The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 04, 1886, Image 7

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8 tmc of tlic Trlolt h hy "Which Tlioy
Mniinsc to Mnko n Wood
Ileal of Sloiicy.
Tho (Iiioiif.-t j'Piision ncjont. gathers
xcry lilllo moss in tlio pension ilyp;iit
lui'iit wliun t lie special examiner at
tends to li s lju;snc-s" sa tl M:ij. A. It.
15n:iks of tlio national pension nguncy
"Dishonesty thrive.' as woll thero ns
rlsoivlicru, dots it not?" asked n re
porter. "Hardly," was tlio reply. Tho ex
aminers have their system of examina
tion reduced to a point that would as
touish ansono not acquainted with tlio
buiti(vs.s. Why, as soon as the cla m is
iiled, though its justice is as apparent
as Mini ght, the whole matter s turned
over to an exam. her who inspoots it as
though the claimant was leagued with
Beelzebub himself in a scheme to de
fraud the national treasury. When the
examiner has thus discussed the claim
he makes his report upon it, and if tluro
be any po.nt th;,t is Hie least ili.tililfu1.
nn mat ti r capable ot any but abM-lu.u-ly
cert a n construct ion, tho cla m s
ruthlessly sent again upon its wiii.tler
ings through the army eamu:ois, t.ili. e
spec als and supervising. When t has
run the gauntlet again, unless ov r
thing is perleetly square, tlio wlmKi
business is sumniar ly dropped. Dis
honesty on the part of tho ai-nl iniier
iLs tho claim at. every step. Of course
the agents rualiau this, and so. for the
most part, turn their attention exclu
sively to the ela mailt when practising
sinuous ways. Only a certain" tee, lived
by unutterable law, is allowed the agent,
and this fee is often ridiciilouslv small,
considering the amount .f labor ex
pended i pon the claim. To take more
than this ice i a statutory crime and
punishment is swift and severe upon
the discovery of such an o Hence. In
order to avoid the provisions of the stat
ute, however, uiiscrpulous agents and
attorneys re-ort to all sorts of sv.hoines
anil subterfuges. Ono will bo content
with a present to his wife, either in the
way of money or money's worth: an
other will sell the claimant a worthless
horse for a fabulous price; a th rd w.ll
accept a present for h inself; while
others will perform some trilling ser
vice for which the claimant pays them
what ever they may ask. Of course, all
these schemes of extortion are merelv
doing indirectly what the law says shall
not he done ilirectlv, and consequently
are punished just us though they were
done directly. This is only one of
ihe.r tricks although it is the common
est but perjury, false ail'ulavits, and
forgeries are part of the stock in trade
of the d shonest pension attorney. The
interior department tr es to protect its
elf by requ ring all attorneys to have
a certificate of good stand ng, but, un
fortunately, you can't tell a tl shonest
lawyer by the color of h s eyes. Ten
years service has taught ma something
of their treks and wins."
"15ut are not the claimants some
times dishonest?"
"Frequently, and even the attorneys
don't detect this dishonesty some
limes." "What form is most common in their
" of showing hurts, wounds,
(ores, and injuries, and claiming they
were received during the war, when in
reality they wens traceable to buzz-saws,
railway accident.-. Kerosene, and hor.-e-ftealing
expeditions. 1 know of one
case in which a man el.i'nietl a pension
.iti account, of blindness canted by a
gunshot wound in the face, when upon
examination it was ascertained that lie
tvns shot ami left for dead when trying
It) tiesert his wife, before tho war. " His
wife belonged to a very well-known
laniily. An alleged willow once bolh
iretl me for a long tune about a claim
lor pension on account of her husband
laving been k lied in the service. She,
.if course, slated that she had not mar
ried again. Ono day a man came in anil,
layingthat Mrs. was sick, mqu red
ibout her cla m. 1 answered him as
,'ulh as 1 cared to, and not Inning very
much to do just then, engaged him iii
.onversation. During the course of
.'he conversat on 1 happened to ask him
if ho was the attorney of Mrs. .
Xo.'lio asnswered, 'Tin her husband.'
And lie was. Oh wo used to get so mo
fery queer lisli." kt. Lotus Jicimb-
Two Theories lor Cooking Meat.
A I'renclmian will take a roust of
beef, or in fact any solid meat, ami sub
ject it to u long though gradual action
of heat, so that all the librous parts
would lie thoroughly cooked. That
would leave but little work for the di
gestive organs to perform. An Kng
:sli cook, on the other hand, would
innld a fire and would roast the
oee.f only on tho outside, leav ug the
.iisitk) rare. He allows only a I ttle
time for bo ling or roasting," because
tiis theory is that any other proccs.i tlo
Uroys tiio genuine llavor of the meat.
The point of llavor is the one on
ivhieh the two cooks sjdit, anil thoro
'oru their philosophies run w tie apart.
"No llavor can be invented, " sais tho
Snglishmun, "which can approach that
)f meat The llavor of meat must not
. meddled with. Whether the dish is
o be of b ef, or Iamb, or mutton, that
oroec-s is the best which can keep tho
lavor of each meat distinguishable
ibovo aitv sauce orcontl mont that may
iccompany it." Nothing, in tho Kng
.ishman's notion, can equal tlio flavor
jf the jtiVu oozing front a nicely roast
sd joint or rib when sliced. The
Frenchman can make an endless varie
ty of flavor from the same moat, in
toithor of which will that of tho origi
nal meat ho recognized. That idea,
jnlarged upon, makes tho difference
wtween tho two methods of cooking.
Good Advice.
"When are you going to pav mo that
As soon us I tun able."
Well you pay up pretty goon or I'll
jrmg suit."
"That's all right, but Jet mo give
rou n po ntor. i owe you fifty dollars,
ioud me llf ty and bring suit for an oven
luiidrod." Texas liftings.
Stalialical. I
The .statistician s an authority whom
none t a.e !.- ute. With the digestive
powers of an ti-tr.cli. and the absorbent
qtial ly of a sponge. ln sin ks facts and
ligures down his t sop uigtis as easily as a
juggler sw allows swortl-. lie reduces (ho
world to tho s 7.a of a pot-cheese, ami
holds it in a pair of calipers. Kery inch
of its territory is as familiar to inni as
the patches on an old coat. His general- '
izat ons arc as broad as the sp.rit of
Catholicity anil h s as-ert otis are as
sweeping as the powei of faith. ;
Pi of. Joiiann win Ziller has prepared
a tabic of slat sties lately ot unique
intt rest. With no intent to deceive he
put.s the population of the United States
i CO (M).(XiO souk Out of this number
we aro told -l.OOi) commit suicide every
year. One shudders to th nk of the
awful fate that would befall the me
tropol s, wete there no ncreaso In
population, for at the above tieath-rate,
N w York would be depopulated in 17,
777 e.tri. 1
'1 lie next item shows tho enormous
consumption of b"er. If the beer drunk
b. tin- nwrnge Ciei nian were stored in
barrels, at the end of iwentv years thev j
would equal in bulk the Cheops p ru
nt tl. '1 hen if the hoops shoiuil bu'r.-t,
and the b. ere-tnp , it toiiiil easily tloat
a barge, or Hood a town. j
l'"o. ow ng, we have the statistics of
nidation. liven man of temperate
hab ts winks :S. loS.GUU Lines a ,ear.
Prof. Vt n Z.ll'er est, mates that p'ohti
e.ans wink a round mill on in excess of
this number, ami an ahum ng incica-o
is noted on the part of bald-headed
men who begu le th ir tune at tho
comic opera. Mo less intereslii,g, per
haps, are the figures wh t h follow, giv
ing the exact number of wooden-logged
men in llong Kong. Wo al.-o lvad
with ab-orbmg interest that the rat I
crop in Norway has increased lil per I
cent, since lhtjo, and that JiSO.Sl 1 tracts
are distributed among the Zulus every j
month. Oilier ligures aro ghen wh eh '
exc te lvlli-otioii. We mav bricilv note '
the number of feathers on a hen (u
101,) the Mtiouiit of Mini ght tl ll'used
in inler-tcller .-pace, the population of
the glob.i at the tune ot tho Hood
(estimated), and the number of pills
swallow eii a iniially in hospnaK
Prof. Von Z. tier's table is ot inestim
able vaule to science. It is the result
of years of patient labor, ami his in
dustry is warmly commended bv tho-e
who appreciate the ilillicultv ami
magnitude of his task. Larold
Hantvoord, in Life.
Cutting Out Pitrt of a Hrain.
An annual surg cal operation was
performed at the New York hospital
roccnlh by Dr. Uobert F. Weir, who
excised a portion of a woman's brain.
The pat cut was about 115 years old.
From the symptoms, the surgeons. Dr.
Am. don be ng called u, concluded that
I u tumor of some kind existetl in the
brain. The path ut was etherized;
Dr. Weir made an incision in the scalp
on the right side of the. head ami re
moved a piece of bone from the skull
about as large as the larger end of a
hen's egg. Dr. Amnion had located
the tumor at this Upon the re
moval of tho bone the subjacent part of
tho bra n minted ately protruded
through the opening in the skull, judi
cal ng a high degree of iutercran al
pressure. Upon examination of the
exposed part oi' the brain no tumor
could bo found. Tho cartex of the
protutling bra n, however, appeared to
be darker colored than is normal in
brain tiaatte.
Failing to discover any tumor, tho
surgeons were unable to replace the
portion of tho brain wheh prottttletl
through the hole n the skull. Dr.
Weir thereupon tut off the protuiliiig
part. Tito heiniiiorrhago from the knife
wound was short and was slopped
partly by ligatures applied to the
larger blood vessels, uutl Dy the use of
the thermocautery on Ibo livsh surface,
'i ho skin flaps ot the sculp were then
brought back into place atpl sutured
ami the wound was dressed with the
usual antisept c precautions. After
tho operation the patient was much
improved ami expressed herself as feel
ing great roiiof. the symptoms of
drowsiness anil tl zzine-s, as well as
tho partial paialjs.sof the right side,
having disappeaied cut rely. A iniseros
cropic examination of the matter re
moved from tho patient's head shows it
to be bra n tnatier inlilitatctl with a
new growth. Nearly an ounce of mat
ter was removed lrom the bruin. Acw
York Tribune.
Woman Docs Well in Jletlicine.
The Philadelphia Times says (hero
aro eight women phys.ciaits" in that
city whoso annual averages
$20,000 each, twelve whoso income
averages above $i0,U).),nnd twenty-two
who average 5.000 each. And yet
womon who have sought lo enter the
medical profession in Philadelphia have
met Willi more oppos lion thero than
from any other city in the country.
'J ho oppoait on come from tho mule
pin Biennis. They cla moil that women
never acquire skill enough to ileal with
n fever or a fi act tire. liesides, they
feared to have their held invaded by
women. Poshibh limy had a latent
fear that women niivrht make a .success
of the profession. Th s has proved to
bo the c'tse. There ate now 2.S00
women first-class diplomas front
mod cal coheres, and their success in
litis field is acknowledged on all hands.
There aro women M. D,'s who are con
sulted by fho most eminent physicians
in Philadelphia and Now York.
Tom Anjcrry's Creator.
When young Tom Anjorrv, of tlio
Austin University, entered the medical
claes, ho excited the wrath of tho Pro
fessor by It s dullness. One dav when
he was more than usually stupid tho
rroioasor iinaiiy nroko out with:
"lottng man, can you toll mo the
moaning of lite verb to create?"
"to create?" stummorud Tom.
"Whv, certainlv. To create Is toniako
something out of nothing."
"So it is," replied tlio Professor,
"thoroforo we create you doctor."
Texas Siftuigs.
NuIIoimI Humor.
.tcnn ti..'ii. has a tlev r i linritrlrrtZ'V
i m of iiituiiiiil humor In tier 'ust woik.
-bo (,! 'tl nil wit mi,! liii'iior written
i lnii.sli wo ronii'int'or that of the Smith
mi lntu"-t iiml laiiih nt it lo ist. lk linn
i'tt i-"lnm mill iiu st uihI ce. Tho I rii-li-
mi's clout porfci't nail the best xhudeil
ith iilhos. It is the toast recorded for it
lelotiK- in general to the nature ot reput-leu
nil i.oo.Ih for sotting tho noriiNitin that
a Hod it forth. Tho Aiiirrifitn's in tho
iost vnrioiis, unit ho is miexnectetl. Ho
nkos the victim into his confidence, anil
itli suave auihtc tv Ri'ts the bettor of him
jvet iiml over ugniti. It,- is gnotl nt con
rust, but his forte Is in tlio impossible."
S'lie t'lilne-o Lentlon ul Washington.
The I hinoso legation in well housed Stew
irl ( iiitlo on Dupont Circle is ono ot the
ii(te-t hiiuses in Wiishiiiiston. Itisagn'at
nick palace with a tower pninteil brown,
.ml itn rent is, 1 think. 11,000 a year,
ih hall upon tho pr. until floor is a (jriiml
i.oni ill lis proportion, ami on tlm telt
i ml r'jjht n ro parlors. ,lust across tho
uy in ltlaine's house, for w hieh Loiter
inys Slfl.Oin) a year rent, nnil on thoother
udo of tlio circle is tlio resilience in which
i'i rotiny Maniiins li os. Tho kyittion tiro
ast beyiunins to consider it ndvutitageutis
;o own houses at Wimbiiii;toii.
AVlit Was Napoleon!
Ponlsi "Now, Hppiikni)t of Krpat moil,
hn, ilo you think of Ntipulouu lon
Miss Pointloter (from Philntlelphin)
'P-linw! ho was nobotly. Who was his
inn dfiithor?"
Miss Huukerhil' (from lloston) "I tlon't
k ho could have n mounted to much; ho
lad no ml. Idle name."
Miss Golhntn (Tom New Yorli) 'How
iiueh an ho worth?"
Miss Poicino (from riilenco) "Did he
ii' o his money before the the. or since?"
Mi-s Montospnli (from St. Louis) ''Old
v lieliuiatoonoot our old French families?"
Mr. A. FnCRor, 000 Wnhiut street, Pt.
Louis, Mo, a-ilftretl for two yours ith him
aiio, iiml wch confined to his bed for hov
nil mouths. Ilo was out i rely cm od hy tho
3 sis of St. Jacobs Oil, which ho says is also
Iho best turofor Hprains and other pains.
A hotel is known by tho company it
Never buy anything you don't need
nuiho it's cheap. This includes beer.
Mrs. F. W. Ingham. -iTU W. Madison
ilreet, Chlcuso, 111., recommends lied Star
-titiy It Cure, u ft-w doses of which gavo heron
liro iclict from u violent cold. Price UoctN,
A Iicoki Champion I.I nr.
A novel feature of a ladies' bazaar ro
:eiitly bold in I'ictou county, X. S.,
ivas u prize to bo awarded to the
man voted the "champion liar" of the
county. It was Happened that each pol
itical parly would go It strong for some
politician of tho other party, unit tho re
mit uns anxiously watched. Much to tlio
surprise oT tho politically inclined people,
t he counting up ruvealed that tlio party
bosses wore far in tho rear of Archie Mc
Lean, n votcrnu hunter and courier tin hois
from away back, and nobody was more
nirptisod than Archie himself, who came
to town that day to unload Homeofhis
stock yarns. In accepting tlio prise, which
was nothing else than u "long bow," he
made a felicitous speech, in which modesty
mil native unveracity fought for mastery.
"I thank you for your bounty. I appreciate-
it the more highly because I do not
leserveit, because I never told a lie in my
Physicians, Lawyer, and Iiiihuu-hh Men
nro en! hiisinstic in their indorsement of
Salvation Oil. It cuics tlio worst cases of
rheumatism, L'5 cents.
Mrs. Sni toris (Nellie Grant) will visit her
mother this inter.
A I,iitl)'H I'lil'orliiiuilc IC perlenee.
Was that of one of our acipiniutiimo who
suffered bom scrofula, a yellow complex
ion, and (list ress of the si omach, for years
l.eforo using Dr. Darter's Iron Tonic, w hich
finally cured hor.
The song of the Hanihweh niun: "Oh, for
a thousand tongues."
rtvn ilnllftn invpil yearly In lioots onJ ihoc by
utliig'a Heel Ktini-iicrii. ISe.
Eighteen thousand salmon were caught
hi Pugft Sound nt one haul of the seine.
Sixtieth Your.
Tun Youth's Oo.mi'anio.v colebratrs this
year ils sixtieth anniversary. It might
woll ho named tho I'liiversiiKompiinion,
since its nailers are foiiuil in 100,0011 fiiin It is so wisely ediletl that its pages
are ns interest nig to adults as to llieyoiing
people. Ite-iiles Iho best nliort ami Serial
Stories it contains a gieat variety of pop
uhir and useful information on Natural
History, Science, Home Arts, fJames ami
Spoils, and is fully illustrated. It costs
but $ 1.715 a year, anil a subscription sunt
now Is tied I ted to Jaiiuary, 1H8S.
Miss Kate Field says Washington is "the
parlor city of the land."
Ilnekinglifi tu's Dyo for the Whiskers Is
easily applied, ni.d colors brown or black
The prompt use of Ayei 's Cherry Pectoral
win oitou prevent serious lung trouhlcs.
About nine tenths of the Furopenn innn
nrchs are wearing chips on their shoulders.
6r: r"-i-----t Pays '"r u Vein's sub
) Oeil G;. t-rriptiou to tho WV'kly
Amiuucan ItmtAi, IIiimk Iiochoster, N. Y.,
without premium ' the Cheapest and Host
Weekly in the World," 8 pages. -18 columns,
1(1 years old. For Oni: Uoi.tatt yon have
oxt: choice from over lot) different Cloth
bound I)o!.i..wi Voi.iiitts, 'I0 to 1100 pp.,
mid nil pr one year, post-paid. Hook post
age, lfic. Kxtra. i50 000 hooks given away.
Among them aro; Law Without Lawyers;
Finally Cyclopedia: Farm Cyclopedia;
Fariiierb' and Httickbrecdeis' (Initio: Com
mon Sense in Poultry Yurtl; World Cyclo
pedia; Dune'son's (Medical) Counselor;
Hoys' Useful Pastimes; Five Years Iteforu
the Mast; Peoples' If story of Hulled
States; Fniveisal History of nil Nations;
Popular History Civil War (both sides).
Any o.k hook and paper, ono year, all
tmst-pHid, for S1.1I5 only. Puper ulotio,
Ofic. Katisftution guaranteed on books
mill Weekly, or money refunded. Heforenre.
Hon. C. It. Paiisonh, Mayor Korhestcr,
Sample papers, 'Jr. ituiui, IIomi: Co., Ltd
Without Pi em. 05c a year, KocheBtcr,N.Y.
As lmee hull cues cutlhe codfluh hull
comes in.
A Hr. .Johnston, student of Omnhn
i oninif rclal Col!f)(i', is filling a. hirrative
. .oillou ns book-kveper for A. L. florae,
Omaha's leading mei chant.
Of nlgtity girls recontl lunilod at Castlr
Guideu lilty-iwo were red bairid.
Sew Orlonns (Ul rii')iinp. N'ot. L
Anotlier lottery wave passed over New
iirienns last lues. lay, ami tu its courso
truck Mr. Adolph L. Iteltrnn, son of our
well-known fellow citmen, K. lteltrnn, Ksq.,
commiision merchant on Decatur street.
The blow was u sevete one, nntl it struck
Adolph so unexpectedly that ho litis not
entirely recovered his senses, though in pos
session of more tents tliuti he over had in
tho course of his check erotl career.
On Wednesday, with n tlollarous ex
prcpsion in his eve, ho isited the olllcc of
The Louisiana Stale Lottery romtinnv,
mid inquired for tho root doctor. This
singular inquiry ecited the cnnosilv of
the olllcc. and ho was iuvUed to a seat hi
the lett-luiuil wartl.
His liulse being felt, nn extraortlinnrv
coutiHction of the muscles of the digits of
Ills right hand was discerned. On reducipi
the dame, a lottery ticket was ri veaLiI
hearing the number '.) l.o.VJ. A ipi'il
iliumiosis of his case was made. The lot
icry wave nan given nun, in i no iini ing mi
Nov. It, for a tme-ilollar investment, tho
sum of lifteen thousiiutl ilollnrs.
The ''root ot all evil," in the form of vcrv
liattl rnsh was ut once administered, and
Mr. lteltran a singular inquiry was ex
In a pleasant, chat with the wiiter, the
fort ti mi to holder (who Is apparently til
years of age) slated that ho is a nal n i-nt
Now Orleans, and is now woi km in t 'i
laboratory ol the Planters' Sugar Iietiie iy
learning tho business under Mr. .lohn U, i
olds, mid that the sudden acciimu'at ion of
Wealth will in no wnv effect his resolution
to master his adopted profession.
Tho southern girl of the present, genera
tion is aliuokt unknown in curicnt hteia
Heart Palpitations, ?iorvoiinc,
Ttvmliling, cold hands and feet cured by
C.utTKit's Ikon I'tt.t.s.
Whatever makes men good Christians
makes them gootl citizens.
A Ctillfy Sneilllco
dhoultl never bo made, but amhitlon anil
enterpi iso ileservo toward. Wlieiover von
ate located you should wiilo to llallelt it
Co., Poitlaud, Maine, nnd learn about
work that, you can tlo ami live at home,
earning thereby from $f to '' and up
wards daily. Some have earned overfill)
in a day. All part iculars free. Doth sexes.
.in ages. lupiial not neetleil; volt aro
started free. All is now. Those who star'
at once emiuot help rapidly making snug
nine lorliines.
Gorman descont
burgor chet'Ho.
-The courso of tho Lint.
Ititow.N's HuoNciiiAi, Titortms for Coughs
ami (.olds: "Tlio only articla of the Kind
which has done mo good sen ice. I want
nothing hotlor." llov. 11. II. Craig. Otis
villo N. Y. Sold only in boxes.
Gladstone has only three fingers on hie
left hand.
ILfZS, Itching or TlIreillnT, rrllPTeit nnf
pprm.iticntly cureil hy 'ol; i'nrliiill
inlie. Oet the tieiiiune. i'." nun iiml .J
cents ul lirugglsts or by mall. .1. W. COhli & CO.,
I'rop's, lilucu mver l-uiln, u.
Mis..Iano McKwen recently tlied atStude
holm, N. It., at tho ago of 1)4 years.
Itucknclic, I, nine llnch, Itlicitnintlniii,
I'se C.utTi:it'sS.MAttT Wi:t:t) a.nd lim.i.ADOKi
A stojipctl-up geyser is nn ox spurt in ito
For Cuts, dalla, Old Soros, Scrntoh-
88, Thrush, etc., use Btowart'a Hoal
Ing Powder, 15 and CO conta a box.
'J'homas Taylor tlied in lialtiinoro hist
week, aged 111) yours.
If you hnd taken two of Carter's Little
Livrr Pills before retirim: von would not
have had that coated tongue or bad taste
111 Iho mouth this morning. Keep 11 i,il
with you for occasional use.
Slewed is the past tense of s'loou.
Kvery person i-i interested in their own
nffaus, and if this meets the eye of unyo 0
who is suffering from the effects of a torpid
liver, wo will admit that ho is interested in
getting well. Get a botllo of IVukly Ash
Hitters, use it as il.rected, ami you will al
ways he glad you road this item.
The theatrical manager is best known bv
tho company he keeps.
PMo'n Itl'inpilv fur f ntnrrli tm n r-r r'nnMn tn an T,
Is nul ft liquid or 11 aiiull, ,MJc.
Moves iii the highest circles Saturn.
W. If. Worlhington, editor of tho "Pat-
rons of Husbandly," published at Colum
bus, .Mass., writes under tlatn of Feb. "15.
18M2; "'tour great reined v. AHoii'h Limn
liulsain, I have used in my family for fif
teen yeu-s for coughs and colds, and know
it to be tho best." UCc. 50c. and SI. 00 11
Avoid sliamo, but tlo not seek glory
nouiing so expensive ns glory.
It fttlllcteil with Horo Hyes, into Dr. Ipbho
inomiifoirs itjowitttir. J)ruKlBts suit It. gjo
Tho recent earthqunko in Juvu split n
uitaiuiuiu in seven parts.
The Omaha Tyjn foundry can fiiralsh
new newspaper outfits on short notion.
Prices sumo as in Chicago anil freight
nlreatly paid to Omaha.
The Professor
Of an fndriny In Vermont, wn$ cured of rafsrili by
Iloott'i Suriipirllta, aud wrllti tho folluwln In'er
etlntr ituteiuenti
"I cliec fully Khe my eiperlenco fn tit" uto ot
llood'a Surtaparlila. I had been trou'jlrl with catarrh
toroine exltnt ftr a Iui.r time, and ha 1 uacd varlaui
mrillchiea v. no good roiultn, when I wai au f
fcetcd that pnc:i n aumcwlmt d:ffleui, and my
voice waa entirely unnaturiil. 1 then to uia
Ilucd'a at nritnody. ami whh audi e ol
rlTccl tlut In a lew wt-cka .i:ech h at eaiy, tlio 1 1
natural, nnd my Kcne'al l.callli waa iiiurli Improved,
Comc'lmea a return or the diicate l Induced hy tak
hucild, when I naort at once lo the use of IlooJ'i
Kurnuparill'i, hli h 1 Keen hy me ixmuant y, nnl al
wayi Dnd relief. I regard IluoJ'a barn.padlla a an
lu aluahlc remedy for catarrh, and Julsni; hy lta
rtTrcta u(ou iii)ief I cannot ir too uiucli Is lit" J, S. ciLLiv, Jcrlclio, VL
Hood's Sarsaparilla
6iM by all d-iifzliia. lit tlx for at. I'reparsl
Ly C. J, JIOOD A CO., Apotliecartei, Lowell. JIaii.
100 Doses One Dollar
The mou practical, large le:l
Oil l un In the market. Jainpaara
filled ttlrect by thoinimp wltliout
lllllnii; can. No drip n-oil tin
Moor or Table, No I'aucet to
Icakanil vtnitecontentiorrHUKO
rxplori'ina. Cltiiea pcrlcitlr air
tluht ,u I.rnllaitr .Vo i: i
irnllun A tiiululrly aul'r.
Don't be Humbuitgeit will)
wnilhlern IniltBllona. lluy the
"CJond IhiuuKli." Mau'f'tl. by
WarroBi Ohio.
told by rii-tt-Ctnaa Ilrulri-i Kvrryulicrc
The chewing pun yearly ticd by 11 cer
tain family ol eight persons in .Minnesota
costs 51 01).
Tor the iiohl.-st man that lives thero still
rc'iuius a conflict.
It is aertetl Hint Misi s Kellogg, Abbott
Oates, and our other famous songit rosn's
inannge to keep their voice clenr by tlio use
of Dr. Uull's Cough syinp. Price, L'o cents
Japan boasts of a singing fi-di.
tuti.sical scales, wo suppose.
It has
Kx-Peorolury I.iiuoln
mayor of Chicago.
is talked of for
The Omaha Typo funn Iry can furnii'i
new newspaper otitllts 011 short noticn
l'rires Maine as m Chicago and freight
oliendy psul tothnaha.
rrtltujr rtnmnt utrrtiKtli up who mitTrr (Yout
luflruilllrs tccultar to their trx thoulil try
This nuMicIti comhinfa Iron fth puro ?cjtT Ublfl
tor. 1 a ami i invalmble for DisoAfcofi to
Wmnrtn antl flilliolMtl teiUntary ltTf, It I'tt
lirln" r.l I'Mi'lUr tlm IUimmI. Mhniilutrn
tho Ap!'tltr, Mvcntllu'ii the .HimoIrM anil
iNrr in fact, thorouslilv Isorutca.
IMphm thn cnmplfiltin and malpafh ftWln unooth.
Itftopimt Wacktm tlio tretli, cause IipjiiIicIih. ur
prinluce constipation nil othtr iron vdicnt$ tto.
AInfl At.HKHT IjKFM I T, (.rpnwixil Neb., mm;
I liavM tivnl Hnmn'd Iron Hittor fur Nervous U
Lihty anil liavf bocn crtly lcn litn!."
Mm. O 1). NKWFt.l. Phillips' Station, Nch
' 1 wai woak anil iipmum that I rouM noarcly
wtlk Iiml n 1 appftitn, ami pai9et Meonlrm nijttit,
In fa t, my f w.i a bunion to m I tried umnT
H'inidirs but xutliimt bt-urtit Threa bottle of
ltroMu'H Imii It it tori Uavo cun'J tnu. I chLcrtulb
ivcoiumnmi it "
Urnuino h aboTn Trade MmIc and crord rd linns
on u rapper Tiitii no ittlirr. Alado only by
'Mt U N 1 m;.UU,AL t., II V 1, 1 I1IOK1.,
y c'aj cti RAnh: - na.K
It 1;3 otocd tho Test of Years.
111 uunnp ait ijiseajes or tho
IUood, Invigorates and
uieanscstito syitem.
disappear atonco under
its lioneflcinliufiueuco.
It Is purely n Lledicinc
ftsito catltartio proper
ties forbid3 its ubo as a
boverace. It is picas
r.ntto the tasto, and as
easily taken by child-
roa as adulto.
Holo 1'rnnrlctors.
PRinFlnnii An
Qnli-klr lelmvcil liy uMnir Cimlimitii'a .Menthnl
Biiiiiiii-i' mil 11. runiitiueil u i i-llfi'l ai-lllci NillH
faiiiim Kii rim. r I ur iminof Kfimli I. It , tifruin
lix nn inliif iu uiiti 31UI- 1'r v fl ct'i I tiy luiill or ut
umu in 1. -i uini i nui mi iiuptiiii' lieu
II. D. CUSIIMAN, Throe Rlvors, Mich,
LUHli WtltKb ALL ft L&E fHlS.
..... . : 1 ' h
ul iiesi I'lmch yynin. THMta pood, Uso
221 111 whip, noia nv uriiL-trwrM.
paci:, hands, Fixr,
ami nil tin ir lioiHrf i llon, ItK'huIlnjf To
rial I'cvi'lnjuii. in llnlrnnil Senlii, Hhik r
lli.oiis ll.ilr. III11I1 Marl. llnlra, Wmii,
Motli, I'mlilm, lint Koi.e, Aute, IllarlJ
HivuKllcnm, I'lltlnir niiilllielr tivatmcnb
fSl'llll flr ltlf ttt f.n ill, ...lllln,,
-tfc, 4, I'AlTKItNM, tor niaklnir Ituifa.
Fffir JjJ Tlillf.,, II00U., Hlttrn., no. hn.i
toi.i:io, uiiiu.
EW4WT YO'UI ii"'iteuiii
profitable finployment to rfpiewnt um hi every
county raiaiji iiDffrmumn aim eipt'iinii, ir a
lartro cummlMluu ou aules If picrfrrril. Uooilafttaplc,
Kvtrr one biivA, Outfit ami particulars l-'rr,
BfANDAltU SlhVEItWilti: CO., UOSION, jusa
D ariirat ami Natal Catarrh
. I'r"iiiienti i-iirrd, OiaKai
I Altl'll fur a.l fnriiia nt ,itm...
Imerti'd. Addreu Dr. laM'liV. Omaha, Xn.
!-'Ui if il lie irlo tluiM-ir.ll uafip.,
'linn ,111' Miinpio rie,' mi run,
qlllik up. T' Tillo y KHeu, nUfi-tlou iruaiunUeil,
Adurisi DR. SCOT T, It-12 Broadway, tl. V.
IE-OPIUM Ilnlilt I'liliilonilr
I'urtiU ut Itiiiiiit. 't'ri'utiiifiit
ent tin trial unit NO 1'AV ukcil
ti it 1 1 1 von aro I'piu'Mtoil. Tcrma Ijiw.
I Iliiiniinu Jtrineily 11., Lal'ityiMtr, I ml.
fiiier(?utlaworltoriliiirlni,lnliIitf'wtlnn. t'.nUry 6TU
Ituferi-ia'es. .Am, M7'ttHniM', 1 3 Ilarclay Kt..W. y
l,aWM'JMMtnaESgragaBBWlKarartIlff inmnui
fiiiiiimnrmiTnTrirrriTfiiTrf ti-rtrit-i n mm.
Mnnni? STUDV. Hook ket-pln?. llu.lnesi
w (VIC 1 nrin. renuiaiiililp,Arliliiiicili:,Hlioit
liaml, nc, llioroMKu tauulit Ij mall. Clrciilur
lire BIUMN I'S ODI.I.l.tll', ItulIUlo, N.V.
tn n a rtav
Haniplea worth St W KI1KK. l.tnn
h..,rfi''4 fre-t. Wlite RrnwAlnr
nut uuTci- tlio IvtA!1' fe-t.
Safety Rain HolUer Co., Holly, Midi.
1'. .1. l.nil.UANN. Bollclt
ur ut run-ma. WaaliliiBtou,
I, C. tend fur Clrtuur
-Moriililiiri llalilt Uureillit til
tu'lililitya. No ii.iy till Curoil.
Iiu J, bi'xrilKN, t.ciiiuuu. outs.
pmjPIfmC I OITICIIIIN' l'ny, ltnunly I'.te.
rilllulUilU I Write f ir rliciiliraaiid law- I'l'fu.
A. W. MCCORMICK &BON, Cincinnati, O.
Tiiroora ril rtcoracnrnl uliluui'
kaiiu M'r li f r piiiiipliiri tilt.
V II. OOl.Lr.V, Milwuukei?,
ARCJTC WflUTm i'v theNewfttand Hot Mdl
MUHll I O VTAfl I LU ins litxik rtrr ul.l,li-il lor
tcru.a & c rcuU. a'ldrr" NiTlomi. I'm (jo, l lilcao
W. N. U., Oniuha
Ke rrnola onlcii
m m n m m
tffKas. 13LU0U. LIVEIl. BTOM-
. n.. .
KLS.&o. ItTuriflostho
f -" V.
iniaTBinnu tu
ana in ia u v-y u 11
KT'jnK H Bl S H "
Don't w aula your miner on a rura or rubber eoaL Tti FISI
Itabtoluirly ii itrraii't v'K'lraour.anil will keep you dry lit
Aifclortlia1 Kltill IlKAN),,auraKiirn.ttaliiiaotUer. U )i
Wlil purify the DLOOD rwolatir
the LIVti; a"n HIUKLT3 am
jtr'Tonv th-jieai.xii n J
OIlcfYOUllI l,,i,i.,ut
of Appetite. Ini'lreftlnn.ljck r
blreoRin nnn 1 ireu t tuw'
otutelr cureil Ifonra. .
cle and nertM rciT
fir o. 1 nllten iwnu
1 ml tnrpllK llralo rtnrr
Suf'ertna from rcfiw?'!?'
nei-i Inr tothelr
Try VTf ,. . . , I AnAu.l, T.)l-
hT-ompli.on rreqnent ntienu t nt ceoDlrttiiV
iiuonl;aJ l tn tho lopo'arnr ol the orinnel.
noluiportment -et llio iii.uiimai, am uih.
n. itADTrtiift I uicd Pll I K
pm 1 ,n,nn.iinn t ir Cam- lalnt ami Sltv
iimHtuh. nn'mi'e Toso anil llreJTB ttooa;
uiillej oil receipt o I two centa I u liout
Wizard Omm
laia,-?-1' u'-j u-m, t Li.
Hnvo Ih. .1 In truly 0 oy il by tlm riUrnrit T
nptirly prorj own nnil c tj In t 0 t i il tKHtM.
Mtirvuliius ( titva linvp lip .11 lierfnrui 1. inl
lipssinl by tlintinan 1b t'f iwiiln, win- ' citify txr
the mim 'fiiix't ii'i'isuiiw a or
Eteiin's Wizard 0
i r ii ia mi tgr m. roit hie cxttr ow
And Many Other Pains Caused by AccidentfirCfeiiia-.
It iamifo anil Fiiri'. tloos it wot Is utm-fcjy nntE
fivonttnivi-iKil MitUfnrttoit. l'liri-nlol" ur.ipvtri.
'rieo.M0. DurSo ul nuk inailiilfriu ...!, ryticwjjr.
. . ...... K'VH r, '..llllV
.1 i.ruirtriu ia jiti .1
Cream Halm. 1 hml
caUtrrh for !J ytan.
My nose uwihl bleed.'
I thouyht Vie sore
icoitld tieier heal,'
KlyU Cre,un Jl,t!m
fia cured me. Mm.
J. .1 Jackon,J'orts-
mou,;,, x ir. AT-FEVESl;
A pnrtli'lo la nnpllrd tntu oncli 10 trtl aitl Morim
nhlr to inc. I'rli e Ji rt, hv mull 11 tmi-nWK
M ini fur circular. t.l.V lllioriIElE, LYiiRi'iaUic,
O.i eeo, N. V.
lTiii'iiiliMl on Nliorl r'otIir! &ram
Oinuliii ul Oliictio ai-icicii.
NEW 01! SEC01-HA1 B9BS
Omaha, Nab,, 12th and Ifownru".
laaurtl Sept. and CliurtXa,.
cncli yrnr. JXir 31S W
8Jax 1IH ticlita,v.iaiiat
OOO lllnatrntloxaa - '.
Whole Picture V.mWrrf
GIVKS "WhoIr.Ale Vsim.
direct to roiMiinifr on all ;ool Staar
pcraoual or family uac. Telia 1um to
order, nnil Riven exact coat of rxt-t-jr
tHIiix yon ue, rat, ilrtnk, wtior, r
have fun with. Theae INVALCABLK.
HOOKS contain information jlejtrnsK.
from the markrta of tho rrorlUL. Wo
will mall n copy FltKH to any fwl
ilrcas iiun receipt of 10 eta. tu tXtCrvjr'
rzpenae of mnlllii. I.ct ua lieojr tSruzm
yon, Itcapectfully,
li'.i7 ..: t!2t Wiihanh Avrtnm. t'UIrajru. JtU,
LeatlinfT Nos. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 1GX-
j? or bale Dy all BtaUoiyrrs.
Worka : CamUcu, N. J. 26 John St. Ksw YuSa.
3 Ton Wauati Hctw
Tar beau tod lirrm tx Uax
Rttrr lll fkala. fi tmarlatif
a. luallAB till, ptixfr ara uarn
soli) in (hmruLX
1WM IN MtIV OKSS. t im&.
Official Mrdat 'Liberty nnllirlitenlhc; tun Wa!"
Statue one .tile, llarlluldi MciUUIon on Ifieinnaic
nneatMcUal ever aula Sniuf Nilvor lloL or- Jakx
enteil by Atiierlcau Coiniulttee anl 1 t'inrr'a1f
Mailed to ann ail :rni on receipt of 'Jj rvntai.
A ir vnt WMiiteil, bcliuol lloia anilMtirrk
Hlllcekman 6t,,KnrViut:
1 li:K I- KWaterproo
Eycr MtoL
il Ilia iioniua
our atuaftMNdrri
in A J
TtltVKIl. l Klmmona fit . Vmtum. ttu'i