The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, January 22, 1887, Image 8

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Dr. Talmage's Discourse Last
Sunday Morning.
Ho Shall Divide the Spail With tin Strong.
Br.ooRi.TS, Jnn. 9. The opening hymn nt
the UrooMjn Tiibcrinuls tliU morning IkijjIus:
-O, ro'iM 1 rfk the tnalclitrtt wnrtbt
O, I'ould I oun I the Rloriet f Jttli
Wlilcli In iny fcai lour hlne?"
Dr. Talmajc explained somo of the prophe
tic before giving out the liyinn aid then
preached ti the Mibjcct 'PMr.lintlon of H
wurtK taking his text from Isaiah Jill, 12:
'Ho fball divlila tlio HI with the strung."
Dr. TnlniHKc vpoko ns follow:
ly family, who raw It with their own eves
rear before lust, tell tnc that in thu Coliseum
at Home, where perjuctitors used to let out the
hftlf-Mnrral Hons to eat up Christians, there
Is now planted the figure of the cms". And 1
rcjoiro lo know that the upright piece of wikkI
Joined to the transvem) piece has become thu
symbol, not niiire o. suffering lli:m of v.ctory.
It Is of Chrl t t!io Co:i(iicrer that my text
ijicaks. As n kindly warrior, having nubilued
on empire, might dlrl lu tho palace, and limn
e.'ous, unit cit of, nu 1 Valleys, and' mountains
among Ida Ulcer, m Christ Is going to divide
up nil the earth, mid aU tho henvenx, among
bis pcojile, mid you and 1 will have to take our
share If we nru strong lu faith and strong lu
cur Christian loyalty, f r my text i eclarus It:
"lie ahull divide tliu spoil with the strong."
The capture of this round planet for Christ
Is not so much of n Job us you might imagine,
when the church takes off Its coat and rolls u.)
Its (lcovi'B for the Will. Thcrenre sixteen
hundred millions of people now lu thoworl I, and
thorn a id four hundred and llfty million
Oil 1st. mis. Subtract the four hundred and
fllty million', who are Chrixtlau, from tho s x
teen huudicd millions, and arc cloven
liundrcd and fifty millions loft to be Christian
ized, Now d.vldu tho cltveu hundred und fl.'
tv millions by the four hundred und (iftv mil
lions already Christianized, and It makes only
twenty llvo ixtople for each Clirljllin to bring
to Clirist. fiurely when tho cliuivli gets wide
awake no Christian will be content to take to
benven loss than twenty-flv.i. Whv, I bono to
tuko with ino at least lei) thousand. 1 know
evangelists that have already gathered llfty
thousand each for the kl gdom. There aro at
least two hundred thousand men In Christen
dom whoto one business It Is to save sou s.
Bo that when 1 tell you nil that wo need to av
rragit li twcnl -llvo soul-t reaped for Ood lu a
lifetime, nil Idea of Impoislull ty v.iulshei
from this oiunlNtont crumido. 1 know of u
abhnthsch(xl teacher who has spent her life
time In teaching tho young, and ulio has had
litre dirt rent classes during nil thca years,
and tho tells nm they averaged ubout seven In
it c1hb, and they wero all converted, and llvo
times seven uro thirty-live, ns near as I can
calculntc. 8ho brought her twenty-llvo nud
bad ten to spare. My grandmother brought
her whole family Into Mm kingdom, und lior
grundchllilren, and, I bom, all her great
grandchildren, for (lod remembers a prayer
ecventy-llvo years old us well as thuiuli It
wero a minute; and slio took her Ucnty-flvo
Into the lilncdoni, und had at least a hundred
to spare.. Besides that, tho telegraph and tel
ephone will, within a few years, put thowholu
tarth into a compass of ten minutes. Consid
er this und also that Oiunliotcuco. and
Omulec'ciici', und OinnlprL'scncd nrosldo
over all t lu: work of betterment, and
you will tako this enterprise of llio
world's redemption out of tint lmoss.
Iillltles Into tho possibilities and then out of
the possibilities Into the probublllt'cs, and then
tiut of llio piolniblllllcs Into the eertulnlles.
l'hu building of the Dulon rucllloHallroiid from
nceaii lo ocouu was h grealer underlaklng
than tho gltdllng of tho earth with tho Goscl,
for tho ono enterprise depended upon the
bumiiii arm whllo tho other ilcjwuds ujhjii
Do I really tnran nil the carlh will surrender
to Chr.sli Ves. How about the uuinvlllug
iiortlonsl Will Oroeidaud bo evangel 7. -ill
Villi possibility li that after u few more hun
dred bravo lives uro dashed out among the
leebeigt, that great refrigerator, tlu Polar
region, will bo given up to thu uu'riH und tho
hour, and Unit tho luliali tints wdl como down
by luv tatlou Into tolcrahlo climates, or those
el I ma es may tof en, und, ns It but bei'ii
IKisltlvolv demonstrated ihat the Aictleregon
vim once n blooming gar leu aril a frit.tfnl
Held, Ihoso rignns iniiv cliango climate and
ngu u bo u I looming garden and a frill I In I
Held. It Is proved buyout! controversy Ut
tiiriiinn nud Aiuerlcau scientists, that llio
Arctic regions were thu first loniois of thU
world luliuhllnblo; tho noild hot beyo d hu
man enilur.tnco, those reg o s were of coilrso
tho llrst to be cool enough for human foot and
human lung. It Is Hsll vely uriivcd that that
Arctic region was a tropical climate. I'm
fcsor Ilccr of Zurch says tho remains of
flowers havo been found lu tho Arctic, show
ing It was Ike Mcxho for climate, and It Is
found that tho Arctic was tho mother-region
from wb t h all tho iluwvis di-Muiidud. Pro
fessor Wolhico savs the remains of all styles
of animal l.n nro found In thu Aicte, Includ
ing thoio atilinala that can llvo only In warm
clnnaics. Now, that Arcllo ivg on which
lias been ('eiuonslnitetl by Horn, und faun a.
iind geological argument to h.ivo been as
full of vcgetatlo.i and life ns our Florida,
limy be turned back to III original bloom ami
plor , or It will be shut up ns u luus. um of
i r stale for cur'oslty seeko.s onco In u whilo
to' I It. lluiAtctc and Antartlu In some
tbntu w II belong to tho lleduumo 's rea'm
What uuout otiicr unproductive or repulsive
ni:lou! All thn deserts will In Irrigated, tliu
vatcn w I'l lo forced up to llio gro it Amerxan
dcseit I'ctwcen hero and tho I'm el lie by nni
chliitTV now known or yet to bo Invented,
and. ns Great Salt I.nku C ty has no rain ami
could not i also an npp o or it bmliol of wheat
lu a hundred venrs without nrtltlchtl help, but
Is now tlnou 'li such nii'iiti, oiu gr nt gulden,
in ull thu iinp-o luctlvo lrls of nil t' e eonll
m ilts will bj luruo 1 Into harvest lUlds und
A half drz'ii Do Lwrni will furnish tho
world with nil thu canaU needed, and will
rl niigtt tho imirso of livers nud oii.-u new
lakes, nil I tl c, great Sahara Desert will be cut
up into farms "lib an nstuundliv; vlcul of
l ii'liels to l)t: acre. Thu marsh will bo drain
ed of lis alers und cured of lis miliaria. I
Buw tho other titty what wiisTt many years
culled tint lllack Swamp of Oh o. Its chief
vrom-lillU und fev rs. but now. by tho 111 a
put Into tho ground to oirry oil tiio stnphis
inolslur-, trans. i r tied Into the. richest and
liciilth ol of region'. 'Ibo God who wastes
niithliig, I think, means that th world, from
polo to io'e, hut to tiniii' to perfccilou of fol
iage ami frilling?. For that reason ho keeps
ua running thiouub, tiiotiu'li to many
llrcs nro blazing down lu Its timbers, nud
inaiiv mock terror havo threatened to d:ili It
topfeces. As soon ns tho earth Is completed
Christ ill tilvido It up among tho good. Thu
reason liu tlo.-s not tl v. do It now Is l e ituo It
Is not done. A kind father will not divide
tho apple among Ids children until thn
npphi Is ripe, in fill It liueiil' of tho New
'iVstmni'iit prom'M, ''The meek shall In
lurt thu earth" and tho canine of
tboOMTctlameiit. 'Ho fhall d.vldu thooll
with thu strong," the world will Ut apportion
ed to tho!- wor by tnx(ki h It,
It N not so now. In this country, eapnhla
of I oldlltg, fettling, clothluf, un I shellerliig
twelve huiidr tl ml Hon peoplo and wheru wo
Iihvo onlr xiy million Inhalillunts, uu buvo
two indlloiik who laiiuot get honest woik, and
Willi their and les uu ugi-rcgnUoii ol twenty
inllll ins that uro on thu veixo ft starvation.
Bomethlug wrong most c. rt.i nly, lu muiio
way. there will Ui a new nppor loument. Many
of llio ndlbonit re etut will cnttk to n w
on tho diss pillon of griiniMilldreti, and then
ilisaolvo lulu tho witcrslou of thu manta who
now linvu an Insutlt 'encv.
' Whut, ton nv will bevomo of tho extensive
ami elab rit ulldiiniH now devoted to tie
Iwslnjf Htnuem'lit"! They t 111 become tcbool.
art K'tl'irl'". mu-uems, L-ymuas um, and
churc:ic. 'lite world U ulready p iling til;
gusUnl with lusny of tlu w mniiseiueuts, nui!
iiowomh r. What mi litiporlutlou of uucloaii
Uiwlrlcl stuff wu havo within the at fevr
yesrabad IxiMigl.t to iHir shorts) And n.
ftor of nslli'loti iMtrooltiug iuco thluiral
Having sold out to Ibo devil, why don't you
deliver the pools and go over to him publicly,
bodv, mind, and soul, and withdraw your
name from Christian churches, and say, "Know
all tho worol by these presents that I am n
patron of tiuclcf nllucs and a child of hell."
8wom to be tho Iinl's, jou are. icrjureM.
But at lust tho tidj has turned, und the do
splsurs of purity overdid the matter. A for
eign actress of bae morula arrived Intending
1 1 make it tourof the State, but tho remaining
deceiic. of our cities rose up and cancelled the
contnicts,ntiil drove her back I mm our Ameri
can stage, n woman fit for neither continent. In
the name of Almighty God I take these ahoml
natons by tho If you think these
olleiises uro to go ouforever, you do not know
who the Lord Is. God will not wait for thn
Day of Judgment. All theso palace of sin
will bee me palaces of ridilcnusncss. They
will como Into the posesslon of those strong
for virtue nud strong for God. "Ho sha.l di
vide tho sjkiII with the strong."
China and Africa tho two richest portlona
of tho catth bv reason of metals and rare
wools, lino" I exhaustible productiveness Kro
not yet divided up nino.ig the good because
tho.' are not ready to be divided. Walt un
til nil the doors that Livingstone ooncd In
Africa shall In entered and Bishop Tuvlor
with his band of self-sup: orllng missionaries
have d mo their work, unit the AMiantees and
Bcuegatiiblaus hhall know Cnrist as w. II uu
von know It in, ami there shall be on the banks
of tin; Nile nud the Nlier a higher civlllzitloi:
thin is now lo bo round on the bnnks of tho
Hudson, then C'hriH will divide up thnt conti
nent am ng his frlouds. Walt until ( lilmi.
which li half ns larguH all Kurope, shall havo
develoied lier capacities for rice, und ten, und
sttgir. umoiig edibles; nud her ilmelliyst, and
sapphire, nud topaz, and opal nnd jasper, nil 1
lirpliry, sni'ing precious stones: and her
rosewood, mid bony, and camphor, an I var
nish trees mining precious wow Is; and turned
I'll) from her depths u hnlf dozen Pennsylva
nia s of coal and iron, mid twent.' of
sliver, and llfty of gold, and her
llvo bundled million of people shall be evan
gelized; then llio Lord will it up among
the trood.
If my text he not a deception, but tho
eternal truth, then tho time Is coming when
nil the farms will be owned b, Christian
farmers, and nil tho commerce coutro.lcd
by Christian merclinuts, and all tho au
thority held by Christian olliclals, and all
tho ships commanded by Clir.stlan captains,
an. 1 all tho universities under tho Instruction
of Christian professors; Christian kings,
Chr'stlan presidents Christian covcrnow,
Clulstlan mayors, Christian common tonne. I.
Yet, what u scouring out I what an upturning!
what a dcmolliloul what a rcsuncctlon must
precede this now apportionment I
I do not underrate tliu enemy. Julius
Cesar got his greatest victories by fully esti
mating tho vustnei's or his foes and prepared
his men for the r greatest tihiiupli by saying:
'To-morrow Kline Juba will bo here wlili
thirty thousand horses, one hundred thousand
skirmishers, anil threo hundred elephants."
I do not underrate tho vast forces of 8lu and
Dentil, but do you know who command's us?
Jchovah-llreh. Ami the reserve corps behind
us uro all tho armies of heaven nnd earth,
with hurricane and thunderbolt. The uood
work of the worl i's redemption Is going on
every minute. Never so many splendid men
nud ulorlous women on the s'ldu of right as
today. Never so inanv goo I cop!e as now.
I) ogencs has been siKikuu of us a wise man
because he went with n lantern nt lioondnv,
saying hu was looking for it n honest man. If
ho had turned his lantern towards himself bo
might havo discovered a crank.
Honest men by the ten thous'indl Through
tho International Series of Sunday Sehool
Lessons the next generation nil 'throuith
Christendom aro golii to bo wiser than any
generation since tliu worl I stood. Tho king
dom Is enmluc;. Go I can do It. No housewife
with a chamois c oth ever tol sited a s.lver
to isKon with more cuo titan C.irist will rub
off from this world tho tarnish, nud brighten
It up till It glows I ll.o heaven, ami then the
glorious upHirtlotiment, for my text Is rein
forced bv a t -ore of other texts, when It sins
of Christ: "lie shall divido the spoil with tho
stroin:." .
' But " you snv, "that this Is pleasant to
think of lor others, but before thattluiol
shall havo passe I up In o another ex steueu,
nud 1 shall get no ml van luge from that new
npK)rtloniuout." Ah, you have only driven
mo to the oilier more uxeltln; and trnnsort
lui consideration, mid that In Christ Is L'olnir
to illvldo up lie.ivuti lu llio saniu way. There
nro old estates In the celestial world I lint have
been In the piss sslou of Its Inhabitants for
thousands, or tears, mil they shall remain
ns they u'c, Th re are old fa nil I v mansion In
licnveii tilled with wholu generat'otis of kin
dred, nud the. shall never ho driven out.
Mauv of i hp letors from earth have already
go' lb r pi a.'s, anil th -y mo Milu'ed o'lt to
to tin a newly at rived, t-'oin after our uctt'ng
tin iv wu wlll'asl; lo bo t-hoivn thu AlHiitollo
losldi ivcs and ask where docs Paul live. an. 1
John und shown tho pntrliic'ial residences,
mill shall mi v : "Where do s Abraham 1 v.', or
J cobi ' anil shown thu mart r teslduiees mid
sav: "Where do.'s .loliu lluss hvc, and Bid-l.-yl"
Wo will want lo see thu lioulovards
wnero the chin lots of co quurnra roll. I will
want to see tho gardeua where tlio ptl.ieis
Wo will want t ) see M 'sle How, whrr ' II in
del, und Hindu, nnd Moznt mid Chares
Wesley, and Thomas Hastings, ami ltrad nr.'
inivo t'hoif hom.'s, out of their windows, ever
mid iiiion. rolling some sonnet of mi earthly
orator o o' hymn trauioited whh tho com
poso. Wu will want to u ltelval Terrace,
wheiu Wldtcllold mid Neitle'ti'i, and l'uyson.
mid Kowiaud II 11, u id Charles Kinney, and
other g tt'iU of sotil-reap'iig uro rest mr from
their almost supernatural labors, their doors
throntred with converts just arrhod, coming to
report themselves.
But lirll.bnt ns tho ftl isct, and like
thu leaves for iiutnbcr, aro tho celes
tial homes yot to bo uwnrdod, when
Christ to you, and the millions of others,
shall divide tho sim11. What do you want
t bent I You shall havo It. An orchard) Tuero
It Is; twel o manner of fruit, anil Irult every
mouth. Do you want river teener I Take
our chole i on thu bunks of tho liver, in long
ir, wider, deep r mil tlmn Dimtbe, or Ami
em, or Mississippi. If mingled iiioiie.iindeniji
tvlng in n tlio sea of uluss minuted with lire.
Do you want your kindred back ngalnf Go
out mid meet tour lather and mother without
tho Mall or sloos nud yourch Idron In it daiicu
of timuorul gl -o, I) lyou want a thronel Se
lect It Iro'tt tho million huriilshcd elevations.
Do you want a crown I I'.clc It out of that
liioillitntu of iltuinoiiiletl corotu-ts. Do ou
waul Mitiro'd church friends of earth around
von I ' lletrlu to hum mi old revival' tune nud
they will flock from all tpiartcr to revel with
ou lu sacrod r.-inlnlseeite.'. All thu earth for
those who nru hero on earlh at tho time of
continental and planetary d strlbutlou und all
tlio heavens for thoe who nr. titer.'.
That heiiwuly ilNtrduitlon of spil w'll tin
n surprise to luiiuv. Here enters heaven thu
mill of n mull who too; up it irreat dual of
mom on earth, btitsaerlll ed little, and muong
Ids gmxl works sollshuess was evident. He
just crowd through thu shining irate, but it
is u verv light upleczu so that t no iloor-Ueop r
has to pull it win loirctldin in, nnd this man
expects half heaven for hit share of imp ics
nud hu would like a monopoly of nil hW splen
dor, and to ptircliiio lots lu tho suburb so
that ho could col advantage front tho grow lb
of the elt . Wu I, hu h id a little graeo of
heart, just enough to tret him through, mid to
him Is given a seeoml hand crow u which one
of the sa uts wore at tho start, but t v banreil
for a brlsrhtrr ono us ho went on Ironi ul n) tn
glory And ho U put lu uu old hou-e
onco occupied bv uu titigel who was
bui l"d out of Heaven at thu time of Satan's
Bight after htm comes n soul that mnkes a
ureal stir nni 'iu thtuvletliils, nud Ihu ungels
rush lo tl e seeno tneli bringing to bcr u daz
zling torotict. Who Is . ie I Over what r-aliu
on earlh was eh quo -ill hi what treat Dus
ehlorf festival nm she t lie cmiutriccl
Neither She wn an Invsll I who never let t
In r rtom for twenty u-ars; but he was tmng
In praver. u u! chu p'H'ol ilmv.i revival afur
rcv.v.'V und rntc.t ulicr penleinst, us.m
tlio churvlltfs, und with her pal.' huuiUslio hint
nisit' a intltt u and ttppit lor llio, mid
w lib bcr itiiitr.viinc' ho ndde I Jjr to ui tiiv a
holiday fest vul, uu I now, ultli th rfo thin
liaiids so ktrong for kindness ii'.d w th thorn
white I ps so toning for suppilcat tut, alio has
wou coronation, and eiitlmi.ieiiicut, and jubl-b-e.
And Chr t says to ibo angles wlioliavo
bmuglit each a cumn for tliogtorltlo I Inva Idt
"No, not Ihrse: they am not good ciiou.'h.
But lu tho jowcllod raso at Ih rljni ham! side
of luv tlimud there la ono that I have b.u
jrcpanujc fur kcr uuny a yesr, and tut bcr
evcrv pang I havo ftct an amethyst, and for
her every good deed I have sot a pt-arl.
Fetch It now nnd fulfill the promise I gave her
long niro, In tho sick nxim: "Bj thou fnlthful
unto death, nnd I will give thee o crown."
But notice that there Is only one being In the
universe who can and will distribute the tro
phies of earth and heaven. It Is the Divine
llnlcr. the Coinmandcr-ln Chief of the centu
ries, the champion of the npes. tho universal
conqueror,, the son of God, Jesus. You will
take the spoils from His hand, or never take
thorn nt nil. Have Ids friendship and vou may
defy all time and oil eternity, but without it
you nro a pauper, though i on bad a universe at
vour command. Wu nro told In Revelation Hint
Jacob's twelve sons were so honored ns to have
the twelve gntes of heaven named after them
over one gate of heaven Naphtall, over an
other gate of Issachar, over another Dan. over
nnoth -r Ga I, over nnother Zcbulon, over an
other Juibili, nnd so on. But Christ's name Is
written over nil the gate, und on every panel
of the gates, and above His help, His pardon,
His lnterccss on, His atonement, I mut, or be
n forlorn wretcti forever. My Lord nud- my
Go II make mo and till who hear me this dav,
and nil to whom I here words situ I come, be
Thy repentant, believing, sworn, coiiGecratcd,
ninl rausotncl followers forever.
What it dav It will be I '1 his entire nscm
bin go would rlso to vour feet It you could real
ize It, the dav In which Christ shall, In fulfill
ment ol my text, divide tho spoil. It was a
great dav when Q teen Victoria, l i tho midst
of the Crimean war, distributed me lids to the
soldiers who had conic homo sick nnd wound
ed. At the llors:; Gil ird, In the pres.-nco of
the ro til familv, the injured men wero c.irrliil
In or cnnio on crutches Colonel Trowbridge,
who lost both f 'ot at Inkerinan; mil Captain
Saver, whohad tlio nttklc-Joint. -f his right leg
shot oft at Alma; nnd Captain Curre, his disa
bled limb supported bv n wlill -r, and othctfl
ina'iiied, nud disfigured, nnd cxhauiited-ntid
with bcr own hau l tho quo mi gave each thu
Crimean medal. And what triump imit days
for those Bo'dlers when further on, I hey re
ceived tliu French medal with tliu Imperial
engle, nud the Turkish medal with Its repre
sentation of four (lags France. Turkey, Kng
Inud r.nd Sardn n-ntid beneath it a map of
the Crimea spread over a gun wheel.
And what rewards nre stigresled to n.l
renders of history by tho mere mention of the
Waterloo medal, and the Cii)0 medal, and the
Gold mis mcdiil, nnd the medal struck for
lint verv in our American war I Hut how Inslg
n llean'tnll these compared with the day when
tlio good soldiers of Jesus Christ shall como In
out of the battl-B of this world, nnd In the
pre'cuce of nil tho pllcd-up glories of the re
deemed nnd the unfallen, Jesus, our King,
shall divide the Bpoll. The ni'ire wounds, tho
creator tho Inheritances. The longer tho
forced mnrc'i. tho more vivid tho Iroplry. Tho
more terrible, tho exhaustion, tlio more un
troubled tho transport. Not the gift of n brll
II int ribbon, or a medal of hras, or silver, or
cold, but n kingdom In which wo are to reign
forever nnd ever. Mansions ou the eternal
hills. Dominions of unfading jwwer. Em
pire of unending love. Continents of ever
lastlnir light. Atlantic and Pacific oceans of
I) I oa lu1.' jov. It was a day wheii'Auro
llau, tho Uoinan emperor, came hack from his
victories. In tho front of the procession wero
wl'd b. asln from all landR, 6lxtcon hundred
cladhitors rlchlvclad, wacon loads of crowns
presented by conquered d ies; among the cap
tives, Si rlnns Egyptians, Gothe, Vandals, Sa
marathius. Fran'ts: and Zenobla, the beauti
ful captive que n, on foot in chains of gold
that n slave had to help her entry, nud jewels
under tho weight of which she almost fn luted.
And then camo tin charrlot of Aurelltn drawn
bv four elephants hi conronus comparison, mill
followed b tho Uotnan Semite; nnd the Uoniaii
arm , nnd from d.iwu till dark tho proces
sion was passing. Koine lu all her hlstpry
never snw nurthlug more niasnillccnt.
Hut how much grea'cr tho day when
our Conqueror. Jcus, shall rldo under tho tri
umphal arches of heaven; his captives, baud
or foot or In cliarlols, nil the kingdoms of
enrtli and heaven; in procession the armies
celestial on white horses. Bumbling artillery
of thunderbolts never inrnln lo bo unlimbcro 1.
Kingdoms In line, centuries lu line, saintly,
elu'iuhlc. seniphle, nrclimigollo splendors In
line, nnd Christ seated on one great rolling
Hoiitunn, made out of nil Hallelujahs of al!
worlds shall ci v Haiti to tho proce-slon. And
not forgetting even tlu humblest hi all thu
reach of II s omtilpreso'ice, He shall rlso, nnd
then nnd there. Ills work und His glory con
summated, proeu.'d, timid mi ccstaey, such nt
neither mortal nor Immortal ever Imagined, to
divido tho spoil.
A Fight Willi Porcupines.
Porcupines, which linvo boon but
rarely soon in this region for many
years, have MiiliJonly appeared in largo
ntiinhurs, writes a IJiisiivilli', Pit., dor
mspoiulont of 'lhc Sew York Sun.
These nniinnltf aro foi m'tlablo ami
linrcii. although small, ami many valu
able tlogs have been killed and disabled
by the r attacks. Coon hunters have
hail several encounters with thorn du
ring tho past two or threo wcel.s.
Ira Tinlov. of this plaoe, had a very
oxcit ng oxp 'rienco with a fain ly of
porcupines on Friday, llo was hunting
fuses nud came sudilenlt' upon a porcu
pine King la, ly on a rook. Finloy's
dog attacked tho animal at once as it
luv do, ng In the huh. to all appear
ances a most ncaceulilu nnd harmless
creature. At the lirst onslaught of tho
dog. howover. tho porcupine brought
h s sharp qu lis into play, and tho dog
beat a hasty re I re at with his head filled
with quills sunk deep into tlio hV.sli.
The dog ran yulpng awav, nnd was
seen no more, Finhty took a m at the
porcupine, which showed a strong in
clinat on to assume tho o.Toiis vo. but,
before he lirod three more porcupines
camu out of the brush and the four
rushed linrcely toward tlio liuulor. F n
ley shut anil killed one of the animals
but tho others prood him so closely
that he was obliged to club Ins gun and
tight them n that wax. Hacking round
and round in a oin lo in tno I rush, Fin
ley managed to keep tlio three iu'iitia
letl 1 tliu ii'i mals obVh in, bullliuy were
so wary and active that they sueccded
in avoiding his blows. Ho was afraid
to turn and run, anil ns his etVorts at
tigtli ng the porcupines were b 'gin
ning to tiro lilin out. bo begun shouting
for" help. Peter Meyers heart! Ihu
shouts wh-ro hu was at work chop
ping lu tho woods, ami ho hurried to
the spot with his ax. lie killetl of
llie porcupines, anil tho other two gave
up the Ik'ht am! disappeared in thu
brush. Fin ley was nearly oshtusted,
and but forthe tlmoly arrival of M vers,
would have soon 'fared ballvat thu
hands of tho lbrco and por!stent ani
mals. On Saturday Moyors shot threo por
ciiplni's hi tho same vicinity ami saw
threu others. On Frtltv night two
hunters mistook t porcupine for a coon,
and it killed their dog b'fore they dis
covered what it was nnd shot it.
Not a Fanner,
"You nro not a farmer, nru you,
Mr. Featherli?" Hobby inquired, as
that young man settled lilmsqU on the
m fa for a parly call.
Certainly iiot, Hobby," ho replied,
I'm In the 'dry-good liiiti. Vli?
"Heeause pa told ma that from the
way on acted at the supper table lust
nlg'hi you must b'l eve in tonkin' ha.
wh.lo the nun shines.'' .Veto York Sun,
A cblcrtn state tlut Hsitr cn' luiby wit
clitUtvitel IXiviiUkt IS. Mv would havo
bevu a pivttler MUM. UfritstM 'iv l't
Absolutely Pure-
Tills powder never varies. A marvel o!
purity, strength and whnloHotnencss. Jloro
economical thnn thu ord.nnry knitln, and
cannot bo sold In competition witii tho
multitude of low test, Bliort weight, uliitu
or phosphate powders. Sold only in ciinn.
IIoyal. I'owDKn Co., 100 Wull St.,
N. Y.
A. L. COBB, M. D.,
Having permanently located in Alder,
Union county, Orecon, will bo round rendy
to nttend to culls in all tho various towns
und BettlcincnU of the Wallowa vnlloy.
Chronic 2;ieuc n Speciulty.
par-My motto is: "Llvo and let livo."
A. C. CRAIG, - - Proprietor.
(Union Depot, Oregon.)
Splendid nrcoinmodntions for commer
cial men. Tables nlwnys eupplied with the
bent the market alfords.
piriloT and Colo Mixkrai. ,I5atiis"3
Cor, Main nnd I SIh., Union, Oregon. a;iism:y, irop.
fnnufneturers nnd dealers in Sodn
Water, SiirRitpiirilhi, Ginger Alo, Cream
Sodn. and Chiimpiigno Cider, Syrups, etc
Ordcrs promptly llllesl.
Liyery ill M
OeeosiTK Ckniennial. IIOTELu
Having fiiruihhed this old nnd popular
hostelry with ample room, plenty of feed,
Rood hostlers und new buggies, is better
prepared than ever to ncconiinodato cus
tomers. My terms nre reasonable.
Adam Cuossma.n, I'aoi'iucTon.
Han now on hand nnd for nalo the best ol
Ul'I'liU nnd
raid for Hides and Pells.
Hest Havana Filled
5 Five Cent Cigar. 5
Jouea Hros., agents, Union.
Anfi-Bilious! Dyspeptic Remedy,
OTHI'KrSIA hs mch pcullr charn-'HHltrii thtl
no imi ' lltlWf ilir niurrit It.r . 'uqiliilut
lit wvlllltluHi nrt NIcU llrtlilliclir, Ntill. Allium-
rll. I'.i lilt !. Urnrlliurn, Vurr ,llri,h,
4.iilt.i'lloi,, I'ulii. In Ihr Hlil liml Itovlv
Iiii'mIhkNi.iiIIiiiihI Ihr I'llol I lie Nik .mi",
., ol .Vi'lx'lllr. rtc. The nlurll, orrrts!
Nvniiir Mnie kiwi lli,Minilini, nd the i, xl uier
brcmr UliHilllJ u J !Suilcltmi lite i a k :rj U4
Implru. 'iJ r"t In Ui LDltrJ Sute t , tn tsra
tllrU.o: Ui ipulitoo rr imul.leU wlUJ iTkiiclbi
tuil Uii Cor.iilint, luure ur Iru.
Spring Blossom Is Soli cn Its Merits,
ttr-THlAL aiZE. 10OKNT3.l
Sold ty a.11 Titpsta
ttt PIm, l Ihrtr rnrrttA form trr i-
ktliMip' tlHfr 4rtfcglrlf mi "I'fB tl
Ihr t) u( IIoIIm or ! !
tfcltrt'lu- lul uti'l IbU mnnlr !'
rixrfJU la illrrriltMia rnrv tll rnlnlr
Mlow ! Dot mhat t, w,ully rttli ltutr
lb UklM tt which. In mr l'Hw li
at? a iiiriol foi drtkkli(-ui I trt-r Imm
ftlc,.hlJk KtlmuUata, an4 U a fiCcaciuiuU
i ruulu 11 u tolaat aa to aa aJalu
Salt Rhoum and Scrofula
aaoimoaa tun
Factor?. Rack Wis. Branch, FcrOani, Orepi
Buckboards, Road Cart3, Spring Wagons, Etc.
192-191 Front St, Portland, Oregon.
E. M. FURMAN, Agent.
Munructuroru ol
IVJain Street, Union, Oregon.
Kcj constantly on hantl a largo supply of Parlor ami Bed Room Sots, Bed
ding, Desks, Ollk'o Furniture, etc.
Upholstering Done in the Best Style.
Lounges, Mattresses, and all Kinds of Furniture mado to order. Your patron
age solicited.
Dealers in
iraoeries, Tobaccos mi Cigars.
Variety and Fancy Goods,
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.
Musical Instruments, Picturo Frames, Bird Cages, Baby Carriages, Etc.
Candies, Nuts and Fruits, Scbsol Books, Stationery, Periodicals, NovoLv
Etc, of Every description.
Orders from all parts of tho country
Jones Eros., JL-fcis-ts,
All Kinds of FMoroliic Work Done to a Superior Manner..
New Soenery and Accessories Just Reoelve'd.
All Work Warranted
of and Dealers lu
promptly attonijd to.
to Give Satisfaction..