A MAN WHO WAS SCALPED. 'Sic Bnya tlio Operation CntiBcd Illrn oiirtkliMnblo l'nlii X Narrow H- cnjto from Donth. It has often b.ien said I lint a man can not 1 vo aflor being scalped, writes a Fort Keogh correspondent of The San A'runcwco ( h-onicle. Ono of the Crow -udiiiii scouts with Custer beforo that brave officer met his fate was caught by n party of Sioux alone on tlio prarlc ami scalped alive. Hi-) cnomies cut a nnnr-sliani'd llicce Cltt of tllO d'OWII ol his head and left him writhing in nronv. Huntioslnir ho would of course lic. Notwithstanding all which tho redskin recovered, and at last accounts was living with his people on the Crow rescrvat on and doing well. There is an ol.! hunter in western Montana whoso cabin is located on the eastern slop - of the Itoiky mountains, who had his hair raised some oars ago by a band of savages, mid yet ho lives and f drives in most astonishing good health. Tito old fellow's name is Ganzio, and by reason of li'.s advanced years would, in tlio natural course of events, having white hair now, only that ho has no Jislr at all to speak of. Still, what lit tle ho has got, is whitened, or gray, the rest of It s head, "where the hair ought to grow,' being as bald as a billiard ball. To bo exact, Ganziodid not looso Ills entire scalp, but only a portion of if. Tho probabilities are that lie could not have survived with tho loss of tho whole top of Ids head. Some few years ago, when .'3 tting Hull was master of this country, Ganzo was the gtiido of an emigrant part.1 en route to Fort Lara aide, Wyom ng territory. The story of that expedition is an ox ccedinglv interesting one, and as relat.. cd by himself runs as follows: "One day we were coining into the valley of Hut creek, on our wa, to Fort Laramie, -when wo thought we saw Ind ans coin ing down the creek to the right. In stead of camping there, we thought, it safer to water our slock and go on to tho hills ami make a dry camii in tho busluw. 1 hail been sent on ahead up tho h 11 to rccoiinoitor, anil took with mo a boy named Kotintzi-, from Oma ha, merely for company. Wo sat down to wait for tint wagons, which were wlowlv coining up out of the valley. When the wagons reached us I started on alone through the rocks and pine bushes to' seek a good camp. A few hundred "yards further on 1 looked 3own a ravine to the right and saw live mom. ted Indians ride across the valley. J started to go back to the train, when at least a do.en Indians ran at me out of the brush, and you bet 1 ran and called for hop!. In a niiimlo more two or three of them Miot at inc. I felt, a fdiarp. stinging pain In inv right leg, ami another in my left shoulder, and I fell. Then I hey "were upon me in a iiuniile, and one of Ihem put his kited on my back, while another hit. me a clip with a club. Another struck mc with the butt of a gun. and then I be came partly unconscious. Stdl I had ronton and feeling enough 1 ft to know that 1 was being scalped; for the ban hold so tightly and tho pain was sr. awful that 1 could not die then even it I wanted to. 1 felt a hot, sting ng pain iill around tlio top of my head the hair being torn out by tho roots, so. to speak -anil it. was too much. I died, or at least l inougiii i tint oui. as u happened my scalp, or a part of It, wac .saved just as it. was bV.ng torn oil'. Tho 'bos at the wagon had seen mo run Ming; Haw the Indians and came at run thirteen of them, arriving just in time to prevent tho red dev. Is tin slung then work. Tho Indians, us well as m friends, thought I was dead, but 1 came to again, and what was loft of my scale was laid back in place. It was oui half torn oft' you bee, and tho place is pretty well healed now." "What d d you do with yourself af. tcrward?" I inquired. "Why, I hurried into Fort Laramto, got the" attention of a physician, ami went back to tho Htatcs for awhilo; bill tho western fever camo strong upor me airaln and 1 had to return to the mountains, whore 1 have been ovoi jdnoo." Dynamite Not So Dangerous. "'Dynatinllo is not nearly so danger ous a substanea as people suppose." ntd a manufacturer to a roportor for The New York Mail and Jixprcss. "Wo hnvo boon engaged for over soventoen years in its manufacture and have had but two oxplosions in our factory. With experienced workmen safety is almost assured. Pooido have an errouoous idea concerning its destructive qualities. Why, it can not compare with ordinary black powder as a destroyer. Take, for example, tho attempt made to blow up the house of parliament. If the flume amount of black powder had been used tho ell'oct would have been fai jnoro disastrous. Why? Hecause dyna mite Is instantaneous anil local in iU action, while powder is slower in ex 3aiiHlon and more far-reaching In It! destruction. Dynamite grinds Ink atoms ovorything within reach. Pow der breaks things into pieces, but does not ntoini.e thorn. Dynamite will uol oxplode in a fire. It is exploded only by concussion." "Then how does It happen that dyna mite projectiles thrown from guns "am! mortars escape exploding in the con eusslon of tho powder used in project ing IhcmP' "That Is easily explained. At th base of tlio cartridge is allixed a layei of rubber, which breaks the force of tlx concussion. It Is when it strikes auc the cap attached to the head of it ex plodes that tho cartridge goes oft". Thh is the only way that dynamite can Ik employed in guns. If it wore used llk powder it would blow tho gnu U atoms." How do you pay your workmen?" Wo pay them and $2 per day. We do not consider their occupation any moro dangerous than that of an or ilnnrv miner. Tho men employed on the now aqueduct run far moro mkt than our men do," I?lgtity-evon per cent of the jiopulaUon o London do not tfO to church. Tlio guiiiilii and fWliliiglu London mint ho iiiuuh U tto than lu the largo cltl la this country. .Vor rttm lit raid, ' Ik CHRISTMAS GEM. On Clirfstma Ere tlio belli were run?. On Christinas Krs the muss was muiz; That only lilnlit In ml the year Saw tliostoled print tlio ch;illce rear, The (I:wmrl dunned tier klrtlc sheen, Tho hull mi dressed la hotly ureen; Forth to tho wood did merry men go Tit gather In tho mistletoe. Then opened wlila tltu baron's hall To vaisal. tenant, er( nnd all: Power laid lili rod of rule aside, And Ceremony dolled Ills pride. The heir with roses In Ills s'iihm. That iilsht might vltlaso partner choose j The lord, tinderoxttlng, share- The vulgar pone of " xst and pair." All hallod with tmentrtl!cd drlluht And general vole tin; huppy. night That to the cottage as tlm crown Drought tidings of salvation down. Tho fire, with well drli'd logs supplied, Went roaring up tlio chimney uldo. The huge hull t.ihlo'.s oike n face, Heniblicd till It shone, tho day to grace, Ilore there upon Its massive board No mark to prirt tho qtrr.' and lord. Then was imnmht in tlm Imty brawn liyold hlnu-co.ited .serving 111:111 ; Then the grim boar's head frowned on lilglt. Crested with bays and rosemary. Well can tho green-garbed r.mgrfr te'l How, when and where thii monster fell, What dogs bolore Ills death lie tore, And all the bulling of llni boar. Tho wassail round In g'tod warm bowls, (Inrulshed with rlb.ions. blllhf ly trowls; ll'.ere tbs huge sirloin recked; hard by 3'Ibb porridge ood, nnd Christinas, plo, 1)-billed old .Scotland to produce At such high tide hravory goose. Hunt came tlio merry masters In And r.irols roared with blithesome din. If nnmeloillous was tlm song It was n hearty noto and atioug. Who lists may In their tnurmii'''iK sco Traces of ancient mystery. Wliltc shli ts supplied the m isnuerailo And siiinttercd cheeks the visors mailo. Hut, ah, what maskers richly (light, Can lioast of Iiosiiiim half so light'.' Huglaiid was merry Kngland nIimi Old Christmas brought his sports again. Twas Christmas broached tlm mightiest aloi Twas Christmas lold tlm merriest tale: A Christmas gambol ott could cheer Tlio poor man's heart through half the year. -Ily Sir Waltr Ken' t. In "Marmlou." A RACE FOR A WJFE; OK. A CANADIAN CHRISTMAS PARTY. II V PIKKKK DUVAI.. How did I come to bring homo a wifo from tlio colonies? You would like to know, would you ? Well, its it'a Christmas, when all ought to be every thing that's nice and obliging, why, I'll tell you; but I warn you there Js very little romance about my story. Two years ago, when I finished my college career, my anxloii3 parents settled it for mo that I bail buna work ing too hard, and needed a thorough chango of sccno and complete rest and relaxation; naturally arguing, that, 113 I had brought on indisposition by study, a euro would bo wrought mo.it speedily by my endoa vot ing to forget an soon as possible all 1 had been at so much troublo to learn. My dear old mother thought I was thin and looked pule. I did not feel pale, but had no ob jection to take advantage of my fan cied ailnient.in so far as to agree icadily to their proposal to pay a visit to an uncle who had settled in the Domirion not far from Ottawa. It is nothing to the purpose of this story how I jour neyed over " tho pond," and saw much that was interesting. Sulllco it to say that I arrived at my destination a few days before Christinas, and received a most hearty welcome from my jolly old relative. I do not wonder that h. was glad to seo me, its the long Can dian winter, when out-door work was at a stand-still because of tho depth of tho snow and tho severity of the veather, is a tedious affair; and any Jilng which breaks tlio monotony of ifo is welcome. This very monotony was to mo a joinploto change; and most of all did I Injoy tho sleighing, which was both necessary and delightful. Xo one, who lias experienced tho exhilarating sensation of skimming along tho deep snow -and it was deep that year be hind a pair of spirited horses, as fully alive to enjoyment as ever their driver could bo, is very likely to forget it. Was it cold? So tho thermometer said, oven suggesting over so many degrees below zero as tho measure of it; but it never felt so cold as an ordin ary sloppy winter day in tho old country. Hut this is nothing of the story you wanted mo to tell. A day or two beforo tho 25th, my uncle got 11 letter from an old friend and neighbor asking him to spend tho festive day at his house, lie would probably bo considered a very distant neighbor in .Knplaiul, being some twenty-live miles away; but in Amer ica distances are so vast that such 11 space seems a trille, and did not count at all as likely to affect our acceptance. As female society was somewhat scarce in our part of tho country, and I heard that at Mr. I'reston's wo should probably meet a large party, l readily acquiesced in my uncle's pro posal to go; so wo wont. My two rela tives, for my aunt was of tho party, drove in their sober sleigh, while I was llttcd out with tho now vohiclo just arrived from tho city, and tho two young horses. Of tho party nothing needs to bo told, except that it was a complete success. 'o alt enjoyed ourselves most thor oughly, and wero only too sorry when the dawn of the next day warned us to break up and go home. Xow, among the guests was a young lady to whom I had been introduced, who hail taken my fancy greatly. She wis young, and, of course, pretty, but seemed dread fully shy; and do what I might, I could draw her out but little about her Bclf and her belongings. I had noticed during tho evening how she seemed bored by the attentions of a man evi dently much her inferior in birth and education, but sei'tningly well-to-do, and I had dono what L could to relievo her of his perpetual attendance, but still she did no more than respond in a formal and correct manner. I had heard that she was a relative of a far mersome di3tance off, and had no other protectors, being an orphan and some what of a stranger. It was not till afterwards that I learned that there was a sort of tacit understanding of en gagement between her and Uob Saund ers, and that to the outward observer the girl was not a willing party to the arrangement. Our host was a hospit ablo man, and the good things of tho world had bpen freely set before the guests, with the usual ami natural re Bult of sorting out the more reasonable from tho over-indulgent, and beforo midnight it became painfully apparent that Hob had taken as much as was good for him, and it further became equally evident that he was not capable of driving Alice home again. She, poor girl, was in a terrible state of alarm and chagrin, and I overheard her ex pressing her disgust to a friend and declining to trust herself to his caro again. "What could I do? I was the only one of tho party who had a vacant scat, and I could not, in common politeness, do less than offer her my escort to seo her home. Hob scowled awfully, when she firmly, but politely, declined his attendance; nnd when ho heard Hint tho upstart Englishman had carried off his girl, his language, L afterwards heard, was 'f-m iw ."JP imsnri Hifei ON UK CAM12, A ND AS HE NKA11KD US, HIS CCItSKS AXD IJIPKKCATIONS not a little unparliamentary, and he sworo ho would "upset his darned old sleigh and tho gal and all, if ho swung for it." Of this, of course, we were in blissful ignorance, and I had hardly settled down into the full enjoyment of our morning drive, beforo Alice burst into hysterical tears, and buried her face in tho buffalo robes, and sobbed as thought her heart would break. "Oh, Mr. llurton," sho gulped out be tween tho sobs, " I am so much obliged to you for taking care of tne. l'leaso forgive my crying, but 1 am so un happy." 1 did my best to pacify her, and suc ceeded so far its to got her to confide in mo how sho had yielded to tho persecu tions of her lover in so far as to con sent to his visiting her. This was chielly in deference to her guardian's wish and not because she could really like or respect such a man. AVo had not gono far in these pleasant confidences when I heard tho jingling behind of other bells, and Alice turned to mo in a tono of great alarm. "Oh, Mr. Jlurton, I do beliovo that is Mr. Saunders behind us, and ho is driving like a madman. Hut wo are nearly to my guardian's, l'leaso push on and got out of his way." lint though T whipped my good horses up to their best pace, they had gono far and wero getting pumped out, while our pursuer had a fresh and splendid team. On ho came, and as ho ncared us, his curses and imprecations got plainer nnd plainer, and it was evident ho had lost control not only of his temper, but also of his horses too, and I was soon painfully awaro that wo wero all of us in imminent danger. Urging my steeds as well as I could, I steered for tho sido of tho track, so its to keep my precious freight furthest from danger, but I was unable to got out of tho way, and in two seconds more crash camo tho brute riyht into us, nnd I remember no more. How long I was unconscious I don't know, but when I camo to myself I was lying in bod in a comfortable but homoly room, with a very singular ignorance of how I camo there, ' Thank God! ho is nllvti," I heard whispered, uud, opening my eyes, 1 saw the tearful face of Alice gazing at ! 'pi... .... :.. ..r 1 .1 im;. xiiu n'31, 10 uiuifjiu ui e. jiitiiiiitioii. I had broken pome bones ami got a tremendous knock on the head, but some how managed to pull through tho shock, and thanks to the devoted nurs ing of my dear Alice, quito enjoyed the process of getting well again. She, dear girl, was not much hurt, because of my precaution to drivo so the rulllan did not drive into that sido of the sleigh. Does it want much explaining how we got so to like one another that she concluded to visit the old country a3 my bride? I think not. How did wo settle with Uob Saunders? Well, we did not have much trouble with him. When ho got sober again ho was so much ashamed of himself that he sold out his belongings and moved out further west, where tho last I heard of him was that he was an ardent apo3tlc of the IJluo Itibbon Army. LITTLE BESSIE. An Interesting Clu Utnias .Story, Deacon Amos Dorr was a thoroughly good man and a true Christian, and was noted for his deep love for little children. Mr3. Dorr, his wife, was a good and upright woman; but was noted for her deep lovo for property. , Many years before our story, a little child came to gladden the hearts of the worthy couple; but only for a few brief years wa3sho permitted to remain with them. Then came a dayonly a week before Christmas when sweet little Allie lay sick unto death with that dreadful dis ease, membranous croup; and that year the Christmas snows were softly falling over a little new-made grave, as the grief-stricken and childless couple, sat by the chimney corner, in which no gaylittlo stocking was hanging, ready to be filled with the littlo toys so care fully prepared by loving hands. lint, as tho years rolled on, the cares of tho world entered into tho mother's heart, and nearly crowded out the memory of the little child. Xotso with tho father's loving heart! Ah.no! For the sake of his lost darling, all other children wero regarded by him as so many precious jewels, to bo guarded carefully, and most tenderly loved. Tho ono great desiro of the Deacon's heart was to adopt ii little girl; but never a word of this had he spoken to his wife. Ono cold November evening, when tho wind was wailing mournfully around the old house, bringing to mind tho cold winter so near at hand, the good couple wero quietly seated In their cosy sitting-room, engaged in their usual evening occupation, tho Deacon reading, and his wifo knitting. Just as Mrs. Dorr was endeavoring to calculate to a cent, how much that day's churning would " fetch," tho Deacon's volco broke tho silence, as ho methodi cally folded his paper and placed it on tho tablo beside him. " Seems as ef it grows lonesomer an' lonesomer every year, Xancy'remarkcd the Deacon, with a sigh. " Lonsomerf repeated Mrs. Dorr in a tono of surprised inquiry. "Why aint lonesome; I have work enough to do to keep mo from getting lonesome, I hope. What in the world's come over you, Amos?" "Well, I don't know," replied tho Deacon slowly, " Hut somehow or other it seems terribly sorter still, like, round tho house lately. Xancy," catching his breath "Nancy, why can't wo take a child?" "Take a chiMi" ropeatcd Mrs. Dorr in amazement. dronniuL' her knittins into her lap and catching hor spectacles from hor eyes. "What an idea! as much as I have to do! Why, 1 shouhl go distracted to have a child round under foot; and the expense of bring ing up a child, too, 'specially a girl You must bo crazy, Amos, to think of such a foolish thing." " Well, well, wife," hastily replied the Deacon, " 1 didn't know but you might think well of It, seoln' wo'ro all alone, bo; but 1 shall got along well enough. Mebbe John's children will come down next srmmor and stay a spell." "Dear me! 1 never did see such man in all my born Jays," said Mr. Doit, resuming her knitting, "vou ai.i never satisfied unless there's half dozen young ones at your heels." The Deacon took up his pnpjr and went to reading again, thinking that enough had been said upon the sub ject, for that time at least. This was Saturday night. Tlm fo! lowing day Mrs. Dorr was forced to go to church alone, as her husband was suffering from a cold, and declared that ho wasn't a-troin to keep the coiv gregation in a quiver with his cough ing." Left to his own devices, the good Deacon, like men of smaller growth, fell at once into mischief. Oi it might have appeared to Mrs. Dorr had sho known that her husband availed himself of her absence by writing a letter to his favorite nephew, John Ferris, in Boston. IJut fortu nately. the good woman did not hear of this letter untill a long time after. And when that time came, "things had changed, and sho had changed;" so it did not matter. The next day tiie Deacon walked down to the village and mailed the precious missive, and in tho course of a week there camo a letter to tho farm house nephew John. "Why that 3 .J0!in3 wntin : ex claimed Mrs. Dorr glancing over her husband's shoulder as, with an impas sive countenance, he proceeded to read his letter. " It is from John," ho pres ently announced. "Do you want a boarder, JJancy? good pay Kitarantecd. John wants to know if you'll board a four-year-old girl for a while. Ho says she's quiet and well-be-haved; I guess John's sort of a guardeen, or something, for tho child." QRKW PLAIKKK AXI PI.AIXKU, " AVhy, T don't know," said Mrs. Dorr impaling her back hair on a knitting needle and folding her hands medita tively. " P'raps I could manago to somehow. Winter's a good time for boarders, for hj?. on account, of butter'n cheese. J5ut a child well, I'll see be tween now and morning." Tito Deacon wisely forbore to say much on the subject; for he very well knew how his wife would decide. So he wiis not at all surprised when sho said the next morning that "she'd thought it over, and she guessed she would try it, but she should want good pay." Secretly delighed to hear this, tho Deacon immediately answered hi3 nephew's letter, and in a few days was gratified by the arrival of Mr. Perrij with his littlo charge. "1 will seo that the child's board is paid ;is long as you will keep her, Aunt Xancy," said tho gentleman. " She is a dear little thing and has neither father nor mother. Her father died while in my employ; and the mother being dead some time before, the children had to be separated. There wero two others, another girl and a boy. Thcynvo in the asylum," he added brielly. "Why aint this ono there too?" in quired Mrs. Dorr. " O, I took a fancy to her," replied Mr. Ferris carelessly. " I wish sho could have si good homo somowhero. r shall look alter her until sho does, J think." Mr. Ferris stayed with them only a day and a . night; and with many an in junction to his little charge to bo a good girl and mind Aunt Nancy, ho bado them good-by, and was whirled back to tho big city. Utile Uessio was rather lonely at first in tho large, old farm-house; but sho was a cheery littlo soul, and soon began to sing and chatter from morn ing till night. Sho followed th Deacon about like a faithful little spaniel; and then tho good man was positively un happy when sho was not with him. It was a pretty sight to seo tho sunny haired littlo maiden trudging about with the quiet old farmer, holding fast to his big, bluo-mittened hand with her wee scarlet-covered one. Every animal on tho place learned to lovo her, and, strange to relate, Aunt Nancy at last fell captive to her infantile charms, and, unknown to herself, n big place was .hawing out in her heart for the little child. And now Christmas was come, and the Deacon, half suspecting what was taking place in tho mind of his wife, resolved upon a grand stroke. Christmas eve, tho child wa3 un dressed a3 usual, and placed in her little cot which stood in a corner of the room where slept the Deacon and his wife. Not close by the bed where Allie's crib used to stand, poor littlo orphan girliel Away off in a corner by herself, just a poor little lonely boarder! Ah well! thy good angel is hovering near, littlo one! Mrs. Dorr, after setting things to rights in the kitchen, for the night, re turned to the sitting-room and found it empty; but in the chimney-corner hung one of dear little Allie's stockings, tilled as Mrs. Dorr quickly discovered with the very toys she had had in readiness so long a?o, to put into this same little stocking. As she stood silently gazing at it, the tears slowly gathering and falling, tho bedroom opened and disclosed the Deacon stand iug there, with such a look of love and longing on his kind old face, that it instantly became manifest to her, what her husband desired and expected from her hands, an it'.v precious, Christmas gift. And all .at once her soul seemed Hooded with tendernes.i and love. Lovo for the little child so safe in Heaven, and for the littlo one so quietly sleeping in the little crib which tlio Deacon had drawn up cloae to tho side of the bed. "Nancy ."said tho good man, holding out his hand, and leading his wife to the side of the crib, "Nancy, will you give me this little child? she is the ono gift I crave." "O, Amos!" said Mrs. Dorr brokenly, "she aint mine to give; she's the Lord's; hut I guess she's meant for you anyway. 1 I've been growing hard and stingy, Amos. 1 can see it now. I'd most forgot my own little girl, and everything else, but my own self. IJut I'm a goin' to have a share in this little thing." she exclaimed stooping to ki?s the little sleeper. " I declare, sha looks its Allie used to," she remarked, wiping her eyes, as they turned to leave the room. "I've thought so' all the time," re plied the Deacon, as he softly chved the door upon the sleeping child. Who had all unconsciously, entered into a kingdom of love, there to stay, and make glad the hearts of those ' about her. i In a Dentist's Chair. Pretty soon the dentist stuck his head into the door and told mo it was my turn. 1 asked him how ho had dis posed of the tvina 11s of my predecessor to easily. Ho smiled moro sweetly than ever and motioned mo into tho operating chair. 15y its side was a little silver mounted spittoon, for use in case a vital organ was punctured. I told him 1 wanted the tooth drawn out front view, cabinet size. He replied, that if 1 didn't likj tlio proof 1 could sit over as many linns as I liked, lie had me there. L throw back my head and opened my mouth. The dentist involuntarily grasped the s do of his chair and said he believed he wouldn't como in be cause his feet were muddy. Then he ran his arm into my face and began to feel around somowhero inside. I se'zed his arm, dragged it out of my person. and explained that my tooth was still in my mouth, that 1 had not swallowed it. lie said yes, he knew it. I suppose he had personally investigated. I never experienced such an instance of fellow foilinir in mv life. "1 ve found it!" ho cried, excitedly. at last. "I've known where it was all tho time, I answered with chocked sarcasm. Tito dentist turned to his chest of gleaming tools and picked out a machine that I have seen blacksmiths use in shoeing horses. Tho minute the cold steel entered my mouth I be gan to repent. It felt its fearful way ilong until it got to a tooth that suited it. J he critical moment had arrived. The dentist leaned forward, planted his head against my chest, braced both feet against the writer, said "now look pleasant won't bo long," and gavo a mighty jord. There was a cracking ound in my brain, a blending Hash of cerebral lightning, a sensation like tho disintegration of worlds, and tho tooth was out. I think tho root was wrapped tbout the backbone, and had begun to sprout in the shoulder-blade. She's a daisy," panted tho dentist. She's the best thing out," I re plied, coldly. Cabriolet, in the Siring field (0.) Globe-liepublic. A Perishable Cargo. Mr. William Parsons, tho lecturer, was ono day a passenger on a uig sleigh away up in Michigan. On tho road they met another sleigh not near ly so big as thoir own. Tho littlo sleigh kind of kept to tho middle of tho drifted road, and tho driver, of the big Sleigh kind of turned clear out and kind of turned his sleigh clear over and plunged his six or seven passengers up to thoir necks or heels in tho chilly drift, just as they happened to bo shot in head first or feet foremost. Loud was thoir wrath. They wanted to mob their cowardly driver. "Why didn't vou make tho littlo fellow turn out?" Why didn't you upsot him?" "Why did't you run ovor him?" they demand- d. "Could of dono it," said tho hivor. groping around in tho snow for stray vnl.sos. "out 1 kind o hatcc to poil his load." "What was ho haul ing?" demanded the lecturer. "Dyna mite, for tho mines," said tho driver. Tlioy accepted his apology, and tho work of excavating for tho burled Troy, the ontombod dross-suit and "Tho Heros of tho Homeric Age" wont ou in silence. llrooklyn Eaalt, It4 a whe nlrht-kor that kuov Its own kev- holfc .Vw JIatmt .Ym.