The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, January 08, 1887, Image 8

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Do you notice that younp fellow
Eyct of blue and moustache yellow?
lie's 0 fiatiny that be can't conceal his Joy.
lie's ft daddy I
IlcV a papal
Ic' tlie father of a bouncing baby boy.
What a prln expands his features
As he greets his fellow c rcHtures
"When ho meets them In the morning coraln
lov n.
How he la jonl
How be jrrlpg you I
He Is certainly the craziest man In town.
And he never tires of telling
f-" What the baby neighed, or dwelling
On Us licuntr and lt rarclutelllpetice.
We'll not toll him
Thoiish we're certain
That It' like all other babes In loolss and sense.
Cottimbm Dilpnteh.
It wasn't a liot day, nor a cold day,
nor a damp day, but it was an atro
tiions day, a clammy daj-, an unbeara
ble da', a day that made your clothes
htick to you like poor relations, that
brought out told sweaU on pitchers
and goblet?, that made your back a
race course for contemptible litllo
chills and llio J rest of your body a tar
get for a thousand invineiblo pins and
jiccdlcs, that made the grasshopper a
burden and the dusty, bcgrimnicd city
a pandemonium, that mado Solomon
Griggs, batchelor, of tho firm of
Grigg., Makcm & Co., the great cloth
ing merchants, shut up his ledger with
a bang and start for the country by tho
yjext train, remarking to old Grimesby,
tho head clerk, "that tho city was stif
ling." To which that worthy replied:
j"So it is; but how about the fellers that
can't get out of it and must stay to bo
choked?" a problem which I suspect
pur friend of tho linn of Griggs, Ma
jkeni & Co. troubled his head very little
jnbotit, being just then busy in looking
into the dusty recesses of that picture
gallery which memory furnishes and
arranges for tis all, at a singlo land
scape hanging thoro, A low house with
mossy, overhanging caves, standing on
the slopo of a green hill, shaded by
branching elms, with level Holds stretch
ing off In tho foreground toward tho
uparkling water on ono side and dusky
woods on the other, and tliore, dusty,
sweating, and tired. Solomon found
himsolMust nbotit sunset. Out camo a
ruddy-cheeked, smiling old lady in a
cap and apron, that had attained a
Btato of snowy perfection unknown to
city laundresses
"Why. bless me, if it isn't littlo Sol.
r-why. who'd a thought of sooing
you?'1 and sho folded tho stalwart
boarded man In as warm an embraco
as though ho woro in roality still tho
littlo Sol. of formor days.
"And how do you do, Sol. ? Como n,
como In; don't stand out there. You
know tho littlo path and tho way to tho
pantry jot, I daro say. Como in; you
needn't start back its only Hachol."
"Hut I didn't know you hud any
young ladies witli you. Aunt Hester.'
"It's only Rachel, I toll you Hacliel
llnrt, tho seamstress. Aro tliero no
womon in your olty, that you aro
tifraid to faco n littlo country girl?"
"Littlo indeed, thought Solomon, as
ho acknowledged his aunt's somowliat
peculiar introduction and not pretty,
oitlier witli largo oyos of Hint uncer
tain gray that sometimes beams dark
ly hi uo and then doepons into mown
witli a smooth low forehead, and
light brown hair drawn tightly across
cacli car, just revealing its crimson tip;
nfaco irregularly featured, and render
ed still more striking by tho singular
contrast between Us extreme pallor
and tho intensely scarlet lips tho por
sonilicatlou of neatness, tho embodi
ment of reserve.
"An odd little person," thought Sol
omon, "but it's nono business,"
and dismissing her from his mind, lto
Iiroeeoded to ilio much more important
iiisincss of making himself presentable
St Aunt Hester's tea-table.
Solomon did ample justice to the
Bnowy bread, golden butter, and lus
cious strawberries, and later, as that
worthy was indulged in a stroll across
tho Holds, ho lifted up Ills eyes and be
hold tho littlo Houiustress, whoso exist
ence ho hud quite forgotton, under a
vonorablo chorry tree, making despor
ttto ollbrts to seize a tempting brunch
on its lowest boughs revealing in her
gyrations a very noat foot and ankle,
and looking almost pretty with her
flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes.
Now Sol. was a gallant man de
cidedly tho proux-uhuvalicr of the linn
of Griggs, Makcm & Co., so that when
ever, as had once or twice happened,
:i petticoat ventured iuto tho moldy
shades of that establishment, Sol. was
tho nlan whom destiny and the other
partners selected to "parley with tho
Advancing, llioroforo, with 'a happy
mixture of conlideiieo and condescen
sion, Sol. plunked tho uhurries and was
about to presont tlieui when independ
ence In a calico fiool; stopped bauk and
With a cool:
"Keep them yoursulf, sir; 1 don't
euro for them."
"I thought you wanted Miami'1
stammered bol.
"So ,1 did, beoauso they were diflloult
to obtain. Had they been on your
aunt's tablo 1 would not Imvo touched
thom. It is tho glow of triumph that
gives a pleasure to Its zest. Eat tho
cherries yoursulf, and good evening,
"Stop a moment!" said Sol., not a
littlo astonished; "that Is I mean
penult mo fo accomuany you!"
"No, you would expect mo to enter
tain you, and that would bo tooniuch
"Hut, if instead, I should ontertaln
"You can not"
"You could toll mo nothing now.
You aro only n crucible for convert
ing bales of cloth into tho precious
ore that all tho world good mad after.
No doubt you aro all very woll in
your Wttv, but thoro aro ulolioinlhUs
who could ti-HUKiiiuto our humdrum
Uully life iuto go!dua verso or huavon.
ly thought. To Mieh n ono I might
listen, but you and I have nothing in
"Not even our humanity?" asked
The stern face of the young cSrl
softened a little, but only for a mo
ment. "Nol" she answered, angrily, "not
even that. I, you know, am made of
the inferior clay yon of the pure
porcelain. Do "you not remember
how even good," kind Aunt Hester
told you there were no young ladies
witli her, only the pcanistross. You
aro slightly bored already, and think
mo odd enough to amuse you for a
while; but if some of these gay ladies
among whom I hear you are such a
favorite were to come here you
would not even know me. Good
evening, sir."
"What a furious littlo radical,"
thougth Sol; with an uneasy laugh, as
he watched her retreating figure. Af
ter all, he was not quite sure that she
had not spoken Hie truth.
If the calico frock had been a flounced
silk, for instance, how many degrees
more deferential would have been his
manner in presenting the cherries!"
Query the second:
If the calico frock had beon walking
dowi. Hroadway about 4 o'clock in the
afternoon would he. Solonian Griggs,
of Grljigs, Makem&Co., as willingly
escort itjas across tlioso green fields,
where if the robins and bluebirds did
make remarks it was in their own lan
guage?" Sol. couldn't answer the question
satisfactorily, but ho went to bed and
dreamed all night of the littlo Diogenes
in her calico frock.
That week and the next he waited
patiently for tho lirst glimpse of that
remarkable garment coming around
tho corner, but in vain. And when, in
such a very careless manner that It
was Iquitc remarkable, he wondered
audibly "where that odd littlo girl lived
wliom he saw on thocvo of his arrival,"
Aunt Hester answered dryly: "Always
up thereabouts'" pointing with her
hand. She boarded, she believed, with
some queer sort of folk there, though,
for that matter, she was queer enough
herself. And this was absolutely all
she would say on tho subject.
The next day Sol. took it upon him
self to wander up that way, "there
abouts," and was rewarded with a
glimpse of the . calico frock going
through a broken gate, and following
it closely, came up with the wearer as
she was about to enter tho dilapidated
front door, at which piece of imperti
nence she was so much Incensed as to
turn very red, whilo tears actually
started to her eyes.
"What do you want?" she asked,
sharply enough.
"To sco you!" replied Sol., who, ta
ken by surprise, could not think of noth
ing but tho Until.
"Well, you liavo seen mo now go!"
"Hut it's n warm day, and I am very
"1 can't help that. It's not my fault
-is it?"
"You might ask nie to walk in and
sit down if you were not as hard hearted
as a Huron!"
"Tis is not inv house."
"You would then if it were?"
"I don't say that."
"Well, then, 1 am thirsty; give me a
glass of water."
"There is tho well, and an iron cup
fastened to it by a chain; help vour
self." "You inhospitable little misan
thrope!" Hut she was gone, and tho next time
ho inquired for her Aunt He-,ter told
him, with a malicious twinkle of the
eye, that she was gone to the city.
Perhaps the good soul had boon
troubled with visions of a future Mrs.
Griggs, and was not altogether d s
pleased that an Insurmountable barrier
was placed between "that odd Haehel
Hart anil her nephew Sol., who was a
good bov, butd.dn't know the wins of
Ho that as it may, her joy was short
ly turned Into mourning, for Solomon
recoived dispatches requiring his imme
diate presence in the eilv. At least so
ho said, for Aunt Hester was immova
ble In her conviction that "that Kaehel
was simowhat at tho bottom of it."
Shq oven hinted as much to Solomon
when ho bade horgood-by; but he only
laughed, and told her to tako care of
After all, business could not have
boon so very pressing, as ho spent the
gruntcr portion of his time wandering
through lanes and back streets, not
unfroquoutly dashing down alloys
with the inexplicable exclamation of
That's her!" whence ho always re
turned very rod in tho faco and sheep
ish in expression.
Three months hail passed away,
when ho nearly ran against a little
woman, who looked up in his face w,lli
a sardouiu smile.
"Your oyoslght is not so good in tho
city, Mr. Griggs. You don't know mo
"Hiiehol Miss Hart I havo been
looking for you ovorywhoro. 1 I
where do you live?"
Sho hesitated a luomout, then snul,
shortly: "Como and see." And turn
ing, led the wav through narrow
streets, reeking with iilth and teem
ing witli a wretched population, up a
flight of broken stairs, into a dingy
little room, whose onlv redeeming
feature was its perfect cleanliness.
"Will you bo seated, Mr. Griggs?"
sho asked, with a scornful smile. "Now
that you know my residence 1 trust to
have the pleasure of soolug you fre
quently." "And you llvo in this donP" asked
Solomon, heedless of her sarcasm.
"How do you support yourselfP"
"Hy my needle."
"And how much does it tako to
koop up this niiigtiiiiccut stylo of liv
ing?" "Hy unremitting exertion 1 can earn
2 a week."
Great hoavens! why didn't you
como to mo?"
'For two excellent masons: First, I
should havo known where to have found
you; second, I should not havo como if 1
"Of course not. Your pride is to
you inuiit and di-iuk. Still you might
have como. Wo tiro in vantol
"1 do not bollovu it. You wish to
client mo Iuto accepting alma."
"There is our advertisement; read
for yourself," pulling a paper from his
"The sunken eyes gleamed eagerly;
she was human after all, and was
even then suffering from the pangs of
"Mr. Griggs, 1 believe you arc a
good man, ihc said, bursting into
tear.; "1 will work for you gladly; I am
And she did work, early and late.
spite of Solomon'i entreaties, refusing
to accept anything but her wages, de
clining to receive his visits, sending
back his gifts, steadily refusing, above
all. to become his wife, though she had
softened wonderfully toward him.
"You arc rich I am poor!" she said
in rcnlv to his jiassionato arsruruonts.
"You are handsome I am ugly; the
world would laugh, and your family
bo just"! v offended."
"I havo no family, and, as to the
world, lot it laugh; I bo happy iu
spite of it. '
"I will not have you."
"Do vou not love" me?"
"I will not have you," and with that
answer Solomon was oblidged to ret
Time passed on a financial crisis
came, and with hundreds of others,
down went the house of Griggs, Makcm
& Co.
Solomon sat in his office gloomily
thinking of the woman whoso love he
had so long and fruitlessly striven to
win, darkly wondering if it were not
better to cut snort an ainuess nopeiess,
blighted life.
"Lady wants to see vou, sir."
"Can't see her, sir. What the devil
can a woman want hero? Shut the
door if any ono calls, say I'm out."
Suddenly a pair of arms were around
his neck and two clear gray eves look
ing lovingly in his, while tho voice that
was sweetest to him whispered sotlly:
"When you wcro rich 1 rejected you.
Now that you arc poor I came to ask if
you will take inoP"
And Solomon, like a sensible man,
took tho "calico frock."
Took a Jlean Ail vantage ol Us.
Last Saturday, whilo laboriously en
gaged in writing a leading editorial
with a dull pair of shears, the door
opened and in stepped a sinful-looking
man, who introduced himself as thu
traveling agent for Hlank & Co.'s
Circus and Aggregation of Living
Wonders. He wanted posters printed,
and tho way wo scattered paper around
and quoted prices was extraordinary
considering the state of the thermome
ter. He then mildly hinted that lie
would like to havo a local not co in
serted in this week's edition of tho
Madder, and casually inquired as to
tlie e rciilation of said sheet. Now if
there is an) thing upon earth that will
got a newspaper man down' to hard,
earnest, unmitigated lying, it is that
little question iu regard to circulation.
The whole Christ'an world boiled down
and rolled iuto one pill might be given
to an editor to swallow and ho would
rise superior to its iulliienco and lie
like a trooper when asked how many
papers he circulated. So far in life we
have taken a low grade with tho
fraternity of liars, but on this occasion,
with business as dull and pulseless as
an ordinary town-councilman, wo even
outstepped the bounds of prudence, and
gathering strength as we went we
swelled our circulation until it rivaled
even that of the New York Sun. And
then the bogus agent wont in
to convulsions of laughter and clapping
us on the shoulder yelled, "Let up,
or you'll kill mo! Don't you know
mo? I just wanted to hoar you lioonce
moro! I don't want any printing. I'm
Sam Miller, late of Hot Springs Sews
and your old partner of other days."
Know him O Memory, thou art not
yet dead! Know him what einot:ons
that question arouses? When we shook
hands and "bunked" with him ono
night on a through freight and intro
duced to ills brotherly notico the super
iority of tlie Texas louso over the Ar
kansas Ilea, did he not reciprocate by
giving us the benefit of tho seven-year
itch? When we worked together in
New Mexico and woro the sanio shirt
alternately, did ho not decamp witli tho
said piece of apparol ono night and
leave tho writer to rustle around next
day, wrapped in a sheet? When we
mot him some years ago, among tho
Choctaw Indians", elegantly attired in a
gunny-saok, cut a la chemise, doctor
ing Chief Young-Man-Cauglit-in-a-Trap
for ringbone and spavin, did we not
unite forces witli him and assist iu
planting our common patient 'neatli
the whispering sage-brush? And when
the bereaved and weeping widow
grasped tho wretched Sainivel by his
loose, flowing robe and swore that sho
would make him her chief if it took all
summer, didn't wo llv with him and as
sist in leading tho extra ponies? Didn't
wo steal our editorials from the same
paper and then aeetise one another of
newspaper piracy ? And jot, in spiio
of all those old associations, lie has the
meanness t diigii -o himxi-lf in a boiled
shirt and store elol lies and eomu around
ami start us a lyng about the circula
tion of our paper. Know him? If ho
hud worn the rmless ktovo-pijio hat he
woro when we miw him last we would
have known him anywhere. Sam Mil
ler, in W'tnyfitld Kvenmy IttiHelin.
An American Accomplishment.
It is quite a trick to jump oil' a train
going say at thirty miles an hour, and
the Americans tako a pride in cultivat
ing dexterity in Mils trick. It takes
considerable practice before it can bo
done successfully. Tho way to jump
is always with the tra n and always on
tho left-hand side of thu latter, letting
the right foot rest on thu step, and the
left foot swung from the step. Then
jump so that the left foot will touch thu
ground first, and the right foot to im
mediately follow it, so as to be able to
run. Some of the men jump from tho
middle of tho train or tho front, but
most of them go to tho roar car and
jump, so that if they fall they will not
roll under the eats. A correspondent
says: "The bust man I ever .saw, and t he
only man who could hold his feet and
ttop himself without running at all.
was Charle I'll Hips. lie could jump
from a tra .i running thiity-livo milut
an hour, an I btop without running u
foot." Court Journal.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel ol
purity, strensth and wholesomencss. Moro
economical than tho ordinary kinds, and
cannot bo Bold iu competition with tho
multitude of low test, short weight alum
or phosphate powder. Sold only in enns.
I to v a i. I'owdwi Co., 100 Wall St.,
E. MILLER, roprictor.
Having fitted up tho Centennial Hotel
Bar-room, and removed my stock of
Wines, Liquors & Cigars
to that place, I am better prepared thnn
ever to entertain and regale my customers.
I keep none but the best o!
Kaatern Liquor, ITIHivauliee, Walla
Walla, and Union Beer.
Also, tlie Finest Branfisof Cigars.
Livery and Feed
Opposite Ce.ntex.niai Hotel.
Having furnished this old and popular
hostelry with ample room, plcnt.v ot feed,
good hostlers and new buggies, is better
prepared than ever to accommodate cus
tomers. Sly terms nre rcanonable.
Adam Cuobbman, Pkopkiutok.
Has now on hand and for salo the best of
Paid for Hides and Pelts.
Best Havana Filled
Five Cent Cigar. !
Jones Bros., agents, Union.
A Positive Cure,
MKN, young, middle-aged and old.
ingle or married, nnd all who suffer with
Nervous Debility, Spermatorrhea. Seminal
Losses, Sexual Decay, Failing Memory,
WVnk Even. Mtunted development, lack of
energy, Impoverished blood, pimples, im
pedimenta to miiriiiige; also moon uikihkiii
diseases, nypliili, eruptions, hair falling,
bone pains, swellings, sore throat, ulcers,
jlfects of mercury, kidney and bladder
troubles, weak buck, limfiiis urine, incon
tinence, gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, recoivo
earching treatment, prompt, relief and
sure for life.
JIotii Sexes consult confidentially. If in
trouble, call or write. Delays aro danger
ous. Call at once; 25 years experience. Terms
Cash. Olllio hours S a. in. to 8 p. m.
lUL'-lUl Third Kt. Portland, Oregon.
And Eruptions of the Skin, Dys
pepsia, Sick Headache, and all
BOOKXK OKOSS, nrrrto, wrltrti
l hrr mU fprlni: Illnum for tl)pela, InillKe
llon mul Sick liedii'lit', nnd tic rnuml II lo ael J
0)lrMj grtille Arlt'nt tnd IUimhI ruitfler. I
oomlder 11 unrguK 1. " Vua re a: llbcrij w lue a
lumt at rt'lercuco,
Price, 60o Trial Size, 10c
Sold fcjr aJI IDru.e:sist3
Bkla nitfurt. Is itirtr mrriad forroi r ti
! loalbMUie-morr particularly ao when;
tie Oiape iv ltnllN til J Mill Um on
lavl!.' face bi l.fn ibla rrmrili
arruidtUK to dltvcilnna a vat will ctmniljr
follow. I no! wbai l uiur callrd a l-dlart
Mbf takmR of Ulch.ln lnlacca,l
on:, u i.rleil fur lirluUnr-l.ui U frrt from
Alcoholic rninulnli, anj U a rtflcadouala
IU rtialu to id 'uftii a Iu an alulu
Salt Ehcam and Sorofuh
bum) crrn kt rim. exnaiLTur
Factor?, Racine, Wis. Branch, PoriM, Orepn.
Buckboards, Road Carts, Spring Wagons, Etc.
192-194 Front St., Portland, Oregon.
Pianos & Organs
E. M. FURMAN, Agent.
Mnufacturcra ot
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Keep constantly on hand a largo supply of Parlor anil Bed Room Sots, Bed
ding, Desks, Office "Furniture, etc.
Upholstering Done in the Best Style.
Lounges, Mattresses, and all Kinds of Furniture made to order. Your patron
age solicited.
Dealers in
Variety and Fancy Goods,
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.
Musical Instruments, Picturo Frames, Bird Cages, Baby Carriages, Etc.
Candies, Nuts nnd Fruits, Schsol Books, Stationery, Periodicals, Novols,
Etc., of Every description.
Orders from all parts of tho country promptly attendsd to.
Jones DBx'os., L3?
All Kinis of PMoirapMc Work Done in a Soperior Manner.
New Scenery and Accessories Just Received.
All Work Warranted
Manufacturers of nnd Dealers in
to Give Satisfaction.