad
Lumbago, Sprain:. llnsclo?,
Baenaiitinn, Strains, Eruptions,
Burn.', Stitches, Jloof All,
Bcaldj, CtifFJolnts, Screw
Stings, Baokaclic, Worras,
Pites, OaP.s, Swiuncy,
Bruirej, Sores, Saddlo Galb,
Unnionr, Spavin Piles.
Cora:, Craclu,
accomplishes for everybody csnct'y wlmt lsclalmoil
forlt. Oaoof tho roaons for tho groat jiopularlty of
tho Mustang Liniment la founiljnlts miiveVHnl
dPlillcitbilitr. Kvorybodriii'iii'.s nucha inrillclno.
Tlio laiuibei'innu needs It lucmsonf oi'ulJcut.
The lluiiso wil'o nopils It for gcueralfamlly use.
Tlio Cnanleriircdslt for li'.s teams and hUnu'ii.
Tlio .lluclnuilo needs It always oa hts work
Tho Btlncrneodsltlnc.i'oof emercency.
Tlio X'lonccrncedslt can'tBetnlonsv.-ithout lf.
Tho Fanner nccdi It In liU l.ouac. hts Btable,
end his fitucU yard.
Tho siteainbnnt mini or llio llim tmiiu ihtiIj
It In liberal supply atluatund ashore.
Tho IIoiHu-fanclei' needs tl It !j IU best
friend and safest reliance
Tho Slocli-crnivci' needs it-It will savo h!a
thousands of dollars and a world of trouble.
Tho It ulli niiil tuna needs It nnd will need It S3
tongas his life. Is a round of accidents and dangers.
Tho lluclnf no.;smiin needs It. There is noth.
Inellko It ni nn nntldoto for the dr.nicrs to life,
limb anil eoiufort which turround tho rioni'fr.
Tho niprcliniit needs Haliout his store among
his employees. Accidents will happen, nr.d when
thc30 como tho Mustans Liniment Is wanted r.t once.
Keep ii Uoltlc IntUc Hoiiso. 'TUtha bjstof
Kcrpn Itcitllo In tliernctnry. Lslmir.edlnt
eso In ciuo of accident saves pala and loss of wasea.
Keep n Uuttlo Ahvayu I;i tUu Stablu Tor
uso when MniULi!.
. I ..I .-Ji-i'fl f.. r..i.....j
''l nppliratlons for p.innu In
ft.' thu lnltcd hiiiHH i rd 1'orcUn conn.
l.J tries. Oil pub i-! crs J ti KolxntiMi
' Alncricnn tcntinun ifi s lo'lcitori
ii icir jiairri , e- r-r- i -kim-iui-. cnp
-J rlirhifi. .. fori'Mi TiliM Main. und
u .turn pBtcoU in C'ins'' . r.m.'l"d. 1 rnni-,
Oertunur, And n'l o-hr en i-if. 'I'liMTripen
iw'c U uoeipiaicj aaat'-c.r I iciUtlo tro utuu.-
Orkninzs nnd "rKf'f c-tlons prop-.n-i rnd P.'H
In tl.o I'muui I iffi. on ,rt niic-. 'iVnoi ir(
rAM.ii.ib'H. ?,u Ii 'r- vi 'ore-:iiiMfiu.Io:ii.f luodn;j
or dirini.-s Adviru liv nix.lfrc
I'a -t -.It ir', 'Inrnif'ft.afnntlcl
Intli'i ' irATll'lf .sjli:iU.V'.ilUh lil
tax Ur'.t cirviUiun tn I " iul hiiIuhiiiUI
iiewrri r nt 111 ki-I publi-hud In Ihi onrlJ.
Tni sUnntiisi. of -th u noticu efery palxati
'I hi lrcti ed rnV-illd'r lllnitrited rTip-?-r
It Vt:iIKI,Vi.4 ACisr-r- rn't I', lulU'il)U.iir..vr('.eviicl 1 1 siienc.
mwriuiBU'i, luviuli'.ni, iinrinr vnrk uni
attwr ilupirlueni . jf ii.islnl p -r-. PUB;
In cl in a:i- coiuiir--. It umiiim I nmi i "j
a'l IUt4?llfiiMI nU I t'' l,f vvrrv t nci'nl to'l ,nlitlp I
t .-i ire.'i, 1r fiur uu:i..u I r u u i.j .ar,
o 1 tr kl! nfM'l"'i'f. . ...
I. ,i hns n i' i"""" , rli li
". ' o p ! i-iif - " ' .V.uurnk
it.. . i .... , , ri, ' r.,.
. , .
f - ,