The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 18, 1886, Image 1

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    The Oregon Scout.
NO, 25.
An Independent weekly journal, Issued evory
Saturday by
Publishers and Proprietors.
, K. Jonkk, I
Editor, f
j U. CltANCKT,
( Foreman.
One copy, one year
" " Fix months
" " Threu months
Ilivsrfnhlir fnsh In nilvnnrr.
.. 1 11
If liy any chancu BtihFcrlptions aro not paid
wii uiiii ui y ear, two uouar uuuunrnt'u.
Hates or advertising tnado known on appll
ryrre?pondenco from all parts of tho county
Aiidropg all communications to A. K.Jones,
Tditor Oregon t-cout. Union, Or.
Lodge Directory.
GnAJfp Honor Vai.i kv Loimik, No. Rfi. A. V.
ami A. M. Meets on tho second nnd fourth
baturdays of each month.
A. I.KVY, Secretary.
Union I.odok, No. an. I. O. O. 1 Itepular
meetings on Friday evenings of each week at
ineir nan in union. All lircllircn in rooi
Btandlntr aro invited to attend. Uy order of
Uio loUrc. G. A. THOMPSON, N. G.
CIIAS. 8. MlM.KIt, SJecy.
Cliurcli Directory.
M. 15. Cmrnni Dlvino servleo every Sunday
all n. in and 7 p. m. i-unday school at ;i p.
m. Prayer inectlnir overy Tmir-day evening
utCtlfO. HKV. 0. M. 1UWIN, Pastor.
l'ltmiYTEliiAN CiitJitcii llcffular church
fccrvlces every Sabbath morning and evening.
I'rnyer mectliur dch weok on Wednesday
evening, bulilmtli school every Faliliath at
10 a. in. Itov. II. Vbkno.v Kick. Pastor.
St. John's EnscoeAi, Council Service
every Sunday ot 11 o'clock a. in.
Hkv. VV. U. Powei.u Hector.
County OUleers.
J"1fo O. P. Goodall
Sheriff a.N. Hamilton
lcrk . i,'. Mom
Treasurer K. c. Ilralnard
School Superintendent J. I,. Hindman
Kurvuyor M. Austin
Coroner S.Alborson
JonnChrisinan J. A. Hnmblo
State Senator L. II. ltinohart
V. D. McCully E. E. Taylor
City Olllcem.
Major I), u, noes
A-J'l'rsol w. o. Ile.'dlcman
J.t?. Elliott J. U. Tlionmeoii
Jno. Kennedy... a. Levy
I econlor M. F. Davis
Mamial i.' i. .. i..o
Treusurer 1). Carroll
8treot Commissioner. .". .'.'.
Colloctlnfr and probate practlco specialties
Ollico, two dooia south of Postolhee, Ur.lon.
Oregon. '
li. EAK1N,
Attorney at Law aoi Notary Public.
Office, one. door south of J. R. Eaton's storo
Union, Ort'KOu.
I. N. CIlOanVELL, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
Office, ono door eouth ot J. . Eaton's store.
Union, OreKon-
i,!.1.1V.ormmnc",lv Iocated at North Powder,
wheroho will answer all calls.
Attorneys ani Coisellors at Law,
La Grande, - - Okkgo.v.
1). B. BEES,
OFFICK Stnto Land Oflico buildiu"
Union, Union County, Oregon. '
Attorney tit Iiv,
uml CoUcctlii;
Heal IlHtuto
: Aent.
Land Oflico Business a Specialty.
Oflico at Alder, Union Co., Oroeon.
AT l.WY.
Illartlen In ti..:.. u.i n 4
Kn.r.. 'V!" Morrow Counties, also in tho
Circuit udrt ' 0r'u'' tl10 1)iHtrict'
atates. 8ul'""e CuurU of the United
flidty!"8 ttna Cor,)orutlot I'usiness u spe
Ollices la Union um Cornucopiu, Ore2on.
it .ir. : i-'iihiii, jitihur, inaiii..
HMktl Immllf rtllfd Hlllr. iht Itktncot
nt In ninr ltiibr. nmr rrri.ii fur drf.1:
Ut, frumiuli...c iuuu..oi,ua It httm
I lu .11 ..lull I .
u4 ilt dKM tritluj (tvu
CDOlUn UI nQQHU Oar I Boar Bto.
ui uinuuuvuuum
Sjrii Blossom
Having leased the shingle mill belonging
to I j. li. Rinchnrt, wo ate pie-pared to Tur-
nish a .superior uiinlity aiui make of shin
gles ut tho following rates:
Delivered at Union,
At tho Mills,
$3.25 Porll
$3.00 Per M
Wo respectful' v Holicit a shave of the
pntronnge. HOMNS ,fc KOHERTS.
A. L. COBB, M. D.,
Having permanently located in Alder.
Union county, Oregon, will In) lonnil ready
to attend to calls in nil the various towns
nnd settlements of thu Wallow n valley.
4'lironlc BHstMtsc it Npvclitlty.
P-tJ"Mv motto is; "Live and let live-."
A. C. CRAIG, - - Proprietor.
(Union Depot, Oregon.)
3Plenuid accommodations lor dimmer-
cinl men. Tables always supplied with the
best the market affords.
Cor. Main and I Sts., - Union, Oregon.
siii:i:.han .v-itti.icv, I'ropx.
Mnnutiicliirei-s and dealers in Soda
Water, Snrsupurilln, nincer Ale, Cream
Soda and Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc.
Orders promptly tilled.
G. W.
M. D
Union, Union County, Oregon.
Office on A Hlrnet. Kesidenco three doors
south of thu Court House.
Speciul attention uiven to Surgical prac
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Plnns nnd Specifications for Dwellincs,
ISnriiH nnd Iindgcs furnished OF
01 1 A KG IS.
Bridge Building a Specialty-
All kinds of Cabinet Work nently execu
ted. Kepuinng done on short notice.
None, but tho best workmen eniployod,
and Hatislactiou guaranteed.
Call and interview ine.
Of well known varieties, suitablo for this
climate. Can also furnish foreign sorts at
one-third tho price asked by eastern can-
vnssers. I desire to sell trees at price
uiut peopio can uuoru to oil v.
Cove, Oregon.
Dr. Van Monciscar
132-134 TMrd Mrcjl, Portland, Ham
TS a regular graduate in medicine; lins
boon longer engngt-d in tho speciul treat
ment of all Venereal, Sexual and Chronic
Diseases than any other physician in tho
West, as city pnpers show, and old resi
dents know; $1,000 leward for any ciise
which lit) fails to cure, coining under Ids
treatment, by following Ids directions.
OIL VAN is tho most successful Catarrh,
Lung and Throat Doctor in America. He
will tell you your troublo without linking
von a singlo question, and WAKHANTd
P E It M A N E NT ( ' U 1 1 E in the followingcases:
NERVOUS DEU1LITV, Spcimntnirlwn.
Seminal Losses, Sexual Oecny, Fuiling
Memory, Weak Eyes, Stunted Develop,
meat. Lack of Energy, Impoverished
lllood, Pimples, Impediment to Marriage;
also lllood and Skin Diseases, Syphilis,
J'.rupt Ions, Jiuir rolling, jJone I'ains, Mivell-
ings, sore i liroat, Ulcers, j-.iiects of Mer
cury, Kidney ami Illadder Trouble!, Weak
Hack, Burning Urine, Incontinence, Conor-
ha-a, Gleet, Stricture, receives henrching
treatiiient. tiroiupl relief and cure for life.
NERVOUS Diseases (with or without
dreams), Di eased discharges cutcd prompt
ly without hindrance to businexs.
1IUTM SEXES consult confidentially. If
in troublo cull or write. Ooluys are dang
Disenres of the Lire or Eur. Ulceration or
Catarrh, InUrunl or uxtrrnal, Dtiufuess or
Paralysis, Hinging or Roaring .Voices,
Thickened Drum, etc., permanently cured.
LOST MANHOOD iwrfwtly rtoiwl.
CANCEUfl AND TUMoAs purinauently
reiixivi'd without thu knife or caustic.
Muli. oie tompoiindtxl and fuin sh to
nil piititHiU at olllie ulriit'y piireand vege
table, (in. 1 ran t- of pkiiuank.nt cnrM lu
all rases uiidvitakmi. t onmiltation free
nnd utmtly f.H.lldeiitinl. All (nriepon
diuci proiuplly altemlwl to; inmlirinv sent
by xpies to any oildrvus I roe from tpu
lire. I'mII or n'Mrs 1'ilvntti Dlprmnry,
Nos. Kl'.'-LH 'Jb rd at . Purtliiiid, Orron.
luruu sirk tly csh. Oltiro bout 8 a in.
lo b p, ni,
W. CAPPS, M. D.t
Suracon and Homcopatliic Physiciai?.
Will go to nny port of Eastern Oregon
when solicited, to perform operations, ot
for consultation.
."Medicine 1'iiniUlird Without ICitru
( lllllif.
Ofllce adjoining Jones Pros.' Store.
Gko. WntoiiT,
W. T. WittniiT,
Does a General Hanking Huslness. Huy.i
Mid sells exchange, nnil discount com
mercial paper.
Collections carefully
attended to, and
promptly reported.
a 5
p a
s s
rz be
C 3
a m
n S
J4 .
rt 2 o
"T7'-- can save From $50 to Sllfl on tho
X UU purclm.e of an lnstrumont br
uujing inrouffii
w.-r. uiuiiiiT, Agent Union, Ogn
Laundry Queen.
The Best Washlner Machine
in the World.
S. M. WAIT, Proprietor.
Walt Uros., Agents for Union County.
This tnnchino is without doubt tho best
In existence, nnd gives entire nntmfaction
wherever tried. Tnis machine is in slock
nt.I. H. EATON'S STORE, whoro thoy can
bo bought at uny time. Try tho Laundry
a n a tt k k fc
Tonsorial Rooms
Two doors south of Jones Rrou.' etore,
union, Oregon,
J. M. Johnson,
Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing
uuuo iiuvij uuu.iii niu uesi. siyio.
Main Street, Union, Orcjon.
Keep constantly on band
Union, Orejon,
PlN, ClU.VDI.Elt,
Ha ring recently purchased thl hotel
and rutlttod it throughout, 1 11 in prepared
to accoiiiuioilate the hungry public In flmt
rbityle. Cull and niu. LiWiK run
ri.K Room for the accommodation 01
ouiuimlul truvlvr
I'rocJuct t tli Mnti for
i ssti
lNtliuntca nt $,'.. (!(), OIIO.
Grapes aro t'onsumod s tatik fruit,
as raisins, and in the Miau of brauilv,
as woll as in tho sltapu of vitH All
tlii'so niut bo added tojotlior to dotor
niino tho total yield of our grapevine..
It ii iinj)o-sible to ustiniatu the quan
tity of grapes eonsuniod as table fruit.
Dt'.riug the fall season they are to bo
seen on every table in California, and
and it is iinpo-siblo to form oven a eon
jeoture as to the number of pounds or
tons which are oaten at Los Angeles,
Santa Crtu, San .lose, Oakland, Sacra
mento, Stockton, Santa l!o-a, lied Hlufl,
Tehama, and tho other eities of the
State, to say nothing of villages and
farm houses. One denier told a Call
reporter that San Francisco had been
consuming for some time and would eon
sumo for .soino tinio to come,.'), 000 twenty-pound
boxes a day of table grapes.
If this consumption lat Mtvdas, it,
must absorb li, 000, 000 pounds' or :!,0()0
tons of grapes. At tho same rate tho
consumption of tho whole State would
bo something like 10,000 tons; but. in
the country, whero animal foot! is more
sparingly used than here, tho consump
tion of grapes must be larger.
Ilcsidcs the table grapes which havo
beuu consumed here, a largo quantity
h:us been shipped East. Here again
tlierc is ;diiruHilly in getting accurate
figures, as tho fruit trains havo been
generally dispatched from interior
points and havo not come to San Fran
cisco at all. It is understood that
about 1.000 carloads of grapes havo
gone forward from Sacramento. Va
caville has probably dispatched f)00.
and perhaps .r00 more have been scut
from San .Jose, San Francisco, Los An
geles, and other pointy. Altogether
we havo probably sent to the East this
year 2,000 carloads or 20,000 tons of
table grapes.
The raisin product is protty accurate
ly know n. Wo shall produce this year
about fiUO.OOO twenty-pound boxes of
raisins, as against l'('i0,000 boxes pro
duced last year. Thoy will not net as
much money, in proportion; last year,
owing to tho cholera scare, many East
ern consumers took California raisins
in picferouco to Spanish raisins; and
of course, if wo double our product
now, wo must expect tho price to fall
oil". Hence tho beit London lnyors are
now selling at .1.50(r,$1.75 per box, as
against SS-ty,$H. 2,ri Inst year, and seed
less .sultanas at $l(f$L:K. as against
Sl.flO last year. To ascertain the quan
tity of grapes dried us raisins wo must
multiply tho pounds of raisins by three,
as it takes three pounds of 'rapes to
make ono pound of raisins. Thus, to
make tho 10,000,( 00 pounds of raisins
wiucli wo havo lor sale this year, it
consumed ilO.000,000 pounds, or lfi.OOO
ions 01 grapes.
iMiially, in consequence of tho failure
of congress to pass tho sweet wino bill
makers of sweet winos in tho southern
counties aro tinding it cheaper to make
brandy direct in Los Angeles and other
southern count es tins year, which, had
C ongress passed tho bill, would havo
made its appearance as sweet wine
These !100. 000 gallons of brandy, which
aro ciiuivalent to 1.200.000 gallons of
wine, will consume about 10,000 tons of
Wo can now sum up. To understand
tho calculation it must bo remembered
that it ton of grapes is supposed to
yield ElO gallons of wino; thus by
iiivming 1110 wino product by i;iu wo
arrivo at tho result in tons.
Tho grapo produce of California
1885 would thus seem to havo boon
uranes used lu wine, 10,000,003 callon'!.
or 12:),00)
consumption here as tahlo fruit 10,00d
Shipped i-iiRt as table fruit 'JO.OOO
uoinciieu into raisins 1!,0U0
Made into brandy direct 10,000
Total product of the state In tons... .178,000
Some dillleulty is experienced in
valuing grapes per ton tho price
varies so widely. Mission grapes aro
soiling at !?10 por ton, and aro not in
demand except for brandy making.
IWalvoisio grapes can bo bought at $1 1
por ton. hnch tablo grapes as tho Mils
eatel, tho Black Hamburg, tho Rose of
Peru, tho Corniohon, lluctiiato in the
market according to demand, selling as
low, when thoy aro ubundanr, as ,'10
cents a box, or $.'10 a ton, and as high.
when thoy aro scarco and very lino, as
SI a box or 8100 a ton. Cinfandnl
grapes aro now soiling at at l?20ttS22
in is ana, and 9 1 (? PJ ' Sonoma.
Riesling grapes will average about J?2f
a ion. ti wo say mat mo total crop
will average all round J?20 a ton, wlilcli
Is not much if at all too high, tho grapo
crop 01 too slate lias been worth tins
season Sa.'iGO.iiOO.
i timing, now, to tho localities which
aro the largest wino producers, we find
tho old conn lies of Napa and Sonoma
as usual at tho head of tho list. Tho
10,000,000 gallons at which tho statu
output is reckoned is dividod as fol
lows: Nana about 5.000.0M
Sonoma iUiOO.OOO
Sunta Clara 2,000.000
lnAiiL'eles !M.U)0
I'reio 1,r'l),0t)0
Almiieilii 600.00)
Sun Krunclteo "II.O.X)
The Vina Itaiioh ..V).000
Sacramento uml the ruat of tho State l.&OO.UO)
Total 10,000,000
Sun FratuiUco, as a rule, is not a
wliin-iiiaker; hut cons'ilorable wine is
mailt) hum uxcliilvely liy Italians; they
go to tho whok'Kidu iloalurs In grapes,
on V u (011 or so, tuko It homo niid inuko
It into wine for their own drinking,
nitioh lu thu tnuio way and In (ho biiiuo
iiii'ilnxU a Virgil described in the
Georgies uenrh 2.OH0 years ago. Al even pom- Italian family makes
it- own wine, and the aggregate quan
I it v tints manufactured is large. Some
of the wine mi manufactured is not bad
at ail. San Francisco Call.
Work of tin litingttintlotl
MiioUliu V ii Old Doctor
( onfehsloit,
A tall young man of rather iludiph
appearance was leaning on the cigar
case in an old-established Broadway
tobacco store talking to tho owner,
when a reporter entered. Tho young
man had evidently been there for
some time, and had said a great deal
niorO than his listener cared to hear.
There was a look of weariness and im
patience upon thu proprietor's intelli
gent face, which gave way to one of
relief as ho turned to wait on sovoral
new customers who came in with thu
reporter. Ho attended to the wants of
eaclt with such apparent deliberation
that tho young man, seeing there was
little chance of his being able to rcsumo
the conversation, or monologue, for
some time, buttoned his short overcoat
and started out.
"That young fellow will forco me to
bounce I1.111 yet," sasd thu cigar man as
coon as tho loquacious customer had
departed. 'lIo has been coming in
here for the last month about three
times a week for a li-conter,' nnd
each time ho stops and talks about as
long as ho can about how his cigar
smoked, and how that one did not suit
him, and how ho could toll a good cigar
on sight, and till that sort of thing, un
til I am ready to fall asleep."
"Von do not consider him 11 connois
seur, then?"
"Well, I should say not. A compe
tent judge of cigars is hard to find.
Tho longer I am in thu business the
more I am convinced that there is no
article in the world which men think
they know so much about, but in reali
ty know so little of, as a cigar. 1 feel
perfectly safo in tho saying that not
one man in a hundred can tell a good
cigar when lie sees it, or even when liu
smokes it. Oh, of course, you smokers
won't admit tills to bo trito, but it is.
all the same. Don't imagine that 1
havo an exalted opinion of" my knowl
edge of tho subject. I havo boon in tho
business ovar twenty years, and yet I
would not venture to assert with any
degree of assurance whether a cigar
was a domestic or an Havana.
"Tho imagination works almost as
extensively in tho smoking of 11 cigar
as il docs in tho construction of a novel.
1 have proven this to my own satisfac-
t. on again and again. Sometimes, just
for Hie fun of the tiling. I nut a lew
two-for-a-quartors' in tho o-cont-bo.x
and then watch tho look of disgust that
comes over the faces of tho patrons of
mat. oox as tnoy ugni these expensive
brands. Sometimes they will actually
tnrow 1110 nioro costly cigars away. On
the other hand, I've seen thu 'two
for-n-quarlor' customer enjoy tho
aroma of a 'A-ceul straight,' wh cli for
a joke I had put in his favorite box.
'J lie popularity of a certain cigar
dopends upon tho smoker's liking for
that tiavor. I o obtain various flavors
manufacturers havo secret conibina
....1! 1 1 .1
nations 01 touaccos. aim inoso aro as
numerous as tho combinations of tin
notes of the musio scale. A sampio
ono is a Pennsylvania filler and a Ha
van 11 seed or Sumatra wrapper. An
honest 10-cent cigar is made up of
Connecticut, Pennsylvania, or Wiscon
sin binder witli an Havana filler and
Havana or Sumatra wrapper. Havana
seed is the seed of Havana tobacco
grown in this country. A mild form of
imposition is lo mix tho Havana filler
with domestic tobacco. Few smokers
or dealers know tho diflercnoc. There
is no business In which a good name is
worth more than In mine. A plnco
mat uas 1110 reputation of Handling
good stock can sell almost anything,
J'asto in cigars Is most deceptive, and
a uozon men would have as many dif
ferent opinions on thu same weed.
Hence It Is almost impossible to sell ci
gars on their mcr ts. Many aro sold
s.mply ou tho advertising thoy ro
coive." New Yorh Tribune.
lie Picked Up 11 Pin.
On ono fine day a Scrigglesvillo man
camo to town w.lh a pailful of clams,
which he sold. Then, washing out tho
pail carefully, ho had a gallon of mo-
lassos poured Into It and started for
homo. Fooling tho weight of his bur
den, ho put a stick through the pail and
hung the pail over his shoulder. Pres
ently, jogg ng along in an abstracted
manner, the Scrlgglbsvlllo man espied
a pin in tho road, and, being of a fru
gal turn, he stooped over to pick It tip.
This seemed to the molasses to bo as
good a chance as it could find, nnd it
promptly stepped it of tho pall and
walked over tho back of thu Sorig"-loH-
llo man's neck. "Good heavens!"
gasped the Scrigglesvillo man. as ho
struggled to his fojt and viewed tho
lovastation wrought upon thu scenery,
"a gallon of molasus for a niu." This
teaches us never to throw away a cer
tainty for an uncertainty. Rockland
(.lc.) Courier.
Mil - I l . ,
Now York's finest hotel building, tho
new one recently erected at tho Fifth
avciiiio entrancoof Central park,! still
without an occupant. The rent asked
Is 12.1.000 a year, and thus far onlv
97A.0U0 Is oilerod. Tho ground oil
which ttio hotel Is built cost $800,000
nnd the bu.lding $500,000 more,
To-I)ny Tlioy Ilnvo Tlielr Tlitibntida
Arrested mid To-.Morrow Tlicy
Seelc 'l'liclr Itelcnnc.
The casual visitor to any of tho city
police courts never fails to bo impress
ed witli the very large number of wom
en who form a part of tho audience.
The presence in a polico court of nny
ono not compelled by business or law
to bo there is strange enough anyway
since il is very seldom that a word of
the proceedings before the justico is au-dihle-a
fool beyond the rail ng which
separates tho public from the court.
Tho seventy-five or one hundred men
who gather in tho courts every day
may bo attracted by vulgar curiosity,
I no shelter and tiie comfortable scats,
or by interest in thu fate of some pris
oner. No such motives draw tho wom
en thither. They are thero because
they want warrants. As soon as tho
regular business of tho session is
through with tho court olllcer bawls:
"All thoso wishing warrants this way,"
and two long lines of women, somo
with bandaged heads and blackened
eyes and other evidences of domestic
amusements, file ono by ono before his
honor and relate their griefs. Most of
them want their husbands arrested for
beating or failing to support thorn,
though occasionally ono appears who
has some other kind of a wrong to re
port. "Ninety-Iivo out of every hundred
women who apply for warrants want
their husbands arrested.'" sa d a clerk
of ono of thu down-town courts, "and
nine out of every ten either withdraw
tho charge or pay tho lino after thoy
gain their desire and their lords aro
arrested. Every week almost every
day wo havo some woman hero who
has been beaten half to death by her
husband and then forgives him anil
wants to get him oil" before ho can bo
punished. The other day wo hail such
a case, where tho woman had been all
but killed by her bruto of a husband,
who, it was proved, was a terror to tho
neighborhood. The wife and a half
dozen of Uio neighbors testified against
him, and lie was lined $10. In tho
afternoon h h wifo stepped up and paid
thu line rather than see him go lo the
island. Sho hadn't a cent in tho world,
but had gouo around and borrowed
from tho other women who lived in tho
neighborhood until she had mado up
tho sum. That very night her hus
band got drunk again nnd blackened
her other eye for her. There's no toll
ing what length a woman's devotion to
a man will take her.
you never catch an old policeman
arresting a man on his wife's com
pla nt unless ho has to" said tho gray-
ha.rcd court ollicer, whoso six stripes
on his sleeve testilied that ho know
what ho was talking about, "nor mix
ing up in any family quarrel either.
They know too well that thoy aro a
goop ileal more likely to get themselves
into a snap than do anybody any good.
I mind ono tinio that I got a broken
head over on tho cast sale for doing
that. I was young ami fresh then. I
was passing along the street when I
heard a regular tenement row going on
in thu top story of the house. J rushed,
up thu stairs and, there was a bigv
drunken truckman with ono hand m.
his wife.s back hair, lamming her with
a cart-rung. I juuipud on tho man
and knocked him down, but tho wom
an was up in a minute and sent ma
spinning with a llatirou. Then both
jumped on me, and before help camo
thoy nearly pounded tho life out of mo.
Wo got them both totho station, but tho
woman refused to testify against hoi
husband, and both got thirty days for
resisting an oflicor." "Sometimes it
works tlio oilier way," put in tho clerk.
"Wo had a case hero onu day this week:
of a husband who got a warrant for
his wife's arrest for habitual drunken
ness. Sho was sent up for thirty days,
chiefly on his testimony. Tho uoxt
tiny ho camo In. crying liko a baby, and
wanted bis wife released, for ho said
ho couldn't live without her. But it
was too late. Sho had boon received
on thu Island." Acta York Mall and
Bird Bog Hints.
A good pointer should bogin tho sea
son witli a process. ou of ribs on each
sldo of him like a picket fcuco and a
tall resembling a bamboo fishing polo.
If you are going to do much hunting
with your dog it should have a brass
tip on tho end of its noso so that it
wont bo worn off bv being rubbed on
tho ground for about twenty milos
each day. It will almost always pro
duce curvature of thu spine lu thu dog
when It gets its nose worn oil' so that it
is wlthdifll 'tilty it can got what remains
of it to tho ground. It also spoils tho
lit oi mu amino uppor lip that hangs
around its mouth liko a lambrequin.
Some sportsmen In Estellino mount
their dog's uppor libs ou curtain fixt
ures and keep them rolled up, but this
is not necessary, It is sufliclenttoloop
up tho'r curs in two or three places
and fasten with a rosette.
A Idtlu attention to tho few points
wo havo mentioned above will not only
save tho outliuslastlo sportsman con
siderable auuovanca hut sumutimes tho
expense of driving to another town to
6toul a dog, Estcltine Hell.
The famous Contlnola ranch, near
Los Augilo, Ciil., contain ng twolva
thousand tiered of the linest graving
lauds In that vicinity, was sold wwitiy
to a railroad company for inwrly $109,.
000, It In to Iw used for railroad purposes.