The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 25, 1886, Image 5

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Brief Bulletins,
JUrrv Chrbtnian.
Hcmcroberthe New Year' ball
La Gr.mde is to, lau bnya' brass
Born.Doo. 31ft to the wife of
Jolin Johnson, a daughter.
The recently eV'cled city otficeva
will assume their- duties ne.t Satnv
When it comes fa persuading a
balky team to go, Jo. Yuwell is no
Mil's Emna Junes took her depart
tire, this week, for Montana to visit
her sister,
Bomo twenty-five or thirty now sub-.
fctjIkts added to our list during tips
past week.
The ball given hy the Union Social
Club at Davis' hall, but night, was
largely attended.
Attend the masque Keating carnival
to-night at Wright's hall, and cuivtpeto
for thore elegant pities.
John Green, (or assaulting Geo.
Dorinan, a few days ago, wan lined $10
and costs by the city recoi dor,
Mm. Malson will open a restaurant
in the building adjoining Ms. Rogers'
millinery htore, in u few day?.
AH iudohted to the Covo drug store
will receive a statement of their ac
count, Jan. 1st. I'leaco bo preparqd
to make settlement.
We arc under obligations to H. F.
Burlwigh, editor of the Chieftain, for
valuable assistance, tint week, n re-
porting the proceedings of the Uobier
Mr. and Mrs. Emory, who havo boeif flint night; 1 got up early next niorn
ojourning in Baker county for some I ul
timo, came down on a visit this week. Gross Examination. From dark I
Mr. Emory has been sick for several ! was in the hotel and on tlo porch;
clays past
Judge Icon is determined, if passj
ble, to clear the docket of the cases
that have been accumulating for tome
time past, and will continue court all
next week.
Chailey Miller returned with bin
Portland bride a few days ago, and
was warmly welcomed by a host of
friends. We join in wishing them a
long life of happiness.
There will be a Christmas service at
the Epiticopal church, Union, Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock. The choir
from Ascension church. Cove, will be
present and render the music.
The jury in the Bennett trial desire,
through the columns of the Scout, to
rutin 11 their thanks to HJn-rifi Hamil
ton and the bailiff for their kindness,
courtesy and .mention during the trial.
We :ire requested to state that the
"SummcrviUo court" alluded to in
"Crank's" communication, hit-l week,
was the- Recorder court and not that
of tin regular Justice of the Peace at
that place.
Isaac Hyatt, a former resident of
this section, for the killing of Pierce,
recently, at Hillsborough, Washington
county, was found guilty of murder
in the second degroo, by the jury that
tried him.
We are in reouipt of the mammoth
cdittonofthe Portland News, which
contains twenty page, of choice matter
lertaining to the resources and capa
rilities of the Noith-west. UieNiws
hows commendable enterprise in get
ting up t his edition.
Attention is called to A. J. KihboV
advertisement of the "Enterprise Wind
Mill" in this issue. These mills are
much needed in this section of the
country and it is only a matter of
time when they will be in general use.
Mr. Kibbe invites all those who wish
to purchase to come and examine the
The Sago Hrush says: "Mr. Clint
Duffy, of Cornucopia, some weeks
since took ten tons of Ked Jacket rock
to Denver, Col., and had it worked.
Nine tons of this rock went upwards
of lOo per ton and the other ton
milled $1,200. Clint returned to Cor
nucopia after paying all his expenses
with f 1 ,(500 clear. Parties followed
him fiom Denver, and wo understand
large sales are being made in the Cor
nucopia district. !
j ho greatest consolation to one
growing old, is the improved surround
n.iV: .i. .
jugs winch come with age, experience ,
and wirdom. Wo are reminded of
this fact by tho appearance of tho new
Seed Annual of 1), M. Kerry it Co.,
the celebrated seedsmen of Detroit,
Mich. (They enjoy the enviable rep
utation of being tho widest and best
known firm, in any business in the
United States.) Millions of people,
gardening both for profit and pleasure,
have found ever increasing satisfaction
and delight in using their seeds. Ev
ery oue desiring seeds of tho highest
type and best quality, should secure
their Annual. It is sent freo on ap
plication. The Union Dramatic Company, un
der the management of Mr. H. V,
Beale, gave a verv enjovablo enter
tainment at Wright's huli, last Wed
nesday evening, to a largo audience.
Tlt day, "Hhingaun, or the Outlaw
of'J8,"was well rendered throughout
as waa also tho farco "Barney the
Baron." We are sorrv that our spaco
forbids extended mention of 'he vari
ous charactvrs. The play was re
jMJHted on Thursday evening for the
benefit of Mr Beale, but for some
reason, probtdily on account of court
being in session, the attendance was
not as large an it nhould have been.
Mr. Bealo is a good actor, ami is capa
ble of teaching our amateura much in
the druniAtio lino, ami if he appears
here again ht should rweivu thu beue-'
fit ho duserrus,
I'"'. I. 'J. frl ' "TTff-'
The Skiff Affair,
Trial of the- Supposed Murderers
of Willis Skiff.
j Moiday list this cuso unn up. for
trial. The entire diy ws speit in.
procuring tle following named per
sons 114
U. riaushorty, N. Snigger, . Lau
dernnm, O. I). Hawley, TYrry Tuttle'
Aaron Wade, N. M.vriok, lobt. Knight,
Jas. Bratt, John Evers, aid Dan. Som
mcr. The case xas opened to the jury
oj the part of tho prosecution, who
ptoscnted the points that they hoped
to he able to prove. Below, yo give
lle testimony of tle witnesses, as ta
ken by our reporter. It was not taken
verlvit'im, but we giyo it i substance.
State calcd
IX D.iUHn..
Who testified 5 Saw kiffin Union on
morning of July ; sent hin to North
I'owder to buy yleat ; I went to North
I'owder Thursday following to, enquire
for him ; saw Bolder, wio sad Skill'
had been there, got his supper and
paid far it, which was hi custom of
doins; the last le saw of him was fit
ting on the porch talking to Tibbets,
went to wake him. next morning, but
Skiff was not in his room.
Cross Examination.-? I Don't know
what kind of clothes Skill' was wearing.
A. 0. Hl'JiTlNOYON
Testified : I liiet saw SkitT at North
Powder on 34th of July, 1380, at Ho
lder's hot'd ; SkifT was on porch be
tween sundown and dark ; I staid at
hotel; wont to bed pretty early, be
tween 9 and 10 o'clock ; the night was
very daik; could not see a man 5 feet;
I I saw Holder wring to bed about U.-.'IO
quitea number of persons were around
the hotel that night ; I slept up fitans.
Mhb. Skiff
Testified; lam the wife of Willis
Skill'; saw him last at home on morn
ing of i l h of July last ; ho statred to
North Powder, has never returned;
.don't know where he is ; always prompt
ly returned when he said he would.
Onus Examination. Ho changed
his coat and put on a white collar at
home before he started to North Pow
der. Rachkl Mim.f.ii
Testified: J woiked at Hobior's hotel
on July 21th 1SS6; saw tho defts. and
Skid' there that evening ; had conver
salion with Skill' at suppt r that even
ing about 8 o'clock; he nuked me to
wako mm tor tho 0 o elouk trin ; saw
him about 9 o'clock on the porch; 1
went to the store to get a dollar's worth
of sugar; there was a half barrel of
same kind sugar in the house; when I
left, Skill' was sitting on the porch oy
the door where I went out; whon I
came back no one was on the porch ;
Tibbets was standing in the door; I
said, "llo! who is tlu're?" Ho looked
frightened and fearful and went back
into the bar-room ; I took the sugar in
the dining room; saw Jack Godfrey
at the barn, pumping water; all I snw
after I came back with the sugar, was
Tibbets, Jack Godfrey and Mrs. Ho
lder; I got. up next morning atfio'cl k;
I saw Skiff's bed room door was open
and his bed was not mussed any; I
asked Godfrey where SkifT was, and lie
said, "G dd n him he is where the
dogs won't bite him ;" tin's was a day or
two afterward ; next morning, I saw on
the porch, blood, where Skill' was sit
ting, 3 or 4 spots; It looked like water
had been thrown on it and swept off;
that day I went f tho barn, I saw
blood on the platform at front of bnrn
a place :u large as my hand; I after
wards saw Bolder digging dirt out of
tho cracks of the porch at the place I
saw the blood ; before supper I saw
Holder, Godfrey and Tibbets talking on
the porch; was about 12 feet from
thorn, but could not hear what they
said ; when thu Union men were up
there looking lor Skill, uobier asked
me if I wa a friend to these people, I
said I was: He asked mo what I would
take to be their friend. Skiff's bed
room opened from the dining room
when I went after the sugar there was
a light, burning in tho dining room
and one in the post oflico room which
is in the front of same building; the
spots were stains of blood about the
size of a halt doll ir, bos ties s ains n
,, , ,,, '., , , , ,
the cracks. (Horo tho dofense asked
a great manv impcching questions.)
"il. C. Wooos
Testified : I am deputy sheriff of
Multnomoh county; Hachel Miller
went with mo to North I'owder to
show ie where she saw the blood on
tho porch; I took some dirt out of the
cracks; I went away and saw Bolder
go and clean out the cracks and sweep
it off; 1 took Ibis dirt ami had it ana
lyzed in Union and in Portland. t
" Examination. I was 100 yds.
cast of tho mill when I saw Bolder
cU lining out tho cracks. 1 havo been
working for wages as a dotectivo for
the prosecution in this case. When
these defendants were arrested I was
with tho officer and assisting; I havo
taken Miteresl in this case; when we
left North I'owder with the prisoners
a pistol shot was fired.
Jam. II. Fihk
Tstified: hive in Portland; am a
chemist. About tho 1st of Deo., 1886.
Mr. C. II. Wo&d brought some dirt
and asked mc to examine it and see if
it contained human blood. After a
thorough examination of this I col
lected three disks of blood ; tho disks
are identical with that of human
blood, but 1 had not enough of them
to prove conclusively that it was hu
man blood; my impression is, it was
human blood.
Cross Examination, After human
Upojl ban dred, U is difjojpt from,
fesh blood 1 chcrvonHy considered
there is u,o difrcreioo ij (iixinm
W. GA?rs
Testified; I livo in Union i aru a
Piiyeiciny. Mr II, O. Wood gayc nie
0 e wall quantity oJ dirt and snial
spVnter of yood; I made soio six or
eight e.anihvUuus; I cotnjmrcif th,o
globule with those of fresh hu,uian
blood: th.ey tyero very similar and
feel qiito confident 'it was human
bHiod, but cannot say positively.
Driei bood is dilferet;t from fresh
blood; chemically there ;s io differ
ence bcttcei animal aid hmnn
blood ; tc difference is discovered, lo
Mas. Walsh
Testified 1 .vei at North Vowlo? $
the 24th. o( Jlv lust; 1 went to b.ed
early and before I went to sleep
iriy una bctoie I went to sleep
t-ard a cry of distress which, aflected
eso Melt like jumping up to help
: . M ' jmupiurf up iv) "q.'
tsine om
sff i
Cress Yamination. Thw
came from the direction of the
the hotel is about 2."0 yards fy-pm my
hose; two houses were between; I
went to bed pbout dark and iu
hour or so 1 heard the noise,
Dtf. Drake HKCAU.un,
I am acquaint-''! with H. C. Wood;
he brought me some dirt to anahue to
isccrUii if it contained blood ;
made the test iiud concluded it was
huivian blood.
Cross Examination. The corpuscles
of blood of t lie human or animal body
Ore pearly aUke chemically toy are
the saniti hilt when certain chemicals,
are applied tjiey assume very ilfureiit
(Cautinued next weok.)
Chums, 50 cents at Drake's Cash
tSuuimorvillc Sifting,
M"- Sarah Shaffer, living qcar Is
land City, died a few days flgo.
Miss Winnie Wilk.qsoq is a good
"ink sliuger" as ye coi respondent can
Mr- Murphy, of the Solicitors J,oan
Association of Philadelphia, was in
town on Tuesday.
It is rumored thit a wedding will
take place in town some, time between
Christmas and New Year.
Tho Debating society at the l4nn
Star school house attracts large
crowds at every meeting-
Miss Vauuio Patten went to Baker
City, on Saturday, to viidt with Miss
Maggie McLean for a few weeks.
Much dissatisfaction is expressed bv
the citizens of Summerville at the re
sult of the Bennett murder trial.
Tho Scout is looming up ip (his
section. Ope subset iber this week
aid tho piomisfi of several more ere
The Cliristipaa tree promises to be
a grand success. Tod Hinehart hs
spared no trouble in arranging for a
gala lime.
Mrs. I. Dougherty, of the Lower
Wallowa, and Mrs. Jacob Collins are
visiting at Mrs. A. N. Hamilton's at
Union, this week.
Ada, daughter of J. L. Hoe living
on the Sand Ridge, is vor; low, at
present writing, with but little hopes
of htr ultimate recovery.
Too muoh ''deviled ham" and lager
bror sometimes cause indigestion, but
this is no(. always the casw ;s some
of thu Summerville people can testify.
Prof. Frank MeCully and wife have
been shopping in Summerville for the
past week, having been detained by
tho sickness of their youngest child.
Tho child is improving, however, and
tbor will take their departure for Jo
seph some time during tho latter part
of this weok.
The shooting gallery at Mr. Met
Pod's takes the crowd. John Gardiner
is the champion shot so far, having
rung the bell 211 consecutive times in
succession, olin claims to havo once
had a match with C.ipt. A. C Bogar
dus. Bogaidus winning tho match
by ono score.
At the annual meeting of the Farm
er's Mortgage and Savings Bank, held
on Dec. 10th , 18S(I, J. II. Kiiuhart
was re-elected President, Dr. W. H.
Kinohart, Vice President, and N. B.
Harris, Cashier. V. H. Collins will
serve as Teller and Miss Winnie Wil
kinson will operate tho Typo writer
for the ensueing year,
At the annual election of officers of
Hiram Lodge No. 07., A. F. and A. M.,
last Thursday evening, the following
olllceis were elected: M. D. Cochran,
Worshipful Master; N. B. Harris, S.
W; B. D. Hubers, J. W; S. L. Me
Kenzie, Treasurer; II. O. Ilinohart.
Secretary ; Jacob Collins, Tvler; N. B.
McLeod, 8. D; Win. K. Kiiiehart. J.
D; D. Sonmier, S. S. and H. W. Oli
ver, J. S. Tho installation w.ll be a
private ono held at Masonic hall, Dee.
27th., 1880.
and com meal nt
Kxritnmoi.t n Irxus.
(ircat c.xi iteiiient hns been caused in the
vicinity of Purl .Tex., by the remarkable
recoTcry of Mr. J. K. Corley, who was so
helpless he c ould not turn hi bed, or raise
hisliead; everybody said he w.u dying til
Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's
New dbcovery was sent him. Kinding re
lief, he hoiiidit a large bottle mid n box of
Dr. King s New Ule rills : hv the t ine he
hnd tikfrn two boxes of 1'illn umi two hot-
ties of ths Discovery, lie wui well and bus
gslned in tlrsh tbirty-slx pounds. Trial
bottles of tbii Ureal Discovery for Con
sumption free at J. T. Wright's drug store.
llueklrii'i Arnica flnlt,
TliK Bkst Salvk In thi world for Cuts,
Ilrulse", Sor.n, Ulcers, Salt Itheuin, Ferer
Horn, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chllblslss,,
Conn, slid ll. Skin Kruptlons, and positive
ij cures flit, oi
juarsuteed to jrlv
ed, I'rlej 25 cents per box. I
uiouer reiuuued, rrlej 'a cfut urr
Fr ! by J.T. WriM, Uuion, UrricD
IP wjaMnwniPH)iaMoiiniwitii
KmajantanfAr JJ" ' i u i m 'tow
V-MiH0 JM"1'.
Synopsis of the Testimony Of-.
iminMnm miiT? titijv
uuwiv i vn." a uuniii
llenett rstiflcd In his own defrie as
fp.llom-H: Am i years old; have livd in
Unie county yrarsj nin r, fanner.
Iihvp. kJiown eore tor 5 or $ rnars. Lt-
, Knt was near the watering trough ih:n I
nrsi i,av mra; me wagon pa'.ua very nir
me. l.cj:e,re sil: ' There you are with
vour c"n. gut thftjt for me lum- you? Why
.lrt you shoo(. you, l-,l olds b ?"
... V.." I L ; lnX ."? ,c"
mill hind mi -Lie of had whrn I llreil On
Snndiiy, the day hoforo the hooiing. I took
myciumm wentnut to nr Held tn sre
about Mock that were gottinc in my fisld;
(,nu' bi,rk ,u"'r ol'1 f v gun
I ()own , fix f,.re; wcllt to the fiMUb and
lc t my ijun there alnipht. Mr machinery
! si;;? wiVr n .T.te SftW
I dinner, took my gun, cot out near the
10. id; did not know when whi gninir to
the house that I.cRore win or would heunv
wlere near Whin fired that pun dirt
o to iive my life,
and hail trundle u
n' out the ti r t f
ith Lccorc some lime
tk Miervisor.
June. We were nt the
II Miry Kik'liart nlaee. in the yard Mnr on
i n urouiui n lien i,"Koro asked ine how
nil. nil moie I wss iniinn to work the read
I told him three aenmeuts, t,leva'd he'd
oe n oil nu wnuni oik uircc u;e--inenM.
or two. said I was a and had
the ren.iUtion of inivtresliu ,' inv family.
1 told nlin tliM nnv nne who satil k.- mi n
d stiukhiK liar. He said. "I don't .
low anv bodv to talk that wav to we. " tin
th.Mi kt ked 'me in the m uith. 1 did nut
.(e I.fL-ore Aft ,r he. kiekf.l in... till ti. ilnv
of shoot in?. I made innuirie wlie e hn
"ii'. i iflin ui Leu itiiuiu a wci'h i i i tcu
, -.-I.I : .. 1 l . . i
Halley whore he was, so I -oulil have hit.
arrested; ialknj nith J. T. lluuhes; sent
inv nnv to, ine roao ip ten nun e eome lo
the hciil-e; aiked lluu'lies if he ssW I.eL'ure:
iio'd he had not seen him ; I was iuquHt g
f .r him so a to hayr hiin n'r-'sted. Imve
ten my gun out nprprc; ieae u l am
limine up fiv and woiiu" nnauid mv
place; took the pun that time to shoot dojj
that had been killing my sheen. I staid
at the old house about an hour after the
shootini:. Lsdd. Hants anl Kndientt
c.vue n th house; Ladil eame riinuiui; up
wl'i a gun; asked tlum what Ih-Y wanted.
l.ndd -aid : 'tWem 'i no harm, hut n:
the old hmise in which to put Lecore." I
. . .1., . 1 i. . 4 . .l . 1.;.. . . i .
Him i. ni'iii whs no ptaee inr uim io iai;e
him to 'he front room, -e tbp bed nail any
ihiiiL' there, to take eare of him. !ir
t'ourtwriplit came an,. I told me he had au
thority o arrest me. I tnld inv son in-law
to GO to till! house iili'l net thu ran T n.r,
had, but wli n he rame hack he told me
the would not let him eel awav with it
iim' ... . .r T . . '.. ,1,',
mv blind uluse to mv Uodv. hut afterward
relied it up. As a result of the kick I re-
.. ' i . , , . . .. ..
lien i nrsi saw i.epore, carried tiii-f.'iiuin
ceived from l.!iore. I lost two teeth, the
rnnfoi niv month i broken 'id tlropned
down. Clo'ed blood ennie out of the roof
of my mouth for a week afterward.
rros I'.NHiiilintion. i-t seems mv voice
is p"ttmp veaker; I could speak ouder at
liraf of shootini; thti now; the old house
is about feet !om fence; when the wa
iron passed me 1 was below the mini '2') or
,li Irpt troui the wiiriiii ; was across the
rtia I Irum lU- wni; n and about .to feet
fiom il wlnvi Ilirpl;do not think 1 said to
it. A. .Nance, i days prior to the. M.linp
urn i would noi arresy la-gore, hut iniglii
huvf laid it.
Several other witnftsfcBs testilicd. but on
oreo'int - limited space this week, rre
oeeiu p unneci'S oy lo five llirir tcstou i
nv Nothinc waselicited that had anv liar-
licular hearing on the cmc diM'errnt ffuu
wnat lias Deep stated liefor,..
The tr)al was cnueludi ( about fi o'clock
Siiturd.iy evening, and the case suhinjttn I
Hi the iury. which retiied and in thn cnni-se
of a couple of lumps retiinicd n verdict of
it it"? oi munier in ine second degree."
ih iinelt will not be entnced till next
Monday, at :i clock P. M. Senttune was
postponed at the instam p of the atloiiievs
wio want time in which to tile a motion for
a new trim w h t Ii-r thsr think flint an
other trial would be liable to benellt Pen-
nett or not, we cannot say, -it wo hcliffe
it is the general opinion that he I ai got otl'
renmrmiiiiy well, and ought to he sapallcd.
Bert cigars in town ut Diako'i.
Tnro eider vinegar at Drake'i.
John Wright is sclliiiK drugs at east.
Cross-cut siiwti, cheap, at Druke'n,
Choice bacon and l.trd at Drake',
Hardware and lintruro at cmt
Larncit stock
of phi,; tobacco nt
&. Uucht's. boots t
Christinas turkey of
llnril Tlmn.
AVblln money l ooe, waijes snd prlcan
low, o.xpniiuss pIioiiIiI he cut iIottii III erery
liouRuholil. Keonoiiir, the watchword for
lotli rn, hrsU off doctor hills, by always
Keeiimir i ii c iiiiiuc A UOl lie ol Dr. IIuhsii-
ko's oiigh (ind Lung Xvrui). Stons eouifh
instnnlly, rellevei coii'Utiipiion, chick Croup
umi pHiu in hid i licit in oiiu n gnt. it is
Just tho remedy for hard times. J'riee 5(1 cts.
and ft. Namples free. Sola br J. T. Wright,
l.liiou, urejron,
Thu Vi rd.ol I iiniuouf,
W. I). Suit, Dru.gist, H.pjiiis, 1 int., tusti-
Ties: ' I can rtcomuieiid iCIcc-trlc Hitters as
the very best remedy, Kvery bottle sold
lias given relief in evry cue. One mini
took six hottlM. snd was cured of itlieiiiuu
tisui of 10 Vfwirs tudinr '' Ahraham 1 1 arc
drucgist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms; 'The beat
! L'O .Tears" exerienc. is KIcctrL Hitters,1'
SL'iiini; medicine l nave ever Handled in mv
Thounamls ot o hers have udded their tew
timnnv. so that the Turdii t Is iitiimiitirin.
that Jvlcctrlc Hitters do nuru all dNcases of
the Liver, Kidneys or Iliood, Only a half
dollar h bottle at J. T, Wright's ibugsture.
AVIIit Choirr ami Tr.
Krerybody knows the vlrtii-s of wild Cher
ry siul Tur si u relief nnd cure for auy nffoc
tlons of the Thront nml l.unps, combined
with thee two Ingredients nr s few ulumle,
healing remedies in thu componltlon or Dr.
Itnsaukn's ( ougli and Lung Syrup ranking
ii jusi me snicie you snouiu always a no in
the house for i uiikIu, old. roup snd
rtronuhitU. Price bo cents snd $l. Hmth-
iree. com oy j. r. ivnxut, uuion, umgoii.
Clieap aillllner !.
Mr. Cochin desires to Inform her
patrons nnd the people generally that
on account of having- such a lartro
slock of the latest ftvlo of lints, she
Iish minced the price on them about
nnn.iiiiir nio i
l41",11-, ofi,K"od,V,
Iule (Iciil ltlK guoih in her line Will
uo weu loom ki once.
Only ono man attending court from
bero-rMr. Win. Young,
P'ir Kr,i nr" U ?isbuyr tpr mty
1 v.-
A number of our tieoolebave moved
.. .. .. . 1 .'.'.. . .
mto iye uuioor ipr too vniuer to cio
The recctt rains have relieved the
water urouth for stocK, ana bav
started the inerry plow boy.
Whoever comes up through life
without jostling, fcpnic'one, must come
up back strei't. It is impossible to
live and have opinions and not cross
opinions and purposes of others.
Tho timQ (lu, ypnr , ,1in(,
when busines people have to rub out
'dd scores and begin ncw. See to
reader, that, so far as in you lietl
overv merchant, everv editor and everv
,V. !' X, .w.r t Z
ni'ielibor who msoem that jpu owe
shall sri'Tou for srttlement. Il you
cannot meet the little accounts against
vor na ,w ;.o,m; ?
" -otne y.y b,ivo your creditor feel
that von regard yimr honor and will
do your best. Such, a course would be
better for every bodv ami make money
niore Uee, untl the iHinlens ol lite
liuhter. Make friends with vour
creditors, but uuver mafee a oi editor of
youv inepo. homo
U Jlilnj tl.d
V, oner large variety of uen,d h(lidiiT
I'oods that' are easilv eiit bv "iail i r ex-
pN'ss. Special nt tension - asked tn our
.Vlk. Satin. Velvet ami oulen drei KooiN
Si'iK. Milin. civet anil oie
. I . I. . 1 1 1 ... I
' loaks. Siliavl. .1ym, l ans. Kihlxi?
Linen table sets. Ourtnini, etc. Abo to a
in lie assortment of bifk and Lilian hand
keri hia for Ladies nn I (enU use; all
I ii.ii .....I it, ,1... 1H..U, i,r)rntibA lutllnrily
i .-1 i. ,n. in hi. IHW.-.I mi ii .i. ,i v. '.i . i . i .
N-nil i- your orders as early as possiuie.
Samples sent on ii plication and order
ISO First Street. Portland. Oresoii.
S) rnp it flics.
Manufactured onlv by the California Kis?
s'.Trun I'o,, Kan V'poicise.o, l!a., is Nature's
Own I'rue Lax itive, This pleasant ('alitor-
ma il ium iruii reii'.niv 1" n"
druiorists, it (Uty cents, or'otie tloilar U is
the inpst pfeaanl. pnilllpt, and ett'ective
reini'dv known to cleanse thu system: to act
on the Liver, Kidney.' find Bowels gently
ret thordiiublv ; to dispe.rilcuqm'.lic.-i, Clohls,
i i.- . . ....... m.... .:.... i .. .1 1... .
ii i II ii'ti:!: in in 1 1 c- uiiiiiiiiiiiiuii, iiiMKi;n
..- . . . i i .... i i -ti. '
lion, anu Miiuruo ins.
desire to inform tho public that I
ole a wnt unit builder of the celebi
I desire lo info.rin tho public that I am
the ioh a'ent unit builder of the celebrated
i.iu'nliMI lllkt.i TI XI 1 I I O t.. !!..!....
I'-V'Hi l'T" ,","
e unty, and inyio inlendliiB pun hasers to
couir and examine the ons now on exhihi
l....n t.. l'.. IT..I.... f .....
tinn at mv n ace in West union. 1 am
convinced yoi( yill pronouni'.e it thu be.
in II now muiitifvtiKCil Thn oxtreiuel.v
i '. . i . . . . I . ' ...i. I .... i -f
low pn 'es iiiaee iiicm wuipn ine learn oi
all. A.J. KIPpMC.
(lec'Al vl.
iORS, send for
(imitation sheet flf UAV Fl'l'S. SKINS
1'KLTS Mild FoaI Kkhu. to
dee"ri-i'J. Ilosti n. Mass.
Mo tiimlllna in lie iu
in IA uorld.
llllilralril. Dm.
rllltl A r,l,r4
Tor 1007
trill Im mailed
Frtna to a.)
)ililici)tn. ami
t'lthoiil or
durinc II.
all, Kmw rr,
itn uting 6'ar.
il'n. or
ttnd far II. Addreta
I. M. rtUBT 4, ty
Potrolt, rH'Ch.
At V r i l ' ll I'm Hull. Iliiiim nn
Sat. Niprht, Decombur 25, 1886
liht OK J'HUtKS TO lt AWAKDKi):
Laiiiks' l'K7.s.-Best lady skater, a
title, quadruple plate, oup and Ban
co r.
Best costume, fino quadruple silver
cam receiver.
Best, rustaincd character, lino quadrti
jdn silver plated sugai sjioon, in sat
in lined case.
Gb.nt'h, I'ltiZHS. 'Best skater, a fine
quadruple silver plated moustache
eup and saucer.
Best costume, lino gent'i toilet knife,
worth f 1.00
Best sustained character. Mmvint; mug,
brush and razor, in satin case.
Parties desirine: to contest or first
prize will please notify tho ptopriotor,
as they can have full possession of the
Moor while contesting.
All masoiierH imidt register name
and costume.
Procession of niasquera will enter
tho hall at 7 :30
No ono will bo allowed to ekato but
masquers, until masks are removed.
Admission, .... fiO centB.
1886, - - 1887.
if Year's Ball.
Wright's Hall,
Fri. Ik Dec. 31st,
Tho Beit of Music has been Secured.
Tickets, XliS? $230.
7 auppcr , w
Dupptr ftt Ccntncnninl Hotel,
OpIt ono man attending court fron
Aff Ar.nai. at t aii
Union, Oregon.
SuMKitvii.tiE, - - - Oau,
.S'otsirj l'.iililio. Lx-C6-.CIorlr,
Convcyauccrs and Abstracters.
Ab'trnrvs to H id nml stln'ns property
(uuibhoJ un short notice, t reaionbl
Hales of llesl nnd Milling, property nejo-tint-ii.
Collection businois promptly nt
tend !.l to,
O tl'-p niict dqor south of Pottoflke. Un
ion. Qregon.
Chronic Diseases a. jiccialty.
OrncEr-'Oorqer Xaiti aqd strcot
Union, Oregon.
Qrogon IVy. Navis
girtion Company,
Trains arrive and depart from Uulo
daily, js follows:
Passenger. No. (J, L've
ul II :(Vn. in.
Freight , No. 1(1. L' Ti
nt :(V ii. in.
Passenger. No. 5, L't
nt l:(Vi p. m.
Freight. No. IS, L't
at rt:00 a. m.
Making tlosi; coiiiK-etiti i ut llipitington
with trains of tip' Oregon Short Line Kail,
road lor ALL POINTS F.A'S V smlKOUTH;
At trainsforTHK IMLLW
A( M!lula .ruueti. fer WALLA WAL
LA, DAYTON. Ac. j also witli trnins of ths
Northern Pacific Il.iilruud or ALL POINT!
HAh'f ;
At Portland with trnius for all ppinU ih
teatuer.s for AST'mMA, mid nil points oa
and ALAMKa.
KltoU l-OKTI.SNl).
Leaving nt 'l Midn't.
ns follows:
L r'lig Hpear st. wh'
:it IQn in. in follows t
Col'ii, Sat. Dec.
Q. of t. Tliur. ,.
Oregon, Tm-s
Columbia. .Sun. ,,
I, of 1'. Friday
l of P. Fri. Dec.
iregop, Wul,
'oliimliia, Mou ,,
. of l 8it,
Iregon, Thur ,,
olumliin. Tues ,.
State, -Mon. Jun,
Oregon. Wed
Col'a, Thus. ,
'I'he I'omp.iny reserves thn riut tp elmiig
steamers or sailing days.
Miiungcr. 1 I'ratlle Mniiacwr,
JN0J. HYUNK, (len'l pas-s. A Ticket Agt,
II. L. DltJACON. Agent, Union.
Change of Management!
Having leasei) tlp
And thoroughly refitted the siimq, itwllltsj
i onducted o,i an entirely duV. rant plan thn
heretnfiu. am) no pains will he spafed to
make patrons eouifortalile, In cquni-utiut
with llt- Hotel is nu elegnut
Where the Finest Jlrands of
as OIO-AB3
arf constantly on hum)
r'" 1 - '-
The PatronH,'e ol the l'ublio Is Bolicltrd,
T-3.3ULLRU, lU'opr.
Attention! Attention!
Christmas Presents!
Santa Clans is stopping hero.
Herman Waldeck,
Kindly call-i your Attention to hit
onormous utock of
Of every description. Buyers will find
it to their interest to itiHp?ct my stock
before k'oitif; elsewhere. I alao have
on liand n line stook of (jcnta and
Ladies' Fiirnishinir (Joods, Books nnd
Htalionery, Croekfry and GlansTraro.
Altisical Instriimentn, Clears and
t'obacco, OuiK-ry and Notions. Fiuo
and Fresh Candies constantly on hand.
Herman Waldcck,
C'uro tnr rile.
Piles nre frenitentlv nrecedod bv a une
of weight hi the hiiL-k, loins ami lower part
nf tho nhdninen, causing the patient to imp
pose he linn siiinn nffeetinii ot tho kidneys or
nelghh ring organs. At tlmcw, syiuptniiH of
liullgestlnri arc present, flatulency, uneasy
tiCHK of the stomaeli, etc. A tnolHturu like
pcraplratlon, producing a very disagreeable
attendant. Blind, Weeding, and Dulling
1'iiei yield ut once to tue application or ur.
Botuiiko,! Pile lteinedy, which actn directly
upon the part effected, absorbing thu
Tumors, aliaylm? the intense Itching, and
effectlntr a perniniient euro, l'rloe, 50 cents.
Auures", j uo ur. uomuiko jhuuiouii onw-
any, I'iipja, O. Hold by J. T. Wrigfct,
mou, urcrui