The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 05, 1887, Image 7

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Ilare been enjoyed by cltliens of every tonnnnd
city In the l 8. Murrelou Cure bare been wit
nessed by thounds of poople, who can testify to
Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Earache,
a-i i- n T I I
laiarm, t.ruuu, ouiu imuai,
Lamo Back, Stiff Joints, Contracted Cords,
Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Fever Sores,
Wounds, Old Sores, Chilblains, Frost
Bites, Sore Nipples, Caked Breasts, and
All Aches and Pains,
are quickly relieved by this magical remedy. Try It
onco and you will never be without It. Kor falo by
Drugelsts. Trlce.GOc. Our fosa Hook fren to all.
most extnn
Ire bn-edlnK
west of the
Oxer Klehtr
Tlead of Pure Ilred ai
With Ordi Percberoii
Ktalllons and Mares on
iundi at.oa raw recor
ded Imported Prench
Coichers. Sara th
iilc and e x pe n of
lone rallroid trip and
shipping and cl your
Horse at home and ac-
cllmatel. of lellab
men with etablthed
rnutAtlnn m hreed.
ars. Our Imported Stock all reentered In the Pvrcher
on Stud nooks of Fmnce and America. We iruarantee
all Stock Breeders Just as represented. Send for cata
logue No. 6. free.
Wakefield, Clay County. Kan.
Will purify the BLOOD regulate
the LIVER and KIDNEYS and
llvamm tli HEALTH unilVlCS-
OR of YOUTH I)jspeisla, ani
of Appotlte. JncUcenlon,j;ncn 01
btrencin unci xirou reenncau.
olutely cured: uones, mus
cles ana nerves receive new
force. Enlivens me mum
end supplies lirnln Power.
Suffering from complaints
n.niillai tnthplr IP1 Will find
lOKIOasnfe and speedy cure. Gives a clesr, heal
thy complexion. Frequent attompts at counterfeit
Ins only add to the popularity of the original. UQ
not experiment cet tl.e OniGlNaL AND Best,
1 r-i
tlnrn i?nnttln.tnn.T,1VfF Comnlalnt and SICK 1
esuaone. uampio iioso nna urfira bwo:
. ' v . , . .
anoa on receipt 01 two cema m pmihb.
Address; DR. HARTER, Medical Co., St, Louis
Th Grant Nurtery ol
200 Imported Brood Mares
ui unoicoat Families.
All Ages, both Soxes,
from France, all recorded lth extended pedlcreesln the
Percheron Stud Hooks. Tho Pcrcheron is the only draft
breed of Franco possessing a stud book that has tho
support and endorsement of the French Government.
Send for 120. page Catalogue, illustrations hy Husa
ii.uh.eur. M. w DUNHAM,
Wov.o, DuPage Co., I 111 nolo.
Having Bold your "Tnnsill's I'tiiicli'' fie
eifjnr for yours I find (contrary to my usual
experience with cisnrs) that thoy improve
rather than deteriorate in quality. My
customers pronounco the last case the best
I have ever had.
If. 12. KOIIINSO.V, DrusslHt,
Colorado Springs, Col.
Wholly unllko Artificial Systems-Cureof Mind Wan
deringAny book learned In one reading. Heavy re
duction for postal classes, l'losjiectus, with opin
ions of Mr. Proctor, the Astronomer, Hons. W. W.
TOR, JUDAII P. 11KNJAMIN, Drs. llMOR, Wood and
others, aout post frfk, bv
37 rift Is Avenue, Ner TorU
.'oeUht'iycuredinGo daabvir.
Trua-.oomblned. Guaranteed the
only ono In the world freneratlofr
a continuous Electrie ttf Maanetio
Comfart-blo and Kttcctlre. Avoid frauds.
OverO.OOO rured. lK?nrlKtatnn fni-namnhlet.
- current. Ki'lentifie. I'awerful. Durable.
Herman A.tliini Cure Btter ii to glteB
tiril eonrinrts tka moat i..Pl"ai Prlf fit) Hi BdK
lrtt fTauafa Ha hri )1 tlhrri fall.
11.00, of Dru (tin or null Sampit KHI'K forB
JJeat Cou1j Byrup. Tastes rood.
"' "Ola bv drujgisu.
E WANT YOU! '"veenercetWma.
,, .. , . . or ouia needing
profitabla employment to represent us In ever?
bvuu. ..h ..w pv Hiumii tug ejn
J I AlJKIiSS, for mslclns' Run
5 Tl les,' ,7c. bV5fi
mad. btoirelliCo.
ICsWWIl, tutu
r 5
aaBgnaag-fiBHIHW I III ll Rare reller I CTfTW I
iinnrnin naoTH l co fruxJiatAilUHit
Ilcnpcd I'pou n Noleil ISnsHaliman for
III Open llotieal).
W'm. Ed. RonsoN, M. U., L. R. C. S. I., M.
K. Q. C. P. I., Intp ol the Koynl Xnvy, ol
Kngland, han g'it Into prote.Hionnl trouble
for writing the followini open letter to the
editor ol the London Family Doctor:
"I believe it to be the duty ol every phy
ftician toinnkekuon-nnuy inciins or remedy
whereby McktiCHS can be prevented, und it
is for this purpose I writo to give my ex
perience both here nnd nbroad. I ask the
publication of the statement that people
mny be warned before it in too lute, to say
to them that there is at hand a means by
which they mny be restored to perfect
health. It is well known to the medical
world, and indeed, to the laity, that a cer
tain disenso is Kinking a terrible havoc;
that next to consumption it is the most
fatal, and that when fully developed thcro
is nothing to bo done fur tlio sufferer."
"Physicians nnd scientists huvelongbecn
trying to throw light upon the cause, nnd
it possible, find in nature a medicine for
this fatal malady. They have shown,
absolutely, that the blood-purifying organs
of vital importance, are the kidneys, and
that when they once fail, thu poison which
they should tnko out ot the blood is car
ried by the blood into every part of the
body, developing disease."
"In my hospitnl practice in Enjlnnd, In
dia and South America, and also while a
surgeon in the Royal Xnvy of Great Brit
ain, I gave a great deal of attention to the
study of diseases ot the kidnoyB and uri
nary organs, and found that not only was
the cure of chronic Brisht's Disenso hope
less, but that kidney disease was remark
ably prevalent; much moro so than gener
ally known, and was the cause of the ma
jority of cases of sickness, nnd further, that
the medical profession has no remedy
which exerts any absolute control over
these organs in disease."
"Some lime ago when I had a case which
resisted all regular treatment, which is
very limited, complicated with the pass
ing of stones from the kidneys, much
against my will I permitted my patient to
uso Warner's safe cure, of which I hnd
heard marvelous results. In his enso the
result wns simply marvelous, as the attack
was a severe one, and development very
grave, for nu analysis showed per cent, of
albumen nnd granular tube casts."
"The action of the medicine was singular
and incomprehensible to me. I had never
seen anything like it. Tho patient recov
ered promptly, nnd is to-day a well and
healthy man. This stimulated my inquiry
into the merits of the remedy, and after
analysis I found it to be of purely vegetable
character, harmless to take under all cir
"Casting aside all professional prejudices
gave it a thorough trial, as I was anxious
that my patients should be restored to
health, no mntter by what medicine. I pro
scribed it in a great variety of cases, Acute,
Chronic, Wright's Disease, Congestion of the
Kidneys, Catarrh of tho lllndder, and
in every instance did it speedily effect a
"For this reason I deem it my duty to
givo to the world this statement regarding
the value of Warner's safo euro. I make
this statement on facts I nm prci a rod to
produce and substantiate. I appeal to
physicians of large practice who know how
common nnd deceptive diseases of the kid
neys are, to lay aside professional prejudiro,
givo their patients Warner's safe cure, re
store thorn to perfect health, earn their
gratitude, and thus be true physicians "
' I nm satisfied that moro than one-hull
of tho deaths which occur in England are
caused, primarily, by impaired action ol
tho kidneys, and the consequent retention
in tho blood of tho poisonous uric and kid
ney acid. Warner's safo cure causes the
kidneys to expel this poison, checks the
escape of albumen, relieves tho inflamma
tion and prevents illness from impaired
and impoverished blood. Having had
more than soventeen years' experience in
my profession, I conscientiously and em
phatically state that I have been nble
to givo more relief and effect more cures by
tho use of Warner's saro cure than by all
tho other medicines nsccrtainahlo to the
profession, tho majority of which, I am
sorry to say, nro very uncertain in thoit
"Isn't that a straightforward, manly
"Indeed it is."
"Well, but do you know tho author line
been dreadfully persecuted for writing it?"
"How so? What has ho done to morit
"Done? He has spoken tho truth 'out ol
school' nnd his fellow physicians, who want
tho public to think they have a monopoly
in curing diseases, are terribly angry with
him for admitting professional inability to
reach such disorders.
"That letter created a wonderful sensa
tion among the titled clnsses and the pub
lic. This jarred tho doctors terribly. The
College ot Surgeons and Queen's College,
from which institution he was graduated,
asked for an explanation of his unprofes
sional conduct, and notified liira that un
less he made a retraction they would dis
cipline him.
"The doctor replied that ho allowed his
potients to make uso of Warner's sufo euro
only after nil the regular methods had
failed, and when ho wns satisfied that there
was no possible hope for them. Upon their
recovery, after having used Warner's safe
cure, lie was so much surprised that ho'
wrote the abov-e letter to the Family Doc
tor. He regretted that the faculties found
fault with his action in the matter, but ho
could not conscientiously retract the facts
as written to tho Family Doctor.
"The faculties of both colleges replied
that unless he retracted they should cut
him off, which would naturally debar him
from again practicing his profession, and
also prevent his securing another appoint
ment in the Royal Navy!"
The illustrious doctor's dilemraifeis cer
tainly on unpleasant one, emphnairlng, as
it does, both his own honesty, and the con
temptible prejudice and bigotry of English
medical men. The mosses, however, hav
ing no sympathy with their nonsense, keep
on using the remedy he so highly recom
mends and get well, while the rich and nLle
depend upon the prejudiced doc tors and die.
Jules Verne was shot by a cruzy nephew,
but is now about well again.
lint, easiest to use and cheapest Ilio'i Remedr
tor Catarrh. " drugtliti. UK.
SMAfvio ai.j r-HAUDi.
v'oiur VnvnrntMicd Trut'm About
''nss'cty' nt tlicNntlotutl Cnpltul.
Although then1 is n grunt fchow nnd
anv amount of ' s-ocinl position" uinl
i ' rank" in Washington, thuru .s not an
equal amount of wealth to support it in
two-lhi'ils of tho cases. Tho majority
of those who sh no in society anil nro
the most prominent and irrepressible
arc dependent on Government salar es,
ami it takes close management to make
them sullice for pin n living and a place
in society. Many of the Senators arc
wealthy;' but I hey are the only ones, as
a class, who have great wealth; and
the moneyed people, as the r oh winter
residonts'who come only as private cit
izens aro called, arc eas ly counted.
Knch M'ason Washington runs over
with heiresses, and penniless girls, and
willows who come to Washington as to
a great matriiuoninl market, and wear
themselves half out in the struggle to
get into anil keep m society, ltieh moil
iiever come to hunt for wives in this
modern Smithfield, and when a New
York m. did take a Washing
ton br do it was a pretty gril in strait
ened circumstances, who had never
been known in tho society army and
navy germans and logat on balls.
Young army anil naval ollieors are tho
most mercinary lot of all, and thoy in
variabh save up thoir leaves of ab
sence to spend them in Washington
during the winter months. One mis
creant in epaulets onco horrilicd some
married ladies by saying: "It pays us
poor fellows on short commons to pass
a season in Washington sending bo
quels and spend all our money on tho
girls, for all tho rich girls go there,
and their fortunes are only equivalents
for tho soc nl position that wo can
give them.
Sometimes those gay speculators get
terribly sold, as not every papa that
passcs'for a millionaire- is really one,
and heiress is a name very easily tick
eted to a girl who dresses well. Ke
cently there has boon a notorious case
of ono of those uniformed fortune
hunters getting the supposed lfoircss
nf tor a long siege, only to find too lato
that tho fortune was all in the air, van
ished, gone up like smoke. To balance
this there is tho case of another young
ollicer, who. although engaged to a
great heiress now in Europe finishing
her French and buying her trousseau,
longs to be released from those golden
fetters to marry a penn.lcss orphan cm
ployed in one of the departments here.
People who believe in the old-fashioned
love stories admire and sympathize
deeply with this crooked course of true
love, but his brother ollicers think the
distracted youth a plain and simple
A joko is often told on ono very
punctilious army oflicor, who in the
course of frontier experiences found
his ex laundress the wife of a Congress
man. The laundrc-is' rise and the
growth of her husband's fortune could
not bring t lie ladies of the fort to rec
ognize her, and this particular oflicor,
although now a General, could remem
ber somo stormy scenes, when, as a
poor young Lieutenant, ho had scored
and upbraided the laundress about mat
ters of starch, buttons and plain mend
ing. She fell in his way next at somo
celebration or event wheio her husband,
the Congressman, was in ono of tho
front carriages of the procession, and
she. tho gorgeous liguro, on the plat
form crowded with tho distinguished
people of tho day. The General in his
uniform was introduced and her voice
and face sent his memory chas ng
backwards. Just about as the identity
was becoming clear her talk went on to
the winter that she had just passed in
Washington. Her comments on socie
ty and people at tho capital woundii p
consolingly with this: "O, yes! I found,
too, that army ollicers go in unite good
society at Washington." When this
got into army gossip it furnished as
much amusement as a remark that
onco rose above tho hum of voices at
a dinner party here when the same
woman, who looked sixty and wore a
raven-black wig over a face seamed
with a hundred wrinkles, simperingly
saUl: "Yes, 1 mean to wear baby blue
until I am thirty." Vu.-hinylon Cor.
St. Louis Globe Democrat.
Have to Argue.
A man, upon entering a yard sur
rounding a cab. n, was bitten by a dog.
Just then an old negro came out, and
nodding to tho man who was writhing
in pain, said :
"Do animal bite yer, sah ?"
"Of course ho did. Came very near
tearing mo all to pieces."
"Sorry sah, but 1 tells yer whut's or
fack. Yer ken boas' dat yer wuz bit by
do fines' dog in dis neighborhood. I
gin ton dollars yeah or fo las' fur dat
pup, an' l'so found dat ho's wuth it."
"You good for nothing old hound, 1
ought to knock your head off."
"W'yp Jus borca'so I gin so much
fur do dog? Wa'u'tnono o' yer bus'ness
how much I paid oz lining ez it wuz my
money. I declar' tor goodness, white
folks is gittin' so cuis an' particuler
deso dajs tint or pusson doan know how
tor please 'era. Como or niakin' er moid
er roun heah casu I seed fit tor buy or
valuable dog. Hotter git oiitcn dis yard
an' go on erbout yer bus'ness."
When tho indignant man had gone,
tho old rascal, turning to his wife, said:
"Polly, yer got torargy wid whito folks
deo days, fur ef yor (loan da ain' gwino
'spect yer. Arkamaw Traveler.
3liserles of Jury Duty.
"I'll never servo on another jury as
long as I live," said ono of tho Mc
Quadc jurors to a friend.
"Yes it must bo very tiresome," re
plied the friend.
"It is, indeed, but that's not what I'm
complaining about."
"The loss of time is not repaid by tho
two dollars a day jury fee I"
"I didn't miil tho loss of timo so
much. It was not tie loss of time that
galled me."
"What is it thnt exasperated you so
"One of the morning papers describ
ed mo as 'a bit: headed joung man with
ears llko transparent turretsr" Texas
Mr. Ruchter, n. wcli-Vnowncltlten of Lan
caster, Pa., has used St. .In culm Oil, and
considers it an excellent remedy in cases of
welling, bruises mid burns.
Antlqnltr nl' Caiotilltiz.
I beliovo they played dominoes in Egypt
300 years ago for money, and 1 tlarr bh.v
the mercenaries of ancient Citithnge shook
dice for remuneration they had tor their
brutal service. Poker was known by
another name, but 1 doubt not thnt
Nebuchnddetiar's army nntied up in their
camp in tlie nnrm Assyrian night; nnd
while llruttiH wns quarreling with Cassius
in his tent the Roman soldiery were prob
ably staking their prospect ivo drachmns
nt some game ot chance. Still, in the nine
teenth century, with civilization in full
blast nnd n hundred religious creeds fight
ing for tho regulation of people's mnrnls,
tlio three card motite performer scoops in
the astute man of business nnd tho bunko
man lauds tlio statesman and the poet just
ns of old. San Francisco Chronicle.
Tho publisher of llalt'nnore, Mil., Every
Saturday, Mr. T. J. Wentworth, says his
child aged six mouth, was suffering from a
severe cold, and ho gave it Red Star Cough
Cure, which acted like a charm. No mor
phia. Heat Ilouo In tlio I'uinlly.
The best society for the suppression of
pernicious litcraturo is the family. The
best legislation that can bo passed for tho
provontion of tho sale of vile literature can
be passed by father and mother in joint
convention assembled. Daily teaching to
love and study good nnd useful things will
bring boys and girls to detest the opposite.
These are the only means by which the sale
of pernicious literature can over bo perma
nently and effectually suppressed. The
pnssnge of laws of the statoand tho watch
fulness of the societies for tho suppression
of pernicious literature may do some good
for the youth whohaveno parents to teach
them, but to provido sound early training
for them would do far more. Philadel
phia North American.
"Breathes thero a man with soul so dead,
who never to himself has said, I'll euro my
weary, aching head, with Salvation Oil?"
"Yes a few fellows, but they are of light
Seven Illinois women aro county superin
tendents of schools.
Kammond, lioulalaiin, mid Jackson,
Tho tide of emigration lias alrendy turned
southward, and thousands of puoplo aro
asking tho question, "Whoro can 1 locate
South to tho best ndvantnge?" Every
State has its peculiar attractions, but it is
generally conceded that no locality in the
South possesses so many udvantngcj ns
Hammond, Louisiana. Hero over 40
Northern families havo located within tho
past year. The climatecauiiot bo excelled.
Water, clear and pure, only f'J miles north
ot New Orleans, on tho main lino of the
Illinois Central Railroad, with direct
market facilities toovery important North
ern market. Fruits and vegetables are
grown with case and great profit. Stock
docs well. A good school, beautiful church,
public library, and is in every hciiho a
Northern town. An Inter-Stato Dairy
mens' and Fruit Growers' Convention will
bo hold at Jackson, Mississippi, Februry
10, 17 and 18. Northern and Southern
lecturers and instructors of national repu
tation aro upon the program. Mardl Gras
Festival nt New Orleans will tako place
Feb. 22. To ncconimodato all who desire
to attend tho Jackson Convention, visit
Hammond and the Now OrleaiiB Mardi
Gras, tlio Illinois Central Railroad will run
a low rato excursion from all points on its
Illinois nnd Iowa lines, arriving at Jackson
at 4:10 p. in. Feb. 10. Tickots will bo sold
to New Orleans and return with stop over
privileges at Jackson and Hammond. Par
ties residing at points oft tho lino of the
Illinois Central should nsk their local ticket
agents for round trip tickets to New
Orleans nnd return, and bo suro they are
routed via. tho Illinois Central, in order to
visit Jackson and Hammond. For ex cur
Bion circulars, programs ot Jackson con
vention and printed matter concerning
Hammond, apply to tho undersigned at
Manchester, Iowa. J. F. MintitY,
Goti'l West. Pass. Ag't.
Isabella, llegg, n. nieco of Hums, nnd hie
last remaining relative, has just died.
If SullVrcm from Coimiuiiptlon,
Scrofula, Bronchitis, and General Dobility
will try Scott's Emulsion of Cod Livor Oil
with Hypophosphites, they will find im
mediate relief and periuiiiato benefit. The
Medical Profession universally declaro it a
remedy of tho grenttst value and very pal
atable. Read: "I havo used Scott's Emul
sion in several cases of Scrofula and Debil
ity in Children. Results most gratifying.
My little patients tako it with pleasure."
W. A. HuMiKitT, M. D Salisbury, III.
Twelve mil ion dollars wero put into new
buildings In Boston last year.
A Mr. Johnston, student of Omaha
Commercial College, is filling a lucrative
position as book-keeper for A. D. Morse,
Omaha's leading merchant.
The Empress of Austria Is in falling
For the Wood, Nervea
And Complexion, use Caktkh'b Iiion Pii.i.b.
Mrs. Hcim would like to remain In this
Tub Tiiiioat. "Brown's Bronchial
Troches" act directly on the organs ot
the voice. They have nu extraordinary
effect in the disorders ot the throat. Price
25 eta.
Do not turn your back to one seated
near you.
A City of Ileaiilirul Women.
Detroit, Mich., is noted for its llcalthy,
I. I .!(.... 1.1,1, 41... Inmllnf, ulivul.
ciuus and druggistB there attribute to tlio
general uso and popularity of Dr. Hurter'a
iron ionic.
A Maine lady has refused 52,000 for her
tresses, eight feet ono inch long.
A gentlemen's driving club is spoken of
for Baltimore.
Montana is out of dent und hits 557,000
in the treasury.
Frank James will sell shoes in a St. Louis
Georce W. Childs has recovered from the
effects of his recent full.
Senor Curullu, of Madrid, has produced
a rhymed version of the Bible.
Slosson has been sued for $25,000. That
might be culled a bank shot.
Bob Ingersoll's hair Is us whito as snow. I
Site Counted Illm In.
"Yeth. nh, yeth." he said; "veth, we're
goin to stick boars imported boars, you
ktiiinu nt Tuxedo; rum sport, by Jovel"
"No doubt," hIic said, pluyiug with her fan,
'but are you not afraid, Mr. Addlepnte, J
that you will be injured?" New York Mall
nnd Express.
Pleannt to the taste, surprisingly quick
in elfect and economical in price no won
der that Dr. Bull'sCoiigh Syrup is the lead
ing preparation of its kind in the market.
A cotton mill nt Hnrrisburg, Pa., has
b'.-en turned into a silk mill.
"Man's work's from sun to sun;
Woman's work is never done."
Work is a necehsity to nil; but, upon how
many, wt, men especially, does it fall with
tho burden of the "last straw," and this,
because their peculiarly delicate constitu
tions are so liable to functional derango
meat. Wo cannot lessen your toil, ladies,
but we can make it easier tor you, by mak
ing you stronger nnd better utile to do it.
Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" will
ivl.cvo you of nervous nnd other weak
nesses, und all tho ninny ills peculiar to
your sex.
General Sherman is said to tear that he
will be tho next of the heroes to die.
Pelicnta diseases, as nervous debility and
premature weakness, howeveriuduced, rad
ically cured. Send 10 cents in stamps for
trout no. World's Dispensary Medirnl Asso
ciation, 0G3 .Main Btrect.llurralo, N. Y.
The llfo of n book ngent 1b full of worm
wood and gall.
A Illnrk Mat
of diseases follows an unhealthy condition ot
the liver, one of the most important organs
of the body. Impure blood, bronchitis,
iiHthnin, malarial diseases, consumption,
sick-headache, diseases ot tho skin, kid
neys and heart all may bo traced to
faulty action or torpidity of tho liver.
No other known preparation so rapidly
and thoroughly restores a disordered liver
as Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery."
It is pleasant to the taste, mild but suro in
its action, and a gift to suffering humanity
from ono of tho most successful physicians
of I lie age.
Do not enter a room without first knock
ing and receiving an invitation to como in.
ItllllotiKiicKa, Dizziness, Nsuiaca, lUc,
Aro relieved by Cahtku's Littlk Livkii
Henry Irving contemplates another visit
to tho United States.
"VThen Baby waa tick, wo care her Caatorla,
When she waj a Child, the cried for Caatoria,
When ahe becamo itles, she clang to Cattoria,
TThsu ahe had Cluldron, sue gavo them Caatoria,
The latest claim ot Minneapolis is 175,
000 inhabitants.
ICxcuralona to tlio Winter Itcaorta of
tlio South.
Tlio Wabash. St. Louis ,fc Pacific Ry. nro
now celling round-trip tickets, good until
.lime 1st, 1SS7, nt greatly reduced rates,
to Mobile, New Orleans, Pensacohi, Juck
sonville, Collar Keys, and all the principal
points in tho south. For further informa
tion and tickots, call on or write F. E.
Mooiec, Ticket Agent, or G. N. Clayton,
Northwestern Passenger Agent, 1502 Far
liam Street, Omaha, Neb.
It was during the fourteenth contury that
paper wns first niailo from rags.
A (Iliost
is a myth, but solid reality will bo known
by thoso who writo to llallett it Co., Port
land, Maine, thereby learning, tree, about
work that thoy can do, and livo at homo,
wherever they reside, at a profit of from $5
to $25 and upwards daily. Somo havo
earned over 550 in a day. Capital not
needed. Hallet it Co., will start you. All
is now, Delay not. Pay absolutely suro
from stnrt. Wealth awaits uvory workor.
Botli sexes. All nges.
Mrs. Bancroft is
working on n book of
I'ATKNTH oMainrd by l.otlis IlnRE" ACo.. At
torn j, i.ihluglc.u, 1), t. K'l'illbOI. Advlcufreo
Kate .1. Kolsey is city physician of Meno
in one, Wis
We would ho pleased to know of a man
or woman who lias novor had hcadacho or
been subject to constipation. As these
seem to bo universal troubles a little advlco
mny bo in order. Why should persons
cram their stomachs witli nauseating pur- ,
(jntivo pills, etc., 'which sicken nnd tlobili
tato when such apluasantand sterling rem
edy as I'rickly Ash Bittors will act mildly
and effectively on tho liver, kidney, stom- '
tich and bowels, and at the same timo tono
up and strengthen tho wholo system, caus
ing headache, constipation and all such dis
tressing evils to quickly disappear. I
The olectric steel railway at Los Angolcs '
is pronounced a success, I
That tired lnn!iild-fee"ling antfrtull head
ache is very disagreeable. Take two of
Cartor's Little Liver Pills before retiring,
and you will fliid relief. Thoy never full to
do good. I
Sponge fishing is very profltublo on tho
Florida coast tills season.
Oct I.yon'a Heel BtlfTeners applied to your boots
and uui'a before you run them orcr.
Queon Victoria calls the son of Beatrice
"His Highness."
. n - J . . a . I ... V.
I.M FREE. Unas
not under tno horse's ftet. Writ Rre
nu Brewster
Batoty Roln Holder Co., Holly, Mloh.
VeKH-blrit ('ropi. iloubt '.- BUY NORTHERN GROWN
SEEDS WARRANTED. 1M.CM 7 CENT Plants, non't bay till
you so catalog- With Prize Offer. JOUS UiU,UCrHM1Wk
for Infants and Children.
"Cajtorl ! ao well adaptM to children that Clitoris curt Oolte. Cam trpatloa,
IrecorameDditMBuperiortottuy prcscriptioa I Hour Btomnch, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
tawwa to me." IL A. Amcnia, II. D., K KUU Wormi, gi'ea alecp, tod promotes. H
111 Bo. Oxford 8t, Brooklyn, N, . WuSStajurlou ndlcta.
Tin Cajrrxca CoxrxnT, 188 Fultoa Street. H.T. ,
Why did the Women
of this country use over thirteen million cakes of
Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886?
Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why,-
IT cojtTAiTts mo on tisi tir am forjc
CK.N'T ItOTTI.KS nrr put up for thai
urrommnilntloit nf all who dcalra la
UoiiiI anil Low l'riecil
should Sjmiro' th Ejirgft St.OO Botttaa),
Dlrnrtltina acouuipaiit- Kacli liottlc
and omen nyMur oricuvrRBiBiics.
bai itocd Ue Teit of Yean.
i Caring all Dlxeaacj of the
ELS, Ac. ItPnrifitttha
Mood, Invrgor&taa and
(J10&BJC3 uo Bjtuim.
ious coMPLAiirra.&e
disappear at onto under
1U penoncm innaeaco.
It ! purely a XedioInM
aa its cautaruoproptr-i
Uea forbids its has ai af
beveratro. It la ploat-
Tt rffl ant to ths tasta. and ai
casllr tafcira br cMld-
nn as naaru.
flftlw ProOTtatara.
fyr.Louuand. Kuwas Cm
I'or Weak "Women.
Mra. Lydla K. 1'iiikham, Lynn, Mass.r
"About the llrst of September, 1881, my
wife was taken with uterine hemorrhage.
Tho best styptics tho physicians could
proscribe did not check it nnd she got more
and moro enfeebled. Sho wan troubled with
Prolapsus Uteri, Lcucorrhusn, numbness of
tho limbs, sickness of tho stomach nnd loss
of appetite. I purchased n trial bottlo of
your Vegetable Compound. Sho said bIio
could discovor a salutary offect from tho
first doso. Now sho is comparatively freo
from tho Prolapsus, Stomach sickness, Ac.
Tho homorrliago is very much better nnd is
less at tho regular periods. Her appetite
Is restored, and her general health and
strength nro much improved. We feel that
wo havo been wonderfully benellled andi
our hearts nro drawn out in gratitudo for
the Bamo and in sympathy for other suf
ferers, for whoso snkes we allow our names
to bo used."
C. W. KAT0N, Thurston, N. Y.
Tho Compound is put up in Pill, Loionge
nnd Liquid form. All sold by druggisto.
The Pills and Lozenges sent by mail on re
ceipt ot price.
ICellered and cored by Ir. J.
A. Blicnnin's method. Thosa
who cutiuitt arall theinielvei
I of personal attendance can liae Uomo Iri-atmentap-'
rllance ami curalWo sent for U onlr. Bend stamp'
lor circulars. 1W Broailwajr, Near York.
INc-OPIUM Unlilt I'alnleaalr
I ihiml at llomr. TrrAtmonl
ml on trial and NO PAT asked
until ion aro benefited. Terms low.
I XI limn, no Jtcmtdy Co., JCl'ajolt lnd.
I'. A. I.KIIMAN.V. Bollclt
or ot l'atenta. Washington,
D. C Seud for Circular.
Morplilno Habit Oureilln to
toilOHIitra. No pur Hit OuraO..
Da J. ararucvi. Leuauou. OUlo.
trniYAI I cn a.nV aiul exDentea
naTl. OuuTt worlh Si and parlfrulara
no. 1. U. VlCKKltY, Auiruita, llaina.
s7tHBHIB9 and Morphia llnbltCvrrd In 10 to
MaVJ RHUlfl 80 days. ItWertolUOO patient rured
U DT Q 9 Ha In all nana Sr. Marsh, Quincj.KJc.
nniltlTO curs.
No Kalte.
a. IV.
NoPlaaler. No 1'ala. W.G.
Fujmb. Uaralialllewa.Iowa.
rCt CfBADUV I.-rn br and cars
t U fc II M r n I Kuod Pa7, Situations f ui
nhbad. WriUVaUasUlna liroa., Janasvllla.WU.
LIMIT HTIJDY. Secure a nualneaa Kdueallon b;
Ion by
mall, from Uetamt's Collzos lluffalo,
UffiDl Xor yvjli VMS an haarathomei no ran
fTUnra vaa.liiir. Instructions Ic Hoi XI, 1'hila., I'a.
W. N. U., Omaha
K rfl ESP H
(Ban U hub"