The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 19, 1887, Image 4

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    IOK. OttHOON. SAT. Klill. 10. IW,
Editorial Notes, ,
If s vory iipnroiU from tho twin of
nur c(inn)oii(!(tiit'fi hitters in Ilm
Folllhorn portion tit (lit county that
tlmy do nut like to tliink of tlio nosl
liilliy of evr brink' amivKcd to jhikr."
Ruimty. Thoy vory properly look, on ',
it n juinpiiiir J 'I' ijr I4''"1 '"T j
to tho lint, They will t.(ny Willi old
f'nlmi iwiniitv till llinv 11 ril nliht t.i tpf
AYnrn tiudoroblitfilioiu lo Honiw ,,(,. t,inMjIvea, This will prolm- ',
l)olh for n copy of I, is Kperch on jv ol )U frsoiii) time, mid Union '
) woniiin snffriiiio qui'slioii, nipt to ; ,.(,Uutv will then ho in moil a lloiirHi !
, .1, SnodKl-afs for valuable. ItijfiHla- i j,,,, condition that Ihev will he Juth ,
lo doftunuiitft. We will nay hero I lu dcimi t.
It Willi tllC CXCOpliOH Of McClllly , J umim.immujiibi.hii
r. 1 liny ovicjuuf ly Imvo done no t It Lot,.?,.,,, ., i uaiut,u.,liv, llllmai!- ,
mid Jiny liutlilnjf to khj. i io ,.e ',,,,,...,., it.u)n .,n
I with 1" Hid Farewell to .'Qiuc i
On ace-ii ii t of Ucinwval
Stock 1 have Curried, anil
into husjiicss may ho summed up
1 DvKit u month ago wo font to fli.
I .... r ,. 1 l......,.l ..
ail IOI II null jiiukp, iiiiii iirpi;ii iu
vo it in I'utuilntr older before this.
0 have just receive J a letter vliiting
it It would he shipped on tlio HJth
it, I'rolmhly ju a I'uupli! of works
j will have it, Ju the uieniitiiuu wo
i our coiTcspoiidniitR lo overlook
1 rn ill or '1 any of their lollum arc
wiled out or eoiidciicud. and trust
r readern will pardon the limited
lioutit of local mutter,
I'rairio ci eelc. While wo hale to lone
him, it will ho, nocerwtrv lo 111! his
place. Wo presume il will devolve j
ii noli the Cotinlv court to appoint bin
HUiieef sor, hut as yet we are not in
formed an to whom tliev have in view,
l It hone of (he must important olces
in 1 lie county and vvu trust the ap
pointment will ho made advisedly,
and the iimii'H capacity, Illness and
allegiance lo the county, taUuu fully
into consideration,
I TjlE Legislature adjournod lu-t
jjlil. Just oxuetly what has heeu
ne by Hut body it is pretty hard to
id out, tn there Imp heeu so many
in Introduced and ho many chuno
attain them after their introdiioijoii.
i the bcfiidou Iuwk will not he priu
J mivj Hcut out for several mouths
t. wo eupisn tlio only thing; to lo
, to vii. IVoviHlon' klionld have
on mntfu, nu pijjrcMtitl hv hqiuu one
Iriup the pccmou to have the laws
at were tynnl publiwjiod in at learn
'op!i'niii each cotinlv, In thai
ly the ptwplu would have had an
jiportunity lo Jlnd out what had
on done, ami I lie nature of tlio iiiwh
acted for t.Uir guidance, Wo pre
me, however, the idea i that the
loplo Iiavu no hHRinexM to know any
lug about it. Tim lawyers will inah
;e to Hud it out, and that is enough.
To Make it an Object, I have
put it down to 'Prices to
fit the Smallest purses.
n i i n
uarpenun m mmn
Wrroc that i ticliii of ineornoratiou
ive heeu ileg of the Ui hihIo Hondo
id Wallowa Hailroad (Jompaiiy, hy
' M. Church. Uhas. (iooduoiiyli anil
i L. Cnviuehx, with u capital Hlook ol
.00,000, to build h riilroad trom Lu
rittidu lo a iiuiut at or near JommjIi.
he principal olUce lo ho at Inland
ity, What thi niovo porionds we
e unnhlo lo say. Whether if really
oanH iliatttroadiH lo ho limit into
.o waiiowu or a oiity a road on pa
' ir for speculative put poses time will
jvclop. Kroui tliu character of the
en engaged in tlio enterprise we
ulge they mean Iiii.-iiicnh and in that
ise we winli them kucccmh. The move
evidently in the iuteresiM of Inland
ity. Tlio clns-4 of men iu that place
- llw. ..i.rl.t !...! .....I tl ...II . ....
v lliu iiiifc. nuii, iiiiii ,1. iv ill ii (I. mil"
"Ihc us to soo them make ijuiie a cily
icre, which will iu time utterly de
Dpulntc La Grande. The name rule
latin wild to govern liuinauitv, may
so he applied to tlio growth ut ejiie'n
id ii ut it h of trade the titlcM Hiirvive.
oil helps iIiujo who help tlieuielvos.
lay the devil take the
.SoMK of the most zealous of the
oni.'in suffragists of Washiiigtou ter-
tory are heraliug the Miprcuio conn
the lerrilory for iisaciiou in declar
ig the woman Mitfrage acl uinuiusti
Jtional. Doiiliilecs ihe court only
id what il coii.-idurod to he ii plaiit
lily in the rase. The whole manor
Jiim up ahout like this: Tlie loi'i
nial legisluiure, compoMid of a lew
len, took il upon thoiiisolviv lo pas
he nut, which thev knew was not in
iTordauee with the uisIicm of their
oiiNliluentK, or ot ihe majoniy ot the
'voiuoii thtiiiselves, A leu yearn la
er circuiilaiices bring (he matter he
ore the Supreme court and I ho acl is
Icclaretl uncoiinliiuiioiial. iVc don't
ec that tlio people al large have had
nyihiiig to do with il cither way.
ow, however, as the people lae
uid tpiito a dose o( it, aim aru no
lotihi, iu a position to judge more in
elligently ot ils workings, ii would
o well euougli to xiihiiiit Ihe question
it) a vote ot the people theiu and let
' I... . i 1 . 1 ... I . 1 .... II.. III...
iii.iiihi iiv iiuliuuii iiiiiiii . i ni
LAXD OFFICR AT 1.A (Jl(A-)i:.0ltH(i(IN, I
Jan, H, mr. J
Notice ii hereby Riven tint, the following
niuiR'd settlor hint tiled notice of his Inlcn
Inn t inn lie final pniuf in siiiii(irt of Ids
claim, nul that suhl proof will be ninde be
fore IteKister uud 1'ceeiver at Li Uraiido,
Oie,oii, on March Ctb., s.s", viz:
V.rtrgc C. !IfH,
T. H. No. WW, for the VM HW'A .Vee. OJ. Tp.
3, P, and NWK NKtf ait.1 N'l N W', Hev
I. 'J'p. 4. , Jt 4Q, 1CW.M. He naniiH the
following witiics a to prove his cimtiiiuuui
rfsid"nu.! tinon, and cnlllvatlon of. said
land, vi.: Win. Hare rtv. Cbatl -s Uickson,
L. It. llHJKerty, and K. H. Millard, all of
( qve, Union county, Oregon,
Hkniiy IllMaiAltT.'22-wO. ltegistur.
Overcoats, O ue r shirts,
Coats and Vests (dnch)
Under si arts, etc., etc,
HOSIN, 8olf. perlb. SUIJ'KUIt 10c. per II). -WIII-TL(J,
Oo, per lb. PUTTY, per lb. BUA U,
hy tht; barrel, 7 cents per. pound.
Have JUST IlKUKI VK1 a lot. of KEKDLKriK OK.VX
CJ KM, KKMLY LKMONS, and a keg of
Wait for Drake's New stock of
b.vp Ofiick at L, (JitA.vnn.
Jnmmrv 'Jt). 1S.S7. f
Notice is- hereby idven that the following-
iimiiro .siHiier nas men noiicu 01 nts inten
tion to make fluid proof in support of bis
claim, nnd that said nronf will be made lie-
vinroiiie iiegisicranii lieei-iverat l.aUrnnde,
UroL'on. on March HJ. US7. vi
Ofori K. Ji rjm,
D.S. No.WVl, for the K half HI? ounrterKer.
IS and NK niinrtor NK niiartur See. 10 nml
XW NV Soe 0. Tp. 7f-'oi th. Itange 4 li.
W. M. He names die followh witnckcs
to 1 rove hl coi.tinnniis renldcuce upon,
and cultivation of, said land, viz: Dunic!
Kruit. It, II. Oavis, Jlirain II l!riHs. and
David Knifly, nil of Keating, Union coun
ty, Oregon.
I1i:nhv Kimuiaut.
jnti.L'O wO. Uegister.
Nullon of .Vlijillii'itlun f. I'lirclmkM Tliu-
liir l.aliil,
Land Oifick at I.a CIiianiik, Oi:i:oon,I
Jan. ID, 1887, f
Notlcn is hereby eive that. In coiiipll
nice with the provisions f the Act of Con--toss
itp r ived Jiui '."!, lf78. enlitlod "An
ct for the sale of Timber l.iuiiU in the
Htati u of Cnlirornla. Oicgou, Nevada, and
Wushlngti ii Territory, "
llnltur .Irlilui'a,
Whoo pot.nftlcf address is Pine Vallev,
tinfoil eonntv. Oregon, hits this dav Hied
lit this oltlce hi application to purchase the
i'.'-. SIJi-,. Nyu- stVM. and .SW'j NK',-;
!. No. 2.', in Tp. No. 7 H. Itiinge No. -Ifl
n-Jast, of the U'bl. iiivtle meridian. All per-
'iins Jioldlog any nover-Mi eiuini thereto are
r-Oiiireil to p'e-ent the same at this- oilier
within -l.tly duy float the tlrst publication
of this n
jan lIL'-wln, Kegister.
General Irtaiflise
Main Street,
Union, Ogit.
I 'f.' ' ' J- U - !JJ-L' -l
Ever known in Eastern Oregon.
Call and Examine our Stock. ItU the only Complete Stock of
In Eastern Oregon.
N'olicii of Apiillcatl .n ti I'tiiuluiHn Tlm
litii l.mul.
votild he fair, hut we imagine ilH ad
j'ocates would tear to have Mich a lesl
jtpplicd to it. It is a measure thai will
,.....1 .1... ...... ..I .. ... .... I ...........
- iuk mitiiu 1 1 11.3 irsi ii iii'iiuii i.ji;ii-
lueut a chimera thai must tlie because
jf its tuler ineongru.iy wiih the ua
tire nt things a species ol hai inlcs'
jiolitieal ins.iiiltv that hum run until
fits tltru I lever" is pa!.
Mksatou WAOKit.of I'maiilla coun
ty, lias aitracteti coiislileraule atteti
lion to himself during this term of ihe
legislature, hill what he has accom-
jlilUhetlcin he silliiiueil up iu a veiy
few word, lie eatisetl the law to he
uio.litlfd so that it a cow runs up
against a who feucu ami hurls hei sell.
the owner of the fence will have to pay
nnlv the amount of die damages in-
jutead of double the amount as herein
'fore. II helped to defeat the bill for
the formation of Lee county , alter he
had promised to ami should nave
supported it. Ho also succeeded Iu
'inaUingan ass ot hlnisell u ith his hid
'for the reduction of freight rates on the
a-allroad. After Mr. Pre cot l , of Ihe
'O. U. & N. . ami .Mr. Mah, of the
ik I l I I It .l I
lurcgon I'ticiuc, nan aiiureeti me icy-
Lsu Okhci: at LvUiiandk, Oki:(ion, )
.tan. 2', m:. I
Notice in hereby giua that, iu coiiiili
ificc whh Ihe provisions of ihe Act of Ton
ress approved .lone .1, ))J7rt. entitled "An
Vet for tint sale of Timber hands in thu
Mites of Califi ruin. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Te ritory."
Will inn lui-rny,
Whose posl ellice nddri ks is Unii n Unii n
county. Oregon, lias this dav tiled In Ibis
olUce liis lunilic.iti' li lo pur base the SIP (
NV',;and NHJf HW'i Section No. JC; ill
Tort ndihi Nu. I. Smith. Uaiige, No. 10 Kast.
of the Willamette lacidiau. All persons
l.o'dlug nay a lverse claim thereto are to
pliied lo present the Mt ne at this olllce
vvithin slt days fn.m the tlrst publii atlon
of this notice.
janea-wlO. It.-gister.
llaii just Received an
Pleast compare the following prices
Main Street, Union, Oregon,
Iinniense Slock of New flood,
which he will sell at a
with tho.e of other stores iu the county
iJHlaturo on the Mibjci t ami presented j on the lf'tn di y of IVimi 'ry, 1 -7.
f their vieWH, the senator from I'maiilla o'e'neU lu theiifieiu in of said day
nckiiowlt tlged that lh hill was an
experiment; that they were legNI ttlng
iu ihu dalk; that the mcaoure was
kised unit very small aiuouut of lufor
in itio i u- coin,) tied with the magni
tude of the Mihiect with which Ihey
verc tlciJitir ; thereby owning to
JiU inconipetemy iu the mailer, lie i
i iiUoouti of the senator whose iitinie I
Joes not aiinear on the tax list. The:
people will no doubi learu. iu time.'
that If they wish to he mrved accepla-
Idv ami well, il will he necctisiiry to
c)ecl hcuslole and courageous men for i
their ruinet.eiitatlvc, who own ulll- ,
dent propcrlv to Insure their interest '
in the welfare of Ihu common wealth, I
ami who wo capable of mooting in ue
bnto tlio innumites of these corpora
Hons, mid the leadiMM tf all thom fan
tiotii thut the people (it largo naturally
l-ve lu contend with,
Sheriff's Sale.
Notico is bn-ibv given th it uud. r and hv
vlitue of an e.o -utiou, out of the
I'iieuit itiurt of Ihe State of Oregon, for
I'llion enii'ity, on the 1J ii d.ty of .Imiliarv.
A. D. IHI7, on a judgment i a I decree of
-nnd court, In tbeeaeof A tiangloirvs I'.
W. Deal and lOliz.tbeih S. Deal, niixle and
iitercl on th" 'Jn I d tv of (let )b -r. 1 iH), in
favor oT A. (Innuloll', f r the in overv fn in
defeiMhnt It W. Deal, of $ 0 il.wi. anil
87 Inteii'st thereon, n til the furtlnr
unu f tlO' atiorney's fees and costs and
INliui,'cmcms, taved at .1H, mitl aijaiul
'efeuilat t-i It. W. Dull and Ubz dicth S.
Deal, for the t iveloure of pl'iiutlir.s mo t
Mue-hiin on ihe NICt,' of Set t ion twentv-
ine, ami N'-i of bectnm twnty-two,
I iiwnsliin tun Sntitli. ot kmip'c 1 1 1 1 r t v -1 1 In
II tst, of Wlllamet e meridian, ami orilerlug
inusale otsuld hinds, mil to me directed
co niumitliiig s.tle Ik- iii:k1" as iiy law
D'-ovlded, of tlie said Iain's, to wit." The
NK' of Sc.-t'ou twenty one, NW'-J of See
t miii twevy two, Township two Soti'h of
Hangu thii'iy-iituc, Kast of "il!tm-tti mc
ridi. ii lu I'Nion eeii ity OreL'on.or so much
thereof as n a . I necessary t satisfy the
said mi o fJ.o.'il8 mil lull ret,
tiiul the further sum f tf'.'Ol.t.S attien -y fee-,
.Old ensu mi) disbursed o its taxed at
W.ftl with InKro t at th rate of eiht per
e a. pr at num. from 0 tolier Jn. 1 vv(i on
fJ 7 tlfll, thu auiount of said ludgiuent,
Willi nee iK'i'ie e...ts on this writ. I wIP,
nt one
at the
eoii'-t hi'ife dour in I'lilon. l uion county,
Or l? ill tel' nt ll llilli. ln t.i tin. h'i'lii.-l
' hidiTijr. fur I'lisli ,n timid, the ahn c ib s -i Ibed
reiii proi tu-',. . ur so imie'i titeiciu as may
he neces.-ii -y t'i sHj,fv lid stum nail ae
i racing t o-ts. t getlier with all tight, tide
end interest in :onl tn the mine, wnich suid
defendants 1.'. W. Dm! mid KlitHhcth S.
Deal or eltb-r of ilium had therein on ihe
21th. day ol i chrua-.v . 181. or lets acouini I
.luce the sal I ?.MIulnv of Ki hruiirv. 180.
Dale I at S uilt'it otllce this 1'.' h day of
Juiiury. l-7 A N. II AM 1 1 TON.
tfbirift' f l i.l .u county, Or. l.Vw'5. '
Voiir tilled Hay Forks
Manure Forks . . .
, and Ho handles
Hand .Saws. .
Kurcka Wringers
STOsKaSiS NtoKVoki,
. .. . f.Oo.
Finest Assortment of
in the County.
Tho Celebrated
duns, Revolvers, and Amunition.
Tin fullcinliii: .(wt rw pulHliH In nt emnplikl form, mirr of thfm linnjuraoh- ii'iiiii.I n,i .11.
,ri".'T' If "'III Bt lUSim ik iaMT ll-ioinlll.lHMlioll.lltiJ kri) Il Jell U.I id. t filtil lllruiii..m,.ll, ,kU
iuciuiii uuuiij luroi hum i-uu muu.j curt fl.wsmii, J.jiU l.uK licvuiMvluin itlfi
AnrJutciM iiT the ltrtrllliin A 1 tltllftn rtinntivwu., tluiatiic ii.r.,1 iri.(l m ,loil. l t.a.111, nitiTbfttt llrkrl.a llvl.tuir nl.vul ,n I rfl..,
,.w. ..irniwii, i.niurnriftii.wi r ljn,Mn,.lf.
'I'll Ufa uf Oi-nvrnl I', K Oruul. I) W. A l lit
Willi c IUU.I..II .....
I'wrm by Juliu (1, WlOtlli-r. TtiAntrHrp4IIUMi
pul.ll.bmj luul 1 luvivr, t.. .ilh .1.1. UMtfrf,.f,
l'rinsl. llrurj l.onsr.Uuu. No v... i.a ,IT,J la
r, M,....i 1 ,, n 1, c,ii.-l..ii.,.l
I'j.i.i lijr Airrr.1 IVl. bt.oii. VkL 'lt f-Uln. km
ll II". .1 U tl4.Ifoir.-l I .UlrlN
1'urlur AiitM,.ni..l. A l.cs r..lMt.Mi ii Acltncr-t.
r lr. rrl..r ermit.. w raili-iiiM'.. i)m.,,t),mir,
ttr, lor cul ,lit,(ln,,, uUt uj iiiki, ciiiiiuibteUMU
ftblvintitl,,t l.t.lll, 1i.WhI..'
MhmuuI ur rial lent tun. 1 rcrv, tll'l f.ilrA.r rr
f,tlu( ,11 I, .Itt.rrMl 4.ul.. IvIU U .llv. ,h. I wu, (IraatllmlkH..!. r wVli, WuH ullUi.l
u.tlli.r rttii... t..r Mtn.Un cr.Wii1nc. rlr Ilttt.ltli4.
(I'll l I ( N ! Hew irk. KhIIIIhh m.1 1'rwkrl. Cm.
Ulului, ,n. 0lr.,llaii4 lur ,l lli, r. t'i,) .N'we.
I t'lllll
A Kitnl. tj Ulu ttvtci.
Out nftut Heiu A Kii.l, Ci 4M1 AroriTi,
AailtluCii lll-ttfrj. A Navrt. lly U.n.iiHkT Ui.qpvt.
11.1. iiarnirk r uriu Jij.ur. a
Cm ..
I he I Jilt unite lluthtvni.
A II, ml 1 1 curl. A NmS rr AntS.r of " 0r, TS-irM.-
Om f j l)rilh. A Swl, Uj Hi ..11 Co.
The Kui.i.mlo AUiculurv..! u illlLiuulJ. A .VuvL
Hy in. ha. lUki.i.
.'.!'. UulldI. A Kwrrl. )lr SLirCidl. It.f.
I I'll III Ir lu A.klrX. A Kml, U, lira. Ilm.,, Woon.
J."" '.rl A "l. U XkilKiKCvLllkB. ;ilk.(,u(,J.
"is Dmlll, t itl Ij Ih, XMlt J
.Vr',Jl ' !.':!' a Voi.i rrni'pn,wT
I In Ikllil I II A Nvi.l. Iljr Aynvirsl" K ralliri.r.
.... . "" llirlilil. ANii.l r l.mi- Hit.
I hi) I ur. oll.r; . A ,v.,k Brull.o. M IV.,. rt,-ri..-
nhtlllulrlirurJl.....i.Ar A V . ...... .. . . .
NQTiciq yon ri'DLioATiojf,
Patent, purvey Kn.
l Itit-ral applU.uthui
Application for V. H
I, Claim No, JI7.
No, yi).
U. S. liAMiOmci:. la (tinsi j: OnKoo.v.i
Deccinber 11. KSfi. 1
I Notion is hereby t-'iven tltit the Oregon
! Gold Mining Comtmnv. of Lnu's.-ille. K(l
I lucky, by Jocivi l.tice. tle n- itttorney, '
I who.-u postoillee addr i linker City. Ha
j ker eotuitv. Oregon, has thN d;tv I'K'O their
I appiirfituin for -i );itcnv for thirteen luui
orco una seventy linear leeion me 'o 1111,
man" quartz lode. bcatinL'(;iild , the s itue
behiK l'fiO feet N 'J.j dt', :t mill. V and -ll
uctoyjiie. si nun. 1; iron discovery
shaft the con, with -u-fnre g'outnl liotl feet
in width, sitinit 'd in (irauite inlniiiK tjis-
triet, Mi nn county, lreirmi. anil Otir-rioeii
by the ollleiul plat'aiid lleld notes on lile iu
t his mill' 1. us frillmi-M vi?
ItoitimiiiiK at a post front which the H sec,
! tion corner betweon sections 'J7 aiii 2.S. T 11
IS. IH') Ii: hears 1,1 dejirces 03 minutes V
land ifl! feet distance. rttnniuK tlicnee S 71?
j decrees fl miniiles. Ii syo.-'-M feet to post cor
" tier No. ; thence N T dtprecs .11. W 1"?)
i feet to post corner No. "1 tbenee N 11 de
press .1 minutes. v S'iii.-ii feet (o int cor
ner No. t; thence H -'a decrees fit. K 1 70 feet
to post cor. No. 1, the place 11'hcninnia r. eon
taiuinir H.S7 aeres and forming a portion of
the 'piarter nnd MV fpinrter of section
-7 atd Mi 14 of section 2S in ttevnhip (J
south of Jhintre. 4o li. Willninctte Jicridian.
said location being recorded in volume 11
pae Ml of the records of Union county
Or. A'ljo'ning claimants, on this lode, are
Allen A: C ix on the south.
Any anil all pnmons chinning adversely
any p.irtion of Miid "Whitman1' narU
mineor claim above dcMiribed, are rcouired
tollle their adverse claims with tlie Itciiis
terof the U.S. hand Olllce at I.a Orando,
Union eiiiintv, Orecon, duriinr the sixty
davf jieriod of pttblication hen of, or they
will, be barred by virtue of the provisions qf
tllU utiltllte. " llBXItV ItlXKII.MlT,
Jt is hereby ordered time thu forejioinj;
notice of anijlioation for a LT. .S. i:ii-uiit he
pUhltslied lor a periodof (Xiday-i (ten eon
sc(iimvu weeuij in tun uur.aox .cout. a
woikly new paper published at Union, in
union county. Oregi n
llr..vnv nivianr.T,
ileelS-wiO. ItftH'cr,
Trains arrive and
daily, a fol'ows .
fust not, so.
Pa-sencr. Nu. , Ivi
at 11 Ol a. in.
Freielit. No. 10, b've
at 0:0.r) a. in.
depart front Union
w kst co cm 1.
Pas-enner, No. ft, L've
at 1 (lVi p. 111,
Freight, No. b. Ivp.
at 8:00 a. 111.
Making thee connieiion at Hiintington
with trin of the Oreuon Short Line Kail
road fqr ALI, POINT KAiST uud SOUTH;
At Umatilla with traiiuforTUliDALI.Ii.S
At Wallula Junction for WALLA WAL
LA. DAYTON, Ac. ; aNo w ith trains of the.
Northern Pacilie I.iilroullor ALL POINTS
At mrtland with trains for all point" in
the WlLLAMHTTi: VALLKY, and with
steamers for AS'fOUlA. and all points on
and ALASK'A.
riiov I'oart.wii.
Leaving at tl! Midn't.
as follows :
L v'nj; Spear st. wh
at 10a. 111. iik follows:
Coltiinhia. Fri, Feb.
State, Wed. ,, !
O.-eaop, Mon. ,, t
Columbia, Stt. ,, 11
State, Thtir.s. ,. 'J-i
Oregon, Tues. Mob. 1
( olunibia, Fri.
tate. Tbur. Feb. S
Jrcffon, Tues. ,. 8
Columbia, Sun. ia
-tate, Friday ,, 18
Iremiti, WeiL 28
"lol'a, Monday .. 28
pttile.Tburs. Melt. 3
The company re-erves iherieht toehanife
.steamers or Milliii; daws.
C. If.
Application for a V. 8. Patent. Survey No.
Vr Claim No. IJ8. Mineral application
fill. ou.
U.S. LaxoO.m-ickLa OUAN'IlK, Oi!i:c,o.,
. . Deto ubcr 1 1. 1S8I.
.Notice is hereliy fjiveli that the Oregon
Gold Mininc i.'oinpany, of Louisville, Kcn-
tueky. by .lonpli Luce, thpir attorney.
vJtoo postotlitiiid.lie-.s is Hakur City, lin
ker county. Or., have this dav filed their ap
plication for a patent tor thirteen hundred
liliear feet on the "Alta" imartz lode, .sitti
atvd in the Granite minim; dihtikt. Union
county, OrcRon, and il -.seribed by the olll-
cial plat anil Held notes now on hie iu this
otliee. as follows, viz
Hejritiniii): at tbo XW oorncr post of the
Wliitnuin mine, marked Cor N .. 1, V. M.
O. Hur. Xo. t, an 1 qii tlie X face A. M. C.
Car. X". 1. Sun 11 v No. ?; thence X 4.' de.
WttiO feet to po't eo-, Xo. 'J; thence X 'M
diU. 10 mitt. Ii ."515 leet to post co-. Xo, .'f;
thence S 51 deAO niin. Ii 3sQ feet to po-t
cor. Xo. 4; thence S If de;;-. Ot niin. li Oil
feet tn poittor. Xo. ft: theive S 20 defr, 10
liii. Ii (.00 feet to poit cor. No. li; thence
X 72 iIck. 05 mill. W y'.iO.Ht feet to
(timer No. 1, the place of liepin
nliirt. containing 1H..'8 acres ami forming
a portion of the XK Vt of Si 0 2.1 nnd the
X'W K of Spi: 27 in Tp'! S of It -15 li W M,
satd location being recc ti d 'n Vol. D. pai;e
17.". of the records of ln on countv Or 'Ron.
Adjoinlii; claimants nn this lode.'Wiiituian
(JuarU mine on the S. Una IVarl u a'ai on
the XK and Alice , alker 0:1 the N W.
Any and all persi ijs claiming adversely
any portion of said 'Alta" quartz ini'io o'r
claim abovo described are rcpiired to iile
theiradvir oelaini with ihe Keisierof tjie
U. S. Land Otllce at I.a Grande, Union
oounty. Orepon. durini; the period of tiiib
licatio',1 hereof, or they w li l e biritil by
virtue of the provisions of the statute.
Hr.NKY Itl.NHl.MlT.
It is hereby ordered that the foicuoin
notice of application for a U.S. Pa'ent be
published lor a period of (0 days (ten eon
sccutive weeks) in the ('ncuo.v Scoct, a
weekly newspaper published at Union, iu
Union county, Oregon.
Hi Xisr Htxiai iht.
(lecis-wto. KeKistcr.
.Manager. 1 Trallle Manai;er.
INQ J. HYUNH, Gen'l Pass, .t Ticket Aet.
II. L. DliACOX. Atreut, Union.
Notice i.f 1 Siitttiiiui-ut.
Xotice is hereby given llint the ttnder
.siaiied hiini;tbis ihiy tiled in the Countv
court of Union county, Oreu in. his limit aq
eointt of the administration of the estate of
Peter Carried deceased, and praying for h
discharge, and that Tuesday tbe'Htb dav Of
March. 1S. at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day.
the. sumo being a day of the regular tpnn
of said court, has hei 11 appointed as tbo
time, nnd the court buttle in Union, Union
county, Oregon as tlie place for hearing oh,
juutions to said ac omit, and for showing of
cause, if unv there lie. why a-i order lie pot
made discharging the nil 'o lgned from
further duty as such administrator, and
10 ejsini; htssuretii) ' from further liabllitins
on his undertak'n;. and thit this notice be
published by out r of the Hon. O. P. Good,
all. judge of the County court of Union
uoiintv, Siipeof Oregon.
Ma le and dated this '.Dili dav of ,,
A.'L. conn,
febS-w.1!. AdmiutHtrator.
Leaves Union every afternoon, and rt
turns from Cove every morning.
Fare !0 cents, ltound Trio 7ft cent.
J. S. liLI.IOTT. I'ropr.
nn1ICKtlon fir tin! on In in
huitt mid rnrelin courw
Application for a lT. S,
No. :i, Chain No. JJO.
tion No. St.
U. H. Li.mi Offici:
La GiiAMo:. OaiHiox.i
Deecnib -r 11. H-0. f
Notice Is hereby given that the O esnn
'2old Mining Company, o I.o;iisiPe, Ken
tucky, by Joseph Luce their attorney,
whose postofliee address is linker Cily. lin
ker ounty. Oregon, have this day liled their
application for a patent for tbirtee 1 hun
dred linear feet on the "Iti-uln" ju irtz lode.
thes'iniebe.iin.'.'iOO feet X 25deg. ftl inln. W
and 72("i ft et S 25 d 'g. .11 inln. Ii from dis
covery shaft thereon, with surface ground
000 feet in width, situato in Granite uiiuii y
distritt. tTnion countv. State of On-g 11".
and decrlbed by the 0lllci.1l plat and held
notes now on lile In this olllce, as follows,
neginiilng at a ooii t from wl 1 -h the VK
See. cor. between see-, 27 and ."1. Tp 0 S Ii
4.r , bcari S H (;. 11 mill. li. 1072 feet
dlst.; thence N'd'L'. fit m!u W. 1J2.'i feet
to 1 'Oit nuirxed X i. 2; tbenee S'-t d"T. f)
m:n. W. WO hot to a post marked Xo. !!;
thence S 21 deg. ftl niin K 1225 feet to n post
marked Xo. 4: tlnn-e X 01 tie.'. 0-'' mi 1. li
t jiot corner Xo. 1. marktd for. Xo. 1 Ii
M. 0. Stir. Xo. :, eoutnltiii g p;.8'
acres and forn I113 a poHl n of the XW U
and the SW 't or Sec. 27, in Tp eS of llange
lo li Willamette Meridian, sniil loeiil in 1m.
ing recorded in Vol. I), page 171 of the
records of Union e. unity. 0''g n. Ad'oin.
in ; cl.iiin.mts en this lode Iifk Quartz hide
1 11 the solid.
Any and ti l persons claiming adversely
anv portion of said "Hruln" quartz inineoV
el.dni aliove dt s.'i-ibed. are n-iuiretl to tl e
their adverse claim with the IW'iter of the
US. Land Otlico at Ut Gram!.'. Utii-11
county, Oregon, during the per'.o i of pub
lication hereof, or ibey will be Inr-ed bv
irtue of the provision's-of tlie statute
HlN.1V Itj.Sl'lIA' T.
It is hereby ordered that the fo ccoIiil'
notice of application font U.S. Patent be
published for a period ol 00 days (ten con
! seeutive we -ks) in the Oiifoon Scout, a
j weekly in ws-iaptr publ'.slied at Union, in
1 1 ii.uu i-ouiivit vrcrion.
! ' Hrnuy Hinkiiakt.
d'elSwll. Ihvister.
After 1'oitr nin'
etpgrienro in th
preparitlon ol mom
than One Hundred
I ho llnltud
tries, the publinhrrs of the hcientltta
American continue to act as solicitor
for patents, caveats, trade. marm. copy
ricllti. etc.. fortha United Males, and
In obtain patent) In Canadv Kncliml, Krance,
Germany, and all otner countries Tholr ripen
ence is unoiualcil nnd their fioilitici ru unaur
parted. IlraMlncj and pclf.catloni prepared and filed
In the I'ateal Ollli-o on nhort putlce. Terms Terjr
reannnalde. N11 rliarc 'or aiiaminallon ut uioiiela
or dratrins A1HI00 lir mall free
Patent nhtlnd 1 hrnnrlt MimnACo.arnotleed
lnthSt:ii:vril'10 A?IEIHCAwhlch hii
the Inrest oiroulation an. I la ttia mnut mtluenttat
nmvepsper of it4 kind published in the world.
Tliu advantagea of inch nolle (very patents
Thle larce and anlendlrtlf llluetrated neiYappet
la imhlislied WKKICITV at ? a year, end ii
ailiiiitteil to be the best paper devoted t-l voience.
laerhantcs,', e-iKineerinc irorKi and
other dvpartmonts of Udmtrtal pronre-". pub
lic ivl In any country. It contains tlm namrH of
all p-itentaea and tit'1 of evorvmvpntion patented
enca week. Tr it four laoaths for unu dollar,
SoM by all newrdealer.
If yon liaie an invention li patent write t
Miinn A Cn., jnil)!ilier, ul Sc.eiitillo Amtiricaa,
Scl llroailway, New York
lluiidbmil, aliimt pntei Is in"il ijee.
Obtained, and all Patent niisincss atteudeil
to Promptly anil lot Mo lerate Fees.
Ouri'llb'e i.nppo-ite the U. S. Patent
Ofllee, and we can obtain I'.itonls In le-s
time than those reini te fn in Wasoitigton,
Said MolMil.or DitAW ING. We advise,
a-to p tnteiita'nlilv free of barge; and wu
We refer, lur-, to tie Postmaster, the
Supt. of.Mo:ic O'ibr Div., 1 11 I to olllcials
of the U. S. i'.itent O.lice. Ft r circular,
nihil", terms a'd lellercnccs to nitual cli
ents 1 1 your ow 11 St te or County, write to
C. A. SNOW & Co.,
Oppo-lte Pt'c , Olllce, Washington, P. 0
jDver 6,000,000 PPOPLf.t.lSE
J 3 s vi'
ii-l 0lrillw4i4 lur e'l llu e t'i, ) .N'w.e. A Uuern A rue-nrat Wamrn v'.l r. .... ..... . t 1
H.tW.. ler. Wk, l.l.llllUf, 1.UI... Ils. l"",;. C ''' "" tfl"lkrU
ui:v in Tin: woi: i.i) taLDa-KiCSB.
lit weftrint iiuallUM aru utnnn.viiai, Aeimillr
Utlntlli(f IWOtiMl f MlTothorl.niti.l. I'lafrvul
I -on UKU: MY
Orccon and Wmliluuiim Ter. Murcbum
uad Xiunlrr uunvrully.
tei,lk. A 11.11
Cio.Kleiil S.I W I. HUilnUj.
I'Mmflli llelertliei KturllA A r1Wlli -f tkrlllU, nr
rln,.UMr,l i.riiln), uaay l I...W stilus I; ..u.l
tulsltfl tpt I hlwi'iMlt,.
Yunkrr Vl ,iU4 llMmer. A fstllHIa f kutimreui
l"il..,.l.,IM....r-Him ,n r.i.r..i. 11... U.Jluc iu.hi
t.fn 1 1 the ain.Utt fi.. l'lr.4..t.
I'lie Aly.lrry ul IllsrkuvuJ tiraHce. A Neiik t)
V..ativ Kikui.
Ik Itlll t.rslu lilllil mil T MKl
li hlxry r limn, a N.i, uUi.. Jisa, Avinv.
Ibet utHl Marrlnre. A Ner. r VI.. II. t. BaiutMii.
A ttrl.lire I mi n....i...Mn....M -.
A l'u.lll' Ctluil'. UH Hy" tut lli'.H... -
I w 1 1 .... . .v. , I' . . . . , . ..
liAr k,n,ll,ll,''Jecili.twj. A il.
M i.UrJ i.k.1 I'nrli J. Ni,l nttWrf'-ri.rTWne '
A 1 wrtunr ItHDl.r. iN... fly inkia Isus.i. iu J.
! I desire to inform the 1 ti'ibc ih:r I am
I the sole n-'cot for the t elelirated I.Xl'LK-
PJtlMi WIND MILLS, in Union y uu-
i.v, ami invitu inteniting pun h isers to
1 e ant! examine the one 11. w t n eNbP i '
I foa at inv place in We-t I'non I am'
convinced ymi will pronouic u tin In -t
111.II now mantifaclu'-o.l. 'Hi,, ev r r.i.' ..I i- I
; low pib es tihieo them wi.hiu the reaeii ofi
an. 1 ireuiars or wind nulls and pumps .
sent m npplieation. A. J. KI1 Itli.
iLciVyl. I
11 v s.
are admitted to be th
ei tht vorld,
lilu.lralr.i. Ktt.
rilpllir A I il,r4
For 1007
vrill be millisl
free to an
r pplicanta. and
lo laei aeaaou-s
irithout or
dering it.
irilM4ti to
ri.i aijff Car.
... litl l ot
Tower KkU'S ' 1
ra lveir. Auoree
D. M. rtHRT CO.
Ootrolt, M ch.
, J97 "'" aurruKruf I'm) atesre boekaby ma. I rl Mi l nrsm te, ei,.. , f nn!. T
C.l lrnlai aiiylurnfjf.areivr.tO 'rnl Ilia tutu , i m lvk.lMl5 t ciit. i I . Vi
itll tlulll liick.f. rSi.lO. Tl.u.eki. It, rl.i.-.ll.L. . .7?;, . 1 ' ' .!' "
n-uiey a.k,ej f 0ti,,T,,. .s.iili-artlo.ivit.irynirAliM
.QriOnlnl nifari T?.Vf',"''Jlnflke.Mtlnrl(iiofU,,aurT
" s- . . rim ti re, iuir elkly r.aii' ortb uf il. .... " "
KttiaUJ lltrrryjair. for i.iie yr.r. AIHUntllle.ri.i ZJrX
AT. M. LVl'TO.V, J'uVIUier, Atv ; a aWu'SKSki
r.ilteitia, to b aleU'J by yvurielf fruuiaralaVvi
lia l.lf, n, rviuinu ll
AIUHI all IflMitl
ilUlUIllO TOKS, send
titiotution .sheet of ItAW FL'Utf
I'ELTd and Fowl Skiiu. to
w nnirr nom.-'i.'
lloiton, Mass