The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 25, 1886, Image 1

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    The Oregon Scout.
NO, 26.
An independent wocklv Journal, Issued overy
Saturday by
Publishers and Proprietors.
, K. .Tones, I
Editor, f
j n. CitA.vcr.v,
( Torciuun.
rates or suuscuirnoN:
One copy, ono year ?l CO
" Six months 1 1X1
" Threo months "."
Invariably cash tn wlvnnce.
If by any chance mbfcrlptions are not paid
lHI end of year, two dollar') will bo charged.
Kutes of advertising- made known on appli
cation. Correspondence from all parts of tho county
Addrefs nlloommiinlcntlons to A. K.Joues,
Editor Oregon Scout, Union, Or.
Lodge Directory.
Grand ItosnE Vai.i.ev LdtxiK. So. ftf. A. F.
and A. M. Meets on tho second and fourth
Baturdayg of each month.
W.T. WHIG f IT, V. M.
A. LEVY, Secretary.
Umox Lonnn, No. 30. 1. 0. O. F. ItPRiilar
tnectiinrs on Friday evening of each week at
their hall In t'nlon. All Inethren in Kood
ftntidlnK are Invited to attend. Ily onlor of
tho lodce. Q. A. THOMPSON, N. G.
CHAS. B. MI M.Kit, Secy.
Church Directory.
M. K. Ciiuncit Divine service evorr Sunday
nt II n. in and" p. tn. Suudny school at 3 p.
m. Prayer tneetlnir every Tnurday evonlnjr
atC:30. JIEV. O. M. lltWIN, Pastor.
PiiFSin-TKHiAN Ciinncii Heijular church
iervices every Sabbath morn In if and evening.
Prnyer meotinir ouch week on Wednesday
evening. Sabtmth school every Subbath at
10 a. m. Nov. II. Vkkno.v Hick, Pastor.
St. .Tohm's Episcopal Cnuiicii Service
rcry Sunday at 11 o'clock a. in.
ItEV. V. It. Powkll. Hector.
Count)' Officers.
Jildfrc O. V. Coodull
Sheriff A.N. Hamlltou
Cleric . V. Neill
Treasurer E. 0. Ilrnlnnrd
Fcliool guiorintondent J. I.. Hlndinan
Surveyor..., M. Austin
Coroner. Aibotson
JonnClirisman.... J- A. Hnmblo
State Senator L. H, 'dnchurt
F. D. McCully E. K. Taylor
City piUeorf,
Mayor ,....'... .. t). 11. Hoes
. COUNCtl.MKtf.
'".i.Pui'EdI W. X). Ile.'dloman
Elliott J. H. Thoinimon
kino. Kennedy Ai Icyv
Hecordpr M. F. Davis
Marshal , E. E. ates
Treasurer J. 1). Carroll
Street Commissioner Ij. Eaton
Collecting and probato practice specialties
Ofllco, two doors south of Postofllcc, Union,
Attorney at Law and Notary Pulilic.
Office, ono door south of J. B. Eaton's storo
Union, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon
Onice, ono door south ot J. 1J. Eaton'sstoro,
Cnlou, Oregon.
A. E. SCOTT. M. D.,
trnrvsECiAiv a:ve sojkgeo:,
Haspormanontly loontod nt North Powder,
trhcrono will una wer all oalls.
M. Uatcer. .'J. T. Eakek.
.Attorneys anil Conusellors at Law,
La Gkande,
Notary Public
OFFICE State Land Offlco building;
Union, Union County, Oregon.
Attorney a I.nw, ICcjiI Estate
and Collecting Ajjcnt.
Land Oflice Business a Specialty.
Office at Aider, Union Co., Orogon.
Will practice in Union, linker, Grant,
Umatilla and Morrow Counties, also in the
Supreme Court of Oregon, the District,
Circuit and Supreme Courts of the United
Mining and Corporation bunincss a ape.
Offices in Union and Cornucopia, Oregon.
Sjrii Blossom
Jiaotwhtt Uatutllj called Bitten, tbe Uklncof
nlch. In nuajr Intuueri. n oul, a Pr?tt for drink
Inc. but free from alcoholic Hmulinn. nd U m effl
cloui In lu rriulU torn Infant u totniduli. It
will cot fall In curlnr Ml OK. U l-iX iaji I!
Mi tax dtaeaae artalBc frm a dlaurdered iw-atcfc.
5PRIMR Rl fKQllM Oar- I Boar Btom.
ITnvinc leaned tho sliitislo mill l)plon;ing
tn L. 15. Kinrhtirt, we nrt? prepatvil ti fur
nish n superior ()tnlity nni! lunku ot hin
gles at the follow 1:13 rates:
Dolivorcd ut Union,
At tho Mills,
$3.25 Per II
$3.00 Per M
Wo repcclfu!'v solicit n nhnre of the
pntrotmgo. " KOi:i NS A HOi'.KUTS.
A. L. CODB, M. D.f
Havinc prnianctitly located in Alilcr,
Union county, Ori-.'on. will Ik- found rendy
to attend to iiiIIm in nil the vnrioiw towns
and settlements of Wnllowu vnlley.
Chronic Il-o!iK4'.H ti ri'el:iJty.
JO"Mv motto w: "Live and let live."
(Union Depot, Oregon.)
Splendid nceninnindntiom for comrner
cinl men. Til)!ea nlwnya aupplied with the
best the mnrket nffonls.
IIot and Co mi MiNi:it.o. IUtiis"3
Cor, Main and T Sts., - Union, Oregon.
MIIClt.ll.AN A:1H.LUV, rropK.
Jfnnufiicturers nnd donlcrs in Soda
Water, Sitrnaparillii, Oiimer Ale, Cream
Soda nnd Chainpngne Cider, Syrups, etc.
Orders promptly filled.
Union, Union County, Oregon.
Ofitceon A street. Residence thre doors
south of the Court House.
Special attention given to Surgical prac
tice. W. R. JOHNSON,
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
finitlona for DwellincR.
Hums nnd Uridges furnished FllKU OF
Bridge Building a Specialty-
All kinds ot Cabinot Work neatly execu
ted. Repairing done cm short notice.
Nono but tho best workmen employed,
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Call wid interview me.
Of Yell Cinown varieties, f-uitalite for this
climate. Can also furnish foreign sorts at
one'third tho price asked by eastern can
vassers. I desire to sell trees at price
that poaple can afford to buy.
Cove, Oregon.
Or. Van Monciscar
132-134 Third Umi, Portlani, Oregon
IS a regular graduate In medicine; has
"been longer engaged in the special tr-cnt-ment
of nil Venereal, Sexual and Chronic
Diseases than any other physician intlio
West, as city papers show, 11 ml old resi
dents know; $1,000 reward for
which he fails to cure, coming under hia
treatment, by following his directions.
DK. VAN is the most successful Cntawh,
Lung and Throat Doctor in America. He
will tell you your trouble -without asking
you a single question, and WAItltANTt)
PEIiMANENTC'URE in the followingcases;
NERVOUS DEBILITY, Spermntorrlnen,
Seminal Losses, Sexual Decay, Failing
Memory. Weal; Eyes, Stunted Develop
ment, Lack of Energy, Impoverished
Blood, Pimples, Impediment to. Marriage;
also Wood and Skin Diseases, Syphilis,
Eruptions, Hair Falling, Hone I'aius, Swell
ings, Soro Throat, Ulcers, Effects of Mer
cury, Kidney and Bladder Troublei, Weak
Back, Burning Urine, Incontinence, Gonor
haia, Gleet, Stricture, reoelvcs searching
treatment, prompt relief nnd euro for life.
NERVOUS Diseases (with or without
dreams), DUeaseddlsrhnrgescured prompt
ly without hindrance to business.
BOTH SEXES consult confidentially. If
in trouble call or write. Delays are dang
erous. Diseapes of the Eye or Ear, Ulceration or
Catarrh, internal or external, Deafness or
ParalysU, Singing or Roaring Noises,
Thickened Drum, etc., permanently cured.
LOST MANHOOD perfectly restored.
removed without the knife or caustic.
Medicine compounded and furnished to
all patients nt olllce strictly pureand vege
table. Guarantee of vkuuaukst cures in
all cases undertaken. Consultation free
and strictly confidential. All correspon
dence promptly attended to; medicine sent
by express to miy address free from expos
ure. Call or address Private Dispensary,
Nob. 132-134 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Terms strictly cash. Office hour 8 a ta.
to S p. m.
W. CAFPS, M. D.f
Surgeon ai HomeopatMc Physician.
Will go toanypnrt of Eastern Oregon
when solicited, to pet form operations, ot
tor consultation.
medicine irurnlftlif-d 1 Itliout Ultra
Oflice adjoining Jones Bros.' Store.
Geo. Wuioiit,
W. T. WmniiT,
Does a Genernl Banking Business. Buys
nd sells exchange, and discounts com
mercial paper.
Collections carefully attended to, nnd
promptly reported.
- is
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"XT-mm enn savo From $10 to HOU on tho
X. OTX purchase of an lnetrumont by
burlnK turouch
W.T. WltlGIIT, Agent. Union, Oga
Laundiy Queen-
The Best Washing Machine
in the World.
S. M. WAIT, Proprietor.
Walt Bros., Agents for Uuion County.
This mnchino is without doubt tho best
in existence, and gives entire satisfaction
wlinrui'Ap trtpfl Tliiw limrlliliM 1M ill Mtfrr.k
at J. B. EATON'S STORE, where tticy can
be bouuliL at any time. Try the Laundry
k & la k k
Tonsorial Rooms
Two doors south ot .Tones Bros.' tore,
Union, Oregon.
J. M. Johnson, PnopRiETon.
Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing
cone neatly and In the best style.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Benson Bro.'b . PitorjiiRToiui.
Keep constantly on hand
Union, Oregon.
Dan. CiUNDixn,
Hating recently purchased this hotel
and refitted it throughout, I am prepared
to accommodate the hungry public in first
class style. Call had see tue. Laicok Sam
vui Booms for the accommodation of
ouiiucrviul travcicm
I'mh r lior limine! 1 k'ssed her,
V 1 drr her linniiet of straw -It
iioidil not have been M range had I miss
ed her.
For but hit ti of her visngo 1 saw.
A glinippt' of her chin and her dimple
And her none showed its et:iisite tip;
Ami it seomed so remaikahly simplu
To carom tight there on hor lip.
And under that mighty poke bonnet
I dived tor a moment of IiIIhs
You miiy waijer ynur unnlrobo upon it,
1 delivered a lightuing-Hpced kiss.
Yes. under her bonnet I kissed her
And somehow -the bonnet xhows how
1 found thai it was her Boston-bred sister.
There are two girls don't speak tome
Oakland Echoes.
Pretty Horn Darlington locked up
with a sigh.
"Tho last sixpence is none," she
said, "and tliere isn't any parnliiu to
eook dinner with. Mnb, what are wo
goinn to do?"
There wore several shades of anxiety
in her faee, as she glanced at her sis
ter, who was even prettier, and who
was busily arranging a mop of curly
hair, under a rather shabby-looking
straw hat and brown veil.
"All our trinkets aro gone," she
added, "yes, oven mamma's watch,
that we prized so much. Oh, I shall
never forget how thu old clock maker,
to whom we took it, haggled about
the price."
Her sister arched her black eye
brows, and pursed upherlips, with cor
responding anxiety; butshe answered,
"Never mind, dear. It ain't dinner
time yet, nnd I am going to tho oflico
to see if there is any answer to our
advertisement. There must bo ono
by this time, I think; and, if the worst
como to tho worst, perhaps the crocer
will trust us for a loaf ot bread, and
the oilman for somo paraffin. We've
been regular customers, you know."
The sisters were orphans. They oc
cupied a tiny back room in tho third
story of Mrs. Sharkey's lodging houso.
As long as Mab had kept her situation
as cashier in tho stores, with a salary
oi five-and-twenly shillings, they had
nmnaued to "keep tho wolf
from tho door." A little paraffin
stove, with ono burner, sufficed to
cook their simplo meals. For tho
rest, their furniture was of tho plainest
nnd their dress tho most economical.
Dora did copying and directing envoi
opes, whenever sho could get any to
do, which was not very often; but this
helped, littlo as it was. Now, how
over, Mab had lost her situation,
through tho failure of tho firm where
sho was employed, and tney were re
duced to almost absolute starvation.
But, in tlio meantime, Mab had ad
vcrtised for another situation, and
was in daily hope of mooting with suc
cess. Sho was by nature cheerful, and
always looked on tho bright sido of
things. Yet, so far, her hopes had
not been realized.
"Oh, dear," sighed Dora to herself,
as sho sat down to mend a rout in her
own lawn dress," "I bono Mab will
get somothing to-day. It seems as
though "
"Good luck, Dora! Good luck! Good
lurk!" cried Mab, bursting into the
room, her lips and cheeks glowing
brightly, and her hazel-brown eyes
dancniK with loy and excitement. "Uh
such good luck! You can't begin to
cuess it.
"Have you got a situation?" cried
Dora, excitedly.
"A situation? No, not a shadow
of one. Hub I've gob something forty
times better. Look," nnd eho held up
a legal looking document, which sho
had taken out of a long yellow envel
ope. .
"What is it?" asked Dora, breath
lessly. "You may well ask what. It's a
copy of Undo Heiiben's last will and
testament, in which ho bequeaths to
us his farm in Sussex. And there's
three hundred pounds coining to us
lesides, which wo can got by calling on
Lawyer I'ierson to-morrow," finished
Mab, excitedly.
"Oh, Mab! Oh! oh! A houso, and
farm, and threo hundred pounds!"
cried Dora, more excited now than
oven her sister. "We'll go and live
there. I've alwayn been crazy to live
in the country, nnd have two or three
acres, a cow, and somo chickens, and
a garden"
"Yes," broke in Mab, 'wo will.
Hut, oh, Dora," with a sudden look of
compunction, "nil thistimowehaven't
thought of poor Undo Iteuben and
lie's dead."
"Why, to ho sure, wa have not,"
answered Dora, suddenly becoming
serious. "But, of course, wo aro sor
ry ho died. I am, I'm sure. But,
then, seeing we nover saw him in our
lives, wo couldn't expect to feel very
eorry, you know."
Both girls tried to keep front feeling
too elated, as they disposed of their
scanty stock of furniture, Jind made
preperations to tako possession of
their new estate."
A few weeks after, and tho sisters
nlighted at tho elation to which they
had been directed as nearest to the
farm, ami asked their way of the por
ter. "Mr. Iteuben Boy ton's, mum
miss?" hestammured. gazing admiring
ly at tho two bright-faced girls who
smiled back at, him. "Certainly,
mum miss, I should say. You tako
that there road, agoing by tho mill
there, fur about n mile; an' then turn
ollon tho right-hand road.fur a nurther
mile an' a half, nigh about; an' you'll
come to Mr. Boyton's house. Its tho
first house on that road, so you can't
miss it."
"Thank you very much," roturned
botli tho girls, as they started on
their walk, tho elder leading tho way,
and the other following with tho little
The fresh. ozone-lnden snringt imo air,
the wild purple verbenas, and the tall
bluespikes 01 larkspur, by the roadside;
the blackbirds trilling and fluttering
in the branches overhead, and no A
and then a grey squirrel with a bushy
tail, running nimbly up the trunk of
some great tree, and peeping coyly at
them from ins leafy retreat; all formed
a novel nnd charming experience.
"Hero is tho road going to tho
right." cried Dora, at last.
" How green and grassy it is. It
doesn't seem to have been traveled
much," replied Mab.
I he road because, perhaps, 01 not
being much traveled was an unusual
ly pleasant one, with the trees arching
overhead, and the sunlight sifting
through in threads of tangled gold.
"There it is, cried Mali, as the"
came in sight of a substantial brbws
farmhouse, shaded by elms and oak&
that stood on a green lawn a shor
distance ahead. "And only see, Dora;
a big walnut, right by the front gate!
llow picturesque it is:'
Hurrvinc to tho house, now more
eager than over, t hey crossed tho wide
porch, festooned with honeysuckles
and purple-llowered wistarit vines.
Here Mali seized t ic trout door knoo;
but, to her consternation, it was
"Oh, Dora! we forgot to ask Lawyer
Pierson for tho key," she cried, regret
fully. "And it's locked."
'Dear me! what shall we dor' asKeu
Dora, looking despondent.
But Mab, always fertile in resources
flow to tho back door, which, tn her
dolight, yielded with a touch; and the
gins were soon uisuiu iiiuruumy kiluii
"How nice and neat it all is," said
Mab; "and a real old-fashioned dress
er, Dora, full of dishes, too."
"And uist look at the pantryi" re
turned Dora, exultantly; "so nice and
liulit. and such wide shelves. It's
"And a cupboard lull 01 dry nro
wood," ejaculated Mab, fairly dancing
around, such was her delight. "Let's
got somo dinner, do I'm as hungry
as a raven; and then we'll ex-
nloro round. I'll make a nro and
cook tho steak, while you set tho table
and make somo tea," and taking an
apron from tho lunch-basket, Mab tied
it around her trimwaist, and proceeded
to kindle a hreintnouigcooKing-siovu,
while. Dot a drow out tho old-fash
ioned dining-tablo and Bprcad on it
the Turkey-red tamccioui wiucn nicy
had broutih twith them.
"Give 1110 an onion, do; I saw somo
in the pantry," said Mab, as sho put
tho stake in a largo iron skellot, which
hung on tho wall, and placed it over
inogiowing 1110. "oieaK muvurou 1um.11
nicer flavored with alittlo onion."
Dora brought tho onion, and also a
jnr of something which sho had tounu
on the pantry-8hoit.
"Tinned peaches!" sho announced,
A 1. ll.. ! tlwt In.
iriuinpuaiiuy, uuor insputmifc; hi
bel. "I am goin to open 'em, Mab.
and put somo on the table; they'll bo
nice with our pickles and cneeso."
"So they will," said Mab, turning
her steak.
The tablo was already set, and Mab
dishing up the steak, when a step at
tho kitchen arrested their attention.
Looking up simultaneous, they
behold a tall young man on tho thres
hold, looking them curiously, and with
a little amusement.
Mab it was who was tho first to
"To what wo indeptod for this visit,
sir?" she demanded, with dignity.
"Visit!" ho echoed, looking straight
at Mab, with evident admiration of
her spirit. "Well, I hardly call it a
visit, to como into my own houso."
"Your houso!" cried Mab, with somo
asperity, "Why, this is our houso.
sir; ours, I say! Wo hayo Undo Iteu
ben's will, giving it to us, hero in this
"Excuso me," returned tho young
man, with an amused smile; "but I
don't sco how your Undo Iteuben, or
anybody elso could givo you my prop
erty, when I bavo nover sold it."
"But but isn't this where Mr.
Phillip Boyton lived?" It was Dora
who now spoko falteringly and
doubtfully' for sho began to tear that
they had made a mistake.
"No, miBB," returned the youngman
respectfully, turning to her; "Mr.
Boyton's houso is further along
on tho next road. My name is
Bortltwjck. My mother is dead, my
sisters married, and I livo a bachelor
lifo here by myself. You can easily
find out that I am not deceiving you,
if you'll ask any of tho neighbors,"
"Oh, myl" cried Mab, clasping her
"Wo'vo mado a mistake," sighed
Dora, "and wo beg your pardon.
What will you think of us for taking
possession of your house?"
"And wo'vo cooked your onion, and
opened a tin of peaches," confessed
Mab, in accents of wild remorse," and
burned up all your nice firewood."
Their host broke into a hearty
'Never mind; you are entirely
omo to it all, and nrore, too. io
said. "Come, I see you've got iltnrv.a
eady. I was expecting to cool, mbitr
myself. ill you let. me snaro iu wait .
"Oh, thanks. That will oo joiiy,
ried Mab, brightening up at onctMiatB
clapping her hands. So they ai! tx
sat down. Tho meal proved a romy
one. Chnrlie enioved tho steak nu&
ill as ho thought he never hadcmoreS.
a meal before.
"It was all that partfr's fault, Tor
directing us wrong, pouted Mab.
"Tho road vou turned oil on in nut
tho regular country rond,'' explaintwl
Charho. "It's one I made for my on..
use, the other is about half n imte
further on; but, if you'll wait fox s
quarter of an hour, I'll get my tr-str
and drive you over myself," addt
mischievously, "so that you remit,
make any more mistakes," and, toUj
out waiting for a reply, ho hurried oat
to tho stables.
The ride was a short one nntl Amu
and Dora soon in possession cf tJiiai
new home. It proved, however to
only a small house. But it was atsrt
and snug enough, though iu-
no means so roomy and situs tuntmi
as tho handsome dwclMrcuj. tUfy
had at first appropriated. StilS ifcmvv
a home, and the sisters psocooded tc i
make themselves as comroctawo sur
possible. A cow was soom inutaStiS
in the littlo stable, fowls cacl:Ud;fc7
sang in tho barnyard, and &bvs?:c
was soon nmue.
rhreo months of experience, liotr-
over, .uinceu to snow rnn girta- wan.
farm lifo is not without its ataaAxsnt
tages, at least for "lone women" and
those used only to cities.
Tho cow persisted in straying ovur
the fields instead of coming homenliyjaW
ly, in orthodox fashion, to bo milked.
Tho liens hid their nests where Xhey,
could not lio found-rill tho fo-ojrgrAKas
and the clumps of burdock and wiVc
linzel bushes. Tho neighboring fxm
ers' young pigs broko into-the-RlMt
and destroyed the marrowfat jawwr
and thu early-rose potatoes; and 4;t
last tho girls been 1110 quite discocr-
Charlio Borthwick has beer w
sympathizing friend all along. Osr&
day lio called and found Mab, nltma
and rather despondent, tying up sls
ono solitary rosebud they hadrin-jiM
which, byo tho bye, had been a. jpSt
lrcm Charlie himself.
"I fear something is the matter,' Jb
said; "yon look so sad. What as 5x2
Can I can a poor fellow like me lt3jt
Mab shook her head, and bgmi So
make up a little bouquet to hulo htzr
embarrassment. At last she BiiicL
looking fixedly at her ilowers:
Ve wo can't got along on lit -farm,
and so we've determined to seEL
out nnd go bnck to the city "
"Then don't don't go," urged Chnr
lie. He, also, had been embarraMB,.
and had been gathering roses, ioo
Dropping his flowers and tnkius one
of Mali's little hands in his, lie musk
"Stay here, Miss Mab, and and ice-oyvj
wifo. Nay, don't turn away" Rwresvali. .
I fell in lovo with you tho- very fire.,
time I saw your face, it wjjs-bo brighft .
and cheery, and you wen always sc
helpful. Why, it breaks my hrcart tc -see
you despondent now. Oh, if jnnm.
would only bo my wifo I would 3a
everything to make you happy"
But why go on? Before long the Boy
ton place was vacant again, and Mab
nnd Dora were bnck in tUe.old Borth
wick farmhouse
Dora lived with hor dialer until as
rich, young gentleman farmer sn this
neighborhood fell in lova-with her one
day as ho was riding by and saw ba
nt tho edge of a wheat fie?d giaihraaag?
flowers nnd making them into w Rwr
Innd; nad before another spring rofleS
round, she too, was
"Wooed nil' married an a"'
Tho Progress of Opinion.
A sea-captain tolls the following an
ccdoto about a shipmate who suce&rai
panied him on one of his whaling voy
ages; Stiles was a simple-hearted trans
parent young fellow, nnd when tWjr
sailed, had been "paying nttassv
tion for somo tinio to a younp: fculy.
who, he had reason to think, dS&t aot
fully reciprocate his ardent feehxs.
At all eventB tho parting on her piurl
wus not so affectionate as ho could
wisli, and ho was impressed with t&tt .
beliel that sho only kopt him xsiu.'
standby, in default of a better offer-
"I don't believe," Stiles would say
with a despondent shako of his hesdL
"I don't believe Ann Jones 'll liavje.
me, anyhow."
When they had been out 5enr
months, and had met with Jair mw
cc3h, Stiles tono was modified; 'Jbts
burden of his monologne- olmrgwl' or;
Well, Idon'nobnt whafctea. Jataiw
Ml have me, after alL"
With 1,000 barrels of-oil undeVhatui
es, he became still moi'o hopeful
"Chanco is pretty good for. Am
Jones," ho would suy; "pretty g&sdL
At 1,000 barrels ho had ussiih! jt
self-satisfied manner, and soiiloquM.
"I guess there's no danger bat wkfefc,
Ann Jones '11 havo me now."
At 2.000 barrels;
"Ann Jones Ml be glad enough iegi&
4no now. I know."
When they cut up tlw UAl vihtii
that was to itlltth6YC8ser hoM, mm
squared away tor- heme, buw threw
r. t i i a 1 . . : .. ... : . v. i 1 -
jus nab 111 ui u-ir iv im it nun
yell of triumphfoxclaiming;
'111 be hanged if I'll knvtt Am