The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 19, 1887, Image 7

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The Important I'nrt "Wlilcli Cotton
bocci Will t'lny In tlio Lcoiiomy
nf tin Future.
Tlio tilt.T or I'lVoet of tlio reasoning of
MalthttH on the data of populat on is
that in .spits of war, pust.lincu ami'
faniino. tlio increase! will still continue,
cvun if tlio ratio bo very small ami that
unless Miini! artitioial check is employed,
tin- earth will eventually bo swarming
with manv more inhabitants than hor
products "will support.
Sineo Malthus propounded his theory
of poptdat on. Iiowover, enormous ad
vances have been made in our knowl
edge of the natural resources which
may bo used for the sustaining of human
life. A number of new substances, or
subtaneos not previously suspected of
havin,r that quality, have been added
to ttiolUt of foods. Among theso ia
the sceil of the cotton plant.
It will probably surprise a very largo
number of persons to learn that this
product is available as nourishment for
the human specie, and much more to
bo informed to how ircat an extent it
is already employed for that purpose.
Nutritious and especially those
of vegetable origin have been cxten
livel. ued a.s food bv various nations.
Tlio eul'.h ation of the olivo appears to
have been earliest known in Canaan,
and it was greatly praised by the He
brew writers after their monotonous
fottv vcarV -(Let of manna in the Wil
derness. From Asia Minor the olive
tree was transplanted to the mainland
of tlio l'elasgians and tlio islands of the
lonians, and"lIomer does honor to it m
the Odsev. Gradually the oil express
ed from the fruit became the great
staple of food for the southern iiat'oiis
of Europe and the peoples of South
western Asia and Northern Africa. The
Romans used it far more freely at table
than the Oreoks who adopted its culti
vation at an earl or date, and one of
their notable adages asserted that there
were two fluids which were essential to
.1 long and pleasant life wine and oil.
Verv'" few Anglo-Saxons realize tlio
jxte'nt to wh cli 'olive oil enters into the
laily (l et of the inhabitants of thoe
countries of which it has for so many
:enturies a principal product.
That cotton seed could come forward
is the chief competitor of the olive
would verv probably have been doubted
dv Malthus. h:id such a prediction been
niade to him. Vet such is really the
prospective importance of this cotn
moditv. The manufacture of cotton
iced is rapidly increasing and has al
ready allu.iicd to very great propor
;ions. The cotton plant is known to be m
iigenous to both Asia and America,
it'was cultivated in India live hundred
years before Christ, in China two hun
dred years 1 efore Christ, and was found
by the Spaniards in Mexico in loll) of
the pr. era, and in Perm; in l.Y,Y2.
In Kgvpt it was also raised in very an
;ient times.
The first deeorlientcd cotton seed that
was known in Kurope was exported in 185-'. From that timo
Jates the knowledge of its useful qual
ities, aside from the mere propaga
tion of the cotton plant. It is singu
lar that not until much later did the
sottoii planter.; in this eounlrv begin to
understand its real value. Its first use
in their hands was as a fertilizer for
land on which cotton was produced. It
was found that the seed restored to the
soil in good part tlio essential elements
which were taken from it by the crop.
For nearly a centurv prior to that time
tlio seed had been regarded as useless,
ind, after being separated from the
liber of the boll, had either been burned
ar thrown nto the sea. The next ad
vance in knowledge on the part of the
nlanters was the discovery that tlio
Seed was an excellent food for cattle.
For a good many years it was employee
for tit s purpo-c." but at length it was
found to bo too r ch to olloct the great
est good in way. It impaired the
noalth of the stock to which it was
"ivon. A like object'on was made to
ft as a manure. It caused the cotton
plants to grow too rank, and did not
'.end to the production of as line a liber
as other materials that could be em
nloved for that object. The desirabili
ty of adapting it to the digestion of
oaltle lea to tlio expression oi mo on.
The seed was by this operation formed
into cakes, which were used both as
forage and manure.
Onlv sixteen years ago this process be
gan to be generally adopted in the
south, and as great quantities ol on
were thus produced which was naturally
found to bo useful for many purposes a
market for it was d -sii-able. It did not
tako long to discover that the qualities
of the new product were a good deal
like those of olivo oil, and that it could
bo substituted for the latter or used for
like uses. This was the commence
ment of an enormous trade. The busi
ness of niak iig cotton-seed oil has with'
in a very brief timo grown to astonish
ing proportions.
The example of this industry servos
only as ono illustration of tlio fact that
the world is full of unsuspected food
resources. A number of other modern
in stances m ght be given of this fact.
among them those which nro derived
from an improved knowledge of chein
istry. The vista of tlio possible on
Inrgement of the food supply which is
thus suggested must relegate to an ex
troinely remote period the timo when
the prophetic theory of Malthus nood
become, ir ever, a causo oi sonous in
nu etudo to mankind. It may bo ad
Jed that this is but one of tlio important
features of the subject, an examination
of which w.ll reveal still further how
bttlo man avails himself as vot of all
those means which remain to him of
iSMiring h.s continued existence San
Fruncxico hrontcU.
Characteristic of ltoynlty.
Mrs. Muggers I seo by the paper
that Quuon Victoria never eats any
thing but stale bread.
Mrs. Wuggors -You don't say! Woll,
it s just the jumii way over at the
Smiths'; they're of royal iloseout, you
know, ,
So I've hoard."
"Yea, Mrs. Smith Is go nfraid her
bread w H be wa.tod tontylio won't put
any fro.h on tn table till the old a all
gone, And by that Uuu the new Imteh is
as dry tu a chip." Umuut World.
Ouga unit Wolllrit.
'J'e Dog tud in duvi'lopiiig nest n with even
Rrenter force thnn ever Wore. eMcnlnT
I walked along Tnentytliiril street trotn
S.xth to Fifth avenue, mid in that ono
block nu-l. ly count, tenty rnviNliingly
pretty w.iiih'ii, who were either leading or
enrryins dogs, from n "(J " Scotch ter
rier. Setters ami Ne tountllnnils. linn ever,
Reeined to be tho favorites. It nn quite
too nwliill? jolly to seo n brijht-ey-d,
mild-faced young woman leading aliig Neir
foundland, hlnck and Hlinggy, with mic
hnnd, and cnriyhigln the other n formid
able dog whip. I don't believe the young
woman would have touched that dog with
that whip for the world, but the dog hip
In ii part of the ennino impedimenta de
creed by fnnliion, and it never would have
done to omit it. lJut what with the dogs,
pretty girls and tlio dog whips. Twenty
third street is a pretty dangerous locality
for an ordinary biped, even though he be a
man about-town. New ork Star.
l'cw Understand Ilore.
It is astonishing how few. men there nre
... . ... - i. ..
wiio know anything auouiiv norne. inm
is no other anitnivl that tho nverngo man
is on Mich closo and intimate relations
with, or that he troats with such a gross
ignorance o! his peculiarities. Tho team
Bter, now, has probably clone little else
than drive a horse in the intervals ol
shoveling coal, lie certainly knows how
hi heavy lond is, and you would think he
ought to know what tho horso could do.
Hut when his horse gets stalled tho only
way lie can think of to help the horse i to
beat him. This is ono of tho things that
ought to be taught in our public schools. I
would havo it mado a legular brunch of
btudy, and I know tho hostler who could
furnish a text-book. Tho school ol the
Centaurs on tho plains of Thessaly wan
indeed famous in its clay, but that was a
long time ago, and tho drivers of our coal
carts nre not Apollos. lioston Post.
I'ndcixtood the Cuiimo unci Cure.
Gen. II. C. l.ce was a man of strong con
victions and to these he was ever loyal.
He early realized that tho only successful
basis on which to conduct tho war was the
extinction of slavery. Hence ho arrived at
Annapolis, Md., in November, 1SC1, with
hiH legiment and demand was mado upon
him lor certain slaves who had found em
ployment in the camp. Ho peremptorily
ordered the owners from camp and
declared he would never surrender the
slaves to them. This was ono ot tho first
if not tho first instance in which our offi
cers defied the fugitive slave law. Such
acts boon convinced tho country and its
ollicials that tho army at least understood
the causo and cure of the rebellion. W. 1'.
Darby in Springfield Itopublicnn.
For oight years Col. I). J. Williamson
Quarter-Master IT. S. A. and ex-U. S. Con
sul at Callao, was crippled with rheu
matism. Ho got no relief until ho used St.
Jacobs Oil, which cured him. No remedy
on earth equals it for pain. Price, fifty
cents u bottle.
In the Street Cur.
Says mi Mxchango, quoting "a prominent
physician:" "Avoid the corner seats in the
slieut cars. II you can't got a seat in tho
middle ot the car, it is better to stand up."
There! wo were certain that it was not sell
ishness which caused gentlemen to securo
the corner seats. It seems that they do
not take these seats in order to look out
at the window. They are afraid that the
adits might get tlioso seats unci tho cold
Iwhich goes with thorn. Lot tho ladies
secure seats in tho middlo of tho car. If
they cannot, let them stand. Mako them
stand, in fact, rather than give up your
corner seat, and put thorn to tho risk of
pneumonia. No gentleman who rends this
will hesitato lor a momont. Boston
Uso Red Star Cough Cure effectually. Dr.
C. Fawcett, Union Protestant Infirmary,
Baltimore, Md. No depressing effects.
It 'im Her Chocolate.
Tho secret of Miss Kviirts' popularity as
n maker and dispenser of chocolate when
her father was secretary i f state lay in tho
fact that tho chocohito was exceedingly
rich, and callers relished it greedily in tho
tiny cups in which it was served. More
chocohito was used in ono of theso small
cups than ordinarily entors into the com
position of two coffee cups of this beverage.
Ileaton white or egg and cream was served
with it, and tlio mixture was so toothsomo
that it gnvo tho young lady n national re
putation. '
A physician whoso specialty is nnnl dis
esses hns been studying the relation of nnnl
firttuln to consumption. It is an old idea
that an nnnl fistula has a good effect in
esses of consumption,- but this physician
snys that any improvement in consump
tivo symptoms which follows tho occurrence
of a fistula is not permanent. Ho says:
"As a general rule, these fistula greatly ag
gravate the pulmonary affection by im
pairing tho constitutional powers, especial
ly if attendee by copious dischargo of pus,
and much irritation. Tho principal indi
cation in such cases Is to build up, not to
deplete. From Dr. Foote's Health
The Ken mi n Why.
It is said "there's nothing now under the
sun," and it may be u trim saying. Hut
when the light -of reason is thrown on
some of tho everyday occurrences in lifo it
is nbtonishing how little we actually
know its to the whys and whore
fores of matters which attract our
attention. In the hurly-burly of
this world we nre npt to take for grnntod
facts as they nppear, because wo have not
time to thoroughly investigate them. The
Chicaro, Milwaukee it St. Paul Itnilwny
company has endeavored to save the en
quiring mind tho trouble of much research,
nnd hns published in a little book entitled
"Why nml Wherefore," many reasons why
various facts exist. The langunge is plain
an'd simple, and the volume might bo used
with profit as a reliable class book in pub
lic and private schools. As a household
reference it is invaluable, and children as
well as grown people can reud and under
stand it.
While this publication Is In a measure
an advertising mdlum for the railroad
company, that fuot dos not detract from
its value, and a copy ol "Why and Where
fore will be sent free to any ad drees by en
closing ten eents In postage to A. V. II
Ch r (water, general nii8S0sr agent. Mil-
i wuukee, Wis.
Tim nrenkfunt In Socletjr.
The breakfast, as n form of entertain
ment, is coming into favor, nnd may giv
tlio tea a race for popularity. The beautj
of a breakfast is that people generally havi
an nppetlte for it, nnd havo also an oppor
tunity of soring something ol those who nre
there and exchanging a few ideas. This ii
tho great drawback to the tea. Ouesti
rush in, pny their respects, hurry into tin
dining room, gulp down n cup ot hot tes
and bolt for tho door, to go through tin
same rush at several other places. Ther
there is a sociability nnd informality about
the breakfast. The fishing, so to speak, in
a Bocial or sontiuicntal point ot view, ii
better. The bnlt. you observe, is better
and a wnry "catch" will rise to n breakfast
bait who will swim nroiind a ten ever,)
time. Washington Letter.
Wo have heard many of our old friondl
sny that Salvation Oil cured them of rheil
mutism. Those who have not tried it
should do so. Our druggists sell it foi
twenty-five cents.
A Illicit)' IlollfttOlllHIl,
Hon ton (Tex.) l'or, Jan. 16. iss;.
A reporter in his daily jaunt ir
search of interesting matter for the
perusal of the readers of tho Post
happened into the cigar store of S. Al
exander, jr., where he was told that
one of our popular young clothing
dealers had suddenly eoino into the
possession of n largo sum of money
Closer investigation revealed the fact
that tho popular young mer
chant was Mr. Hen Khun, o'
tho firm -of Kiam Bros., and
tlio sum of money wns the neat
little amount of $lii,000. Mr. Kiam,
on hcinc interviewed, stated ho dis
liked publicity, but as the rumor had
been circulated, he preferred emulat
ing George Washington and Grovei
Cleveland, nnd would "tell the truth. '
"Some timo last month," he
said, "I concluded to purchase
a ticket in tho January draw
ing of tho Louisiana State Lottery
Company, and sent my office-boy after
one, which I put in niysnfe. I thought
no more about tho ticket until the
11th instant, when Mr. Alexander
called at, my store and told me if my
ticket was No. 01,0(30, 1 had won one
tenth of tlio capital prize that his tel
egram from Tho Louisiana Lottery
Company stated the winning ticket
had been sold in Houston, "ion can
liardly imagino thestato of my feelings
while examining my ticket to see if J
really was tho lucky individual. Whon
the truth dawned upon mo that my
little investment of 1 had returned
me the MUtg amount of $15,000, I felt
well, I can't tell you bow 1 did feel.
If thero are words in the English lan
guage comprehensive enough to de
scribe my feeling, they aro not at
my command." To tho question,
"Have you got your money?" Mr.
Kiam replied: "vs, the ticket was
promptly cashed on presentation."
Mr. Kiam will surely invest a portion
of his prize for the next drawing, which
takes place on the 8th of next month.
A petition of husbandry tlio match'
"He who is falso to present duty," snyi
Henry Ward Heeclier, "breaks a thrend in
the lot m, nnd will find tho (law when he
may havo forgotten its cause." A case in
point occurs to us. Mr. Win. Ityder, of 87
Jefferson street, liuffalo, N. Y., recently
told a reporter that, "I had a largo abscoMS
on each leg, that kept continually dis
charging for twenty years. Nothing did
mo nny good except Dr. Pierce's 'Golden
Medical Discovery. It cured me." Ilert
is a volume in n few words. Mr. Hydcr'e
experience is entitled to our readers care
ful consideration. Tlio Sun.
Our nntionnl arms should hereafter beat
a salt codfish.
A Sudden Heath
from heart diseaso is now epiite common.
Dr. Piorco's "Golden Medical Discovery" is
a certain remedy. Chronic irritation, pat
pitation, excessive or defective action o'
tho heart, shortness oT breath, nnd pnin
are removed by it in a short period. It
nlso cures all the diseases relating to the
liver, stomach, bowels, blood mid skin.
They aro never nlono who aro ucconv
pauied by noble thoughts.
No lengthy advertisement is necessary tc
bolster up Dr. Sago's Catarrh Kemedy.
Poodles weighing less than ton pounds
uro exempt from taxation in Connecticut,
A Fortune Fur You.
All is new; capital not needed; you are
started free. IlotliBcxcs; nil ages. Wherever
you live you should at onca write to II al
lotted Co., Portland, Maine; they will send
you free, full information about work that
you can do and live at home, earning there
by from ! to SLTiuntl npivardsdaily, from
tho first start. Somehnve made over $fiO
in a day. The best chance ever known by
working people. Now is the timo delay
Dr. Louz was tho tenth man to cross Af
rica frcm ocean to ocean.
Couous IIoaubknkbb. The irrita
tion which induces coughing immediately
relieved by use of "Brown's Bronchial
Troches." Sold only in boxes. Prico 12G
President Groyy, of Franco, reads fairy
tales for tho benefit of his grandchildren.
TOien Baby was tick, we gars her CutorU,
When alio wm a Child, she cried for Caitoria,
When the became Alias, aha clang to Cat tori ,
Wlian the bad Children, abe garo them Caitoria,
Sixteen senators voted for womun auff
rage. Sweet sixteen.
Life is burdensomo, alike to the sutferct
nnd all around him, while dyspepsia and
its attendingevilsholdsswuy. Compl-tlnte
of this nature enn be speedily cured by
taking Prickly Ash Bittorri regularly.
Thousands once thus alllicted now boat
cheerful testimony its to its merits.
A four seated hansom cab has been In
troduced in England.
Itlany Forma ofNervoua Debility
In men yield to Uakteu'b Iuon I'iulo.
If der world owea any man a living II
vhus der man who works der hardest.
3 month' treaimrnt for Wc riio' Remedy foi
Csurrn. bold ty druKgUU.
Paris now has ninoug its other soda
freaks a club composed of divorced men.
I'ATHN'iS oltalord lr I.oulf llaggfr 4Co, Ai
u i i t) t. tlilctcm, -1 . Kt'd IbW. Advlceirei
Jny Gould has purchnacd 200,000 ucrei
of pine land in Louisiana.
The Omaha TyM foundry oatt funildki
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices Mime ns In Chhwgo and freight
already paid to Omaha,
Tnwny Colored Noblllly.
Lord Stanford, wlu succeeded to the
earldom a few years ngo, on tho death of
the great Lord Stanton nnd Wnrrington,
bus long been resident In South Africa.
He inhabits a wigwnin ol corrugated iron
nt Wyndberg, nnd has a stone-built bunga
low mi tho seashore nt Muienberg. Ho
married a black wifo and hns by hern
dusky dnughter, Lndy Mary Gray, who
nhen she arrives at the years of discretion
will be, no doubt nil unique if not welcome
addition to the rnnkB ot tho "upper ten
thousand" nt homo.
The nnme nnd fame ot Dr. Hull's Cough
Syrup Hre known throughout the land nnd
everywhere it is relied upon ns the specific
tor coughs and colds.
Custom house quinine creates a big bul
ling in olllciul heads.
The removal of Prof. Sanborn, of N. H.,
after being pronounced incurable by ft
score of physicians, from Los Ve?ns, N. M.,
to his homo was effected by administering
Dr. Hnrter's Iron Tonic, which has restored
him to his former good health.
Prof. Lockyer snys that 0,000 stars nro
visible to the naked eye.
Uack Ache Cured by t'nrler'a
Smart Weed and Belladonna Hack Ache
Only one religion in dis worldt vhns
right." Dot vims der sort you embrace
How to (Jnlii Flesh nnd StreiiKth.
Use after each meal Scott's K.Mt i.siox
with Hypophosphites. It is ns palatable
as milk, and easily digested. The rapidity
with which delicate people improve with its
uso is wonderful. Uso it and try your
weight. As a remedy for Consumption,
Throat ntfectious and Itronchitis, it is un
equaled. Plcnso read: "I used Scott's
Kmulsion in a child eight months old with
good results. Ho gained four pounds in a
very short time." Tuo. PittM, M. D.,
There is only one female trombone player
in tills country.
Iixciiralon to the IVinter lleaort of
tho South.
The Wabash, St. Louis Si Pacific Ity. nro
now gelling round-trip tickets, good until
June 1st, 18S7, nt greatly reduced rates,
to Mobile, Now Orleans, Pensacola, Jack
sonville, Cedar Keys, and all the principal
points in tlio south. For further informa
tion and tickets, cull on or write V. i.
Moores", Ticket Agent, or G. N. Clayton,
Northwestern Passenger Agent, 1502 Far
nam Street, Omaha, Neb.
What is tho faverito decoration of win
ter thermometers? Furbelows.
The lmblt of ninntiiK over liootn orehoes corrected
with liyon'a l'atciu lleel Mincnen
Tho man who commits suicide by hang
ing (lies of his own freo will and a cord.
You hardly renlir.o that it is medicine,
when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills; they
aro very small; no bad effects; all troubles
from torpid liver aro relieved by their uso.
Dr. Mary Walker is understood to bo op
posed to tho knee breeches movement.
The Omaha Typo foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices same ns in Chicago nnd freight
nlrendy paid to Omaha.
r Testi
Mrs. A. M. Dauphin, Philadelphia, has
done a great deal to mako known to ladies
there tho great value of Mrs. I'lukham's
Vegetable Compound, as a euro for thoir
troubles nnd discuses. Sho writes as fol
lows: "A young lady of this city whilo
bathing was thrown violently against tho
lifo line and tho injuries received resulted in
an ovarian tumor which grow nnd en
larged until death seemed cortain. Her
physician finally advised her to try Mrs.
Pinklinm's Compound. She did so and in
a abort time tho tumor was dissolved and
she is now in perfect health. 1 also know
of many cases where tho medicine has been
of great valuo in preventing miscarriage
and nllevating the pains and dangers of
childbirth. Philadelphia ladies oppreeiato
tlio worth of this medicine and its great
Sent by mail in Pill and Lozenge form
on receipt of juice, $1. Mrs. Pinkhain,
Lynn, Mass. Also iu liquid form, all at
RlirnnmMoiii, Xnurulirla, llliutili-f niul Kid
no v 111 euno. i ureiliy I'll A I'. II I h-S Itlll-.L
M.iTiC til'l- IIHl tluai'iiiilcml to CI llh or muiiey
lerumled. TuU no othi r imxliiliie. l or talo by nil
rrucElts. oii(i Dollar for Inii;.' lioltle licfcri'iice, any
on In St. JoM'iih. Missouri. Information Kite.
lr. A. V. IIiuir-K riedlc-liio Co.,
Nil I lit .liikcpll, MIkoIII'I.
P W6.WT YOU! J""'"'1?,
V pron tanie, rmp j -y- .oV
. . a. a ...u.t ( lit ovrtr
lonco coiniuiailon on tales If Pp,''rr;'ii ood ta.le.
Every one buya. Outfit and lrtlcular I'ree.
V. IS. U., Omaha
il.l.riKLIlS. MCnOiTM. 11 II MAT, lliri'lOKK. lulllkr IXUTKlKT.nLCa.
SEEDS WARRANTEsD. lOoofic 7 CENT Plant. Don't bay till
you teacalaluif With PNie Olftf. 0U l.biLZE,UC..M,nu.
for Bnfants and Children.
"CnatorUli rowellftdaptcd tochlldrentliat I Ctutoiia cure Colic, Conntlpatlon,
trecomnjenclltaaiuperiortoanynreBcripUon I gojir Htomacb, Uiarrhrua, Eructation,
toown to me." II. A. AscHn. U. D., rjir' V' cU"
111 Bo. Oxford St., UrookJyn, It, V. Without Injurious msdlcatton.
Tim CwTioa Courxxr, J83 Fulton Street, N. T.
Why did the Women
of this country use over thirteen million cakes of
Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886?
Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why.
IS' din IT rttwr4 trngth, or w h tTr (Vtn
lBflrmltle peeiiUar t their huld try
1 a K
Thli mdlcln eomhlnM Iron with pur T-f tibU
tnlc. and 1 lnTlutl for Dii pe"'r, to
Women, and all who ld todnntary lit;. I t l.n.
rtcbr. and Purines the lllood, Mltiiulntra
ttaa Appetite, Mrenutliena the ,Mticlea and
NcrTr In Met. thoroughly Invlnnrntra.
Oloara tha eomplaiton, and mikfi the akin amootn.
It do not tiluckon the tn-th, ca headache, or
prnduoe conitipation all other Iron mrdtrtoti do.
Mns. Al.rrjiT I.rraLVT, tlrwiwood. Ieb T
ha? e need llrown'a Iron Hittera tor .Serf out De
bility and lute len greatly benehted."
Mlia. 0. I). NKwrxt, FhilHpa StMlon, Neb..ayi!
" I w an weak and nerTout that I coold acarrely
wall, had nn appetite, and pajed aleenle nututi;
In fact, my life wa a burden to lue. I tried many
remedies, but without Ix-notit, Three bottlee of
Ilniwn'a Iron Hitters hare cured me. I cheerfully
rocotnmeud 1U"
Oenulne has above Trade Mark and eroed redllnaa
on wrapper. Tnko nn other. Made only by
mtnv. rur-mcAL co., KAl.TiMuitf.Mta.
The bent and snrest Remedy for Cnro of
nil diseases caused by nny derangement of
tho Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Rowels.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation,
Rlllons Complaints nnd Jlalnrlaof all kinds
yield readily to tho beneficent iuflnence of
It Is pleasant to tho taste, tones tip the
system, restores nnd preserves health.
It is purely Vegetable, and cannot fall to
provo beneficial, both to old and yonng.
As a Wood Purlller It is superior to all
others. Sold everywhere nt $1.00 a bottle.
Urrman AMlnm. Cure nffr failt to (Ire
i imtntrttMt rtUen the worn iniuiri com-
IrYirttMA rfTVwt. riirrawhrre all olbfri fall. A
Btrttl ronvinrfM th mi $kptieat ITlce f; rli. ud L
. .... - i. I... i. .ii D.. u I.' I a.' a, , ,r lu
astirop. III.. It. SCUimiA., m. i'miii, .ii inn
HTfi vf j if it) i?vrTiei.wwwn
Best CoukIi Hyrnp. Tait cooil.
Old o
Complete tittrtien tluiiie dml
Jllimtrtttfil (ttaloffiie of (iarden
tlr and Hi-Id fVi-dd. 1'lanlK.
ltullo'.UurUcnToolM, Now Vark'ticn of I'otiitors.i'tc.otc.,
matltit tree, (lonoral acnia for Ktmwlirldiro llrowt
cast KoHt-r Aildn-sK, IOWA Si:i'.l '(!., Whole
Bale and Retail Kocilimn, llt .Moimcs, Iowa.
Il-lli-vr 1 nnd cured by I)r. J.
A. Hliermau'a method. Thoio
who i-niinot avail tliumielvi-a
of personal attonilanci' cm have lionui trcalmuiit up
pllance and curative ont for iU onlv. Scud itaiup
fur circular!. 2.'4 Uruadnay, New York.
Kreali. Kellablo; Wholeanlo at
Ii a HaMi itfla.perlurKOiclti.!e. Mum
.9 23 Efrcv vr uiotliKeed l''riii. tine Arreiif
v. n ra iti-iiiii. in ii "i ill nil iiv i, i in
t . I it n x ' lli'iuilllul llliihtntiMl CiUhIoiio lMCKi:.
II W lll't'KliKt!, Iliickturd Seed Kartu, llockford. III
IHtZ-OPIUlYI llulilt rnlnloMlj
I ".1 I .a I Irt... m ri'mntmnnl
... l ln I Kf I V Hkaa.l
W tlllt.l
Ullttl you nro iPHimin. jitiihi'
llitmaito Kuiueily to., JLiiFayeUr'f InO.
tTliP( yi1r8 Inln and Our KncMih rrntlflr,
HSir..tli Inn nrii-.l iiinttiri' fin Iv unit tin nnt
A a t i ,,(:,. riifo it nrr liuihel. Hamnlesliui
eacli, uiul Clrcultir free. J. 15. I'OWIH, ANaym, 111.
I.KIHHNW. Solicit
! or ot I'mriit). Waillliictoo,
)IJ. 0. bend for Circular.
CHC MERE! Whv nut aive one half on lOMii oful
MSMr.t itlcl -l Hi-mi iur I'aialiKile. illi(
piy lu Aiti-litt, Cllli tiO Hi AU CO., t'lileairo, 111.
Tr-1 CrnADUV I.i'nrn lirre anil eara
ULCI.Mrn I ,rt ,wy, Nltiiatlontfup
nl. lied. Wrlto Vuli-ntlne llrua., Jaue.rllle.Wia
SEXSBmSXXrSiSSaiSXmS Siirerellfric-ntiu!
KIDDER'S PA8TILLE8.ny,'l?.Wwrti
nEJaaCTSraKffiaGrsm,!r''ir'eetown. .Mm.
Mtiriililno llulilt, Unrsitlu It)
to'illilnya. No ii. iy till Oil rod.
Iu J. Urai'iiaua, Lcuauou. UUIo.
7V FOR ALL. $TOae k and eipenira
til roll, iiuillt or h t aul inrileiiiaM
hi lie I'. O. VIC hXllV A iKUitu, llalns.
. wnu s.mni.i wnrili XI.M FHKF. Mnea
I Safety Roln Holclor Co., Holly, Mfoh.
end Mnrnlilne llalill t'ured In 10 to
tlltilavrt. liefer in I lino nnlleiita rured
lu all part!- Dr., Quincy.Mlch.
A pniltlva cure NoKnire.
NoI'Ufier. No I'aln. VJ' O.
puyiie, Uurtlialltowa.Iowa.
NTDIIY. Secure a Ilualneu Kduratton br
mall, from Ilnvasr'a Col.i.r.oic liuffalo, N.i.
n p
J W-eSWlcJ
H n
in in uni
IIrtp been enjoyed brcltlren' of eory tiinand
Mty In the I' S. Marvvloua Cure hnte tiren wlt
jesftHt by ttiouand of people, who can ton!fy to
Tnc vrosnenm. iieamno power or
Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Earache,
Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throal,
Lamo Back, Stiff Joints, Contracted Cords,
Sprains, Bruisci, Burns. Fever Sores,
Wounds, Oh! 'res, Chilblains, Frost
Sites, Sore N., ,os, Caked Breasts, and'
All Aches and Pains.
ire qnlckly rellered hy thl maElral remedy. Try It
5nce and you will noter hn nltliotit It. Kor enlo br'
Dmiigliita. PrlOP.iOc. Our Hoso nnnK frro to all.
The Oroot Nurar7 of
200 Imported Hrood irarca
Of Cholcoat Famlllra.
All Acea, both tiezea,
nOO to 400 1.111'OKTItP ANNtAlr.V,
fit.mFranef'.all worded wlibrUndt pwllsrMata tIJ
IVrf heron Stud nooka. Tho lVn-hnron iUia only Hrata
tnfd of franca wMinir n ntud book that haa
npport and endonement of thf l-Yanoh OoTemmtwa.
Rend for laO.pauo Cataloirua, lllu.trallon hy Um
Uoah.ur. M. W. DUNHAM,
Wnv-.o, DiiPoso Co., IlllnotaJ
mott eitnn
fp brrcdinc
wfft ot the
0rr ElirhtY
Heail of Purr Brfrt
Illffh Orndn IVrchcron
SUIIIoni and Mnrr on
hnnd, aloa few iroor
drd IinportPit Firnch
Cotchrri. 8ar th
rUk and expense of
lone raUroml trlpi aud
plilpplnc nnd ?n your
Horti at home and ac
ollinatot. of reliable
men lth mtabllhed
ers. Our Imported HtocW all rejttf red In the Peroher-!
on Stud Hooki of France and America. We rriarmnt,
all Steele Breeder Juit as represented. Bendtorcat
locue No. b, Tree,
Wokoflold, Oloy County. Knn. ,
Will purify the HLOOO rerolat;
tho LIVER aim R UNeioJS?
. . ' .... i . - r Til -I 7Tfl
OnofVOUTH I)jreila.VSajrt
01 Appoiu., '"f''r"r
mretlUin anil lircu rm"ii,-r
olutalr curedt Ilonw. mi
cl ana rorrn rcr.i". 'j"-!
t nnd np!ill Hroln I ow.
HiiH.rluit from comiwainij
TOKIO n nafo nnd tpndr curn. Olre ejf5Sjr
tin romp "Hon. rroquenv "ii'oLr'; ;r,r "Vf ni.
uuii aipriuoifc r,cb um-"
Address: DR. IIARTER, Medical Go,, SI.LouIs
W'niiiri'i'thonbovo amount of nioiicy KUKEto
ItliolOD iHirennH aimnerlinr tha following lllbio
(lllcnUbn H lirruin mo iniim iiuru
nny, "Ifu iiiim 'atnth fcs 1" 1I1
tllt'' Tho Jlrst iiersnr ninHfrlim this quo.
Hon correctly, w 11 recelvotlOO cash. If were
celvo inoro than onoirn'ctaii!icrtheaec)(t
wlllrrcolvntlWj UiothirdtM; tho fourth 2S ;
tlio tiftli ? 15; thoElitli HO; and fl each to tha
neat ono hundml jieoulo answerliit; 1 1 corructly.
If you aro not tho find, remember that you may
lm tho hncond or tlilnl : so loll Etund a ltxk!
I rhaneef or a lareo nrlrt ICach comuctltor must.
iln errycast, tend tOcts. with their answr lor
ono year's trial subscription to T1IU OOI
I lllllIlilEliil.l', a larsu io-iuko iuib
Irntdl famllv labor. If VOtl Kill SCIuUl WO will
I send tho tiaiier ono year, and
nboolcof nearly too races for housekeepers, tha
remilar retail rrlco la tl.50, beautifully bound
I in extra cloth. It embodies tho rtpu eiiwileuco
of a veteran liousekeeper, nnu lis recipes (oi
which thero aro crcat numbers on all branches
of cookery) can bo rolled urmi as accurate and
trustworthy, fiend your answer at one. I'm
fiiim ntjLmiM tnkon. Address THE OOOI) U0US&
iKlUa'Elt 19 HoartKim St.. Chlcaeo. 111.
I'urnlMlMMl on Sliort WolI From
OiiiuIiu nt C'IiiaK lrlcc.
Omaha, Nab., 12th and Howard.
Ono ajtut (Merchant oaly; waatod lu erery town f
We enn lioiusliy miy tlintyour' 'Tanatll'ti
Punch" nro tho beat cigars for the money
that we ever bought.
I). P. Wkiistkh it Co., Hamburg, Iowa.
Your "TnimiirH Punch" Cc cignra are un
doubtedly hotter than you represent thera.
M P. IKvw, Jit. GihiiU. Ohio.
Addross It. XV. TANSILIi A: CO., Chlcaeo.
il'ontlycureuIiiOO dayabKI
lloriio'atlertnMUasnetla&aJU uuMiinuw.
only one tntba world irrneratJaB
acontlnuons iUtetrto o? Jooalia
c.IauIIH4). Powerful. Durabin.
ai Ull rl.rUIUIU Jll.lit" a w.fc 4.nw."o.
cinn Mi tBCCi
n U.M aHnu Dunn m 111111 n
tr t
fWVomtoriil it i and FffeclUa. Arold fraud
,'-' nniluumT. HeodHtamprorMindu.