The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 04, 1886, Image 5

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    mi in i m ti
Tie (ton Scant
Brief Iiwllolitw.
Election next Monday.
Frrh cider at Jotuw Ho's.
Pure appl cidor a! Diake'i.
City council mvv lo-uiglit.
Pure cider vinegar :vt Dmkn'...
Tho Literary Soeiei will not liquet
Monday evening;.
Chums, 50 cents at Drake.' t'ush
Bead Drakes big ad. in this wue.
He means ju-t what ho says.
Hurmau WaMeck, of Sumwci ville,
lias a new ad. in this ivue. Bead it.
Botn. At the depot hotel, Nov.
SGth, to the wife of Mr. Savage, a nm.
Circuit con: t convenes an the IMWi
inst. It prolines to be nn inlureitin
Tho holiiky-s. hto neaf nt hand. ami
the itidieutio-is uio that ihoy will be
untisin-lly lively.
Al. Sloeum returnid fn;tn Curti'ico-pin.Tue.-d.iy.
Ho repoU-i things very
dull at lace.
Hoc Rogers ro' timed from Chicago.
ln.t .Saturday, where he barf been at
tending tlie Cattle Grower.- Cotiveu
tion. A bewil luring array if gond at
Jones Bra's. Buy a dollars,' worth
and get a chance in the gift (ii.Uilm
Frank Mason, pul-lbber of
Range and Valley, Id.ho, made
friend iu Union a Hying vis it
In Union county there aivf il
diets, 1 widow, one minor and
dependent who draw pen-ions aggre
gating &!S,.S!t per month.
All kinds of the liuest oandie and
cake ornaments, fresh nuts, raisins and
an endless assortment of toy.i at the
Cove drug store next week,
Mrs. Thorn p. (.'an oil has juyt re
ceived the md news of Uu: death of hei
father, Mr. Corey, of Troy, Ohio,
which ooi uired a few days ao.
The purse containing money, found
by Iiev. Watson last week, piuved to
be the property of J. (.'. Summers ol
this city. Nothing like advei tjsin.
A man by the name of K. I', Collin
who ban been a county ch.ti gc for sonic
time, died of consumption l.sst Sunday
nt La Grande, lie leaves, a wilo and
four children.
The Gray Brothers, of North Pow
der, weie in thin city dining tin: week
They are wide-awake boys and report
everything moving right iu theii
suction of the country.
An interesting communication from
Powder liver woul 1 have bun pub
lished this week had the name of the
writer aeci mpamed it. We eanno
publish any communication unless we
know who wiote it.
S. A. Ileckeihoi n
connection with the
tain and the paper i
the Chieftain Pubh.
with W. F. Burl-igh
has tevered hi
Wallowa Chiei
; now issii"l by
hing Conipanv
as editor. We
with it continue,! suecc.-s.
Chail.-y D.nis and Johnny Bliz
returned a fi w ilar.- ago iioni u hunt
ing expedition to Lookout mountain
They killed ten deer the but (hue
day.! tlu y wi re out, and re oil bavin,,
a good time. '1 lu-y vc our thankr
for a big lot of exeilhnt venison.
Thomson A l'ursol are agents for
the celebrated Cylnnu Wind Mill
and as the priced on tl.em have been
greatly i .duced, they are now within
the reach of all. Hum j le noil to In
seen ut their j laner iu North Union
Call and examine,
'1 he voting men's; socjul club, of this
city, at a meeting Jit Id last Tiic.da
evening decided to lent, the ujtpei
pot tion of D ivir,' 1 uilding for a hall
in which to meet and bold th. ir social
entertinnients. 'I ho p;ititiou will
be taken out ml the ihorotighly
refitted by the loth ot this moirh.
Attention is cnlb-d to the card ot
Dr. Prudtn in this ist-tie. 'I he doctor
has had many ytura experience iu 1 1 1--practiceol
medicine, o.-pecir.lly ehionie
direares which he make.- a speciaby
he is now ready to attend nil ptufess
ional culls. Ollice, corner Main and
A stredts.
The Welcome U authority for the
tatement that Dan dial Hn, of La
Grande, a member of the Pine Creek
load commission, lias been guilty o;
an unholy alliance with a m ice, a Mis.
Arnold, who lives in Portland, and a
child lies been the remit. Koine ex
planation ought to be made.
In an interview with Dr. Drakt
concerning our criticism of the Mill
company in but week's in-ue, he iu
formed us that the com puny had but
one price for flour, and that the Haker
city merclnnts did not, and could not
buy it for lers than the Union mer
chants, and if they think proper to
ofler it for lc than cot, as a bait to
the farmers, he cannot help it. If thi
intiue, and we think it is, the mill
company is in no way to blame. Mr.
Writ. lit, a merchant here, cays he hah
never askid moro than .t3.f.O per bar
rel for flour when taken in livo bairel
loti, in we conclude that Mr. Miles
was rlightly iniHaken when he gave
Ui the information he diJ. Wo think
evtr Big cieek frieudH will find that if
they buy flour for lees than it coit. in
Baker, they will get moat beautifullv
cinched on other things. It can't be
Foil Kr.conDBK. Wo aw Authorize!
to announce that M. F. Davia will be
a candidate for re-election to the olhce
of City Recorder at the election neit
Choice bacon and lard at Drake's,
fltUMmcvTtHc SifliiiKS..
j Thuk-giin; tjver.
Th cornet luu l is f nie.eting
twis !t wrel-;.
, Jo-eph Tun ll h.ui euraV chick-
I e!H !o1jmi 'riian'is'fivile' it:
Al. Keeler, i Lower Waliowa. is vis.
itlng 9tflative. if'v Sum inei villi.-.
Pr V. K. iuehart atjd wifn re.
turned from tb.H. Wdlainn'.to vlluy ov
Ni-t Monday tho city election Ttill
be lu-l in thi i ity. Proh-ibl v ii ma
jority of the M oflji'ers will btj re
lcctV;l. Dud Hussi-11, purchased the
piopertv oppodw hii blaek.-mitb .'hop
md ill move inio tho builuitj aliout
Aptil I t.
Jacob ColhiiH f tat ted to tltsi Wallowa
on TueeibiT to fjamine eouie Lnd"
ollered as security to the FaiJuers'
Mortgage f aviur;.- bank.
' Thev say P. id ltu.-.t l wars crape
-iiiee Thauksgivins. Fo',- partieul.ii
i-.dl on or address N U. llanis, lock
box No. 2ft, Hunnni rville. Or.
i Jimmy Cutter, of l.-biud City, tpeni
j '! b iiiksgivim iu Suimiu t ille. Jimmy
l is a j ll y got d ft How and always meets
, with a hruvly wi l ome at this jilaoo.
! We undent' .-.lid that Mi.-s Julia Mc-
William, d-uglitt r of Ii. J. MeWdh.vm.
j oi this j lace, was married at Lewinton
' a few KHji since to s Mr. Uobin.'on.
llarey tJvaves ba purchased the
livt i t stable formerl owned by II. A
tMvei.anl i novi re;idy to furnish
j lirst-cla.-s tuinouU to hir patrons at
i rean liable i.ites.
J Mr. Chns. II. Dodd, of the well
known In'."! of Ch.i. H. Dodd ACool
I !'oi il.m 1. i-i en' Mondav ami Tuesday
I in nor vill.iee. Mr. Dodd i. a
pb asant gentleman and is alwayr
toady to suM.'t any en'.eij'iice that
benelits Kastern Oregon.
Died. In f-'uinnu rville. Monday,
Nov. -2-2d, Mm. S. C. Uiv.ehart, wife o
John I'inihait. Mis. bun hart had
ii'iti suirering fn m diopy iortheput
'wo years, and her death has been
b oki d for at i.bnot any lime du.ine
fbe entire period of her ilinei-'s.
biuehart watf a patient ni'eier duihi,
11 th.s time, and aot on word of mur
nulling at her lot was ever heard ti
scape from her lips. Mm wae faith
'ullv attended lv her lm.-.!jnd, am
J -on Tin mas, who were ever ready t
minwtci to her wants. Mrs. Itiiu-har
leaves a husband and five children, al'
.-oils, to mourn her loss. The funer..l
w:s largely attenib d by the fiiends o
the dec.-nfed. The husband ami 5on
of lb deceased wbh to return thank
N lb'' nianv friends wh i aysi.-ted dur
ing her long continued illness.
Last '1 hurrday e ning occurred on.
ofthrmitplea.-.inl hai puiinua tha'
has tr.ui-piied in Sumniervdl ; since
! ort r fii-t ca.-t hi.', lot in Summer
ille, i?. : the niaiiiaye of Mr. A. J.
i'.itteii and ilish Tdlie Fish, the Kev
l'. S. Paul pi i forming the wedding cer
einony. The wedding took place u
liin -liarl's hull and was largely ui
ended, I he hall ..I 7 :.';0 eantuining f
least J.'OO eople. Al hour tie
bride and jioom, attended by II. C.
liinehai't and Winnie Wilkinn n an
10. S. (bane and I'.v.i ('K-avinger as al
'endants, entered the hull wheie ih(
leiemony wa at Mice peifornieo
After the ustul ciigiatulatious dalle
ng wai indulged in until the "WkIh.i
hours." 'I he sin 1 1 r t..s given by M
Jose h TrueMlall, of tin- Chicago hob I
and was all that could be de.-ir.'d. Mi
ml Mrs. Patten were the recipients o
many piesents, i-onu; of which wet
piite costly and all seiviceable. Tie,
have already hega" in met keej ing ani
Jack " make.'' quite a haiidronie li ok
ing " Benedict." Ciunk.
Indian Valley TioniH.
finow about al! one and mudd;
Kev. IvvaiH is making fine piogies.
wiili the rerieb of meetings he is hold
ii here, and a gieat deal of good i
being done
Sevend weddings are expected soon
from all appearance, as the youn
piople aie sleigh liiliii'.' in the mud
We think that Mr. II. G. and C. D
hail better go .low
A mo't iiii cer hf ul 7-inonths term o
school closed on Friday. A gr-n
dinner was given after the exeiei.-e-Some
remarks were hl.-o made by th
teacher, Ji.-e A. Jackson, after whiel
the arents all g.ivu lbs teteher thei
riincere thanks for doing his fluty din
ing the entire term. Mr. Jackson will
teach the same school next year, com
mencing on the .'J(Mi day of March.
Iliffh Valley Happenings.
Everything running Kinonhly.
Improved bind in thU valb; bringr
eight and ten dollars pur acre.
Sleigh riding ii a thing of th past
Wter for stock is being rouht for.
.Several are preparing to take in tht
exhibition at the Covo on the evening
of IVccinber 3d.
Wilkinson Bros, haeboen fearful of
a tire on their tule ranche.
1 Ills It Aitill ennoil to You.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to Bees A Bobbins will please
set lie. accounts at once. We am com
jailed to raise money and mtut mid
will collect what is due us.
and corn meal at
llrlnrine Oik ln
To million". pliioK their prtUt-s. end
cleunshitf their .teiim ri.uhitf their l.iv
eri, Kluiievf. Ktuinnelu ami Boweli to u
iienUliy ttitivitT. sjucb i the miIon ot
frjiou California lbiuiJ fruit rcuiedy.fjyrun
nr' Vlin
fc-.Kj mid l bottle tor laiu uy an
itnivcWt., fiuell iielMUU a
wholtiUiuu, PwrtlauJ.Or.
Pino Valley Lettev
Kn. Scott: Mining matters are
very q'liot at present in this district.
The Oregon Gnh! and ttihvr Mining
conip.un aie pusHios ahv.idvitlt their
mual vigor, a'nd Will havsa mi here
in ally ibiiitu. 'I iere is another, sale
of mining pnpcrt on tkf tapis that is
of some irnpoil-ui,ce, but tfye mattfr i
kept very ,uii t. 1-t is Knstcrn capital
that ii btiviug aa iuaK We haen't
seen any Oiegou capital in the cam))
and we dun t expect to, and if we are
to judge the future by the past we
don't want any. There are men who
come here pretending to re rest nt
cap tal, '.le y wifcl make inquiries in the
N wus and are led to hi lieve thai the
od properties arc all tied up in a
manner t owners could not
make a ule if wanted to, which
in soiie.' e.ikes ai true. But ye capi
tali.t, why dou t you hunt up owners
and 1 ok at the propertv instead of go
ing i IT aid blackmailing the camp,
which l).i been done icpeat-dly. Tl,i
HiMi of the matter is, the legitimate
reptesentaiive has been very scarce.
1 he camp, however, i-5 ptogressing
"loftly but sillily.
The e.xt buts of the last mill com
pany can Ik -unimcd up a follows:
:rom noihin.,, nothing remains.
'1 h.-re are quite a number of miner
on Snake riv -r litting fi r aspiing run.
l"his line gild mining is declined to be
of great importance in the near future
1'hi-re ale many bar ah ng Snake
liver that v i 1 1 pay from two to tweiry
di 11. us per day to the if tit y
but solve the water problem that is.
.-me cheap ytoce? ol raising water in
.-uHicient quantities. Why don't soim
iiivmtor study out awheel that, will
abo one bundled miners' inches o.
rvator at a cost not to exceed !f0Q
one mat win inn in eitiier slow oi
swip. currents. The mau that sttnii. s
up such a wheel will find money in
; re for him. The height that lb
Aal'-r would have to be raicd, as a
lib-, would be twetyy feet. The mon
y that is being taken out on tin
anks of Snaka river above here i.
Hundred and fifty mile., s imniensi
hut it is only a drop in the bucket t
what wdl be taken out down here
)l course theie has been a great deal
..ken out with lockers, but tlie mos'
of that kin I of mining was done ( n
avored spots mid wiiere water w.i
h.imly. Now wiat I iuo:ose to d
s to form a company with a $r000
capital, and buy an engine thit will
,unip three bundled miiur' inches
if water, with the inipioved machines
.vliich will take three iu number, am!
'no made i-utii'i ly of wood and at
light cost-. 'I he bin Lip for savin
he old, and a hand arastra are al t
required. A little expl.iuat.ion on thi
lii.-ti'a 'may be of interest to you
.eadcrs. The gold in many l.ieen i-
iisty or becomes oxvdized with iioi.
o that (piicksilver will not lake it
here has been many doll.iis war In.)
aek in therivir, vvheie, if the con
entrator had been gionud iu an ai
.s'ra would have paid fair wage
Timber is coniparalivi ly handy, an
.ny one that may become interests
n thin line gold milling scheme an-ivishi-s!
lnloruiation can get it by ad
(resting me.
The weather is v.iy c.langoabk,
ome snow.
Mr. A. W. Parker's ichirol commenei
Monday, Nov. SJ'Jth. We wjfh bin
reat iiticces,
'I he bjass I ;.nd baa cntcied the val
ley with A. W. Parker leader.
Mr. Eagle Moody is now buviqg pob
f J. B. 1' reiieh to impiove his Lie.
V'e suppose he is going to gel Youn
n the near hit in e.
B. F. Few-. 11 has been in the vlh
or the past week looking up Iu
.or.-i s.
The young folks wete dbappointe
.1 the Sparta dance Fiiday night, old
hree gills iu attendance.
Wonder whv J. B. Few. 11 likes to gt
o Baker so often ami always takes hi
"'UgyV I think he is trying to gi
hree Hoore. Doufni.
Powder River Pebble.
Lyman Wright lu returned to tin
Miss Bi lie (aid wi 11, who has been
isiliug fiieudri and illative on Bi.
re k, bio returned home.
The dance given by Coble Bio's, a
heir new u-fidence on Big cna k wa
will attended, 20 numbera being noi l
D. Entile and Henry Bowman havi
lriven their cuttle to Grand Bond
valley to winter.
A tocial dance was given at the res
deuce of Mr. Tom Keating, on Powdei
river, December 3d.
Vox Pori'Li.
S)j i m . r ik
.Manufactured only by the California Fir.
avrup Co., San KraiuNeo, Cnl., Ii N -mire's
Uwn True Latitlve. This plea-aut Ciililur
iii li'iuid fruit r.-iui'dv iimv lie had of a'l
irui,'xiti, nt fifty ceiiti or one dollar. Il is
the inoit pleaiaiit. ii-ouiit, and ellecti v
'riiu dy known to oli-anie the system ; to net
on the LUcr, Kidneys, and H iwi-U gentlj
vet thoroughly , to ll-pel Headaches, Uoldi.
mil KevtTi; to euro (,'oinuuiptiou, IaJige.
tlou, and kindred ill.
Axe handles 35 cents at Drake's.
IKll.lnj (JoLflH.
Wo ofTer n largo variety of useful holiday
fMiiU that are ute-ily .teni by "mil rex
iir.. attentlrtii D uikt-d to our
.S Ik, Satin, Velvet mid Woolen dre-i- good,
loaki, Sliawl-", (dovri, Puns. Itibl.o.v
IJneii table soli, C-irtullii. etc. Alio to u i
n 1 1 oi a-vjrluieiit of S.ik and Linen hand
kerchlo's for Ladle-, on I (Ji-iit-i' use; nh
new and hi the most attractive putturnv
iieiid a oiir order hn eurly hi laKihle.
.Saiaplttn aunt on upplkatiou and order
solicited. .
ISO First Street, hordaial. Oregon.
Hardware and tiuware ut covt at
Cot Cnlliyjis
Dec. 2. ISfifl,
An plfflity :u the leioe of tin; for?t
spare i Ik auA1 hack b'ie.
P..,iiiT. th'j wife of Ii". M. IVfi.
ion 1 linnlvsgtui out , a .'iiigiuei'.
I Mrs. Pctiey , vhu ha I ,'en (hinder
. 0Uly ill during the wee's, some
j what improved at present
A Chit'liniH ti'ce for the EpWevpsI
Sundav School keholiiis will be ur-
1 i... i.
laiigeu in ine Aseeimmi senuoi .
'I'w ent v. fnlii- si mli-iil- ai-n nt lendiiu'
loiirlo,,,; A v. fne l,..v. .-it .:
cut.,' and are showing rapid ndv.u;V'e-
mont m, Iheir .-imhcs.
! Ailvcrlised lelteiw ieiiiabiiiif in
j Cove po-st ollice: Jm. Bell. Aleck
l.iliuu. Mui .sessie ivatelium
j Mis. U. L. Thomas.
J Jack Thomas, who emigrated sev
eral month since, to Iovii, ha- ie-
til-ned to Cove fully -athtled to livo
i i the land ot sage brush and prtli
To-uiorrow evening the public
school, Prof. Ilaekeil mid Mi". Ijen
ry, teachers, will give an ehibiii.n
e. insisting of nitiiie, esvih, ileclama
iions, etc,
Pior. W. I.. Forrester went, tl.U
week, to the Park where lu will l,vieh
the public vehoiil . lie iii, f-li'cl In a
jiairof plaid pant- ami neeUtie of hrelu
hue. mi l calculate4 on Miming diidc-i-in
iu that elevated region .
Mis. Maganu i- ni:uiuyf prepara
tions, tor a grand hall on Chri-tuia
eve. No pain or cxpeiwe will he
TE;HCi;::::;:::iPAT. owl churns the best in the world,
party of thct,r friemls last .alumiy
exeiiiiu: at the tamilv rcu'le nee. Mil
lie, I'luib ami an excellent lunch yferc
the fealures.
Mrs. C), K. Stnilh returned to
Nland Ciiy Ihi week. . A farewell hi her honor will be givon al
thai place, (his week, idler which slit
will depart for her homo In Mnoow
1 did no( know how vei v ill 1 wa-.
t the t u (s lill told ot it aflenvni d
-F. (Jo awav.l am vmplovod by
Sam. K. My tig s nip taMed very
peculiar. S llii-hway garroter-. aie
ighl iu our iniilot , P.. Love laugh
it dillietillie-.. (J. Kxeuo me. yen
ilenieii, but I am luiniing ll e killing
link. ( 1 have jmicha-cd a buck
iMiniil. and my b-ipiuiiie fi iends shall
d have a rule. M. 1 would give
rlUuo if 1 was a- liirht e'omplccted as
O and luul a moustache likp .1. P.
Iiitiiraiulc L.'tconicM.
Dccetiiber 2, 1SH5.
Plenty of f now here yet.
Snodgra.-n' itoie is down the hill at
C. Ij. Dodd, of PortUnd, mndayed
The citv school has over 200 en--olid.
Ml'.. Bigjj is is with her mother ai
L.uld cars on.
'1 he Juvi pile Baiul begin to make
he nights hjdcoiin.
Soniiuers was (he man who lost tin
i(ickel-hook advertised l.i.-l week.
L.idd canyon, j coj lo aie to havi chinch ter ice at their n hool
noii.-e again.
La (Jrande peiq lu want to know
when the Blue Aloiiulain UniTcrsi
.s to be rep, in d and icady for m Ih i 1
The runaway candy boys wcio lot
-mait for the L.i (ii.uide merchan s,
he one caught was the ijlent piitnei
The Porilaml liim gave up tho con
ract of moTing lln- big slore, when
..dl way down, and Siiodgras i now
nuving it hiin.-i It.
Mr. Ci llm . who bad his skull frac
ured iu L'n.on a yar ago, bunul
-day. Some say hediid Iioni III
11'. et? of hi. iiijuiiis, but. Dr. Capp.
,.y it iu. i oii.-umplii q. lie vy.i
r . ome time a county chary,),
'eaveo a wife and tour children, th
i ungcsl ol which is but ten days i Id
J oli it Wright i e I ii ! u..- -t cot.
You can i-t n t'liuil en: our knife, fori
t il tf-ei at Jo. Wii ln for f,() cents. A
. pc"iin n ir iit'r- v rfcuived.
v. 0 nips, ,t. i)., ,u j;..., n .md bonieo
i hie pi i w i e ,ii I'm-, ii Or ((. i.
I lntMe 's .I'll nt Ml vn,
Tiik Itrivr Sai.vk In the world for Cut,
liiuiM's, or , IMeen, Halt l.'heum, Fever
ui-, 'I'eiicr, Chapped Hand, hilblaln,,
lii. ami all Sit u rupHoiiH, nnd posltlve
rciucH Pilii, or no pay reipi red. It hi
ru ir.intei-il to jrlvc perfect s.iiMactlon, or
ii"iioy refiindi-il. Prim .'.' tent per hex
for hale ot .J.T. Wriirlit, Union, Orogon.
h.lvei ton. Or.
I take pleasure in testifying to tho reuu
lial propertie of the Oiiikion KnrttT Tit..
Ko: tho punt three year I hare been tren
ded vil li derangement of tin; kidneys, dur
10; which time I have tried vtrioin reine
lie without obtaining T'lb-f. I bought a
packitiiu of the Uiicoon ICiiimicv Tka from
I. ('. II i.ves, sii 1 from the dose Le;;aii
to feel h'ttur mil am happv lo say that at
er ujIiij the pm-kaie, I am almost entlre'y
i.-ure.l. .SAML'ICL (.'OX,
in lint to IIuku Miiplnc.
lid ward Shepherd, o.' Harrlslnirg. Ill, sit):
"Having rece veil no much heaetlt from
lectrit- Hitters I feel it my duty to let niiN
ft-rlng Jut m ttult r know It. Have had i iin
til g oie on my ieg for eight rears; my
iloctor.t told me I would have to have the
hone M.'raped or leg amputate '. f lined, In
teail, Hi lee bottle- ot Klei-irlt: bitten and
-oven bo.xe lluckl.-n'ri Arnica aire, and 1117
leg Ii now sound and well." Klectrlu Hit
lers arc sold ut M ie its a bottle, ami ItileW
len rnlea .Salvo at 2flc. ier box by .1. '1'.
VYrigh , bnlori, Oregon,
Larget atoek of plug tobacco at
Hard Time.
While moiiuy I clone, inures arid price
low, e.xpeiiHi-H nhould be cut down In every
hoUM'hold. Kconoinv, the watuhword for
Mnth-TK, head oft ifoutor bllli, by always
kut-diig In the lioiirc a bottle of IJr. ltosnn
ko's ' ough and Lung Syrup. Stop n cough
lOfctuutly, rullmei eousumptfon, ourei Croup
and pain In the (hot In one night. It Is
Jtut the remedy for hard time. I'rlce 60 ctri.
aud 71. Samplct freo, bold by J. T, Wright,
L'tiluu, Ulegoti.
ct raw a
ii n
Main Street,
Han just Bee ied an Iiiiiiii'ii-i' Stm k
fjfK&m TO
pj p ,., ..,. ,u fl p(1 w r Il (.s
i '
I l uirini l Il.iy l-o-kn
! SS-i'wS
Guns, lovolyors,
-?u '?' l..-'ry.'?ilti,lljn'''. . j'lvl
fYyvC5iSaJ-r. -s-TtT?Mrr!aB I cw, r. in-, ami Hoc Ii-uhium .. y.c,
II.,,!. 5Cv. Spuile- .. 75i
TmTHinoTra ytl,e .Vc. Snath - S7',o.
TOW TOlil 11 :ii l',,tt,,er 'Oo
LrWHlvilfPi1 Axti 51 KVX II''"""1' '''-
KiMi'M'Vf'i V h T... I'.v. Uurek.i Wriiifjera
Vl5',5ii,' I "i-" ijKifflFjSJ " '-' 0 Tee, iron d $I.0U
V'iVrr&'n"Wl Nirk Yoke , U 'iX
immr m stoves
Ever known iu. ISaslerp Oregon.
Call and Examine our Stock. l is the (inly Complete Stock ((
In Eastern Oycgon.
'ili'ian.'LiLJi'"111 H., i ;i.i.-. ..ULL.J1n..j
Cinn fur lil,-.
Pile me fro im-nlly preceded liv 11
of weliilil In 1 lie li;ick. lulu- nu t lower p'ii'1
of the add men. eiiislier tin- patient lo up-pn-e
be Ii is one aT'o Hon of the kidney n
U'-lirhb 11111; orgiii. At llines, xynipininsol
lidlj-'estlnn iirti piecn, ll.itiilaney, luiuasv'
nes "f 1 110 lolii ieh. etc. A mcuMuro lik"
peiNp'rallini, plodiiiiiiur 1 very (ll-aL'l'eeabli-telling
:iltei' lii-ltlmx wiirm, i- a c.oiini) ui
it eiulanl, lllllid, l!leeili,u', and llelliliu
Piles yield at miiie to thu applle lion of Dr.
I !i-:ui Ko.-j Pile lleiil( , wll.ell aels (I rcrlly
iiwiiii tho purl- elii'i-liid, absnrbhig the
lliiiiiirs, allaylii.ii tlm iiiteiise ttehhig, 1111 1
efleelhiv a iini iiialient cure. Price, M ceitli.
dilre-i, 'I'll f lir. lloMiinko Ale ileine C -in-,viny,
l,iii.i. (1. sod by .1. T, Wright,
t Ilillll. ' ll UJ'-ill
( 'm.-s-ciu i.iw.-, cheap, at Drake's.
II. il Uimi.II in S'.orj Ca-,
U. A. l!i"'dfo'd, wh'lei.ilf pa or dealer of
(.'hall a oojf i, Teiin., wrltin tiat lie was cu
riously iilllit'te.l illi a severe cold that set
led on hl htazs: 1 1 -1 l tried many rcpi die
willi'itit bem-lit, lleing Induced to try
King's New I)iU"V(-ry lor Consiuiiiillna,
did H'i all l w as entirely cured by use of a
low bottle. .Since wli'bib I nit he has used
il in hi-family for a I oiighsami Cold with
the bes rciii'lls. This Is the e.perienee 01
I lloii):incl.s whosn lives have bee s.ivcd In
ihix Whi. del fl It .itovei v. I! (tie
lri-i) at ,J . ''. U rlBlit'i drug at ore
Bu. kingliani it Ikclit's boots ai
Drake s.
W. F. Puudun, M. D.
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
(JrficK- Corner Main and A streets.
Union, Oregon.
Attentionl Attention!
Christmas Presents!
Santa Clans u stopping here.
Herman Waldeck,
Kindly calU your attention to hii
enormous stock of
FLUSH (1001)8,
Of every description. Buyer will find
it to their interest to inspect my stock
before going elsewhere. I abo have
on hand a Hue stock of Gents' and
Ladies' Furnir-hing Goods. Books and
Stationery, Crockery and Glassware,
Musical Iiiftrunients, Cigars and
Tobacco, Cutlery and Notions. Fine
and Fresh Candies constantly 011 hand.
Herman Waldeck,
Best cigar in town ut Drake',
1 J fv R I X K f H r
N Bp He W R I Q I J a
- ' H I K I e
L'nton. Oregon,
of New Goods, which ho will bell at t
u,,h tbnre of other Mores in the county i
J v
1 :i tlu 1 '.him! y.
'1 Ua Colelu'Ate d
and Amunition.
''V'.-!'1 v.'r . j '.uctj -r- mi.
0 F
All persons indebted to mo aro uotb
lied to call and settle within .'10 days,
by uote or otherwise, or their account
will In- pi iced i-i lhei.inds of ai attor
ney for colb'otion.
Ed Hkmii.i.aiii),
N OTIC 13.
N'o'h-n W i"'e'iv uivee, tljit bv oi'd T of
Ie- e.iuotv e. i-.-, thu siii-i :(' will - ' ti
-.d enmity Jail. io:eilnr with t.vo mum,
p p ih'ie auction, ai th court house d-ior
11 1 11 011. ilM-mi ui Hitiirdav. Ilie 18 Ii
'av ol Di-i-embir, ISii, nt '' o'u' iek p, 111.
' he i 1 i) d 10: 11 --iiiil jnll 10 )i -i-rv -.1,
Slid jail to be r-ttcivcd iron) 1I01 ''O'irt
'ioiiio s'lUare wltblii tn weeks afiip tl5
nl .
Terms of .sale : C.isli in bund.
()'. P. (iooini-i--Count
v Judge,
Pa iv thi 8th dav 0'' Nov , I SSI.
vr T"i:
Thn Aii'ienl Sttick'iohl 'f- 111 ci' j of tho
I'h at Nilionnl "ans 0 Hnio will h held
t tie' bank 11 ho s 1 of 1 i d n "(iciu 'on on
Tno ''av, la nary II. l-s b : tm
o iiu ui' 10 a in, u- d '! i 111 , -f s-i i I d IV,
' h bus 11 -s-t to b ' 'r 'll ao'f d t s i'd in -ets
Itg w 1 'ie tho electio - -it a It i r I il 1 Irju.
tor-lor out-year. W, T WBKI'IT.
lieh cr,
I'n'o'i, Or,. Deo I. ISS"!,
Sheriff's sale.
IW virtue of a'l cxei u'ii 11 Imued out of
Ii.- Honor ib!e ' "ji-euit Ciurtof theSt.rnot
' irirnn. for ilu countv or U u m, 01 a
l'o'g uent r 'lldered on t'ie l;'lh d ly of Mav,
I S . Iii favor of Ch'irles fl -o '11 ui th,
pla'iitill an I a;a'uit II. Luedie v, def 11-1-
nt. for lie.- siioi (if tliirly.i 11 i'o bfs 1 11 1
v 11 y.slx conts ol I (liiin, mi I 11I11 dub
I rs an I fifty o -o units 10 t, oijetber
vbb ten per cut. ir aniuiin,
n'ri'jsr. nnd u (iruhu; costs, I havo
evi - I upon and will sell at I'uMIe Auction,
in Ttio-ilay, the lib day of Ju niiir.'. 1H7,
it '.' o clock p. 111., nt llm (' nirt House door,
:n I'nlon county and Su e of Ore ron, all thi
r'K'il tjtl(.inl 'inte-est wbl'-li tie still I II.'liir theahovo iintue 1 d feidiitlml
110-aft r t'ie 1 ti d.'.v of May. is l, hi or
to lie fo lowi'ig d ' er ' ed p o iii e,to-wlt:
h- 11 rti K and t'ie -outheiut V, of tho
h ut 0 st i of s o':oii.'l. to vns up 1 iorkli
o' r.ui 'e ;c.) e t f th Wi I inte'te mo Idem
II Hi Ion count,', Orn.'on, I m?o In r w-th ths
in r ivemei.tx uuli ppmt inn ci tlie.cunto
bit nixing.
Terms of Na'e: Cash to ineln hand.
DaK'd at bberlft's office this 1st day of
Deco uber. ISS'I A. N. HAMILTON,
fcli-ritT of Dnl 111 county, Oregon,
By J. T. W11.t v.Msos,
D'pnty. deel-wO.
Notlcu of iipliottlori 10 I'urclinun Hut
Iter Luul.
11.8. Laxu Okkick, La OrnNDit.OnKoorr.l
Djc. 1, IHSd. :
Kotlee N herebvglveii that, IncTiipliane
with the provisions of the Act of Congress
approvi d .lone .'1, 187S, entitled "An n-t for
he Mile of Timber binds In the States, ot
California, Dreg 111, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory,'1
R, Kililn,
Whose post-oflb eiidd'es-i Is Union, Fnlon
eiiuntv. Orcgoii, lms thl.i dav filed hi this
otllee liU aiuitleatlon to lrelnse the NWlf
lllee lill aiuiileatlon to lrelnse ine K WW
c. No. fi.'n T11. No. sl8 It. No JO Kot the W
ii-rlillioi. Alf iiL-rsons boldllisaliv advera
dliilm thereto are rwiulred to pronent the
same at this nlllee within Mxty days front
the flrkt publication of this notice.
dec.wlO. KejliUr,
Kf n a in HLii bui w;
gra Mai ure I- itrk" Sc,