The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 05, 1887, Image 4

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    Tie Oregon Scout
Tho 8COITT ha n Mitch Lnrgnr Olrvn
latloti .linn any I 'a jut In till" Sr-rJIini
of th Stuff, and l, tlinrroi? tlm litisr
This In n True htRlMtirnt. Mini wt
hnll notnllonlt to l fiiirtioiieil liymiy
other pajior. AiUertWern "111 " well
to innk n no If of tlilo.
A Bill for nu Act to Create tlic Couti
tv of Wallowa, and to tlx tho sala
ries of tlm County Judo unci Trciis
uror thurcnf .
lie it enacted by the LcgMativc An
tcmbly of the State of Oregon :
Section 1. That nil that portion
of tlio State of Oregon cmhrucccl with
in the following iHiumlury linos he,
and the same is, hereby created and
organized into a separate county by
the name of iViilIowa, viz: Cominen
ciiiffnt the norlli-cast corner of tiio
State of Oregon on Snake river, and
thence west on the State line to where
it intersects Grande Ilondu river;
thence in a south-westerly direction
up the contei of said (Jriuulo Hondo
river to the mouth of Wallowa river;
thence in a south-westerly direction
up the center of said Wallowa river to
the mouth of the Milium river; thence
in a southerly and easterly direction
up the center of said Milium river to
its source on tfeo summit of tho I'ow
der River mountains; thence follow
ing said summit divide f tho Powdor
IMvcr mountains in an easterly direc
tion to u point about twenty miles due
west from Snake river; thencodue cast
to what is known as Limestone Point
on tho enst line of the Stato of Orc-
fjon; thence north following said cast
inc of the Stato of Oregon to the place
of beginning.
Sue. 2. That the territory embra
ced within said boundary lines shall
compose n county for all civil and mil
itary purposes, and shall bo subject
to tho same laws and restrictions, and
be entitled to elect the same olHcers as
other counties in the State; provided,
that it shall be the duly of the (.Inv
entor, ur soon as convenient after this
Act shall have become a law, to ap
point for Wallowa county, and from
its citizens, the several county olllcers
allowed by law to other counties in
this Stato-J which said ollicers, after
duly qualifying according to law, shall
bo entitled to hold their respective
ollicos until thoir Buiecssors are duly
elected at the geuoral election of 1888
and have duly qualified according to
Sue. II. Tho tompornry county scat
for Wallowa county shall bo located at
Joseph, in said county, until a per
manent sent is adontod. At the next
general election the question of the
location of a county seatshall he sub
mitted to the legal voters of said coun
ty, and tho place receiving tho highest
number of voles shall be the perma
nent county scat of said countv.
Sr.c. 4. The legal voters of Wal
lowa county shall bo entitled to elect,
ut tho general election ot 1888, and
thereafter until otherwise provided by
law, one mouther of tho House of ltep
resontatives, while Union county shall
be entitled to elect one; and tlm said
"Wallowa county shall, for Senatorial
purposes, be annexed to the Eigh
teenth Senatorial District, and boon
titled, with saiil district, to one Sen
ator, until otherwise provided by law.
Sue, f). The county clerk of Un
ion county shall send' to the county
eleik of Wallowa county, within thir
ty days after (his Act becomes a law,
a cortitled transcript of all delinquent
taxes front the assessment roll of 1880.
that wore assessed within tho limits of
Kald Wallowa county , also a cortitled
transcript of tho assessment of per
sons nnd property within the limits of
"Wallowa countv," tor 18SG, and the
said taxes shall bo payable to the pro
or ollicers of Wallowa county. Tito
county treasurer of Wallowa county,
shall, out of thu Hist money collected
for taxes, pay to the treasurer of Un
ion county tho full amount of thu State
tax on the assessment roll of 188ii duo
from tho citizens ot Wallowa countv.
The said clerk ot Union county shall
also make out and send to the clerk of
"Wnllowi county, within tho liino
above limited, a transcript ot all cases
ponding in tho County and Circuit
courts of Union county between par
ties residing in Wallowa county , and
trausfor all original papers .in said
cases to bo tried in Wallowa county,
Tho expense ot all transcript furnished
to Wallowa county shall lie borne by
that county,
Bur, (5, The said county of Wallo
wa is hereby attached to tho Sixth Ju
dicial District, for judicial purposes,
and the tonus of the Circuit court of
mild county shall bo held at Its couutv
Beat on tho fourth Monday of Marcli
und tho fourth Monday 'of August,
-. In inch year,
Si:o. T. The County court); of Wal
lowa county shall be held at the couu
tv seat of saitl county on the Hist Mon
days of .lanuurv, March, May, July,
September and November of each year.
bw. 8. Until otherwise provided,
tho county Judgo of Wallowa county
bhull receive an annual salary of four
hundred dollars.
Sue. U, Until otherwise provided,
thu county troa-urorof Wallowa coun
ty shall receive an annual salary of
two hundred dollar.
Skc 10. The county of Wallowa,"
within one year after It organisation
by Hid appointment ot Its ollicers, u
herein betoro provided, shall assume
nnd pay to the county of Union a rust
proportion ot the indebtedness of Un
ion county, after deducting thcretnmi
tho value of the public property of Un
ion county; nnd H. K. Taylor, A. ('.
Smith null It. J. Kogers are hereby
appointed a Hoard to" determine the
value of such property and the iiinount
of Indebtedness to be assumed by said
"Wallowa county . Suhl peioiih shall
meet at the county seat ot Union coun
ty on the tlrnt dav of May, 1J587, or
Within ton da tiiorciiflcr, mid take
and subscribe to an oath before the
clerk of Union county, fallhfuly to
discharge their duties; thereiiiiou said
Hoard shall proceed with said work,
mid, when completed, rtle u report of
their conclusions in duplicuto with the
clerks of Union nnd Wallowa counties.
Within thlrtv davs alter the tiling of
such report in Wallowa county, eith
er countv may appeal from the de
cision of "said Hoard to the Circuit
court for Union county by s'-rving n
notice of uppeal upon tho clerk of tho
otl or county. I pon perfecting the
issue in snid Circuit court, cither
county may demand a change of ven
ue to aiiv o'thcr countv of the Sixth
.Judicial'District of lite State of Ore
gon which may be agreed upon by
said counties, or, in the event of their
disagreement which may be designa
ted by tho judge of said district; the
trial "may bo by jury, nnd tho judge
ment rendered way bo enforced n
other judgements against counties; if
the county appealing fails to receive it
more favorable judgement than the
finding of said Hoard by at least five
hundred dollnrs, it shall pay the costs
of appeal. If no appeal be taken by
cither county, within the thirty days
above provided, t lie finding of snid
Hoard shall bo conclusive. The per
sons constituting said Hoard shall re
ceive for their services the sum of five
dollars per day each for every day ac
tually consumed In work for which
they are appointed, and milage at the
rate of ten cent tier mile for every
mile actually traveled in going to and
returning from snid county seat of
Union county and such expenses shall
be borne equally by Union and Wal
lowa counties.
Sun. 11, The county judge of Wal
lowa county shall let by contract to
tho lowest' responsible and ellicient
bidder, tho work of transcribing all
records of Union county affecting re
al estate situated in Wnllow i comity ,
and when concluded they shall be ex
amined and certified to by the clerk of
Wallowa county, and shall thereafter
be recognized and acknowledged as
the official records of Wallowa county ;
provided, the eleik of Wallowa county
shall bo allowed to bid on such work.
Skc. 12. Innsmuch ns the early
formation of "Wnllowa county is much
desired; this Act shall take effect and
bo in force from and after its approvnj
by the Governor, and the appoint
ment of tho proper officers as herein
Ctiro for files.
Piles are- frequently preceded by n sense
of weight In the back, lohn and lower part
of the abdomen, causing tlm patient to sup
pose liu has same affection "f the kidneys oi
neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of
indigestion are present, llatuluney, tiiicasy
ncffi of thu stomach, etc. A moisture life-
perspiration, producunra very disagreeable
(telling after Kettlii: warm, is n common
attendant. Blind, Weeding, and Itching
Piles yield nt once to tin; application of Dr.
lioMinko.s Pile Remedy, which aels directly
upon tho parts effected, absorbing the
Tumors, allaying the intense Itching, and
effeutiny a permanent cure. Price, 00 cents.
Address, The Dr. Jlosanko Medicine Com
pany, l'lqua, O. Hold by .J. T. Wright,
Union, Oreyon.
llxritmiieiil In T.xh.i.
(treat excitement bin been ciuscd in the
vicinity of Paris ,Tcx., by the remarkable
recovery of Mr. J, IS. Corley, who was so
helpless be could not turn in bed, or raise
Ids head; everybody said ho was dying of
Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. Kind's
New discovery Was sent him. Finding re
lief, liu houtrhl u laitfc bottle und a box of
Dr. King's New Liiu Pills; by the time he
had taken two boxes of Tills and two bot
tles of the Discovery, be was well and has
pined in llcsh thirty-six pounds. Trial
bottles of this Ureal DiMiivery for Con
sumption free nt J. T. Wright's dniK store.
Notice of Pinal Settlement.
In the County court ot the .State of Oregon,
for Union county. In the matter of the
otitic of Pat. llreunau, Ucccnnod.
Notice is hereby ejven, that P. II. Miles,
ndmlnij'tra'or of tlm estate of Pat. llron
nnn. deceased, has tiled his llnal account
of the ndministrntiou thereof, and that
February nth. Ivf7 nt iu o'clock A. M. has
I'cen appointed by the above named jiurt
for hearing objections thereto, and for the
settlement thoieof. 1'. II.. MILKS,
JaiiR-wIi. Adiniinstrator.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given, that the under
i;:iicd has been appointed by the County
couitif Union county, Wate of Oregon,
administrator of the partnership estate ot
Augustus I. i-UiUnders, deceased, lato of
Union, Oregon. Maid partnership confu
ted of the undersigned and deceased, and
dune business under tho linn name of
Allen it launders; and that all persons
haviui; claims agninst said estate aro re
((Hired to present the same, duly verified,
tuinuatmy rtsideoce on bower Powder,
Union county, Oregon, within six months
from date hereof.
Dated thialird. dav of January. 1SS7.
J. II. CntTrs, Administrator.
Atty. for Adm't'r.f jns-v,r.
Notieu is hereby givou that under and bv
vlitue of an execution, issued out of the
Circuit court of the S t 1 1 of Oregon, for
Union county, on the 1-th day of Janimry,
A. D. on a judgment and deciee of
said court, in the case of A tjannlou"v3 It.
V. Deal and Hlhnbeth ti. Deal, made and
entered on the 2nd dav of Oetolwr, ISSH, in
favor of A. (iangloll, for the le. overy (mm
defendant M W. Deal, of ?, and
fV.S' interest thereon, and the further
sum tf' attorney's fees and costs and
dishunuments, taxed at i'-'Vol, and abist
tlofondunls U. W. Dml nnd Klin.theth S.
Dt-!, for the foreclosure of plainliiV.s niwrt
Kage loin on the NK'.f of ist'oii twenty
one, und NW',' of Section twenty-two.
Township two South, of Itaiige thirty-nine
Ksst.nt NVillainrtte meridian, nod ordering of haid lauds, mi l u me directed.
coinuniudiui; that sale lie mad'- us by law
irovidel. of the suid latn'it. to wit. The I
WHW of Section twenlv-oii., NWV, of See- '
t;on twunty-two. Township two South of j
Huffwo thirtv-nine. Kast oi Willcnteito mr
ridi'in. In Union county Orvjron.or so much
thercsif as nuiv he las'tfssai v to sntiify tlic
said sum of 2.tVI.Hi in 1 .'3J,JO Interest,
nnd the further utn f ILW.lxmtornfy foc,
and costs nnd disbursements- tux ml ut
fj0;l nitli inttre.t al thw line of cijtht per
ctit. wr iHinutii. from October 2nd. IVOon
J2.7s0lH, the Hiuuuut o( snid iudfcuicut,
widi Heriueiiijr costs on ttds writ. 1 will,
on the Imn dny of Fcbru.oy, l!W7. at one
n'eltK-k in th itdertu no of said day, a' thu
court housi: door in I'uioti. Union ctwnty,
Oregon. ull .l public al to tlm b'tthest
bidder, for cash in hand, tin- above d scribed
real property, or tm luucli thereof .is uihy
Ik nrcMirv to ntls(y said sum' mid hc
eruulng non'u. toKt'ther with id I rhdit. title
ulid intorcKl in mill to the 4liic. winch sld
liieilduta H. W Ural nnd Kllxabi'lb S.
Dcid, Or elllu r of tliuni hnd ltivroln on tttn
2itb. day of February, IBsl, or hu aetiuinsl
Rhicc the sid 23ibilay ot Fcbruury. Iflst
Duttsl at Shcrlir ollieo thU 12ib day of
Jnhuary, I87. A. K. I1AN1I.TOS.
Bberiitof Unluu tuumy, Or.
1). W. SHEHAN, I
SuMwr-JiviLLK, - - Oox.
Attorney at Law,
Union. Oregon.
vnTinu !.'-TJ punt tn ATtr'W
Application for U.S. Patent. Snrvpy No.
r, Claim No, 37. Mineral application
No. 7!.
U. S. Land Office. La Giiakdk. Ori ook.)
Drcemhcr It, l&W. f
Notice is berebv given that the Oregon
Oold Mining Company, of Louisville. Ken
tucky, by JoAeph Luce, their attorney,
whoso, postollb'c address U IJaker City, Ui
kcr county, Oregon, has this day tiled their
nrplicii'iou for a patent for thirteen hun
dred anil oventv linear feet on the "Whit
man" quartz Imle. bearing gold; the sam
being 1X00 feet N 25 deg. .01 min. W and 20
fcotS25ilug. 51 min. K from discovery
shaft thereon, with surface ground fVW f.-t
in width, sdttiatf'd in (Jranite mining dis
trict. Union county, Oregon, and described
by the otllcirtl pl-it'and Held notes on tile in
this otlic, its follows, viz:
lier.iiiiuug at a post from which the )-h'fcc-tion
corner between sections 27 and is. T fi
S, It 15 E; bears N 42 degrees .".0 minutes V
mill ra t feet distance, running thonre S 72
degrees 5 minutes, H H30.M feet to post cor
tier No. 2; thence N 2o degrees 51. V 1.".70
feet to post corner No. thence N 72 de
gress 5 minutes, W fC.O.M feet to post cor
ner No. I; thence S 25degrecs51, K H70 feet
to potcor.No.l, the place of beginning, con
taining ltf.87 acres and forming n portion of
the NV quarter and SV quarter of section
27 and NK 4 of section 2,s in township tj
.south of Itangu45IC, Willamette Meridian,
said location being recorded in volume B
page 181 of tho records of Union county
Or. Adjoining claimants, on this lode, n're
AllenACox on the fcouth.
Any and till persons claiming adversely
anv 'portion of mid "Whitman" quartz
mine or claim above described, are rcnuired
to tile their adverse claims with the Regis
ter of the U.S. Land Olllce at La (Jrande,
Union couutv, Oregon, during the sixty
davs period of publication hereof, or tin y
will be barred by virtue of tho provisions of
tho statute. lICKtiy IIiNkiiaut,
It is hereby ordered that the loregoing
notice of application for a U. S, patent lie
published for a period of 00 days (ten con
secutive weeks) in the Oiikoon Scout, a
weekly newspaper published at Union, in
Union county. Oregon
IfCRt'.Y litN'lilfAKT,
dcclS-WiO. Register.
Application for u U. S. Patent. Survey No.
2. Claim No. 'M. Mineral upplieution
No. SO.
U. S. Land Orrtcti L. Oiu.vtiK, Oitutios, )
December t-t, SfHi. )
Notiro is hereby given that tlm Oregon
field Mining Company, of Louisville, Ken
tucky, by Joseph Luce, their attorney,
whose po'stoftieu address js liakcr City, Ma
ker county. Or., have tbis'day Hied their ap
plication for a patent for thirteen hundred
linear feet on the "Alia" quartr. lode, situ
ated in the (irauile mining district. Union
county, Oregon, nnd described by the ofli
dal plat anil field notes now on f I Its in this
olllce. as follows, viz:
Heginning at the NW corner post of thu
Whitman untie, marked Cor. N". 4, W. M.
C. Stir. No. 1, and on thu N face A. M. C.
Cor. No. 1, Survey No. 2; thence N -12 deg.
W .W feet to post cr. No. 2; thence. N :w
deg. 10 min. ll615 1eet to post cor. No. ;t;
thence S 51 degSU min. li 2.0 feet to post
cor. No. I; them e S if. deg. 01 min. E !)1 1
feet to poit cor. No. 5; tlicnrc H 20 deg. 10
mill. K CO.) feet to post cor. No. !: thence
N 72 tie;,'. 05 mill. W fM.&i feet to
corner No. 1. the place of begin
ning, containing IS.i'8 acres and forming
a portion of thu NK Vf of Sec 2S and the
NV !.,' of Sec 27 in TpOS o( U 15 K W M,
said location being recorded in Vol. 1). pane
173. of the records of Union county. Oregon
Adjoii.lng daiinantsMii this lode, Whitman
Quarts mine on the S, Una Pearl claim on
the NIC nnd Alice L Walker on the N W.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
any portion of said "Altti" quartz mine r
claim above described, are required to tile
theiradver-e clnini with the Regisjer of the
U. S. Land Olllce at l.a tlr.mdc, Union
county. Oregon, during tlic period of pub
lication hnreof, or they will be barren by
virtue of the provisions of (lie statute.
ilr.MtY RiNcuAnr.
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of application for a U. S. Patent be
published for a period of CO days (ten con
secutive weeks) In the Ohuoon Scout, a
weekly newspaper published at Union, in
Union county, Oregon.
dcelS-wlO. Register.
Anjilication for a U. S. Pfttent. Survey
No. 3. Chain No. K). Mineral applica
tion No. At.
U. S. LANnOmci: La Oiusnn. Onroos.l
Oorember 1-1, lhM3. 1
Notice is hereby given that tho Oregon
Oold Mining Company, o' Louisville, Ken
tucky, by Joseph Luce their attorm v
wlioso postolllce address is Baker City, ba
ker county, Orugon.hnvo this day filed their
application for n patent for thirtcci hun
dred feet on tlic "Jtriiin" quart lode,
the same being 500 feet N 25leg. 51 mitt. W
mid 725 feet S 25 deg. M tnin. K from dis
covery shaft t hereon, with Hiirfnco ground
tM feet in width, situate in Oranite uiining
district. Union countv. State of Oregon,
nnd described by the oflicial plat and field
nutea now on lllo in this oflicc, us follows,
Ueginning nt a point from which the ','
Sec. cor. between' seesi 27 nnd 'M, Tp 0 S U
(5 , bears S tl dee. 15 min. K. 1072 feet
dist. ; thence N 25 deg. 51 min W. 1225 feet
to post marked No. 2; thonee S M
min. W. 000 fist to n oost marked No. 3;
nun. V. (XX) fist to n oost marked No. 3;
thence S 25 deR. 51 min. K 1225 feet to it post
marktsi No. s; theiu-o .N Ot des. Ollmln. U
t uost comer No. 1. marked Cor. No. 1 V
M. C. Stir. No. a, containing ti.87
acres ami forming u portion of the NW ;
and the SW of See. 27, in Tp OS of Rang.
ifi li Willamette MerUlan. said location b
iifg recorded in Vol. D, tiage 174 of the
records of Union county. Or.goii. Adioin
iu cluiimtnts oil this lode Hlk Quartz lodo
on the south.
Any sid all persons claiming adversely
nv portion of taid "Bruin" quartz mine o
rlului above diitcribetj, are rHpiiro.l to !!)
thylr adver elnim with the Register of the
V a Und OttU-o. nt L-i Untntle. Uni -u
county, Oregon, during the period of nub
llciiUon hijri'of, or they will be birrml by
virtuu o( the provisions of the stnuite. i
U N hereby ordered that the forcgoiuj;
notice nl .ippllt'ntlou for n U. B. l'uteut lo
pitblisbrd for a period of CO duvs (ten eon-
heotive weeks) In tb Oi:dbf ScoOr. ii
.... .i.t. . . .. , ..
wucki) nrniimp.r piuilliutsi III l moil, iu
I'uluu Coiiutr, Orv:wu.
Ever known in Eastern Oregon.
Call nud Examine our Stock. It is the only Complete Stock of
In Eastern
ra vi t btsi n rrntu bt i VIH K KTh B. Iff TZ T H Tit W 0
Main Street,
IIiih just Received an Immense Stock
Flcase compare tho following prices
HTjwa Four
Guns, Ecvolvers,
1 'AMterfF3cSBSffiaE3S3
mmmm'am UuekSaws . ...75c. HamlSaws.. 75o.2.J.
I fmS8Wm Hoes 50c. Spades...
I t'JlX"n'i&4 Scythe- .50c. Snaflis ..
i mmmWrnSmi "rooms. r..
W IlllWIPWIWIHim LI HI ! I""" Ill' III' ' ' " ' '----- 1 '"'""""""" . '-f-TrgM"'
Th followln:: books nru puWWip.1 In nnit parnplilot form, many of Uicm hnndromrlr IlluntratoO, and nlUr
prlnu-.t fnn souJ ytis upon rood piiH-r. J'loaw c-xaimno Uiu lit and sea If jou Ho not flii.l theie u mme Uit joo
A'UUlU ItUU lO puS14)ftS. Ill ClOUt VUUmi IWIU UJV&VJ Ulrt.
Ancdol oftlio ItclirllloD. A cillfttlinoriinmnrou.,
r.ntli4b-, ami ttirllllus nurrtt k of tUe r,Nti v$ of l-lvotitw:
K.t Mlilt-nfM,nMrehinitlt kft,Rlvaiiturr4o(sc.tttsiiiJo'lo,
twlMOlrrlan Ill4,iillti8 Rrrnt UeiicrHU, or Mr. Umoln,
The LIlVi or Urnvrnl II. C. Orunt. By W. A. 1'htku.
WttU iKM-trftltuii'l ottirr lllti.liHttolip.
l'oc-m., by John . Wlitltlrr. Tin ntilr-hfP Mtllon
puUl.lin.1 . wtioiil.l I tnvn ) il-l. JltNnUeJ.
I'orm., b llmr IV LonclVlton. No m cn ITorJ to
williout I'M Ojim'rtlon. JltuitratitL
I'ornia. by All'ruil Toiinj on. Tlili work onUlm mm
oOMtlnet rtinipot.itlviM a llha rrt Ctct luroMta.
1'lirlnr Alnu.riiioiitn. A lro collection of Actln-C!i-riulrt,
I'trlor Criiimii. blujw I'untomlniM, flMnti, 1'imlt.A,
tic, for mcIiI eitltvrlDH,ptitlle rtvi.ti utUluu.Liit
4nl vnltii:i at liiiiite, Iltuilratrd.
Mnnunl or floriculture. IcurliMthr bnl methyl of prr
klKtlnff all tho illfrttit IUnti. ulti I-jw to ruro 1t hiiJ
rriulkatf Inn, t IH-ltf, Itlrrj illw-t loll for MitMniC Want Iful tiortil
ftDil olU-r M Icrt, for wln.le KunUiitnSti-tc. Ututraldt
Uulilo to .N'cuiUnTorL, KuUllnit und t'roaliel. Con
ulniuf iJ..Iih n.l illrrrllon lor "II kind of Foiy Nr.ll
wmk, Aitlntlc ImLroUfry, l.nro Work, KullUnj, Taltlnt,
Criwhet Bntt Nrt Wolk. IllvHraitd.
Turuoin IHitrctlTC Morlc. A foUrrllon ofthrllllnn nr
rnllvvs otlK'ttH-tivoohvilvtiof, rQ ot tlifu wrltlvn ty Aituil
tnrrnbt-rt of tto pi olVlon.
YuiiKoo Wit "ml Iltimor. A collection of liumorom
rtoi1r,ticlcliri,iMrnii kiiU ltrcrihi ty too lA.nujc funoy
m-n of tho American I'rr.t. tfi.fcra(.
Tlio Mj-Btcry t HlacLwooa Orniicc. A KanL By
ltr. Ut Ao Fi rliiho.
The IMI (irnlii. A No!, fly I. T, Caldor,
ThoMurj oruBtonri. a uyurtj.itu.niTiT
n-SWiwllUenilanT.mrof tho nbore booksbr malliont pslitttponri'C'iptDfnniy'Iwclvot.'oina; anyirtuor
8.f Cviitat nnyfuwiifv itiVlorftO C'vitt( tliu cutito list (IOoo,()ror7.,. cn; Iho etmro lint Uiuud ItibonrJ
V.UI1 cloth liaCk.riirSf.lO. Tlicot tho rlionpit bunks ever publlheJ ana Buarauttcd r.orth tinea taini'ii tho
money nkol for thorn, .lutfjucnmtitwmrifei-ilortiinnei relinoVit. Co-tuRoetaraps ukon for frartiunaor ailoll&x.
A tn out rollabilltr, we refer to auynervi.p.ip,.r publlnlifil In New York-. Itkewiao to tlia tpmiucrcial AcenciCR.
I if-si-r Ti)ovco onci.emlln?forttiocMflri!llorbok-ttbovo. wiwllUenij,lthtmt
CJ PGClo I Vill I extra chmve. either Flxty enu worth of tho Imperial IMnneil lipCp
Va iter at, lit bo nelocUJ l yuumelffroumcaUloiue which lllbo nntou,orTh Pcuple.'iiltouio Joumiil,
Urnl6VpuBO.04 ci)liiuinlftuatJ&ieJlllerarvpurK'r,foroneypnr. Uiirilnrnnl!eil hv returnj mall,
AUUfMialllettnrof ,"u3,""'u "y. j4l)lTOV, rubtUUin ho. B l'urk .TlnC, Jfew York.
.U jUO TORS, send foi
Quotation sheet of RAW FURS, SK1.NS,
PHLTr and Fo.l Skinr, to
dcc'.,.rr-iri2. Roston. Mass.
AtUr Tort.v yafi'
dxperiouce In tho
preparation of moru
than Ono ltundreil
Thonnanil apnllctttlonf for patcnu In
trioK, the pal 1 1. hers of tlie bclontiflo
Aworti-aaccni'nu tflact as aoHcitors
for natei:t'TC.itn, trade-marte. copy
riil.iA ur,... forthil l.nlted titaten. auil
to obtain catents in Canada. Kncland, i'rnncw.
Oormany, and alt otlier conutrlr Theiroipan
rnoo n ueoqualoil omtUir facilities aro uruur
.LSAacvl. Drawings anil trifcltlcatlont rtoparcJ and fllej
In tho l'ateitt Offl.. otl Uort notioo. Trtn vrr
reaviaable. No charito for examination of models
ct drawinas Advice by mail frea
ItontsohtaimutttiroUL-h .MnnnAOo.arnotlea
lnt BC'lK.VriPIC A3IBlllCAX.whioh lias
tho larevt circulation and Is tho most, inlluotitlil
naAcpafer of its kind published lu tho uorl.t.
Tlui nivatilascs of such noU: orcry tmUnteo
"nTt'lariw'and fplendldlr IIHlstratrd tiowspaper
19 iHib.t-iuod WISUICI.Yat $1M a year, and is
adiiltl K. bo tho btt psptirdorowJ ti acionce.
i.isvhnrn-1, lnvonilms, ixinivriBff i-orks. an I
otiio;' tU'iMruutiiis ni Ijdut'rlal iinvsreoA, f-'b-li
m aiv C'ovtrv. li cn'runt ths names of
:i oa e teas and t t orf orer 'i tion pateolsd
r jS i ;. 'I'tv l' U r tionias fjr ono dvi'ar.
I. il , ; . Wlt t'i - , .
t,' i Inmn 1 n "ii l patent write to
" ni.- r- . r ' ' ( f .. a Aiueucaa
: v
Union. Oregon,
of New Goods, which he will m11 at n
with those of other stores in the county:
tincd liny Forks. . ..
-vi,,,,,,,., i.v,,.l-j 75c.
Rake, ai d Hoe handles
..$1.00. Hammers ooc.
Hoards . . 25c. Eureka Wringers $2.50.
Steel Traps 25c.
Towel Racks -
' Single trees, ironed ?1.00
Neck Yokes . .. $L25.
The Finest Assortment of
In the County.
The Ccleliratetl
and Amunition.
IV?.... vv... . ... .
On) ..rtlm HriL. A North Pr Clak AUHOiT.
Aicuthit'n IlUtory. A Novrl. By Mii.oAi.rr Ulovvt.
'I'liti ilorlrk Kurm Jlyotcry. A Nowl. By Wiliui
Collim. llittitrated.
TlioI.arturihvKuthrenh A Norol. By MUj Wut.oc.
A Ilrnil IK ort. A yol. By Author of " Bor Thorn."
Out ol'llto Dcptlin. A NcA'tl. By Coswat.
Ttiu KoriitiiltoAUvcJiturcool u JUULmultl. A ovtl.
By '1 hum ah liAUur.
J n tho llolldnT. ANotct. BySHBTCwit Hat.
Thullrlrto Aahli-y. A ov.l, Hy Ir. Henrt Wood.
.VIao oi .Urn I A Norol. Hy WaaiK Colli).. i(fri.frtif(L
Mori. Illltor tlllill Utatb. A Norol. By tho Author of
Httr Tin n."
C'ltrrUtoil'oGlfl. A Nortl. EyHl-oilCoWAT. rHinlrntr,!.
Tin' Fulul l.lll.". A Nortl. Uy Authorof"Iloi'lliorii.
A NhuitoH-on tlm Tlirx-Aliolil. A Norl. Hy tARr e. Mat.
Tins I'll run oftlirow. A Nortl. Hy tuUior ot"D.irT1nriu."
Tin Itlutcllford ISctjuot. A Novtl. By lluoa C.wat.
A tjlii-t-ll AmonCRt lVomciu A Norel. By the nttior of
" Iar Thonio "
Tlio I'atal Mrtrrlni-i. A Novrl, By Min SI. F.. naiuooi .
A Tiilu of Sin. A Novel, lly Mr. llcr Wooo.
A llrlillio ofLulP. A Norel. By knthor of " lor TTiornt.'
A I'm.!, e C'rliue. A Novel. l:y"rilK DvcHrna."
100101017 Hon-. A Novel. By author ot" Bora Thornt.'
The Kiilchtlirlilcellyi.tery. A Novel. By Cuahlh
Ukii'K. iiluvfroleii.
Wril'toil ami I'lirted. A Nortl. By tutlior of "DornTborno.'
A Korlline lluuttr. A Novtl. lly ammk TnomH. Iltd.
Aiuunc tlic Hlitlix- A Novtl. By Maui Ckii Hat, JU'd.
ICoi.ui.oJec. A Nowlettt. Byflrt. 1IKMRT WOOO.
f liUMtf I.VVAUab : iL J., .. .LMI i.'LVl .-.-.KLAHAi'ilAAl.-". L1JVJ".V-S1 AO
I desire to inform the public that I am
the sole agent for the celebrated LNTKR
PRISK WIND MILL.S, in Union coun
ty, ami invite intending purch.iicrs to
onus anil examine the one now on exhlbi,
tion at my place in Union. I am
convinced you will pronounce it the best
mill now manufactured. The extremely
low prices nlnee them within the reach of
all. Circulars of wind mills and pumps
sent on application. A.J. KIltRK.
Fust Froijjhtand Passengers
Leaves Union every afternoon, nnd rc
turns from Uovu every morning.
Fare 60 cents. Round Trip 75 centa.
.1. S. ELLIOTT. I'ropr.
Obtained, ami all Patent llusincss attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
OurotlU-e is opposite the V. S. Patent
OWee, and we can obtain IMtenis In loft
time than those remote trom aoington.
Mnd MODEL or DUA.WINO. Wo advii-n j
a- to lMtit.-nhtbililv free of tharKe; and we
Ki.iTRKD. j
l Wc refer, lierc, to the Postmaster, the
i tupt. of Monev Order Uiv., uhd to otliclals J
ll'fthel'.S. f'atutit Otticc. For circular,
rdvicc. terms nnd roilercnrcs to actual ili-i
j nu in your own State or Cuuuty, write til
C. A. .SNOW & Co.,
Opi-ototf Patent .!V.i e, Washington, P. C
It wcdHnz (lualltloi eru uniurcwuiirxl. uctuaur
tuaUMtiiie iw
Lir toboni,f ArTOtherbraniL I'retifrvfU
Oli. UET Tllli UKNli'lNlU
tircgou nnj )VnkhinctoD Ter. MnrekaiM
und Ufeulern urrirlli'i
1 ilWAafcil
Trains nrrivc and demirt from Union
daily, as follows:
Passenger, No. 0, L'vc
nt. 11 !lVm. in.
WhhTtot ML
Passenger, No. 5, L've
nt 1 :0." p. ni.
Freight. No. 15. L've
nt R:00 a. in.
Freight, No. 10, L've
at ii:oo a. m.
ii .1.: i ...tit.,. ,.) ItlttltillL'tilO
with trains of the Oregon Short Line HtHl-
roail for A i.Ij rtM.-s j.i msi am c i ; ;
At Umatilla with trains for T 11 K DALLLb
PORTLAND, Ac; ,..,,
At Wnlluln Junction for WALLA WAL
LA, DAYTON, &c. ; al.M. with train- id "tho
Northern Pacific Railroad for ALL I'OIN J P
At Portland with trains for nil point-' in
the WILL AMI "ITU VALLKY, and with
steamers for ASTORIA, and nil points on
rnoM roKti.ANii.
Leaving at PiMidn't.,
as follows:
L'v'ng Spear st. wh'
at 10a. in. as follow :
Uol'n, Tucs. Jan
Oueen. Sunday,
t (jueen, Mon. Jan.
0 Oregon, Sit.
lli'ol'a, Thurs.
10 State. Tuesday ,.
21 Oregon, Sun. .,
29 Columbia, Fri.
I tatc. Tliur. Feb.
l Oregon, Friday
('olumbia, w cu. ,,
State, Monday
OrcL'on. Sat.
('ohuubin. Frl. Feb.
'n.. enmiiiiti v reserves tho right to change.
j steamers or sailing days.
Manager, f Tratlic Manager.
.INO J. 15YRNU. Oen'l Pass. ,: Ticket Act.
U. L. DF.ACON. Agent. Union.
Land Orncn at La (iiiANnn. Oiikoon)
Januarv 20, 18S7. t
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has hied notice. of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of bis
claim, nnd that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver at La i rondo,
Oregon, on Marcli 10. 1H37, viz:
Cieorgn K. Corpe,
D. S. No. 585'i, forthe K half SB ouartcr Sec.
18 nnd NK quarter NF nuarter Sec. Ill ami
NW NW Sec. 20, Tp. 7 South, Range 12 I-:.
W. M. He names the following wilne-o-to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of.Miid land, viz: Dame
Fruit. R. 15. Davis, Hiram II Itngg. and
David Finely, all of Keating. Union coun
ty, Oregon.
ITEjtnv hit.
jan.29w0. Register.
Land Oitick at La OiiAN'DK.Of.Kfiox,
.Ian. II, 1SM7. 1
Notice is hereby given that the following
nfinied nettlcr lias filed notice of hi inten
tion to make final nronf in "import of JiN
claim, nnd that said proof will he made U
fore Register ami Receiver at La Orande.
Oregon, on March 5th., IsST, viz:
fitim-go C. Ues,
I). . No. mo.', for the KK SW'l ,'Scc. .Ti. Tp.
H. and NW'4 NM5', and NK't 'W-, ee
1, Tp. 4. S, R. 10, liWJI. Ho niinics the
following witneves to prove his eontinuoii
residenee upon, and cultivation f. .-aid
land, vi.: Win, Haggertv. Charles Dicl;-oo.
L. It. Haggerty, and K. H, MUlartl, all of
Cove, Union county, Oregon.
jan.Ul!-wfi. ItcVtcr.
No I hi o of AlUilieatliin t ritreli:ie Tlm
lnr I..1111I.
Land OrncK at La Okaxdi:. Oi:f:iox.l
Jnn.lfi, IS87. I
Notice is hereby gives that, in compli
ance witii the provision of the Act of Con
gress approved June :i, IK78, entitled "An
Act for the s-ale of Timber Lands in the
Mates of (California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory,'-
Ilnlvor .lelilneH,
Wliom po't.ofiicc address is Pino Valley.
Union county. Oregon, has this day tiled
in this oflicc his application to purchaxe the
K! KKJ4. NW SUK. and ti'A WW
.See. No. 22, in Tp. No. 7 H, Range No. V,
East, of the Willamette meridian. All per
mjiis holding any adverse claim thereto arc
required to present the sanio at this olliei
within .sixty days fiom tho first publication
of this notice.
Ifli.NI'.Y Rl.SCllVUT,
jair'JJ-wlo, , Kegister.
Notieo of Aiilicntlin to rurclinsu Ttm
boi I.ntttt.
Land Omcic at LaGuandi:, Oukhon, 1
.fan. 20, 1SS7. ,
Notice is hereby given that, in compli
ance with tlic provisions of the Act of Con
gress approved June ... 1878, entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber Lauds in thu
Htntcs of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory."
VJlllnm Murray.
Whose post ofllce address is Union. Union
county, Oregon, has this dav filed In this
olllce lii.s application to purchase- the Sh4
NW't and NEJ4 SWK Section Xo. 31, in
Township No. 4, South, Range, No. 10 hast,
of the Willamette meridian. All person
holding any adverse claim thereto are re
quired to proent the hanio at this olllce
within sixty days from the first publication
of this notice.
jnii'-l'-wlO. Register.
Notice of Aiuittcntlon to l'urcliiinc Tim
ber I.antl.
U.H. IiANDOrriCK, La Giusnn.Oiu-wns,!
Dec. 1, ltWi. ,
Notice Is hereby given that, inc.uiipliancc.
with the provisions of the Act of Congress
approved June 3, 187s', entitled "An act for
the sate of Timber Lands In the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," . .
It. KnUIn,
Whose post-office address is Utiinn, tl nion
county. Oregon, has this day filed in this
otlicchis application to purchn-o the N "
Sec. No. .r,in Tp. No. IS. R. No. HI E of the W
meridian. All persons holding any adverse
claim thereto arc required to present tlie
same at this office within sixty days from
the first publication of this notn-e.
lli'.xuv ltixi iiAitr,
dcc-wlO. Regiter.
Over 6.OO0.000 PEOPLE USE
o.M. Fcnrty&co.
are aaruitteuiuraiun
UitfitST JttDSMtH
tn vorM.
A l'.l4
For iuu?
ton'll VwA Mftllod
FREE to nu
applieanta. u
IU A -
without or
dertbl .Mh.otl
bnrtls Mialv
99P .