The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 05, 1887, Image 5

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J3rief liullctius,
Down to freezo.
Overcoats $ I.Wat lrako,s.
Mails arrive very irregularly.
Minstrels at Wright'" hall to-night.
New milch cow for sab.- K. K.
Sleigh filling is the y-iineipal amuse
ment now.
On account of iianovul, things ,lred
hot" at Drake's.
J. W. Sheltoti returned from Salem
on Tijcsday last.
15ov. Wilson, of La Grande, aia'de
us a visit thi week.
We will yet be able 1o pack eulli
cient ioe for u.-e ueM summer.
County Clerk Neil has been sojourn
ing for some days past at Salem.
Our thanks are due to U. S. Senator
Dolph for valuable public documents.
Your Covodrug sturo account is long
over due. Call around and tettle at
The bill creating the County of Wal
lowa will bo found elsewhere in this
The registry law cost Union county
frTnO.OO outside oi the sheiill' and
clerk's fees.
Georgo HmfThrd, house painter and
tign writer, will tako contracts from
any part of tho alley, See his ad.
It is reported that Sheriff Hamilton
has bought, tho famous SMoy orchard
on Shako river. Consideration $S,00.
All those indebted to me are hereby
notified to settle immediately. ( need
the money and must have it. F. S.
Mrs. I). r.McDaniel and her daugh
ter, Mrs. Harlan Stewart, returned
from their tiipto California, last
Mr. W. J. Snodgrai-s, who is now in
attendance at tho legislature, has our
thanks for numerous legislative docu
ments. l'ed Smith, who took a band of
horses to San Francitco a few weeks
ago, has not sold them as yet. The
market appears to Jus dull.
Jimmy Johmou has fitted up a ueat
bath room in connection with his bar
ber shop, When you want a clean
Ehavo or bath, call on Jimmy.
Several inches of snow this week,
and colder thau at any linio dining
the winter. Enough ice will probably
be secured for use next s.ummer, after
Mr. MoFarron has opened another
barber shop in this city. This makes j
three, and no doubt tin-re will bo liv. ly
competition. Wo may look for "razor.
in tho air."
Boports from Glenn's Ferry state
that (juitc extensive improvements are
going on at that, point. About 100
men are employed with teams, grading
fcido tracks, and a round house witli a
stall for twenty engines is in couise
of erection.
The Weaiy Nine Minstrel will give
tin entertainment at Wright's hall to
night. Admisfion 50 sts; children 2")
cts. After the entertainment a free
social dance will lie given for the beiu
iit. of those who attend. Good music.
Turn out and hear thi-m.
In order to got the Eagle crenk peo
plo to sign the petition for annexation,
tho Baker county County court holds
out tho indu.'. ment that thoy will
build a road down l'owder river. What
would be left for a bankrupt to do
if he could not make promises?
Mr. A. Mitchell has completed his
map of the IMneereek mining district
in this county. Jt is a most excellent
piece of work, ami will bo of great
value to those desirous of information
concerning that country. One of the
mails may be seen at this office.
Anything in the way of harness and
middles can ho bought as cheap ut Un
ion as any place in tho county. Those
desirous of anything in that linn should
call on Dan. Beidleinan, who has a
largo and varied assortment. Bead
his advertisement whiclnjppoars tiro-1
From the Chieftain we learn that
the subject of raihoad building is be
ing agitated in the Wallowa valL-y,
and tliat nieetiu.'s.s are hi ing held for
tho purpose of discussing tho subject.
What the ultimate object is, and what
theso discussions arc calculated to
bring about, we are not informed.
Frank Benson has nib-let tho con
tract to carry the mail between this
citj and the Cove, to E. P. McDaniel.
The time will probably bo changed,
j-hortly, and (lie stage will leave Cove
in the morning and return in the
evening. This arrangement will be
more convenient for the people of tho
A grand prize ball will be given on
Feb. 8th., LSS7, (it being full moon,) at
my hall in Cove. Everyone buying a
ticket will bo entitled to draw for a
5.00 and ."f 2,.r,0 cash prize, to lie drawn
mi tho night of the bait, previous to
Buppur. Price of tickets, including
supper, .$2.03, A cordial invitation is
extended to all. II. J. Gej:h.
Ed. Parker, who has been a hanger
on around the official crilis of this
county for roino timo past, is now en
gaged in tho interest of Baker City
and La Grande, in circulating u peti
tion among the j.-oplo of the I'ine
VKvk country, trving to get thoir sig
natures for the aiino.Mitiou of that
portion of the enurty to Baker.
Tilings look oiunious. Of eouro wo
don't caro anything about tho Iocs uf
that tection of country, but to have
Parker stray off would Ik; a misfor
tune, indctxl.
Xotaitiufeurh'ug tho UCt that liny.- .
teen, out of every twenty w.on in, the j
Xortk roller country- sigu-d tho j
remoiyt;;auee, the editor of tin- Wcvel-
h't! MVii' "Wo folltld tVlU pCOpV' of
N'nrtk Fowler ami vicinity unutii-
tnaiv-ty in favor ui boinx annexed to j
lisibo?' county." Abbott should bo ;
awarded a medal as tho bo.-- liar of i
the present epoch.
We fcc that linker cowity ha? pro-
sentoil n bill to our county autlvjiitios I
I for the keeping cl "John nruke.u pan- j
; per of Union county." Tiyi bill
amounts to ifl.'tf.OD. A" they hiul ,
Diake in charge but ninetneu day, it I
j would teem that Mich charges ate out i
I of all rea.-ou. What action will be ;
taken on U wo are not iniormed. No I
wonder that leaker L- a bankrupt
county when its ollieials allow such
bills, as that. t
The neonle hero will be
e surpnseil to
,s has entered i
hear that 15. S. MeComus
into a co-nartnershin with the t?u
promo Kuler of tho Universe. In
writing to an Ka-teru paper he ta:
"My bu.-in.css is at present to help
God,' ':eveal tho mysteries of his
will, accordimx to his own ge.ucl plea.-
... . . i i i; I
, tire which lie lias purposed hhiihii,
! 'to make known the wonderful virtues
jof his Medical Lake PhKk' When
we have succeeded I shall be plad to
! once more turn my face to tho wet."
This last combination that Me has
entered into is a powerful one, and 've
1 have no doubt, the two of 'em will
make tho Medical Lake Halts boom.
North Powder Lodge No. SS, I. ().().
F., was iiis-titutcd but Saturday by
Grand Master K. Alexander. The.
ollieers installed were as follows: J.
W. Ivimbivll, NO; A. A. Scott, V f i ;
I). W. C. Nikon, Sec ; 11. Knlhsohild,
Troas; W. H. Crones, per tec; H. O.
Uorhani, I 0. Following U i list of
appointed othcers: G, Venerable, K
S. N; Frank Spicer, L H N (i ; F.
Iluir, K S V (5 ; Kdward Moraii, L S V
G;J. A. White, conductor; Andrew
Lun, 0 0; J. 0. Travillian, K S fi.
The lodge meet Saturday evenings of
each week. The following named
gentlemen from this city attended and
assisted in tho eeicmonies: A. E
Eaton, J. 15. Thompson. A.Levy, .las.
Oallowav, Chas. S. Miller, Win. Kai
ley, A. .1. Goodbiod, L. H. Mel'hemm
and A. N. Hamilton.
A paragraph concerning the man
Wait, who was at North Powder on
the night of tho disappearnce of Willi.
.Skill', has been going the roumU of the
naiiers which has a tendency to inih
lead. Wait was at. North l'owder on
the night of the supposed murder, and
a dayoi two afterw.uds pasted through
Union and was list seen, so far :w his
movements can bo traced, at Island
City in company with Tibbetts, one of
tlie alleged murderers, and from that
lay he has dropped as completely
from (he knowledge of men as did
Willis Skill', titronuoiw effort ami
much time was spent in trying to 'find
him, hut to no effect. J I is disappear
auee is equally as niy.itenuus atj the
disappearance of Skiff, Jiut as he had
no friends to interest themselves in
the matter, but little stir bus been
made about it.
Following is a li-t of juror drawn
for the February term of Circuit court,
comiuone'nig on tho -1-t int:
TP Day. Prairie Creek, Farmer.
E E Ha'ydon ,,
Bladen Asltby, Antelope, ,.
F M Fine. Joseph, Hotel kctipfr
W S Locke
N O Keiincdv
W V White,"
B W D i vis
Tlios O' Bryou ,
A K Graham
North P.
1 t
J H Bolins.
Pino Vallev
A Buchanan
E H Clingan
A .1 Hughes, Island City,
Egburt Vanderiuullin . ,
J S Clark
II McDonald, Sinninorville,
F B Collins
L Blanehard, Indian Valley,
.J u Cliri-lianson ,,
Albert Olion
Peter Ktilin ,
A (I uiu'loff
.J B Ewing
Henry Wildy
Robert Shaw
La Grande,
Mill man.
Union ,
n iiiiam woous , , .
A C Craig ,. Hotel keeper.
A Dick-son .. Shoemaker.
.-.I,. . i i i
i c Duiilap. Imiiaha, Stockman,
' C 0 Colli. iberry. Cove, Blacksmith.
Nliitli Silf.
Our ninth aniuiul clearance sale of Pry
anil Fancy (Joorts and Gent's Furnishing
jjoods wiil commence on Vcihuday, .lan
uarv Sth, 1SS7. nnil continue twenty olplit
iliivs. Our KN'TI ItK stock, without i cerv i'
will lie otli-ri'il AT COST. We khnll cnili a
vor to make thin sale, if poible, more in
terest a: to our patrons than our EKSHT
f.iiiner aiiirial sale-, which have hecouio
hniiscliol I worth and known to a niulti
tuUo of tict.plc, Jiarlv orders solicllfd.
18U First Street, I'ortlaiul. Orrgun.
The reduction of iiitcrn d revenue mil the
takiiiK of! of reveiuiu -tanipa from Proprie
tary Medicine', no doubt b is 1 irttely bene
fited the o i.uini:rs, a well iw relieving tlio
burden of home tiiaiHifin t lies. J"ipciuby
is thH the ta'c with Ur n'a Aii);Ut 1-lower
and PoM'hi'u's Gorman ymp, im the reduc
tion of tbirtv-six cent-' pi-rduzm. has lvcn
added m increase the -izj of tue boitlt's
c.iiitahiingt'iesc rcineiil m, thereby riwS
oiit-lifth mo: i; iiiedicini! in the 7fl cent sic
The A u'iist Flower for Dvspupsia an 1 Liv
er complaint, and til' Ucniuiii Syrup ior
Uoughi and I.uu' troubles, Jitvo perhaps,
the nw-t sub of any medicine in l'ie
world, 'flu- advantage of increkoil sizv of
the bo'Uoi will b.- rcutly app-eeluted by
the sick un afili -U-d, in every town and
villa ;e in civilized couiitrips. bj.uiiplc bot
tlo for 10 cci.ti renin in the auiu siio.
AVIIJ Chmry unci Tar.
Kveryboily known the vlrtucn of wild Cher
ry and Tir n n relief and cure for auy atfec
tioni of tho Throat and Liui'h, combined
with those two iii)rrwlli iil are a few hniile,
hwillnf ri'ioi'dU-i hi the conipofltlou or ur.
nomnkoS l oinjli and Liuik syrup inakiiis
it lUMt tho article you uliould alway have In
the huu.c for Cousin, ColiH, Lroup and
Broncbltl". Price frJ crnts and 41. Suinplea
free, tiold by J. T. VrIKbt, Uulou, Oregon.
Feb. 3, IS$T.
Tho Weary Niw Minstrel troupe, i
appeased before a delighted, V oo. an,-
cuence i uus.iaj cnc. . J
A. KKoHfon has sub-Vet U,p aim ,
Mint met between Cove aiul Union to.
. .i 1 1 . . : .
Jno. S. Elliott. Dave Lay no, tl,o pop
uWdrncr handles the libbons
Advertised letters remaining tn Covo I
nost-omcu Feb. 1st: Miss Numye AtW
nm'nn, H. Fei ll, Jno. C. tmore
Win Tohrman and 1. J. Wheeler.
Miss lVarl I'avne returned Tuesday
from Walki Walla, where she has been,
taking a course in music. The many
friends of the young lady are pleased,
to see her looking so wi ll.
Our skaters and dance-loving peoplo
connot complain at lack of anmseinent
for this month. (Jeer given a priwi
the 8th, and Mrs. Magann a ska i
carnival and ball on the Villi. I
i The item last week concerning ft j
I dinne r nartv to Mr. I'll v was samewhal
prematuie. A -mail party ot inenus
called on Mr. l'hv mid was entertained
with an elegant dinner, but the gen-
! tlenian's birthday was several (lays .
before. !
Vivian Kennedy met with a severe ;
misfortune, Tuesday, by slipping and I
falling on a hay knife. He received ;i
long gash extending from" tho eye In
the ear, but by prompt treatment the
How of the blood was arro-V-M and his
life saved.
The long talked, of lille match be
tween Cove niy Hiuh valley was con
tested at Ibis place last Saturday 209
yards off hand, Crcedinorc target, six
men on a side, for a purse of $12.00.
The vanquished club proved themselves
to be crack shots, but l.u ked tho prac
tice of the home team. The score stood,
5 uits each, Cove, 105; High Vailey,
i)2. It is likely a return match will
bo shot soon.
Just wait till my new rifle comes.-r-Chas.
And mine too. Alex. I beat
my man.- Sam. Audi downed mine.
Alex. Mine got away. Q. I had
to smile, audibly. Andy. For good
nesn hake, pan!, leave a little of tho tar
get for mo to shoot at. A. f was nf
llicted with a very Urge boil, Satur
day.. Jo. 1 wasn't very particular
about going to Union, Thursday. J.M.
When you are out sleighing you want
to take a supply of feed. Ohus.
StimiwcriilU Siftin$s.
Tho beautiful snow still continues.
The infant child of Wra. E. Kiue-
j hart is seriou.Oy
J. C. Wil.-ou fcttrt to Pendleton, to
day, to "look out" a faun.
Dr. W. E. Kinohart returned from
tho Willamette on Saturday.
F. 1). Collins and wife paid the
Cove i visit on Wednesday hut.
Several of our citizens wore called
to itlgiu to attend law suit, on Tues
day. Several Kuinmervillians will tako in
tin- lhuiii Abbott concert at Portland
thu week.
Tho muntrcls gave a performance
f tlw citv hall on Tuesday evening,
Feb. 1st.
Tlio trio of hunters that went to tho
Cove, last week, report sleighing a
dragon tho nurket in tliat vicinity.
The county is divitUd and office
-cekeru in th Wallowa, will "work
the iriroi" for a pull t the public
't. Pulley, rcprefccnting the Pha
nix Innuance Company of Prooklvn,
X. V., ras in town on Friday of last
Tho Summerville mills are shipping
largo orders of flour to Idho at pres
ent. FarnuTfi aro hauling in their at 55 cents per bushel.
The debating rociety is llourifching.
Question to-niht, itosolvcd : That
the chaicnter of Washington it more
worthy of praise than that of Lafay
ette. A iifT.- rnnil route haH been estab
lished between thi place and Union,
Kith a post ofico on tho Sand Ridge
named Larch. Geo. W. Faickmun is
appointed post nikt;r. This route
has been needed for a long time, and
we eanu-fclly hope that service may
begin at once.
Ilih Valley IfapponingH.
Mud all gone and the ice crop grow
ing. A Valentine dance will be jjiven hern
on the 14th.
From the present outlook the win
ter wheat k will get a "heave up."
Rev. Heche preached here on Sun
day to n laro audience. He left an
appointmont for Feb. 7th.
Tho Hiyh valley grangers with their
muzzle-loading Hint-lock pumpkin-.-lineiH
appear to have knocked the
wind out of the Covo niniroda' high
toned target guno.
The bold move of the Baker county
leprcfccntativoB to annex a part of Un
ion county wan Buch an exhibition of
"Kiill" ab we have noTer before s'cen.
Everybody here ligued the remon
strance and don't you forget it.
j Newa reached us recently, from the
: old hills of Ohio, where our boyhood
i dayd were spent, of the murder of one
man by his companion this hint wuh
a playmate of our.". JIo waH iiiocent
! and intelligent, but he drank, then
' drank again, grew brutal, cold and
heartlcff. Ho m n murderer now, and
liia parent! are btricken with I'orrrow.
Don't diink. Homo.
ISuchlco' Arnica Oiilvo,
i Thk UbstSaltkIu tlio world for Cut,
I l5ruiei(tor.i, Ulcern, Salt ltheuin, Fever
riiireii, Titter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain,,
i Corn, and nil Skin Eruption, and positive
ly ctircn Piles, or no pay reoulrtd. It U
cuaruuteed to give perfect natlhfactlon, or
i inouef refunded. Prlej V centi per box.
' For iSlo by J.T. right, Union, Oregon.
The following extracts from n pri
vate letter yritteti to u,s by Mr. Joseph
Luce. General Punerinlendout of tho
Oregon, Gold Mining c!o, "I Louibville, ,
lT will be of hUcrcH to our readers:
t ..... ,,, en that the work
l ilea sod
done during my absence has improved
i -
very lynch our future prospects, t
feel confident of a very busy season,
an, i our ftionds-rowners of mines
aud nrosnects in Eastern Oregon.
were taking a good business vievv of 1
the niatter,ou,r enmps wond bo visited
by investors and mining men. But ,
the impression abroad is. that tho cx- ,
ageratod and unnatural prices asked ;
for prospects aro a check to develop-
ments. Sonic "wild-cat" schcuteu
might be started by unscrupulous par
ties, but investors will keep away front ,
viur camps.
A great drawback to development 1
is the roads. Our county commission-
crs should exact of the road overseers
better work, and systcinbo tho woik
of icpairing. will, try and visit you
before spring get acquainted with our
countv officers, and if possible get them
to repair the road fron the valley so
as to make it passable for" the heavy
machinery that wo will bring Uto
cjunp this spring.
Toloeasofc Tnltllngfl.
Oh tho snow, the beautiful snow!
Stock looking very well, considering
the rough and disagreeable weather.
Everybody is busy, from the lazy
gossiper to the indu-lrloiis old farmers.
Our iiost-oflico still exists, notwith
standing it has had a fearful blow
aimed at its very foundation.
Pylo canyon's public school is pro
gressing finely, under Miss Ida Davis'
careful direction. Success to theyoung
Mr. Brooke it Tomlim-on informed
us that they will move their bam! of
lambs from' Ladd canyon back to their
ranch in Antelope.
Sevreal of our influential citizens arc
talking of selling out and moving to
a wanner climate. Wo regret to see
them go, indeed.
Several lights have occurred in our
quiet little valley this winter. Young
Oregon will not take much if his mus
cels will prevent it.
Lots of talk about dividing the coun
ty. Goth! We'll get left yet, if wo
are not careful. Baker is very enthu
siastic over her faint prospects,
Mr. C. H. Prcseott, of our valley,
has been circulating a petition for hav
ing the road moved down into the can
yon again. Capital idea, eh? Good
roads aro a very essential mature ot "
prosperous oinmunily. B.
BaKev City JirovIiicH,
Feb. 1, 18S7.
Baker City is blesfed with about four
inches of the "beautiful.
Nineteen couple from this city at
tended Hie G. A. K. ball at Hunting
ton, Jan. 28th.
Considerable damage was done hero
Sunday by water lilling up nil the cel
lars on Main street.
Wm, Warren was in tho city last
week. Ho says slook is doing finely
on tho whole." He has lost 5 head by
It is reported that quite a number of
tin horn gamblers have been given no
tice by tho Com. of Public Safely to
leave. "Lot the good work go on."
Several member: of the I. O. (). I"'.
went to North 1'owde.i, Saturday ove.
to aid Grand Master Alexander admin
ister the "grand bumper degreu" to
the officers, of the lodge just started
Tho "lorda" have been ou a spree
for several days. Ono of them was
biought before the recorder and fined
$25.00 and costs. Not thinking this
enough the "lord" became enraged and
called the recorder names; not fit to
put in print, for which ho was lined
if 10.00 more for contempt of court.
Chief Engineer Eckertlon of the O.
P. railroad was in tho city last Thurs
day. He reports work on tho road go
ing on aa well as could bo expected.
the company has 125 men at work a
few mile from Ontario. This load
inns from Yaquina bay, and across tho
Cascades, and will connect with tho
Chicago North-western, thereby mak
ing a trans-continental line.
L. J. A.
Tlio V-id lit l!niiliiionn.
W. 1). Suit, Dru?Bist, llippiH, I titl., tost!
(iei: ' I can rciomiiicnd Electric Hitters n.i
the very best remedy. Every bottle nold
has jriven relief In ovcry ensc. Ono man
toiik six bottle, and wai'curod of Itheiiiua
tism of lOvenrs' sUudiiiK." Abrahaiii Hare
dnignitft, hi'llvillo.Oldo, alflniH: 'TliebMt
selluif; medicine. I have hanillfil in inv
W ycari' exneriunco. is Electric Hitters-.
TliiitiHand ot otlirrs have addod their tew
tiiuonv, ho that the verdict is iiiiaiiliuonx
that rilcctric Bitters do cure all diu-es of
the I.ivm-, KidneVH or Blood. Only n half
dollar a bottle at J. T. Vn'ht' drujitorii.
sjrru f I'lc.
Manufactured only by the California Fig
Syrup Co., Kan Francisco, Cal., is Naturu's
Own True Laxative. This pleasant Callior
niu liquid fruit remedy may bo had of all
druggists, at fifty cents or one dollar. It is
tho most pleasant, prompt, mid effective
remedy known to cleanse the system; to act
on the Liver, Kidneys, ami Uowcli gently
vet thoroughly; to dlsiml Headaches, Colds,
and Fevers; to cure Consumption, Indiges
tion, mid kindred ilN.
G'hi-up It.iotii nml Sliaim.
Ladies' Fr.-neh kid hiises, .'i5), mcni'
boots, $2 73; mens1 two-buuklo shoos, 51.10
ai Vincent's. He Is closliifj out lfs ?oodi
icga-dless of coit before fjcttins In hii
sprinj stock. KvcrytldiiB cl t similar
prous. Now is the time to get bargains.
Jndepeiulenec, Oregon.
Ifoth myself and wife have been for sumo
ycurs afllieUd with disease f the Kidneys,
and had tried many ieuicd:o without ob
taluinj ony jicriiiuiicnt relief. About three
months no wo wore ind.ieed to try a pack
-r of the 0.ii:u i.s Kiumkv Ti:, which bus
aiprtntly entirely Hired both of us, us
since inkiuK it two weeks we have felt no
svmptoins of tho disease. Wo can heartily
rlconimeud It to others similarly ulllleted,
ai we belioveli villi do nil that h claimed
for Jt, 1. b. W1HTK.
Thawing ami raining.
Thermometer at iS above has noi
t ;
been bolmv tero tlu,s winter, here
I'rofn.-soc Luco. of the "Whitman"
urine, lias returned, from thoEal. and
t lie talk is now that lie wiU mhhi com
mence the cotitrui.llon oj a mill, ti
furnUh otnployinont to iuu,V vliu:U'
now idle.
A fUrprlo party was tv,xubjrpd r.
and Mrs. Greener on w evening of
tho 27th. Tho imrtv was i.oidially
received. Diuiciusx nml ealiug apples
win Indulged, in, and the evening
passed very pleasantly,
Married. At Ilia rcMitouco of tho.
bride's niothw. on the '.'nth mst. , ny
Kev, Morris. Miss Bessie Ll yd and.
Ml-. Henry Clark, both of Pino valley
1 A dinner va given the young couple
! uiid their intimate friends at tho red.
dcuco of the groom's mother, aBer
I winch thi' party proceeded to tho re.-i-deiRC
of Mr. (icu Browu where they
, now rcide ami "tipped the light
1 fiVitnKtio toe" until tho "wee smii'
hours. ' 1
1 Spelling schools and a literary soc'w
' etv have lalelv boon in.
! the vallev, to tlio gralillciulon of tlm
, older ami more, thoughtful people.
, and a nuuihi'i' of young people, who
' rejoiced that now we have the-o move
i hui'lleetual auiusotuents in our initial.
owever the. conceit ami euotisin ot a
' certuin iiidividnifl and hi- cHquo, who
! can never bv any possibilily lie in Hie
wrong, have succeeded in lorinina'iiig
tho kt r.iialliii'i- inaich iii a row tin- I
ingharm5 where much gm.d might I
: nave oecurreu , aim leaving one. w m i
only took part iii tlio "ir 'Uni tlio j
! urgent request of llie-hoad, of the run- I
tending parties, to bear the iinjiis.t
hlanio am lying roprula that havu
been ciii'iilatcd concerning it. I ho
whole affair is a disgrace tu Iho coin
nmnlly. Instead of a civil, agreeable,
pleasant spoiling inaleli. wo are in
(oriued that parties went there carry
ing dirk knives, revolvers, Ac, intent
Upon mischief, instead ot tning to
subtitle such inclinations. Tho w
mulish dispuMl'inn .-hiuvn oi tho ev
ening mentioned will soon, nudouhl,
kid; the literary to piece.-,. lt takes
all kinds of people lo uiaks a woihl"
ami we think we have a little orld,
n i'i'ie.. Mure Anon,
"Caiihw: 1, Dovf.,"
NUU' THIS 'i:kk,
W. p., Pi:or.,
Keeps constantly op hand a full as
sortment ot everything in ltie.
He is now offering for sale the
At lower prices than were ever "ff
cred in Eastern Oregon,
Ulorio Blankela $1.2f each.)
(Curry (Jonihs 12.J cls.each.
Also a WU, AS.-OBTM HN'l' of
Sl'LMSH, Willi's, AXl.tqnKI-JAt-K.
JIAltNKs'S Oil.. Etc.. Kts., Ktc.
In fact evoryildng usually Kept ilia
First Class Eslablisltntcnt.
Cull niiil Kxaminc Cioods
Main Sthkkt, - - Union, ()r
QUO HQ li Hr. S'J'AWUitl),
PAPER HANGING a (specially.
All Work Promptly Attended to.
Pajronago solicited from -ill parts of
(he valloy.
G. W. STAi'i'Oitn, Union, O; ,
a. am: iv
Would invite the attention of tlio people
of Union couiiiy to his very inn a.o.-t
ment of
floods nre not sold at cost, iirirci arc
inaiiv casei low or than others who pretend
to sell at cost.
riltri.iinco ItcrpcoUuTly Ki.lloltcil.
U.C. tiltHIO, Main Street, Union, Oregon
Administratrix Notice.
(Of Final Settlement.)
NTntlcr. U linrcli-L-'viill that J JIllllll! Uoll V.
niliiiinUtratrlx of Hie ctlilu III Alldnw Ho-
lov. dceiau'd. has filo I lior Ihul account of
th'u iiiliiihiMr.itioii of said cslnle, hi the
Countv court of the G'ate of 0. 02011, for"
Uni. in countv. and that Maie'.i tli., 18J7.
nt 10 nVlncIc n 111. has bci 11 ilplioin'.ed I V
said court asihu time for hi'ariiignbj.'ctloii
tbnroiii, and for scUli'iin'iii inuriHU.
Union. Oregon.! J KM I M I HOLEY,
Junr 31, t-7. f. Administratrix
Notion cf filial rtutlloinriit.
Wilirn Is berebv c.Ivi'll that tho Under
siL'iiud luixlni.' this ilay 111 'd In the County
i-i of iTiiluii countv. On ir hi. his fluid lie
j count of the iiihiiliiiMratii.n of tho estate uf
! Puter Carrion deceased, ami praying for a
dUclnuvo and that Tuesday tho8thi!iw ot
Mtuvh. 17. at 10 o'clock, n. in. of said day,
tho same being a day of the regular to-m
of said court, has bom appointed as the
time, and the court house, in Union, Union
county, Oregon as the phieo for h -'tiring oU
jtetioni t i said lie ount, and for showing of
cause, if anv tliere bo. whv ii i onh r bu not
tii.miu discharging the t. ie--l juol from
. . I .... ......I. . I . ..1 j . m . . .M .....1
lUrineruuiy iia khkii nuiiiiiiiii.ii".
jo'iuslnghlHsurpiioifrom further llnbilltie
on Ills uiidertak n,. and Ihit this notice lu
piiUNhod by ord r of tlw lion. O. r. Oood
all, Judge oi tho County court of Union
couniy, oiuiooi un-Kuii.
Mule and datod this SOth day of Jan. 1837.
ftb5-w5, Admiiitstrutor.
In de'lontu health ao nil who gaffer,
troni nhitual oonstlnuiiii, will II nil tho.
plrasnnt Cnllllorl lljul,! fruit remedy
syrup or VH'K morr camy laken, nna nionj.
iicnrrn) ai in wkvi man any oiner remo ly.
It iii N nrouititly vet eontlv on tho Dowels.
Klihn-,' Liver ami Stiuumh. and docs not
sickrao- (U'bilitHte. For -tale lv alt dniR-ffl-K
tsnell, IfeiL-hu A; WooilnnJ wbpleialo.
Ssi nts, Portland, Or.
W. Capps, M, I)., t
rathie physician. Uni
Surgeon and, boraoo
nil. Oregon.
Hardware at cost at Drake's.
A'. dAlWXEJhb CO.,
WalchnyikorH & JewcUu'H,
I'nioii. - Oregon.
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
t:i-Ulrliil nt JtuiU-mto Untra.
fall and ovniiiincour poo Is and prieoa.
A liberal rcfi,"d will ho paid fertile re
turn f thp following de-cnbJil iinlniah, to
Hie VhUa 'signed at fnu u. Oregon.:
One lay inure, t,i e.tlt, hramlol III
One lii'V 'tnnr with white face and less,
branded witli arrow imi left and S on right
ham. One i ii v yearling horic, branded W
on right should V.
JOHN T. WliiaUT.
I dosire to amioitn -u to the ucnplo In
ecmy.d. ami of Union in p.irticHlur, that 1
liiivo roopi i -d my
t'OKNt It
F115MT ami C SI'ltKKT-
VmVCi ilVu'.V
.! to do Abb KINDS OF
7 C1 tLTr
JjOQRS CtflCl hAbl'l
A share of the pul o patrntiaso solicited.
Ah orders 1 vnnptly atteiulcd to.
II. C. EM EBY, Union, Or.
save; your soles
Al. Dickson's
Bpo( and slum shop, two Hours north
of Benson Bro's meat puu ket.
Made In order out of (ho hn-t mate
liillto hu ohtaliicd, and tit prices as
hW W lowest,
Hoimirintf (iouo witli nentuoss ami
di-patoli, cheap fur cash,
9W wfira
Tbonison t l'ursel are iiL'onts for
tlie celebrated Cyclone WimlMill, and
US l he prices op (hem have been great
ly rodip'uil Ihev me nuw wuniii tno
reach of all. H;iiupl(i mill In be soon
at ilieir pluiierill Novlh JuUn, Call
aipl CMimiiie it .
J, M. CAItrO'.L,
Nqtiuy Pahlio,
Kx-Cti. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abdracti to It a!
anil Miii'iVJ property
notice, ai reinunnbla
furuislir. 1 on sh.ot
Sa'es of Iteal aud Milling property ncgo
ti. t -d. Colloutlon biidness promptly at
toiiil j it',
O lb'c next dnjr south of I'Qd. allien, un
ion, Ore,;ou.
W. F, PHUD13N, M. B.
Chronic Diseases a pccialty,
On'ioK-.-.CoriH'r Main and A Htreotn,
Union, Oregon.
Change of Management I
Having leased tho
And tlinrniisb y refitted tlm same. It will b
i o.uhicti'd 0,1 an i nrirely ditlVrcutpltm tlian
licictfo!0. in d no jiahn will he spared to
iiuiko initr ins coiufortalile, In coiineution
with I lie Hotel is an elegant
Where tho Finest Hrands of
arc constancy on hand
Tho Patronage of the Public Is Kollettcd.
E.M1LLEIC, rroir.
I'stahllshcd in
iMt&& m Wvx
Tho Union Nursery Company oflTur for
sale for fall and spring trade of 1333 and
75,000 Fruit, Shade Trees and
At Prieus to Correspond
With the Times.
Having had twenty years' experience In
tho nursery business and fruitgrowing In
Union county, I conclude tlmt I well un
derstand what Iho climate ofF.intern Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho Territories
most need.
I will Issue circulars .soon, (or free distri
bution, giving list of varieties and price.
For further particulars address,
II, J. aKEIlVViioPHiirrex,
Cove, Union County,' OfvfM.